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2012-09-05 09:41 3673111 Anonymous (Smile-keep-smiling-8211803-1024-768.jpg 1024x768 55kB)
>If you're unhappy, just smile and keep smiling, it will trick your body into thinking you're happy and thus make you happy >Do it for a few days >It works >They didn't tell you it would make your facial muscles sore Otherwise, it's something I'd recommend to your average robot.

7 min later 3673171 Anonymous
Not enough feels?

9 min later 3673190 swami
uh you feel bad because of brain chemicals, you can't just make yourself feel better by 'smiling'

12 min later 3673223 Anonymous
>>3673190 Body-hacks. You can increase your mood just by doing the things that you do when your mood is increased. It's the same kind of thing where if you ring a bell every time you orgasm, your body will start reacting to a bell's ring.

15 min later 3673255 Anonymous
Tried doing this. It never really works for long. I smile, get some sort of boost then think "shit, why I am doing this. I feel so fucking lame"

18 min later 3673261 Anonymous
>>3673255 Yeah, that's a pretty hard part actually, but if you can hold out and get used to doing it, it's like any other new habit.

19 min later 3673269 Anonymous
>>3673223 I need to do this!

20 min later 3673273 Anonymous
Also you get wrinkles.

20 min later 3673279 Anonymous
>>3673223 I need to do this! pleasenomute

21 min later 3673283 Anonymous
>>3673190 read Incognito: The Secrets Lifes of the Brain on that and other interesting matters

21 min later 3673285 Anonymous
>>3673269 The smile or the bell?

23 min later 3673306 Anonymous
>>3673273 Yeah, I remember a teacher I had that looked in his 40s, never or rarely smiled, who was actually in his 60s. Entire class holy-shitted, and he said it's because he frowned most of the time.

25 min later 3673331 Anonymous
>>3673273 smile wrinkles show that you have had a happy life. i had smile lines already at 30 and i love them, because they broadcast that i'm cheerful and a nice person to be around.

26 min later 3673335 Anonymous
>>3673261 I also feel it's not me. Like it's fake. Being yourself is overrated and yet underrated at the same time. Loads of people kind of act rather intense in their attempt to not be themselves. Smiling like a smiley all the time feels like that to me, being different from your real self. My Dad talked about a colleague he just wants to murder because he's so fucking poppy and intense in his happiness. For him it's just like "calm it dude. Chill the fuck out." Apparently everyone finds this dude's enthusiasm annoying. The main point of being myself for me is that if I fuck up at least I was honest with myself in fucking up rather than acting like a bitch and playing a game.

31 min later 3673389 Anonymous
>>3673335 I think you're misunderstanding. It's not so much about changing yourself to be intensely happy and peppy if that's not how you are, or about trying to make actual shitty events go away, it's more just altering your mood to how you are when you're happy. I've been a non-smiling stone-face for the majority of my life, and my mood was almost always either depressed or a numb neutral. I had to find entertainment things to make me happy (things like doing well in school and things like that wouldn't make me happy even if I knew it was a good thing I was doing). I think I'd rather be in a regularly positive kind of mood vs what I've always done.

1 hours later 3674179 Anonymous
>>3673331 Dem crow's feet

3 hours later 3674870 Anonymous
>>3673111 My antidepressants work just fine. But thanks anyway.

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