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2013-04-06 10:13 9761628 Anonymous Graphs and statistics thread (int_graphs.png 1068x1112 57kB)
Pic related: what not to post. ITT we post graphs and statistics about our country that are interesting and unique, and reveal neato things. >inb4 muh hdi >inb4 muh gdp >inb4 muh guns We've already seen these a million times. Get off Wikipedia for a moment and dig up some interesting neato factoids.

3 min later 9761747 Anonymous (US-Trading-Partners-2011.jpg 745x487 75kB)
I'll play along. Could be fun. Here are US trading partners. Based NAFTA.

7 min later 9761828 Anonymous
>>9761747 I'm surprised to see Germany higher than the UK. I'm guessing that it's mostly automobiles accounting for that? Would also be neat to account for the balance of trade.

12 min later 9761959 Anonymous (lg_us_cheese_production_comparison_variety_01_11.gif 1024x768 89kB)
US cheese production by variety. >dat pizza No wonder the Canajuns are smuggling it. http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way /2012/09/27/161917296/cheese-smuggl ing-ring-is-brought-down-in-canda

17 min later 9762071 Anonymous (global-arms-sales.png 969x732 37kB)
Here are global arms sales by country. US and Russia aren't surprising, but Germany is higher than I expected.

20 min later 9762150 Anonymous (TopTradingPartners-ExportsImports.gif 550x422 10kB)
>>9761828 This is a bit old, but here you go.

21 min later 9762169 Anonymous (br-inflaction.png 829x384 26kB)
Brazil inflaction levels: >dat 90's

24 min later 9762261 Anonymous (us_higher_education.png 700x690 82kB)
>based new england Come on, Maine, pick up the slack.

25 min later 9762266 Anonymous
>>9762169 I remember listening to a podcast (think it was This American Life) about the introduction of the new currency, quite extraordinary.

25 min later 9762270 Anonymous (beer.png 1260x913 129kB)
Mormons are not fun.

27 min later 9762329 Anonymous
my country > your country.

32 min later 9762474 Anonymous (US-of-Awesome.jpg 1280x964 465kB)
Some of these are better than others...

37 min later 9762615 QC
>>9762474 >Montana >Native American political empowerment anyone care to explain?

44 min later 9762829 Anonymous
>>9762615 I have no idea, to be honest. If I had to guess, I would imagine that it includes access to education, social services, and various other economic indicators. It may also just mean voting rates. The Montana state government may have some specific arrangement with the tribes there regarding their participation in state government, but that's beyond my ken.

46 min later 9762886 Anonymous
>>9762270 >The bible belt >colorado and new mexico u wot m8?

47 min later 9762931 Anonymous (jews.png 1346x544 329kB)
>>9761628 I thought it is more of them in US...

47 min later 9762932 Anonymous
>>9762474 >Church attendance >good

48 min later 9762954 Anonymous (biomes_ge.jpg 1174x894 1298kB)
North America by biome.

50 min later 9763028 Anonymous
>>9762954 Thank you! /out/ist here. Most interesting post I've ever seen on here. Fuckyeah/10

52 min later 9763072 Anonymous
>>9762270 Aren't they majority shareholders in Disney now?

52 min later 9763078 Anonymous
>>9762931 >jews for jesus um...what?

54 min later 9763117 Anonymous (Jewish1346[1].gif 886x643 62kB)
>>9762931 Here you go.

54 min later 9763132 Anonymous
>>9763078 Man, dont tell anyone, but Jesus was a (spoiler)Jew(spoiler)

56 min later 9763170 Anonymous (cultural-usa-map.jpg 1023x604 113kB)
>>9763028 Sure thing! Here is regional cultures, in case you hear people say "the midwest" or "the south" and aren't clear precisely where it is.

56 min later 9763186 Anonymous (1310671390981.jpg 251x240 5kB)
>>9762474 >the only "positive" things you can think of for Mississippi and Alabama both pertain to churches

58 min later 9763230 Anonymous
>>9763117 Man, please tell me is Perfect 10 magazine is famous in USA?

58 min later 9763234 Anonymous
>>9763170 Good map, but I think the south is going too far into Texas, and nobody really knows where to classify Missouri.

59 min later 9763275 Anonymous
>>9763234 >>9763170 Missouri is closer to the deep South than Texas could ever hope to be. Culture wise.

1 hours later 9763322 Anonymous
>>9763230 ?

1 hours later 9763334 Anonymous (Team-map1.jpg 1280x960 1496kB)
Here's one few people probably care about, but I love baseball.

1 hours later 9763367 Anonymous (Sydney_CoB_dots.png 1025x636 62kB)
2006 Census. Each dot indicates 100 persons born in: Britain (dark blue); Greece (light blue); China (red); India (brown); Vietnam (yellow); Philippines (pink); Italy (light green); Lebanon (dark green).

1 hours later 9763375 Anonymous (high speed trains by country.png 800x1102 168kB)
spian fug yea

1 hours later 9763402 Anonymous (Melbourne_CoB_dots.png 1025x636 55kB)
2006 Census. Each dot indicates 100 persons born in: Britain (dark blue); Greece (light blue); Mainland China (red); India (brown); Vietnam (yellow); Turkey (purple); Italy (light green); (former states of) Yugoslavia (dark green).

1 hours later 9763423 Anonymous
>>9763402 It just looks like a confetti clusterfuck.

1 hours later 9763436 Anonymous
>>9762261 You mean: >based WASP's with money to do that

1 hours later 9763439 Anonymous
>>9763375 That's actually really interesting. Is the high speed rail expensive? Do people use it to commute daily, or more for things like vacations or visiting relatives?

1 hours later 9763441 Anonymous
>>9763423 ...I thought they were interesting. ;_;

1 hours later 9763449 Anonymous
>>9763402 >>9763367 Holy fuck Australia is being swamped with British immigrants I hope they don't pose a threat to Australian culture

1 hours later 9763455 Anonymous
>>9763170 >>9763234 >>9763275 >South >Deep South This distinction doesn't really bear out IRL. The cultural regions down here are defined by geographical features (Appalachian mountains, Atlantic coast, Piedmont, etc.) rather than simply how far south you are.

1 hours later 9763474 Anonymous (GDPgrowth20012012.png 831x348 30kB)

1 hours later 9763486 Anonymous
>>9763441 I was enjoying them. The clustering (most notably of Vietnamese) is interesting, if not completely surprising.

1 hours later 9763487 Anonymous
>>9763455 I dunno, people from Kentucky and Tennessee seem to be a different breed than Mississippi and Alabama.

1 hours later 9763499 Anonymous
>>9763449 Yeah, they are a pesky group. As you can see we haven't been able to contain them to ghettos.

1 hours later 9763585 Anonymous
>>9763498 >our

1 hours later 9763590 Anonymous
>>9763439 usually is a bit cheaper than take the plane, and you don't have to pass all the controls like in the airport. Some people use it daily, but i just use it when i go to vacations

1 hours later 9763645 Anonymous
>>9763334 The Red Sox should cover a little bit more of northern NY (bordering VT) and a little bit less of southern CT (bordering NY).

1 hours later 9763647 Anonymous
>>9763474 >Panama growing at 10%+ for two consecutive years What the fuck

1 hours later 9763679 Anonymous (master race god tier best.png 1424x333 30kB)
choo choo down the tracks comes "muh sustainability"

1 hours later 9763682 Anonymous
>>9763647 >suck gringo cock >get paid Panama gets it.

1 hours later 9763696 Anonymous
>>9763487 I'd still say it depends on what parts of those states they're from.

1 hours later 9763711 Anonymous (saupload_who_owns_us_national_debt_30_sept_2010.png 915x663 51kB)
Here's one for everyone who likes to go on about debnts.

1 hours later 9763722 Anonymous
>>9763647 Panama is given large amounts of American support and we did build a nice big canal for them, liberated them too.

1 hours later 9763731 Anonymous
>>9763711 oil exporters means us we both owe ourselves denbts why don't we just write them off

1 hours later 9763796 Anonymous
>>9762474 >least public corruption no wonder everybody here is really nice

1 hours later 9763835 Anonymous (northamer_gas.jpg 1650x1275 1334kB)
>>9763731 Good question. Is it held by private entities, or our respective governments? I suppose probably both. Anyway, here's North American shale gas sources. Hopefully this leads to muh energy production renaissance.

1 hours later 9763871 Anonymous
>>9762474 >most average sounds about right 'most corn' would have also been acceptable

1 hours later 9763874 Anonymous
>>9763835 Canada gib oil

1 hours later 9764046 Anonymous
>>9762474 >Bromine production Sounds riveting.

1 hours later 9764113 Anonymous
>>9764046 That's all Arkansas can be proud of. They're such a sad state.

1 hours later 9764135 Anonymous
>>9764046 You laugh now, but really, ask yourself, what would you do without brominated flame retardants? >>9764113 Highest Bill Clintons per capita.

1 hours later 9764140 Anonymous
>>9763874 no.

1 hours later 9764261 Anonymous
>>9764046 >most breastfed babies >best license plate >highest library usage some of our states are less glamorous than others

1 hours later 9764283 Anonymous
>>9764135 >Highest Bill Clintons per capita. glorious

1 hours later 9764579 Anonymous (image.jpg 640x960 132kB)
Don't catch the Clap in Asia...

1 hours later 9764700 Anonymous
>>9763711 Give back monies or i report u

2 hours later 9764931 Anonymous (50 states of shame.jpg 958x752 222kB)
Here's the compliment to >>9762474

2 hours later 9765801 Anonymous (Fertility rate LA.png 482x611 191kB)

2 hours later 9765887 Gringo
>>9764931 >Infertility huh, that's not terrible I suppose

2 hours later 9765982 Anonymous
>>9765801 that's not bad

2 hours later 9766284 Anonymous
>>9765801 not the brightest future, but you're still doing better than europe. as long as it's >2.1, you're good.

2 hours later 9766511 Anonymous
>>9764931 >tornadoes as if they could control nature

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