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2012-10-07 11:22 4008818 Anonymous allofmywatdidijustbecomealpha (Tileset94.png 384x202 97kB)
So I ran into a very interesting situation tonight... Basically, my girlfriend broke up with me due to my behavior and disrespect towards her... I fucked up basically... Anyways, so she's also my best friend after dating for a year. We've kept as best we can even though we love eachother.. and dont want to let go of that.. but I fucked up as previously stated.. (I wont get into details) But tonight we were hanging out until 4am ish at her house... when I'm leaving, I get on the bus that takes me home.. I see a girl get on about 5 stops from where I get on, she's a raver (I've raved in the past), I ask her if she was going home from the rave in our city tonight, she replies yes, Immediately comes and sits across from me on the bus seats. We talk until my stop is nearing, I ask when she gets off, she gets off a stop after me apparently... I tell her I'm getting off and she stands up saying that it's only like a minute walk difference between where I get off and she departs... So politely I walk her up a block to her intersection. I'm saying it was nice to meet her and that I hope she has a good night and I'm saying bye. She says "So can I get your number?" >allofmywhat.. CONT BELOW...

0 min later 4008825 Anonymous
Now let me state, I've got some attractive qualities according to the ladies in my life... but I've NEVER BEEN CHOPPED THAT HARD EVERRRRRR!!! (chopped being another word for hit on kinda) Give her my number... >she's 7/10 in looks >Idek what i'd scale as... drgaf either It's 4 fucking am le tired So after that we hug as ravers do when greeting and departing. I walk home feeling alpha as fuck, not knowing what i did right or if she's just outgoing as fuck LOLOLOL I suppose it helps we live literally 5 mins from eachother, she may want a friend but the way she asked for my number states otherwise Anyways, thanks for listening b/robots/ Night and goodluck becoming alpha as I feel right now. >has feeling she's a hoe >raving since she was 13yo >she's 17yo now >raves=drugs 90% of the time >she seems mature on drug use and such tho >idontevenanymore night br0s BTW: I'll definitely investigate her and find everything I can out about her on tuesday (school with a buncha raver friends) Pic unrelated NOTE: me and ex broke up like 3 months ago+

2 min later 4008836 Anonymous
P.S.S. She was wearing baggy raver pants and a sweater (it's cold here) So my 7/10 is nothing if not investigated... maybe i'll chill with her publicly and get to know eachother little better after i investigate >activateninjaskeelmoad

14 min later 4008899 Anonymous (1268556674716.jpg 449x600 49kB)
>>4008836 baggy raver pants are a good sign. it's the girls running around in their underwear and sucking dick on the dancefloor you gotta worry about.

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