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2012-09-26 08:13 13014395 Anonymous (canada-maple-leaf-lgprint.jpg 600x663 33kB)
Canada thread 23 male Victoria.

3 min later 13014420 Anonymous
23/m/705 (Barrie)/Gay MSN neionchan@hotmail.com Skype da1anonly11

36 min later 13014730 Anonymous

51 min later 13014884 Anonymous
19/m/straight barrie, getting drunk skpe conversation? add me TheRealKatsuo

1 hours later 13015163 Anonymous
>>13014730 skype?

1 hours later 13015223 Anonymous

1 hours later 13015259 Anonymous
>>13015223 AH SHIT SASKATCHEWAN! ADD ME TheRealKatsuo... if you have skype and aren't lloking to fap

1 hours later 13015316 Anonymous
>>13015259 ...I don't live in Saskatchewan.

1 hours later 13015350 Anonymous
18m/Calgary I'm P into whatever, BDSM/whatever else.

1 hours later 13015426 Anonymous
>>13015350 bi at all?

1 hours later 13015467 Anonymous
>>13015426 Yup. Sure am.

1 hours later 13015479 Anonymous
>>13015467 What part of calgary? i'm 23 and love sucking dick.

2 hours later 13015544 Anonymous
>>13015479 South East. Fairly far out. Suburbs.

2 hours later 13015551 Anonymous
>>13015544 Damn, i'm just off 17th Downtown. want a booty call sometime? i drive, into other fun too.

2 hours later 13015579 Anonymous
>>13015551 Sure, throw me your email- and we can chat from there.

2 hours later 13015591 Anonymous
>>13015579 MSN boredcanadian007@hotmail.com

2 hours later 13015606 Anonymous
>>13015591 Sent.

2 hours later 13015768 Anonymous
19 m nanaimo

2 hours later 13015871 Anonymous (1347872082464.jpg 388x380 36kB)
21, Male, Victoria, Australia I love Canadian chicks.

4 hours later 13016323 Anonymous (Sharkie.jpg 400x400 81kB)
20/M/Toronto Early bird gets the worm, right? RIGHT?

4 hours later 13016345 Anonymous
19/m/toronto throwing the hail mary, hoping for a female.

7 hours later 13016999 Anonymous
>>13015606 >>13015606 Send one to siesta.ackbar@gmail.com?

8 hours later 13017536 Anonymous
>>13014395 514-montreal male, whats going on up in here

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