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2012-10-07 10:57 4008665 Anonymous (5134i9L1EIL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU01_.jpg 300x300 17kB)
Ask a happily married man anything.

0 min later 4008675 Anonymous
>>4008665 If you're happy, then you're just waiting for your wife to get mad at you for something you did. What did you do..

4 min later 4008691 Anonymous
>>4008675 Nope. She has nothing to get angry about.

6 min later 4008703 Anonymous
>>4008665 Is your wife fat?

8 min later 4008713 Anonymous
How do I deal with the blowjob bait and switch problem? I mean as soon as we said "I do" all of a sudden she don't.

8 min later 4008714 Anonymous
>>4008703 Nope. She's (about to be) 37, so she's got some middle aged spread, but definitely not fat.

9 min later 4008723 Anonymous
>>4008714 So basically she's chubby?

9 min later 4008724 Anonymous
What are you doing on /r9k/?

13 min later 4008743 Anonymous
>>4008713 Yeah, that's sucks. My wife gives me blowjobs, but she won't let me cum in her mouth. She never has, though, so I can't claim bait and switch. As far as how to deal with it...have you talked with her about it? Not in a "what's wrong with you?!" kind of way, but rather in a "hey, this is what I like, what's changed" kind of way. Lay shit out for her, let her know that you think she's sexy, that she turns you on, and that by jamming your cock into her mouth she'll make you a very happy man. Try and make it fun for her, not a chore.

15 min later 4008754 Anonymous
>>4008723 I guess so, if 10-20 extra pounds=chubby. But I'm heavier than that, so I'm not complaining. And again, at 37, 10-20 extra pounds is nothing.

15 min later 4008759 Anonymous
>>4008724 Half drunk and on painkillers. Don't want to sleep yet.

19 min later 4008777 Anonymous
>>4008754 So the answer is yes. Good for you!

21 min later 4008790 Anonymous
>>4008713 >as soon as we said "I do" all of a sudden she don't I don't know why I found this so amusing. My advice would be to go down on her.

21 min later 4008795 Anonymous
>>4008743 Sure I have talked to her but she clams up about it. She claims I am making to much of it. It's to the point I don't even lie about it to her and tell her if not her then it will be somebody.

23 min later 4008804 Anonymous
>>4008665 How did you meet? What was your wedding like? Do you have kids? How old are you both? How old were you when you met? How did you propose? What was your first date like? When did you know she was the one? What was meeting her family like? How long have you been together? Sorry about all the questions, I'm 19 and can't wait to get married and just love hearing about peoples' lives.

26 min later 4008831 Anonymous
>>4008795 You're probably coming at it from a POV of a guy whose pissed off. That puts her on the defensive. Try to get her to talk about her attitude about sex in general. Just try to listen; don't interrupt her, let her talk. Saying "I'll get my dick sucked by some other girl" really isn't going to help the problem.

29 min later 4008851 Anonymous
>>4008831 I know I do get pissy about it but we talk it to death it puts her out of the mood. If I don't talk about it nothing gets done. Damned if I do and so on. I just want her to admit she never liked doing it and I might be able to move on from it.

31 min later 4008857 Anonymous (134416043664.png 450x445 340kB)
I keep clicking but it won't let me look inside, can you help?

35 min later 4008874 Anonymous
>>4008804 >How did you meet? I was working at a bar. She was with a group of friends, and was pretty drunk, but we flirted and agreed to meet up at the bar later the next week. >What was your wedding like? Because out families were fairly spread out, and because we didn't have a lot of money to work with, and because we'd moved to Los Angeles fairly recently, we had our wedding in Las Vegas. We did it pretty classy, at a nice hotel, and had about 50 people. Overall, it wasn't a fairy tale wedding, but it was fun and still romantic. >Do you have kids? no kids, but we've recently started trying >How old are you both? I'm 34, she's soon to be 37 >How old were you when you met? I was 23, she was 26 >How did you propose? Long story, but I did a pretty damn good job if I do say so myself. I did a little bit of a scavenger hunt for her, rented one of the nicest hotel rooms, called her boss to get her the next day off, etc.

36 min later 4008882 Anonymous
>>4008874 How long did you date before you proposed? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaassssseeeeeeee tell me the long story!

37 min later 4008886 Anonymous (579549_448733158512205_1475203497_n.jpg 709x800 90kB)
>>4008665 Hello marriage slave. 6/10 skinny tall blue collar male here How do I get a gf?

43 min later 4008918 Anonymous
>>4008886 Not Op but get a job always worked for me. It's your captive audience.

47 min later 4008939 Anonymous
>>4008804 >What was your first date like? I guess our first date was us meeting for lunch, then going back to her apartment and making out. It was good, but nerve wracking, because we had an obvious spark that was nice but also scary. I don't think either of us were ready for such strong feelings early on. >When did you know she was the one? I don't believe in "the one". Basically, we worked well together, our personalities fit well, I was moving across country, and the only way she would come was if we were engaged. I didn't want to lose her, so I asked her to marry me. >What was meeting her family like? Her dad is great. He was really welcoming of me, and he and I get along really well. He's a country guy, and I am not, but we still get along just fine. Her mom is a miserablist who tried to talk her out of marrying me. We tolerate each other. How long have you been together? 11+ years total. Married 6 years.

51 min later 4008957 Anonymous (1349162517603.jpg 493x700 31kB)
>>4008918 Oh I have a job.. There is a girl that is interested in me BUT.... She has a boyfriend (and admitted to me that she cheats on him all the time). Other than her there really isn't many options for me.. Getting sex is not my problem, it's finding someone exclusively for myself..

54 min later 4008973 Anonymous
>>4008957 >how do i get a gf >she has a boyfriend See here's your first mistake. You don't want to be the "rebound guy". You don't want to be "the guy I dumped my bf for". It's gonna bite you in the ass. And you're PLANNING ON GETTING A GIRLFRIEND WHO IS PRONE TO CHEATING ALREADY? What is wrong with you? Stick to single ladies.

54 min later 4008974 Anonymous
>>4008851 The first option is to bring it up to her and be as emotionless as possible. Tell her it's a problem for you, tell her why it's a problem (using non-accusatory language and not being passive-aggressive), and ask her why she's stopped doing it. Then shut up and let her talk. Don't jump in and try to interpret what she's saying, don't contradict her, just listen. No matter what she says, don't get pissed off. React calmly and logically. Don't tell her she's wrong about anything. You need to get shit out in the open before anything can be fixed. Also, think about why this bothers you so much. Be able to explain it to her clearly and rationally. A lot of the time she'll feel shame, or ugly, or that sucking dick is "wrong", You need to convince her that it's fun and sexy, and that you still love and respect her. And maybe go see a counselor if this is such a big stumbling block for you two.

57 min later 4008988 Anonymous
>>4008973 I think you misunderstood my post.. I don't want anything to do with that girl outside of work. like I said at the bottom.. Getting sex is not my problem, it's finding someone exclusively for myself.. And I am not coming by too many..

1 hours later 4009005 Anonymous
>>4008988 And? How the fuck does that correlate to anything I just said. Someone who's already involved with someone else, and fucks other people - how the hell do you expect it to be "exclusively for yourself" dimwit.

1 hours later 4009023 Anonymous
>>4008886 How do you get a girlfriend? Improve yourself. Exercise. Focus on your interests, unless all you're interested in is video games. Learn new things. Like art? Study art history. Like astrophysics? Go to your local observatory, or science museum. Like music? Take a class. Etc. Then, put yourself out there. Volunteer at your local animal shelter. Try new friends. Join meetup dot com and find events in your area that interest you(seriously, look into this one.) And be reasonable in your expectations. You're never going to find the "perfect" girl. You'll never find a girl who you click with 100% with on looks, personality, emotionally, etc. If you're lucky, you'll be 85% attracted to her looks, 90% personality, 77& emotionally, etc. And date as much as possible. If you meet a girl and you think "meh, I don't know, she's okay," then ask her out. If nothing else, it'll give you practice dating and help you define what you are and aren't looking for.

1 hours later 4009024 Anonymous
>>4008974 Will try.

1 hours later 4009044 Anonymous
>>4008882 We dated for...2-3 years, I guess. And nope, sorry, the whole thing is too long and it's 3 am where I am. More or less, I sent her a bunch of emails with instructions from anonymous email addresses (all with the work love in different languages), called her boss to get her the next day off, her her meet me at one of our favorite restaurants, then went downtown to have a drink at a hotel bar, then took her upstairs to a room I'd gotten (without her knowing), had music playing and flowers, and popped the question. Actually, that's pretty much the whole thing. So there you go.

1 hours later 4009055 Anonymous
>>4009044 thanks for answering man good luck with everything

1 hours later 4009170 Anonymous
>book about marriage >key on it I think that's all that need to be said about marriage

1 hours later 4009209 Anonymous
>>4009170 My favourite part was how they linked "winning your wife's heart" into the husband's happiness. HAH!

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