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2012-10-07 01:36 4009516 Anonymous (BEANS.jpg 640x478 117kB)
Sup R9K, question, do any of you guys have any strange habits going about day to day activities? For me, eat dinner in a bowl, each dish separately, usually over the course of several hours. It will always go fruits and veg - potatoes - meat - sweet (yoghurt usually) Pic related, the beans from the roast dinner I cooked.

2 min later 4009532 Anonymous
>>4009516 They look absolutely disgusting, why do you have a BOWL FULL of them?

2 min later 4009535 Anonymous
How do you have time for much else if it takes you several hours to have one meal?

4 min later 4009553 Japanese Lettuce Hardcore
>>4009516 You roast fruit? uw0tm8?

7 min later 4009573 Anonymous
>>4009535 I'm sitting at the computer, so I essentially do my work, study, browse /r9k/ etc while eating. It's nearly always a secondary task. >>4009532 Beans are a superfood, gains etc etc >>4009553 Yeah. Tomatoes and pumpkins are usually something I consider a 'fruit' (seeds inside) and I always eat them first because they are gross.

8 min later 4009580 Anonymous
When I talk to peopel I grind my teeth and count words. It feels a lot like OCD, but its probably just a bad habit I never broke.

10 min later 4009597 Anonymous
>>4009516 I do the same thing with my packed lunch at work OP. I eat the veg, then the fruit, then the sandwiches. At home I eat normally though.

11 min later 4009602 Anonymous
>>4009580 Can you count the words and take any notice of what they're saying too? I probably couldn't do both.

11 min later 4009605 Anonymous
I have a pretty strange habit myself. For me, eating dinner in a bowl, each dish combined, usually over the course of fifteen minutes. It will always go fruits and veg - potatoes - meat - sweet (ice cream usually) Sorry no pic related, you wouldn't be able to make out what is what anyway.

12 min later 4009612 Anonymous (fridge_note.jpg 700x703 108kB)
I am the only person who seems to communicate more by fridge notes with my housemates then real life.

13 min later 4009623 Anonymous
>>4009602 I can actually. But the count resets at twenty. I can usually tell accurately what they have said for short and midlength sentences.

14 min later 4009626 Anonymous
>>4009605 Fuck, I want some icecream now :(

14 min later 4009630 Anonymous
>>4009597 It would probably be more weird if you had a bite of your sandwich and then a bite of your apple. Separating a packed lunch is just normal.

17 min later 4009651 Anonymous
>>4009597 It seems to be very common to separate food, but then again, at home for dinner, a meal is usually eaten that way, it's just on the same plate. I have no idea why I feel the need to eat the foods separatley, but I can tell you now, after a bowl full of beans, and a bowl full of carrot, I don't want meat. This makes me sad.

18 min later 4009653 Anonymous
I can't swallow food without a sip of my drink in my mouth at the same time. If I eat it dry and choke and it feels stuck in my throat and I end up vomitting. I sometimes struggle anyway even with a drink When at home I have a sick bowl and a bowl of food for every meal. I rarely eat out, but when I do I'm up and down to the bathroom constantly, looks like I have the shits. I also usually take a bottle with me that I can take the lid off and vom in if I know I can't make it to the bathroom in time.

20 min later 4009679 Anonymous
>>4009653 There's a term for this, and it's incredibly common, especially if you have had a choking incident as a kid. Have you considered therapy? It makes the world of difference if its available to you. If not, I'm a nutritionist-in-training and can give you some tips that may help.

23 min later 4009693 Anonymous
>>4009679 What's the term? I'm not going to bother with therapy...plus it isn't available to me anyway unless I fight for it and it's quite a bit of effort. What's the tips?

27 min later 4009719 Anonymous
>>4009693 'phagophobia' fear of eating or swallowing solid food With one client, we took her to familiar foods and started with those, then began to diversify, so if you're OK with say mushed peas or pea soup (as she was), we eventually gave her solid peas and told her to chew slowly (which is also a good tip). If you eat out, make sure you order a familiar food, and because you need water with it I suggest making sure it is saucy or liquidy to start with, and begin to diversify from there, it's all about baby steps. Eat a few bites of a meal without the water, then the way you normally would after, a few more at your next meal and so on. Good luck, man.

31 min later 4009746 Anonymous
The fact OP's magic cards are squished up in the corner of his keyboard makes me want to slap him.

33 min later 4009762 Anonymous
>>4009516 >SteelSeries 6Gv2 >MTG cards OP, are you me?

34 min later 4009770 Anonymous
>>4009719 Mushy peas are the most disgusting food known to man. My old room mate used to eat mushy peas with mayo mixed in.

35 min later 4009773 Anonymous
>>4009762 I'm probably very like you, you'll get bonus points if: - computer science student or closely affiliated - fantasy and scifi lover Likeminded robots unite!

37 min later 4009786 Anonymous (chew.png 196x242 62kB)
>>4009770 Was he fat? ;_; sounds like heart attack in barf form. Also, >>4009746 my ex used to eat magic cards. Just to spite you, the card in the picture no longer exists.

41 min later 4009810 Anonymous
I can only drink cider and wine warm. I know it sounds odd, but I had it warm in a bar once and have only been able to drink it that way since.

48 min later 4009854 Anonymous (fatmanlittlegun.jpg 259x194 6kB)
I walk around imagining what woudl happen if am an with a gun jumped out and started shooting people. Typical vigilante justice type situation. It was pretty funny when I visited the statue of Liberty and imagined him rappelling down her crotch.

48 min later 4009857 Anonymous
I have this weird occassional habbit of not chewing my food properly when eating. So I end of pooping almost all day. Fucking stupid habit.

49 min later 4009865 bottledwater
>>4009786 That's like a $40 card op (for now). Meh, you waste whatever you'd like.

52 min later 4009877 Anonymous
>>4009865 I'll be sad to see it rotate out. It's a nice addition to a pain deck, but I don't play red, so all the losses are negligible compared to what I win back on tournaments.

56 min later 4009901 bottledwater
>>4009877 >Calling anything in standard a "pain" deck >Claiming to win tournaments One of these things invalidates the other.

58 min later 4009915 Anonymous
>>4009901 Take the argument to tg, I was spiting a guy who is clearly anal about his cards. Another eating habit I have developed. Must eat chips while I'm walking around. Has to be from all the uni times I literally picked up chips, threw money at the vendor and ran to lectures.

1 hours later 4009945 Anonymous
I am fascinated by the Japanese suicide forests and evaluate locations when I'm travelling regarding how likely they are to be a suicide or murder zone. Alleys behind nightclubs would be really good, because your body is found quickly but no-one ever notices sound over them lights.

1 hours later 4009947 bottledwater
>>4009915 Wait, you were spiting someone else by saying you played a "pain" deck, and decided to adopt the term for casual conversation? Yo bro, u think im mad? im not mad bro, i'm not mad 2 busy shrugging 2 b mad Seriously though, winning your coliseum of comics FNM every friday against players who don't even use sleeves, winning maybe 8 pack is not an accomplishment.

5 hours later 4011655 Anonymous
>>4009516 I sleep on a couch or in a chair and sometimes in my bathtub... but only after laying out tons of blankets and pillows. I eat food out of cups alot and keep various jars and cans around for that also. I used to be homeless and kept alot of my habits from it even after having a house for over 10yrs. I also sleep with my bank to a wall and facing a door at all times. And if I get a place to stay it's always not ground level. it's 2nd floor if I have a choice. I also prefer my house have almost no light coming in. I prefer the dark. Odd stuff but ive gotten better abouti t over the years. sooner or later i might stop

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