4chan archive /soc/ (index)
2012-09-26 07:21 13013812 Anonymous (melancholy.jpg 1152x864 157kB)
Yo /soc/, wanna hear a story?- No, wait, I don't care, haha. TALK ABOUT THIS. >There's a girl >I know her faintly, but she's cool >I find out that she like's me through subtle hints and ripping the truth out of a mutual friend >I decide to go for it "I like you" >She say's it back >We start getting to know each other, share amazing psychological movies. >She starts subtly pushing me away >She says she needs her space >I ask her to just tell me if she stopped liking me >It's a yes, and by now all my feels are in her, I want to burn things to the ground- There's a reason >She goes back to bad boy >She led me on, I don't care if intentional. Sadface.

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