4chan archive /soc/ (index)
2012-09-26 06:26 13013012 Anonymous (thecrow2.jpg 385x477 50kB)
goth, emo, depressed and self harmers... lets all chat together :D tinychat dot com slash wannabegoth

23 min later 13013322 Anonymous (1348269952224.jpg 407x394 53kB)

42 min later 13013620 Anonymous (1347908334886.gif 90x90 52kB)

43 min later 13013655 Anonymous
hey it's me little lamb. i'm in here. it's really fun. come make fun of me b/c im goth

46 min later 13013690 Anonymous (Photo on 2012-09-26 at 01.12 #2.jpg 640x480 85kB)

1 hours later 13013940 Anonymous
it sucked. come to mine instead and make fun of me /lambisfat

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