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2019-08-20 11:52 54003907 Anonymous (npc-meme.jpg 370x391 10kB)
When and why did the NPC meme die out?

11 min later 54003967 Anonymous
Replaced by the raging angry crying extended-mouth newsoyboywojak

14 min later 54003988 Anonymous
Because it's another lazy garbage edit of a lazy garbage meme (wojak).

29 min later 54004071 Anonymous
Because it was a psyop designed to try and make you dehumanise other people you think are dumber than you or you did not agree with. There are a lot of shills on 4chan who are actively trying to make you a worse person so you can be controlled easier, and the way to overcome that is to put love above all else.

31 min later 54004087 Anonymous
>>54004071 >dehumanise shoo, shoo, back to r*ddit

48 min later 54004207 Anonymous
>>54003907 Because its another garbage edit meme just like Clown world. literally only children and retards like this shit, Does anyone even try to make OG anymore. It seem like everyone left here is a mindless fuck playing follow the leader. Literally any shill who edits a existing meme Jpeg for 5 minutes and spams it for 72 hours can have there creation go viral.

58 min later 54004283 Anonymous
>>54003907 soicuccs like this fag: >>54004071 had it banned by reporting it.

1 hours later 54004526 Anonymous
>>54003907 It was shit to begin with so only normies and redditors used it. >>54004071 I don't think that's the reason it died but I agree that dehumanization is a symptom of memes like this such as zoomer, boomer, soi, etc. If you're going to look at it that way though I'm sure a case could made for 'normie' being dehumanizing in the way we use it.

2 hours later 54005051 Anonymous
>>54003907 Ehhh it's just a subsidiary of wojak. It's still around just not was widely used

2 hours later 54005066 Anonymous
Because it was used as an ad hominem for literally anything.

2 hours later 54005126 Anonymous
the twitter NPC raid was pretty funny though, for 2 or 3 days it was complete fucking chaos

2 hours later 54005127 Anonymous
>>54004071 Ya, you need to to back to /b/eddit

2 hours later 54005133 Anonymous (1559178771333.jpg 1024x673 50kB)
>>54004071 based and empathypilled

2 hours later 54005159 Anonymous
>>54003907 too snowflake of a meme

2 hours later 54005166 Anonymous
Everyone who used it was the "npc" they thought they were criticizing

2 hours later 54005200 Anonymous
>>54003907 hipster meme for hipsters

2 hours later 54005237 Anonymous
>>54003907 Everyone learned to be a decent human being.

2 hours later 54005249 Anonymous
>NPC >on an anonymous board >that had episodes where they persecuted tripfags for having any individuality sorta counterproductive don't ya think?

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