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2014-07-19 01:19 3015174 Anonymous (1280px-Lystr_murr1DB.jpg 1280x636 130kB)
How do you feel about feminism?

1 min later 3015185 Anonymous
If it's my mother's type of feminism, which fights against the objectification of women, fights for the ability of women to get equal opportunites in education (she's a Math major) and employment (she was an electrical engineer for three decades) and desires true gender equality, then I'm all for it. If it's the Tumblr SJW "destroy all cishet white male shitlords" flavour of feminism, I want it to go to Guam and never come back.

5 min later 3015199 Anonymous
>>3015185 Yeah, thank God that kind only exists on a small corner of the Internet.

6 min later 3015202 Anonymous
>>3015174 Not necessary in the modern world.

8 min later 3015214 Anonymous
>>3015174 Get the fuck out.

9 min later 3015219 Anonymous (rape_culture.gif 320x215 1897kB)
>>3015174 It's for those who see life through rape-tinted glasses.

9 min later 3015226 Anonymous
>>3015174 i feel like they should fuck off

12 min later 3015237 Anonymous (mrrodgers.png 797x540 475kB)
>>3015174 when i was growing up a little fagglet in the rural south watching Oprah and Ricki Lake, i used to think it was important and just an obvious and easy thing. "Women & Men are Equal", no problem, rock on! but then i got to a liberal college and met "real" feminists who dont give two fucking shits about equality, and are only interested in figuring out how EVERY SINGLE PROBLEM THEY HAVE are the fault of men. I actually got into an argument with a whole group of them when I suggested taking a self-defense class to be more empowered. they dont give a shit about being empowered to do anything but bitch. they actually told me there was NOTHING WOMEN COULD DO TO STOP RAPE, and that MEN ARE THE ONLY ONES WHO COULD STOP IT... they told me im supposed to go out and tell all the evil rapists to stop it and theyll listen to me because i have a dick because we are all in the evil dick club or some shit. so now im just happy i dont have to give a shit about these women and their stupid "im weak and powerless without a man / i hate men" BS at all.

14 min later 3015249 Anonymous
TERFs are some of the most hateful, vile people I've ever seen.

15 min later 3015252 Anonymous (feminazi.gif 287x191 3104kB)
>>3015237 >"im weak and powerless without a man / i hate men" BS Wow, that sums up the current wave so damn perfectly

15 min later 3015253 Anonymous
>>3015174 Feminism is like socialism Both have been important and crucial and revolutionary in forming the modern western nation The most reasonable ideas in both have been absorbed by all reasonable parties and ideologies And now, all that's left under the title is the crazy bullshit. We're all feminists and socialists, but if somebody actively uses those terms of themselves, chances are they're crazy

15 min later 3015254 Anonymous
>>3015174 How do you feel abpout the KKK?

15 min later 3015255 Anonymous (image.jpg 571x2571 520kB)
Fine. There are different types under the umbrella, however I Agree with their main objectives. The only ones I can't stand are the TERFs, they ruin it for everybody.

16 min later 3015257 Anonymous
>>3015249 angry lesbians are angry

17 min later 3015266 Anonymous
>>3015174 The real question is, what do you think of ecofeminism?

19 min later 3015270 Anonymous
I don't see anything wrong with trans-exclusionary feminism. They don't see how a man can identify as a woman when he was born a male, raised as a male and has male chromosomes. It's about protecting women's spaces and the identity of women.

20 min later 3015272 Anonymous (kothirorinkusu.jpg 420x241 14kB)
Thanks for the comments, fellers. I just wanted to prove to someone that every board on 4chan regardless of the context generally hates feminism as a biproduct of the restriction of free discussion. >>3015255 You on the other hand I approve of. 10/10 would hang out with.

24 min later 3015293 Anonymous
>>3015272 The only board where the opinion isn't as skewed to one-side would be /mu/.

29 min later 3015321 Anonymous (copine-hug-oreille-chou-fleur.gif 240x180 392kB)
>>3015174 TFW feminists try to hop aboard the LGBT train.

35 min later 3015338 Anonymous
>>3015174 Get shot femicunt.

42 min later 3015359 Anonymous (3OMmg8o.jpg 626x2452 471kB)
>>3015174 Imagine the work put behind this, yeah, they hate them that much.

47 min later 3015373 Anonymous (bear-eats-peta.jpg 460x307 40kB)
>>3015272 Ah, you have an agenda. I see. You also have made the assumption that people hate feminism for a rational cause. Many of the people here on 4chan have never read any feminist discourse, they simply troll for the lulz. However, this does not change one critical thing: a dictionary definition of feminism does not describe *actual* feminism. Feminism as it is practised in actuality tends to be irrational, fact avoiding, victim complex inducing group of poorly educated people who need someone or something to blame on their failure to get everything they believe they are owed by life. Actual feminism treats criticism as hate-speech and scientific studies that refute their skewed view of reality as proof of the patriarchy. I'm all for equality of opportunity. However, I'm not here to help people reinforce their own neuroses, support 'positive' discrimination or build a society that removes agency from women and minority groups by supporting a movement that suggests that they're all victims. Real-world feminism is no different than /pol/. Both groups blame others for their problems.

50 min later 3015382 Anonymous
>>3015174 tumblrina pls go. feminism is unnecessary in the western world, women are not oppressed

54 min later 3015392 Anonymous
>>3015270 They accept passing, manly FtMs on testosterone into "womens' spaces." Think about that. Now think about how ridiculously fucking stupid that is.

58 min later 3015407 Anonymous
When they start accepting rights with responsibilities then I'll like them. Right now they're pretty much a bunch of self-entitled cunts with major double standard "I want to earn the same as a man but fuck that, workings a mans job".

4 hours later 3016178 Anonymous (6848941.png 1280x533 650kB)
>>3015237 >because i have a dick because we are all in the evil dick club

19 hours later 3018173 Anonymous
>>3015219 filename kek

22 hours later 3019033 Anonymous (deaththreats.jpg 720x2376 406kB)
>>3015174 They are bullies, plain and simple.

22 hours later 3019037 Anonymous
>>3019033 hashactivists are a new low

22 hours later 3019042 Anonymous
>>3019033 Jesus christ, hes just a kid, and what he said didn't warrant that at all. Fuck this gay earth.

22 hours later 3019058 Anonymous
>>3015272 >takes one thread >doesn't consider a troll nature of 4chan >"freedom of discussion is restricted durr" >doesn't make any argument in favor of this bizarre claim You sure proved something

22 hours later 3019084 Anonymous
>>3019033 Kids this young shouldn't be allowed on the internet past facebook. These people are still pathetic, but they're present in every movement. Mob mentality+mindless devotion =violence in every direction. I bet if he got raped thanks to this shit, they'll be like "But it wasn't our fault, it was a joke, this shitlord literally said..."

22 hours later 3019090 Anonymous
Feminism >Simone de Beauvoir: Femininity is a construct, masculinity is just "being a whole person", let's fix this shit >Paglia: Maybe it's more complicated that and there are redeemable or equally interesting aspects to absolute femininity as well "Feminism" >I CAN DO WAHTEVER I WAAAAAAAAAAAAANT AND U STILL HAVE TO GIVE ME MONEY >YOU'RE MAKING ME VERY UNCOMFORTABLE :S >HOMELESS MEN WILL STOP RAPING PEOPLE IF EVERY TIME A HOMELESS PERSON RAPES SOMEONE I YELL AT MY MARRIED MALE COWORKERS ABOUT HOW IT'S ALL THEIR FAULT!!!!!!!!!!! >I NEED MORE MONEY >I WANT TO DO WHATEVER I WANT >I WANT MORE MONEY >THE GOVERNMENT SHOULD GIVE ME FREE THINGS >THE BEST WAY TO HELP GAY PEOPLE IS TO MAKE MORE TEENAGERS TAKE HORMONE-ALTERING PILLS AND DRESS LIKE DRAG QUEENS IN PUBLIC >IA IA CTHULHU FHTAGN I gotta say they did a pretty good job of slamming the movement into the ground.

22 hours later 3019124 Anonymous
>>3019033 That kid is cool, he is taking it like a man and stood his ground. How is a 13 year old a more mature person than 20 year old feminists, or even me as i couldn't keep a level head if that happened to me.

22 hours later 3019141 Anonymous
>>3019124 Wish i had this much spine when I was his age. Doesn't change the fact that he provoked nutjobs while having enough information on his twitter to get doxxed. Kid ought to be taught how to act on internet.

22 hours later 3019147 Anonymous
>>3019141 hes young, its understandable.

23 hours later 3019210 Anonymous
>>3019033 What a cool kid, what awful people.

52 hours later 3025290 Anonymous
>>3015199 It's been a problem in the universities for a long time.

52 hours later 3025316 Anonymous
>>3015255 I agree with all of them except Umbreon, Leafeon, and Flareon. Leafeon is full retard.

64 hours later 3027217 Anonymous
>>3019033 That's fucking disgusting

64 hours later 3027273 Anonymous
>>3019210 >Thinks "comedy" is an excuse for shit >Is basically unreasonable Yeah, totally much better [/sarcasm, for your convinience]

65 hours later 3027303 Lilith Lovett
Dunno, normal feminists don't bother me much, TERFs needs to sent to the gas chamber.

65 hours later 3027360 Anonymous
>>3015199 It only exists on the internet...and universities... and feminist publications...and coffee shops...and everywhere that feminists reside. Seriously the only feminists who are not like that are ones who have never picked up any feminist literature and just like the idea of feminism but don't really know what feminism is.

66 hours later 3027601 Anonymous
Depends which breed of feminism we're talking about Feminism where the participants are interested in the acknowledgment of misrepresentations and treatment, recongnising it is not the only thing in the world but trying to change those representations in order to further the standard of equality or RAPE CULTURE ALL MEN ARE PIGS GOD DAMMIT NOTHING IS POSITIVE AND THERE IS NOTHING POSITIVE ABOUT ANYTHING MY OPINIONS ARE FACT FUCK YOU

66 hours later 3027622 Anonymous
So how did TERFing come about? Did it start at tumblr or am I just being presumptuous because that's where all the bad shit starts?

91 hours later 3033078 Anonymous (feministgeneral.png 499x281 302kB)
>>3015174 pic

91 hours later 3033102 Anonymous
>>3015174 I think it's silly.

91 hours later 3033110 Anonymous
>>3015174 >fights for the ability of women to get equal opportunites in education So she's fighting against female only grants? So that they have equal opportunities instead of having far more opportunities?

91 hours later 3033116 Anonymous
>>3033110 Meant to quote >>3015185

91 hours later 3033119 Anonymous
>>3027622 It developed as a reaction to the newly budding third-wave feminism, AIUI. There were terfs even back in the 80s and shit

91 hours later 3033122 Anonymous
>>3027622 terfs have been around forever since the feminism movement started tumblr feminists just gave them the name TERFs since they didnt want to exclude trans people

91 hours later 3033123 Anonymous
>>3033119 More like the late 60's or something. They basically couldn't find anything that was oppressive of women anymore so they had to start attacking trans people instead.

91 hours later 3033133 Anonymous
>>3033122 It was called lesbian radical feminism before TERF, as it is a lesbian movement.

91 hours later 3033147 Anonymous
>>3015174 The way I see it, it's one of those problems that people came up with when they had no more real problems to deal with in their lives. Look at history, or even at current times, and look at people who have to deal with actual problems in their lives, problems like not having enough resources to simply survive. Do they think about feminism? Fuck no, they've got actual shit to worry about and figure out. Meanwhile, a bunch of liberal arts studying dykes sit around in coffee shops and sip their lattes while talking, with no hint of irony, about how life is unfair to them. So, in my eyes, it's all a bunch of bullshit, along with most other so-called "social problems", which are the kind of problems that only exist because some dipshits made them up.

91 hours later 3033159 Anonymous
>>3033133 most TERFs ive seen are straight women who are also the radfem crazies who believe consensual sex with a penis is rape i side eye any lesbian who would actually stoop down to their level

92 hours later 3033246 Anonymous
>>3015272 what's with all the synapsids?

92 hours later 3033282 Anonymous
>>3027360 I've taken a class on feminism, in college, live in one of the most liberal/progressive/whatever cities in the US, and yet I have never met a feminist like the typical "straw feminist" that's not to say they don't exist, I'm am unfortunately familiar with the likes of Mary Daly, and her ilk; its more that those sorts of nutcases are starting to die off. The TERF type is to regular feminism as the KKK is to Christians. They take the initial premises and rhetoric of of an ideology and pervert them to justify intolerance, hatred, and violence, in contrast with everything they normally stand for.

93 hours later 3033679 Anonymous (image.jpg 500x502 82kB)
Feminism to me is improving the rights of women who's lives really suck-those who are poor, those who have children to feed, those who still have a hard time getting an education and moving up in the workplace, those who need healthcare and options to plan their families and relationships It's not about defending or shaming someone for how much sex they have or how they have it. And I hate, hate, hate how modern feminism is white girls defending their causal sex lives instead of doing things for people in need.

94 hours later 3033910 Anonymous
It needs to evolve into intersectionalism, it's by definition an exclusionary movement

100 hours later 3035797 Anonymous
Old feminism addressed legitimate issues like voting rights and job/education opportunities. Modern feminism is one of the most bigoted movements in history. Feminists hate gay men because we are an affront to their idea of male privilege and transsexuals because they are either invaders or gender traitors. When I took a philosophy 101 class in college, the professor was a feminist and made the whole course about how women are so underrepresented in everything. She was incredibly rude to her students, especially male ones. I stayed in because I needed a philosophy course for my general education requirements. The books, including a book for writing your test answers, you had to buy at the book store, they were written by her and even and were stapled pieces of crap. There was even a note near the title page that she received a grant from the state to write that drivel. Believing at the time that feminism was an ally of gay rights, I figured she would be a bit more respectful if I made it known that I was gay and used an opportunity during a discussion of homosexuality. She actually became even more rude to me and I stopped receiving feedback from her about my assignments. I failed the course and wonder if I should have complained to someone about her.

101 hours later 3036017 Anonymous
>>3015253 There are a lot of socialist parties out there. They're really aren't represented in the US much but they exist and most are the central left party in their country.

101 hours later 3036024 Anonymous
>>3015270 8/8 gr8

103 hours later 3036378 Anonymous
>>3015255 >TERF?

103 hours later 3036394 Anonymous
>>3015255 Thanks for this picture! It's hard to get across to people that feminism is not monolithic nor stopped in time.

103 hours later 3036404 Anonymous
>>3015272 People on 4chan hate feminism because it's mainly a collection of relatively privileged middle class white males who don't particularly want to confront the ways in which they're beneficiaries of society at the expense of others.

103 hours later 3036446 Anonymous
>>3036404 that's an overly long way to say 'Assholes'

104 hours later 3036572 Anonymous
>>3036404 no, people on 4chan hate feminism because in the current day and age most of it is hypocritical nonsense based entirely on feelings and poor logic. Also your implication that the hatred for it stems from being a middle class white male is absolutely retarded. 4chan is far more diverse than you think it is and, surprise surprise, people of different races, sexes, and financial classes are capable of recognizing retarded ideologies when they see them!

105 hours later 3036636 Canola Yogurt
>>3036378 >TERF? Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminism. If you're using the graphic posted, it's a combination of Postmodern and Radical, with the additional accusations that trans women are men trying to invade women's spaces, and that trans men are misguided women who are suffering from Stockholm syndrome. According to the graphic, TERFs would be diametrically opposed to Transfeminism. For examples of prominent TERF attitudes, see Cathy Brennan, Janice Raymond, and Dirt.

105 hours later 3036641 Anonymous
>>3015174 Insufferable bitches who will cry and cry if you try to be remotely nice.

112 hours later 3037726 Anonymous
>>3015174 I like the thought that women are human beings and to be treated like an actual person I don't like the SCUM-manifest which puts down men as a whole I don't like that feminism is often linked with academia and is therefore excluding women from working-class background or WoC I think that women who say that feminism is excluding them because they're not white/middle/upper-class are justified in saying that they don't consider themselves feminists because they feel excluded I believe feminism should include and make every woman and girl welcome, be they transgender, black, working-class (you get the idea) and should also consider their problems as worthwhile and worthy >but with Feminism linked to academia, see above... >feminism is the white, middle-class woman's land and when a black woman wants to speak about her experiences from her POV she's shut down and shut up

130 hours later 3042001 Anonymous
>>3036017 Well, there are a lot of leftist parties who have 'socialist' in their names due to historical reasons. But while Olof Palme (a great man, not a crazy fuck) did back in the day called literally call himself a socialist and met with socialist leaders, the leftists of these days would hardly use that term as lightly of themselves.

131 hours later 3042116 Anonymous
>>3036572 Then why not hate MRAs?

132 hours later 3042238 Anonymous
>>3042116 not that guy, but MRAs aren't given the time of day. feminists have permeated academia and mainstream news networks

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