Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /data/www/k47.cz/chan.k47.cz/index.php on line 178
4chan archive /vg/ (index)
2012-12-31 09:16 22215673 Anonymous Team Fortress 2; TF2G (lol.jpg 1494x1080 296kB)
>TF2G Guides: TF2G FAQ: http://pastebin.com/j4yjjBqg Class Guides: http://pastebin.com/u/TheOperator Jewing: http://pastebin.com/DEtB1jw0 Opinions/Facts Sheets (rate hats and things): http://imgur.com/a/X3S73 How to Improve TF2 (mods, skins, and fixes): http://pastebin.com/kGgRXSt3 >TF2G Player List: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dG0yVF9 SOWhrcWZuU3hvYjBibmNLNmc6MQ https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ak25YcXcjv5-dG0 yVF9SOWhrcWZuU3hvYjBibmNLNmc#gid=0 >/vg/ Comp Tryhards Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dEY5Y05 QZnlaa0lqTlVrOXFNMm9qQVE6MQ https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ak25YcXcjv5-dEY 5Y05QZnlaa0lqTlVrOXFNMm9qQVE Previous Thread: >>22203616

0 min later 22215732 Anonymous
oh carpet u so silly

0 min later 22215737 Anonymous
Your waifu is a slut

1 min later 22215804 Anonymous
nth for no traps

1 min later 22215805 Anonymous (one-popped-collar-aint-cool-enough.png 319x386 52kB)
http://bazaar.tf/id/the_enemy_hue An auction and a regular trade with a bazillion items that I can't even remember what they are

1 min later 22215820 Anonymous (5F2110000294654269F0E06DCA7460008392B6D.png 1620x911 1937kB)
http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=117060 403&searchtext=

2 min later 22215846 Anonymous
>>22215820 Too similar to the Apparatchik's Apparel.

3 min later 22215879 Anonymous
>>22215820 p good

3 min later 22215912 Anonymous (New Canvas.png 809x445 110kB)
I kind of want to keep it this obnoxiously retarded green now only because I know it will piss some idiot off during a match.

4 min later 22215936 Anonymous
What's this Social Rank and star shit on Bazaar?

4 min later 22215948 Anonymous
>>22215912 and most of TF2G

5 min later 22216018 Anonymous
>>22215936 Star is Auction rank Social Rank is how much you posted on the forums Trader Rank is how many trades you opened

5 min later 22216045 Anonymous (le serious edgy marineking.jpg 391x593 137kB)
>>22215912 Don't use bad loadouts in an attempt to make people vaguely annoyed at how bad it is.

6 min later 22216060 Anonymous
planets > burning

6 min later 22216093 Anonymous
>>22216045 Don't avatarfag even if it seems cool.

6 min later 22216107 Anonymous
>>22216060 Sometimes

7 min later 22216136 Anonymous
>>22215846 How so It just gives Heavy an open vest.

8 min later 22216184 Anonymous
anyone want a toss-proof towel for 2 ref? can't sell this thing and, surprise, warehouse is overstocked

8 min later 22216190 Anonymous
Fucking Americunts ruining every thread.

8 min later 22216198 Anonymous
how i dint hat trad

9 min later 22216250 Anonymous
http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=116786 215

9 min later 22216252 Anonymous (anywho.png 388x324 26kB)
anyone? http://www.tf2outpost.com/trade/7557081 http://www.tf2outpost.com/trade/7519925

9 min later 22216264 Anonymous (pro killa.jpg 1920x1080 106kB)
>>22215912 If you going for a bad loadout why not go all the way?

9 min later 22216271 Anonymous (28092074_m.jpg 474x600 213kB)
>>22215948 Precisely.

10 min later 22216334 brah
>>22216190 hurf durf derr dorrrrr lelelelelel >>22216250 neato

10 min later 22216345 Anonymous (le terrible hair marineking.jpg 1024x768 63kB)
>>22216250 Just saw that, looks great. Would go well with the Barnstormer.

11 min later 22216397 Anonymous
>>22216345 why does my md5 not work on this ugly chink

11 min later 22216415 Anonymous
>>22216345 Fuck off. We don't need another attention whore.

12 min later 22216453 Anonymous
>>22216397 >>22216415 he was banned before for avatarfaggiing, just report, hide, and move on

12 min later 22216479 Anonymous (1356867938554.jpg 1280x720 38kB)
What's your favorite item from this update?

12 min later 22216487 Anonymous

12 min later 22216491 Anonymous (le mkp mvp hug.jpg 495x278 56kB)
>>22216397 >>22216415 :3

13 min later 22216510 Anonymous
>>22216479 Mutton Mann

13 min later 22216520 Anonymous
>>22216479 Strange Vaccinator

13 min later 22216527 Anonymous
I bet TF2G are full of tryhards

13 min later 22216556 Anonymous
>>22216527 *is full of tryhards and mostly

13 min later 22216560 Anonymous
>>22216479 Vaccinator, because any new Medigun is incredibly interesting. For actual serious play though ,the Rescue Ranger is very good.

14 min later 22216629 Anonymous (Tough_Stuff_Muffs_Pyro[1].png 1060x691 596kB)
>>22216479 Tuff Stuff for hat/misc, Rescue Ranger for the weapon.

14 min later 22216636 Anonymous
>>22216527 90% are autistic "jews" who don't play the game or if they do they suck awfully at it 8% (the pug crowd) aren't great but at least better than the average pubstar 2% are good at the videogame

15 min later 22216641 Anonymous (Untitled.png 992x296 24kB)

15 min later 22216667 Anonymous
Just got a vivid plasma buckaroo's hat. :)

15 min later 22216689 Anonymous
>>22216667 thanks for sharing :)

15 min later 22216690 Anonymous (yeah i know they aren't genuine but i'm contemplating whether i want them in geniune or not, be nice ;_;.png 1184x563 158kB)
Misc. items, y/n? Post spuys.

15 min later 22216695 Anonymous
>>22216636 Could I have a list of the 2%?

16 min later 22216708 Anonymous
>>22216641 >official utility of a community >black market

16 min later 22216712 Anonymous
>>22216636 i guess i'm 98% of tf2g then

16 min later 22216727 Anonymous
>>22216667 Okay effect, shit hat. grats though

17 min later 22216785 Anonymous
>>22216727 I'm going to sell it obviously. But thank!

17 min later 22216812 brah
>>22216527 everyone here is terrible save for like, under five people

18 min later 22216827 Anonymous
>>22216636 >90% are autistic "jews" who don't play the game >implying I don't play the game >implying jewing isn't something I just do on the side

18 min later 22216839 Anonymous
>>22216695 shifty and stary off the top of my head

18 min later 22216840 Anonymous
>>22216812 Who are the five best?

18 min later 22216856 Anonymous
>>22216636 >there is no one that browses TF2G that doesn't give a fuck about comp, trading, and just has fun pubbing Such a shame.

18 min later 22216868 Anonymous
>>22216827 >or if they do they suck awfully at it

19 min later 22216876 shifty (1327244995023.jpg 651x436 85kB)
>>22215663 sloppy drunken erp

19 min later 22216896 Anonymous
>>22216840 Longshaft Stary :-D Yancy

19 min later 22216913 Anonymous
>>22216840 :-D, Shifty, Stary, Yancy, DJ.

19 min later 22216923 Anonymous
>>22216896 b8

19 min later 22216931 Anonymous
>>22216896 >:-D

20 min later 22216941 Anonymous
>>22216636 Care to offer a wager?

20 min later 22216947 Anonymous
>>22216896 >:-D

20 min later 22216967 Anonymous (bazaar.png 1680x1050 1425kB)
>Bazaar trade server >Get this I thought you guys were better than that.

20 min later 22216968 Anonymous
>>22216931 >>22216947 don't get mad, get good

20 min later 22216972 shifty (thumb_1330121485756.png 231x255 6kB)
>>22216840 stary justus guv me(sorry) yancy

20 min later 22216973 Anonymous (le indefferent MKP.jpg 590x432 79kB)
>>22216856 >just has fun pubbing >implying it's fun de_stroying people who aren't 10% as good as you are >implying it's fun to never actually improve, just shit on people who started playing yesterday >implying it's not fun to actually improve as a player and fight against people as good or better than you

21 min later 22216981 brah
>>22216840 shifty and stary are the only ones I'd consider 'good' that are still here pretty sure narf and butta are gone

21 min later 22216991 Chan 2O12
Rip in pick up pugs

21 min later 22217004 Anonymous
>>22216972 Don't apologize, the times I've played with you you did very well.

21 min later 22217008 Anonymous
>>22216491 Reported for commercial spam, stop advertising your hurr esports shit in the wrong thread.

21 min later 22217013 shifty
>>22216981 oh god I forgot about narf and crimson head

21 min later 22217019 Anonymous
>>22216968 except for the part where smiley is not good, he's just a pubstomper, everyone can be a pubstomper

21 min later 22217025 Anonymous
>>22216991 >pick up pugs

22 min later 22217039 Anonymous (how real men play kinect.gif 299x267 2094kB)
>>22216690 Guys? Could you respond? Please stop shitposting. ;_;

22 min later 22217069 Anonymous
>>22217039 >stop talking about competitive, let's talk about hats for the billionth time !!!!!!!!

22 min later 22217080 Anonymous
>>22217039 >discussing the players in the community and how good we are compared to each other >shitposting hwat

22 min later 22217081 shifty (1336075773795.jpg 651x436 39kB)
>>22217008 >can't handle the master-race korean gene pool

23 min later 22217114 Anonymous
>>22216840 Who ever doesn't circlejerk the most.

23 min later 22217120 Anonymous
>>22217081 korea a shit nippon master race

23 min later 22217128 An
>>22216641 >black market >average tf2 trader using phrases they don't understand.png

23 min later 22217134 Anonymous
>>22217019 no, smiley is just a pubstomper

23 min later 22217135 Anonymous
>>22217039 we can't help you with your loadout it's who YOU are

23 min later 22217156 Anonymous
>>22217069 >>22217080 Oh, I thought you guys were still discussing tripfags. Pardon me.

24 min later 22217160 Team Purple Swag
>pugs don't work >leave >they try to fix it but i have to go to work >tfw sad because missing last pugs of 2012 >tfw sad because working instead of hanging out with my friends >tfw getting off work and seeing my GF and it's not going to be fun fug happy new years friends i hope everything goes well tonight see you in 2013 babies <3 Shifty is the cutest BK is my best friend stary is genuinely a good person Oihguv is nice and helps me get better EU is better than NA at pugs

24 min later 22217173 Anonymous
how do crack let me at em?

24 min later 22217193 Anonymous (le sunglasses MKP.gif 247x258 1112kB)
>>22217081 Everytime you speak I like you more.

25 min later 22217217 Anonymous
guys what if EU vs NA match

25 min later 22217228 Anonymous
>>22217217 PINGS

25 min later 22217236 Anonymous
>>22217160 now this is shitposting

25 min later 22217243 Anonymous
>>22217228 play in australia

26 min later 22217259 Anonymous
How many people would you say regularly browse the general?

26 min later 22217262 videofreak
>>22217217 whoever's server it was played on would have the advantage

26 min later 22217278 Anonymous

26 min later 22217285 Anonymous (1355943557912.jpg 493x387 27kB)
>not in my TF2G

27 min later 22217321 Anonymous (1343277330295.png 640x480 369kB)
>>22217278 >Two sides of the world

27 min later 22217324 Anonymous
>>22216641 >complaining about someone's asking price rather than just buying from someone selling it at the price they want Fucking outpost. If it's worth 1.33, then find someone selling it for 1.33.

27 min later 22217346 Anonymous
Who's gonna sit at home during new years eve ;_;

28 min later 22217384 Anonymous
>>22216973 I think you're making the implication that I am here to play competitively, and I am to think of video games as a sport. Sorry, I am a casual, and play TF2 as a past time. Should I show myself out?

28 min later 22217397 Anonymous
>>22217346 I'm going to play TF2 with my best bro, eat some shrimp fried rice and get drunk as fuck.

28 min later 22217423 Anonymous
>>22217346 me... t-time to w-watch some movies! m-maybe a raffle or two

28 min later 22217427 videofreak
>>22216641 >black market

29 min later 22217478 Anonymous (le serious marineking.jpg 428x599 46kB)
>>22217384 I don't see much point in playing a game regularly if you do not intend to become good at it and play in some competitive enviorment. It's fine if that's not your forte, but I don't see the point.

30 min later 22217497 Anonymous
>>22216636 Where are you getting these stats?

30 min later 22217521 Anonymous
>>22217497 straight out of my ass

30 min later 22217531 Anonymous
>>22217497 l8

30 min later 22217550 Anonymous
>>22217497 His mind

31 min later 22217557 Anonymous
>>22217531 I'm not late, I'm early for tomorrow.

31 min later 22217589 Anonymous
>>22217557 hwat

31 min later 22217598 Anonymous (cowadooty.png 600x600 16kB)
Le cowadooty face

32 min later 22217647 Anonymous
>>22217478 Well, I'm disappointed you feel that way, and you have to convince everyone around to feel the same way. I'm sure you're some high Plat player, though.

33 min later 22217696 Anonymous (meh.png 1064x568 60kB)
>>22216641 I like the part where you cropped out his correction.

33 min later 22217736 Anonymous
>>22217696 top laffo

35 min later 22217806 Anonymous
For a Fiesta-themed Guadalajara; Purple fetti or green fetti

35 min later 22217812 Papa Theo
Is this game fun? All I see u guys talk about is item trading what about the actual gameplay

35 min later 22217821 Anonymous
>>22217696 I like the part where you went out of your way to find that.

35 min later 22217829 Anonymous
>>22217806 CARAMBA!

35 min later 22217834 videofreak (oh shit.png 271x128 4kB)

35 min later 22217839 Anonymous
In your opinion,post the best people at each class,one for NA and EU for /vg/ For NA Scout:Shifty Soldier:Crimson Pyro:dunno Demo:Rev Heavy: Furp Engineer: Azrael Medic: Oihguv Sniper: Shifty Spy: no idea

35 min later 22217854 Anonymous
>>22217812 drop the trip nerd

35 min later 22217858 Anonymous
>>22217812 go back to your general >>22217834 what the fuck is that?

36 min later 22217883 Anonymous (2012-12-17_00002.jpg 1680x1050 159kB)
reminder that my swag is literally out of control

36 min later 22217885 Anonymous
>>22217812 It's not any fun at all.

36 min later 22217905 An
>>22217696 Even then, the phrase "it's a free market" is a fucking joke at this point. It's meaningless. Find a single trader that doesn't use a price guide but takes themselves seriously.

36 min later 22217917 videofreak
>>22217858 my caravan palace songs apparently being a bajillion minutes long in windows media player, inb4 there's your problem

37 min later 22217942 Anonymous
>>22217917 >he doesnt use foobar

37 min later 22217948 Papa Theo
>>22217858 >>22217854 I'm just wondering. These threads seem more autistic than the yugioh network ones

37 min later 22217952 videofreak
>>22217905 found him >>22216641

37 min later 22217958 Anonymous
>>22217834 The second album is shit

37 min later 22217964 Anonymous
>>22217812 I do both. I am actually pretty skilled at the game, but in my down time I like to trade. It's a neutral balance.

37 min later 22217970 Anonymous
>>22217883 Reminder that your scout looks like a faggot.

37 min later 22217972 Anonymous
>>22217839 pyro:DJ soldier:narf spy:crimson sniper:yancy (even though ded)

37 min later 22217979 Anonymous
>>22217942 >videofreak being retarded no big surprise

38 min later 22218010 Anonymous (le winning mkp.jpg 960x540 205kB)
>>22217839 >Spy: no idea Metal, without a doubt.

39 min later 22218038 Anonymous (1312074398460.jpg 270x267 20kB)
who is the nicest tf2g person you've talked to?

39 min later 22218085 videofreak (mother of god.png 900x702 385kB)
>>22217979 ouch >>22217942 thanks I'll try it

40 min later 22218102 Iso
>>22217217 I asked Hycolours if we could get a match set up between his HL team and the Rusemen, but he said no.

40 min later 22218104 Anonymous
>>22218038 None of them are mean. Except cena, of course.

40 min later 22218105 Anonymous
>>22218038 >implying I talk to people of TF2G

40 min later 22218110 Anonymous
>>22218038 shaft

40 min later 22218113 Anonymous
>>22218038 I've only talked to two of them. One of them gave me free shit and the other one helped me with shit.

40 min later 22218116 Anonymous
>>22218038 Anonymous

40 min later 22218117 Anonymous
>>22217821 >open outpost >click user search >type in ricekrispys Man, that was a lot of work.

40 min later 22218128 Anonymous
>>22218038 Shaft gifted me a game

40 min later 22218132 Anonymous (1352060790734.jpg 224x317 32kB)
>>22218010 >tfw

40 min later 22218156 Anonymous (1351241867647.png 729x1224 1991kB)
>>22217839 Spy is obviously froot salad

41 min later 22218165 Anonymous (le thumbs up marineking.jpg 600x400 45kB)

41 min later 22218172 Anonymous
>>22218156 Who the fuck is that?

41 min later 22218208 Anonymous
>>22217806 Please respond

41 min later 22218210 videofreak (gay.jpg 127x200 4kB)
>>22218172 >who is froot salad

42 min later 22218224 Anonymous (1354807762634.jpg 334x464 32kB)
>>22218172 hownew.ru

42 min later 22218256 Anonymous
Cena got banned from Bazaar?

43 min later 22218283 Anonymous
>>22218256 Yes, because he's a dumbfuck.

43 min later 22218289 Anonymous
>>22218210 >>22218224 No really who is he. I bet he's not even good with a name like that.

43 min later 22218293 Anonymous (1348703010370.jpg 828x694 225kB)
>Scout: zigzag >Soldier: zigzag >Pyro: zigzag >Demo: zigzag >Heavy: zigzag >Engineer: zigzag >Medic: zigzag >Sniper: zigzag >Spy: zigzag

44 min later 22218337 Anonymous
>>22218038 orbits a pretty cool guy

44 min later 22218378 Anonymous
>>22218289 id/foolishned/

45 min later 22218406 Anonymous
>>22218038 Never talk to any tf2g people, but HK gave me some extra shit in a raffle I won. So I guess HK.

46 min later 22218445 videofreak
>>22218038 bele gave me a key

46 min later 22218446 Anonymous
>>22218038 a tie between Furpnurp and Longshaft (rip)

46 min later 22218478 Anonymous
>>22218038 Shifty is a pretty nice guy in all honesty. and pretty cute :3

46 min later 22218498 Anonymous
Are there any good gameplay modes besides x10, Zombie, Hale, and prop hunt? Also any maps that are made to play around in, I think I saw one earlier where you were supposed to get over barriers by rocket jumping

47 min later 22218552 Anonymous
>>22218498 >playing gameplay modes You suck at the game, don't you?

47 min later 22218556 shifty

47 min later 22218570 videofreak
>>22218498 That would be a jump map, which is way harder than playing around

48 min later 22218589 Anonymous
>>22218498 Dodgeball is fun

48 min later 22218604 Anonymous
>>22218498 I've heard this Payload thing is pretty cool. Other than that, Pyro dodgeball is fun.

48 min later 22218617 Anonymous
>>22218117 >user search What.

48 min later 22218620 Anonymous
>>22218498 Randomizer arena is pretty cool.

48 min later 22218634 Anonymous
>>22218498 jump and surf maps are good "minigame" type servers, there's also pyro dodgeball which can be pretty fun, and degroot keep

49 min later 22218668 shifty (13508992505242.jpg 379x426 24kB)
>>22218478 thanks anon :3

49 min later 22218678 Anonymous
>>22218498 tf2 warioware

49 min later 22218685 Anonymous
>>22218617 Magnifying glass in the top right.

49 min later 22218720 videofreak (find le user face.png 201x91 2kB)

50 min later 22218740 Anonymous
>>22218498 warioware can be pretty fun

50 min later 22218751 Anonymous
>>22218552 No but most of my normal servers have died so I just play on this shit. Oh and tf2ware

50 min later 22218782 brah
>>22217839 scout: butta/shifty soldier: narf pyro: huynhy/froot demo: narf heavy: furp engineer: niko medic: furp sniper: yancy far and away if he counts, otherwise shifty/me with practice spy: crimson

50 min later 22218795 Anonymous
>>22218156 >>22218378 >best NA players >mentioning someone from Denmark

50 min later 22218803 :-D (dj got pwn.jpg 1280x720 296kB)
>>22217972 pyro me

51 min later 22218827 Yaкui (0045-1253444713704.png 448x448 177kB)
zwei stunden bis neuer jahrl, tschuss tf2g

51 min later 22218828 Anonymous
>>22218478 shiftys a babe. 10/10 woudl fuck gently

51 min later 22218852 Anonymous
>>22218293 that picture is so cute

52 min later 22218871 Anonymous
>>22218795 "One for NA one for EU"

52 min later 22218889 Anonymous
>>22218827 que

53 min later 22218949 shifty (1346703062001.jpg 387x429 38kB)
>>22218828 :333

53 min later 22218956 Anonymous
>>22218827 yakui why you so kawaii

53 min later 22218997 Anonymous
>>22218827 not so drunk now?

53 min later 22219006 JDF
>>22217497 "My Ass" - The Runner

53 min later 22219013 Anonymous
>>22218949 Where do you get all of those edits for that picture?

54 min later 22219035 Anonymous
>>22218827 11 more here

54 min later 22219081 Qror
I finally got myself Bonedolier. How should I paint it and Voodoo Juju? Someone draw me please

55 min later 22219113 Anonymous
>>22218782 this is the correct list, 10/10 would agree with again

56 min later 22219157 Qror (dem_voodoos.jpg 281x465 30kB)
>>22219081 Ow yeah, forgot about the pic

56 min later 22219181 brah
>>22219113 actually scratch out scout i'm autistic stary in place of those two

57 min later 22219253 Anonymous (demo.png 686x355 143kB)
halp me TF2G, which jaun do i pick?

57 min later 22219268 Anonymous
>>22218720 >>22218685 How long has that been there

57 min later 22219281 Anonymous
>>22219253 >white fro none of the above

58 min later 22219302 brah
>>22219253 right

58 min later 22219312 Anonymous
>tfw your not on any of these lists well, guess that'll be my new year resolution.

58 min later 22219337 Anonymous
>>22219253 2 for angry black grandmother

59 min later 22219350 Anonymous
>>22219312 Who are you?

59 min later 22219370 Anonymous (2012-12-31_00004.jpg 1280x720 208kB)
pls rate there's a no festive rifle version too

59 min later 22219396 Anonymous
>>22219350 some random anon that nobody cares about ;_;

1 hours later 22219469 Anonymous
>>22219396 lmao nerd

1 hours later 22219516 shifty (hLkf3yPsbpY.jpg 483x604 79kB)

1 hours later 22219580 Anonymous
Paid 5.66 for a clean fast learner, I did good right?

1 hours later 22219642 Anonymous
>>22219580 nothing worth bragging about

1 hours later 22219697 Anonymous
>>22219642 I know, just wanted to make sure it didn't drop in price more without me knowing or something

1 hours later 22219754 videofreak (finally sold that stupid fucking carl.png 1124x835 67kB)
I guess I did okay the autism was not with me

1 hours later 22219810 Anonymous
>>22219754 you sold a hard sell for another hard sell should've asked for pure

1 hours later 22219812 Anonymous
>pinion pot of gold why

1 hours later 22219815 Anonymous
>>22219754 Lucky bastard

1 hours later 22219821 Anonymous
>>22219754 >covering up the other guys name why

1 hours later 22219913 Anonymous
>>22219754 you could have gotten more. Why are all your trades so fuckin bad? are you retarded

1 hours later 22219915 Anonymous (Mai (2).png 1280x720 519kB)
Guys, I'm eating some apples

1 hours later 22219916 videofreak
>>22219810 He was going to do pure for it originally, but I waited for more offers and was met with the infamous "ehh" Tossle isn't nearly as hard to sell as a not too spectacular craft number on a shit hat >>22219821 idk privacy

1 hours later 22219925 Anonymous (2012-12-31_00001.jpg 1600x900 167kB)

1 hours later 22219947 Anonymous
>spy gets caught >keeps swinging his knife desperately YOU HAVE A GUN

1 hours later 22219980 Anonymous
>>22219925 The Willytinkler

1 hours later 22219990 Anonymous
>>22219925 leash for fags :333

1 hours later 22220001 Anonymous
>>22219516 shifty confirmed for being a filthy commie.

1 hours later 22220003 videofreak
>>22219913 I thought so too, but the event is almost over and hype is dropping Had to get out fast I am not a good trader

1 hours later 22220024 Anonymous

1 hours later 22220042 Anonymous
>>22219925 medic takes skill

1 hours later 22220043 Anonymous
>>22219925 flowing glowing enema

1 hours later 22220057 Anonymous
>>22219925 This goes in your bum

1 hours later 22220082 Anonymous
>>22220057 pffff

1 hours later 22220087 videofreak
>>22220057 heh

1 hours later 22220091 Anonymous
>>22218446 >>22218128 >>22218110 Yup, I'm with shaft here.

1 hours later 22220092 Anonymous
>>22220057 5/10

1 hours later 22220160 Anonymous
>>22218038 Longshaft I never talked to him but when I did he seemed nice

1 hours later 22220226 Anonymous (2012-12-31_00002.jpg 1600x900 133kB)
>>22220057 Delivered

1 hours later 22220267 Anonymous
>>22220226 Totally not generic or anything.

1 hours later 22220347 Anonymous (le stock pyro with fire axe you may think its an axtinguisher but if you look closely you can see that it is actually a fire axe because some faggots are real hipsters that have to use stock weapons.png 572x539 25kB)
>>22219157 >>22219081 This took way longer than expected.

1 hours later 22220451 brah
>>22219947 >waiting for healthpack to spawn in corner of the map >see spy uncloak facing me a good 15 feet away >disguised as soldier >walks slowly towards me >starts trying to butter knife me lmao 2shotty

1 hours later 22220456 Anonymous
>>22219915 Eating apples won't grow you a nose.

1 hours later 22220504 Anonymous (butt plug.png 418x35 6kB)

1 hours later 22220598 shifty
>>22220001 fug u

1 hours later 22220686 Anonymous
>>22220347 11/10 I cried tears of joy.

1 hours later 22220704 Anonymous (gosh.jpg 1440x900 247kB)

1 hours later 22220742 Anonymous
>>22220704 Mai stop using the gunslinger pls.

1 hours later 22220758 Anonymous
>>22220704 >being on bazaars server

1 hours later 22220790 videofreak (mai mai mai.png 444x389 121kB)
>>22220456 hold on i think i see something >>22220704 oh god no

1 hours later 22220882 Anonymous
>>22220758 It's fun to chill in though.

1 hours later 22220937 Anonymous (overlord.png 456x436 33kB)

1 hours later 22220946 Faget
sooo do i wait for the sales to stop sell my terraria or do i sell it now?

1 hours later 22221096 Leif
http://tf2r.com/kf71jyl.html enjoy!

1 hours later 22221108 videofreak
>>22220946 wasn't that a gift you monster

1 hours later 22221124 Anonymous
>>22217259 Just me.

1 hours later 22221159 Anonymous
>>22221124 Evidently.

1 hours later 22221182 Anonymous
>>22220946 no one wants terraira

1 hours later 22221208 Anonymous (1352988283688.png 1556x1720 768kB)
Ok tf2g, it is time for you all to decide what I shall name my S. Homewrecker with a Sappers' Removed part: 1. REPAIRMANMANMANMANMAN 2. GUIN 2 REK IT 3. The Secretary 4. John Henry's own 5. Super Mario Bros. Super Show 6. Suggest your own name >inb4 nothing but 6's

1 hours later 22221219 Anonymous
http://bazaar.tf/trade/98163 Dear god I just want to get rid of this already.

1 hours later 22221250 Faget
>>22221108 there is no time for friendship and compassion in business and profit

1 hours later 22221260 Anonymous
>>22221208 pinky pies pybro hammer of cuteness XD :DDDD

1 hours later 22221279 Anonymous
>>22221208 #rekt

1 hours later 22221283 Anonymous
>>22221208 2

1 hours later 22221292 Anonymous
>>22221208 re-rolling pinky pies pybro hammer of cuteness XD :DDDD

1 hours later 22221304 Anonymous
>>22221208 Order in the Court

1 hours later 22221305 Anonymous
>>22221208 The Bunsen Babysitter If you have a description tag, "Engie's, try to contain your excitement please."

1 hours later 22221307 Anonymous
>>22221208 apple jacks sledgehammer of diligence

1 hours later 22221320 Anonymous
>>22221208 6. Nothing but 6's

1 hours later 22221324 Anonymous (fucking fuck fuck why.jpg 464x221 18kB)

1 hours later 22221326 Anonymous
>>22221208 re-rolling X2 pinky pies pybro hammer of cuteness XD :DDDD

1 hours later 22221350 Anonymous
>>22221307 rerolling

1 hours later 22221364 Anonymous
>>22221326 :3

1 hours later 22221390 Anonymous
>>22221326 >>22221292 >>22221260 This isn't a x names it.

1 hours later 22221397 Anonymous
>>22221208 6. Shit Slappin' Sapper Slapper >captcha: missionary

1 hours later 22221417 Anonymous
>>22221390 Use that or leave the thread forever.

1 hours later 22221452 Anonymous
>>22221417 no anon you are the shitposter

1 hours later 22221467 Anonymous (pls.jpg 737x249 53kB)
>>22221417 buy my're shit http://bazaar.tf/trades

1 hours later 22221489 Anonymous (2012-12-31_00014.jpg 1680x1050 165kB)

1 hours later 22221504 videofreak
>>22221452 seriously use it

1 hours later 22221561 Anonymous
>>22221489 If the bagpipes ever come out from the steam workshop as a misc.. you put those on, man

1 hours later 22221567 Anonymous (1274308236202.png 633x468 339kB)
>>22221208 >" REPAIRMANMANMANMANMAN" AHAHAHAHAHA, OH GOD, MY SIDES. Highly doubt anyone else in this thread is old enough to get that reference. I'd vote #1

1 hours later 22221592 Anonymous
>>22221561 Some day we'll get a third misc slot. Some day...

1 hours later 22221643 Anonymous (xmasbadge.png 866x317 53kB)
whats your excuse /tf2g/?

1 hours later 22221648 Anonymous
>>22221592 >Cool breeze >Beard >Bagpipes I'll meet you in heaven, man. We can play together.

1 hours later 22221672 Anonymous
>>22221567 All That isn't that old you fucker.

1 hours later 22221673 Anonymous
>>22221643 The only game I play is TF2.

1 hours later 22221723 Anonymous (get on my level.jpg 929x321 42kB)
>>22221643 2fast4u

1 hours later 22221728 Anonymous
>>22221567 >Show that started in 1994 >Old

1 hours later 22221845 Anonymous
>>22221643 store not working

1 hours later 22221859 Anonymous
>>22221643 no smart phone

1 hours later 22221937 Anonymous
fiskie pls help the ponyfag scanner doesn't launch anymore

1 hours later 22221961 Anonymous
>>22221859 You only need 4 of 6.

1 hours later 22221963 Anonymous
>badwater >other team has 4 snipers >go piss rifling >they slowly dwindle down to one >then two games later the other team has 0 snipers My job here is done.

1 hours later 22221992 videofreak
>>22221963 You're truly a hero

1 hours later 22221995 Anonymous
>>22221961 oh shit I need to get spending

1 hours later 22222009 Anonymous
>>22221961 Wait, do you actually get something? Sorry, just woke up

1 hours later 22222037 Anonymous
>>22222009 A badge.

1 hours later 22222041 Anonymous (cleanhigh5.png 672x323 61kB)

1 hours later 22222059 Anonymous
>>22222009 i presume not

1 hours later 22222073 Anonymous
>>22222037 Oh, is craftable? Does it look good?

1 hours later 22222084 Anonymous (analterrorizer.png 400x409 17kB)
>>22221963 This is one of my favorite things to do until they figure out you're using the set and stop trying to headshot you

1 hours later 22222115 Anonymous
>>22222073 steam badge you moron

1 hours later 22222117 Anonymous
>>22222073 a steam badge

1 hours later 22222119 Anonymous
>>22222073 Not that kind of badge.

1 hours later 22222132 An
Anyone got any fun images to replace the posters in trade_shoppa? I'm updating the map primarily to remove the melon spawner and fix some other things so I want to update it a bit Suggestions: Subtle cropped porn, etc, anything that scales well to 128x128

1 hours later 22222171 Anonymous (445.png 654x165 55kB)

1 hours later 22222192 Anonymous
>>22222132 grannies lewd crop

1 hours later 22222197 Anonymous (this thread.jpg 500x500 65kB)

1 hours later 22222216 Anonymous (its-a-me.jpg 4000x4000 1156kB)

1 hours later 22222248 Anonymous (1353647962670.jpg 500x667 339kB)
>>22222115 >>22222117 >>22222119 Oh right lel My apologies, I did mention earlier but I just woke up

1 hours later 22222260 Anonymous
>>22222171 But Postal 2 is fun

1 hours later 22222295 Anonymous (g3P0K[1].png 839x565 233kB)
Get rid of the top things.

1 hours later 22222338 Anonymous
>>22222171 how did he trade two unusuals for 6 keys

1 hours later 22222340 Anonymous
Are Fast Learners going to increase in price again after the sale in the store is over? Don't know if I should buy one now or wait.

1 hours later 22222375 videofreak
>>22222171 >I just unknowingly traded two Unusuals for six keys! I want to meet the man responsible

1 hours later 22222426 Anonymous
>>22222375 its a guy from here, probably the same who posted that ss

1 hours later 22222436 Anonymous
>>22222171 I think I used to have him on my friendslist

1 hours later 22222465 Anonymous (hey nerds, 5 hours and 2 minutes until you diiiiiiie.png 1366x768 1148kB)
Okay so here's a cool story. My friend foolishly agreed to trade an unusual he uncrated the other day for Steam cash via gift card or something; instead of finding a middleman he and the other guy decided to do this: >Friend trades his unusual to the guy. >Guy trades him one of his (shitty) unusuals as insurance. >Guy gives him the gift card code and friend gets the funds after the unusuals are traded. >Friend returns the guy's unusual. Of course, the guy bounced and blocked without completing the deal, leaving my friend with a shit unusual (peace sign D'isaster). Are there any options my friend has to report on Steamrep or anything else to do here? I told him he's probably dead in the water since at a glance it just looks like a 1:1 unusual trade, but I'm not very seasoned with reporting. He has some of their conversation (but not all of it apparently), the guy's ID and frankly nothing else beyond the story.

1 hours later 22222506 An
>>22222132 nevermind, not 128x128, 256x256 anyone else?

1 hours later 22222538 Anonymous

1 hours later 22222557 Anonymous
>>22222538 we're not /v/

1 hours later 22222564 Anonymous (same guy.png 808x1361 190kB)
>>22222338 >>22222375 It was me yesterday, I wanted his festives but I backed off since he made that post

1 hours later 22222568 videofreak (blapck.png 184x184 18kB)

1 hours later 22222618 Anonymous
>>22222465 unless he screencapped the chat theres not much steamrep can do

1 hours later 22222642 videofreak
>>22222564 oh my god what effects you lucky bastard

1 hours later 22222716 Anonymous
Trading two Nice Crates for 1 Spy-cicle Get them while you still can! http://steamcommunity.com/id/CaptainLavender/

1 hours later 22222719 Anonymous
>>22222557 >the fun you're having? It's not real Feels like it sometimes.

1 hours later 22222805 videofreak
>>22222716 It's not 2011 though

1 hours later 22222880 Anonymous

1 hours later 22222904 Anonymous
>>22222642 orb fire and steaming I gave him the keys he wanted, he uncrated another unusual, and I went back to jew him again, he forgot we just traded, and said he wanted 3 keys

1 hours later 22222928 Anonymous
Where is the Bazaar server located?

1 hours later 22222929 Anonymous
>>22222880 k stop

1 hours later 22222954 videofreak
http://www.tf2outpost.com/trade/7487706 this can't be serious >>22222904 my fucking god, you're on fire >>22222928 yurop

1 hours later 22222965 Anonymous (1354949840967.jpg 466x500 163kB)
>people on Bazaar are selling naughty keys for 2 keys

1 hours later 22223005 Anonymous (pyjew.png 131x155 28kB)

1 hours later 22223026 Anonymous
>>22222965 >w-w-we're not autpost guize! I'll be honest, buying and selling I've had much better luck on autpost

1 hours later 22223172 Anonymous
What's the paint that's a better black than the black paint?

1 hours later 22223179 Anonymous (betilla.png 256x256 61kB)
>>22222506 It's porn

1 hours later 22223187 Anonymous
>>22223172 After eight.

1 hours later 22223207 Anonymous
>>22223187 Thanks

1 hours later 22223210 Anonymous
>>22223172 A Distinctive Lack of Hue

1 hours later 22223227 Anonymous (the drunken taxi driver.png 1079x732 195kB)
i'm thinking of getting a Bubbling Sultan to fit the theme of my Demoman what do you guys think?

1 hours later 22223228 Anonymous
>>22223172 White

1 hours later 22223238 Anonymous (HALFWAY.jpg 616x82 9kB)

1 hours later 22223270 Anonymous
Stupid question incoming. H-how do I set my game to show me what items another user is wearing on scrollover?

1 hours later 22223285 Anonymous
>>22223227 I see that you finally got rid of that fucking ponygarbage name

1 hours later 22223296 Anonymous
Christ, why are some of the paints so expensive? I remember they used to be, at max, 1 key.

1 hours later 22223302 Anonymous
>>22223270 Hitting the "F" key.

1 hours later 22223314 videofreak
>>22223270 Change your inspect key

2 hours later 22223346 Anonymous
So I was away playing video-games when my auction ended It ended with an offer listed as current highest, but there had been better offers made while I wasn't looking. Can I change the offer I take now, or should I trade with the guy who had the Marked Highest at the time it ended?

2 hours later 22223349 Anonymous
>>22223270 You press F while looking at them.

2 hours later 22223358 Anonymous
Biggest dick tripfrag? Schmuddel

2 hours later 22223401 Anonymous
>>22223302 >>22223314 >>22223349 Well damn, thanks guys.

2 hours later 22223403 Anonymous
If I buy a gift on steam, will it count for both the holiday spirit and the it pays for itself part of the badge and then can I somehow keep the game for myself?

2 hours later 22223405 Anonymous
>>22223346 Get out, The Enemy or The Opponent or whatever the fuck your name is now.

2 hours later 22223409 Chan 2O12
>>22223270 Scrollover? Like scrolling with the mousewheel? bind mwheeldown "inspect" bind mwheelup "inspect" I think

2 hours later 22223426 Anonymous
>>22222954 someone move it to murica

2 hours later 22223439 videofreak
>>22223358 He doesn't come here anymore

2 hours later 22223445 Anonymous
I'm really getting fucking annoyed at these commercials I can't skip when I go into servers.

2 hours later 22223464 Anonymous
>>22223227 I had a bubbling sultan once before i got scammed

2 hours later 22223467 Anonymous
>>22223405 It's The Killjoy And no.

2 hours later 22223479 Anonymous
>>22223445 That's insta-blacklist material for me. Fuck 'em.

2 hours later 22223504 Anonymous
>>22223467 Right, you changed it again.

2 hours later 22223529 Anonymous
>>22223285 that was long ago man

2 hours later 22223536 Anonymous
>>22223445 >not going on Valve servers hehehehehehe

2 hours later 22223541 Anonymous
>>22223445 i have motd turned off

2 hours later 22223551 Anonymous
I really like the Max's Head, and I wear it on my Heavy. The jigglebones are awesome.

2 hours later 22223576 Anonymous
>>22223403 anyone?

2 hours later 22223593 Chan 2O12
>>22223445 >Join server for a lobby >"Please enable your HTML MOTD! Disablers will be kicked first for reserve slots!"

2 hours later 22223595 Anonymous
>>22223551 ur turribel

2 hours later 22223629 Anonymous
>>22223593 How do I disable that shit? I don't give a fuck if I get kicked

2 hours later 22223654 videofreak
tfw when go in to jew a bills and he ends up trying to sell it to me for 10 keys

2 hours later 22223675 Chan 2O12
>>22223629 In advanced options scroll down and there should be a tick box for "Enable HTML MOTDs" I think

2 hours later 22223726 Anonymous
>>22223358 cena. cena x10

2 hours later 22223728 Chan 2O12 (2012-12-31_00009.jpg 1440x900 176kB)
>>22223629 this thing

2 hours later 22223737 Anonymous
>>22223593 >You can close the MOTD in 10... >9... >8...

2 hours later 22223751 Anonymous
>>22223445 The Unholy Trinity >MOTD Ads which you are forced to watch before being able to play, otherwise it wont let you play at all >Forced Autobalance, where it just instantly kills you and swaps you to the other team >Donator Privileges which makes them immune to autobalancing, and lets them swap teams freely >onlythedeadmayknowpeacefromthisevil.jpg

2 hours later 22223765 Anonymous (le not impressed MKP.jpg 720x540 51kB)
>>22223654 Happened to me two times in a row. I see guys with the only thing in their BP being Bills and assume they don't play, and then it turns out they just sold their entire BP for a Bills.

2 hours later 22223837 Anonymous (1353609590502.jpg 300x300 39kB)
>>22223765 >sold their entire BP for a Bills

2 hours later 22223940 videofreak
>>22223751 You forgot their unholy leader >Premium subscription that gives you 100% crit, etc

2 hours later 22223947 Anonymous (2012-12-26_00015.jpg 1366x768 203kB)
I remember everyone's reacting when he unboxed this. We flipped shit.

2 hours later 22223972 Anonymous
>>22223403 >>22223576 buy it as a gift then select "Store the gift in my inventory to send later" if its on sale you get both "achievs" for the badge

2 hours later 22223990 Anonymous
>>22223728 >>22223675 or you could just do cl_disablehtmlmotd 1

2 hours later 22224014 Anonymous
>>22223947 The shitstorm over the eerie lanterns Stout Shako was pretty damn huge too.

2 hours later 22224043 Chan 2O12
>>22223990 Thanks, I've been wanting to add that to my configs

2 hours later 22224106 Anonymous
http://marketplace.tf/user.php?id=1 >being that insecure

2 hours later 22224141 Self Sufficient Broski (firegamerx.png 659x318 63kB)

2 hours later 22224148 Anonymous
>>22223439 yeah he does he just doesn't use a trip, he just avatarfags

2 hours later 22224181 Anonymous
>>22224106 >caring

2 hours later 22224218 brah
>>22223947 those loadouts are terrible

2 hours later 22224249 Anonymous
>>22224106 >http://marketplace.tf/user.php?id=1 What?

2 hours later 22224270 Anonymous
>>22224106 What am i supposed to be looking at here?

2 hours later 22224312 Anonymous
>>22224014 Apparently over five unusuals have been unboxed there, and I see hat drops daily on the server. I can only wonder...

2 hours later 22224327 videofreak
>>22224106 I hate jesse

2 hours later 22224356 Anonymous
>>22223837 you wouldnt know how often this happens quite the same when people boil their complete BP into one cancer unusual

2 hours later 22224391 videofreak (i dont wanna be angry no more.png 184x184 4kB)
>>22224148 day ruined

2 hours later 22224425 Anonymous
>>22224391 >not knowing this dude, hes been doing it for the past couple of months

2 hours later 22224437 Anonymous
>>22224141 i guess that means he's not selling them

2 hours later 22224559 Anonymous
>>22224141 Fucking hell man

2 hours later 22224613 videofreak
>>22224425 guess I never noticed >>22224141 >$1000+ he better fucking do it

2 hours later 22224632 Anonymous
>people who paint white hats white and black hats black for added value

2 hours later 22224646 Anonymous
What gamemode should I play? KOTH or CP?

2 hours later 22224690 Anonymous
>>22224646 fun or serious

2 hours later 22224705 Anonymous
>>22224632 what are bills

2 hours later 22224706 Anonymous
>>22224613 He can probably get more than that though

2 hours later 22224707 Anonymous
>People going apeshit over unusuals. I'll never understand.

2 hours later 22224709 videofreak
>>22224646 depends on the map

2 hours later 22224726 Anonymous
>>22224646 5CP only.

2 hours later 22224728 Anonymous
>>22224690 I dunno.

2 hours later 22224740 Anonymous
>>22224646 koth is best gamemode when there's no gunslinger

2 hours later 22224745 Accell
>>22224707 muh particle effects and epenis

2 hours later 22224748 Anonymous (unusual.png 453x323 66kB)

2 hours later 22224764 videofreak
>>22224706 Yeah maybe, idk Still that's a fuckton of money >>22224707 e-peen, dosh

2 hours later 22224789 Anonymous
>>22224745 >Says that ironically >Gets his dick wet over orb fire

2 hours later 22224824 Anonymous
>>22224707 I'd be able to buy a cheap car if I unboxed that beams Muff

2 hours later 22224827 Anonymous
Homewrecker is broken as fuck, and Pyro has no business interferring with the Spy/Engineer relationship Also Demoman is balanced

2 hours later 22224848 Anonymous (lookslegit.png 397x474 43kB)
i cant know it :(

2 hours later 22224872 Anonymous
>>22224705 bills isn't white or black though i've seen people peddling off white max's for a few more keys

2 hours later 22224879 Anonymous
>>22224827 >pyro >no business with spy/engineer >made to counter spy nigga wat

2 hours later 22224883 Chan 2O12
>>22224827 >Pyro has no business interferring with the Spy/Engineer relationship yes pyro is a dm class above all else and should focus on dealing lots of damage

2 hours later 22224884 Anonymous
>>22224824 ...People actually pay THAT MUCH real money for it? Man, this game sometimes

2 hours later 22224885 videofreak
>>22224827 He already does in the form of spychecking It is kind of annoying to have your sapper destroyed by a pyro after you've gone to the trouble of stabbing the engineer and sapping though

2 hours later 22224894 Anonymous
>>22224848 If you want to piss him off, tell him you looked up the site on Google then entered from there.

2 hours later 22224897 Self Sufficient Broski (it is a mystery.jpg 320x180 4kB)

2 hours later 22224903 Anonymous
>>22224872 ah, misread it, my bad.

2 hours later 22224909 Anonymous (le kawaii sweatshirt marineking.jpg 1000x665 194kB)
>>22224827 >i have 100 hours and lots of opinions

2 hours later 22224927 videofreak
>>22224848 seems totally legit

2 hours later 22224948 Anonymous
>>22224897 Got that moon baker yet faggot?

2 hours later 22224959 Anonymous
>>22224848 its some random site that gives you Riot Points for LoL if you refer enough friends that link itself is inoffensive, but if he is not your friend dont bother clicking it

2 hours later 22225006 Self Sufficient Broski
>>22224948 Nope, Jur doesn't seem to want to sell it to me. Might be getting a harvest one instead though.

2 hours later 22225017 Accell
>>22224789 When do I ever mention my unusuals or express any desire for new ones? Really.

2 hours later 22225040 Anonymous (200px-Spy_taunt_laugh.png 200x328 70kB)

2 hours later 22225074 Anonymous
>>22224879 It would be like Scouts getting the ability to salvage uber off of a dead friendly Medic and then uber the Heavy. >"Oh hey, you went through all that effort to get rid of a major block in your push! TOO BAD IT WAS ALL FOR SHIT! OLOLOLOLOL!"

2 hours later 22225097 based
>>22224141 is that guy trying to be acesgamer putting ancient woman in his avatar

2 hours later 22225098 Anonymous
Complete this sentence: I like my TF2 like I like my women -

2 hours later 22225115 Accell
>>22225098 With my dick in it.

2 hours later 22225126 Anonymous
>>22225098 I like my TF2 like I like my women, with hats

2 hours later 22225136 videofreak
>>22225074 That's a gross exaggeration Besides sapping sentries isn't really that hard

2 hours later 22225137 Anonymous
>>22225098 dead

2 hours later 22225143 Self Sufficient Broski
>>22225098 in a plastic cup

2 hours later 22225154 Anonymous
>>22225098 covered in hats

2 hours later 22225158 Anonymous
>>22225098 >I like my TF2 like I like my women - covered in hats

2 hours later 22225163 Anonymous (sfaxe.png 512x512 58kB)
I have a Strange Festive Axtinguisher for sale. Keys only. Make me an offer. steamcommunity.com/id/yrneh12

2 hours later 22225167 based
>>22225154 >>22225158 hivemind

2 hours later 22225175 Anonymous
>>22225098 Painted pink and covered in squids

2 hours later 22225193 Anonymous
>>22225154 >>22225158 dohohohohoho

2 hours later 22225194 videofreak
>>22225098 I like my TF2 like I like my women - cancerous and full of children.

2 hours later 22225203 Anonymous
>>22225098 I don't like TF2

2 hours later 22225251 Anonymous
>>22225167 cena get out ur da wurst

2 hours later 22225271 Anonymous
>>22225143 Fuck, where do I know this from?

2 hours later 22225296 based
>>22225251 fucking fight me bro

2 hours later 22225350 Anonymous
>>22225271 A post in a thread by Self Sufficient Broski.

2 hours later 22225361 Anonymous
I'm really getting fucking sick of trade servers I've gone into probably 40 in the past two days, and fucking less than 5% of them fucking trade it's all faggots attention whoring and F2P's killing

2 hours later 22225365 Anonymous
is it possible for me to trade my naughty keys for a nice keys 1:1?

2 hours later 22225376 Anonymous (uid1x.png 330x229 26kB)

2 hours later 22225384 Anonymous
>>22225296 In TF2 or in real life? Because both sound pretty easy.

2 hours later 22225402 Self Sufficient Broski
>>22225271 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xs-tl6GBOBo

2 hours later 22225409 Anonymous
>>22225098 I fucking hate TF2

2 hours later 22225416 videofreak
>>22225376 oh wow >that grammar

2 hours later 22225445 based
>>22225361 no shit your fault for going for autism servers basically >>22225384 IRL faggot >tf2g >tf2 prepare to get destroyed pussy ass cockmongler

2 hours later 22225448 Anonymous
>>22225376 I didn't know you came to these threads cleverpun fuck off back to your pony fanfics

2 hours later 22225457 Anonymous (icyregen.png 1920x1080 1609kB)
Rate my Regen statue

2 hours later 22225495 Anonymous
>>22225457 10/10 would fuck

2 hours later 22225512 Anonymous
>>22225445 >16 year old Mexican >beating me dohohohohohoho

2 hours later 22225526 Anonymous
>the bazaar server has slot reservations Welp, time to completely drop that site Not like any trades actually happen on it

2 hours later 22225557 Accell (1346835437435.jpg 604x604 132kB)
>>22225376 >steam is excited to announce

2 hours later 22225578 Anonymous
>>22225136 Sapping them? No. Sapping them and ensuring they're eliminated? Yes. Any Spy can just run up to a nest and start spamming Sappers. But those are bad Spies. There's a good deal more work involved in taking out an entire nest than just spamming Sappers everywhere. Homewrecker is part of the reason why I run the Recorder almost exclusively now. At least I'll have done SOME damage to the nest then, even if I manage to take out the Engineer.

2 hours later 22225595 Anonymous
>>22225557 accel why you so based

2 hours later 22225623 based (1340915523821.gif 320x240 1617kB)
>>22225376 [asian man.gif] >>22225512 >anonymous trap-loivng nerd knowing shit about fighting lel

2 hours later 22225638 Anonymous (the six-million ruble man.png 1098x737 209kB)
>tfw no unusual MvM hats

2 hours later 22225675 Anonymous
Fuck you valve, breaking mat_viewportscale just as I discovered it.

2 hours later 22225695 Anonymous
>>22225638 >U-Clank-A > Nuts n Bolts themed 30 birds

2 hours later 22225696 Anonymous
>>22225623 >trap loving How'd you know?

2 hours later 22225702 Anonymous
>>22225457 9/10

2 hours later 22225707 Anonymous
>>22225365 pls

2 hours later 22225724 Anonymous
>>22225675 How did they break it.

2 hours later 22225769 Accell
>>22225595 I don't understand this hip, young lingo.

2 hours later 22225776 Marielx
Anyone here has a crate No.30 i can have? I only have nice winter crates to offer tho.

2 hours later 22225797 Anonymous (470.png 399x400 356kB)
>>22225638 >unusual MvM hats >nuts & bolts is the most desired effect

2 hours later 22225813 Anonymous
>>22225769 it means like really cool and stuff and whatever like a black guy said it or something

2 hours later 22225830 Self Sufficient Broski (neat.png 1119x733 66kB)

2 hours later 22225838 Anonymous
>>22225776 who the FUCK are you

2 hours later 22225840 Anonymous
>>22225776 >trip >asking to trade salvaged crates for winter crates >shtting where you eat >who the fuck are you >why fuck am i responding 0/10

2 hours later 22225856 Anonymous
>>22225776 >Can I have a 1-bud crate for something almost literally worthless

2 hours later 22225857 Anonymous
>>22225724 Dec. 22 update broke it. When mat_viewportscale < 1 and mat_viewportupscale = 1 (i.e. what everyone wants) then you'll get the pink and black texture

2 hours later 22225859 Anonymous (134.png 299x327 89kB)

2 hours later 22225860 Anonymous
>>22225776 Please don't use a trip the first time you ever post in a general.

2 hours later 22225869 based (asiatic.jpg 1026x768 209kB)
>>22225696 because all anons do

2 hours later 22225889 Anonymous
>>22225830 Good hat, good effect. Was this fairly acquired or obtained through methods described in the holy Torah?

2 hours later 22225904 Anonymous
>>22225869 >That resolution It 8urts

2 hours later 22225910 Accell
>>22225526 It's /one/ slot reservation so an admin can always come in to deal with rule breakers.

2 hours later 22225928 Anonymous
>>22225869 >using a botnet >shit resolution >having paint open

2 hours later 22225930 based (man drinking orange juice.jpg 800x531 97kB)
>>22225904 i know

2 hours later 22225931 Anonymous
>>22225869 >1024x768 That all they got down there in Mexicano?

2 hours later 22225937 Anonymous (le weird fingers MKP.jpg 500x375 47kB)
>>22225869 >those tabs 1/10, not funny, apply yourself.

2 hours later 22225939 Anonymous
>>22225889 i'm assuming the former, considering Jahmomma has 800 hours

2 hours later 22225940 based
>>22225869 Test

2 hours later 22225963 Anonymous
>>22225940 >i sux dicks

2 hours later 22225975 Anonymous
>>22225940 wrecked

2 hours later 22225995 Anonymous
What has been your experience with public raffling?

2 hours later 22226003 based
>>22225928 >using a botnet >2013 >still caring about this >>22225931 my brother has 1080p display youre argument is invalid >>22225940 tricked hard faggot, read the trip it says TRICKED roflmao

2 hours later 22226008 Anonymous (What the fuck did you just say to me you little bitch.jpg 400x361 112kB)

2 hours later 22226038 Anonymous
>>22226003 >your brother :D. right?

2 hours later 22226054 Anonymous
>>22226003 Who did he have to kill to get it?

2 hours later 22226062 Self Sufficient Broski
>>22225889 Fairly aquired

2 hours later 22226076 Anonymous
>>22226038 :-D

2 hours later 22226079 based
>>22226038 :-D*

2 hours later 22226091 Anonymous
What if there is never a TF3. What if Valve just releases expansion packs that migrates people to the new expansion servers, like Blizz does with StarCraft.

2 hours later 22226116 Anonymous
>>22226079 >>22226076 Whoops, typos are not fun.

2 hours later 22226125 Anonymous
>>22226091 I doubt a TF3 for a long time. The game has too much of a thriving economy for such a harsh switch.

2 hours later 22226142 Anonymous
>>22226091 >Using Starcraft as an example >SC2

2 hours later 22226162 Anonymous
Happy new year to all non-UK yuropoor friends!

2 hours later 22226181 Anonymous
>>22226162 >tfw 6 more hours

2 hours later 22226183 Anonymous
>>22226091 You mean like MvM

2 hours later 22226198 based
>>22226181 >tfw 8 more hours

2 hours later 22226225 Anonymous
Anyone else think the trade window should have scale that shows if the trade is fair or not?

2 hours later 22226249 Self Sufficient Broski (where do you think we are.jpg 480x342 65kB)

2 hours later 22226261 Anonymous
>>22224106 > [b]I made this site![/b] 10/10 quality web design

2 hours later 22226262 Anonymous
>>22226091 There is no need for a tf3, the player base is still fairly large and their still making loads of money.

2 hours later 22226269 Anonymous
>>22226225 >i want to fuck with the jews no

2 hours later 22226273 Anonymous
>Congress makes a bomb that fucks everyone over at the new year >Only solve it twelve hours before new year GG GOVERNMENT

2 hours later 22226274 based
>>22226225 0/10 shitty troll i aint even mad

2 hours later 22226276 Anonymous
>>22226142 Original StarCraft did it too. See: Brood War.

2 hours later 22226278 Anonymous (250px-Counterfeit_Billycock[1].png 250x254 60kB)
ITT: most underrated hats in TF2

2 hours later 22226297 Anonymous
>>22226225 Do you know where you are?

2 hours later 22226306 Anonymous
>>22226225 "fair" is subjective

2 hours later 22226312 Anonymous (le dumb mkp.jpg 800x534 205kB)
>>22226142 I believe he was talking about how SC2 is having two expansions over the course of several years.

2 hours later 22226315 Anonymous
>>22226273 Are you talking about the milk thing.

2 hours later 22226327 Anonymous (Disgust.jpg 1024x575 293kB)
>>22226225 Yes. I'm not joking.

2 hours later 22226350 Marielx
>>22225856 ....thats a maybe? I dont know the prices, how much is a crate No.30 worth? Im trying to get strange machina.

2 hours later 22226363 Anonymous
>>22226273 >capital gs stop that gg

2 hours later 22226393 Anonymous
>>22226350 Crate 30 is around 1 bud, so about 28 keys.

2 hours later 22226427 Anonymous (200px-Whoopeecap[1].png 200x210 39kB)
>>22226278 http://bazaar.tf/trade/84671

2 hours later 22226467 Self Sufficient Broski
>>22226350 Crate number 30 is worth 1 bud. 1 bud is 26 keys 26 keys is ~83 refined metal 83 refined metal is ~1506 craftable weapons Your nice crate is worth 1 craftable weapon.

2 hours later 22226473 Anonymous
>>22226350 A #30 crate is worth a bud A bud is worth like...25 keys? Something around that That's 75 refined A nice crate is worth barely more than a normal crap, and you'd probably be lucky to get a weapon for it

2 hours later 22226476 Marielx
>>22226393 Goddamn!! Forget it then, and thanks for the info.

2 hours later 22226512 Anonymous (1276996517499.jpg 3000x3000 389kB)
>>22226198 >mfw you live in a shit timezone

2 hours later 22226520 Anonymous
>>22226467 rekt 8)

2 hours later 22226521 Anonymous
>>22226476 did you come from /v/ or something?

2 hours later 22226527 Anonymous
>>22226473 >Normal crap I meant crate

2 hours later 22226541 Anonymous
>>22221397 Not that guy but I hope you don't mind if I use that name, do ya?

2 hours later 22226557 Anonymous
>>22226521 >>22226476 aww cmon. he doesnt seem like a bad guy.

2 hours later 22226568 based
>>22226350 reported to acesgamer for trying to jew us

2 hours later 22226613 Anonymous
>>22226557 no he doesnt, but we really dont need any more unnecessary tripfags. and it supports the fact that we have people coming from /v/ for stuff

2 hours later 22226643 Anonymous
>>22226613 Well, where else would they come from.

2 hours later 22226658 Anonymous
>>22226613 We all came from /v/

2 hours later 22226728 based
>>22226476 sit the fuck down /v/ plebeian

2 hours later 22226729 Anonymous (1346354647066.png 415x407 345kB)
>>22225376 >you are suspected of cheating and using other programs sposobvuyuschic foul play

2 hours later 22226734 Anonymous
Why do you guys always mention aces when talking about jewing? Does he have an anti jew video or something?

2 hours later 22226768 Anonymous
I just came across a Blizardy Prancer's pride. now im not the big pyro player, so I'm not that enthusiastic. But if anyone wants to trade something for it we can haggle. http://steamcommunity.com/id/sImnZw9p/

2 hours later 22226776 Anonymous
>>22226613 >and it supports the fact that we have people coming from /v/ for stuff Every single person in this thread came from /v/ at some point. The other guys only issue is that he came late.

2 hours later 22226808 Anonymous
>>22226734 he jew'd and can now ban people for jewan

2 hours later 22226816 Anonymous
>>22226776 I came from reddit and /b/ m8 :)

2 hours later 22226823 Anonymous
>>22226776 im mostly talking about the people that only came to TF2G for the raffles, and they bring their shitposting with them.

2 hours later 22226843 Anonymous
>>22226734 AF is nazi about jews, despite aces making a video about jewing.

2 hours later 22226846 Anonymous
>>22226808 Who is he even?

2 hours later 22226858 Anonymous
>>22226776 I was in /v/ for only a handful of months and it was in '10. I haven't set foot in since and have only been in /co/ since/ Does that count?

2 hours later 22226894 Anonymous
>>22226823 >implying the raffles were worth coming here for

2 hours later 22226903 Anonymous
Guys, I use the ALT key to cycle between resistances for the Vaccinator. Is this ok?

2 hours later 22226915 Anonymous
>>22226823 Well, I hate those assholes for only being here for raffus, not for being new.

2 hours later 22226925 Anonymous
>>22226776 I never read /v/. Straight outta /r9k/. >>22226816 GTFO my TF2.

2 hours later 22226928 Anonymous (2012-12-31_00015.jpg 1680x1050 107kB)
Place your bets.

2 hours later 22226929 Anonymous
>>22226658 I didn't

2 hours later 22226934 Chan 2O12
>>22226776 I didn't, that's why I'm so relatively new. When /v/ split I just assumed "Well now there's two boards full of morons". I came from /ck/.

2 hours later 22226958 Anonymous
>>22226903 Not really effecient because you have to move your hand so much, but it's fine if you're comfortable with it.

2 hours later 22226984 Anonymous
>>22226928 Baseball Bill's Sports Shine. Or a team captain, but fuck that.

2 hours later 22226991 Anonymous
>>22226928 Team Captain or an expensive hat

2 hours later 22227003 Anonymous
>>22226903 >not using b whatever works, m8

2 hours later 22227004 Anonymous
>>22226958 >what are thumbs

2 hours later 22227017 Anonymous
>>22226934 >core tripfag never even went on the original generals ;_;

2 hours later 22227023 Anonymous
it just turned 2013 here tf2g, happy new year

2 hours later 22227039 Anonymous
>>22226903 Why not use the side mouse buttons? Unless you're a fag

2 hours later 22227042 Anonymous
>>22226984 >>22226991 team captain mind

2 hours later 22227052 Anonymous (2012-12-31_00016.jpg 1680x1050 90kB)
>>22226984 >>22226991 barf

2 hours later 22227061 Anonymous
>>22227004 It's still not comfortable, for me at least.

2 hours later 22227073 Belegrandir
>>22227052 I'm so sorry

2 hours later 22227085 Anonymous
>>22227023 FUCK YOUR TIMEZONES, NIGGA It's 2013 when God's Timezone (Pacific Standard Time) says it's 2013.

2 hours later 22227114 Anonymous
>>22227039 Not him but my side mouse buttons are bound to 'show desktop'

2 hours later 22227119 Anonymous
>>22227085 >god's timezone >pacific laughingwhores.jpg

2 hours later 22227121 based
/b/, /v/ and /sp/ amalgamation master race sit the fuck down plebs

2 hours later 22227127 Anonymous
>>22227052 It still surprises me every time I find out this hat is craftable.

2 hours later 22227135 Anonymous
>>22227085 Fuck yeah PST

2 hours later 22227152 Chan 2O12
>>22227114 Mine are for changing weapon

3 hours later 22227163 Anonymous
Anyone remember when TF2R first came about? That one Norton mother fucker won every single raffle

3 hours later 22227167 Anonymous
>>22227121 >/b/ I should have known.

3 hours later 22227169 Anonymous
>>22227114 Oh god how horrible

3 hours later 22227172 Anonymous (1349313739161.jpg 247x465 12kB)
>>22227121 >3 of the worst boards in existence Fuck off

3 hours later 22227174 Anonymous
>>22227017 >not knowing chan was one of the newer tripfags i'll admit i hated him when he first appeared

3 hours later 22227183 Anonymous
>>22227119 We've got all of Valve in our timezone, and you've got people who fuck goats. >>22227135 Mah nigga

3 hours later 22227206 Anonymous
>>22227121 >says plebs >doesn't go on /mu/ You are cancer incarnate

3 hours later 22227220 Anonymous
>>22227169 Why's that horrible. I sometimes hit them on accident in-game but it's rare and usually I can just tab back in

3 hours later 22227232 based
>>22227206 >/mu/ >herr durr listen to my indie music durr heherrurur

3 hours later 22227246 Anonymous
Someone offered me a bud for my Portal 2 box, should I take it /vg/?

3 hours later 22227253 Anonymous
>>22227121 all you need now is to be from /pol/ and you'll be the perfect cancer weapon

3 hours later 22227257 Anonymous
>>22227232 Nice shitposting, really showing your colors.

3 hours later 22227276 Anonymous
>>22227232 he has a point /mu and /g/ have some of the most pretentious assholes on the site

3 hours later 22227282 Anonymous
>>22227220 I use Alt-Tab because I like any excuse to use my keyboard.

3 hours later 22227286 Anonymous
>>22227246 yes, its dropping

3 hours later 22227294 Anonymous
>>22227246 Yes

3 hours later 22227295 Anonymous
Anyone want naughty crates for free I opened fucking 9 of 'em and got zero stranges. I'm done. If you want 'em leave your id

3 hours later 22227304 Chan 2O12
>>22227174 that might be in part due to me being a fucking dumbass when i started posting here

3 hours later 22227307 based
>>22227257 oh noes, i finally showed my shitposting colors, NO WHY everyone knows im a shitposter wh

3 hours later 22227313 Anonymous (2012-12-31_00017.jpg 1680x1050 107kB)
Last try, then I'm off the stuff for 2012.

3 hours later 22227314 Anonymous
>>22227246 YES

3 hours later 22227318 Anonymous
>>22227282 Man you have NO IDEA how convenient it is to have 'Show Desktop' on the mouse.

3 hours later 22227321 Anonymous
bind "r" "voicemenu 0 1" This will bind 'thanks' to 'r' right?

3 hours later 22227358 Anonymous
>>22227321 >replacing your reload why

3 hours later 22227363 Anonymous
>>22227295 id/gregsucks

3 hours later 22227374 Anonymous
>>22227295 http://steamcommunity.com/id/feelmywrath

3 hours later 22227383 based
>>22227358 >he doesnt use autoreload why

3 hours later 22227392 Anonymous
>>22227358 >not using autoreload

3 hours later 22227398 Anonymous
>>22227246 Fuck eys

3 hours later 22227405 Anonymous (2012-12-31_00018.jpg 1680x1050 93kB)

3 hours later 22227421 Anonymous
>>22226658 I came from /a/

3 hours later 22227429 Anonymous
>>22227358 auto reload

3 hours later 22227430 Anonymous
>>22227358 >Not using autoreload

3 hours later 22227432 based
>>22227398 fuck eyes

3 hours later 22227452 Anonymous (1342933832930.gif 244x212 29kB)
>>22227121 >my mfw when I have to share both /sp/ and TF2G with cena

3 hours later 22227490 Anonymous
>>22227383 >>22227392 >>22227429 >>22227430 who said i didnt use it?

3 hours later 22227495 based
>>22227452 you probably only lurk on lacrosse threads like the beta faggot you are

3 hours later 22227503 Totenkreuz (Robo Stash.png 859x485 134kB)
I've jumped on the robot hats bandwagon. WIP of the Robo Stash. Thoughts?

3 hours later 22227517 Anonymous
>>22227405 I wish my hat was a baller, I wish my head was a little bit taller, I wish I had a petite chou-fleur I would call her. I wish I had my knife in the back of that kid with the bat and the '64 Impala.

3 hours later 22227525 Anonymous
>>22227503 disgusting, put another day into it and we'll talk

3 hours later 22227539 Anonymous
>>22227295 Bought two keys, opened two of them, unboxed a SF GL and a SF Buff Banner I should get to unboxing regular crates.

3 hours later 22227556 Anonymous
>>22226658 i've only gone to /v/ a few times,i didn't like it

3 hours later 22227575 Anonymous (absolutely-disgusting.png 728x420 157kB)

3 hours later 22227578 Belegrandir (2012-12-31_00004.jpg 1680x1050 203kB)
Buy my things please Rad TF2G discounts

3 hours later 22227580 Totenkreuz
>>22227525 Yeah man. That's like 15 minutes of work, I'm nowhere near finished.

3 hours later 22227607 Anonymous
>>22227490 You're saying to not re-bind reload

3 hours later 22227632 Anonymous
>>22227503 >>22227525 >>22227575 Fuck them, I like it.

3 hours later 22227634 Anonymous
>>22227276 I'm sorry, but no one is as pretentious as the fags on /v/ are. Talk about hivemind NEET losers.

3 hours later 22227646 Anonymous
>>22227363 sent you a friend request

3 hours later 22227653 Totenkreuz
>>22227578 How much of a discount? 1 scrap each for those festives 8)?

3 hours later 22227670 Anonymous
>>22227607 at the very least, alias it so you have both reload and the command on it

3 hours later 22227683 Anonymous
Are the normal 2012 festives going to drop after a few days?

3 hours later 22227694 Anonymous
>>22227632 It looks like ass Worse than the other 'robot' hats too

3 hours later 22227702 Anonymous
>>22227578 how much for the toque?

3 hours later 22227708 Belegrandir
>>22227653 Make it 4 8)

3 hours later 22227714 Totenkreuz
>>22227632 Thanks man. While I'm not done, there isn't much left the stash is a super simple hat.

3 hours later 22227730 Anonymous
>>22227578 how much for festive buff

3 hours later 22227747 Belegrandir
>>22227702 1 ref

3 hours later 22227749 Anonymous (1344625409613.jpg 268x265 40kB)
Posting trades: all my vintages are almost gone edition. Some hats: http://www.tf2outpost.com/user/82590 Real Trades: http://bazaar.tf/id/Granberries

3 hours later 22227750 Totenkreuz
>>22227708 4 scrap in TOTAL or each?

3 hours later 22227752 Anonymous (ss (2012-12-31 at 05.24.38).jpg 1446x928 124kB)
Accell what are you doing this isn't a trade server

3 hours later 22227761 Anonymous
>>22227708 Are you serious?

3 hours later 22227767 Anonymous
>>22227539 eat a dick

3 hours later 22227776 Anonymous
>>22227646 Sorry, I'm slow.

3 hours later 22227778 based
>>22227714 dont forget laser sights and guns coming out of the stash alongside with a bong and a satchel of weed in it

3 hours later 22227794 Belegrandir (1356983666576.png 304x333 127kB)
>>22227750 each >>22227761 yeah

3 hours later 22227813 Anonymous (.......png 344x481 60kB)

3 hours later 22227825 Anonymous
Next year festives: >FaN >Gunboats >Flare >Bottle >Fists >Wrangler >Kritz >Jarate >Dead Ringer

3 hours later 22227828 Anonymous
>>22227578 how much for the festives?

3 hours later 22227851 Totenkreuz
>>22227778 We cawadoody now. >>22227794 8(

3 hours later 22227865 Anonymous
>>22227825 >jarate >it's a single christmas light floating in the jar

3 hours later 22227883 Qror (1339716626171.jpg 240x320 14kB)
>>22227813 >227813 >Renaming yellow weps

3 hours later 22227885 Belegrandir (1356973091775.jpg 1277x699 248kB)
>>22227828 Have you not been reading? >>22227851 sowwy bbs

3 hours later 22227920 Anonymous
>>22227747 is it uncraftable?

3 hours later 22227960 Anonymous
>>22227321 I bound r to "Spy" and T to "Thanks".

3 hours later 22227991 Anonymous
>>22227578 Look at your Bazaar trades

3 hours later 22227995 Anonymous
>>22227885 sorry m8 it takes me a while to post

3 hours later 22228015 Belegrandir (Pooh the Omniscient.gif 700x214 54kB)
>>22227920 nope and its painted >>22227995 it's aight

3 hours later 22228039 Anonymous
>>22227883 I still own my renamed stock which are around 2 years old

3 hours later 22228072 Anonymous
Pricecheck on Blizzardy Prancer's pride. I just need to know if I'm screwed or not.

3 hours later 22228073 Anonymous
>>22228015 well if you're being serious add me

3 hours later 22228084 Totenkreuz
>>22228039 Post your first renames? My first rename was naming a scatter the "Boston Body Buster"

3 hours later 22228101 Anonymous
>>22228072 backpack.tf/unusuals check yourself you lazy cunt

3 hours later 22228117 Anonymous
>>22228084 my first rename was naming a shotgun "The Fat Chick"

3 hours later 22228129 Anonymous
>>22228084 my achievement backburner "jelly on this hot god"

3 hours later 22228139 Anonymous (1343272272931.png 474x549 149kB)
>tfw i'll never finish my pyro hat collection

3 hours later 22228146 Belegrandir
>>22228073 >Error adding friend You add me sugar /id/Belegrandir

3 hours later 22228150 Anonymous
>>22228084 >>22228084 Have a Knife Day I think it was the first thing I traded for too

3 hours later 22228154 Qror
>>22228084 I renamed my sticky jumper Jumpy Stickier

3 hours later 22228169 Anonymous
>>22228084 oh no please, it was something edgy funny enough it was a scattergun too

3 hours later 22228176 Anonymous (2012-12-31_00002.jpg 1920x1080 231kB)
>>22228084 my only rename

3 hours later 22228179 Anonymous
>>22228139 What do you need? I've got Sight for Sore Eyes, Area 451, and an Infernal Orchestrina

3 hours later 22228180 based
>>22228084 'shrek's benis gun 8=D :-DD' 'get shrekd your time here is ogre'

3 hours later 22228209 Anonymous
>>22228084 Mine was a shotgun named "Nigger Cannon" /v/ named it i still use it

3 hours later 22228221 Anonymous
>>22228139 I believe in you Kappn

3 hours later 22228226 Anonymous
Watch me le offclass as le Pyro with le stabby and le mangachu in a PUG :DDDD 40 hours on the class, was able to outplay a Top Silver/Gold Pyro in my first Pyro PUG, so come watch if you are bored. www.twitch . tv/nikojims

3 hours later 22228230 Anonymous
>>22228084 Maggot-Seeking Missiles

3 hours later 22228257 Anonymous (1356987042636.jpg 1280x600 96kB)

3 hours later 22228291 Anonymous
>>22228139 Speaking of autistic people I sold a pyro Brainslug level 32 for a key... The guy added me randomly... Did i get Jewed?

3 hours later 22228302 Anonymous
>Friend doesn't play TF2 often >Decides to give me some of his stuff In terms of cost they're much, but it's a nice gesture.

3 hours later 22228317 Anonymous
>>22228084 Sir Hootsalot called The Superb Owl

3 hours later 22228319 Anonymous (le another gsl win marineking.jpg 960x540 261kB)
>>22228226 I remember when you airshot me yesterday. That was cool.

3 hours later 22228320 Anonymous
>>22228257 that fucking lego arm

3 hours later 22228338 Anonymous
>>22228291 Nope

3 hours later 22228343 based (1340914742115.jpg 312x312 83kB)
>>22228257 >that engie hand new level of shit graphics

3 hours later 22228352 Anonymous (Whoop.jpg 491x702 50kB)
>>22228302 Forgot pic

3 hours later 22228365 Anonymous
>>22228084 sir hoots named owliscious

3 hours later 22228398 Anonymous
>>22228179 i said i'd never complete it because i have nothing to trade with, and i need those 3 http://backpack.tf/id/Agents_are_go

3 hours later 22228404 Totenkreuz
>>22228257 How do you have graphics THAT bad and still get shit fps?!

3 hours later 22228459 Anonymous
Can anybody help me with crosshair switching script? I based mine off of the tf2mate's scirpt and it just doesn't seem to work. It has the color, size, and type of crosshair for what I set up for the primary weapon, but it doesn't switch between what I set up for the other weapons. Any help?

3 hours later 22228495 Anonymous
Is 10% faster movement on Pyro worth it?

3 hours later 22228504 Anonymous
Happy new year, my faggets! 2012 was shit, but it can't be worse, right ? right? So cheers to you amerifags from the late EUfaggots.

3 hours later 22228509 Anonymous
>>22228404 I think the pic has something to do with the medic taunt

3 hours later 22228527 Anonymous
>>22228352 I'll pay you three ref for that planeswalker helm

3 hours later 22228528 Anonymous (le 4 fingers marineking.jpg 530x350 180kB)
>>22228404 In all fairness, that taunt does de_stroy FPS.

3 hours later 22228546 Anonymous

3 hours later 22228595 Qror
>>22228495 Yes. You don't often find yourself dying because of that additional bullet damage, because well, when you see heavy you're usually laready dead

3 hours later 22228598 Anonymous
>>22228495 scouts, engineers, soldiers, and heavies will love you

3 hours later 22228618 Anonymous
>>22228459 Use Aarons Crosshair Switcher.

3 hours later 22228665 Anonymous
>>22228398 I'll trade you the infernal orchestrina for the Safe n Sound if you're interested, I don't have any engi hats

3 hours later 22228669 Qror
>>22228598 Yeah, ebcause he wouldn't normally die while standing next to enemy heavy

3 hours later 22228687 Anonymous
>marketplace.tf Then: "Please take all your crates off this site." Now: "Please take all your crates and normal craft weapons off the site." Soon: "Please take everything but high-tier unusuals off the site." You are banned. Reason: "Orbiting fire is not a 'high-tier'."

3 hours later 22228691 Anonymous
>>22228618 can i customize it?

3 hours later 22228732 shifty (2012-12-31_00003.jpg 1024x768 109kB)
>>22228598 stary_down and hes drunk in mumble and hitting on everyone help

3 hours later 22228820 Anonymous
>>22228665 nah, that's my only Engineer hat, but thanks for the offer

3 hours later 22228849 Anonymous
>>22228732 holy toaster

3 hours later 22228861 Anonymous
>>22228687 wait, what?

3 hours later 22228864 Water

3 hours later 22228907 Belegrandir (rip hats.png 974x901 198kB)
RIP in peace

3 hours later 22228908 Anonymous
>>22228732 Does that flat texture mod work on sv_pure? If it does, how can I get it?

3 hours later 22228917 shifty (images.jpg 141x160 4kB)
>>22228849 >300 fps sure is a toaster

3 hours later 22228918 Anonymous
>>22228849 >not using flat world textures casual

3 hours later 22228920 Totenkreuz
>>22228864 Haha, I remember when faggots wanted a bud for that junk.

3 hours later 22228939 Anonymous (Approved Stainless Steel.jpg 1000x891 97kB)

3 hours later 22228941 Anonymous
>>22228861 marketplace is shifting bricks and needs space for rich suckers.

3 hours later 22228942 Anonymous
>>22228691 yeah

3 hours later 22228949 Anonymous
we should go crash sneezas livestream and spam him out with minis

3 hours later 22228970 shifty (68f98888ccd5ca3f7b319efd4f9f5c95c13a65b1.jpg 387x429 20kB)
>>22228908 it doesn't

3 hours later 22228972 Totenkreuz
>>22228917 >Shit graphics required for that fps He's right.

3 hours later 22229008 Totenkreuz
>>22228949 I.P.?

3 hours later 22229026 Anonymous
Why is the vaccinator such a piece of shit?

3 hours later 22229029 Anonymous
>>22228917 >looks worse than quake yep, sure is

3 hours later 22229035 Anonymous
>>22228949 are there raffus

3 hours later 22229054 Anonymous
>>22228949 I know a professional stream sniper. I.P?

3 hours later 22229073 shifty (117Wd.jpg 179x180 11kB)
>>22228972 uh I can run dx9 w/ shadows + aa off at like 200+ I just prefer dx8.

3 hours later 22229113 Anonymous (1329400813568.jpg 864x922 151kB)

3 hours later 22229148 Anonymous (le gsl terrible hair fist marineking.jpg 530x353 157kB)
>>22229026 It's really good if you're not shit.

3 hours later 22229170 Anonymous
>>22229073 >Not a graphics whore Thank god there's people like this.

3 hours later 22229181 Totenkreuz
>>22229073 Ah ok. Nevermind then.

3 hours later 22229203 Anonymous
>>22229073 why do you keep posting pictures

3 hours later 22229218 Anonymous
>skial admin orders someone to take their sentry nedt off of a badwater roof >it's an exploit of the map!

3 hours later 22229220 Anonymous
>>22229170 But high quality graphics are the only way I can get an erection!

3 hours later 22229249 Anonymous
>>22229203 He's just a whore.

3 hours later 22229251 Anonymous
Update on Day 2: The Big Jew. Suspect seemed relaxed since our meeting last night in a server. I offered on his Unusual hat, but he wasn't interested in trading it. I offered a lot of things, but he wasn't biting. Then I set forth an investment plan: 10 Keys and 10 Crates for it. I explained to him it was essentially 20 dollars, and he seemed to relax and start to come around. I then offered a variety of more items (the total value equaling 4 keys) and he accepted. ...and then he said his hat wasn't tradable until the next day. Now I wait here until 7:29 until the deal goes down, I'll keep you all informed as the situation progresses.

3 hours later 22229252 Anonymous
>>22229218 But it is an exploit.

3 hours later 22229334 Anonymous
>>22229251 >what am i doing with my life

3 hours later 22229343 Anonymous
>>22229251 You've crossed over into the dark side, there is no return from this point.

3 hours later 22229346 Anonymous (1354968964474.jpg 640x427 58kB)
sup lovelies? http://bazaar.tf/trade/98442 http://bazaar.tf/trade/98440 http://bazaar.tf/trade/98438

3 hours later 22229350 Belegrandir
>>22229250 Looks like an old picture

3 hours later 22229354 Chan 2O12
>>22229252 no it isn't

3 hours later 22229381 Anonymous
>>22229252 But Valve wouldn't have implemented it if they wanted people to use it.

3 hours later 22229390 Anonymous
>>22229354 shut up chan ur da werst

3 hours later 22229391 Anonymous (2013-01-01_00001.jpg 1440x900 104kB)
Win a key in the raffle, I'm told to open a crate. Why not? It's the new year!

3 hours later 22229412 Chan 2O12
lol shifty n1

3 hours later 22229424 Anonymous
>>22229251 what's the hat?

3 hours later 22229450 Anonymous
>>22229346 >1 bud or 30 keys >suggested value 18 keys

3 hours later 22229452 Anonymous
>>22229391 Is that worth a lot? I honestly don't know.

3 hours later 22229454 shifty (2012-09-22_00001.jpg 1920x1080 463kB)
>>22229170 i could but there's no point to be

3 hours later 22229460 Anonymous
>>22229391 Now go get so drunk you don't remember uncrating that.

3 hours later 22229465 Anonymous
>>22229251 Read like film noir, 8/10 keep us updated

3 hours later 22229503 Anonymous (1330000788107.jpg 240x199 23kB)

3 hours later 22229553 Totenkreuz
>>22229454 >That hand Watch out someones about to choke you!

3 hours later 22229597 Anonymous
>>22229452 I magically turned 3 ref into 1 ! No regrets, a free key, a free item, today I don't care.

3 hours later 22229603 Anonymous
Anyone want to fill up Fagets?

3 hours later 22229614 Anonymous
>make fun of someone's computer when they post a screenshot with "intentionally" shitty graphics >STFU SCRUB ITS BECAUSE IM A TF2 PRO LRN2PLAY Guaranteed replies.

3 hours later 22229637 Totenkreuz
>>22229603 holy shit. I was JUST about to post that.

3 hours later 22229670 Anonymous (animatedmenuscreen.jpg 1280x800 235kB)
>>22229170 >not wanting to get an erection everytime you run the game

3 hours later 22229683 Anonymous
>>22229603 fagets always goes from dicking around to pseudo-pugs because all the shitters quit after they lose

3 hours later 22229701 Anonymous
>>22229603 I want to fill up fagets. if you know what I mean

3 hours later 22229770 shifty (cutepugs.png 1000x2000 676kB)

3 hours later 22229796 Anonymous
>>22229603 >join >it's empty well you could join too that would help

3 hours later 22229816 Anonymous
>>22229701 lewd!

3 hours later 22229878 Anonymous
>>22229670 >implying TF2 version of source engine looks good

3 hours later 22229880 Anonymous
>>22229670 >see that >get erection >feel need to take a piss >my raging hardon throws my aim >piss all over seat >rein it in >piss all over floor >eventually get it into the bowl fuck you

3 hours later 22229915 Anonymous (1330146677993.png 428x510 139kB)
>>22229880 >well you could join too that would help

3 hours later 22229974 Anonymous
>Ask for a regular bill's for my jewed salvaged crate >Slovakian ponyfag adds me >Gives me a TS bill's >Unboxed mantreads and asked for a refund top laffo

3 hours later 22229978 Anonymous
>>22229880 Samefag

3 hours later 22230019 Anonymous
New thread >>22229805

3 hours later 22230021 Anonymous
>>22229978 >>>/b/

3 hours later 22230023 Anonymous
>>22228084 "Din's Fire" I just got a s degreaser so I got to rename that one it too

3 hours later 22230029 Anonymous (1330279128333.jpg 383x263 55kB)
>>22229978 And I would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for those meddlings kids and taht stupid dog

3 hours later 22230068 Anonymous
>Someone bought my 2 keys for 3.22 each I'm a little shocked, every server I went to they were buying them for 3 each.

3 hours later 22230108 Anonymous
Recommendations for custom UIs? I like how >>22229670 looks, and I'm wondering if that's downloadable somewhere. And is that a live background? If so, how do I do that?

3 hours later 22230131 An
>2013 >hl2.exe stops responding and Steam still thinks I'm in-game immediately

3 hours later 22230313 Anonymous (le crying hug marineking.jpg 1280x852 331kB)
>play mge for the first time in a month >get 20/10 by people I would have crushed a month ago >tfw have to crawl back to where I was previously blogpost

3 hours later 22230471 Anonymous
Anyone wants an Upgrade To Premium Gift for 3 keys?

3 hours later 22230547 Anonymous (Pyro items.png 1040x1456 286kB)
Repostan my checklist of pyro items. Maybe some generous people will donate to the cause

3 hours later 22230642 Anonymous
>>22230547 sent ;)

3 hours later 22230680 Anonymous
>>22229805 >>22229805 >>22229805 >>22229805 >>22229805

4 hours later 22231482 Anonymous
>>22230068 You can sell them on Scrap.tf for 3.11

4.686 0.404