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2014-07-18 09:06 3014047 Anonymous (1397735448513.jpg 960x720 107kB)
If you were born with boy parts then you're a boy. If you were born with girl parts then you're a girl. Why does this apparently radical way of thinking get me labelled as a bigot by the LGBT community?

4 min later 3014060 Anonymous
>>3014047 >LGBT >T There you go, OP.

4 min later 3014064 Anonymous
because muh feels

8 min later 3014076 Anonymous
>>3014047 Because it goes against proper science. MtFs have women's brains, and FtMs have men's brains. This has been proven is neurological studies.

9 min later 3014081 Anonymous
>>3014047 It gets you labelled as a bigot by the T community, the others dont give a fuck generally unless they're sjws If you're explicitly talking about gender (which you arent in your op as you mentioned birth with parts), then you're a bigot for not realizing NB - Nonbinary as a whole umbrella, not as individual otherkins and whatever the fuck tumblr mentions. if you're talking about trans people who get surgery, then yeah you're a bigot if you keep trying to call them by their old sex.

10 min later 3014084 Anonymous (90772630100.png 500x499 67kB)

11 min later 3014089 Anonymous
>>3014076 Gender dysphoria is suggested to be a consequence of sex atypical cerebral differentiation. We tested this hypothesis in a magnetic resonance study of voxel-based morphometry and structural volumetry in 48 heterosexual men (HeM) and women (HeW) and 24 gynephillic male to female transsexuals (MtF-TR). Specific interest was paid to gray matter (GM) and white matter (WM) fraction, hemispheric asymmetry, and volumes of the hippocampus, thalamus, caudate, and putamen. Like HeM, MtF-TR displayed larger GM volumes than HeW in the cerebellum and lingual gyrus and smaller GM and WM volumes in the precentral gyrus. Both male groups had smaller hippocampal volumes than HeW. As in HeM, but not HeW, the right cerebral hemisphere and thalamus volume was in MtF-TR lager than the left. None of these measures differed between HeM and MtF-TR. MtF-TR displayed also singular features and differed from both control groups by having reduced thalamus and putamen volumes and elevated GM volumes in the right insular and inferior frontal cortex and an area covering the right angular gyrus. The present data do not support the notion that brains of MtF-TR are feminized. The observed changes in MtF-TR bring attention to the networks inferred in processing of body perception. Source: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/ 21467211

12 min later 3014097 Anonymous
>>3014084 the father is right, based dad if u got a dick u aint a woman so go get that surgery

13 min later 3014102 Anonymous
>>3014089 BTFO T F O

16 min later 3014111 Anonymous
>>3014076 No it hasn't. It hasn't even been conclusively proven that there are differences in male and female brains.

18 min later 3014123 Anonymous
>>3014081 >you're a bigot if you keep trying to call them by their old sex. No, you're just in touch with reality.

21 min later 3014129 Anonymous
>>3014081 >old sex No such thing. If you're born male, you're male. You may make yourself up to look as much like a woman as possible, but no matter how much mutilation to your genitals you have done, you're still a man, just a broken one.

21 min later 3014130 Anonymous
>>3014089 >and 24 gynephillic male to female transsexuals (MtF-TR) I think the fact that they were all gynephilic is significant.

21 min later 3014132 Anonymous (ignorance.jpg 500x500 189kB)

22 min later 3014135 Anonymous
>>3014089 So essentially this is saying that the "brain sex" theory is probably incorrect? Also I don't understand that second paragraph, which shows there are indeed differences. Do they postulate this is because of HRT?

24 min later 3014145 Anonymous
>>3014047 It isn't radical at all. It's just that rubbing uncomfortable facts in someone's face when they obviously have difficulty dealing with such facts makes you seem like an inconsiderate autist. It'd be like reminding a paraplegic that they have no legs at every opportunity to do so.

25 min later 3014147 Anonymous
>>3014076 lol

27 min later 3014155 Anonymous
>>3014047 Because you don't actually care about science because what science would tell you is that physical sex is not determined JUST by gonads and what being an actual decent non-autistic person would tell you is that unless someone is fucking you what's between their legs is none of your business. Our definitions of what we perceive as gender socially are hardly scientific; we still call cis women who are infertile women even though biologically women are the members of the species that produce ova. We still gender men without a penis men. We refer to androgen insensitive women with XY chromosomes as women. Most people on a day to day basis are none the wiser of any of these medical conditions and it doesn't affect us and we still gender these people right, so why are you so uncomfortable with trans people identifying as they do?

28 min later 3014161 Anonymous
>>3014129 >>3014123 neat, can you tell me what constitutes a man that doesn't prove my point?

30 min later 3014171 Anonymous
>>3014145 Paraplegics with fake limbs can't call them arms and legs! They're not real arms, they just had surgeries and mutilated themselves to have arms! If I found out someone I was dating had fake arms I would beat the shit out of them for lying to me. I think that almost constitutes rape!

33 min later 3014189 Anonymous
>>3014171 >Paraplegics with fake limbs can't call them arms and legs! They're not real arms, they just had surgeries and mutilated themselves to have arms! And they know that very well. If that's something you can't handle, you stay away from them. You'd gain absolutely nothing by berating them for it. They are pained by their condition every waking moment. You don't have to hurt them even more.

34 min later 3014194 Anonymous
>>3014171 Are you serious? They most certainly are not "real" arms and legs and a paraplegic would openly admit that he has artificial ones.

34 min later 3014195 Anonymous
>>3014189 In case it wasn't painfully obvious from my post I was mocking transphobe arguments very sarcastically

36 min later 3014214 Anonymous
>>3014161 You aren't using a tripcode, so I don't know who you are or what your point is or what you're talking about

38 min later 3014219 Anonymous
>>3014171 Even though you're being sarcastic you're spot on. I agree with every word.

41 min later 3014238 Anonymous
>>3014195 Unfortunately, they still fit perfectly with the views people actually hold. In case it wasn't obvious, I was just adding more information to your scenario.

45 min later 3014251 Anonymous (1401126042748.gif 300x167 1327kB)
>>3014171 >this is what stormfags believe

49 min later 3014270 Anonymous
There's a middle road between reaffirming someone's delusions about themselves and being a dick. People can have weird life choices, it's their right. I can disagree with them and stay away for the good of both of us, and this doesn't constitute bigotry like retarded libfags want you to believe. Tolerance =/= acceptance. You can get surgeries and pills to make yourself seem more like a woman. I don't have to accept you as a woman. I think it would be best for trannies to stop forcing people to accept their weak "science" that rests on shaky foundations at best. I don't need people studying sexuality to accept me as a valid human being, that comes with not being a huge asshole towards someone's life choices.

1 hours later 3014336 Anonymous
>>3014171 >implying missing LIMBS is the same as wearing a dress when people expect you to wear pants this is exactly why no one takes faggots seriously.

1 hours later 3014376 Anonymous
>>3014076 Was there any proof that the dead people they scanned NEVER took HRT? A lot of people experimented with HRT on the black market

1 hours later 3014401 Anonymous
>>3014336 Transsexualism is a medical condition that is not the same as just being gender non-conforming.

2 hours later 3014696 Anonymous
if neurological gender doesn't exist then why do women act like women and men act like men?

2 hours later 3014716 Anonymous

2 hours later 3014722 Anonymous
>>3014716 >>3014089

2 hours later 3014758 Anonymous
if you were born with a jewish weiner you are a jew.... see the logical fallacy here? even if jews rule americans, not all americans are jews.

2 hours later 3014772 Anonymous
>>3014089 >48 heterosexual men and women by self reporting? What is a Heterosexual? Since scientists haven't established that there is a canonical straight body, they do not have characterized control.

8 hours later 3016033 Anonymous
>>3014081 A broken male? We're not all broken. I don't care if we're essentially male (in certain ways you're right), but some of us can actually be of service to other people and society regardless of our birth sex. Not all of us care to prove that we aren't male, that's just pedantic; we care to live out a purposive existence in which we contribute to the life of the community by fulfilling the role that it has given us (my personal one being to serve a husband who desires someone like me and raise up a wonderful, strong child). Not all of us are so anxious about what everyone's original sex is because we have lives to live and our own set of circumstances to resolve. Personally I'd try to avoid someone who was like that, so you don't have to worry about encountering me outside of anonymity...

8 hours later 3016106 Anonymous (States-transgender-law.jpg 1580x1627 981kB)
>>3014270 While it would be fine if people simply tolerated us, not necessarily agree that we are women but allowed us to live life with dignity... People think we are scum that don't deserve the right to use female facilities when our chance of being raped/attacked by men in male facilities is disgustingly high. They outright lie and misrepresent reality in an attempt to make us as miserable as possible for our life choices. The thing about the whole push for acceptance is that it's not a reaction against people merely tolerating us, it's a reaction against the discriminatory shit trans women have to put up with. We couldn't even reliably seek non-transition related medical care up until recently.

8 hours later 3016126 Anonymous
>>3014758 >Get told hard >Mention Jews >Suddenly have a point Livin' in America!

10 hours later 3016504 Anonymous
>>3014270 >that comes with not being a huge asshole towards someone's life choices. >I don't have to accept you as a woman. I don't think you know much about not being an asshole

10 hours later 3016511 Anonymous
>>3014097 I'm worried about the results of the surgery, the price too

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