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2012-10-07 06:40 4006652 Anonymous (talking about us.png 1361x689 1259kB)
hey fellow neckbeards this guy is talking about us. Someone in the real world knows we exist! Maybe there is hope! http://www.ted.com/talks/zimchallenge.html

8 min later 4006725 OP
doesn't anyone want to talk about this? C'mon people, this is very relevant to you guys and like myself you all can relate to this. So... self bump.

9 min later 4006736 Anonymous
Ah yes, I remember ol'e Phillip Zimbardo. Reminds me of highschool Psych... good job op.

10 min later 4006746 Anonymous
Thanks for the post. Will post my opinion in a moment

14 min later 4006789 OP
He shows the problem, but doesn't offer a solution. He is a very nice guy taking our problem to the public, but he clearly is not a specialist in the matter. Probably there are no "badass researcher" studying this problem seriously, as anyone seems to care about us. But hey i think we have found our problem, and this is a very good first step.

18 min later 4006822 Anonymous
I can relate to him on a personal level but from what I have observed, this doesn't apply to everyone. Most kids are always on the computer yet they are not all socially challenged. It seems like this video was targeted specifically at our group, rather than those on the outside.

27 min later 4006912 OP
>>4006822 yeah but he clearly shows that dudes are the the most affected gender by what he calls "arousal addictions." Our manly reign of terror is crumbling. Women are taking control. Soon they will all become lesbians and we will be doomed forever if we don't do something. take a look at this: http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/en/hanna_rosin_new_data_on_the_rise_of_women.html Nothing against women, but we are clearly falling behind.

31 min later 4006942 Anonymous
That 10,000 hours of video game playing by 21 years statistic reminds me of stats about how many sexual partners people have had by age. What if there was a study to find correlation between how many thousands of hours of vidya you play and how likely you are to cheat or divorce your spouse? Imagine if we were sluts too, the ones of us who actually have sex lives. As a rational robot who bases his beliefs on such data, I would like to see that study even if it debases our self image.

2 hours later 4007805 Anonymous
>>4006912 Info like this is what makes the whole "War on Women" out to be the obvious pandering sham that it is. Feminism and Socialism have destroyed the nuclear family by ruining men, and now they are bragging about it. How is it that women outperforming men is "as it should be". She talks about it as an unavoidable conclusion, and we have to be ready to "transition". Never mind that statistics on taxes paid by men vs taxes paid by women, and how their whole fatherless welfare state will collapse in a decade or two.

2 hours later 4007853 Anonymous
>>4006789 Well, the solution's simple. Eliminate everything causing the problem (he named the significant ones). The problem is, it'd be damn near impossible to do so.

2 hours later 4007897 Anonymous
>>4007853 To be more specific, that means get rid of internet, vidya, and pron. At the very least. Pretty idealistic/unattainable if you ask me.

2 hours later 4007916 Anonymous
Hmm...I don't know what sort of solution could be proposed to this "problem". I will attempt to first refrain from porn for the next week and see how many chicks I can pick up. Or am I missing the point? Should I attempt to find a woman I can connect with on an emotional level? What is wrong with wanting to be alone and play video games, or watch a football game with your friends? I'm a little dim and need the potential ramifications explained to me (need to know what I stand to lose). Is he implying all males will eventually be wiped out and females are left in the dust. Will all girls eventually resort to seeking relationships with other women and we have an entire Amazonian society of chicks pegging the shit out of each other? I'm mostly taking the piss, but I can relate with most of what this guy is saying. Although I feel that even though I partake in all of these "arousal addictions", I'm still quite functional socially (albeit awkward). Will contribute more when I have time.

2 hours later 4008031 Anonymous
>Translation of the stuttering buffoon: Males are growing up being overly sexually fulfilled byway of having an abundance of porn in multiple genres open to them. The average male is being rewired to have the sexuality of a rodent; rodents mate with a female rodent until absolute exhaustion to a point where they simply can not have sex with that female rodent anymore aka they got bored of that female but they quickly become aroused at the sight of another female rodent in the vicinity. This happens in the same day in the span of 10 minutes. Men now have sexual fulfillment at their fingertips so they now pursue easier jobs with less work days so they can enjoy themselves with their moderate income, home and feel completely content with it. This is good in the sense that now men do not think with their penises as much but bad in the sense that there's a possibility that humanity can be in a bit of a problem along the way. Due to the abundance of pornography and entertainment (predominantly video games) men have no desire to seek out companionship with the other sex. This past decade was enough for men to evolve and be completely content with porn and solitude. (1/2)

2 hours later 4008036 Anonymous
>>4008031 >Now for what the idiot forgot to mention: Women are also at fault for this. Yes, big surprise: Men aren't the only ones that should be blamed for everything in the world. People are speaking out and writing articles on men today saying they don't seek out a woman to develop a sexual relationship with. But what they seemingly forget to point out is what a sexual relationship with a woman has turned into: Modern slavery. Purse holding, waiting in the mall, agreeing when you disagree, having sex on her schedule, extreme planning & predictability, lackluster days 'out' with her everyday, constant phone calls, mood swings, being told to be a man while at the same time being berated for not being a sensitive nancy and eventually being turned into a whipped sensitive nancy. There is no privacy and you will not have any hobbies. Whatever hobbies you did have will be long forgotten and whatever friends you did have will be left behind for the sake of keeping a planet overpopulated with more of these bossy bags of flesh. Also with the media nowadays pushing women to be promiscuous the girl you stopped everything in your life for will inevitably get bored, cheat on you and leave you. Leaving you to pick up the pieces that was once your life. You'll most likely lose the love and trust of your friends, lose interest in your hobbies and feel as thought you've gone to far to start over. TL;DR? You want a TL;DR? Fuck this stuttering cunt. Jerk off, play video games and be happy until women put that dress back on and get in the fucking kitchen. Until then I'll be a proud man who'll gladly be a part of the downfall of humanity, a horrible species on earth destined to either die out or destroy the earth. Kiss my ass. (2/2)

2 hours later 4008070 Anonymous
>>4008031 >Males are growing up being overly sexually fulfilled All my fucking lols forever.

2 hours later 4008081 Anonymous
>>4007916 The problem is that probably your inner monkey brain do want meaningful relationships with women. We all do. It's like an itch that bother us every time. So i think there are two options for us: 1- we take antidepressants, even not being depressed, aiming to kill our own sexual drive and then we watch the female population who can't get men due to the lack of good men avaliable going full lesbian mode, or even worse, we watch poligamy being legalized so alpha males can marry more than one girl. All of this going on while we bury ourselves in those "arousal addictions" and hobbies (what doesn't necessary means that we can't be productive members of society) 2- we "man the fuck up" and do what society need us to do, and try to find a way to get rid of our dependence of arousal addictions. I'm OP and yes i tripfag now

2 hours later 4008094 Anonymous
>>4008036 >TL;DR? You want a TL;DR? Fuck this stuttering cunt. Jerk off, play video games and be happy until women put that dress back on and get in the fucking kitchen. >The average male is being rewired to have the sexuality of a rodent; rodents mate with a female rodent until absolute exhaustion to a point where they simply can not have sex with that female rodent anymore A fine and valid point, good sir.

2 hours later 4008097 Anonymous
>>4007805 >Feminism and Socialism have destroyed the nuclear family by ruining men, and now they are bragging about i Who cares? The idea was invented and died in the same century.

2 hours later 4008119 giiilga
>>4008081 but i forgot the trip. fuck >>4007916 seems like a "recovery time" from porn addiction that lasts about 3 months. Only one week will not do shit

2 hours later 4008130 Anonymous
I'm one of the people he's talking about. I think part of the reason I am this way, is that I have no motivation to be normal. I don't want to go out and date any of the women I've met, they expect me to be this confident, charming, funny, interesting guy, while not being any of those things themselves. If I did manage to find a compatible woman, marriage/long term relationships have become a joke thanks to our legal system. In addition, I don't wish to use women I don't even like for sex, so why bother? I've found the most fulfilling inter-personal relationships for me are with other guys with similar interests, and I don't need to have good social skills to talk and relate to these guys. So there it is, no incentive for me to learn the complex verbal and non verbal rules regulating sexual relationships and change myself to act in a sexually attractive way.

2 hours later 4008133 Anonymous
>>4008119 The difference could be astounding. A full recovery is different- it refers to a more complete rewire where you (hopefully) lose interest in porn.

2 hours later 4008148 Anonymous
>>4008036 You dont HAVE to do what she says. Youre whipped because you fucked it up for yourself. Im afraid that that is the general way to say it.

2 hours later 4008161 Anonymous
>>4007916 >Hmm...I don't know what sort of solution could be proposed to this "problem" Uninvent the internet. I really don't see a way out. The issue isn't even just the porn but what he refers to as asynchronous relations, by which he means places like here; BBS sites, forums, email, texting, tumblrs, facebook, myspace, all that shit, all of it is asynchronous in that you are not irretrievably there in the moment with someone else and you have to respond now or never, and the someone gets to watch your face twist and your hands move while you think. Sound terrifying? Exactly. That's why here is better, you have more control. But because you have more control, more defenses, you are more distant. That's what the asynchronous part is, that part where after you get super pissed at something I post you take a second, calm down, reflect, put some distance there, go back and delete the all-caps rant and say something reasonable and airtight instead of what you mean. I pick that example because I know fucking everyone that would be in this thread has done that, myself included. Once upon a time if you were an angry son of a bitch that couldn't hold his tongue, everyone would just see it and know. Nowadays, I can hide behind my facebook page. You can't argue with the identity I choose to present, especially not from behind your facebook page. Who would ever choose to not have the control?

2 hours later 4008171 Anonymous
>>4008097 nuclear families have been around for at least several millenia, if not more (in less-rigid ways from our primitive ancestors). >>4008130 yes, i agree with that sentiment. it's frustrating that we're expected to provide not only financially but also emotionally. my dad basically bends backwards to accomodate my mom's every bitchy whim and it drives me mad. and when i talk to him when we're together he agrees and that he fucking hates it too but he's just doing so because it's "the right thing to do".

3 hours later 4008189 Anonymous
>>4008171 >Nuclear, not extended Ha. Stick to bitching about your mom, no need to try to bend history to match your agenda on that point.

3 hours later 4008216 Anonymous
>>4008161 >not developing that control irl It's almost disturbing to have that type of persona.

3 hours later 4008219 Anonymous
>>4008081 I don't think that killing our own sexual drives will deliver us to the desire of love and companionship of women. We will only become boring and lonely human beings that are rotten on the inside. I wish to take option 2, but I don't exactly know how to

3 hours later 4008222 Anonymous
>>4008097 >Who cares? The idea was invented and died in the same century. The nuclear family? It has been a staple of humanity across almost all societies since before recorded history. from wiki: >"The nuclear family or elementary family is a term used to define a family group consisting of a pair of adults and their children." This is sometimes a modular part of an extended family, like you see in modern day India, or in the United States around the turn of the last century. Children depend on strong examples of both the masculine and feminine to socially calibrate themselves. It has been proven that children who grow up in households with both mothers and fathers are happier and much more well adjusted. It is a natural human inclination to build the nuclear family. BTW, in case you are retarded, it's called the nuclear family because it's the smallest indivisible unit. Not because they were families that existed in the "Nuclear Age".

3 hours later 4008224 Anonymous
>>4008189 >Merriam-Webster dates the term back to 1947,[9] whilst the Oxford English Dictionary has a reference to the term from 1925 >thus it is relatively new, although nuclear family structures themselves date back thousands of years. >trying to redefine nuclear family to suit your false ideas of history and biology (provided you have any) yeah no.

3 hours later 4008276 Anonymous
Fuck all that bullshit about porn. You know why I'm the way I am? Because during my formative years, when everyone else was socializing, I was just having fun playing by myself and reading books 'cause I didn't know that was the only time my brain could learn to form relationships with people and nobody fucking told me or made me make small talk with people. It's not porn, it's that I don't know how to fucking chat.

3 hours later 4008289 Anonymous
>>4008276 I feel the same way, while everyone else was learning the ropes and making mistakes when it was okay to make them I was locked up in my room playing world of Warcraft.

3 hours later 4008290 Anonymous
>>4008224 >although nuclear family structures themselves date back thousands of years. No they don't, dumbass. Parents have always existed, but usually they had to live with the extensions. The ideal of a mom and dad alone in their own house with their 2.5 kids was something people started aspiring to recently when it became possible. You are pining for an era you know nothing of. I know that because the first thing you reached for was a dictionary instead of a history book. If you hate your mom, maybe you should stop posting in misogyny threads on /r9k/ and go yell at your mom instead. Not as safe, but far more effective.

3 hours later 4008301 Anonymous
>>4008290 for most of history many generations lived together and it was also very common to lose a parent before you reached maturity.

3 hours later 4008310 Anonymous
>>4008290 lol, i took that quote directly off of wikipedia, you dumbass. wow, look! citations! of credible historians! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_family#cite_note-9 quit making a fool of yourself. you're just mincing words to argue with some asshole on the internet and derailing an otherwise-interesting thread.

3 hours later 4008312 Anonymous
>>4008161 >that part where after you get super pissed at something I post you take a second, calm down, reflect, put some distance there, go back and delete the all-caps rant and say something reasonable and airtight instead of what you mean Are you goddamn retarded? Is this your first day here? Why the FUCK would I bother to tone my fucking shit down for some idiot on the internet, especially if that idiot is WRONG AND REFUSES TO ACCEPT IT AND NEEDS IT HAMMERED INTO HIS STUPID FUCKING HEAD?

3 hours later 4008340 giiilga
>>4008312 hmmm maybe because... you feel like you don't want to shitpost and derail threads?

3 hours later 4008342 Anonymous
It just might be the porn for me. Gee let me put myself out there for a mediocre girlfriend I might get pregnant, or... oh wait, millions of beautiful woman who won't laugh at my repulsive body and fufill my every sexual desire. Just wish society would ease up. I'm not exactly a desirable partner depriving society of my genes/future offspring.

3 hours later 4008352 Anonymous
>>4008161 If you rant is on-topic then it DOESN'T DERAIL THE FUCKING THREAD. And even if it did, who cares? This isn't some fucking communist forum where going off the original topic is a crime.

3 hours later 4008370 giiilga
>>4008342 >Just wish society would ease up. I'm not exactly a desirable partner depriving society of my genes/future offspring. You may not be now in your actual stage. But you for sure are able to be if you improve. But you don't want to make efforts, take risks and improve because you're getting food, you're getting shelter, you're getting what you think is sex (masturbation with porn)... in other words, you're set.

3 hours later 4008392 giiilga
>>4008370 *actual stage replace by--->.current stage i think it's too much caffeine.

3 hours later 4008398 Anonymous
The entire premise is a load of shit. Call it what they like, the simple fact is that modern men can't stand being around modern women. All they're doing is blaming that on men liking porn and video games too much, never once has anyone doing these studies turned around and though "HEY, MAYBE MODERN WOMEN ARE INSUFFERABLE CUNTS AND MEN PREFER TO BE ALONE THAN TO PUT UP WITH THEM?"

3 hours later 4008410 Anonymous
>>4008370 By improve you mean conform to societies expectations. Start reading pua shit, start lifting weights, start playing a sport, start drinking/clubbing regularly. Start watching reality TV. All so you can relate better to "normal" people. Basically stop doing the shit you like doing and try to fit in with the other "normals". Well good luck with that, I hope you enjoy your brats and whatever woman decides to "settle" for you.

3 hours later 4008424 Anonymous
>>4008370 Yes that's what I said. Maybe without the advent of internet porn I would improve, but it exists and the choice is clear. Sorry ladies, I don't blame you. Just too much work, and for good reason! It is clear I should not reproduce.

3 hours later 4008442 Anonymous
no empirical evidence, no solution all bullshit

3 hours later 4008447 giiilga

3 hours later 4008449 Anonymous
>>4008442 he cites statistics at the beginning. so he is blowing the whistle of the fact that there is a problem among men of our generation. but... his conclusions, i agree, are wrong.

3 hours later 4008493 giiiga
>>4008424 >say's the one who posts regularly in tf no gf threads ...ok, jokes aside; dude don't you feel lonely or have the natural need for intimacy? It's not about doing what the society want us todo. It's about fulfilling our intimacy desires. Fuck society. >>4008442 >no empirical evidence, no solution but it's an interesting THEORY that could explain this shit. Have you ever watched that TED video "the porn experiment" or something like that? It actually makes sense.

3 hours later 4008530 Anonymous
>>4008493 Despite some concerning views on modern relationships, I'm quite sociable and maintain good friendships. I have high standards to what I will orgasm to and simply realised the internet will produce about 500 top shelf women for the 1 average girl I could get irl.

3 hours later 4008534 Anonymous
>>4008447 You actually reinforced my own point rather well there. >Man does/says something you don't like >Attack on masculinity >Guilt and shaming >Allude to the male being inferior to his peers This is exactly the type of shit I'm talking about.

3 hours later 4008566 Anonymous
>>4008534 Check and mate. Where's this mans golden globe?

4 hours later 4008650 giiiga
>>4008534 You have a point. But... so your argument is that we should give up of chasing women since we are fucked up already and it requires too much effort and we should just stay at home and fap to porn instead? This would be awesome, if it weren't so sad and lonely. For example me: I am in a state that I can't even see a cute girl with a guy in the in the street without feeling enormously jelly and bitter. If you don't feel like that now you will soon. Love and intimacy are a basic human need. Trust me. You don't want to end like me.

4 hours later 4008662 Anonymous
>>4008650 >But... so your argument is that we should give up of chasing women since we are fucked up already and it requires too much effort and we should just stay at home and fap to porn instead? But that's wrong. My point is we should stop chasing after shit, insufferable women and continue fapping to porn UNTIL we find a woman worth knowing. Most of us wont, but hey.

4 hours later 4008698 Anonymous
I think the blame could also be equally put on the females as well. You have society telling girls that they're special, entitled, better than everyone else. Women become blinded by unrealistic expectations. And that's just a fraction of it. There's tons and tons of things that affecting guys, making them how they are now. Namely evolution. We didn't evolve to sit in a room and write sentences all day and do math. We evolved to hunt, survive, protect. Women do the sitting and listening.

4 hours later 4008707 Anonymous
I'm just kind of upset about the ADHD thing. There's nothing wrong with those kids. From an evolutionary standpoint, they're perfectly fine. Doctor's are drugging them up and it's crazy.

4 hours later 4008710 Anonymous
>>4008707 Forgot to add: Just need to find something that suits them, or find a teaching method that works to their thinking.

4 hours later 4008711 Anonymous
>TED auto-sage, you guys have a real sad fixation with this crap

4 hours later 4008715 Anonymous
>>4008698 >We didn't evolve to sit in a room and write sentences all day and do math. We evolved to hunt, survive, protect. Women do the sitting and listening. This is specific to America. The American education system focuses on the premise that nobody fails. It's retarded, men THRIVE on conflict and competition. This is why FPS games, RTS, MMORPG's and video games in general are so popular among pubescent and post pubescent men. Removing that is like neutering the male population.

4 hours later 4008734 Anonymous
>>4008715 Exactly. I also remember a study that found that boys perform WAY better when they have a male teacher as opposed to a female teacher. In fact, I think it said they performed better than girls. I'm starting to believe you guys' theory that they're trying to keep men down in society. And yes, I hate the education system now. Teachers and principals going easy on bad students with their "hug a thug" bullshit.

4 hours later 4008756 giiiga
>>4008662 Of course, it seems very nice and cool. But the point of the video and of other ones is that WHEN (and if, as we are inclined to avoid social interactions because of that) we find that woman that is worth we will not have the skills and willpower and whatever to try to go and seduce her. Those social skills still skills and we get better at them when we train them. But because of those arousal addictions we don't train anything and the result is us turning into social retarded human beings (even more that we already are).

4 hours later 4008783 Anonymous
>>4008734 There are far more women teachers than male. This is a problem. However it is not because of some conspiracy to keep men down. It's because women's mothering instinct makes them much more inclined to becoming teachers.

4 hours later 4008796 Anonymous
>>4008783 And because men are discriminated against in any sort of industry involving children.

4 hours later 4008800 Anonymous
>>4008734 All through school and college, I never had a good female teacher, and all the few teachers that were good were all men. I talked to some bros, they said the same thing, and they don't hate women or anything, they're normalfags. It got me thinking, maybe male teachers have a more analytical and systematic bent to their thinking that we as guys can relate to more. If you know about the myers briggs stuff, you'll see that INT types are much more likely to be male, and I believe that this kind of analytical thinking is needed to break down subjects to their fundamental building blocks so that you can give students a solid grounding in the subject at hand.

4 hours later 4008809 giiiga (cf14cf10-c47b-43f6-9177-f7a679dda36a.jpg 406x404 26kB)
>>4008783 quote on pic always related

4 hours later 4008812 Anonymous
>>4006652 thanks for posting op. I absolutely agree with him. Can't discuss, cause I got to go now. cya

4 hours later 4008813 Anonymous
>>4008800 Men are better teachers because men operate primarily on logic and reasoning. Women operate on emotion, which is not a good trait for teaching.

4 hours later 4008815 Anonymous
>>4008800 dubs followed by dubs followed by dubs confirmed for truth

4 hours later 4008816 Anonymous
>>4007897 I honestly don't think those are the SOURCE of the problem, per se. More of a symptom, and a form of escapism that allows it to persist. Before the internet, we had books. And we had the people who devoted their lives to literature the same way we have people devoting their lives to computers and the internet. Now though, things are more extreme, and more accessible to people who don't have that affinity required to lose yourself in books. Though I agree that there is a sort of want of more and more complex arousal, I disagree on the addiction part. Addictions are compelling, and in some ways remove the ability to think rationally. I don't know about you, but I don't necessarily feel more compelled to go on the internet and vidja gaem more than, say, go for a nice walk on the beach (insert here anything else you may like to do). I'm kinda tired of this anti-porn/internet/vidya fear mongering. While I agree sometimes people take it to extremes, there are other forms of escapism, which is the real problem here. The want to avoid the world around you, in favor of controlled stimulation.

4 hours later 4008819 Anonymous
>>4008711 It's empowering, even if woefully unrealistic and debasing. Ergo people are going to eat it up (when it suits them).

4 hours later 4008840 Anonymous
>>4006652 I can't give a shit about anything this guy says because he's so clearly an overt homosexual. HURR DURR I UNDERSTAND GENDER ROLES BUT IM A MAN WHO SUCKS ON DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICKSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS This guy is the equivalent of a chimp discussing theoretical physics. Not only does he not understand it, he's INCAPABLE of understanding it.

4 hours later 4008848 Anonymous
>>4008816 And while I'm on the subject, why the fuck do people hate on porn so much? I see literally no negatives from it in my life, even when a year or two ago I was fapping 4+ times a day anytime I had the chance. The ONLY effect I can see might be happening, is less physical attraction towards random female strangers, as compared with friends anyway. But I always find myself more attracted the more I know someone or talk with them. Which, really, I think of more as a positive, since it helps me keep my spaghetti in place when I talk to new females.

4 hours later 4008867 Anonymous
I am 26 years old and have fallen victim to what he is describing but there is a lot more to it than porn. I was one of the pioneers of this internet generation, I was using IRC, Napster, WinMX, ICQ, Kazaa etc from the get go. I was bullied in school when I was 13 and needed somewhere to escape to, I had no friends or anything and I kept making mistakes but the internet was always there for me. I always had shitty speeds though because I live in New Zealand so I would spend hours talking to random people while I waited for my downloads to finish. Now that I have finally got decent enough speeds I can get anything I want but I've never learned to socialize so the internet is still all that I have left. The problem I find with all these things is that despite knowing there is a problem they still need something to blame, they can sugar coat it all they want but what it basically comes down to is they are blaming men and putting no emphasis on the fact that feminism has ruined everything. Does that mean I hate females? No, I would still like to find that ideal girl but I know it is unlikely to happen because of the way females are in this day and age. Generally I am bored with life, I am a mindless NEET who can only dream of some girl like Misaki coming to save me. I don't care anymore, I've given up on life for the most part because I know there is nothing I can do. I have lost interest, nothing appeals to me but I'm too afraid to do anything to fix this mess.

4 hours later 4008878 Anonymous
>>4008840 It was indeed cringeworthy, especially at the end when he says that women want a real man that can make love slowly. This guy is totally oblivious to what turns women on, as the whole mainstream culture is, thanks to rampant political correctness. I like how all these equalist blank slatists are fine with criticizing straight men, but throw a hissy fit if anyone generalises any other group.

5 hours later 4008917 Anonymous
>>4008878 >taking fags seriously >taking anything ted seriously come on dude

5 hours later 4008932 Anonymous
>>4008867 >>4008867 people like you and me had the need to take some beating in the life to learn how to socialize. But we had a place to hide (the internet) so we became losers instead. The sad part is that we are intelligent enought to comprehend our problems and the very source of them but we can't get out due to the very nature of our them: can't get help because not social, can't solve it alone because no motivation.

5 hours later 4008954 Anonymous
>>4008816 >>4008848 Anyone have any opinions on this? Especially my mini-rant on porn. I always see this tsundere relationship anons seem to have with porn and it confuses the fuck out of me.

5 hours later 4008969 Anonymous
>>4008954 i don't watch porn and don't give a shit about it either way, only faggots honestly think porn is "destroying" males

5 hours later 4008993 giiiga
>>4008954 let me explain: we neckbeards don't know how to fix our problems with social interactions and then when we see a video like this we find what maybe can be a source of problems. but it's not. our problem is that we are all ugly or with some shitty luck in life, like myself.

5 hours later 4008995 Anonymous
>>4008932 Actually I got in a lot of fights when I was a kid, I was bigger than most people my age so a lot of kids wanted to fight with me to prove something then puberty hit and everybody surpassed me and I had nothing. If I had at least been a bigger then maybe I would have gotten real fit, people used to want me to join into their sports games (New Zealand is very sports orientated) but I hated it. We understand our problems and in fact I can understand other peoples problems, personally I think I can help other people easier than I can help myself but nobody wants my help anymore. I've known so many people who have come across hard times and resorted to using the internet but they've all moved on where as I continue to remain consumed by my own self pity. I think people like us are subconsciously waiting for somebody to just come along and be a guardian angel or something ridiculous because we've always tried to do what we can for other people, it's in our nature to help. >>4008954 Porn as an excuse is nothing more than a scapegoat, people have always taken what they get its just with the internet you can always find what you are looking for. For me I've always had the same things I can come back to, there are videos from when I was a kid I still can fap to just like I did back then. It's more that I'm trying to diversify my collection, I generally keep my porn habits to myself though.

5 hours later 4008999 Anonymous
>>4008809 >generation of men raised by women holy shit. good quote.

5 hours later 4009000 Anonymous
>>4008809 I really need to watch that movie again. I haven't seen it since I was an edgy teenager, and I'm pretty sure most of it went way over my head.

5 hours later 4009012 Anonymous
>>4008993 I think luck does have a lot to do with it, I lost the genetic lottery myself. On the surface it's not that noticeable but when you have to deal with it on a daily basis it can really kill your motivation. Also I don't really blame it on women as individuals, it's the way that they are taught with princess syndrome and the fact that they are told they should have complete control in the relationship. I've observed a lot of relationships and it seems to be fairly even split, its usually better to have somebody who leads the way in the relationship. The problem is that if it's a women then sure that's but if a man tries to be controlling then is an ev0l nazi scientist or something insane. I don't think women naturally agree with this but they are taught that its fine.

5 hours later 4009021 Anonymous
I think this is 100% accurate. For a long time I have imagined that I would've grown up to be a well adjusted person in the absence of the internet. I don't think I'm a naturally weak person and this can be seen in some of my behaviors which I engaged in to overcome the weakness I've incurred. For instance I committed acts of vandalism in an effort to challenge the law and feel less anxious about taking risks. I was eventually arrested and had to do community service. I tried cutting myself because I thought I had too much aversion to pain and suffering and by embracing it I would overcome my anxiety. I just feel increasingly more desperate and don't see these absurd acts coming to an end. I'm also an 8/10. There was a thread about finger length being related to alphaness and I checked my digits and low and behold the ring finger was slightly longer than the index (alpha). I think I was destined for greatness and the internet has thrown me off course and now I'm a 21 year old virgin with no social skills.

5 hours later 4009043 Anonymous
>>4009021 If you were REALLY "destined" for anything, then you would stop being a faggot and pick up the goddamn reins. If you can't take control of your life, it's your fucking fault dipshit. The internet is a fucking tool, not a conscious evil being sucking you in. YOU use the internet, not the other way around. Quit blaming others for your problems, pussy.

5 hours later 4009056 Anonymous
>>4009021 >There was a thread about finger length being related to alphaness and I checked my digits and low and behold the ring finger was slightly longer than the index (alpha). oh god pls stop i cant breath

5 hours later 4009069 Anonymous
>>4009043 >implying I blame others No, I take full responsibility for settling for the internet and the compromising position that has put me in. I am trying to take the reigns both in a practical way but working out and improving my grades and an impractical way (which I can't begin to explain). Who knows, maybe feeling this desperate was all in the design.

5 hours later 4009074 Anonymous
>>4009012 The vast majority of successful, long lasting relationships have the man lead. When a man leads successfully, the woman won't even think of herself as being led. People here hate on PUA a lot, but there is a reason that the number one thing that all PUA schools have in common is teaching men to lead interactions with women. To makes the right moves every step of the way, because the women sure as hell won't, and if you can't, there's always another guy who can. So we have feminists arguing that women should have equal control and leadership in relationships, but if you give it to them, they're turned off. If you ask her opinion on everything before you do it and treat her like an equal partner, like she claims to want, her attraction will die. Of course, you're a monster if you ever point this shit out. This is part of the reason I stopped caring about the whole thing, fuck it.

5 hours later 4009078 Anonymous
>>4009056 I tend to be superstitious which explains this a little better than having confidence in its scientific accuracy. Although the source was reputable if I recall. But from a scientific perspective even I am dubious about its validity.

5 hours later 4009080 Anonymous
>>4009056 I wouldn't put much weight into those kind of things, according to that I am alpha too yet I am still here. I don't believe in the whole Alpha/Beta thing and I think the whole virgin aspect is stupid, I'm autismal as fuck with my hobbies and come off as a creep yet I still lost my virginity. I actually have to wonder, do I look different from what I perceive? I kind of look like a cleaner version of that guy who was posted as a typical neckbeard.

5 hours later 4009090 Anonymous
>>4007897 The problem is that those 3 are easy ways to fill your time when you don't do anything else. For me, and like many of you, I was never "addicted" to these things and cutting them out wouldn't make my life better. I would have to fill that gap with something meaningful which is hard, which is why you have internet, vidya and porn in the first place.

5 hours later 4009097 Anonymous
>>4009080 But did you think maybe your natural alphaness got you laid somehow? Do you ever reflect on what you might look like if you were more /fit/ and what sort of job you would have if you had been a more dedicated student?

5 hours later 4009098 Anonymous
>>4009074 Well I'm only going off 1 family where they have 7 kids and have been together for going on 30 years. My Aunty clearly controls the relationship but I think it might be in part due to my Uncle and her's personality. Other than that you bring up a good point, I think it really comes down to personality types but in most cases men are more dominant. Women are told they should be dominant but they don't know the first thing and come up with some pretty fucked up ideas and demands. What is PUA ?

5 hours later 4009100 Anonymous
I don't agree with his Causes, but he identifies the symptoms accurately. Nobody taught me how to interact with people/society. Society just threw me into the deep end and expected me to know everything. Well fuck you, society, you reap what you sow

5 hours later 4009102 Anonymous
>>4009078 Longer ring finger = more testosterone during growth Longer index finger = more estrogen during growth. Apparently people with those fingers the same length are more likely to be gay. Which is why I find it ironic that mine are equal length, since I'm pretty straight. I actually wis I were gay sometimes, since I'm pretty tired of dealing with bullshit anytime I get a gf

5 hours later 4009104 Anonymous
>>4009090 It's another vicious circle. Personally I just go walking a lot. Sometimes I meet people. Nothing has come of it though.

5 hours later 4009110 Anonymous
>>4009098 PUA= Pickup Artistry

5 hours later 4009119 Anonymous
>>4008222 I agree with this anon. People who grew up without a father in a divorced family (can see this fucking everywhere in the murrikah and yurop) are usually dysfunctional if not batshit insane.

5 hours later 4009123 Anonymous
>>4009119 I'd just like to add, a weak father character is just as bad.

5 hours later 4009124 Anonymous
>>4009097 Perhaps, actually I've never been the type to pursue after women because I would rather let them show they have interest in me and let them come to me, if I find them appealing enough then I might do something with them but when it comes to asking them out I just can't BUT I was lucky with 2 girls because they pretty much forced me to have sex with them. It basically comes down to the fact I don't want to change my interests (I watch an assload of anime when I'm not playing vidya) BUT I would be willing to put in more effort. If I had a daughter/son I would completely change my ways, I would put all my focus on giving them all I can. Until then I simply have no motivation.

5 hours later 4009128 Anonymous
>>4009102 Equal length master race reporting in

5 hours later 4009132 Anonymous
>>4009128 Assmaster.

5 hours later 4009133 Anonymous
>>4009021 every male has ring finger longer than index finder, female vice versa

5 hours later 4009134 Anonymous
>>4008650 You just need more time I was like that before. now I think I became asexual I really don't care at all about women. It has a downside though, when I'm with friends I can't even pretend to care about their girl problem or the hot girl that just went by. So I think I might loose them a little

5 hours later 4009140 Anonymous
>>4009133 Only my left hand. My right hand is of equal length

5 hours later 4009145 Anonymous
>>4009102 Straight as fuck equal length bro reporting for duty. I never felt motivated to peruse women, but that might have something to do with none of them being attracted to me, I would just be walking into certain rejection like a chump.

5 hours later 4009147 Anonymous
>>4008816 I agree I'm so tired of video games anyway

5 hours later 4009158 Anonymous
>>4009140 I think you are just holding your hand wrong, just put it on a table or something steady and measure fingers

5 hours later 4009163 Anonymous
>>4009147 I was there a couple months ago. Then I got and finished Dark Souls and my interest was renewed somehow. Just finished Darksiders and am gonna start Metro 2033 tomorrow. Polite sage for off-topic.

5 hours later 4009176 Anonymous
>>4009123 My dad is a great guy, but he is also a weak politically correct beta. He is very knowledgeable, but he is completely oblivious to obvious sexual dynamics and I've seen him get manipulated by women, but when confronted he denies any manipulation. Needless to say, I ended up omega as fuck.

6 hours later 4009201 Anonymous
>>4009176 The virtue of your existence guarantees your father was able to woo your mother.

6 hours later 4009206 Anonymous
>>4009158 Nope, left ring is larger by about a third of the height of my middle fingers fingernail

6 hours later 4009213 Anonymous
>>4009163 Video games in general these days are boring, I thought it was just a phase and then went back to play some old PS2 games and my interest was rekindled. There are still good games being released but they're hard to find and still have glaring flaws which put people off. For example I am playing Tales of Graces F which has a really good system and the battle system is really well done but the plot is shitty as fuck, besides Sophie the characters are all shitty and generic and graphics wise it looks more like a PS2 game. Its still worth playing but those things alone are enough to put people off, not just for ToGF but other games as well. In fact I think that might be a growing problem, people are getting bored and there isn't really much being made to keep people interested. Well this is more from a NEET perspective but still.

6 hours later 4009226 Anonymous
>>4009213 I really want to get into something more multiplayer-oriented, but I'm not a huge FPS fan. Anything else and you actually need to read strategies and shit, which isn't fun, and kinda takes away from it all.

6 hours later 4009235 Anonymous
>>4009226 I used to be the same way, I used to play WoW and have been really tempted to go back but I know its going to be the same shit all over again. I've mostly given up on online games, it needs to stop being a poor excuse for content.

6 hours later 4009250 Anonymous (Picture 223.png 215x225 41kB)
>>4009133 Holy shit, David Cameron is a tranny.

6 hours later 4009294 Anonymous
>>4009176 My parents are both good people, but I don't kid myself, they were unattractive people settling for eachother. The result is me, an even more unattractive person.

6 hours later 4009444 Anonymous
>>4008036 thank you sir for being wise and observant. Its nice to see that other people also choose to be this way, rather than to be slaves even when it is mocked as illogical/weak by todays society

6 hours later 4009471 Anonymous
>>4009119 But that's not just because of the system. A good few of my friends dad's left just because they could. They were really immature guys. It's like they had sort of started on the path a lot of guys are on now.

6 hours later 4009486 Japanese Lettuce Hardcore
>>4006652 >They don't know what to say, they don't know what to do. So..... why don't you learn instead of bitching about it? Nothing will be handed to you on a silver spoon because you make excuses for your lack of intelligence and social skills.

6 hours later 4009501 Anonymous
>>4009486 Because it's not worth it, modern western women aren't attractive, now fuck off.

6 hours later 4009502 Anonymous
>>4009486 >implying anyone on this board thinks they have below average intelligence.

6 hours later 4009510 Anonymous
>>4009486 Because modern western women aren't worth it, now fuck off.

6 hours later 4009526 Anonymous
>>4009501 >>4009502 >>4009510 Stop replying to that troll, in any of his guises. Just stop. Ignore him

6 hours later 4009539 Anonymous
>>4009526 yeah, willdo

6 hours later 4009541 Japanese Lettuce Hardcore
>>4009510 >>4009501 Are you srs bro? What is so wrong with us? Do you prefer middle eastern women because you can abuse them? You truly are afiard of women surpassing you academically, professionally and intellectually. >>4009502 Everyone on this board thinks they have higher than average intelligence, but just because they think that, doesn't make it true!

7 hours later 4009562 Anonymous

7 hours later 4009600 Anonymous
>>4008398 exactly. When I decided to stop being like this and start being "normal" I found a gf and it looked like this. >It was automatically asumed that I will stop with videogames, because videogames are for boys that doesnt have gf every women I know agreed on this >It was automatically asumed that I have to go clubbing, drinking alcohol and do other things that will provide me instant fake "happines" rather than do my hobbies (like program games, "draw manga", read books) whioch will provide true happines also everyona I know agreed on this. When I was talking about my hobbies with people they were looking at me like "Why dude? why so much work, you can just get drunk" >It was automatically asumed I will invest more money into relationship despite being poorfag (which my gf wasnt) again the same thing, I have to buy a present for my gf (and even for my friends, something like bottle of alcohol) and it would be awkward if I gave them hand-made present (like picture, which takes much more effort) >It was automatically asumed I will put at least the same amout of feels and emotions as my gf and at the same time be mentally much stronger and supportive than her again this is social norm nowdays I wanted to try "normal" life, so I get throught all of this for 3y, telling myself that this is the "right" path and that it will start to be fun, I just need to wait. I ended up losing all my interests, hobbies, motivation, happines. So yeah it isnt out fault for rejecting real women, relationships etc... They dont offer anything, that is why guys will rather stay home and watch porn, than be with real women. Society brings this upon itself PS. funny thing was, that in the end that gf cheated on me, so it was just 3 wasted years

7 hours later 4009601 Anonymous
>>4009176 My father is a beta who is completely whipped by my mother, his father was also a complete beta who got no respect from his wife and my maternal granfather was supposed to be an asshole yet he sounded like he only wanted to disclipline my mother which she needed.

7 hours later 4009606 Anonymous
>>4009541 If they surpassed me in those things, at least they might be able to hold an intellectually stimulating conversation, instead of expecting that from men but having absolutely nothing of value to contribute themselves. There's a reason why I only associate with men these days, it's because women are fucking boring status whores, only good for when you want to get your dick wet. Don't bother replying, I'm not going to read it.

7 hours later 4009621 Anonymous
I've seen tons of lectures saying more or less the same thing but there is one problem, he doesn't quite enter into addressing the problem or as others have pointed out he only blames men and not say the education system.

7 hours later 4009625 Anonymous (sheen_winning.jpg 300x436 19kB)
>>4008534 nice one sir

7 hours later 4009643 Anonymous
>>4008650 >Trust me. You don't want to end like me. true, you are a failure. I choose not to persue women, I dont feel jelly about them, I am just not interested in them

7 hours later 4009727 Anonymous
>>4008867 IRC, ICQ wat? I am not that old I was using it a while ago >tfw 2000 was 12y ago :/ (not 2)

7 hours later 4009743 Anonymous
>>4008993 just shut up you faggot, stop compare people in here to you

7 hours later 4009784 Anonymous
>>4009074 >So we have feminists arguing that women should have equal control and leadership in relationships, but if you give it to them, they're turned off. If you ask her opinion on everything before you do it and treat her like an equal partner, like she claims to want, her attraction will die. Of course, you're a monster if you ever point this shit out. This is part of the reason I stopped caring about the whole thing, fuck it. oh fuck man, so much truth. First relationship I was trying for us to be balanced. I alway know the right thing to do, but I would always have dialog about it and if I didnt convinced her, I would follow her suggestion. Years later she told me by herself that she hate how lazy she is, that we dont do anything, because she turns everything off, and that she would like me to compel her for my suggestiones, because in the end it entertain her. Funny thing was, that she thought that it is the most common thing that EVERY man should know and do for women Also she cheated on me because she was bored of relationship which was lead by both of us

7 hours later 4009788 Anonymous
>>4009727 IRC is still around, I am on Rizon right now. ICQ I am not sure about, I think it was 1999-2000ish when I was using it. I used to "troll" on there, I remember asking some dude about DBZ because we were really behind here in NZ.

7 hours later 4009820 Anonymous
>>4009486 >hey don't know what to say, they don't know what to do. because you are fat guy, now fuck off

7 hours later 4009831 Anonymous
>>4008036 HELL YEAH MOTHERFUCKER this is the sermon on the fucking mount right here guys, this guy gets it and has articulated it perfectly, I salute you, our tribune of the male masses. Save what you've just written and re-post it

7 hours later 4009892 Anonymous
>>4008783 its largely because men are always judged as possibly being pedophiles if they express a desire to teach young children, and because women pretty much own teaching nowadays. Also hmm, less males in teaching positions nowadays, mainly a female dominated profession, and we've got much stupider kids all of a sudden, I really cannot even begin to imagine why.

7 hours later 4009921 Anonymous
>>4009074 >PUA schools I liked everything you said after spruiking PUA though, but come on dude that shit IS NOT REAL. Those "pick up artists" exist on MTV and nowhere else

8 hours later 4009987 Anonymous
>>4006652 I think that guy is pretty far off base. In any case, it should be clear to everyone that our technological evolution has far outpaced our biological evolution. I'm not saying that we need to go back to the old ways, merely that we need to do a better job of coping with our circumstances. In my mind, many social problems are the result of poor parenting. We need to focus on raising kids right, not internet porn.

9 hours later 4010502 Anonymous
>>4008161 >Who would ever choose to not have the control? impulsive testosterone-monkeys. Guys that usually are quarterbacks. Not our better-numb-myself-in-the-basement thoughtful

9 hours later 4010524 Anonymous
>>4009090 >fill that gap with something meaningful which is hard replace one habit with another: go jogging. works for me.

10 hours later 4010580 Anonymous
>>4008036 It's not other people's fault you're a whipped faggot who's too afraid to openly disagree with his girlfriend. It's also not other people's fault that you're too much of a whiny failure to handle a relationship with anyone who isn't a doormat. >media pushing women to be promiscuous Taylor Swift.

10 hours later 4010600 Anonymous
>>4008222 >It has been proven that children who grow up in households with both mothers and fathers are happier and much more well adjusted Yeah but that's mostly because it's difficult for a single parent to churn out a good child. It has nothing to do with gender and instead has to do with two caring moral figures being there for you.

10 hours later 4010668 Anonymous
>>4008650 Ha. You are me. I've learned to deal with it. But now I'm doing everything at about half the speed of dudes with a gf, because it's just very hard to motivate yourself for anything. Routine, sports, fruits, alcohol, teamwork help a lot, but not not enough. I'm seeing a psychiatrist next wednesday. Hope he got some speed-pills or sth. When you're on your own, half speed is more than enough. When you work with other people, you gonna get fired /drop out

10 hours later 4010680 Anonymous
Zimbardo is a psycopath.

10 hours later 4010681 Anonymous
>>4009074 >The vast majority of successful, long lasting relationships have the man lead. Sorry bro stopped reading there. If you actually want a prosperous relationship you actually have to look at eachother as equals

10 hours later 4010734 Anonymous
>>4008954 >>4008848 >>4008816 It's hated by girls just the way they hate sluts and models. It's looked down on by men, because most time it's not stilling a hunger but slacking off.

10 hours later 4010777 Anonymous (Big get.jpg 368x288 37kB)
>>4009021 > I checked my digits Check these digits.

10 hours later 4010788 Anonymous
>>4009074 +1000000 interwebs

11 hours later 4011287 giiiga
>>4009486 Ha fuck you JLH, if i knew how to "learn" those things properly I would not be here. Did you even read something in the thread. We were discussing about a possible cause of those problems, so we can whip it out and be better persons ourselves. But no, you come here and say to me that I have to just learn it like if I could just go to a shopping mall and take some social "skills with women" from some shelf and buy it. If you can't at least understand why we make a big deal of this problem so get the fuck out. Also, "hurr durr western women" is the most incredible bullshit i've ever heard. Don't you fuckheads see dudes out there being happy with relationships and with cute girls? Just because there are people who had shitty relationships doesn't mean that every single relationship we may have will be shit. How can you fucking generalize all women in the western world you fuckers? I assure you that if you go to japan or china or korea or shit the chances of finding a interesting women are smaller than here. fuck that shit i'm going to fap to some hentai porn

11 hours later 4011387 giiiga (the-gorillaz_feel-good-inc_mqCImoZyLVw.jpg 480x360 9kB)
You guys just put all the blame on "western women" and go on satisfied with this. But then you go here and post some feels in a >tfw no gf thread. I need to know why the hell i am here stuck with the same problems of you guys who blame everything on western women and nothing on yourselves.

12 hours later 4011894 Anonymous
>>4010777 Damn. Props to you sir. WINNER WINNER CHICKEN DINNER.

12 hours later 4011994 Anonymous
>tfw the only answer to this problem you can think of is suicide

12 hours later 4012008 Anonymous
>>4011994 sports, fruits, sleep-schedule, foreign lang.

12 hours later 4012081 Anonymous
>>4010681 >If you actually want a prosperous relationship you actually have to look at eachother as equals No, you really don't. Women hate the idea of being seen as an equal.

12 hours later 4012101 Anonymous
This guy wrote my Psychology textbook when I was at school. He knows his shit.

12 hours later 4012123 Anonymous
>>4006652 >by the time a boy is 21 he has played 10 000 hours of video games. >dota 2 >1227 hours played Well. FUCK.

12 hours later 4012222 Anonymous
>>4008031 >>4008036 >Slow clap

13 hours later 4012313 Anonymous
You want to feel like a man? Become /fit/ and get in a fight. I wasn't fat, and had taken PE throughout highschool so I had a little muscle, it took me about 6 months to have some noticeable muscling. I was walking home wearing my new RHCP hoodie when this black guy sitting on the side of the road started to stand up and grab a bottle. I was all pumped up from the gym, so I asked him whats up, why did you just pick up that bottle? He threw the bottle at me and started running towards me. It hurt like fuck, hit me in the stomach and knocked the air out of me, and he got a good punch to the face before I struck back. Solid hit to his shoulder, and I grabbed onto his arm, and stepped on his foot. I pushed him back while still holding his foot, and I think it broke or snapped or something, but he couldn't stand back up, so I kicked him in the ribs a few times and ran back home. Holy shit, all that adrenaline pumping makes you feel like god, I think there is some truth to fight club.

13 hours later 4012314 Anonymous
>>4006652 >>4006912 annnd there you go. zimbardo is a feminist controlled fuckwit, if you listen to him you are a fucking moron. all he's doing is pushing their crusades and their agenda at the expense of men, as is always the case. >>4007853 how coincidental that the things 'causing the problems' are the things that men use to escape from women, have their non moderated space and get the shit they need without the involvement of women and thus without the need to adhere to their shitty rules and demands. such a coincidence. fuckoff.

13 hours later 4012336 Anonymous
>>4008036 Nah this is shit. I wouldn't call 'purse holding' and 'shopping' "slavery". And you're only a doormat if you allow yourself to be one.

13 hours later 4012338 Anonymous
>>4008097 >Who cares? The idea was invented and died in the same century. you're a moron. the idea has existed for thousands of years. it is the basis of what we call society, and it is a non negotiable requirement for it to work and operate successfully.

13 hours later 4012377 Anonymous
would you guys be down with living in an all male society? where reproduction is handled artificially ect... I really wouldn't mind that at all, problem is I think I'm in extreme minority of people willing to try to build such a society, how many followers could I possibly get?

13 hours later 4012404 Anonymous (am-wizard.png 498x623 316kB)
>>4008036 >what a sexual relationship with a woman has turned into: Modern slavery What's funny is that a man in the 1800's would easily have complained about the same type of thing, or a man in ancient Greece or old Babylon... Men that get into relationships and are unable to draw boundaries have always had issues like that, it's called being henpecked, or pussywhipped these days. It's not an issue specific to now and it's not every relationship, it's something that happens when the woman is the dominant partner and the man is such that he cannot fight back. However, since we're on /r9k/ I have a decent guess for why you would assume this is the model for all relationships for all time and why it should be blamed on the zeitgeist of our era instead of the individuals involved; Tell me about your mother, brobot.

13 hours later 4012407 Anonymous
>>4012377 no. I'd need a female to hug once in a while.

13 hours later 4012408 Anonymous
>>4012336 >Nah this is shit. Is it? Don't be a doormat, do what you want, when you want. Oh look, you've been cheated on or dumped. She breaks up with you, or you want a divorce after she cheats? HOW FUCKING MISOGYNIST ARE YOU. IT'S MY RIGHT TO FUCK OTHER PEOPLE. God forbid you be married or have kids, because in that case you lose all your belongings and 80% of your wage every month gets taken and thrown at her just for the hell of it. I'm not even that guy, but you're fucking wrong and you're a moron for thinking otherwise. I like things the way they are and I'm not going to let any faggots change it. If women are going to be hypergamous, non long term, cheating and promiscuous whores who have absolutely nothing of value to offer other than sex, that can only be gained by constantly keeping them interested, entertained 24/7, on an emotional rollercoaster, always doing what they want yadda yadda, then I'm perfectly happy to jack it to porn instead of deal with them. They are shitty human beings, I want nothing to do with them as a whole, and only want anything to do with an individual when they can prove they're none of those things, good human beings, and sign contracts to state that cheating leaves you with absolutely nothing. Until then, porn and video games son. I have no need to work hard to impress some dumb cunt, I'll work to make just enough to get by and maximise my free time to enjoy it relaxing and doing shit I like to do.

13 hours later 4012429 Anonymous
>>4011387 Because the problem is entirely western women and feminist society. Sorry bby, thems the facts.

13 hours later 4012456 Anonymous
>>4009892 No, the main reason is men do not want to be teachers. They want to run the school board and do everything that doesn't involve students. They want the cushy no-stress supervisory positions while women are dealing with the high-stress teaching positions. None of this pedo shit, stfu.

13 hours later 4012463 Anonymous
>>4008867 did i just read myself? woah!

13 hours later 4012491 Anonymous
>>4012407 so you mean you just want the feel and warmth of a female body against you? cause as technology catches up I'm sure that can be replicated somehow.

13 hours later 4012496 Anonymous
>>4009541 >You truly are afiard of women surpassing you academically, professionally and intellectually. Are you serious? You're surpassing us because of why? Oh that's right, because every time modern women want something we change the entire system to suit them so they do better. Then we artificially lower white males scores and boost female and minorities to 'balance' it. Then we implement regulations that demand x% of the intake are women and minorities, regardless of how well they perform comparatively. Then due to these percentages, males get less interested because being stuck in a female controlled environment, forced to learn from a system designed at educating females, is of no interest to them. And what's the result after we do all that? HURR LETS FOCUS ON WOMEN MORE. LOLOL YOU GUYS JUST MAD WE BETTA DAN YOU. You're better than us in the same way a chimp taken and trained by the army, given automatic weapons and shit is better in a fight than an average person. You are a moron.

13 hours later 4012498 Anonymous
>>4012313 You didn't understand fight club pleb

13 hours later 4012508 Anonymous
isn't this the faggot that blames this on pornography and shit?

13 hours later 4012560 Anonymous
>>4010600 > It has nothing to do with gender and instead has to do with two caring moral figures being there for you. LOL. You're an idiot. You could have 80 caring parental figures, and if they're all men or all women, you're still fucked. You need ONE OF EACH.

13 hours later 4012587 Anonymous
>>4012404 Moron. In those societies, promiscuity was frowned upon and you'd be ostracised by society for it. You could not just leave your partner either on a whim, let alone take half their shit. The fact that you're failing to even account for that and compare the two situations as the same just shows how uneducated you are.

13 hours later 4012594 Anonymous
>>4012408 Yes it is. Welcome back Derrida, completely blowing shit out of proportion as always. If your woman has gotten to the point of controlling you to that degree it is your own fault for marrying a bitch. You would love to think that all women are out to take all of your money at the drop of a hat, but isn't the reality you try to project. Divorce and child support cases almost always stem from a shitty cheating husband. Men. Cheat. More. Than. Women. And it's only getting worse with this variety addiction. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17951664/ns/health-sexual_health/t/many-cheat-thrill-more-stay-true-love /#.UHHFw02yanw

13 hours later 4012598 Anonymous
>>4012587 >>4012587 >You could not just leave your partner either on a whim Jason left Madea and people other than Madea were cool with it

13 hours later 4012606 Anonymous
>>4012491 I bet you are working on it.

13 hours later 4012620 giiiga
>>4012491 so you are saying that you will just stay at home fapping like the lonely loser you are while wait to some unknown scientist somehow, somewhere, create some artificial shit who emulates companionship and intimacy and hand it to for you so you don't need to do anything by yourself to feel better? dude, this is very very pathetic. Don't you want to become a better person, like an improved version of yourself? Holy shit man I thought that everybody wanted it.

13 hours later 4012629 Anonymous
>>4012594 And yet 60%+ up to as far as 80% divorce rates, with something like 90% initiated by the woman, with reasons as mundane as 'boredom'. Yeah, it's mens fault lol, sure. Men cheat more than women you say? Got any evidence for that? You know, legitimate evidence that cites studies, that isn't a feminist biased source? Because as we all know, feminists can't be trusted and doctor all information to play it to their advantage. Their "1 in 3 women are sexually assaulted" or "baww women are underpaid cause we're women, wage gape!" are prime examples of this.

13 hours later 4012646 Anonymous
Oh look, a baby-boomer blaming video games and internet porn. What a fucking surprise. It's not video games, it's not access to porn, it's fucking feminism. It's a social and legal change which, over the last 50 years since this schmuck was born, has slowly, insidiously created a world where men are under more pressure to 'succeed' than ever before, and punished harder for 'failure' than ever before, A world where a woman's mere words can now destroy a man socially, professionally and financially whilst she enjoys complete protection from any and all consequences. A world where our education system is DELIBERATELY slanted in favor of women, with group work and course work making up the majority of a grade, whilst indvidual work, exams and everything else that male competitiveness makes them good at has been marginalized. And these fucking morons wonder where the 'good men' have gone.

13 hours later 4012654 Anonymous
>>4012620 >Don't you want to become a better person, like an improved version of yourself? How dumb are you? Verging on 10/10 here. You're directly equating the validation and approval of some dumb fuck women as proof that you've improved yourself. By your stupid logic, Nikolai Tesla needed to improve himself and was a loser.

13 hours later 4012658 Anonymous
>>4012629 >that isn't a feminist biased source? >Post a source that agrees with me or it's biased Oh, okay.

13 hours later 4012661 Anonymous
>>4012594 >Men. Cheat. More. Than. Women. Not for long. Female infidelity has skyrocketed.

13 hours later 4012680 giiiga
>>4012654 He was not a loser because he doesn't really wanted relationship with womem. But you do. You are a loser when you want something but don't do shit to get it, blaming others instead.

13 hours later 4012686 Anonymous
>>4012620 I'm not going to just wait, I've picked myself from neetdom and going to school now, doing an electrical engineering program with a concentration on controls, figured that's a good stepping stone for getting into robotics.

13 hours later 4012714 giiiga
>>4012654 and it's not " the validation and approval of some dumb fuck women" that i'm talking about. I'm talking about the capacity to connect with others and to form meaningful relationships.

13 hours later 4012720 Anonymous
>>4012680 >You are a loser when you want something but don't do shit to get it, blaming others instead. So if I get a job and become a productive tax paying member of society in order to fund this substitution would I still be a loser?

13 hours later 4012742 Anonymous
>>4012658 Nice fallacy as a comeback. Like I thought, you can't provide a legitimate study or multiple as source. If your feminist biased statistics were true, why is the country with the highest sexual assault rate in the world only 1 in 10? What happened to 1 in 3 that feminist sources stated? Doctored. What about the wage gap? How everyone has shown that the wage gap cannot exist because if it did, capitalism by it's nature would employ only women and save a fuckload of money. Or that every single study done doesn't take into account any of the important variables that would make for an accurate comparison? What happened to the wage gap that feminist claimed was totally there and the big bad patriarchy enforced it? Doctored. Feminist sources are always wrong, flat out. And they can be because if someone accuses you of lying and having no legitimate evidence, you can just scream misogynist and modern society takes your side. You are stupid. Women cheat significantly more than men, and have done for years now.

13 hours later 4012766 giiiga
>>4012720 what do tou want. I mean, what do you really want? Do you really want to "become a productive tax paying member of society in order to fund this substitution"? If this is what you want, well then you are not a loser. I, among other things unrelated to this thread, want to be loved and want to be able to connect with people. So if I don't go after it, yes I am a loser.

13 hours later 4012768 Anonymous
>>4012742 why people stay in these threads to pick on the intellectually wheel chaired i'll never know, i dare say you guys enjoy it

13 hours later 4012771 Anonymous
>>4012714 Again, Telsa. He was basically a hermit, had one real friend and his friends wife who he went to dinner with a bunch, that's about it. You're basing shit on arbitrary things that you think you want and that you think make you somehow better than others.

13 hours later 4012776 Anonymous
>>4012646 >blaming video games and internet porn He's a psychologist, he doesn't blame. You have these things, he looks at the effect having them has had on you. You choose internet socialization and solo games and lose your ability to meatspace socialize through lack of practice, which makes it harder for you to live your life in meatspace; things like getting a job or a girlfriend or drinking buddies and all that. Zimbardo isn't interested in blame, he's interested in understanding.

13 hours later 4012794 Anonymous
>>4012776 >You choose internet socialization and solo games and lose your ability to meatspace socialize through lack of practice, spoilers most people didn't choose to live their lives on the internet they came here because they were already socially dead and this was the only place they can truly interact with people

13 hours later 4012799 Anonymous
>>4012771 did you read him >I, among other things unrelated to this thread, want to be loved and want to be able to connect with people. maybe tesla didn't WANT to connect with other people

13 hours later 4012810 Anonymous
>>4012776 How wrong you are. As someone stated, he's a male feminist, a whiteknight and a feminist controlled fuckwad. He is exceptionally interested in blame if it helps limit or remove these things which women are crusading against because it lessens their power and control over men. If he were interested in understanding, he would have taken into account feminism, feminist society and modern women being promiscuous, hypergamous, insufferable whores, that nobody wants to settle down with at all, let alone work hard to be able to settle down with one. He doesn't. He focuses exclusively on the things that feminists are against, just like he always does.

13 hours later 4012816 Anonymous
>>4012776 >You choose internet socialization and solo games and lose your ability to meatspace socialize through lack of practice normal people do all this shit and are fine normal people play games they socialize online via facebook and shit and they watch porn. his whole argument falls apart when a control group is taken into account.

13 hours later 4012823 Anonymous
>>4012799 Exactly my fucking point. And that's perfectly normal and a legitimate choice for anyone to make.

14 hours later 4012842 Anonymous
>>4012823 for me its my instincts compel me to desire these things but on a logical level they make me sick so I just want to create a substitution to trick my mind into thinking these needs are met so I can concentrate on things I actually like.

14 hours later 4012890 Anonymous
>>4012823 i think he's saying he's a loser because he wants it and doesn't go after it, not that he's a loser just because he doesn't go after it

14 hours later 4012896 Anonymous
>>4012404 no. This isnt fault of betafags. This is fault of girls desilusion that they always deserve more just because they are girls. Also it is problem of society because society support this idea. also >not implying that it is 100% fault of girls and that betafags are innocent. Just saying that default situation is "I am women everyona has to respect me, protect me and support me. I on the other hand doesnt have to do anything, because I am a women"

14 hours later 4012916 Anonymous
>>4012768 >>4012768 >>4012768 >>4012768 This so much You'd think they'd leave this place if they really hate it so much. I think they actually enjoy it. It gives them a sense of importance.

14 hours later 4012945 Anonymous
>>4012456 >man wants no-stress supervisory positions yeah, that is why so many bankers/politics/criminals/lawyer/doctores etc.. are men Women wants to be teacher because it is easy and you have room full of people that has to listen to you

14 hours later 4012954 Anonymous
>>4012945 >Women wants to be teacher because it is easy and you have room full of people that has to listen to you I'm not nessasirly taking any position here but the one time I had to teach , it really sucked

14 hours later 4012991 Anonymous
>>4012456 hah, this isn't so unlikely swear to god my vice principle spent more than half of his day walking around the fucking school doing nothing and after hours he'd direct traffic out of the parking lot aint that somethin

14 hours later 4012997 Anonymous
>>4012680 why every tripfags has to be retarded? Is there some kind of curse? If someone gets nickname here will it reduce his iq to 6? Ok on the not-offtopic side: He also said he dont wants whores/sluts/stupid girls, so no he isnt failure because he refuses to be with this kind of women.

14 hours later 4013007 Anonymous
>>4012945 >Women wants to be teacher because it is easy and you have room full of people that has to listen to you no, thats what professors do teachers are basically babysitters with longer hours

14 hours later 4013008 Anonymous
It's totally the men's fault. After all, it is their fault for not trying to succeed after we've both made it near impossible and removed every single reason they had to succeed in the first place. I'm just glad that kike didn't utter the words "man up". God nothing pisses me off more than those two words together.

14 hours later 4013017 Anonymous
>>4012766 >yes I am a loser. This should be your whole post, you dont need that other stuff around. You know when your puberty ends, you wont probably be this stupid, so there is some chance for you

14 hours later 4013022 Anonymous
the fuck is a psychologist like Zimbardo commenting on sociological issue?

14 hours later 4013053 Anonymous
>>4012997 >why every tripfags has to be retarded? I don't agree with most of what he says but male femminist(the tripfag) seems like a pretty chill guy.

14 hours later 4013069 Anonymous
4012954 >>4013007 well I meant it is easy to became one. I bet teching those little pricks can be hard

14 hours later 4013074 Anonymous
>>4012810 >feminist controlled fuckwad. Based on your posts, you look like a conspiracy theorist. You see feminism as an insidious force that controls society, deliberately working against you and other men in an attempt to control you. It has all the comforts of a conspiracy theory in that; 1. You're important enough to need to be controlled. 2. Somebody is in control, even if it's someone you don't like. 3. Since forces are working against you, your failures are not your fault. Zimbardo would not take your approach because Zimbardo would look at your activity, and I guarantee that at no point in your life did you butt up against a feminist conspiracy and then choose to become a NEET-type, you were already a NEET-type and the feminist conspiracy was taken up retroactively to justify it. Again, he doesn't say "You're a bad person for using all this internet and gaems," he's not Joe Lieberman, persecution is something you've brought up. In the talk he simply says "young men are punching out of society, and this is what they're doing instead." The idea of blame is simply one that is useful to you, because it gives you the moral justification of a victim. >>4012816 He is talking about "normal" men, not /r9k/ specifically. The figures are such that it's men everywhere having issues, and he lays out in the talk that facebook socializing is exactly the problem.

14 hours later 4013080 Anonymous
>>4013069 >teching shit *teaching

14 hours later 4013091 Anonymous
>>4013022 He's a feminist cunt. He has been for years. Everything he does now is about this shit and to further their agenda. Literally everything.

14 hours later 4013095 Anonymous
>>4012776 > lose your ability to meatspace socialize I never HAD that ability in the first place.

14 hours later 4013106 Anonymous
>>4013080 It's an excellent observation anyway.

14 hours later 4013123 Anonymous
>>4013074 >"young men are punching out of society, and this is what they're doing instead." But he doesn't address WHY men are doing this. That is the fucking point. He just states that we are, then says we'r choosing to spend our time on these other things, which must be bad for us because we're avoiding society and women to do them. They just so happen to be the things that women hate because they're our few spaces of freedom and it lessens their power. >1. You're important enough to need to be controlled. We are. Womens entire existence is centred around the manipulation and control of men. Anything that lessens their control or takes our interest away from them is a threat to them.

14 hours later 4013128 Anonymous
>taking a psychologist seriously It's not a real science

14 hours later 4013136 Anonymous
>>4013123 >Womens entire existence is centred around the manipulation and control of men. works the same way around, men are just not doing as good of a job right now

14 hours later 4013141 dudebro
I don't really know shit about psychology and I never even came close to struggling with school but every time I see something like this it always makes me think that there's really not much discussion about what it means to be a man in today's world A lot of people are blaming feminism as per usual /r9k/ and I'm not gonna jump on that bandwagon. That being said, discussion of gender roles is kind of a feminist 'thing,' and feminist discussions of gender roles usually focus on the role of women entirely, or when they do focus on men its usually picking at things that men do 'wrong.' I can hardly fault feminists for not thinking much about manhood since that aint really their lane but I do think that there ought to be a little more thought by men about what being a man actually means... a clear, positive and realistic ideal could give young men something concrete to aspire to and help them present themselves to the world more confidently I was lucky enough to grow up with a father who I admire a lot and think is a great male role model but not every guy was so fortunate and I wish that there were more sources for guys to draw their conception of manhood from...

14 hours later 4013156 Anonymous
>>4013136 Nah, doesn't work the other way around. Men don't give a shit about women. Men have hobbies, men like their space, yadda yadda. Men are interested in women for sex, and to produce their children. The desire to manipulate a woman in the average man extends as far as making them stay faithful, provide them with sex and don't bitch at them. Womens entire existence for the most part revolves around manipulating a man or many men.

14 hours later 4013165 Anonymous
>tfw all this end of men bullshit just goes to show that Fight Club was ahead of its time. Palahniuk called it

14 hours later 4013174 Anonymous
>>4013141 my father is as socially awkward and nerdy as me, and his father the same. its in my blood the only reason I exist is because my mother wanted U.S. citizenship and the only reason my father exist is because of an arranged marriage. as society has changed from my father and grandfather's time it seems its about time this bloodline dies out and I'm ok with that.

14 hours later 4013175 Anonymous
>>4013136 It probably 'works'. >'manipulation', 'control' fuck you, I don't want to live with this and I don't want no fucking relationship based on this. This is just too stupid. I hate people like you.

14 hours later 4013185 Anonymous
>>4013141 >but I do think that there ought to be a little more thought by men about what being a man actually means It doesn't matter. Here's what you don't take into account - what women say and what they mean and want are completely different things. If you sit down and ask them to come up with what being a man should mean, you'll get stuff that in the end, they don't want, because they are too stupid to control their biological urges, their material desires, their constant upgrading and hypergamy. If those things were under control, then maybe, but they won't be under control if women are given the freedom because they're too childish to control anything themeslves. For those things to be under control, society would have to abhor and demonize them, and ostracise people who partook in them.

14 hours later 4013188 Anonymous
Whenever there is a problem, it's men that cause it. >Girls doing poorly in school Well, men aren't giving them the opportunities they deserve, let's put in quotas. >Boys doing poorly in school It's their own fault, they don't pay attention, are too easily distracted and not working hard enough. Let's drug them and suspend them if they continue doing poorly. >Girl being shy around guys She's afraid of guys because they could rape her or use her for sex and then drop her. We need to teach men to respect women and not rape them. >Boy being shy around girls He's obviously a sexual deviant that is addicted to porn. He has no social skills because he never tried and now he's creepy and doesn't deserve to socially interact with his peers. Let's just blame him for his own inadequacies, or better yet, let's blame the male run businesses that made him a porn and gaming addict. Fuck you society. Fuck you for coddling girls to such extremes, making them always the victim even when they are the problem and the turning around to boys and calling them little monsters and telling them their entire lives that they aren't worth as much as girls because all men are bad. Fuck you.

14 hours later 4013194 Anonymous
the only thing being a man should mean is you pay your taxes, work, and dont rape,kill or steal.

14 hours later 4013199 Anonymous
Anyone else notice he threw up the horns when he said the demise of guys? He has a book called The Lucifer Effect. Wouldn't be surprised if he worships Satan.

14 hours later 4013232 giiiga
>>4013017 >>4012997 please explain to me why my idea is so retarded as you say. Damn I know that i can't express myself properly here because english is not my native language, but i think i made myself very clearly in my post.Is like this guy said: >>4012890 You people are so delusional trying to convince yourselves that you don't want women. And you do it because it's the easiest pathetic way. And when i come here and tell you the truth, you all get butthurt. >>4013074 dude i agree with you

14 hours later 4013265 Anonymous
There was a TED talk with a potential solution: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSF82AwSDiU Called the great porn experiment.

14 hours later 4013306 Anonymous
>>4013232 >You people are so delusional trying to convince yourselves that you don't want women. Like I said, Telsa, YET AGAIN. You assume that wanting women is normal and that anyone that doesn't is a weirdo or a loser. That makes you a fucking moron son. All you can say is that YOU PERSONALLY want one, and that society tells you it's right to have one and that if you don't you're a weirdo and a loser. Here's a hint though; society is fucking moronic.

14 hours later 4013313 Anonymous
>>4013123 >But he doesn't address WHY men are doing this. Because that's not the point of the talk, and because if he described the whys it would definitely sound like he's blaming you. >Womens entire existence is centred around the manipulation and control of men. This is the problem, like a baby that thinks people disappear when they hide behind their hands; you can't imagine people having lives outside of you, so everything people do must relate to you in some fashion, you always find some way that it does. The inherent fallacy of "women just try to control men" is that they don't need you to do anything. You view this entire debacle as society/feminism trying to get something out of you, which you imagine is because they NEED something out of you. They don't. Society will grind on. Zimbardo isn't trying to control you; he's WORRIED about you. If you're under 20 it is literally impossible for you to understand what I mean here, but keep it in mind. And if you're older than 25, get on board already.

14 hours later 4013335 Anonymous
>>4013313 >get on board already Get on board what?

14 hours later 4013338 Anonymous
>>4013232 I have reproductive instincts just like any other mammal, but even so I'm not obligated to follow them the way nature intended , I'm not a mindless animal.

14 hours later 4013341 Anonymous
>>4013313 >They don't. If they don't need us they'd stop writing articles about how all we do is post on 4chan and play video games all day. We'd be left alone and no one would tell us to man up or anything.

14 hours later 4013356 dudebro
>>4013185 Who said anything about women son, how the fuck would they know shit about being a man... this is something that men should be thinking about for themselves, and unfortunately its not something that most guys really spend a lot of time on or talk a lot about Instead of blaming women for your problems you should think for yourself about what being a man means... like I said you can hardly blame women for not having a great conception of what manhood is, since its not something they've ever experienced or ever will experience

14 hours later 4013363 Anonymous
>>4013128 >2012 >not thinking psychology is a real science i bet you're religious too

14 hours later 4013384 Anonymous
no it is about control if it was genuinely about our happiness then why are alternative solutions that don't fit into normality immediately shot down and labeled as "pathetic"?

14 hours later 4013394 Anonymous
>>4013165 And what I'd like people to remember about Fight Club is; The most important relationship in the book is between a man and himself. Tyler Durden asks, "We're a generation of men raised by women. Is another woman really what we need?" Well if his generation hadn't been raised by women, they would have been raised by men. It's easy to think that it was what his mom did that was wrong, but maybe Durden's real problem was what his dad didn't do right.

14 hours later 4013399 Anonymous
>>4013384 That is all psychiatry is about is controlling people.

14 hours later 4013408 Anonymous
>>4013313 >and because if he described the whys it would definitely sound like he's blaming you. Because he is a feminist controlled fuckwit who is a joke professionally and has absolutely no desire to address the whys as they are, and only a desire to express the whys in terms that will benefit his feminist overlords. >The inherent fallacy of "women just try to control men" is that they don't need you to do anything. You view this entire debacle as society/feminism trying to get something out of you, which you imagine is because they NEED something out of you. >They don't. Society will grind on. Guess what? You're wrong. Society slowly crumbles when men are not productive and producing a surplus of labour for it. As ours is already doing. That is the very basis that society operates on. If even as much as 10-20% of males are uninterested in contributing to society and creating a surplus of labour, that is a HUGE problem. And it's already at 20% or above as we are now. And why do men do this? To provide for a wife and kids that he loves, is faithful, and knows are his. Oh look, feminism has removed and is continuing to remove any desire for males to achieve that. Removing all rewards that make us want to contribute, but still expecting us to do it. Where does all that female welfare come from pray tell? Why do women need to take 80% of a mans wages as child support? So on and so forth, if women "don't need men". You are supremely uneducated. Please learn how capitalism, or even society in general, operates.

14 hours later 4013416 Anonymous
>>4013394 maybey its because i don't get 3DEEPFORME stories, but i thought fight club was just about a guy going insane.

14 hours later 4013431 Anonymous
>>4013356 >Instead of blaming women for your problems you should think for yourself about what being a man means Because it doesn't matter what the fuck 'being a man means' if it doesn't fall in line with what women desire, because you'll still be in the same situation as now. Their biological drives and attractions aren't going to change, just like ours aren't. They can go about redefining what it means to be a woman all day, but it wont be accepted for thousands of years, men will still want a pretty bitch who is faithful.

15 hours later 4013448 Anonymous
>>4013156 >Men don't give a shit about women. >Men are interested in women for sex, and to produce their children. next time you try to make a post please try to go at least 2 sentences without contradicting yourself if women and sex weren't such a big deal to men, they wouldn't be such a popular topic on this board even men that can get women are obsessed with them, just look at heartiste, roosh, and every other game blogger

15 hours later 4013451 Anonymous
>>4008783 Are you fucking kidding? As you go up, male teachers become WAY more prevalent. It's a combination of women not becoming profs (even among highly educated women, they usually go into something that isn't teaching) and men being distrusted for handling young kids (because at worst they'll go molest kids all day, and at best they'll be cold and distant men) so naturally, women tend to get into elementary schools more, then it's like 50/50 by high school, then in college/university it becomes majority male >>4013356 >you should think for yourself about what being a man means... you are part of the problem if you think that being a man comes down to ANYTHING other than producing sperm. that's what manliness comes down to -- being literally a man irl. (transpeople don't chimp out on me pls, unless you have legit dysphoria where you feel a dick between your legs and your vagina feels foreign in the same way food in your mouth feels like something that is not a part of your body. if you have dysphoria that bad then you have license to chimp out)

15 hours later 4013461 Anonymous
>>4013175 you're naive, everyone manipulates one another whether they even realize it or not yes, even you

15 hours later 4013478 Anonymous
>>4013451 manliness =/= being male

15 hours later 4013490 Anonymous
>>4013408 >implying Where are those guys who claim they don't "need" women, and that getting married to even some faithful virgin would just "tie him down"?

15 hours later 4013503 giiiga
>>4013306 holy shit dude YOU are fucking moronic, or at least have problems like tesla. Don't get me wrong, I like Tesla a lot, but he clearly had some problems. Are you trying to say to me that our "needing of women" is a society construction? FUCK YOU dude, monkeys have the need to procreate and so do you and me. Tesla was a fucking EXCEPTION, the part of his brain that tells him that he need love from women seemed to not work properly. He DOESN'T WANTED women. A fucking EXCEPTION. So stop comparing yourself to him and trying to convince yourself that you are like him. If you were you would not watch porn and would not even be here. Also if you were like him you would not give a single fuck about feminism and about this thread. I don't like feminism (thank's Derrida), but what i'm trying to tell is that the solution for our problems with women will not come from blaming feminism. It will come by changing ourselves. I don't know how yet but that's why i made this thread. Fuck.

15 hours later 4013504 Anonymous
>>4013448 >next time you try to make a post please try to go at least 2 sentences without contradicting yourself That's not contradictory, sorry for your lack of reading comprehension. Women are interested in men, as in their entire lives revolve around them. Men are interested in women for sex, carrying on their bloodline and that's fucking it. They want to spend the rest of their time pursuing their hobbies. Women barely have hobbies, they spend all of their time manipulating men. It is quite literally all they do.

15 hours later 4013506 Anonymous
>>4013490 those are the ones that actually enjoy feminism and don't want it to end aka manwhores because feminism has liberated certain men from women

15 hours later 4013522 Anonymous
>>4013394 you know that canonically speaking, both tyler and the narrator are gay right it was probably just tyler taunting the narrator about his sexuality >>4013416 i always figured it's about how neither extremism and active celebration of the self nor total passivity and suppression of your little degeneracies are healthy lifestyles, and that you ought to just be open about yourself to yourself it's why one of the first really joyous moments of the book/movie is the narrator crying into a man's tits, and why he takes such pleasure in sitting in on focus groups -- he's happy because he's admitting that he is unhappy. but then he's back to the 9-5 where he has to bottle up more, his home life which he spends alone surrounded by nofun sterile things, so he gets crazy and goes overboard in the other direction. he revels in sorrow and degeneracy, but all that happens is that his life becomes horrible and he hurts a lot of people -- both emotionally and physically -- under the guise of "saving" them from an otherwise mundane life (kinda like /r9k/ alpha/beta war on women thinking, lol)

15 hours later 4013525 Anonymous
>>4013265 high quality post! Thx!

15 hours later 4013529 Anonymous
>>4013503 >Derrida speaking of which I haven't seen him in months, where is he?

15 hours later 4013558 Anonymous
>>4013313 >They don't. Society will grind on. that's actually the problem outlined by the "women just try to control men" line of thinking it's not that THEY NEED YOU, it's that if you can't provide them with something that they want/need, "society" (i.e. women and their supplicants) will indeed just grind on without you, leaving you to a lonely and unfulfilled life. YOU NEED THEM, but you have to demonstrate why you deserve them. and god forbid you actually slight any women -- they'll actively push you out.

15 hours later 4013571 Anonymous
>>4013232 1/3 Ok I will do something for you that you should do yourself, its called introspection. you are retarded because you dont respect other people opinion and you automatically think your opinion is the right one. You asume that my opinion just poped in my head without experience, unlike yours, which came from years of looking for the truth world wisdom. (btw I am being slightly sarcastic) But since you at least wants to know where you were wrong from my point of view I will show you. >My mother was the nicest person. (no mother complex) >since my childhood I was taught by society that girls wants nice guys. >I am fit, clever guy which never hit a women >I have a sister >she was prick since childhood, I was much stronger than her despite the fact I was younger, so my parrents forbid me from fighting her >She was well aware of this, so she did anything she wanted and when I fighted back she just cried and my parrents punished me. >I didnt blamed all girls I just hated my sister. >Had many female friends in school, all of them friendzoned me for older guys (you cant compete with that) >younger girls werent interested in dating yet. >So despite loving all girls I had to wait till higtschool for dating girls. >I was going out with one girl, I did everything for her (she was my first love) so she became bored of me and dumped me. >I still didnt blamed all girls, just the one that hurted me

15 hours later 4013573 Anonymous
>>4013478 "manliness" is a stupid concept. worth should not be determined by your gender. I grew up playing with polly pocket toys as a kid -- does this mean I'm now a worthless person because I'm not ~*Manly*~? Or am I just a person with value of some sort (or a lack thereof) that happens to have a dick? Why does me having a dick have to affect what makes me valuable or not?

15 hours later 4013577 Anonymous
>>4013571 2/3 >Had many girls that friendzoned me, had something with me and then with other guys that same night etc... >finally found a real girlfriend. The one perfect girlfriend for me. >I still didnt hated all girls, It took me some effort, but I convienced myself that not every girl is that bad as every other girl I met. >Best relationship, but still many fights because I wanted our relationship as equal and she wanted it more 70-30 (her-me) >Still with my love and afford I made it 50-50, where I stopped, because I didnt wanted to decide for her, I wanted for her to have the same freedom as me. >not going to desribe all 3 years in which I put my 100% into it >She then cheated on me because she became bored (her words) >She had anything from me, she wasnt mad at me, she wasnt sad, she was just bored

15 hours later 4013578 Anonymous
>>4013490 There are plenty of them. Grass eaters son, there's your example. Feel free to read up on it. Nobody "needs" one. They may want one, but your strawman doesn't work. Those faithful virgins either don't exist, or are in a minority so small that it's practically the same. They can't be bothered with modern women, their entitled attitudes, their hypergamy, their promiscuity and whoring, their constant bitching or demanding money/your time/etc etc. They'd rather pursue their work, play video games and ignore them because they're not worth the effort for what they are. If your mythical faithful virgin existed, and wasn't a cunt, didn't bitch, didn't demand their time, money, so on and so forth, I'm sure plenty would happily take it. But they don't, and what's on offer isn't worth taking. If a butcher sells mostly rotten meat, you're not going to keep going back in the hopes he sells you a decent steak one time.

15 hours later 4013582 Anonymous
>>4013451 >transpeople don't chimp out on me pls CHECK YOUR PRIVILEGE CIS SCUM

15 hours later 4013591 Anonymous
>>4013577 3/3 >She was sorry it was only once and she was drunk, I finally forgive her >She is now better gf than ever (it is half year since) >I slowly realized I just dont like her anymore... well not exactly, I realized that I like her, But I dont like girls (I dont mean sexualy). I met many guys that would do anything for their gf, But I never met girl that would do the same (if they arent shy virgins, but in that case they will get bored, dump their bf and become normals) >Every girl I met assumed they deserve more than guys. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. Even if they dont say it you see it in their actions. They either frindzone you, make you their slave or assume you are responsible for their entertaintment and If they are bored they will cheat on you. So heay, I stopped liking girls. I am breaking up with my gf and I am not looking for any new one. This is why: "I dont like girls" isnt just opinion to hide my weaknes of not being able to form relationship

15 hours later 4013592 Anonymous
>>4006652 There is a problem: sensory addiction. For the majority of us, it's not the porn - it's this fucking website. If you can't imagine going a day without checking out what's new on 4chan, whether you got banned, or your internet is out, you're addicted and you need to get your life under control.

15 hours later 4013593 Anonymous
>>4013504 >as in their entire lives revolve around them. >Women barely have hobbies, they spend all of their time manipulating men. >It is quite literally all they do. these are just lies you tell yourself to keep yourself comfortable, but i understand that when you're this deluded it's easy to deny the evidence it's plain to see that women have hobbies unrelated to getting men, even the ones that are usually attributed to attracting men are done for themselves and other women

15 hours later 4013611 Anonymous
>>4013503 >It will come by changing ourselves. Nah son, because again, I'm fine how I am. I'm better than fine. I have no need to change myself. Stop assuming I'm the same as you. The only solution will come in about 20 years max, when feminism gets stamped out and women are back in their deserved place. Women as they are now? I don't want them. See >>4013578 And no, your comment about porn is moronic. Porn provides sexual release. Sexual release is something males NEED. Biological need, as much as food or water. Intimacy with a woman? A relationship? Neither of those are biological NEEDS, they are wants. And they are reinforced by society in your upbringing so you perceive them as needs and think that anyone who doesn't agree is a weirdo or a loser. Society is wrong. Aa a general rule, society is always wrong, because the majority are stupid fucks.

15 hours later 4013616 Anonymous
>>4013504 You're a solipsist wrapped up in his own head. You're so deluded that you've become blind to the big picture. Women do want to pursue their hobbies and they do it, but they can manipulate men into letting them pursue said hobbies. See, women can get money from men much more easily than men can get money from women. Money fuels hobbies. Having money means having free time. More free time and/or more money = more hobbies.

15 hours later 4013618 Anonymous
>>4013506 and feminism liberated certain women from people like you. You've lost your privilege of be entitled to a woman even still being a boy. Now that you have to grown up in order to get pussy you complain and blame feminist. Stay mad bro.

15 hours later 4013627 Anonymous
>>4013529 i think he still pokes around without a trip, not so much in these threads, though

15 hours later 4013632 dudebro
>>4013431 Aight first of all, my 'situation' is just fine so forgive me if I don't join you in moping about how shitty white men have it in today's world Second of all, this is not all about getting girls and I dunno why you think it is. I think a realistic and positive vision of masculinity could go a long way towards helping men succeed in a lot of situations besides their relationships with women While we're on the topic of getting girls though, I think straight girls are definitely attracted to masculinity but since being masculine is not something that they really deal with they're pretty bad at articulating that... and when they do try its usually not something you can really internalize or its not something that necessarily conveys masculinity in every situation. Case in point when women say they want a 'nice guy' they're not envisioning a man bitch that bends over backwards for them, but I don't think they can articulate the difference between that and the 'nice guy' that they ACTUALLY want because its just not a distinction they have to make with themselves, and its not really a role that they ever fulfill because its a very male thing Not sure if that actually made sense but lets roll with it

15 hours later 4013642 Anonymous
>>4013593 >it's plain to see that women have hobbies unrelated to getting men >even the ones that are usually attributed to attracting men are done for themselves and other women 0/10. You've just literally proven your initial statement wrong. How can you people be so stupid. Everything the majority of women do is to attract a man, manipulate a man, or to get attention from a man. Thems the facts son, I know it's tough but deal w/ it

15 hours later 4013659 Anonymous
>>4013618 >boy >not a real man >feminist go to comeback 101 along with virgin loser you are pathetic, and you don't get to define what makes a man sweetcheeks.

15 hours later 4013665 Anonymous
>>4013618 >Now that you have to grown up in order to get pussy you complain and blame feminist. Which is weird, because I'm pretty sure there are more children who've gotten laid than /r9k/, and plenty of manchildren have sex as long as they're manchildren in the way women like (reckless and irresponsibile, no moderation, brutish, etc) But i guess that would hurt you argument.

15 hours later 4013669 Anonymous
>>4013618 >and feminism liberated certain women from people like you. huh? i'm a girl look here for my full analysis of the manwhore situation: http://archive.heinessen.com/r9k/thread/S3885036#p3885627

15 hours later 4013692 dudebro
>>4013451 >you are part of the problem if you think that being a man comes down to ANYTHING other than producing sperm. that's what manliness comes down to -- being literally a man irl You are delusional if you think this Maybe there *shouldn't* be anything other than that attached to our notion of masculinity but there most definitely *is* and I don't forsee that changing anytime soon

15 hours later 4013696 Anonymous
>>4013665 No, what's the cutest part about that argument is the fact that women are children in every way. They want constant attention, they want taken care of no matter what situation they get themselves into, they're never blamed for anything or held responsible because they're just women and it's okay. Women are more children than any man in existence.

15 hours later 4013698 Anonymous
>>4013593 >it's plain to see that women have hobbies unrelated to getting men, even the ones that are usually attributed to attracting men are done for themselves and other women then how come most of guys yt videos are some kind of entertaintment for people and most of girls yt videos are tutorials for make up and attention whoring YT is just an example, you can look on anthing else. Guys magazines (auto, guns, pc, movies...) vs girls (how to make make up, which celebrity did what, feminists crap etc...) games guy: rpg, shooters, driver, sport... girls: facebook games, sim city (game about owning people) yes there are exceptiones, but in the big pictures girls dont have hobbies, guys do

15 hours later 4013703 Anonymous
>>4013642 >You've just literally proven your initial statement wrong. you've just proven you have no reading comprehension i said women have hobbies unrelated to getting men this is a true statement i said women also have hobbies that are usually attributed to getting men, but in reality those hobbies server no purpose but to secure their self-esteem or relationships with other women >Everything the majority of women do is to attract a man, manipulate a man, or to get attention from a man. everything the majority of men do is to attract a woman, manipulate a woman, or get attention from a woman know why? because all women have to do is have at least 2/10 genetics, do some routine maintenance, and not be a huge bitch men on the other hand need to have money, friends, hobbies, and basically everything else he would need to have a fulfilling life so even if you think these are more noble pursuits, they are in the end done to attract women unless the guy is a full MGTOW and that's a very small minority of men

15 hours later 4013707 Anonymous
>>4013592 Also, at around 2:25 in, he goes from going on about how guys prefer the company of other guys and would "rather be at a bar with strangers watching [football] rather than jennifer lopez totally naked in their bedroom." but with the next sentence says that "[guys] now prefer asynchronistic internet worlds as opposed to the spontaneous interactions in relationships." How the fuck did he make that jump? Being in a packed bar watching the superbowl to demanding to do things on a long timescale and through screens? I've been in bars during sports games -- that shit is *real*. It's niggas getting hype right in front of you, and often times you getting hype with them when you don't even know what sport is on. But the next sentence is about these same guys being totally unable to talk to others in real life spaces? Huh!? Fuck this guy. All he's said is HEY GUYS AIN'T DOING WELL! I BLAME THE INTERNET! EVEN THOUGH GUYS SEEM TO DO PERFECTLY FINE WITH EACHOTHER, AND GIRLS ALSO USE THE INTERNET/PLAY VIDYA AND GRADUATE FROM SCHOOL This is nothing new, and is as fradulent as ever also >average of 50 porn clips a week What? I look at *A LOT* of porn, hell on some boards I just post a new image with every post (usually furfag shit) but 50 videos a week? That's 10 a night with the weekends off. And how long are these videos? "50 clips" is a pretty useless stat. I might look at 100 individual lewd images of cartoon cats a day, but it's mostly scrolling through my favorite artists' feeds. That takes minutes. What's the actual time spent watching porn, and how much of that is for active masturbation?

15 hours later 4013708 Anonymous
>>4008867 This describes me perfectly, as does your other post. There is no escape.

15 hours later 4013729 giiiga
>>4013611 >Intimacy with a woman? A relationship? Neither of those are biological NEEDS, they are wants. And they are reinforced by society in your upbringing so you perceive them as needs and think that anyone who doesn't agree is a weirdo or a loser. AND what evidence do you have to reinforce this statement? Please show us. >>4013578 Ok so you say that women can have a lot of flaws, and she need to be that perfect virgin for you to accept her. But you fag are not the perfect male that deserves a girl like that. You are full of flaws too. If you are saying that ALL the girls have ALL those problems then you are a fucking retard. They are like us. You should go outside more often I don't want a "perfect virgin waifu" because i'm not the "perfect alpha husbando". I want a girl that are wilingly to accept my flaws because she loves me and I will accept her own flaws because i love her. This is the hability to "connect" to people.

15 hours later 4013732 Anonymous
>>4013265 has anyone tried to just stop fapping altogether without the reason being "I'm too depressed to bother fapping anymore"?

15 hours later 4013733 Anonymous
>>4013707 truth be told sometimes I read eromanga just for the stories

15 hours later 4013735 Anonymous
>>4013698 >make up mostly women watch those videos, men don't give a shit about a girl's "sparkly leopard inspired eyeshadow tutorial!!!" >attention whoring yeah, let's plays totally aren't attention whoring at all >sim city (game about owning people) i guess all RTS games are played by females because they're about owning people lol yeah i know tons of girls that play the civ games lololo you're a dumbass

15 hours later 4013745 Anonymous
>>4013732 I did for a couple of weeks it was mostly just to prove to myself that I have self control.

15 hours later 4013749 Anonymous
>>4013692 >I don't forsee that changing anytime soon And whose fault do you think that is? Other men, who generally look at other men as people and judge them according to how well they relate to eachother, whether the individual man making the judgements is "manly" or not? Or women, who generally demand "bad boys", "alphas" and other such buzzword-termed guys who fit fairly narrow archetypes of men who have a lot of power, whether it's physical or political? Remember, even girly nerd boys tend to find eachother and become little cliques together even if none of them are particularly lucky with women. we call these people twinks

15 hours later 4013750 Anonymous
>>4013732 I did, it didnt helped

15 hours later 4013762 Anonymous
>>4013707 >and often times you getting hype with them when you don't even know what sport is on. >men admitting their memetic behavior without even realizing it

15 hours later 4013769 Anonymous
>>4013733 Yeah, I mean stuff like this. Reading ero manga for the story/art, watching porn to laugh at it, or just happening upon something sexy and downloading it for later since you don't want to fap *right now* but know you will at some point. Do those all count as consuming your 50 clips for the week? >>4013732 I did it once to see if it'd increase my sex drive it did, a little bit, but I think it was just a coincidence because it never really went back down I think me undertaking the challenge just coincided with some random emotional growth

15 hours later 4013778 Anonymous
>>4012560 http://www.livescience.com/6073-children-raised-lesbians-fine-studies-show.html Cry more you faggot autist

15 hours later 4013786 Anonymous
>>4013749 >we call these people twinks what, no we don't

15 hours later 4013791 Anonymous
>>4013762 >men admitting their memetic behavior without even realizing it no, I'm saying that men definitely do just take cues from eachother and shit when you have a bunch of men in a room together and at least a few are feeling good, they'll probably at least exchange a few words if not at least tend to watch the same things or opt for the same bar games or w/e men are incredibly easy if you're a man

15 hours later 4013800 Anonymous
>>4013703 >everything the majority of men do is to attract a woman, manipulate a woman, or get attention from a woman Oh? Why do I play video games? What about niggas who play golf? What about artists or composers? You're funny son. As I said, women are only wanted by guys for fucking and kids, they're not interested in them outside of that, they're interested in their own shit. Women aren't.

15 hours later 4013802 Anonymous
>>4013778 doesn't count, i guarantee you at least one of the lesbians in those relationships was manly enough to be the masculine figure

15 hours later 4013804 Anonymous
>>4013786 It Is A Joek some of them are bears, and some are "masc" (there is no known noun equivalent for this adjective)

15 hours later 4013808 Anonymous
>>4013735 >mostly women watch those videos that is my point, making video about make up isnt hobby >attention whoring also isnt hobby >sim city (game about owning people) sorry wanted to write the sims. That is game about owning and manipulating people >yeah i know tons of girls that play the civ games lololo Do you have some brain cells? Do you understand word "Most of" I am implying that there are more guys with some hobby than girls, I am showing you just examples situations of things for guys vs things for girls. learn2read

15 hours later 4013816 Anonymous
>>4013745 >>4013750 >>4013769 Not sure how long the latter two did it, but maybe it has to be longer than a Nofapvember?

15 hours later 4013824 Anonymous
>>4010600 yeah this, don't gay couples of both genders tend to have pretty happy kids, if not happier on average (likely by grace of the parents being more open/tolerant since they're fuckin gay and probably are kinda liberal themselves)

15 hours later 4013832 Anonymous
The state of society today (at least in 'murrika; can't speak for yurop) is the contributing factors of a myriad of issues. Feminism is a very prominent one. Women are wanting to become the dominant partner in relationships. Cool, but the problem is that men also want to be dominant and always have. This causes an imbalance which segues into conflict. And everyone knows that women win all conflicts in relationships. Not because of well thought-out and reasoned arguments, but because women honestly hold all the power in a relationship. A woman can withhold sex to manipulate her man into doing what she wants. A woman can bitch endlessly until a man gives up and adheres to her desires. The point is, when you have the man and woman both struggling for dominance, the woman will win because the man has nothing to fight with. Thus, with feminism came manbabbys. Men who have given up their dominance just for pussy. Then, after the feminists have pussywhipped their men into acting like women, they have the audacity to complain about how their men don't "fulfill their needs" and cheat on them. This leads into my next point. The men who aren't willing to give up their dominance for pussy observe the state of today's romantic relationships and realize that that shit is not worth it. Women are becoming despised by men all over, not just /r9k/. Thus, these men are avoiding romantic relationships, leading to women complaining about the state of men today (when they are the ones who caused it). Also, porn and vidya don't really play into it. Before porn and vidya, men still had hobbies. I am honestly terrified for the future. Society has been going to shit for a while now, and I dread to think about what else is to come.

15 hours later 4013838 giiiga
>>4013577 >>4013571 >>4013591 Dude you are more experienced than me.I've never had a gf. But you had only one. And because she was a cunt you say that every single girl is too. I don't want to believe in you.

15 hours later 4013840 Anonymous
>>4013824 they are much more likely to go to prison and to drop out of high school

15 hours later 4013843 Anonymous
>>4013816 I'm >>4013769 and only lasted 2 weeks, I started getting myself into a little trouble in experimenting with others so I was like "eh fuck it I can get up to some silly shit if I want to, so I'll fap if I damn well want to" because really it's not an issue of fapping it's an issue of being a sad sack of shit. I'm not, so I get up to some silliness and go have fun being a tease from time to time

15 hours later 4013851 Anonymous
>>4013729 Look it up, I'm not trawling around at this time of night to find you the studies. 5-10 minutes of googling and you'll find it. Though as usual, you people wont, you refuse to look into things because you'd prove yourselves wrong. >But you fag are not the perfect male that deserves a girl like that No, I'm not, but I'm significantly better than them. My flaws are those that are outwith my control, or that I enjoy. Womens aren't. Being a hypergamous cunt, being a promiscuous slut, having no interests, being unable to carry a conversation because you're so abysmally boring and expect the man to do it, being unable to entertain yourself and expecting a man to do it etc. These are all flaws of CHOICE. I've no problems accepting peoples flaws that are outwith their control. I will not accept peoples flaws that are their own choice and fucking idiocy.

15 hours later 4013852 Anonymous
>>4013800 >Why do I play video games? >What about niggas who play golf? >What about artists or composers? a passion is necessary to help you attract women, i already said this, it's not my fault you refuse to read the rest of the post i don't care if you think you're driven or particularly invested in it, it's necessary to attract women >women are only wanted by guys for fucking and kids the majority of women don't have any presence outside of this for men so when they do have a presence outside of it you say they are just doing it for male attention regardless of the intent even if a woman is interested in a hobby and actually good at it (yes, there is at least one woman that could outperform you in any skill or hobby you possess), you will accuse her of inserting herself for the novelty or men most hobbies will be dominated by men, so the above is inescapable, even fashion and makeup (gay men) it's a catch 22

15 hours later 4013859 Anonymous
>>4013804 Pretty sure no one uses this shit to describe males that aren't gay

15 hours later 4013861 Anonymous
>>4013074 >Zimbardo would not take your approach because Zimbardo would look at your activity, and I guarantee that at no point in your life did you butt up against a feminist conspiracy and then choose to become a NEET-type, you were already a NEET-type and the feminist conspiracy was taken up retroactively to justify it. So the same exact logic women use to blame "patriarchy" for being useless wastes of flesh who can't do shit in any field of human endeavor?

15 hours later 4013871 Anonymous

15 hours later 4013875 Anonymous
>>4013832 Nailed it. Without porn, I for one would still avoid women and peruse my interests, which they do not share on as deep a level, I need to find male friends for that. I would know, I talked to lots of people in my college classes and none of the women ever said a single insightful thing.

15 hours later 4013877 Anonymous
>>4013838 I'm a third party and I'd just like to say that I've dated a handful of girls they were all shit tier as people except for one or two, and one of those two was pretty rude about things furthermore, most of the big emotional problems I've had in the past few years have come from women, but were unrelated to dating my mother's an alchie, my sister's an abusive cunt, female "friends" are generally very abrasive people that did very good jobs of keeping me down, etc I mean, one of them fuckin punched me in the chest once and then laughed in my face, wtf she probably called me a nigger sometime too, I vaguely remember her being really racist but I'm not sure if she was THAT racist that's another thing too, girls I've met have tended to be really racist, sexist and homophobic people. at least very much moreso than guys I meet. I can meet a guy in a bar, say something faggy and he'll just be like "well different strokes and shit" but a girl will just call me a faggot to my face and walk away

15 hours later 4013888 Anonymous

15 hours later 4013925 Anonymous
>>4013832 What the hell is this shit about dominance? The men here on /r9k/ don't know nothing about this dominance thing, because they can't even form relationships with women to be able to "compete for dominance" as you say. They can't even lose their virginities. This is not the problem of the robots. I would be the happiest person just if I could be able to get some pussy.

15 hours later 4013929 Anonymous
>>4013824 >yeah this, don't gay couples of both genders tend to have pretty happy kids, if not happier on average (likely by grace of the parents being more open/tolerant since they're fuckin gay and probably are kinda liberal themselves) No. There's a higher rate of homosexuality, depression, suicide, and crime/imprisonment.

15 hours later 4013930 Anonymous
>>4013802 >It doesn't count because I disagree with it!!!!! >I've also never seen a lesbian couple irl /r9k/ logic

15 hours later 4013939 Anonymous
>>4013871 >WOMEN'S FLAWS ARE OUT OF THEIR CONTROL, TOO I gave you a nice big list of flaws that are within their control. Sorry, being a slut isn't something they're born with, it's a CHOICE. And I will judge people for their life choices, whether it's in the past or not, accordingly.

15 hours later 4013947 Anonymous
>>4013939 >Sorry, being a slut isn't something they're born with, it's a CHOICE. No, it's something they're taught is acceptable from day 1. It's no more their choice than it is a beta's choice to be a feminized piece of shit.

15 hours later 4013949 Anonymous
>>4013925 I wasn't speaking about robots specificially. I was referring to men in general.

15 hours later 4013956 Anonymous
>>4013939 I've never understood why robots care about things that make other people feel good. Especially when it doesn't hurt anyone. Do you see every girl that pays the least bit of attention to you as a potential gf?

15 hours later 4013987 giiiga
>>4013851 >I'm significantly better than them. >My flaws are those that are outwith my control, or that I enjoy. here is a flaw of yours that are outwith you control: you are a fucking narcisistic cunt who think you are better than others. Maybe this is your most critical problem bro. But i've identified for you. Thanks me later.

15 hours later 4014021 Anonymous
>>4013956 >Especially when it doesn't hurt anyone. Unsubstantiated assumptions that you're told by uneducated masses and then believe. It damages your ability to pair bond. That's hurting both the person, and everyone they try to pair bond with in their life. You can't control your subconscious. If you think you can, you're a moron. Your subconscious is like a child, it learns by what you teach it. If you fuck around, it learns that sex has no meaning outside of a brief nice feeling. You cannot differentiate between casual sex and sex with someone you love, it's just sex. I repeat, you cannot control your subconscious. Not only that, statistics clearly show the more promiscuous you are, the more damaged you are as a person. >>4013947 Taught by feminist society. Still has the same root problem. And it's still their choice, I'm sorry, but being taught something doesn't make it acceptable. If you're not questioning things for yourself and considering other angles, you're a moron. Being a moron doesn't let you evade responsibility for your choices and actions, sorry.

16 hours later 4014037 Anonymous
>>4013987 >you are a fucking narcissistic cunt who think you are better than others. >thinks Yeah, no. I just know, sorry. Someone with self control, restraint, objectivity, decent morals, yadda yadda yadda - is simply better than someone who lacks those things. There is no two ways about it, tough luck.

16 hours later 4014042 Anonymous
B-b-but I like my videogames!

16 hours later 4014045 Anonymous
>>4013987 If he is who i think he is, thats exactly his problem that and being a hypocrite that can't make up his mind

16 hours later 4014050 Anonymous (1347843967997.jpg 299x400 58kB)
Man up, /r9k/

16 hours later 4014055 Anonymous
>>4014037 >implying anything you listed matters Not in today's society bro, sux2bu loser.

16 hours later 4014058 Anonymous
>>4014050 >suit up No, that's pretentious as fuck, i'm not autistic

16 hours later 4014076 Anonymous
>>4014050 why is that man's legs going into his desk and why is his desk made of water why should I listen to him he clearly isn't restricted by the same rules of space-time as me, he can't possibly understand my plight as a 3DPD

16 hours later 4014086 Anonymous
>>4014050 >wine and dine a beautiful girl Bitch, wine and dine yourself.

16 hours later 4014088 Anonymous
>>4014050 >Don't do what you like and kiss some womans ass

16 hours later 4014098 Anonymous
>>4014042 Never stop doing what makes you happy.

16 hours later 4014103 Anonymous
>>4014055 >Not in today's society bro >implying i consider society as correct >implying i give a shit about society in general lolol.

16 hours later 4014111 Anonymous
>>4014021 >implying the only way you can connect with people is sexually >implying the strongest way to connect with people is sexually >implying the emotions that you hold towards the person you're having sex with doesn't impact the sex itself The stattistics you mention only demonstrate that if you have sex during your formative years (ages 14 and below) you're more likely to be damaged. Obviously cases like this primarily adhere to sexual abuse and the like. Sex between consenting adults is completely different

16 hours later 4014114 Anonymous
>>4014050 I might as well put a collar around my neck.

16 hours later 4014116 Anonymous
>>4014050 translation: be a sucker, get used for a bitch's free meal and get nothing in return.

16 hours later 4014119 Anonymous
>>4014103 >implying this means that you are better than others

16 hours later 4014130 Anonymous
>>4014037 >objectivity You're not objective, you're an overgrown teenage girl that can't escape his beta upbringings and tries to make up for it by exacting revenge upon women via posting on this board Do you think you're rational just because you've taken the red pill? Sorry, not how it works, you've already proven that you can't look but a few feet outside the box, you're just as deluded as anyone but you've chosen a different delusion Were you a rational human being you would not be sitting in this thread doing this >>4012768 and making an ass out of yourself, samefagging, and fleeing from the arguments you lose

16 hours later 4014135 Anonymous (stanford_prison_experiment.jpg 481x259 55kB)
PROTIP: if your lifestyle is enjoyable, sustainable and is not preventing you from doing the things you want to do then that suggests there is NO PROBLEM. Zimbardo is talking about the guys doing something like you do but finding it to be terrible, distressing and virtually inescapable. For them it is a problem and can be argued to be a "mental illness." He's not telling you that you need to stop what you're doing if it makes you happy. For you he might prescribe unlocking some achievements as a treatment for the blues.

16 hours later 4014136 Anonymous (snsd-sunny-8.jpg 500x522 68kB)
Unless a girl looks like Sunny I'd rather fap and play videogames and watch anime.

16 hours later 4014146 Anonymous
>>4014136 >picking the second ugliest one At least your standards are relatively low considering all the options you have when picking from a bunch of women you'll never fuck anyway

16 hours later 4014156 Anonymous
>>4014146 See? Women can't even complain I have high standards!

16 hours later 4014160 Anonymous
>>4014111 The statistics have nothing to do with age 14 and below, they're marriage statistics. >implying the only way you can connect with people is sexually It's the only way you can pair bond, it is one of the two biological functions sex provides. >implying the strongest way to connect with people is sexually Pair bonding is the strongest connection people can have. >implying the emotions that you hold towards the person you're having sex with doesn't impact the sex itself Nope, it doesn't. Again, you cannot control your subconscious. You have taught it one thing, it cannot magically change, and your subconscious is the majority of how you operate as a human being.

16 hours later 4014162 Anonymous
>>4014135 Oh damn, I knew this guy's name was familiar. Shame he's deluded himself with this tripe.

16 hours later 4014167 Anonymous
Porn and video games aren't the cause, they are the symptoms of a deeper issue of boys being regarded by society as second class to girls. Everyone goes out of their way to make girls succeed, to give girls everything they want, to tell them they can have or be everything and anything they can dream of, while at the same time telling boys that they aren't cared for because men are privileged, their sexuality is an abomination, they scare girls just by being around them and they aren't worth anything unless they can prove themselves to be socially, economically or physically superior to all their peers. What you end up with is a bunch of self-entitled girls that think the world owes them everything they want and a bunch of boys that have given up trying to prove themselves to be in the top 20% of society and have withdrawn from the every day stress of being told how worthless you are and how much of a burden you are to society and people around you and instead taken up video games and porn which give them the acknowledgement they seek. This fuck talking about video games and porn causing the problems is just oblivious to how boys live these days. He thinks the world is like when he was growing up and there is just some disease spreading amongst boys that makes them lazy and disinterested. No, that's bullshit. The disease is the overemphasis of girls at the expense of properly raising boys and forcing them to seek other outlets for companionship and recognition.

16 hours later 4014171 giiiga

16 hours later 4014209 Anonymous
>>4014160 If you actually read the pamphlet you'd notice they talk about age as well. >It's the only way you can pair bond, it is one of the two biological functions sex provides. >Pair bonding is the strongest connection people can have. Do bonds become obsolete at old age then? While having a mutual idea on sex is essential in a relationship it doesn't outweigh understanding your partner and respecting them. >subconscious You do realize that Freud is a pile of shit right? Most of his theories are rejected in the modern world of philosophy and psychology.

16 hours later 4014224 Anonymous
>>4014156 Well sunny is better looking than most women but still uglier than her bandmates

16 hours later 4014225 Anonymous (1349578576042.png 830x677 85kB)
>men Our chart shows how men have rated women, on a scale from 0 to 5. ... Given the popular wisdom that Hollywood, the Internet, and Photoshop have created unrealistic expectations of how a woman should look, I found the fairness, and, well, realism, of this gray arc kind of heartening. >women As you can see from the gray line, women rate an incredible 80% of guys as worse-looking than medium. Very harsh.. ... Paradoxically, it seems it's women, not men, who have unrealistic standards for the "average" member of the opposite sex. Why do men always get the blame?

16 hours later 4014232 Anonymous
>>4014225 Make one of these with the opinions of /r9k/ers and it will be relevant

16 hours later 4014237 Anonymous
>>4014232 more like make one with the HONEST opinions of men and it will be relevant

16 hours later 4014259 Anonymous
>>4014232 How is date from /r9k/ better than data from dozens of thousands of normalfags?

16 hours later 4014260 Anonymous
>>4014209 >pamphlet sorry, you're assuming I've read the same study as you, and that there is only one study that exists. There are HUNDREDS son. You realise pair bonding doesn't just disappear if you stop having sex? It's a pretty permanent bond you create over time. Except if you are promiscuous and sleep with more and more people, you reduce your ability to pair bond every single time until you are incapable. And what does freud have to do with shit? The subconscious exists outwith any of freuds work, sorry. It's not understood, hell the brain is barely understood, and it's completely uncontrollable.

16 hours later 4014316 Anonymous
>>4014260 >hundreds >implying they don't relate back to my point about children and sex >You realise pair bonding doesn't just disappear if you stop having sex? It's a pretty permanent bond you create over time. Yeah. Mostly through emotional contact and little through physical touching. >Except if you are promiscuous and sleep with more and more people, you reduce your ability to pair bond every single time until you are incapable. [citation needed] Also I think you're forgetting that humans have far exceeded your basic mammal. Were far more complex and introspective than them and it's pretty naive to pigeonhole human relations into such a space >It's not understood, hell the brain is barely understood, and it's completely uncontrollable. Then why are you using a concept you clearly do not understand to try to prove your point?

16 hours later 4014338 Anonymous
>>4014259 If r9kers are going to use it to defend themselves, it better be actually about them of course it will never work because as pointed out by >>4014237 they will just lie

16 hours later 4014347 Anonymous
>>4014338 So are you saying /r9k/ has unrealistic standards for the average woman?

16 hours later 4014382 Anonymous (California+Trip-CM+034.jpg 1600x1200 397kB)
>>4014347 This is my perfect woman. You tell me.

16 hours later 4014545 Anonymous
>Someone in the real world knows we exist! How the hell is this a good thing? We can't let ourselves be known, or else we endanger our lifestyle and our species as a whole. Stop fucking breaking the Masquerade, dumbasses.

17 hours later 4014767 Anonymous
>Zimbardo exposes robots' lifestyle >r9k's resident autismotrons get butthurt Sounds about right.

17 hours later 4014794 Anonymous (1349419745986.jpg 1280x720 388kB)
I don't even fap that much, but I love cute 2D girls.

17 hours later 4014816 Anonymous
>>4014382 >4014382 >>4014382 that should be more then possible. Then again she seems kinda qt for a big girl

17 hours later 4015122 Anonymous
>>4006652 I hate when these fucking talking heads offer up problems, but never provide any solutions. So what was the point? To generate a discussion where nothing is ultimately accomplished? Ridiculous.

18 hours later 4015322 Anonymous
>>4009541 >You truly are afiard of women surpassing you academically, professionally and intellectually. >afaird Don't you study English grammar and literature? lol

21 hours later 4017430 Anonymous
>>4010580 >one example to the contrary The Kardashians Pamela Anderson Paris Hilton and I pay NO attention to celebrities. I'm sure there's a ton more examples, since it IS the trend.

24 hours later 4019270 Anonymous
>>4017430 not to mention tswift was on fucking cosmo, which does push them to promiscuity, so his example wasnt even a good one

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