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2013-03-22 08:38 9358640 Anonymous (800px-Flag_of_Australia.svg.png 800x400 16kB)
Why isn't your country girt by sea?

3 min later 9358678 Anonymous
Never liked our anthem. Possibly the most dull and boring 'anthem' I have heard. Now those South Africans have a National Anthem you could belt out loudly.

11 min later 9358777 Anonymous (strayacunt.jpg 919x737 182kB)

15 min later 9358837 Anonymous
>>9358678 >tfw we'll never get a new anthem

19 min later 9358910 Anonymous
>>9358837 Anschluss with Aotearoa.

2 hours later 9360720 Anonymous
I have OCD and australian flag drives me crazy.

2 hours later 9360745 Anonymous
>>9358640 Bow down to your queen, servants of the crown. Bend over and assume your position as recipients of the royal cock.

2 hours later 9360753 Anonymous (absogusting.jpg 240x320 14kB)
>>9358910 >Aotearoa

2 hours later 9360799 Anonymous
>girt >? Is this a made-up word by Australians?

2 hours later 9360810 Anonymous
>>9360799 No, it's just archaic.

2 hours later 9360854 Anonymous
>>9360799 Nay verily

2 hours later 9360859 Anonymous
>>9360753 is it true that every government documents and place signs must have a Maori translation?

2 hours later 9360861 Anonymous
sea or spiders?

3 hours later 9360876 Anonymous
>>9360861 Yes.

3 hours later 9361023 Anonymous
>>9360859 It's an official language, constitutionally Maori is meant to be as important as whites. That's hard to put into practice with the actual maori people when they're all too busy knifing/buttfucking their relatives and letting their nephew/babbys starve/be shaken to death. So the government puts their language everywhere and viola, we're a bicultural nation built on the strengths of two respectable and equal societies.

3 hours later 9361030 Anonymous
>implying God defend New Zealand isn't better

3 hours later 9361048 Anonymous
>>9361023 Sounds like us and Malay. HURR DURR National Language which 90% of the country (including a fair number of Malays themselves) can no longer speak.

3 hours later 9361053 Anonymous (1291112787424 - Copy.jpg 5000x5000 439kB)
>>9361030 Yeah Nah

3 hours later 9361097 Anonymous
>>9361048 That's exactly it. I wish the charade would stop.

3 hours later 9361124 Anonymous
>>9361048 I thought your national language is english?

3 hours later 9361153 Anonymous
>>9361124 National language is still officially Melayu. English, Chinese and Tamil are official languages of a supposedly lower status. Everything is done in English though, although recently PRCs have been trying to bully us into using Mandarin.

3 hours later 9361164 Anonymous
>>9360799 gird -> girt like girded (encircled)

3 hours later 9361167 Anonymous
>>9361153 Is it true that all people born in Singapore speak English?

3 hours later 9361182 Anonymous
>>9361164 No it's a boating term girth is from girth

3 hours later 9361202 Anonymous (1363950352554.jpg 764x1024 274kB)
>>9361182 k

3 hours later 9361203 Anonymous
>>9361167 Some may grow up using something else, but once they enter the education system they have to learn English since everything is done in English. Road signs are in English, official business is in English, main TV channels are English, there is no avoiding it unless you are an inbred who only sticks to his own race, which is becoming increasingly common with the PRC influx.

3 hours later 9361216 Anonymous
>>9361203 So, I wouldn't have any language issue coming there as a tourist? Singapore is place I want to see before I die.

3 hours later 9361225 Anonymous
>>9361216 Singapore is a shit country, very third world.

3 hours later 9361243 Anonymous
>>9361225 Get lost

3 hours later 9361245 Anonymous
>>9361225 I'll stick to the richer areas.

3 hours later 9361262 Anonymous
>>9361243 >Singaporkian expat in denial of third worldness >>9361245 >richer areas >implying you can afford them Singapore is a playground for the sons of rich millionaire chinks

3 hours later 9361272 Anonymous
>>9361262 >implying I can't

3 hours later 9361275 Anonymous
>>9361262 Do you think Singapore is a concrete wasteland?

3 hours later 9361279 Anonymous
>>9361216 You should be fine. In fact, even getting around Hong Kong with just English is possible, and they still use their local languages a lot more.

3 hours later 9361294 Anonymous
>>9361275 >implying its anything other than a concrete wasteland Singapore is a Victorian wanna be shithole. Chinks here are puritan, brainwashed and their non existent soul is made of plastic. Enjoy you intellectual desert.

3 hours later 9361302 Anonymous
>>9361294 Get Lost!

3 hours later 9361316 Anonymous
>>9361294 Honestly, I just want to come to eat the street food. I'm fat like that.

3 hours later 9361323 Anonymous
>>9361302 Like you ran to Australia, Chinkapork?

3 hours later 9361333 Anonymous
>>9361316 Malaysian food is infinitely superior to Singapore food. All Singapoor do is to copy the food from Malaysia but with bland and worse taste.

3 hours later 9361344 Anonymous
>>9361302 I've found that GET LOST is really lost in translation on /int/

3 hours later 9361350 Anonymous
You can probably see which posts are from Singaporeans because they're dull, unwitty and reply to posts seriously. That's how fail Singaporeans are. Most Singaporean girls look like bamboo poles. More like sticks. Filthy descents of coolies. The lowest of the lowest in China. one thing i hate about them is their english. Or the so called "singlish". lah leh lah leh fuck that's annoying, not to mention the retarded accent.

3 hours later 9361353 Anonymous
>>9361344 I reckon. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UkU TWhof14

3 hours later 9361357 Anonymous
>>9361333 Are you Malay or something?

3 hours later 9361398 Anonymous
>>9361357 No that's true. Singapore is basically Liechenstein of Asia.

3 hours later 9361431 Anonymous
How are you cunts going? I'm drankan beerz m8

3 hours later 9361437 Anonymous
>>9361344 >>9361353 Another example of Singaporkie fail. Because they are such dull unemotional robots anyone watching the shitty tourist ad will literally believe they are being told to get lost

3 hours later 9361456 Anonymous (maxx-dry.jpg 960x1280 336kB)
>>9361431 I too am consuming beer.

3 hours later 9361481 Anonymous
>>9361456 Nice, I'm drinking some cheap dutch gutrot. 3 eroded livers/5

3 hours later 9361524 Anonymous
>girt by sea http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bc47 Wcso3hU&t=1m09s

4 hours later 9361559 Anonymous
Japan is surrounded by sea. that's why my country keeps pure Yamato blood and natures are so beautiful.

4 hours later 9361608 Anonymous
>>9361559 I will blanda upp with you japan

4 hours later 9361616 Anonymous
>>9361481 I know that feel. I'm drinking domestic.

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