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2014-02-13 02:43 4564323 Anonymous (the-digestive-system-of-the-internet.jpg 605x545 59kB)
When will 4chan and imageboard culture start being a main subject of interest for sociologists, linguists and literary theorists (probably in that order)? I feel a lot could be said and I'd love to see some kind of compendium of imageboard culture, its origins and its influence on society. Pic crudely related (although I know well it's more complicated than that).

19 min later 4564353 Anonymous
Where is Something Awful then?

23 min later 4564360 Anonymous
>>4564353 I guess we ate something awful?

42 min later 4564401 Anonymous
>>4564353 >>4564360 No, SA decided to stop eating and digested itself.

42 min later 4564402 Anonymous
>>4564353 Its the appendix. Nobody is quite sure what its for anymore.

45 min later 4564411 Anonymous
>4chan >OC Not anymore, Reddit and Tumblr are the main content creators these days. 99% of the shit on 4chan is just images stolen from Tumblr.

46 min later 4564416 Anonymous
There was a study of 4chan culture done, I'll try to dig it up.

46 min later 4564418 Anonymous
>>4564411 What about le [s4s]? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMx B3mujKHc

47 min later 4564420 Anonymous
>>4564416 http://projects.csail.mit.edu/chant hropology/4chan.pdf Hm, easier than I expected: first result on Google for "4chan study".

47 min later 4564422 Anonymous
>>4564416 Are you referring to this? http://firstmonday.org/ojs/index.ph p/fm/article/view/3665/3055 This is the only serious paper about 4chan that I know.

47 min later 4564423 Anonymous
>>4564323 you mean when will internet anthropology become a legitimate field of study? hopefully never.

48 min later 4564427 Anonymous
>>4564422 Hmm, no, I didn't know about that one before. The post above yours was the one I was thinking of.

48 min later 4564428 Anonymous
>>4564411 >99% of the shit on 4chan is just images stolen from Tumblr. you know where you can fuck off to

50 min later 4564431 Anonymous
>>4564420 Interesting. What field of study do you need to be expert in if you want to write papers about imageboard culture?

55 min later 4564446 Anonymous
>>4564411 >Not anymore, Reddit and Tumblr are the main content creators these days. then go back right there faggot

57 min later 4564449 Anonymous
4chan, reddit and tumblr are all literally the exact same thing.

59 min later 4564455 Anonymous
When I get around to writing my Master's thesis on why the internet serves to externalise the human perception process lending to awareness that is created and evolved through the creation of pockets of internet culture (i.e. memes) which regard its own cultural aspects as able to be homogenised in every area and thus expands to a reflection of the individual as part of a collective-strand in an exosphere of thought (and ergo language) rather than a unique perceiving presence of their own making. Don't fight it. Language is not yours. It's not real. Your perceptions are manipulated by the medium in which you choose to live your life, how the socio-economic structure of Western society demands that you live now.

1 hours later 4564457 Anonymous
>>4564431 Well, that was done by MIT's computer science and artificial intelligence department but I would have thought anthropology, especially since the directory they put the PDF in was called "chanthropology".

1 hours later 4564462 Anonymous (rageguystudy.png 844x464 137kB)
>>4564457 >MIT >rageguy studies

2 hours later 4564608 Anonymous (hqdefault.jpg 480x360 16kB)
>>4564323 >Reddit >Not shit >Tumblr >Not shit >Cheez Burger >Nigga dats shit fuck >Digg >Not shit They're all shit.

2 hours later 4564620 Anonymous
>>4564455 literally didnt understand a single word you said

5 hours later 4565139 Anonymous
>>4564620 It was a run-on sentence that's why.

5 hours later 4565189 Anonymous (1390453153606.jpg 250x250 31kB)
>>4564323 >imgur is the food >4chan eats food >this pic is meant to begin at imgur >mfw when imgur made this shit Imgur should be replaced with something awful and then put down with 9gag

6 hours later 4565427 Anonymous

7 hours later 4565494 Anonymous
>>4564418 jesus christ

7 hours later 4565527 Anonymous
>>4564323 >When will 4chan and imageboard culture start being a main subject of interest for sociologists, linguists and literary theorists (probably in that order)? I feel a lot could be said and I'd love to see some kind of compendium of imageboard culture, its origins and its influence on society. I've raised some issues of 4chan in a scholarly setting. Put it this way, there's very little that differentiates 4chan from the sub-culture studies that the Birmingham School conducted; and, that very little difference is >>>/prog/ and >>>/jp/ and >>>/mlp/ and that's mainly interesting in terms of Kristeva and Butler.

8 hours later 4565807 Anonymous
A political treatise on the theory and practice of ironic shit posting within anonymous image board culture.

9 hours later 4565908 Anonymous
>>4564455 Can you link me to your thesis. Sounds very interesting. How many times did you cite Foucault?

9 hours later 4565927 Anonymous (1390280971595.jpg 1279x1018 186kB)
>>4564323 I already take the various arguments, behaviors, modes of thinking I see pop up in threads, save them as printscreens, and base dialogues in books off of them. I don't directly copypaste you ladies' and gentlemen's words into prose, I dress it up, give it flavor. I only try to gleam from internet arguments the way other people think so I don't risk making characters and extension of myself. I especially save the posts of people I find despicable or disagree with. I have the most to learn from them.

13 hours later 4566626 Anonymous
Krautchan is just as influential as 4chan. There would be no feels without KC.

15 hours later 4566911 Anonymous
2ch is mentioned a lot in this one journal that isn't very good, __demia? I can't remember.

16 hours later 4567132 Anonymous
>>4566911 mechademia

16 hours later 4567172 Anonymous
>>4564423 Social Media Coordinator/Expert/Director is a "legitimate" position at media outlets. So internet anthropology can't be that far behind. Paying someone to solely create "content" for a twitter, facebook, etc. has to be the biggest waste of dollars ever. Whatever, somehow scumbags make money off of clicks.

16 hours later 4567179 Anonymous
>>4565189 Imgur users are the most retarded collective of masturbators and crybabies I've ever had the displeasure of coming into contact with. If 9Gag is shit then Imgur is vomit.

16 hours later 4567180 Anonymous
>>4567172 I saw a very good PhD thesis presentation on internet anthropology. THERE MAY BE ANTHROPOLOGISTS AMONGST US NOW.

16 hours later 4567192 Anonymous
>>4567180 I wouldn't be surprised. I have mixed feelings about the whole thing. Part of me doesn't care that people take the internet so seriously, and the other part rages that people take the internet so seriously. However, culture is culture to an anthropologist. I can't fight waves forever.

16 hours later 4567197 Anonymous
>>4567192 Actually you can usually fight back by dobbing them into their human ethics committee. Most "lit crits" who touch internet studies don't get human ethics approval first despite doing participant observation.

16 hours later 4567199 Anonymous
>>4564323 Umm, I'm an MA student, want to go for my PhD and I've already written one or two papers on 4chan.

16 hours later 4567204 Anonymous
when people start taking media studies seriously

16 hours later 4567226 Anonymous
>>4567197 Couldn't they say ethics don't apply here, because we're all technically anonymous? Our words are specifically attached to anything, so there is no violation on the part of the observer. I'd still fight them anyway.

16 hours later 4567230 Anonymous
>>4567199 I mean all power to you, but I think one issue with the study of this is that we are assuming it's permanent or semi-permanent. A post on 4chan is not like a piece of pottery or a skeleton preserved in volcanic ash. I know shit all about CS though, can data be permanently destroyed?

16 hours later 4567237 Anonymous
>>4567226 Nah, they can't. We're human experimental subjects. The other thing of course is to just report them for child sex material on their computers. 4chan's like that.

16 hours later 4567246 Anonymous
>>4567237 Fair enough, I'll keep that in mind. They'd have to be identified first, but no one keeps their mouth shut long enough to preserve their anonymity. Case in point, >>4567199 while they didn't reveal their identity, they have already betrayed the fact that they are using 4chan to further their own ends in academia.

16 hours later 4567254 Anonymous
>>4567246 http://scholar.google.com/scholar?a s_ylo=2013&q=%224chan%22&hl=en&as_s dt=1,5&as_vis=1 Oh look: names, and institutions!

16 hours later 4567255 Anonymous
I am in a class about consumerism and identity, and I'm thinking of looking at fashion trends, why they come and go, for the topic of a final paper. I also wanted to look into online fashion communities. I was going to use /fa/ as an example. Do you think it's a good idea?

16 hours later 4567262 Anonymous
>>4567254 So users should just be fine with being studied? You want to write your essays on 4chan, that's fine, but get some sort of go ahead first. Should be no different than someone consenting to being on film.

16 hours later 4567264 Anonymous
>>4567262 I was suggesting that you find the names and institutions of academics who have published on 4chan and report them to their university's human ethics committees.

17 hours later 4567267 Anonymous
>>4567264 Oh shit, my bad then. I sincerely apologize for my indiscretion. That's not a bad idea. Although after reading Moot's latest blog post, I bet he'd defend them.

17 hours later 4567271 Anonymous
>>4567267 >Although after reading Moot's latest blog post, I bet he'd defend them. Surprisingly human ethics committees don't pay much attention to Moot.

17 hours later 4567278 Anonymous
>>4567271 This is true. I was operating under the assumption that a fair amount of users would automatically back Moot up if it came down to it, and then it'd just be free reign. I think the whole thing is just kind of invasive as it stands at the moment.

17 hours later 4567283 Anonymous
>>4567278 Academics getting spanked by ethics for human breeches is why Vice Chancellors fall. It is srs business. Don't mess with 4chan.

17 hours later 4567288 Anonymous
>>4567283 I guess there goes internet anthropology...

17 hours later 4567292 Anonymous
>>4567288 Well, the thing is _legitimate_ academics get their ethics approval and tend not to write hyperbolic shit. Bad academics write hyperbolic shit while in massive human ethics breech. Think of it as sorting the anthropologists from the literary critics. And then sending the literary critics to GuLag.

17 hours later 4567303 Anonymous
>>4567292 Problem is deciding what's "hyperbolic." A lot of the problem w/ writing about 4chan in academia is that people associate it too strongly with Anonymous, which has been an entirely seperate faction for about 5 years. You could probably argue that they never *were* a conjoining faction, they're just a natural extension of communities like lulzsec that sough to unify imageboard cultures back in the day under a single flag of legionfaggotry. And they succeeded, too

17 hours later 4567308 Anonymous
>>4567262 How would you get the go ahead? It's anonymous, so you can't truly know who is really okay with it For example: you ask 4chan if you can write about them. Say ten users say yes, no no's. You then continue to write your essay but use someone who isn't aware of your first question. Are you still guilty of an ethics breech?

17 hours later 4567317 Anonymous
>>4567308 Well, doesn't that just make the practice in itself unethical then, seeing as you can't get the go ahead of every user? I guess you're either left with the option of using a moderator/bot post that lets users know that such a study is taking place, and in order to opt out then they simple refrain from posting; or, you just don't conduct such studies (some would definitely disagree with this option). I mean you could still keep studies blind if you just said that from such and such date/time a study was going to be taking place on the boards in general.

17 hours later 4567337 Anonymous
>>4567308 The thing is: I can ethically not inform you I'm studying you. But most lit crits, crit cult studies, philos don't get their ethics sign off for non informed monitoring.

18 hours later 4567362 Anonymous
>>4567317 I'm trying to find the post policy. Do you know if posts remain property of the user after they are posted, or does 4chan own it? If it's the latter, you could ethically conduct studies by asking moot/moderators for permission first. If it's the former, you could still ask for permission, but asking every user would be annoying Unless the breech of ethics in this case isn't the stealing of intellectual property

18 hours later 4567374 Anonymous
I'm writing my thesis write now on how the ability to adopt personas due to online anonymity leads to a creation of a more universalized subject. It shall be called Trolling in Theory and Practice.

19 hours later 4567526 Anonymous
>>4567362 >Unless the breech of ethics in this case isn't the stealing of intellectual property The breech is human experimentation. For research purposes I can make scholarly use of your posts with impunity, even though _where I live_ you possess moral author rights and copyright in your posts. p.s.:All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective parties. Images uploaded are the responsibility of the Poster. Comments are owned by the Poster.

19 hours later 4567557 Anonymous
>>4564323 >although I know well it's more complicated than that Not really. It's pretty much that, only it's an ouroboros.

20 hours later 4567729 Anonymous
>>4567557 >ouroboros More like a full sequence human ouroboros.

23 hours later 4567936 Anonymous
>>4567204 Media Studies? That's where you just sit and watch TV ain't it.

26 hours later 4568276 Anonymous
>>4564431 I'd guess that communications, sociology, and philosophy would also be capable of doing this.

26 hours later 4568290 Anonymous
>>4564418 /sp/ gets all the nice stuff ;_;

26 hours later 4568293 Anonymous
>4Chan eats the food Top kek, half the banners on this site are memes from other sites, most notably tumblr, and shitty webcomics. This place is creative in the same way Dennis Leary is a comedian.

26 hours later 4568341 Anonymous
>>4564449 lol No, they literally aren't, dumb ass. >>4564455 Learn to use some punctuation, dumb ass. Also, your research sounds like complete horse shit. >>4565427 >>4564449 samefag >>4565527 >I've raised some issues of 4chan in a scholarly setting. undergrad detected >>4566626 >Krautchan is just as influential as 4chan. Not even close, dumb ass. >>4567230 >can data be permanently destroyed? Yes, theoretically. >>4567255 It's a paper bound to be lacking any valuable content but it's a class so if you write it well, you'd still get a good grade. >>4567262 >Should be no different than someone consenting to being on film. Except that's a dumb conclusion to come to. 1. Your legal identity isn't attached to what you post here unless you choose for it to be so. Potential for one's legal identity to be revealed and reputation to be affected is probably the main reason why people want to be able to deny consent to be in some sort of production. This is why, for example, people send anonymous tips to journalists and law enforcement. 2. This is a public forum and you know this. 3. Since you are knowingly posting in a public forum and one of the big reasons why you might want to deny consent isn't present, there is literally no reason for you to be upset about someone doing a study which potentially involved you.

32 hours later 4569145 Anonymous
>>4568341 >undergrad detected Believe what you like, unlike the other people ITT I'm not going to provide identifying personal information.

34 hours later 4569442 Anonymous (smbc2.png 210x283 30kB)
>>4564420 >The only way to display high status and produce a correct triforce on 4chan is to use a complicated series of Unicode character codes. >display high status

34 hours later 4569551 Anonymous
>When will 4chan and imageboard culture start being a main subject of interest for sociologists, linguists and literary theorists Some years ago anon.

34 hours later 4569599 Anonymous
>visiting other boards except /lit/ Why? Their intelligence isn't even comparable to the average /lit/izen. How anyone could spend more than 5 minutes without cringing from all the stupidity is beyond me.

35 hours later 4569609 Anonymous
>>4569599 Funny images and the odd balanced discussion about a niche hobby. The ability to wade through shit to get to pearls is a good ability.

35 hours later 4569621 Anonymous
4chan has no power. Its cynicism and endless reflection leave it essentially inactive. Reddit, in the crevices and more specific subreddits, has a lot more potential for action. People share ideas, genuinely critique them and things tend to actually happen. It's absolutely childish to avoid Reddit because of misconceptions about the hivemind (which many subreddits actively discourage ). It's a wonderful place for ideas. The only problem is that it lacks the pinch of self-hatred that makes 4chan so enjoyable at times.

35 hours later 4569662 Anonymous
>>4569442 I bet you can't even triforce ▲ ▲▲

35 hours later 4569689 Anonymous
>>4569662 Cool sibolet bro.

35 hours later 4569703 Anonymous
People don't make essays on 4chan because why the fuck would you make an essay on 4chan?

35 hours later 4569705 Anonymous
>>4567374 >writing my thesis write now >write now >write I think you've got a lot of work ahead of you, buddy.

35 hours later 4569730 Anonymous
>>4569705 Hang out on STEM PhD student forums some time...

36 hours later 4569750 Anonymous
>>4567172 That's what I do now.

36 hours later 4569754 Anonymous
>>4569621 >[Reddit] lacks the pinch of self-hatred that makes 4chan so enjoyable at times Yeah, the Circlejerk is the antithesis of self-hatred.

36 hours later 4569760 Anonymous
>>4569754 I can't stand that shit. I've never understood Reddit or Imgur, it's the same stupid shit over and over. If 4channers are autistic, everyone on Reddit and whatever else has downs.

36 hours later 4569764 Anonymous
>>4569750 I mean it's a paycheck, but how's it feel to know your position could easily be done by your main content creators or your supervisor? Before I left this shithole music outlet, I pushed real hard to get rid of the social media girl. She was dumb and the writers or the marketing head could have easily done her job.

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