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2014-07-18 09:58 3014276 Anonymous (01AEOLu.jpg 640x1136 106kB)
Why is this a thing now? I mean I understand when I was a kid I wanted to be Optimus Prime, but I went through puberty and all of that changed, Seriously though, these people are fucking with actual gender issues making up “identities” that they’ll drop when they come out of puberty. Meanwhile, people with ACTUAL gender dysphoria will have to deal with the bullshit the Tumblrkin left in their wake. How long will it take for this to pass or will little kids like this push actual transgender folk away?

1 min later 3014288 Anonymous
I hate this concept, but I can't hate my Ariesbro.

22 min later 3014406 Anonymous (3uzoKPW.png 693x360 48kB)
So does this mean I can identify as a Naruto AMV with a Limp Bizkit song as my gender?

27 min later 3014434 Anonymous
>>3014276 Pretty sure that's a fake looking at the tumblr page.

30 min later 3014444 Anonymous
>>3014276 ffs this faggots from tumblr need jesus or spanking

37 min later 3014481 Anonymous
>>3014276 stop denying your Optigender and accept the fact your gender can only be explained through the transformers franchise. this is a safe place to express yourself

39 min later 3014487 Anonymous
>>3014276 >Why is this a thing now? I mean I understand when I was a kid I wanted to be Optimus Prime, but I went through puberty and all of that changed, The "tumblrkin" as you put it are mostly teenagers as well, what makes you think they won't grow out of it too? Give it a few years for the next fad to come and all of this shit will be forgotten.

40 min later 3014494 Anonymous
>>3014481 #optigender #protect autogenders #fuck deceptigender haters

47 min later 3014525 Anonymous
>>3014494 stop being so deceptiphobic you autocentric shitlord!

51 min later 3014551 Anonymous
>>3014276 This is so fucked up. I identify as human male gender but I'm actually the personification of an astrological sign.

1 hours later 3014699 Anonymous
Faggots with too much time killed/immersed in the tumblr experience coming up with even newer ways to categorize and special snowflake themselves. nothing more.

1 hours later 3014711 Anonymous
It's all because of people telling children how special they are They start to fear they are not, and come up with this stupid bullshit

6 hours later 3015843 Anonymous
>>3014711 Fuck you, Mr Rogers was right.

6 hours later 3015923 Anonymous
>>3014406 I don't want to live on this rock anymore.

7 hours later 3016035 Anonymous
>>3014276 >when I was a kid I wanted to be Optimus Prime, but I went through puberty and all of that changed It's your own fault for abandoning your dreams.

13 hours later 3016943 Anonymous (CnZOp76.jpg 640x1136 31kB)
(◡‿◡✿) friendly reminder that if you are white and try to claim yourself as a nekogender, you are culturally appropriating and erasing this gender from PoC. (◕‿◕✿)

13 hours later 3016963 Anonymous (YUmAoFa.png 516x185 10kB)
This just in, emotion is a gender.

13 hours later 3016971 Anonymous
Shrug. Why get so worked up about it? Let them have their fun until they drop it, and let them help with the issues that will remain. Some person calling themself a tri-gender pyrofox doesn't affect you at all. It's just going to be one of those things that they regret when they come out of their chuuni phase.

13 hours later 3016979 Anonymous (freakingoutmillhouse.gif 500x380 62kB)
>>3014276 why is looking up the things random sad pathetic antisocial autistic children are doing on the internet and making it out like its a thing a thing now? when i was a kid, we'd all hop in a car, drive out into the middle of a field and huff propane straight from the tank. you kids today dont know what fun is anymore.

13 hours later 3016981 Anonymous
>>3016963 I feel like a feelgender

13 hours later 3016982 Anonymous
>>3016971 >yfw this stuff has already changed the wording in the DSM IV to include nonbinary and neutral 'genders' and presentation choices as basis for dysphoria >yfw this behavior is popular is university undergrads who compromise the majority of psychology, gender, and sociology research subjects pool >yfw crackpot religious leaders and therapists are using this conflagration of trans and trans* to further their 'it's just a phase' ideology onto patients and congregations >yfw you have no face

13 hours later 3016994 Anonymous
>>3014276 This is pushed by third-wave radical feminists who use young, weak-minded patsies like this to dilute the inherently binary nature of transsexualism with "gender is a social construct" tourist teenagers who grow out of being "faegender", or whatever the fuck they make up, by their 20s at the most. In the meantime, they treat transsexuals as if they're bigots because they don't accept a pangender otherkin slitherborn as one of them. Second wave radical feminists are too stupid and too painfully conservative-minded to utilize this strategy to destroy the (non-existent) social clout of transsexuals because of the threat they pose to feminist ideological rhetoric.

13 hours later 3017002 Anonymous
>>3014276 I blame Homestuck

13 hours later 3017016 Anonymous
>>3016982 >nonbinary and neutral "genders" Oh.

14 hours later 3017102 Anonymous (tumblr_inline_n5tz0kXjha1rcf7hx.png 462x306 10kB)

17 hours later 3017352 Anonymous
>>3016943 How can a gender identity be small?

17 hours later 3017355 Anonymous
>>3016963 >tfw

20 hours later 3017720 Anonymous
I genuinely wanted to become a wolf when I was about 9. I'm glad I got over it and just became a furfag before these people popped up, I probably would've ended up as one of them.

20 hours later 3017732 Anonymous
>>3017720 I wanted magical powers and a pokemon. I would probably end up as 'indigo child' if not for terrible internet connection in my shithole of a town.

20 hours later 3017738 Anonymous
>>3016963 >glutenphobic do i even want to know?

20 hours later 3017746 MatchuTiger
>>3014276 Lol, they are just like MySpace bisexual; only far more ridiculous.

21 hours later 3017759 Anonymous
>>3017746 sadly its these Trans trenders who really are Trans* that fuck everything up for everyone who is treally trans i dispise the group espically since its quickly becoming the main source of power in the trans community while making the community looks worse. the sad thing is that even those tumblr people tend to hate transsexuals for saying stuff like they dont go through the same thing

21 hours later 3017766 MatchuTiger
>>3016943 That's so incredibly fucking stupid. >note: this gender is Asian-exclusive Do these ignorant weeb fucks not realize that Japan isn't the only country with houdecats. Jesus, this whole fake gender garbage reminds me of all of my friends in the 2nd grade making up superpowers for themselves and LARPing during recess.

22 hours later 3017986 Anonymous
>>3017732 >tfw you're a person with a good internet connection who went through an indigo child phase

23 hours later 3018534 Anonymous
>>3017986 What the fuck is an indigo child?

24 hours later 3018568 Anonymous
>>3018534 New age superhero nonsense.

24 hours later 3018625 Anonymous
>>3017766 >comparing young kids having innocent fun to manchildren and landwhales on tumblr trying to be special snowflakes nigga what

27 hours later 3019554 Anonymous
>>3017759 This, I volunteer at our local AIDs foundation, there are two groups, one for teens to 25 year olds and one for 30+, I stuck around for both once, and the teen one was all special snowflakes talking about bunselves, and the one actual transgirl there who actually had dysphoria was so uncomfortable, the undertone bullying the trenders gave her was unreal. Switch to the adult group, and someone brings up tumblr genderkins and they say the same thing, that it is hurting the actual trans community so much. This is pretty sad because there really is no outlet irl for actual transkids to go without seeing tumblrkins invading their spaces.

27 hours later 3019570 Anonymous
>>3018534 it's called fahrenheit in the UK dont play it

28 hours later 3019796 Anonymous
>>3014276 >I wanted to be Optimus Prime I wanted to be Armada/Energon Megatron.

28 hours later 3019803 Anonymous
>>3019796 Stop making me depressed at how old I am.

28 hours later 3019821 Anonymous
>>3014276 > I wanted to be Optimus Prime http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8gY 0IT0CuA don't lose it :'(

33 hours later 3020884 Anonymous
>>3019554 This so much. I'm a young trans man, and there's a few groups in a city I live near, but they're all called shit like "many genders" or "all genders of the rainbow" or fucking dumb stuff like that. Or they have "FAAB trans groups" (I fucking hate the terms Female/Male-Assigned-At-Birth because it just lumps trans men in with women and trans women in with men), but my issues as someone who is the middle of transitioning and just wants to transition to male and live as a man are completely different to a genderqueer or agender who was born female and still lives as female but wants everyone to call them by a special name and pronouns. Urg, one of the fucking groups even said that otherkin were welcome but "truscum" aren't, like they'll accept fucking people who think they're bigender dragons but not actual trans people

35 hours later 3021205 Anonymous
>>3020884 "truscum" and "tucutes" fucking piss me off. I am the one you replied to, and on the community FB page they are trying to spread that shit there. As one of the older adults there who is supposed to be support for everyone, it just makes me want to punch the fuck out the the "tucutes" for pretending to be that shit and alienating what they claim to "identify" as. We have started letting some of the "truscums" that are not tumblrinas into the adult group for a bit more support if the need it, but yea, that shit is vile as fuck and pisses me the fuck off.

36 hours later 3021294 Anonymous
>>3021205 It really pisses me off a lot too, especially when people who still live as the sex they were born (like people who were born female but still live as women, happily wear women's clothes showing off their breasts, or people who were born male with beards) tell trans people who are going through transition that we have privilege or w/e, or make all these dumb "jokes" about cis people when they pretty much are cis (and there's nothing wrong with being cis, hell I wish I didn't have dysphoria and didn't have to transition). It pisses me off most of all because all these genderspecial "you are whatever you identify with" "die cis scum" idiots are everywhere online, and they're going to be a lot of people's first impression of the trans community. And I bet in five years after this trend is over most of them won't be trans anymore, but I still will, and I'll have to deal with the consequences of their shitty activism.

38 hours later 3021535 Anonymous
>>3020884 "FAAB trans groups" (I fucking hate the terms Female/Male-Assigned-At-Birth because it just lumps trans men in with women and trans women in with men) why the fuck would they do this?

39 hours later 3021680 Anonymous
>>3014711 Sorta. Tumblrinas make shit up to SEEM more interesting without actually putting forth any effort to enrich their lives. Also, playing the victim ironically gives them power by placing them in a position of unassailable moral superiority.

41 hours later 3021895 Anonymous
>>3018625 The stuff they do is affecting perceptions of trans* individuals though, it's not something that should be ignored.

41 hours later 3021913 Anonymous
>>3021535 AMAB and AFAB and all variations are misused a lot, but they were not created to lump in trans men with cis women and trans women with cis men. They were created to replace stuff like female-bodied or biologically female and so on because a lot of stuff attributed to it is more about birth assignment.

41 hours later 3021924 Anonymous
>>3016971 Because people start making up random genders and my gender and situation will start being a joke too. Being trans* is not snowflake-kid shit, and I doubt that being plantgendered will make you suicidal because you will never be entirely a plant-- whereas being legit trans* can.

41 hours later 3021943 Anonymous
>>3021924 >that fucking asterisk

42 hours later 3022023 Anonymous
>>3021895 No, trans* individuals are affecting peoples perception of them by shooting up drugs and wearing stockings. >>3021924 who the fuck are you to decide what gender is legit? you seem like the biggest fascist here.

42 hours later 3022030 Anonymous
These 'genders' sound more like personalty types. Why can't they just call it that?

42 hours later 3022037 Anonymous
>>3022030 Personality types are boring and not cool enough anymore. Besides why not have both? I see plenty of kind with myers-briggs types on their blogs and cutesy pronouns

42 hours later 3022046 Anonymous
>>3022030 >>3022037 Holy shit you guys are straight oppressors. Genders are nothing more than a PERSONALITY TYPE. I can have a penis and call myself a female and dance around in a dress. I can have a vagina and wear a tuxedo can call myself sir. There's NOTHING physical about gender. It is all about how you want to present yourself publicly. I figured a transboard like this would have some open minds, but I should have known better.

42 hours later 3022050 Anonymous (1404820700973.jpg 358x361 37kB)
>>3022046 >>3022023

42 hours later 3022057 Anonymous
>>3022050 You need to stop judging me.

42 hours later 3022061 Anonymous (1404659600695.jpg 1000x1000 53kB)

42 hours later 3022066 Anonymous
>>3022061 how many more stupid marine life pictures do you have? are you sure you're not aquagendered?

43 hours later 3022071 Anonymous
>>3022066 tumblr pls, you're triggering me

43 hours later 3022177 Anonymous
stop being prejucided, what is happening on tumblr is a revolutionary process of self discovery. it is helping people know themselves on an ever more just and personal scale. it is helping non-binary soulpeople break the chains of cishet-centric universalism and oppression. "you" might feel ok defining yourself in terms neatly defined in a narrow, cishet-centric, cishet-written dictionary for cishet-readers but for the rest of us it isn't. some of us are just to complex to bind ourselves in a single bland word. because as levi-strauss wrote, language delimitates the known univeerse so if cishet-centric dictionaries don't recognize our identities then that is an act of denial and an act of oppression. in fact i dare say the dictionary is one of the foremost weapons of oppression ever invented, right up there with guns, gas chambers and "white" identities. i define as a (demi-essential) paleogender (zimbabwe-core) neuroatypical grrrlfemme-presenting pansexual soul. if you have any questions then i am open to answer them so long as you respect my pronouns kay/kayz/kayselph aaand my tense (past, because im paeogender, duhh :3)

44 hours later 3022233 Anonymous (490.jpg 627x626 23kB)
>>3022066 Oh wow he's not even trying anymore

44 hours later 3022246 Anonymous (061.jpg 650x532 33kB)
>>3022177 Snowflake pls.

44 hours later 3022269 Anonymous
>>3022177 >(zimbabwe-core) I'm shaking

44 hours later 3022288 Anonymous
>>3022177 >words words words

44 hours later 3022330 Anonymous
>>3022246 >can't tell it's a joke

44 hours later 3022331 Anonymous
There comes a point in every species progression toward a singularity where a purge is needed in order to ensure that some concepts are not granted exponential growth. I think we're way past that point. >>3022288 >zimbabwe-core I chuckled.

45 hours later 3022420 Anonymous
I went to a university group at my college. One time i heard" we are all a little trans". We also had a fucking" demigirl" struggling with her identity, she was femme as fuck she just cut her hair short and dyed it green. Then the leader of this group was "Stephanie" who a year before i went there went around asking all the gay girls "she" knew if it was ok to call herself a lesbian cause she was trans now (she hadn't even started hormones and looked entirely like a dude). All she fucking talked about was "queering" the term lesbian. Shes only attracted to girls and has a girlfriend who "she" fucks all the time. She has reach out events where she sits at a booth and advocates for trans people and educates the public. Im sure all the see is some weirdo talking about how gender is all on the inside, which im sure hurts trans people. I went to this group identifying as just a normal guy even though i had already started hrt and the amount of cringes i had was unbelievable. It was like they all wanted to be in the secret fucking tranny club. This one aweosmely hot and passable ftm came in and i swear they all treated him like a godam celebrity. Fuck and like i dont even have much ground to stand on because i only came to terms with my unhappiness over being male at 20 which is really late. So maybe im a trender to but ill be damned if i am going to all this shit spinning out of control and damaging trans people that dont get off on being tumblrtard gender activists. Also all these people went to tumblr.

45 hours later 3022437 Anonymous
Why aren't the 30 something trans people smacking some sense into these kids?

51 hours later 3024198 Anonymous
>>3022437 Because we are too busy trying to cover our own asses and separating ourselves as far far far away from this stupidity as possible, it is already bad enough for us without this kind of shit, the last thing we need is 12 year olds claiming trans status just so they can be "special bun/buns/bunselves".

51 hours later 3024240 Anonymous
>>3022023 If you want to believe in nekogender (and whatever other gender anyone comes up with in a moment of boredom) being a legit gender, good for you. But when cis people will come at trans people saying that their gender is fluff since some bored kid's gender is, you'll be fucked first.

52 hours later 3024389 Anonymous (a3646e10-8282-4dea-9c77-068397592.jpg 1143x1600 114kB)
>>3024198 I will be a cute fucking bun even if no one believes in me.

57 hours later 3025852 Anonymous
you all act like you aren't a few shades away from these nut jobs yourself. you are just as "Special Snowflaky" as they are, you just aren't as blatant about it. hell there is a thread seriously discussing you guys making "Trans Island"

58 hours later 3026001 Anonymous
>>3014276 > why cant i abandon tradition whilst retaining structure > why cant i only half open pandora's box lol

58 hours later 3026015 Anonymous
>>3026001 >why must I confuse a serious medical condition with make-believe >why must I false equivalency

58 hours later 3026027 Anonymous
>>3026015 > dismissing someone's dysphoria as 'make believe' shame on you

58 hours later 3026032 Anonymous
>>3026001 >not getting Quantum Pandora's Box instead so you have Closed, Open, and Superposition

58 hours later 3026041 Anonymous
>>3026027 >implying transtrenders experience dysphoria You don't need dysphoria to choose to be trans* you truscum shitlord >#die all truscum #gender policing #tw: facts

58 hours later 3026045 Anonymous (3752606638_b1b0c31e9a.jpg 489x500 214kB)
holy shit, sexuality has moved into OC Donut Steel territory

59 hours later 3026167 Anonymous
>>3026045 sexuality is the new sanic

59 hours later 3026277 Anonymous
>>3025852 In order to be special snowflake you need to advertise it... cause everyone is a special snowflake retard about something. Including you.

63 hours later 3026682 Anonymous
it's all over. it's all over. it's over. I M SO FUCKING DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

64 hours later 3026723 Anonymous
>>3022246 >Snowflake >S don't you caps-speak me you arrogant misogynist prick just because you want to compensate your small unsatisfied needle dick doesn't mean you have to impose your phallic capitals on my body you fucking pig damn you got me triggered there hon you happy? fuck you >>3022269 bitch i come from the great zimbabwe look it up and educate yourself about the greatness that was the ancient megalopolises of afrika before white men came and raped what they called a terra nullius not realizing they owe everything to its ancient wisdom bitch that's right shake and tremble because the third world is rising and in tomorrows world therell be no room for you and your kind >>3022288 fucker are you trying to shut up the persons of color you fucking rapist what do you want to choke us with your dick? right you fucking pig you better fuck back off to the cold rainy land you came from because america belongs to my kind the kind you and your creed hae shut up for way too long so no i won't stop talking motherfucker because today i have the opportunity of voicing, of channeling the opinions and sufferings of billions of colored people so i will scream, and i will shout and there ain't nothing you can do to shut me up fucker >>3022330 my people aren't a joke motherfucker hell i bet when the time comes and the people of color rise up and throw your asses to the sea then youll realize it isnt a joke but itll be too late then and in fact its too late now you peace of shit

64 hours later 3026731 Anonymous
>>3026723 >third world >rising Oh god, don't stop. I need to laugh harder.

64 hours later 3026735 Anonymous
>>3026723 Brilliant impression. You've got this down pat.

65 hours later 3026823 Anonymous
>>3026735 oh yeah thats right hon push me to the edge of my seat annoy me n shit i dont fucking care you bunch of fuckers. fuck i hate dealing with your kind all the damn time but let me educate you just on this point you prick : masquerade and deception are white inventions just like when you fuckers gave disease ridden blankets right so dont you dare try to disease ridden blanket me motherfucker coz im not taking any of it and dont you dare parody my feelings my opinions my souls coz we is paleogender, sapiosexual, lithromantic etc and all other oppressed gsm/poc minorities and by making fun of that you are in effect committing an act of extreme imperial colonial violence huh you dont understand what i am then ask me questions be an open minded motherfucker!!! dont treat me as the "other" because at the end of the day we are all queer and poc its just some people cough* westerners cough* who decided to secede from that equalitarian stance to take on genocidal ideologies like whiteness and binary genderism ps jesus was gender non binary but thats something fuckers like you deny

67 hours later 3027155 Anonymous
paleogender - is paleogender zir who's gender expression is comparable to that which characterized souls of past aeons (the hindu satya yuga, the "age of truth"), that is before their gender was arbitrarily defined solely from their carnal envelope. is "x"-core someone who's soul hails from the past aeons of "x". e.g. zimbabwe-core paleogender persons have souls which hail from the ancient city of great zimbabwe. note: paleogenders from what is commonly called "ancient egypt" aren't "egypt"-core but kemet-core, kemet being the indigenous name and "egypt" being an imperialist name which is an important trigger for poc's who hold this issue to heart. to fellow paleogenders (in particular kemet-core but basically all afrika-core paleogenders) i make some videos on how to activate your shamanistic powers through mantras, or hekas. heres one you'll find useful when surfing on these forums: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhig s5zwWMc&list=UUrsjJNa7fvHFOdjTyMehE EA

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