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2013-12-24 05:34 10004872 Anonymous (2559543b.jpg 620x387 38kB)
>Five year relationship >Dumped on Christmas Eve Good old women eh? Yeah

6 min later 10004924 GJ
>>10004872 Hey norm, I think she made a good decision

18 min later 10004978 Anonymous (image.jpg 970x546 84kB)
>>10004924 Not OP, but fuck you you showboating, tripfag, 'hey look at me', faggot. Go back to Facebook if you want to be known. >>10004872 OP, that sux man. Go join a dating site or some shit, get you some festive pussy.

24 min later 10005013 GJ
>>10004978 Lol I don't use facebook, you should go back to it tho

28 min later 10005035 Anonymous
>>10005013 not that guy, but that doesn't make sense he's not using a tripcode, therefore he's anonymous, therefore he doesn't want to be known like tripcode users

30 min later 10005047 GJ
>>10005035 If you hate trips so much just ignore them, it's not that hard, I'm sick of you idiots who can't just hide us saying ''hurr tripfag is posting it's automatically a shitpost, wah why can't they love they just want attenshun''

36 min later 10005074 Anonymous vsage
>>10005047 >10005031 Well done, you've done what all tripfags do all the time and derailed a thread with you bullshit. We can't hide you because you're a cancer, your filth infects the whole thread and it's fucked Fuck off

39 min later 10005103 GJ (thefaganon.png 136x90 2kB)
>>10005074 So you can't hide me at all right?? I can post in a thread just as much as you can, and just because you put a v in the field doesn't mewan you're disguising what you're doing whihc is againt the rules of displaying tldr >not knowing how to filter

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