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2013-12-20 11:56 9958626 Any robots left the western world? (tumblr_mcqd89BzWG1qdabzno1_1280.png 700x623 65kB)
I'm a 26 year old male virgin. I run a website that makes $2000-2500 per month - poverty level in the good old USA. I've got $6000 in savings. My life in the US is awful. I look in the mirror and see a normal guy, but to everyone else I'm a social leper who isn't worth the time of day. My last girlfriend was in 9th grade, and that's not for a lack of trying. I repel everyone and I don't know why. I want to try living in other parts of the world, particularly places where $2000 USD per month goes a long way and American men are sought by the local women. Any other bro-bots left the USA for greener pastures? Any recommendations? Right now I'm thinking Thailand or Philippines.

1 min later 9958634 Anonymous
get a real job you fucking looser. you don't need to work 24/7 on that website

2 min later 9958639 Anonymous
>>9958626 Currently stuck here too, but Thailand and Philippines sound ideal. You can live like a kind with that amount of money, there are tons of decent women that will do anything just to escape poverty and the women generally follow the old fashioned sexist roles. You could easily get a loyal and loving wife.

4 min later 9958650 Any robots left the western world?
>>9958634 Doing what? I've got no skills or training. I've been self-employed since 18 years old operating web businesses. I used to have $50k in the bank but I spent a lot of failed start-ups / projects. As if getting a job is the answer to my happiness, spending what's left of my youth toiling 40hrs/week for a pittance. Fuck that.

8 min later 9958669 Anonymous
what kind of website anon?

14 min later 9958689 Any robots left the western world?
>>9958669 It's a hip-hop blog, I make money off ads and promoting up-and-coming artists music. Not very exciting but it pays the bills.

16 min later 9958696 Any robots left the western world?
>>9958639 It sucks to think the only women who'd want me are living hand-to-mouth in shit countries. But if that's what it takes then so be it.

18 min later 9958700 Anonymous
>>9958626 Live here in La Paz, b.c.s in mexico Theres sun, its not a big city but still urban, I guess if you're a gringo then you should stand out, with 2000 dollars a month that would put you a long way here, rent for a 2 bedroom small house is about maybe 200$ a month, foods cheap, tacos are great, dollars will get you a long way here

19 min later 9958703 Anonymous
>>9958689 >tfw I hardly make half as much money guarding a multimillion dollar flight simulator used to train fighter pilots and bombers 40 hours a week

21 min later 9958718 Any robots left the western world?
>>9958700 I'm interested. Is there any drug/gang activity? How safe is it for a white person there? What are the local women like?

22 min later 9958721 Anonymous
>>9958626 south America 30k gets you a giant off the grid house on the beach with a airstrip

23 min later 9958725 Anonymous
>>9958689 >hip-hop blog dude being knowledgeable about music can totally get you laid. also link your blog pls, I want to see it because /mu/

24 min later 9958728 Any robots left the western world?
>>9958721 What country(s) specifically? I've always been attracted to latina / portuguese women so that's alraedy a plus.

26 min later 9958734 Anonymous
>>9958728 costa rica is good super poor government to leave you alone and lots of coast line set up a small farm for yourself and your golden hell with your web income you can pay people to work on your farm

28 min later 9958742 Anonymous
>>9958728 But don't you think cultural disparity will impede your efforts to relate to other people? If you feel ostracized in your country, what makes you think you'll survive in a foreign land where you don't know anybody? Reconsider your options with more focus; understand every possible corollary of them.

28 min later 9958743 Anonymous
>>9958626 2000 a month for sitting on the pc all day? Nigga in greece you work 12 hours a day for 400 dollars a month and you don't even get insurance.

32 min later 9958755 Anonymous
>>9958718 Not really any gangs, just edgy teenagers, drugs well the usual weed, coke, not hard to find but as it name says it (La Paz) it means peace in spanish, it is the lowest homocide city in mexico, the safest as I would say, white people usual come for vacation or go to Cabo, id say they are pretty well looked here , so yeah its safe for everyone. The mexican women, well not very sure what to say, they come in all size and colors, but them bitches love fuckers who talk english or are ''foreign''

32 min later 9958756 Anonymous
>>9958743 And then you retire at 35 and your government steals all the money from all the other countries so you're able to.

35 min later 9958767 Any robots left the western world?
>>9958743 I don't even have to sit on the PC all day lol it's only about 5hrs of work per week. I spend my days watching documentaries, anime, and porn.

39 min later 9958773 Any robots left the western world?
>>9958742 It's gotten to the point where ANY place would be better than where I am. It's expensive, I have 1 friend who I see once every 2 months, family I rarely see. I know there will be language barriers in some cases. I am willing to learn new languages if I can see a future in one of these places.

40 min later 9958777 Anonymous
>>9958767 Another advice, do not go to the Philippines expecting decent, chaste, and non-gold digging whores will come flocking to you.

40 min later 9958778 Anonymous
>>9958767 >5hrs a week just get another job man, thatll help your financial woes and your social situation

40 min later 9958781 Anonymous
South East Asia is pretty welcoming for foreigners. Living is extremely cheap, so the equivalent of $2000 will go a long way.

42 min later 9958790 Any robots left the western world?
>>9958777 Well I'm a virgin, I welcome any sort of female attention. Fucking a gold-digger sounds like bliss to me... I'll just see them casually until I find wife material.

44 min later 9958797 Any robots left the western world?
>>9958778 I worked a job at 18 and I've done everything in my power to free myself from having to work for someone else ever since. Pissing 40hrs a week of my youth down the toilet? You're fucking crazy if you think that'll bring me any happiness whatsoever.

45 min later 9958798 Anonymous
in my opinion you should really just consider as I said living here in mexico b.c.s (its below california) here in La Paz as I said well, pretty much summer all year long, not much cold , I guess people are heartwarming, safest city in mexico, you could seriuosly get a girl unless you're butt ugly, but in any case its all good here in the baja ;)

45 min later 9958800 Anonymous
>>9958742 If he feels ostracized in his own country he has no reason not to go. The worst thing that can happen is he experiences more of the same, but in a country where he's rich.

46 min later 9958801 Any robots left the western world?
>>9958781 Yep that's why it tops the list. But all I have to go on for living expenses are hearsay and unreliable websites.

47 min later 9958807 Any robots left the western world?
>>9958798 I'm definitely gonna look into it. Where could I find places to rent online? airbnb.com?

49 min later 9958813 Anonymous
>>9958797 so wait. you're telling me you'd rather move to some shitty 3rd world country than just have a job... and im crazy? alright bro

49 min later 9958815 Anonymous
>>9958801 For instance in Thailand taxis are so cheap, that you might as well not bother with public transport. A good meal will be less than $5, probably as little as $2 in many cases. And this is freshly made, good shit, not fast food. Rent can be dirt cheap as well. Check out this website to get a feel. http://th.easyroommate.com/

51 min later 9958824 Anonymous
>>9958807 http://rentar-casa.vivanuncios.com. mx/rentar-departamento+la-paz-baja- california idk if this seems cheap to you take in mind that a dollar is about 13 pesos. an apartment with normal shit is about 2000 pesos a month, sometimes cheaper

51 min later 9958827 Anonymous
Hey OP, I'm in a semi-similar situation. Work full time as a software developer but make an extra $800-1100 a month selling regulation compliance software for my industry. It's very boring but hoping to get it making consistant income (the big issue) by next Summer then I'm heading off somewhere. I think I could probably make up the loss with freelancing. I'll still be working 40 hours a week but I'd have the evenings and weekends. I'm thinking China, one of the larger cities away from the heavy industry. It's safe, friendly, cheap as you want, western goods available and friendly women. Brazil looks like another great place. If you have freedom of location and can control your time, you can get /fit/, go out and meet girls, generally improve yourself easily.

52 min later 9958828 Anonymous (screamsinternally.png 762x948 606kB)
>>9958626 >$2000-2500 per month >running a blog >from home >tfw I could live like a fucking king with that kind of money

52 min later 9958829 Anonymous
>>9958767 >it's only about 5hrs of work per week You got 35hrs+ more a week than the average joe, nearly twice that if you factor in being single with no wife or children that requires time, and you say you're poor? Fucker, you're RICH, a goddamn millionaire in something worth much more than money - TIME. Something you only get so much of before it runs out, before you die. You don't need to move to another country, it wouldn't solve your problem, it would just follow you, which is your inability to manage and exploit your abundance of free time. Hit the gym, read biographies, take evening classes, learn martial arts, study a language (human or programming), go hiking, learn to cook, grow your own spices, volunteer, join some club related to your interests, whatever. There is a shitload you can do that most cannot, things that cost nothing or very little. TLDR: You're rich bitch

53 min later 9958834 Anonymous
>>9958800 Well put. I'd recommend Mexico OP. That way if shit goes south you can always just come back to the USA. Plus mexican chicks are hot and the age of consent is like 14.

53 min later 9958836 Any robots left the western world?
>>9958813 I've got no skills and self-employment looks like shit on a resume. The best job I'd be able to get is in a warehouse, rubbing elbows with immigrants and felons. That's hell on earth to me.

54 min later 9958840 Anonymous
>>9958813 >>9958828 >>9958829 what these guys said. OP, you need to just grow up and shake that self pity.

57 min later 9958852 Any robots left the western world?
>>9958828 Yeah I know it's great money if you're in the right place. That's why I made this post, where I live I have little to no money left over for savings / leisure.

57 min later 9958854 Anonymous
>>9958827 don't do this. if you think chinese people are superior to what you are dealing with now and their women are nice you are wrong. they are racist as fuck and you are goin to have a very tough time meeting people.

58 min later 9958858 Anonymous
>>9958834 age of consent is 18, mexico isnt a third world country scum anymore. but yeah hell it's a great option tacos are deliciuos

59 min later 9958864 Anonymous
>>9958854 So Brazil then? I've also thought about Bulgaria, nice people, hiking, good culture, good internet, hot women.

1 hours later 9958868 Any robots left the western world?
>>9958840 Does time/money matter when you're cripplingly lonely and on the verge of an hero? I'm not saying I'm gonna move to a country and live there til I'm 80. I just need to shake things up.

1 hours later 9958877 Anonymous
>>9958868 Yes. You have the time and money to start eating healthy (fruits/veg/meat) which in every study ever has massivly improved depression. You can also join social clubs (sports/dildo collecting/comedy clubs) and fit your schedule around them. I'd recommend doing those two.

1 hours later 9958880 Anonymous
>>9958852 I live in Poland, and I don't think even my ex-classmate who now works an office job in the fucking parliament makes that much. Definitely not per hour.

1 hours later 9958888 Anonymous
You're a filthy leech OP, you contribute nothing to society besides your retarded nigger-music blog. get a job bum

1 hours later 9958894 Anonymous
>>9958813 As opposed to a shitty 1st world country?

1 hours later 9958938 Anonymous
I escaped Australia and have loved almost every day since I left. I live in Taiwan, it is definitely worth considering. I think it is a lot better than the Philippines, but I would advise you to do some research before deciding.

2 hours later 9959364 Anonymous
>>9958797 Cuz your current situation has you so happy, that you want to move to a foreign country to get away from your situation, right?

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