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2014-07-20 07:46 3020911 Anonymous (1390991068567.jpg 800x770 85kB)
Would you fuck someone who identified as non-binary, as long as they were the sex you're attracted to?

1 min later 3020916 Anonymous
I can only accept them being non-binary if they were born as intersex, because technically they are between male and female. Anyone else...I probably would fuck them if they were good looking enough, but I'd think they were a delusional fucktard

1 min later 3020919 Anonymous
Nope. I would never fuck someone who was that retarded.

3 min later 3020924 Anonymous
Would you fuck a retard, as long as they were the sex you're attracted to?

4 min later 3020928 Anonymous
>>3020911 No. I generally only have sex with someone if we're in a relationship, and I wouldn't want a relationship with someone who wasn't a man. (I'm attracted to both cis men and trans men who have been on T for years and have had top surgery). I wouldn't be attracted to a born-male who considered themself nonbinary, even if they were hot, there's just a difference in politics I guess (I don't hate nonbinary people, but I don't understand why they would call themselves trans or anything other than a man/woman if they didn't plan on transitioning. I think they overestimate how much men "feel like men" or women "feel like women", most people aren't that attached to their gender but it doesn't make them not their gender, I don't "feel like my age or height" but that doesn't mean I'm not my age or height)

5 min later 3020932 Anonymous
>>3020911 >identified as non-binary What are you saying by that? You mean a man who looks like a lady? I think I would be mostly fine with that, provided he'd still pound me roughly. I mean, I prefer my man masc, but the personality is enough so long as he has the equipment and is willing to use it. I'm not too picky about looks, so not looking disgusting is good enough. Pretty effeminate man > fat slob man.

8 min later 3020941 Anonymous
I think I would accept a nonbinary person if they had massive dysphoria over the sexed parts of their body like actual trans do, I have met one "agender" person who wanted to remove their breasts and have a hysto but not go on T or be a man. Like, the "body map" theory about trans people is the one that makes the most sense - trans men were born female but their brain's body map is saying they should be male which causes their dysphoria, and vice versa for trans women. So with that, it makes sense that maybe for a few people, their brain is saying they should be "neutral" I guess (like if would be a flaw since male and female bodies are the norm and a neutral body isn't, but that's probably the only scenario where nonbinary makes sense to me.

10 min later 3020944 Anonymous
Rule #1: Never stick your dick in crazy

12 min later 3020951 Anonymous (1399465561362.jpg 380x380 29kB)
>>3020944 fuck you billy

43 min later 3021036 Anonymous
>>3020941 How would you distinguish agender dysphoria from a body dismorphic disorder or body integrity identity disorder where primary or secondary sex features are what feels wrong? Would the difference just be whether the person wants to be / feels they are agender?

53 min later 3021057 Anonymous (1401558667522.jpg 600x450 27kB)
>>3020924 This x1000

56 min later 3021064 Anonymous
>>3020941 I know an agender person who actually does use hormone blockers to prevent them from going through puberty. They basically have the body of a prepubescent child. So they exist, but they're not as common as Tumblr makes them out to be. It's also probably harder to get hormone medication legitimately if you're nonbinary.

1 hours later 3021076 Anonymous
>>3021064 So do they just fuck paedophiles or what? I guess if they keep them away from actual kids they're providing a good service to society.

1 hours later 3021081 Anonymous
>>3020941 Ahhh... the subtle differences between sex and gender. Trans people are transSEXual, meaning that they are not content with their physical SEX, e.g. the primary and the secondary sexual characteristics. So they have actual dysphoria. They are, by definition binary in gender. TransGENDERed people are not content with their GENDER, so they do not want to obey the gender role defined by their sex. Be it in expected behavior, clothing, makeup, grooming standards, etc. They are (usually) content with their sex, so most of them do not feel dysphoria. TransSEXual people are also TransGENDERed, because transsexuals aren't content with neither their gender nor their sex (compared to what they have been assigned at birth).

1 hours later 3021091 Anonymous (tumblr_lizsesKNb41qf2s6ho1_500.jpg 500x269 15kB)
>>3021081 The man is dead, but his bullshit theory lives on.

1 hours later 3021105 Anonymous
>>3021076 IDK if they've ever had sex. They're not very attractive IMO (especially the voice). They basically just look like an underdeveloped young adult, since their body kept growing even though their genitalia and voice didn't.

1 hours later 3021112 Anonymous
>>3021081 >TransGENDERed people are not content with their GENDER, so they do not want to obey the gender role defined by their sex. Be it in expected behavior, clothing, makeup, grooming standards, etc. They are (usually) content with their sex, so most of them do not feel dysphoria. Except pretty much no man is content with the masculine gender role/expected behaviour and few women are content with the feminien ones either? I'm a trans man and I don't get this - wouldn't it be easier just to be less strict with gender roles rather than saying a man who isn't masculine or a woman who isn't feminine is transgender? Very few people are content with their gender roles, it doesn't make them trans

1 hours later 3021150 Anonymous
>>3021064 I wish that I could have done that, but how could I have known that the bodily changes that come with male puberty would cause me to feel so horrible that I would be avoiding any kind of intimate contact or relations so that I don't have to feel the disturbing feeling of coarse body or face hairs being touched, or completely giving up swimming or anything similar requiring my upper body to be exposed, or looking in the mirror and feeling in some way that isn't me, or the deepening of my voice sounding not like my voice even when I hear it as I speak, and even worse when I hear it recorded, or feeling like my skeleton has warped to not match what my brain thinks it should be shaped like, or the bizarre feeling of phantom hair missing where male pattern balding has set in. I don't identify as non-binary, I feel like I could be happy somewhere in the MtF to femboy spectrum, so the feminine identity side of the binary I guess; I've not tried hormones so I don't really know if I'm mildly trans or barely cis or whatever. I've been terrified of being a mockery of what I wish I could be to take steps to do something about it, so for something like a decade and a half I've just been living a kind of miserable unrewarding existence where denial, willing self-delusion and 4chan fill in for meaningful interaction with the world outside that I can't be the sort of person I feel I am.

2 hours later 3021211 Anonymous
>>3021112 I think it is less about the external gender roles and more about the internal gender identities. A person that doesn't like the gender roles available to them isn't transgender, a person that at some fundamental level knows that who they are is somehow at odds with their biology and has a negative psychological reaction as a result, is..

2 hours later 3021222 Anonymous
I'm sad that this board has become /tumblr/..... Any sane person would have laughed this thread to its grave

2 hours later 3021233 Anonymous
>>3021064 I wasn't aware you could actually do that. I don't know how I feel about this piece of information.

2 hours later 3021240 Anonymous
>>3021233 If I could do it all over again, I'd make some very different mistakes than the ones I made.

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