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2019-05-15 02:19 52423409 Anonymous (2094558124.jpg 1200x630 70kB)
I find it funny that the only one that could own Ben was a fellow conservative. No Liberal has and probably never will be able to own him for obvious reasons

2 min later 52423440 Anonymous
>>52423409 Where and when was this? Over what?

5 min later 52423490 Anonymous (ae983dd69a1157ab7f7342a6037b38f10d652402_full.jpg 200x200 9kB)
>>52423409 OKAY THIS IS EPIC XDDDD anon

6 min later 52423505 Anonymous
>>52423440 Even Ben himself admitted to being owned https://twitter.com/benshapiro/stat us/1126894051456774144

6 min later 52423507 •-•
Too bad he just pussied out and quit the interview. I thought he went all manlet rage on him.

7 min later 52423515 Anonymous
>>52423490 It's true though, no leftist has won over him in a debate

36 min later 52423786 Anonymous (ben shapiro343.jpg 949x842 95kB)
>>52423505 He didn't get "owned" he got embarassed because he approached a fucking interview like a debate. You can tell the dude is just reading off of a list of shit he has to ask. Ben needs to stop being so combating and actually learn to discuss his opinions. Not everything is about DECIMATING your opponent with FACTS and LOGIC.

37 min later 52423800 Anonymous
>>52423409 I hate how yanks misuse the term liberal.

41 min later 52423832 Anonymous (intellectual dark web3.jpg 1199x473 119kB)
Guess Ben failed his Intellectual Darkweb audition.

41 min later 52423834 Anonymous
>>52423800 In America, you're a liberal even if you're not. I can't even count how many times I've been called a liberal just because I'm not white.

42 min later 52423853 Anonymous (prager u -20349023.png 1920x1080 824kB)
>>52423800 That's what happens when you have no real "left." However it's gotten so bad that even PragerU has been trying to get the mutts to use the proper terminology.

43 min later 52423861 Anonymous (19ECC685-094B-46BE-A283-73F023F65FFC.jpg 1125x1103 193kB)
>>52423515 >are ya winning son >debate It was literally a fucking interview, shapiro is to retarded to literally anwser questions without sperging out. Shapiro only ever "wins" debates because he uses power phrases and (biased) statistics that make it seem that he always above everyone else, but he is dumb. Besides, he only talks to americans, its easy to look smart next to one

43 min later 52423864 Anonymous
>>52423409 Go back to pol, retard Origano

43 min later 52423866 Anonymous
because he won't debate anyone other than college students

47 min later 52423918 Anonymous
>>52423832 >any of those people >intellectual What the fuck is wrong with this timeline

48 min later 52423920 Anonymous
>>52423515 what leftist has actually debated him? other than dumb college kids

48 min later 52423924 Anonymous
>>52423866 >because he won't debate anyone other than college students Wym, he's challenged tons of mainstream leftists like AOC. She even said it was sexist for him to challenge her on a debate. He's also been to Politicon and he's debated Yang

49 min later 52423932 Anonymous
>>52423515 Can you point to a serious leftist that he has actually debated?

49 min later 52423936 Anonymous
>>52423920 Leftists always dodge my dude, but Cenk is the biggest lefty that I can think of that he's debated

50 min later 52423939 Anonymous (ben shapiro aoc3.jpg 480x551 34kB)
>>52423924 AOC is a liberal, not a leftist. Also debating that sophist is waste of time.

51 min later 52423951 Anonymous
>>52423932 >Can you point to a serious leftist that he has actually debated? Again most leftists doge. People that are left leaning after they've gone through college knows that their arguments won't hold up in debates and just straight up refuse them so college kids is pretty much the only leftists that don't dodge Also see >>52423936 and >>52423924

52 min later 52423968 Anonymous
>>52423939 >AOC is a liberal, not a leftist. Also debating that sophist is waste of time. Are legit socialists not counted as leftists now? Come on anon, she's clearly a leftist

52 min later 52423976 Anonymous
>>52423951 >calls leftists stupid >can't even spell properly The absolute state of the right.

54 min later 52423993 Anonymous
>>52423409 is ben shapiro alt right?

55 min later 52424003 Anonymous (ben shapiro342.jpg 1024x532 78kB)
>>52423993 Only with respect to Israel.

56 min later 52424008 Anonymous
>>52423976 I'm not a native English speaker anon

57 min later 52424023 Anonymous
Reminder that Ben believes that jewishness is determined by one's support for Israel and that American religious jews who do not support Israel 100% aren't real jews like him.

58 min later 52424038 Anonymous
>>52423993 No just a zionist

59 min later 52424052 Anonymous
>>52423409 Yeah that happens when you only debate 19yr old college students.

1 hours later 52424055 Anonymous
>>52424023 Well yeah, I don't belive Catholics who don't support the Vatican are real Catholics either

1 hours later 52424083 Anonymous (israel america34.jpg 1423x1471 386kB)
>>52424055 Israel isn't a religious body. It's a state that has only existed for around 70 years.

1 hours later 52424112 Anonymous (1541822510943.png 652x652 328kB)
I find European academics and politics significantly more mature and intelligent on both the left and the right compared to their US counterparts, especially the UK. >>52423968 she is a social democrat, not a socialist. she's only a radical leftist in the American worldview. the problem is both liberals and republicans in the US conflating social welfare and redistributism with socialism, she literally said once one can be both a socialist and a capitalist which is an absurdity.

1 hours later 52424119 Anonymous
>>52424083 The Vatican has also only existed for around 70 years, but if want to ruin their independence you're not a real Catholic. Also wym, so the promised land in Judaism has nothing to do with the religion lmao

1 hours later 52424123 Anonymous
>>52423924 AOC isn't a academic she's a congresswoman. people don't challenge ted cruz to a debate u dipshit he's had tons of prominent socialists challenge him to a debate and he's never accepted

1 hours later 52424126 Anonymous
>>52424112 >she is a social democrat, not a socialist. she's only a radical leftist in the American worldview. "Ocasio-Cortez is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America." Nah, she's a socialist

1 hours later 52424133 Anonymous
>>52424119 The vatican is literally just a place where a church has its HQ. It's not comparable to Israel, which is an ahistorical abomination made by western european ethnonationalists.

1 hours later 52424152 Anonymous
>>52424133 Israel is the most holy place for Jews

1 hours later 52424168 Anonymous (1454531586349.jpg 339x318 31kB)
>>52423786 I knew it would catch up to the guy. He needs to take a page from Peterson, Ruben and Carolla and learn to just to answer questions and if they are loaded to call that out and answer them anyway. Peterson actually gets debated by interviewers all the damn time but he never engages it like that, he treats it like they are trying to have a conversation and due to that comes off looking like he is the smartest guy in the room even when he isn't.

1 hours later 52424175 Anonymous
>>52423409 >muh dark ages >muh green new deal >muh poor hajij A british accent isn't intelligence you moron. And shapiro is a dirty kike

1 hours later 52424185 Anonymous
>>52424152 >Israel contains the most holy places for Jews FTFY. Also true for Christians and even Muslims to a certain extent.

1 hours later 52424200 Anonymous
>>52423409 >ben's greatest tactic is calling his opposition left wing and then storming off >this doesnt work on conservatives because they arent left wing pottery

1 hours later 52424201 Anonymous
>>52424126 >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=es LJRHU-GvA though maybe she is a genuine socialist but based on her rhetoric she seems to be in favour of achieving socialism in the very long term

1 hours later 52424222 Anonymous
>>52424201 My point was you can call her a socialist even though that term is misused because she's a fucking member of the Democratic Socialists of America.

1 hours later 52424226 Anonymous
>>52424119 no the vatican is an extension of the papal state which was an established state for hundreds of years

1 hours later 52424244 Anonymous
>>52424226 The papal states didn't exist after 1870 and the Vatican City State was founded in the 1920s

1 hours later 52424292 Anonymous
>>52423409 So is that America interviews are more prepped? less? I'm lost how this happen when people like Jordan Peterson and Sam Harris go into great account that they got seriously one on one with their said interviewers before the camera rolled when they were in the UK.

1 hours later 52424296 Anonymous
>>52423853 >Oswald Jordan or whatever his fucking name is I hate this guy. Not only is he unfunny but he's fucking stupid. I heard him try to compare calling black people niggers to calling followers of Jesus "Christians"

1 hours later 52424303 Anonymous
>>52424244 yes but that was after the issues of the Risorgimento, it's still an extension of the historical state even if it did have a brief period of non existence

1 hours later 52424342 Anonymous
>>52424292 When Peterson and others talk about those interviewers it was the stark contrast that before the camera rolls they are very nice and polite but when it's time to do the piece they become (usually) very aggressive and hard hitting in a way you are no use too. America tends to be a bit more "sincere" so they don't do nice small talk with you if they are planning to dress you down. I'm uncertain if Ben has ever talk to reporters out of country but it could explain why he went so sour during the interview was he was given one "face" before it started and then received another. or he just went full retard

1 hours later 52424356 Anonymous
>>52423409 The only liberal he debate are college students

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