4chan archive /mlp/ (index)
2013-03-12 04:37 9011744 Anonymous Yay! (PopStar.png 511x371 96kB)
I have best OC. >>inb4 you're all jelly mcjellerson's

3 hours later 9017270 Anonymous
your OC makes me want to vomit.

3 hours later 9017289 Anonymous
absolutely disgusting

3 hours later 9017302 Anonymous
is it a botdf fan?

3 hours later 9017352 Neon Fixit (582501_210294515774346_900691775_n.jpg 578x960 50kB)
We all know I'm best OC

3 hours later 9017364 Anonymous
>>9017352 BasedAnon confirmed this

3 hours later 9017376 Neon Fixit (1361412977519.jpg 960x720 94kB)
>>9017352 Who is hungry?

3 hours later 9017406 Anonymous
>>9017352 >claims has best OC it is settled, best OC indeed.

3 hours later 9017468 Anonymous (104170.png 430x410 303kB)

3 hours later 9017484 Anonymous
>>9017468 /thread

4 hours later 9017597 Anonymous (Lord Anders.png 442x431 20kB)
>>9011744 You apparently forgot about Lord Anders.

4 hours later 9017842 Neon Fixit (421736_222874594516338_1533443730_n.jpg 960x360 46kB)
my body is ready

4 hours later 9017888 Anonymous
>>9017842 now THIS I can fap to

4 hours later 9018037 Anonymous (317042_222902477846883_172252497_n.jpg 960x360 43kB)
>>9017842 here is more

6 hours later 9019600 Anonymous
I have never ONCE seen an earth pony OC. Guess "BEING A BIT STRONGER" just doesn't cut it when the other two options are flying or lifehax.

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