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2012-10-07 10:58 4008670 Anonymous (weed.jpg 293x172 5kB)
Why is it that the only thing that people who smoke weed want to talk about is weed? Honestly, it seems like the number one thing on their agenda is figuring out why I don't smoke it. Does it really matter to you that much? I just don't. Geez. I used to smoke every day in high school, and then I got sick of stoner culture and decided to quit. Now I don't even think of being high as a good feeling, I'd rather be sober. So please stop asking why I don't smoke, I just really don't like being high anymore.

6 min later 4008705 Anonymous
For some people it's just an amazing experience and wish to share it with the world that so harshly demonizes it. But they also get over it and only talk to other stoners about it. You're not an underage straight edge hanging out with stoners, are you?

8 min later 4008719 egotrip
>smoke weed in HIGH SCHOOL >expect anything other than juvenile discussion about weed You're projecting your experiences. Also, why wouldn't the activity you're engaging in, one that happens to be illegal, be one of the first topics for discussion for many people. >people at the gun range just want to talk about guns waaaaaaa People talk about other shit, maybe it's just you have nothing to contribute to the conversation

8 min later 4008722 Anonymous
>>4008705 It's also a culture you need to be apart of if you ever wish to indulge.

11 min later 4008736 Anonymous
>>4008705 I'm in college currently. I guess I was a stoner in high school, and all my friends were too. Eventually though I just didn't like smoking anymore. I still love all my friends, but only one of them understands why I don't like to smoke. And she's the one with terrible social and seperation anxiety who only gets paranoid and twitchy when she's high, so she hates it as much as I do now. It just seems like I can't escape all of the people asking me why I don't smoke. I don't even talk to those friends anymore since I'm at a college several states away. But even here, not a single person understands how I could possibly not like being high. Like it's just unfathomable to them. Even on r9k theres a post every single day about "Why don't you smoke weed?", or "if weed was legal, would you smoke it?". It just annoys me is all.

12 min later 4008746 Anonymous
>smoke weed several times a month >have friends that smoke weed with me, several times a month >never talk about weed unless we're out and trying to find someone selling >get high and talk about music, movies, or books that we've enjoyed since the last time we hung out op obviously only has been around shitty highschool stoners I guess

16 min later 4008763 Anonymous
>>4008746 >implying other stoners are any better

26 min later 4008834 Anonymous
The way I look at it is if you are college age and still a Stoner it's awkward as feck! It's best left after you leave highschool and Grow up!

32 min later 4008863 Anonymous
I once decided that I'll never use drugs, I don't see any reason to do so either. I've never understood people who try to GET other people to use drugs. I don't have any issues with people using them, it's their decision. Some people smoke weed just to - well - smoke it. For no reason, just to pass time. My wife tried smoking pot once and said it was boring and felt like nothing special, which makes me even less interested. I'm not straight edge either though, I sometimes drink alcohol, but not to get drunk, all I get is a slight tipsy that hinders my motor functions. I've enjoyed hanging out WITH drunk people just as well sober as I have intoxicated. So why do stoners insist on others doing it? What I've been thinking too, OP. If you can't function without a brain stimulation that sounds like your problem, but I've never had an issue being sober around other people.

33 min later 4008869 Anonymous
>>4008736 But why don't you smoke? Why don't you like getting high?

35 min later 4008875 Anonymous
>>4008863 Weed is a social drug. Smoking by yourself, unless you listen to a really good album or something, is just boring. Plus if it was her first time, your wife probably didn't inhale right or she got shitty weed.

35 min later 4008876 Anonymous
>>4008869 But why don't you cut yourself? Why don't you like getting the adrenaline rush? Stoner logic.

36 min later 4008883 Anonymous
>>4008875 I know it's a social drug, which I think is silly. She was with a friend, it had an effect but it wasn't special. They watched movies or something.

37 min later 4008888 Anonymous
>>4008876 How is weed like cutting yourself? What the fuck are you on about? I really don't see how you can mock 'stoner logic' when you're own logic makes even less sense.

37 min later 4008890 Anonymous
>>4008883 >which I think is silly Oh I get it, you're just autistic.

38 min later 4008891 Anonymous
>>4008888 It makes perfect sense. You do something to get your body to react, and you want to show and tell others who do it too. It's just the same.

39 min later 4008900 Anonymous
>>4008890 How is thinking the term "social drug" is silly autistic?

39 min later 4008902 Anonymous
>>4008875 Um what? I smoke with buddies all the time but I also love smoking a bowl by myself after work or something. How can you say weed is not enjoyable alone? That's utter bullshit.

40 min later 4008908 Anonymous
>>4008900 Because you are clearly repulsed by socialising?

42 min later 4008914 Anonymous
I usually just smoke some to after i've had a stressful day and just want to take my mind off everything and relax. I agree though, OP. 420errydaylolXD culture is fucking stupid.

42 min later 4008915 Anonymous
>>4008891 Except self-harm is a coping mechanism that wouldn't be pleasant for most people. Now stop avoiding the question, why don't you like weed?

42 min later 4008916 Anonymous
>>4008908 What are you talking about? I told you in an earlier post that I enjoy socializing, sober or not.

43 min later 4008921 Anonymous
>>4008902 All you do when you get high with yourself (unless you have a good album or other entertainment) is sit around being high. Being high by itself isn't that amazing unless you're like 16.

44 min later 4008923 Anonymous
>>4008915 Weed is a coping mechanism for some people too.

44 min later 4008926 Anonymous
>on date with bf >girl randomly comes up to us and asks if she can have some weed >we are like wat because we don't smoke it >bf looks like a stoner though (long hair/beard/clothes) so we just assume it's because of that >just say sorry we don't smoke but direct her to some pubs where if she talks to some of the crowd in there she can probably score some >expect her to just be on her way because no reason to hang around now >she gives us this look and says "oh, you don't smoke weed?" kind of condescending >"Nah, don't get me wrong though, I don't give a shit if other people do or anything, it's not affecting me so they can do whatever the fuck they want" >girl retorts "oh, but you do care." >"...? No I don't?" by this point I'm watting again >"yes you do, I bet you think you're better than people who smoke weed and think they're thrash" >"where are you getting that idea from? my brother and sister do weed almost constantly, I don't really care about it" >keeps rambling about random stuff and eventually moves on >idk she was fucking weird I've noticed every stoner is weirdly defensive like this. I really don't give a shit, stop making it a big deal

45 min later 4008927 Anonymous
>>4008921 >Being high by itself isn't that amazing Exactly why I don't smoke weed.

46 min later 4008934 Anonymous
>>4008926 Haha, yeah that shit is just retarded. People like that make the rest of the stoners look bad, even if they're not. Stereotypes are born for a reason, people.

46 min later 4008935 Anonymous
>>4008923 >For some people There's the catch. Why won't you answer the question?

46 min later 4008936 Anonymous
>>4008921 I'm in my twenties and have been smoking weed for years. It's relaxing and takes your mind of whatever shit you have going on, that's not only a trait that 16 year olds can enjoy. I sat home all day watching football and chilling with my dog and weed made it 10x better. Whatever though man.

47 min later 4008944 Anonymous
>>4008927 Because you have no friends?

49 min later 4008949 Anonymous
>>4008926 I've only known a few others, and they're all generally happy people and don't get defensive when asked about it. Granted, if she walked up to you, looking to score some weed, she's probably not right in her head to begin with.

49 min later 4008951 Anonymous
>>4008935 You already answered your own question. It's not for everybody. >>4008944 He said "by ITSELF", not "by MYSELF". Learn to read.

51 min later 4008956 Anonymous
>>4008951 That's not an answer. I don't get why you're so defensive about it. Just say "I don't really like it that much" or "My daddy molested me". You're seriously weird dude.

53 min later 4008967 Anonymous
>>4008951 >by itself >by myself Same diff in this context. Weed (I think) isn't that amazing by itself, and is much better with friends. So, do you not like weed because you don't have friends to enjoy it with? This is /r9k/, you can tell us. It's not like it's abnormal to not have friends here.

56 min later 4008985 Anonymous
>>4008956 I already told you it's not for everybody. If you haven't figured it out, I meant it's not for me. That's the answer. I already explained why. See this is exactly what OP meant. You're instigating on something as simple as weed not being for everybody. Why does every stoner act like a pusher? You looking to sell weed that bad or something?

57 min later 4008990 Anonymous
>>4008967 It's not the same difference, do you have reading comprehension issues?

59 min later 4009002 Anonymous
>>4008985 What do you mean by "it's not for me"? You never explained why. I'm not really being pushy, I'm just asking a simple question. It's your inability to answer a simple question that confuses me.

1 hours later 4009007 Anonymous
>>4008990 >>Being high by itself isn't that amazing >Exactly why I don't smoke weed. Smoking weed by itself is not that great. Smoking weed with friends is. I'm done arguing with you, you don't seem to understand basic concepts of any kind. I swear it's like you were raised in a fucking cave.

1 hours later 4009015 Anonymous
>>4009002 t's not for me. Why can't you accept that as an answer? Weed is not for me for a multitude of reasons, one of them being the fact toxins have little to no effect on my body, so it's a waste of money. That's just reason number one. >>4009007 So basically what you're saying is that smoking weed is irrelevant and having friends is more important. So why the fuck the need to smoke weed, when you can just hang out with friends?

1 hours later 4009027 Anonymous
>>4009015 > toxins have little to no effect on my body, so it's a waste of money Finally, an answer. How hard was that?

1 hours later 4009028 Anonymous
>>4009002 Dude you are being pushy, the guy gave you an acceptable answer. Just learn to let go.

1 hours later 4009038 Anonymous
>>4009028 Don't worry he doesn't even realize it's being pushy, he thinks it's just normal to get a detailed description of being a non-smoker until it's acceptable.

1 hours later 4009050 Anonymous
>>4009038 Sorry for asking questions on a website solely designed for discussion.

1 hours later 4009057 Anonymous
>>4009050 It's ok I forgive you.

1 hours later 4009060 Anonymous
Weed is good shit. Used to smoke every day. Now I only smoke every first weekend of the month. You don't smoke? That's fine with me. You won't try it? That's fine with me. You tell me I shouldn't? Go get fucked.

1 hours later 4009066 Anonymous
>>4009060 This is pretty much the right attitude. It also goes both ways, you can't question someone else why they don't smoke either.

1 hours later 4009085 Anonymous
>>4009066 Exactly. I don't drink and when people ask me if I do, when I say no they don't fly off the handle asking me why not, so why should I badger people about pot? "WHY DON'T YOU DO THINGS THAT YOU DON'T WANT TO DO?" - My friends to every non-smoker friend.

1 hours later 4009103 Anonymous
>>4008705 >the world that so harshly demonizes it You mean the world that so harshly demonizes non-smokers?

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