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2012-10-07 07:01 4006838 Anonymous (young-trio-2000_large.jpg 477x636 89kB)
>that female friend >"i get along better with guys" >"i was a tomboy" >"why does every guy friend confess his feelings for me" >"what am i doing wrong?" what is she doing wrong?

1 min later 4006853 Anonymous
>what is she doing wrong? Not being a butch bitch.

1 min later 4006858 Anonymous
she will fuck her way through your group of friends and ruin your life stay away

2 min later 4006865 Anonymous
She's not doing anything wrong. A girl that puts herself in proximity with guys on a regular and consistent basis will get attention from them, especially ones that share interests. It is what it is.

5 min later 4006893 Anonymous
Any girl who says she spends more time with guys or all her friends are guys is a girl to be avoided. They might be a fun friend but certainly not dating material.

7 min later 4006917 Anonymous
>>4006893 >only being near girls you want to date lolwuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut

23 min later 4007060 Anonymous
>tfw you were one of the many guys she had friendzoned

1 hours later 4007617 Anonymous
>>4007060 >tfw you mean nothing to her

1 hours later 4007648 Anonymous
>>4006838 She's not doing anything wrong, she's being smart. Most women are gossiping, rumor-milling backstabbers, and unless you're one of them there's no reason to want to be around them.

1 hours later 4007663 Anonymous
i get along better with guys i wasn't a tomboy necessarily not every guy confessed his feelings to me, only a handful of desperate and usually fat ones, they were by no means the majority i'm not doing anything wrong i'm guessing those girls befriend a lot of incredibly desperate guys, because when you befriend guys in general this isn't really a problem

1 hours later 4007697 Sir Ragels Moosehoof III, Seventh Lord of the Meese and Kind of Ragelia
She's making "friends" with guys that give her attention because she's an attention whore.

1 hours later 4007702 Anonymous
>that nerdy girl who had a harem of 10+ betas following her after school

1 hours later 4007704 Anonymous
I never had this issue, none of my friends ever wanted to date me - actually, I think they may have thought I was a lesbian. The only issue I ever had was when they would start seeing girls, the girls would always hate me/assume I wanted to get in the way of their relationships. Also, girls would get close to me and use me to get to my friends. It hurt a lot in middle school/early high school but I look back and realize it was silly. On the flipside, once I started seeing my boyfriend they accepted him as one of their own. So that was pretty awesome.

1 hours later 4007725 Anonymous
>tfw you hang out with her in school >tfw school thinks you're a couple >tfw school thinks she's a slut

1 hours later 4007751 Anonymous
>>4007663 It's pretty lol that you pulled your goofy-ass Lovecraft-face pic from that other thread. And yes, you are doing something wrong, and none of those men want to be your "friend". They're just using you for either a) social proof or b) potential sex.

1 hours later 4007757 Anonymous
>>4007702 >tfw she's your girlfriend and only the beta-est of the beta-est stuck around >tfw trolling them

1 hours later 4007791 Anonymous
I'm not really a tomboy, but I'm not incredibly girly either. I have a few male friends, but only one of them has ever expressed romantic or sexual interest in me. I think guys tend to go for tomboyish or more feminine girls, but not people who are closer to the middle of the spectrum.

1 hours later 4007834 Anonymous
>>4006917 >actually thinks girls are capable of being friends

2 hours later 4007862 Anonymous
>"girls are such bitches, that's why i don't have girl friends" >"guy friends are better, there's less drama" jesus christ i hate these type of women >tfw you were one of her many guy friends >tfw you know she's texting 10 different guys besides you

2 hours later 4007885 Anonymous
I'm a guy and it's the other way around kind of. The problem is that males are generally boring, I can't get into the whole masculine competative nature most males seem to have. How ever girls go weird, they think they're friendzoning me or that I'm gay. The truth is I want to be a little girl, I would never be a disgusting tranny and don't have the body to be a trap. I just want to be a cute little girl who drinks tea, eats cakii and likes wear frilly dresses with other little girls.

2 hours later 4007901 Anonymous
>>4007862 It's really funny to hear a group of female friends talking about that.

2 hours later 4007921 Anonymous
>>4007885 So you'd be a lesbian if you were female, or you're asexual?

2 hours later 4007926 Anonymous
>>4007862 You're a retard. You even said it yourself, you're one of her friends. Why wouldn't she be texting her other friends? Since when the fuck can people only have one friend?

2 hours later 4007934 Anonymous
>>4007926 I think the issue is that he was interested in her, and had possessive feelings, so he would get jealous when she talked to other guys.

2 hours later 4007951 Anonymous
I knew a girl like that, she still had girl friends but she hung out with so many guys it turned me off. She would always bring up her boyfriend whenever we talked, I never understood why to be honest, it just made me not interested in her.

2 hours later 4007953 Anonymous
>>4007934 So how is that the woman's fault exactly?

2 hours later 4007954 Anonymous
>>4007921 Most likely a lesbian, only thing I like about being a male is I have a big dick.

2 hours later 4007955 Anonymous
>tfw she friendzoned you >tfw she hates your other female friends lolwat

2 hours later 4007957 Anonymous
>"i get along better with guys" I pack shit up and leave the second ANY girl I'm interested in says this. Like hell I'm gonna compete with your standby boyfriends, bitch. >"why does every guy friend confess his feelings for me" Because you send mixed signals. Don't get flirty touchy feely if you don't mean it, fuck. It's even worse when they say being flirtateous is in their personality.

2 hours later 4007979 Anonymous
>>4007926 the main point is that some women only want to be the center of attention with guys the second part is just a personal opinion, feels bad when you're just another guy friend and have to compete with all the other guys she's talking with.

2 hours later 4007996 Anonymous
>>4007953 I never said it was. I don't think he did either, he seemed more personally upset by it. >>4007951 Maybe she was worried you were interested in her, and wanted to let you know that she was taken. I always make sure to work my homosexuality into a conversation pretty early on, mostly because of this board.

2 hours later 4008026 Anonymous
>what do wrong i've thought about it for a while and i'd like some feedback on this there are two types of people intimate friends and lonely friends. some guys and girls hang out every weekend, talk to each other over the phone about everything, etc some guys and girls only see each other at school, never talk on phone, never open about selves, etc. when an intimate friend befriends a lonely friend, the lonely friend thinks this friendship is special. s/he has never spent so much time with a friend before. the intimate friend thinks it's normal and nothing special. version 2. girls make intimate friends. guys make stand-offish friends, where homo-line is drawn. when a girl makes intimate friends with a guy, the guy thinks it's special. the girl thinks it's friends doing friend things. tl;dr- girls need to learn the homo-line.

2 hours later 4008027 Anonymous
>>4007751 wut? i'm not even her, i told her to get a nosejob anyway, i am not doing anything wrong, they don't meet other women through me nor are there women they intend to fuck around when we hang out though i may meet their physical standards, as said before, they aren't desperate for female attention and wouldn't compromise other parts of their lives >>4007834 the only constant in these relationships is you just say you can't be friends with girls and be done with it >>4007957 >I pack shit up and leave the second ANY girl I'm interested in says this. you know what's funny? no girl that ACTUALLY gets along better with guys is going to be stupid enough to say anything like this

2 hours later 4008035 Anonymous
>>4007957 What does "touchy feely" mean to you?

2 hours later 4008122 Anonymous
>>4008035 Maybe my example was too physical. By "touchy feely" I meant taking things past a platonic friendship level. Verbally and otherwise.

2 hours later 4008212 Anonymous
To this day I wonder if women really are oblivious to all the shit they do or if they're soul sucking demonic fucking vampires that do it and then say "Oopsie! Whoops! I'm just a girl, tee-hee, don't go thinking any weird thoughts ;)))) It's not like that. Hee hee hee" For a gender that claims to be so excellent at "reading body language" or whatever they think they're good at, they sure as fuck are badly socially inept. Sometimes it feels like I'm talking to a sociopath when I talk to a chick. I don't get that with the other gender.

2 hours later 4008226 Anonymous
I had a friend that said the exact same things... into me, but she was ugly and stupid as fuck

2 hours later 4008237 Anonymous
>>4006858 This man speaks the absolute truth. Every last one of them.

2 hours later 4008242 Anonymous
>>4007996 I found her attractive but I never acted on it, she was the one who would start conversations so unless she wanted to go out of her way to make me not find her attractive I don't see why she would have talked to me in the first place.

2 hours later 4008273 Anonymous
She is discovering her inner whore. It is better that women realize this while young instead of when they are fucking 17 when they are willing to fuck anything that moves.

2 hours later 4008278 Anonymous
>have a lot of guy friends >they exchange porn videos, share them with you >continuously make impressions and sound effects of people in videos with them >guys don't consider you as romantic/sexual material because you're as weird as they are but even weirder http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uitXR46c-Ko

2 hours later 4008306 Anonymous
>>4006838 Nothing. That's the worst part.

2 hours later 4008334 Anonymous (she's a bitch.png 269x341 167kB)
>tfw almost all of these describe you >tfw you're a lesbian And that's why I only have two friends, both of which are guys who seem to be incapable of seeing me as anything other than an honorary guy instead of assuming that I'm kidding about being gay. I kinda wish I could make female friends, but most women who would be into animu/comics/vidya go to tumblr, and if there's one thing I can't do, it's NOT come off as an aspie cunt around tumblrfags, at least online. Easy enough to keep myself in line offline, but as soon as I'm at my keyboard...the only way I can keep myself from being an insensitive dick is to just say nothing at all.

3 hours later 4008375 Anonymous
>>4008334 >mfw i got friendzoned by a lesbian oh well.. wasn't as bad as straight chicks

3 hours later 4008397 Anonymous
>>4006838 >tfw i fucked a girl like this >tfw she probably moved on because she got bored >tfw she says "i get along with men more" still waiting for her to fuck her best friend of 3+ years.

3 hours later 4008456 Anonymous
>>4008375 Last time I tried to make a friend offline, I ended up having to friendzone him. Felt like shit, too, since he was a cool guy and completely cut contact with me after I corrected him about ACTUALLY being a lesbian instead of just joking about it. For years, I've pretended to be a guy online, just so I don't have to worry about shit like that, and the one time I try to make an offline friend, that has to happen.

3 hours later 4008458 Anonymous
dated said girl. epic blowjobs. worth the friendship. but never talk to her.. just pretend.. for the blowjobs.. stray from said whore if looking for a relationship.

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