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2012-10-03 02:57 5114207 Anonymous Humanity Consolidation Project (Pre-Alpha 2) (limits-to-growth-forecast.png 705x654 139kB)
Step 1: Release inferior form of primary pathogen into two most favored nations (ex:Austrailia and Norway). Inferior form is weak enough to be cured and reverse all symptoms. Step 2: Study the processes of nations to eradicate pathogen. Step 3: Only Citizens of Tagore's nation's now vaccined against pathogen and susquent forms. Step 4: Release primary form of pathogen that causes permanent sterility and nothing else. Cannot be treated. Use info from Step 2 to compensate for any interference. Step 4.5: Pathogen self destructs if it is damaged and/or deviates from genetic programming. Step 5: Sterilized people are allowed to live out the rest of their lives as global population declines. Step 6: All cultures, etc. are consolidated into favored nations. Earth now given time to heal. Step 7: Two nations compete and work together. Step 8: ??? Step 9: Humanity and Earth saved.

2 min later 5114214 Anonymous
Tagore's = favored Fucking autocorrect

5 min later 5114219 Anonymous
Step 1: Create an implausible unscientific scenario Step 2: Run with it.

6 min later 5114221 Anonymous
>>5114219 Then please correct me. Come at me bro.

9 min later 5114229 Anonymous
So, who exactly is the favored group? Certainly it would be better to just expand into space where there is plenty of room for out population. Plenty of resources as well.

12 min later 5114234 Anonymous
>Release primary form of pathogen that causes permanent sterility and nothing else. Sorry, not possible. >Cannot be treated. Sorry, not remotely possible. >Pathogen self destructs if it is damaged and/or deviates from genetic programming. Sorry, not possible. >Sterilized people are allowed to live out the rest of their lives as global population declines. People fucking murder polio vaccine campaign doctors based on the rumor that they sterilize people. You think demonstrably sterilizing large swathes of the population would result in anything less than the rest of the world burning your favored snowflake nations to the ground?

12 min later 5114236 Anonymous
>>5114221 Oh I don't know, step 4 and 5 are pretty fucking stupid.

14 min later 5114240 Anonymous
What exactly do you do with step 5 if its the self destruct mechanism that deviates from the normal genetic programming? If monsata showed us anything its that bacteria and the like will adapt very quickly.

14 min later 5114242 Anonymous
>>5114229 >>Implying we will have the technology for mass colonization in the near future.

15 min later 5114247 Anonymous
>>5114234 The corporation or whatever eho carries this out will take responsibility, not nations.

17 min later 5114254 Anonymous
>>5114236 >>5114234 Constructive criticism, please. This is /sci/, not /b/.

17 min later 5114256 Anonymous
>>5114242 As if we will have the technology to make a pathogen that only causes sterility and nothing else, ever. As if you will be able to make even a reasonable part of the population accept that their gene is a bad one and should be removed from the gene pool. As if evolution from a large pool of possibilities isn't better than from a very limited pool.

19 min later 5114260 Anonymous
>>5114256 This is more about culture than genetics.

19 min later 5114261 Anonymous
>>5114247 Right, what corporation you gonna find for that? And where the fuck will the corporation be based? I would sure as hell hold my country responsible if they willingly housed the corporation that planned to make me sterile. Come on, Iraq and Afghanistan are attacked for housing a terrorist organisation that only ruined the lives of a very small group of the overall world population. You are being increasingly stupid here.

20 min later 5114264 Anonymous
>>5114254 Yes, this is /sci/, where we discuss scientific things. This could only qualify as scientific if you remove steps 3-9, which renders your post meaningless anyways.

21 min later 5114265 Anonymous
>>5114229 All relevant statistics such as the IHDI will be used to determine the two favored nations.

22 min later 5114266 Anonymous
>>5114254 Exactly what constructive criticism am I supposed to give to "Let's use a maaagic untreatable virus to commit genocide!"?

22 min later 5114268 Anonymous
>>5114260 How so? The idea is improbable at the very least, if not outright impossible, is already hitting quite some resistance in this thread, never mind when you tell the people that basically they suck too much to be part of the group that can keep reproducing. Just tell me how earth is ruined right now anyway. Realistically, we will get about 10 billion people in the end anyway, the increase in population is not one to keep going exponentially, as the world improves, people need and want less kids, just look at western countries, they don't really increase in population.

22 min later 5114269 Anonymous
>>5114261 If it doesn't exist, then I will build it.

22 min later 5114270 Anonymous
>>5114254 Criticism is how you take it. If hedging to make you feel better or to more easily ignore it makes you think it's "constructive" then GTFO.

23 min later 5114273 Anonymous
>>5114266 >>live out rest of their lives Doesn't sound like genocide to me.

27 min later 5114281 Anonymous
>>5114265 So, from that, can you give us a guess of what nations that will be or which ones certainly not? Also, would be quite a difference if the nations turn out to be china and india or belgium and Luxembourg. Nations would be a pretty shitty measure of who gets to reproduce due to the huge differences even in a nation. >>5114269 Where do you think to be allowed to do this without retaliation? I can't think of many countries that would allow you to do this, essentially it should be in one of the two chosen countries and they should be very much able to protect themselves. So you are going to have to limit quite well. >>5114273 You are making sure a large group and several races/cultures die out for this, it may not be totally killing them, but its a really, really fine line between them.

27 min later 5114282 Anonymous
>>5114268 You actually think people will want to have a choice regarding a 'God-given right', let alone a mature and intelligent conversation about global population control? No, this has to be forved.

27 min later 5114283 Anonymous
>>5114242 Already feasible. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0094576507000665

29 min later 5114287 Anonymous
>>5114282 What then grants you the right to make this decision for essentially everybody else in the world? Something tells me that you are by far not the most intelligent person in the world, certainly not the only rational thinker. What makes you allowed to decide that nearly all other humans (maybe you included) should never reproduce?

30 min later 5114292 Anonymous
>>5114283 Come get me once we reach 10k the speed of light, then I'll be interested.

32 min later 5114298 Anonymous
>>5114292 Do we need to reach 10k the speed of light for any particular reason?

33 min later 5114299 Anonymous
>>5114287 Because everyone else plays God all the time as they sit. That is until the shit hits the fan. Then they run off back to mommy and daddy for forgiveness. There are so many things in the world that can be solved if people just stopped being so human.

35 min later 5114304 Anonymous
>>5114273 International law disagrees with you. "Punishable Acts The following are genocidal acts when committed as part of a policy to destroy a group's existence: ... Prevention of births includes involuntary sterilization, forced abortion, prohibition of marriage, and long-term separation of men and women intended to prevent procreation." http://www.genocidewatch.org/genocide/whatisit.html

35 min later 5114305 Anonymous
>>5114298 I'm not waiting 5 years just to reach the nearest star. I want to be there in hours.

36 min later 5114306 Anonymous
>>5114299 >>as they see fit. Fixed.

37 min later 5114309 Anonymous
>>5114304 My death is a fact I'm confortable with.

37 min later 5114310 Anonymous
>>5114299 >Because everyone else plays God all the time as they sit. How so? >There are so many things in the world that can be solved if people just stopped being so human. I fail to see how sterilizing all but 28 million people would solve any problems, even if it were remotely feasible.

39 min later 5114316 Anonymous
>>5114299 So, because everybody else is an asshole until he is a pussy we somehow have to accept that you can be just an asshole without being a pussy (if that is even better). Maybe yes, certain things would be solved if people stopped caring about the human part of being human,but likely it would "solve" humanity as well. >>5114305 You are being quite optimistic with 5 years, it took 30+ years to get into interstellar space with our furthest away satellites, assume 1000+ years instead. Not that there is any reason to go to the next star first, plenty of space in our solar system as well. A moonbase could be less than a day away and house a good number of people. A mars base would be just a few years away taking the efficient route. Just packing earth a bit more intelligent would solve a lot.

40 min later 5114320 Anonymous
>Step 9: Humanity and Earth saved. >Earth yes >Humanity not so much...

40 min later 5114323 Anonymous
>>5114268 You're implying that our efforts to minimize our impact on the environment is effective.

40 min later 5114324 Anonymous
>>5114309 Then give the good example and remove yourself from the genepool already, maybe its you being the problem and not everybody else not thinking about what a glorious future it could be after we destroyed nearly every culture, family, race, nation, ...

44 min later 5114335 Anonymous
>>5114310 All that's being done is hitting the reset switch for humanity. Think about all those people who were using other people's money saying they don't need government.. Wall Street can handle itself, etc. And look what happened....

45 min later 5114338 Anonymous
>>5114323 Sure it is, we just are using more than we used to. If we are happy with the same as in the past, we would be using way less. Why do we even have to care minimizing our impact on the environment so much? If its to ensure that we can have a good life, well, turns out thats the thing that makes lowering our impact on the environment quite hard. In the end, you want us to lower our impact so that we can live on it, why not instead adapt either the environment or us to ensure we can survive and continue in it. We won't be able to destroy earth, we may be able to destroy humanity (through crazy ideas like yours that were thought up in 15 seconds). If your goal is to have a super race evolve, don't worry, it will. If life is in any way likely to exist, and it seems that on earth, even through all its problems, its likely to find a way, then a super race will always form, a race that is very good in its environment. Because thats what evolution is all about, fitting your environment.

45 min later 5114339 Anonymous
>>5114324 You imply people want variety. Protip: They don't.

47 min later 5114344 Anonymous
>>5114335 So the best thing to do is throw it all away, or at least 90% and start from scratch with no real way to ensure it will not happen again. I still want an answer on how you gonna make the virus or whatever self destruct if its the self destruct part that mutates by the way. If this is the best you can come up with, you simply suck and certainly lack a great understanding. What is the problem you are trying to tackle here anyway? overpopulation?

49 min later 5114348 Anonymous
>>5114339 If people didn't want variety, why would people ever travel? You may not want variety, but certainly there are plenty of people that do want it.

49 min later 5114349 Anonymous
>>5114324 You think I haven't tried? And then everyone is like "Everyone is special!" Fun Fact: If everyone is special then no one is.

53 min later 5114357 Anonymous
>>5114344 If all else fails, we release the vaccine to the primary form thst people don't think exist. The whole thing is going to crash in about 20 years or so. It can be done in a controlled matter with the best outcome for humanity, or it can be done in a un controlled manner.

53 min later 5114359 Anonymous
>>5114349 How does everybody being special equals nobody is special? They can simply all be special in another part, thus having a normal "base" and yet they can all be special. You are just some stupid retard that has an extremely limited understanding of pretty much everything, stitched a few batshit retarded things together and came up with the perfect solution to to what?

55 min later 5114364 Anonymous
>>5114348 I'm talking about things at a subconscious level. The only thing that has changed since the beginning is that we kludgy animals who ape our creator is that we've learned to use different 'leaves' other than the ones from the fig tree.

56 min later 5114365 Anonymous
>>5114357 Yeah, because all those crops that were made to be resistance to all kinds of pests so they could be soaked in pesticides so they would never get fucked didn't make it so within 5 or so years pesticides became resistant as well. You really expect some virus or whatever to never mutate enough to develop resistance to whatever vaccine you made? Especially when you are going to either release tons of this virus or make it spread extremely fast if you want to have an effect on the whole world.

57 min later 5114369 Anonymous
>>5114359 >> You are just some stupid retard that has an extremely limited understanding of pretty much everything, stitched a few batshit retarded things together The same can be said of all humanity

59 min later 5114372 Anonymous
>>5114364 There is are plenty of big problems with humans, you illustrated one of them perfectly. Its not because a person knows fuck at all about a subject, that they won't have an opinion on it, and usually the less they know about it, the stronger their opinion. I praise whatever I should praise that your stupid little plan is not going to be possible. At the very least not going to be executable by a person as stupid as you. You are simply an idiot talking about things he knows fuck at all about. AND FINALLY FUCKING TELL ME WHAT PROBLEM YOU ACTUALLY WANT TO SOLVE.

59 min later 5114376 Anonymous
>>5114365 Who said it was a virus? I only used the word,'pathogen'.

1 hours later 5114388 Anonymous
>>5114376 Its a fucking microorganism, if it reproduces, and it probably will have to to make your thing work, it will mutate somehow. Thus evolve, who cares whatever its called, virus, pathogen, fuck at all.

1 hours later 5114395 Anonymous
>>5114372 The constant excesses of people and almost total waste of humanity's potential. People always think they above the most fundamental like the laws of cause and effect. Always thinking you can have your cake and eat it too. We're full of holes and anybody who believes otherwise is ignorant of themselves or a liar. We humans have finally created a world that we ourselves ca no longer keep up with. The software has changed but the human hardware is still as Stone Age as ever.

1 hours later 5114396 Anonymous
>>5114335 >All that's being done is hitting the reset switch for humanity. Yeah, and trying to go back to Year Zero worked out real well for Cambodia, didn't it? Also, do note that describing humanity like a computer you can just reset with no lasting consequences makes you sound incredibly autistic. >Think about all those people who were using other people's money saying they don't need government.. Wall Street can handle itself, etc. And look what happened.... Gee, an economic downturn. During which we got 10-petaflop computers, graphene-enriched lithium-ion batteries, nanowire batteries, a functioning heart built from stem cells, a computer that can process natural language well to beat humans at Jeopardy, light diodes, the UCSB quantum CPU, and the eradication of rinderpest. All that was last year alone. Humanity is doing the best we ever have, and we become better off every single year. Trying to run screaming back into the stone age is idiocy.

1 hours later 5114407 Anonymous
>births going up past 2050 hahaha humans all dead due to massive birth rate drops in a few centuries. INFA 10000%

1 hours later 5114435 Anonymous

1 hours later 5114506 Anonymous
>>5114435 Let me get this straight. You're proposing genocide via sterilizing well over 99% of the human population. Because you believe this will result in workers being paid better. And that the resulting temporary depopulation of Earth, permanent loss of genetic diversity and tremendous amounts of information, and end to the current amazing rate of technological progress would be totally worthwhile to get workers paid more. Do you even /sci/? (PROTIP: workers everywhere work a fuck of a lot less for more money than they did in, oh, the 1950s. Yes, inflation-adjusted American wages have been stagnant for 30 years. In return, you get the best culture in the world, best security, and first access to pretty much all significant new technologies. Cry me a fucking river).

1 hours later 5114538 Anonymous
>>5114506 Read >>5114395 and >>5114364

1 hours later 5114574 Anonymous
>>5114506 28 million people is a lot of genetic diversity. People aren't all going to disappear at once, there's plenty of time to transfer all the information. Technological progress will become turbocharged with the lack of competition such as patent trolls.

1 hours later 5114580 Anonymous (evo psych bingo.jpg 800x666 95kB)
>>5114538 >The constant excesses of people Do you know any history? Any at all? Get this book. http://www.amazon.com/The-Better-Angels-Our-Nature/dp/0670022950 >and almost total waste of humanity's potential. Do you even... fucking anything? Try reading every article on phys.org every day for a week, if you're talking about technology. If you're not happy with current culture, you probably aren't exposed to much, because there's something for everyone. Including autists. >We humans have finally created a world that we ourselves ca no longer keep up with. Bull fucking shit. Maybe you can't keep up with it, skippy. Me, I'm taking a class on laparoscopy as an undergrad, and going to med school next year. >The software has changed but the human hardware is still as Stone Age as ever. So? Nothing in modern development is less suited to a hunter-gatherer mindset than the development of agriculture, cities, and division of labor was, and those worked out pretty well for us. >People subconsciously don't want variety. lolno. Much the reverse. Look into sexual selection and the MHC complex, for example. >The only thing that has changed since the beginning is that we kludgy animals who ape our creator is that we've learned to use different 'leaves' other than the ones from the fig tree. lolno. Try telling a Hadza or Huao that city people are just like them, and they'll laugh their asses off. I think you literally can't imagine how different our lives are from those of our ancestors. Take an anthropology class.

2 hours later 5114650 Anonymous
>>5114580 I'll remember that when everything comes crashing down in 20 odd years and you're running around like a chicken with its head cut off.

2 hours later 5114658 Anonymous
>>5114580 All of your comments reglect that you only see yhe world through your own tiny lens.

2 hours later 5114661 Anonymous (1336704336202.png 355x362 261kB)
>mfw every single "future prediction" graph shows the best times as RIGHT NOW and then an immediate nosedive >mfw this has been happening for decades

2 hours later 5114664 Anonymous
>>5114658 >>reflect >>the

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