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2013-03-10 02:23 6005686 Anonymous (tumblr_mcyaiu7EGj1rkqyeko1_500.jpg 500x333 116kB)
Have your parents ever caught you with drugs when you were living with them? My parents caught me smoking weed when I was 16. My mom was mad as hell but my dad was okay with it.

1 min later 6005697 Anonymous
My grandma caught me smoking all the time and I'm sure my aunt could smell it, they hated. My mom was cool with it but preferred I did it when my younger siblings weren't around

2 min later 6005723 Anonymous
no but once I found my dads pill stash in his office

3 min later 6005727 Anonymous
My parents caught me robotripping one time. I took like 750 mg of DXM and stripped myself to my underwear. They were out browsing for houses when they walked in and found me in my underwear standing on the back of a couch with a towel wrapped around my head in a turban defending Jerusalem from infidels.

3 min later 6005736 Anonymous
Didn't get into drugs until I moved out. Dad caught me drinking his vodka though. And responded by joining me.

6 min later 6005768 Anonymous
>>6005723 >tfw I found dad's oxy pills from a year ago when he had kidney stones

7 min later 6005794 Anonymous (Now_this_is_podracing.jpg 500x329 31kB)
>that one kid who sold desoxyn as "new adderall" holy fuck

9 min later 6005821 Anonymous
>>6005794 >desoxyn isn't that shit legal meth? damn. getting a desoxyn script would be like the holy grail.

12 min later 6005855 Anonymous
anyone notice how weed would be cheap as shit in black school and how prescription pills would be cheaper in white schools? why is that?

16 min later 6005901 Anonymous
parents found my stash once, got kicked out for 2 weeks

16 min later 6005903 Anonymous
No, I'm their perfect child. I get shit for so much as even cursing. Never would they suspect me of growing weed with a botany student. They did catch my brother with crack in his pocket though. He said was holding it for a friend and I guess got away easy. They were sooooo disappointed though.

17 min later 6005912 Anonymous
>Caught me smoking weed, >drinking their alcohol, >taking benzos worst time of my life until they accepted smoking weed

17 min later 6005921 Anonymous
>>6005855 I don't know but I've noticed (white guy) I could pretty much get anything prescribed by my doc just by telling him I had X symptoms. >tfw you find out the hard way you're allergic to Adderall

18 min later 6005934 Anonymous
>>6005855 Prescription pills are fucking obvious dude. Either mommy and daddy have extra xanax or mommy and daddy pay for the kid's psych to get xanax Weed is just cause black people are more likely to deal/grow so there's a surplus

21 min later 6005963 Anonymous
My dad found my LSD blotters and bitched me out for it. When I tried to steal them back from his desk, I noticed half of them missing (strip of 8)

23 min later 6005987 Anonymous
>>6005727 I wish my DXM trip was like that. I took like two 8 oz. bottles full of the shit, and I got slightly goofy and lightheaded for about 30 minutes or so. I was severely disappointed.

23 min later 6005992 Anonymous
They haven't found out yet. Luckily, I discovered my parents' pot stash when I was raiding my mom's makeup drawer one day, so I'll be able to immediately call them hypocrites if they do.

25 min later 6006011 Anonymous (1360357139742.jpg 418x480 36kB)
>mfw my parents would buy me alcohol since i was 15 >mfw they would kick me out if they found out i smoked weed

26 min later 6006016 Anonymous
>>6005987 Make sure taking shit that only has DXM as the active ingredient. http://dxm.darkridge.com/calc.html

27 min later 6006031 Anonymous
>>6005855 A lot of white people seem to have this idea that weed is the devil, but becoming addicted to and abusing pain pills is okay because it comes from the pharmacy.

29 min later 6006057 Anonymous
>>6006016 Yeah, it was DXM and nothing else. To be fair, I did sort of space out the bottles a bit thinking one was going to be enough, and I ate something beforehand not thinking. I did use a calculator and everything though, the dosage I took should have been more than enough to make trip hard. Oh well! I'll try it again one of these days. Not like it's hard to walk down to the store and buy some.

34 min later 6006108 Anonymous
>>6005727 I really wish I could stomach DXM, but whenever I chug a bottle I have projectile vomiting (not kidding, like a range of 2 metres) And therefore most of the drug gets lost.

38 min later 6006148 Anonymous
>>6006108 There's some good stuff you can get at Walgreens that has a pretty okay flavoring and has DXM only. That might help ya a bit.

41 min later 6006194 Anonymous
>>6006148 I was chugging that CVS daytime orange shit.

44 min later 6006236 Anonymous
>>6006194 You might be drinking shit that has active ingredients other than DXM. There's one or two ingredients in particular (can't remember the names) that DO make you throw up.

45 min later 6006242 Anonymous
My mother was born in '57 and lived in the 80's as a young adult. I'm sure she did drugs at some point. She said that if I was going to do drugs, to make sure I get them from a reputable source.

46 min later 6006248 Anonymous
>>6006236 No, it was only DXM. And wow, do they actually put in stuff that makes your throw up and could potentially kill you so people wouldn't "abuse" it?

46 min later 6006253 Anonymous
My parents caught me with Hydro. It was legally prescribed and they didn't give a fuck.

48 min later 6006284 Anonymous
They caught me with alcohol once when I was 17. My dad asked me to go to the grocery store while I was robo-tripping one day and I had to tell him what was up. I smoke weed in the house all the time but the worst I get is a minor lecture.

49 min later 6006289 Anonymous
guys I just drank 7/8 of a dxm syrup that contains: guaifenesin: 200mg/15ml DXM proper: 20mg/15ml will it work? will I die?

50 min later 6006301 Anonymous
>>6006289 You'd throw up because of the guaifenesin

51 min later 6006315 Anonymous
>>6006301 how much? will i trip still?

51 min later 6006327 Anonymous
They have seen me high on weed but I don't think they even noticed. Just appear chatty or smiling. They have their suspicions. They've seen me tripping on 2nd/3rd plateau of DXM on two or three occasions. They were more than aware because my eyes were goofy as hell. Seen me on MXE when I was deep in a hole. That wasn't pretty. "Wait there's... nothing... wrong with... me... I... am fine, honestly!" I walk down the hallway and bump into walls. Then I just give my dad a big hug and tell him I love him. God I was pretty messed up; basically no memory of what happened, only snapshots. About a year ago they basically thought I was "on something" all the time. That was a sad time. Haha, and one time I was so desperate to get fucked up a I drank rubbing alcohol. Never do that kids. I was hungover for an entire day after poisoning myself with a small juice glass of that shit. Dumbest thing I've ever done, bar none.

53 min later 6006338 Anonymous
I smoke weed, my parents smoke weed and do harder drugs. They didn't care.

53 min later 6006339 Anonymous
>>6006315 You need about 500mg of DXM to trip balls that makes about 5g of guaifenesin OD is ~2.5g

54 min later 6006353 Anonymous
>>6006339 will i OD or just throw up?

56 min later 6006370 Anonymous
>>6006353 OD Also you never want to throw up when doing DXM because by doing that you remove the DXM from your system

59 min later 6006427 Anonymous
>>6006248 Well, it's supposed to be other stuff to help you with coughs, but wouldn't surprise me if that was an intentional side effect.

1 hours later 6006434 Anonymous
>>6006353 brace yourself for that OD feel >fucked up >headed through hospital >things are going on but you can't be fucked with them because your shit is in mortal danger your body can be a strange thing, sometimes.

1 hours later 6006467 Anonymous
>>6006434 >>6006370 you guys are fucking me up what do i do now?

1 hours later 6006487 Anonymous
>>6006467 Get DXM only product Preferrably gelcaps, syrup is fucking nasty

1 hours later 6006508 Anonymous
>>6006487 You don't understand. I've alredy taken guaifenesin based product

1 hours later 6006514 Anonymous
>>6006467 I wouldn't worry about it, only one of three things could happen. 1) nothing happens 2) it kills you 3) you overdose and wake up in the hospital but don't remember much of it because you were so fucked up Honestly, it isn't that complicated.

1 hours later 6006519 Anonymous
>>6006508 How many milligrams of guaifenesin nigga

1 hours later 6006530 Anonymous
>>6006519 approx 100mL of product specified on >>6006289

1 hours later 6006540 Anonymous
>>6006530 >not reading >>6006514 >2013

1 hours later 6006541 Anonymous
>>6006508 You may want to call poison control or otherwise go to the hospital. DXM isn't illegal federally/in most states. You probably should have researched this a bit more before you trounced on down to your local pharmacy and decided to down two bottles of whatever you could pull off of the shelf. Any DXM resource will tell you to avoid cough syrup with anything other than DXM in it, as well as the amount of DXM you need to achieve whatever plateau you desire.

1 hours later 6006557 Anonymous
>>6006530 Total? You better fucking heave nigga and call poison control

1 hours later 6006562 Anonymous
>be 16 >parents didnt know i smoked or anything >one day cop calls them "your son is on acid" >I got arrested, luckily no record >grounded for a year

1 hours later 6006577 Anonymous
>>6006530 The LD50 of guaifenesin for rats is 1510 mg/kg. It's the acetaminophen you need to watch out for. this information was quickly gathered over google. you are a moron.

1 hours later 6006620 Anonymous
>>6006577 excellent. I weigh 75kg. No acetaminophen. Will I trip? >>6006541 No poison control in Brazil

2 hours later 6008004 Anonymous
>>6006620 Fuck no, that's not even first plateau

2 hours later 6008177 Anonymous
Grandparents out of town Friend's birthday party is soon Decide to have party at my grandparents house because they are out of town >facepalm.jpeg Have party at grandparents house Uncle comes over to do i don't know what but he takes a look around There are people there and alchoholic drinks around >well this isn't good.jpeg basically I end up moving out of my grandparents house move to cousins house, he is also stoner, we hung out and played vidya a lot while stoned never get caught after this point. >everything worked out okay.

2 hours later 6008187 Anonymous
smoked some weed in the basement thought my father went to bed. didn't think smoke was going to go upstairs since i had window open. dad thought the house was on fire since it didn't smell like weed.

3 hours later 6008300 Anonymous
me and my mom have tripped acid together multiple times, also cocaine I smoke weed everyday with her because I'm a loser who still lives with my mom I drink with my dad a lot, he doesn't really take any other drugs

3 hours later 6008328 Anonymous (1362375389026.jpg 209x211 15kB)
> Be 17. > Sitting in my room, insanely high on heroin > Decide one last dose for the night > Prep my needle, tie off, everything > Hold needle to vein, get ready to shoot... > Mom walks in. > "ANON WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT HEROIN YOURE GOING TO REHAB WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU, ect, ect" It was bad.

5 hours later 6010131 Anonymous
The opposite occurred: I found my dad's weed once. Many laughs were had, no fucks were given on either side.

5 hours later 6010178 Anonymous
When I was 15 they caught me with weed and were very angry. When I was 17 they paid to get me a doctor's recommendation to smoke weed. When I was 17 they also found ketamine, oxycodone and oxymorphone in my room.

5 hours later 6010190 Anonymous
>high on some form of drugs, I think it was a mix of weed, oxy, and a balloon of nitrous >every sensation feels amazing >my shirt feels amazing >the couch feels amazing >...HERE KITTY KITTY >cat sees me and bolts, for good reason >run after him >forget that the hallway ends and crashed right into the wall >dad comes out of his room >"Anon what the fuck are you doing." >"Uh, n-nothing, just messing around", I said, but it probably came out garbled. >he shakes his head and goes back to bed >HE KNOWS but never brought it up again

5 hours later 6010215 Anonymous
>>6006339 2.5 grams is not a fatal overdose of guaf. I've taken 6.5 grams of it before and not even had nausea. The very worst thing it will do is make him vomit for a few hours.

6 hours later 6010239 Anonymous
>>6008328 shit man, i can't imagine anything worse. If my mother saw that, i'm pretty sure she would have fucking died of a heart attack on the spot

6 hours later 6010276 Anonymous
> be 16 > snort a lot of meth in the morning at school > "Christ, my breath reeks!" > Come home, breath still reeks > brush teeth, still smells > eat garlic bread > talk more than usual (meth made me talkative) > "anon, your breath smells weird" > "it's just the garlic bread, mom" Another time: > be 17 > smoke some weed in the back of the school bus > come home, smoke more weed > go on youtube, search for "Dark Side of the Rainbow" > eyes are red > make myself 5 toasted ham sandwiches > Get to "The Great Gig in the Sky" segment > cry a little > mom comes home with groceries > friend from school sees me and knows what's up > mom looks at me > I play it off as "I sneezed a lot" Yeah.

6 hours later 6010287 IMG
>be last weekend >I had to move back with my folks a couple months ago >be aunts 60th birthday party >youngest male cousin >older cousins get me piss drunk & stoned >tfw mom's disapproving stare >idgaf

6 hours later 6010359 Anonymous
>>6010276 I should mention that only my brother ever got caught. Of course, he huffed and was sloppier than I in hiding it.

6 hours later 6010401 Anonymous
>>6010276 >(meth made me talkative) No shit.

6 hours later 6010599 Anonymous (1360763934308.jpg 538x627 82kB)
>>6005727 >they walked in and found me in my underwear standing on the back of a couch with a towel wrapped around my head in a turban defending Jerusalem from infidels.

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