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2014-07-19 06:01 3017621 Cis Male (image.jpg 320x320 27kB)
hey /lgbt/ I'm a straight white cis make and i'd like to know more about you guys. Do trans people really hate cis people? Do gays ever have any attraction to the opposite sex?

0 min later 3017623 Anonymous
>>3017621 hi cis make no maybe there threads over bye

4 min later 3017632 Anonymous (am i bara yet.jpg 600x848 703kB)
>Do trans people really hate cis people? a few probably do like any group, but the vast majority don't >Do gays ever have any attraction to the opposite sex? personally no, i find female bodies repulsive

13 min later 3017657 Cis Male
>>3017632 what about female bodies do you find repulsive? Would you prefer a flat chested muscular female over a conventionally attractive one?

16 min later 3017669 Anonymous
>>3017657 >Would you prefer a flat chested muscular female over a conventionally attractive one? I guess, in the same way you'de probably prefer a twink over a bear

40 min later 3017730 Anonymous
die cis scum

1 hours later 3017778 Anonymous
Generally speaking, trans people don't hate cis people. But like with any oppressed/marginalized group, there can be some frustration with the group in power, you know? Not directed at individual cis people who've done nothing wrong (with the exception of some crazies), but frustration directed at cis people as a whole. Cis people (doctors, therapists, surgeons, even teachers, parents, etc.) get to have a lot of control over our lives and over our medical/social transitions, which can be VERY frustrating, because cis people obviously can't understand what it's like to be trans and quite honestly should have NO say in what we do with our bodies and how we decide to live, and yet cis people have the power to act as roadblocks at almost every turn. That's all to explain why sometimes it's easy to perceive that there's hatred there for all individual cis people, when in 99% of cases it's just frustration toward cis people as a whole and the roadblocks they often create. It's frustration at the fact that whenever a person is preventing us from simply trying to find a happy and free way to live our lives, that person is virtually ALWAYS cis.

1 hours later 3017788 Anonymous (u+cis+scum+u+siriusly+nid+2+chek+yor+privliege+1+_1b39952c82fbf2fbeb7a34880cfc6ce2.png 624x451 192kB)

1 hours later 3017790 Anonymous
>>3017778 I understand all this, and I still don't like being told to die and that I'm scum. 'Oh don't take it personally' is a bit of a cop-out.

1 hours later 3017792 Anonymous
>>3017790 we're not responsible for faggots from tumblr

1 hours later 3017801 Anonymous
>>3017790 If that upsets you, you're kind of part of the problem. Cis people make heinous remarks about trans people all the fucking time and nobody bats an eye, but as soon as a trans person says something negative about a cis person, people lose their fucking minds. If it upsets you to be told to fuck off and die by a trans person for something basically beyond your control, maybe you should stop being so tacitly hypocritical and stand up for trans people when you hear the same kind of bile spewed in their directions?

1 hours later 3017806 Anonymous
>>3017801 and here we have a faggot from tumblr or someone trolling since it's 4chan

1 hours later 3017810 Anonymous
>>3017806 Oh no, you said I'm from Tumblr! My entire post is invalidated!!! Think for yourself once in your miserable life, you awful hivemind tool.

1 hours later 3017814 Anonymous
>>3017810 It's not worth arguing anything with victim-complex ridden nutjob. Your hormone's are messing with your brain

1 hours later 3017823 Anonymous
>>3017810 >think for yourself Take your own advice and abandon your hugbox mentality and reasoning

1 hours later 3017828 Anonymous
>>3017814 "It's not worth arguing with you" is just code for "I have absolutely nothing of merit to add to this conversation" and we all know it. Go sit in the corner and think about your shitty life.

1 hours later 3017838 Anonymous
>>3017801 Just becuase people bully you doesn't mean it's okay to tell someone to die. For one, you're sinking to their level, and two, you're not even responding to your accusers, just someone who has something in common with them. You can fight back, but lashing out at unrelated people is asinine.

1 hours later 3017845 Anonymous (1404967148175.gif 250x250 3113kB)
>>3017801 Lol No Gb2tumblr Getting upset when someone tells you to fuck off and die is not being part of the problem. OP didn't say anything about standing by while people insult trannies You're being neurotic and projecting a ridiculous amount.

1 hours later 3017851 Anonymous (1404936741930.jpg 311x311 83kB)
>>3017828 lol >goes on 4chan >tells someone to think about their shitty life

1 hours later 3017865 Anonymous
>>3017828 >just code for but thats what stormfags use in their defense "anti-racism is code for anti-white!"

1 hours later 3017878 Anonymous
>>3017838 A cis person telling a trans person that they're scum and should die is not the same as a trans person telling a cis person that they're scum and should die; just like a man telling a woman that she should be raped and beaten is not the same as a woman telling a man that he should be raped and beaten. In both cases, there's only one group with the social power to actually reasonably make that thing happen to the other, and if you're going to pretend that trans people don't experience disproportionate amounts of violence (like how women experience disproportionate amounts of rape), then you're ignoring blatantly clear statistical evidence to the contrary. This is why a trans person would say "die cis scum", or why a woman would talk about how she wants to rape and kill a man. It brings to light the hypocrisy in people's views, and how readily their feelings get hurt when someone says something negative about them when they've likely been doing the exact same thing (or at least allowing it to happen in spaces they control) their entire lives over. Cis people as a group are generally awful to trans people, and what you would consider a neutral point of view (i.e. not actively murdering trans people) is likely still a problem for me in a whole lot of ways. If you aren't doing anything about trans inequality, then you actually are part of the problem, because your indifference allows people who do care to perpetuate their system of awful bullshit while you stand on the sidelines and twiddle your thumbs and toss out an occasional justification for their horrible behavior.

1 hours later 3017885 Anonymous
>>3017878 >a man telling a woman that she should be raped and beaten is not the same as a woman telling a man that he should be raped and beaten. Women are not universally powerless here. If the man is weak or younger than the woman it would be absurd to argue he's in a position of power. And even in general it's still threatening to say you want to kill someone. I'm a trans person and I can't agree at all with your stance here. It's like telling black people they can get away with beating whitey because they're oppressed.

1 hours later 3017886 Anonymous
>>3017878 >A cis person telling a trans person that they're scum and should die is not the same as a trans person telling a cis person that they're scum and should die I stopped reading there You can't demand respect and offer anything but, it's just how real world works babe

1 hours later 3017892 Anonymous
>>3017878 die trans scum

1 hours later 3017915 Anonymous
>>3017885 You're ignoring reality if you don't or won't acknowledge that there's a social dynamic at play in which men are allowed physical dominance over women in all spaces. But please, tell me about how a woman *could* rape and beat a man and how it's totally just as likely for that to happen as it is for a man to rape and beat a woman, or how men have to constantly live in fear of violence against them for being outside at night, or rebuffing someone's sexual advances, or for talking back to women, or...

1 hours later 3017919 Anonymous
>>3017915 >how men have to constantly live in fear of violence against them for being outside at night You know the rates of violence are higher for males in situations like this? It's not women beating them, but more men get attacked and mugged in general.

1 hours later 3017927 Anonymous
>>3017919 So what you're telling me... Is that violent criminals are generally men and not women??? Stop the fucking presses!

1 hours later 3017928 Anonymous
>>3017915 lol, this what tumblrinas actually think honey, use your imagination and have an open mind yours is so full of sjw agenda marinating there it's a wonder you haven't died out of sheer hypocrisy

1 hours later 3017934 Anonymous
>>3017927 look at that tumblrina so offended she lost her ability toucan

2 hours later 3017954 Anonymous
>>3017919 do you have any evidence for it being in those situations in general, last i saw male murders tend to happen more to males because of gang and drug related violence and not just situations of being killed randomly. i dont know if these numbers translate to muggings but the numbers may be skewed

2 hours later 3017977 Anonymous
>>3017954 Men are significantly more likely to be murdered, but overwhelmingly more likely to be murderers, or rapists, or both! Women are disproportionately targeted as victims of sex related homicide. So please tell me how men aren't the problem here, Toucan Sam.

2 hours later 3017990 Anonymous
>>3017878 >>3017915 >men can't get raped or assaulted >if you're not doing something about trans rights then you're oppressing me >you're ignoring reality >It's more okay for a woman to tell a man to get raped and die than for a man to tell a woman >all cis people justify radical conservatives behavior W-what? Look, it's really not fair at all to generalize literally 90% of the world's population by basically calling all cis people trash, and even more so, it's not like /lgbt/ issues are one of the most hotly debated topics in society today. It's really not okay for any person to tell another person to die/get raped, period. There shouldn't be an okay/less okay aspect to this shit, even if, as you claim, it's to "bring to light the hypocrisy in people's views." Furthermore, you do realize that you're on the /lgbt/ board trying to tell us about discrimination and equality, right? We're not exactly the ones you should be preaching at, and even so, radicalism and attention-grabbing statements are great for doing just that, it doesn't exactly help your movement as all of /lgbt/ is and will likely remain a minority, and must (this is the saddest part) gain some of that evil straight cis approval to be legally sound.

2 hours later 3018000 Anonymous
>>3017977 i am agreeing with that actually i was asking what is the evidence that shows men are more likely to be the victims of muggings and such and if those numbers are being skewed in any way like the murder numbers

2 hours later 3018042 Anonymous
>>3017990 Okay, let me break this down for you since you very clearly did not actually comprehend the post I made: 1) Just like men are a lot more likely to rape women than the other way around, cis people are a lot more likely to murder trans people than the other way around. Only one of those groups in both situations is conceivably going to actually follow through on those threats. 2) Males being raped is not a systemic issue in the way women being raped actually is. When something like one in five women report being raped in their lifetimes, and nearly half report some form of sexual assault, yeah, it's a fucking problem. I'm real sorry that some men get raped too, but it's just not even on the same level as the problems women face as a whole with sexual violence. Sorry! 3) Systems of oppression only work because of passivity and bystanders not wanting to get caught up in any trouble. Think of a middle school bully: if he's giving the class nerd an atomic wedgie, and nobody around stands up to him, do you think he's just gonna stop giving atomic wedgies out of the kindness of his heart? It becomes even more problematic when real social power and control is at stake. Why are white people so scared of affirmative action? Because they feel like people of color might actually be on even footing with them somehow, and that just isn't fair! Being part of a marginalized group is no excuse for holding views that perpetuate the marginalization of others.

2 hours later 3018048 Anonymous
>>3018000 (I know you were agreeing with me, the Toucan Sam thing was directed at the guy who was so angry that he became incomprehensible.)

2 hours later 3018071 Anonymous
>>3018042 lol i can't hold all this assumptions and feminist propaganda

2 hours later 3018083 Anonymous (1405030348184.jpg 289x321 39kB)
>>3018042 how did zir escape from zir hugbox

2 hours later 3018084 Anonymous
>>3018042 this is why i will never (and most of the worlds population) will never listen to you people

2 hours later 3018101 Anonymous
>>3018042 still doesn't make it okay to threaten anyone.

2 hours later 3018105 Anonymous
>>3018101 An empty threat is the same as a conceivably honest threat that also serves to remind someone of their place in society and how often that kind of threat is actually carried out against them, got it.

2 hours later 3018117 Anonymous
>>3018105 You're so deluded it's almost funny, if I wasn't concerned someone might take you seriously

2 hours later 3018131 Anonymous
>>3018105 all threats are bad. Don't make them. Stop trying to justify your blatant sexism

2 hours later 3018185 Anonymous
>>3018101 i dont think that the person is making any claim that the threat is ok, but more so that the threat itself means different things depending on how it is directed.

2 hours later 3018213 Anonymous
>>3018185 How about we stop respecting the intents and feelings of the shitty people who threaten other people? If you threaten somebody you are a piece of shit. End of story.

2 hours later 3018235 Anonymous
Man you people are idiots if you can't just talk about a social issue without spouting off a bunch of nonsense about "sjws" and "tumblr." Like just try to have an actual conversation where you listen to other people instead of immediately dismissing them you fucking trogs

2 hours later 3018273 Anonymous (1392518483183.gif 267x200 3028kB)
>>3018235 No

3 hours later 3018313 Anonymous
>>3018213 i never said anything about respecting intents. but its pretty damn obvious a kkk member making a death threat to a black family may have a little more basis for worry than say someone being upset at someone for saying something hurtful on the internet

3 hours later 3018332 Anonymous
>>3018235 Like anyone was interested in having this same discussion 1000 times over. I assure you, if that was a case they would be already on tumblr trading insults with you morons

3 hours later 3018444 Anonymous
>>3018235 >having an actual discussion >about "die cis scum"/"die trans scum" top keks there is no discussion to be had about the phrase when both sides are fuckin idiots. trans scum being cunts and oversensitive cis scum

3 hours later 3018460 Anonymous
>>3017621 >Do gays ever have any attraction to the opposite sex? Not in a sexual way unless they're bi.

3 hours later 3018464 Anonymous
>>3018444 die trans scum

3 hours later 3018529 Anonymous
>If it upsets you to be told to fuck off and die by a trans person for something basically beyond your control, maybe you should stop being so tacitly hypocritical and stand up for trans people when you hear the same kind of bile spewed in their directions? lel this degree of cis butthurt makes me feel all warm and fuzzy

4 hours later 3018590 Anonymous (Transphobia.png 420x2492 919kB)
>>3018529 It is astonishing how poorly the social campaign for trans rights is being carried out and this is why. "I want your acceptance into cis people's society but at the same time you guys are terrible and should fuck off and die, now accept me!" I'm all for trans rights. No, really, by all means, do as you see fit, it's no skin off my back, but really? That's your plan?

4 hours later 3018610 Anonymous
>>3018235 >Like just try to have an actual conversation where you listen to other people instead of immediately dismissing them Good, until >you fucking trogs Hypocrisy ain't just a river in Egypt.

4 hours later 3018611 Anonymous
>Do trans people really hate cis people? I've never met a transsexual in person, but I'm fairly sure the answer is no. >Do gays ever have any attraction to the opposite sex? In my own case, essentially none. Sofia Vergara has an amazing body but I don't think I'm actually attracted to her. But human sexuality is polymorphous blah blah blah so maybe.

4 hours later 3018619 Anonymous
>>3017621 i dunno, some probably do but wont act out on it because they dont wanna suffer from a mental breakdown the ones that pretend to do so on tumblr are usually edgy 14 year old children no, that's being bi

9 hours later 3019901 Anonymous
>>3017621 Cis people (mostly women) were more helpful to me during my transition than trans people, so no, I don't hate them. It was often the trans people that threw me to the side, insulted me, told me I was too pretty to be in their oppressed category (guess you have to be non-passing or ugly?), and one (a dude with a beard who wore a skirt a couple times, trans I guess) even threatened to rip my head off for saying trans women should vote for politicians who will support them even if they're anarchists. This isn't to say that cis people haven't been awful to me (like my ex best friend, but he was abusive throughout my life before I had even come out), but people can be awful no matter how they identify.

9 hours later 3019919 Anonymous
>>3017878 Statistics and abstract minority/majority contrasts outweigh the actual violence done between concrete individuals. Go back to tumblr where your inaction is of no consequence please.

9 hours later 3019928 Anonymous
>>3017621 >Do trans people really hate cis people? Some do, most don't. >Do gays ever have any attraction to the opposite sex? Some do. We call them "bisexual".

9 hours later 3020032 Anonymous
>>3018042 Probably b8 but I'll bite > cis people are a lot more likely to murder trans people than the other way around. This is still an extremely rare occurrence in western society http://www.transrespect-transphobia .org/en/tvt-project/tmm-results/mar ch-2013.htm >total of 1,123 reported killings of trans people in 57 countries worldwide from January 1st 2008 to December 31st 2012 For a 3 year period of 57 countries this is still quite low. Often this muders don't take place in western society >Most reported cases were from Central and South America, which amount to 864 reports in 22 countries and account for 77 % of the globally reported murders of trans people since January 2008 >Males being raped is not a systemic issue in the way women being raped actually is You're arguing this old crap, rape is one of the few things that can get a mob after you in western society, its put on the same level of crime as murder and pedophilia. Even if the convicted gets off he'll have either a massive social stigma for the rest of his life or go 'missing' >When something like one in five women report being raped in their lifetimes, and nearly half report some form of sexual assault, yeah, it's a fucking problem. Source pls >Think of a middle school bully: if he's giving the class nerd an atomic wedgie, and nobody around stands up to him, do you think he's just gonna stop giving atomic wedgies out of the kindness of his heart? You know thats what teacher are there for right? same with the police force. Also I don't think you can equate the shit kids do to what adults do, maybe the few alcoholic skinheads and shitskins but they very rarely get away with it for long or without long term damage to there life.

10 hours later 3020071 Anonymous
>>3017878 You are correct, but your reasoning is seriously flawed. A cis person telling a trans person they're scum and should die is not the same as the other way around, but it is not because they have a position of power. It is because it already is something the trans person is concerned about. The trans person already feels bad about themselves and might be dealing with suicidal thoughts and all that. So when it happens, once again, that a cis person treats them like that... It's a lot more harmful. When a cis person gets that treatment from the .1% or less that represents trans people, they're more likely to just laugh and ignore it. Specially if they really are transphobic. It also has no relation whatsoever to a man telling a woman that she should be raped and beaten. That is a retarded thing to say, but unless the man is also saying "and *I* will do it" it will have no value as a threat. But SJW are usually retarded, so it's no wonder you get confused.

10 hours later 3020083 Anonymous
>Do gays ever have any attraction to the opposite sex? yea but nothing really sexual, like personally I can find someone of the opposite sex to be attractive but say no to the sexy times, I don't identify as bisexual tho, that would make things way more complicated

10 hours later 3020102 Anonymous (1390955777793.jpg 946x519 77kB)
>mfw tumblrinas like the one ITT are the reason that trans will always be vilified and persecuted by society at large, because they've become the public face of "trans" so people think they're all lunatics I don't know how you can possibly repair this absolute PR disaster, but godspeed /lgbt/, evil cis scum here rooting for you.

10 hours later 3020114 Anonymous
>>3020102 I think they did more harm to feminists than to trans people, though. I mean, trans people had shit PR to begin with. Things have been improving a lot. Feminist PR went downhill, though.

10 hours later 3020179 Anonymous
>>3020071 keep on tumbln

10 hours later 3020197 Anonymous
>>3017788 That person wasn't even trans.

10 hours later 3020203 Anonymous
>>3017814 It's a troll you idiot. No trans person is like this on this entire site.

10 hours later 3020210 Anonymous
>>3020114 >trans people had shit PR to begin with Primarily due to feminists. Feminists basically destroyed any modicum of positive trans PR in the late 70s-early 80s because they considered them to be "part of the patriarchy" and now they're destroying themselves from within.

10 hours later 3020218 Anonymous
>>3017621 >Do trans people really hate cis people? Not usually. We're not responsible for the fact that every idiot in the world has access to a camera and a youtube account. >Do gays ever have any attraction to the opposite sex? Maybe, but I'm bi. I have an attraction to both.

15 hours later 3021106 Anonymous
>>3017878 When trans people act like their bigotry and hatred are special, different and less wrong I hate them with the passion of the fucking Christ. You fuckers keep acting up and talking like that you will get yours. People are starting to get pissed.

15 hours later 3021123 Anonymous
>>3017801 >maybe you should stop being so tacitly hypocritical and stand up for trans people when you hear the same kind of bile spewed in their directions? I think you mistake someone being oppressed for their nature and someone getting tore up because they just won't STFU about shit and let people just be. I have some one in my family who overnight became a gender activist...no one ever gave a single fuck about gender issues or how this person lived their live...but we are fucking tired that every God damn family gathering is now about trans peoples gender issues..and this I why she's not welcome...she is looks the same, dresses the same and never heard a bad word from anyone of us. We were always supportive...now she can go pound sand.

15 hours later 3021140 Anonymous
>>3017621 >yfw CIS is a pathetically invented buzzword revanch-ed out of the bowels of social justice-oriented academia to reverse the "faggot" card. Still laugh whenever people self-identify as CIS instead of "normal."

16 hours later 3021320 Anonymous
>>3021140 >Still laugh whenever people self-identify as CIS instead of "normal." How ironic...because it is normal, it's the fucking NORM. you poor broken fuckers, I feel so bad for you but at the same time you are all so horribly wrong in who you are.

16 hours later 3021325 Anonymous
>>3021320 You're right. Biology creates natural norms, which can easily be engineered and conditioned to be outlying by synthetic societies. Which is why you see an "increase" in trans now that education and popular culture is focused on it. Thanks for proving the point.

16 hours later 3021346 Anonymous
Do trans people really hate cis people? >As a ftm I don't hate cis people, all of my friends are cis Do gays ever have any attraction to the opposite sex? >I have no idea, I'm straight

19 hours later 3021676 Anonymous
>>3021320 Why? Just calling people "normal" is imprecise. I am cis. I am far from normal.

23 hours later 3022101 Anonymous
Trans ladle here. I have no ill intentions towards any specific group of people, but I will put anyone through the wringer if they harass me or my family. I will also not tolerate people attempting to take advantage of my wealth or helpful nature. Of course, it's more common for me to experience "users" than anything else. I didn't learn to believe in second chances, and it doesn't help that I enjoy making another person's life worse for personal gain. One glaring instance was a single mom with kids who needed a car for work. I set her up, but she thought that I would just give her a car to keep apparently... Completely ignoring our contract and collections. She's lost her only job again (that I helped her get) and she's paying a lot more than $17k for a stupid car that I now have in my possession plus $10k for our lawyers. Her finances are completely trashed now, and I doubt her 40+ yr old ass will ever get a good loan/credit again. Her kids were awfully skinny last I saw them. At least they get to live with their grandmother now. >TL;DR: cis people are probably going to be the one group I screw over and over again throughout life. I don't run into trans people like myself and I would probably stay away anyway.

23 hours later 3022174 Anonymous
>>3017621 >Do trans people really hate cis people? Most don't. There are always going to be people that hate something. But as a general community we don't hate cis people

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