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2021-01-23 01:58 138234192 Anonymous (oh no no no no.png 1028x440 587kB)
I hate Americans so fucking much.

1 min later 138234259 Anonymous
homosexuals are ok, our health minister is gay too but with trannies I can't help but think they're fucked in the head

3 min later 138234356 Anonymous (456347.gif 400x300 150kB)
>>138234192 That is a doctor?

5 min later 138234409 Anonymous

6 min later 138234454 Anonymous
>health secretary >is mentally ill what did they even mean by this?

7 min later 138234515 Anonymous
>>138234259 you know it's the same mental

8 min later 138234563 Anonymous
>>138234515 *illness

8 min later 138234577 Anonymous
>>138234259 >health secretary >is mentally ill what did the germans even mean by this?

10 min later 138234659 Anonymous
Yes good goy focus on the identity politics yees.

11 min later 138234677 Anonymous (california.jpg 612x459 59kB)
>>138234192 Why? You don't live here. >American degeneracy lives rent free in Europoors' minds.

11 min later 138234705 Anonymous
>>138234192 How will wamen ever recover?

11 min later 138234707 Anonymous

11 min later 138234715 Anonymous
I want to watch this show until the very end. I'm so lucky to be born in this era. thank you god.

16 min later 138234890 Anonymous
>>138234192 BASED Not long before homophobes and transphobic “people” start getting sent to the camps

18 min later 138235007 Anonymous
>>138234192 What's wrong with booty greg?

18 min later 138235012 Anonymous
>>138234890 You will never be a woman, you are a dude in a dress.

20 min later 138235093 Anonymous
>>138235007 >what's wrong with having mentally ill people in position of power? The quintessential american post

25 min later 138235315 Anonymous
>>138234515 Not even close Wanting to fuck someone of your same biological sex is weird but just a fetish Mutilating your body is essentially hating your own self. Homosexuals do not want to mutilate themselves.

34 min later 138235742 Anonymous
>>138235315 this is some mutt delusion mutilating your body is just the next level of faggotrysm.faggots are pre-trannies with child traumas

42 min later 138236105 Anonymous (Jens-Spahn.jpg 1000x750 58kB)
>>138234577 he's probably more competent than any Italian politician

42 min later 138236137 Anonymous
>>138234192 Seethe Chud

45 min later 138236271 Anonymous
>>138235926 >>138236137 >le bunkerchan memes you have to go back

47 min later 138236378 Anonymous (20200909_232751595_iOS.png 917x1027 39kB)
>>138236271 >you have to go back

49 min later 138236506 Anonymous
>>138236378 He looks like the german tranny >>138236105

54 min later 138236737 Anonymous
I have never understood the dislike for Americans in the rest of Europe. I have met many decent and educated white americans. For me, they are our "cousins". That they have degenerates and retards? Yes, like in every country. But, there are tonns of decent and educated white americans that deserve respect, even more today when they are against all fronts. They are wellcommed here (only whites and educated). Not the fat walmart low-IQ type.

54 min later 138236785 Anonymous
>>138236737 What’s the best place in Europe for gaysex?

56 min later 138236845 Anonymous (1611232301863.png 602x725 467kB)
you forgot this one

56 min later 138236877 Anonymous
>>138234192 Left one said he is going to make misgendering illegal in US. I think everyone should misgender Americans after this.

57 min later 138236935 Anonymous
>>138236845 What a talented intelligent people. Maybe if whites cared more about achievement they could be there too.

1 hours later 138237057 Anonymous
>>138236845 The image lefties don't want you to see

1 hours later 138237190 Anonymous (gen alpha cuckservative.jpg 915x548 189kB)
>>138234259 >homosexuals are ok, our health minister is gay too

1 hours later 138237228 Anonymous
>>138235742 >some mutt delusion There's been homosexuality in the world for millenia. Stop being so insecure

1 hours later 138237294 Anonymous (1603935735192.jpg 550x503 46kB)
>tfw when a tranny is smarter than you

1 hours later 138237325 Anonymous (smash faggots like shit.jpg 350x479 57kB)
>>138235315 >>138237228 taste the boot fags

1 hours later 138237342 Anonymous
>>138234192 We live in a time where people are given positions of power on account of cutting off their genitals or enjoying having a penis shoved up their rectum. If this isn't the most satanic age of humanity so far, I don't know what is.

1 hours later 138237348 Anonymous (1592507871844.png 1500x2030 563kB)
>>138234192 And I am proud to be an American...

1 hours later 138237354 Anonymous
>>138237228 Much like cancer

1 hours later 138237499 Anonymous
>>138237348 Home...

1 hours later 138237574 Anonymous
Hilarious. This reminds me of that time Caligula made his horse Consul

1 hours later 138237631 Anonymous
>>138234890 Based, fuck transphoids

1 hours later 138237740 Anonymous
>>138234192 Why be upset about it? Who cares. Americans will probably get new health care now, it's gonna get better for them in general.

1 hours later 138237839 Anonymous
>muricans >select ill "people" as health ministers

1 hours later 138237878 Anonymous
>>138234890 trans fascim?

1 hours later 138237928 Anonymous (1587889243397.png 371x361 23kB)
I don't think there has ever been such a high level tranny public official in any European coutry Why is America so progressive?

1 hours later 138237960 Anonymous
>>138234192 Please nuke us

1 hours later 138237973 Anonymous
>>138237839 Buttigieg is in charge of transportation though. Which is a good thing because I've heard he used to visit a lot of truck stops.

1 hours later 138238026 Anonymous
>>138237839 not selected by americans, selected by joe biden. the tranny is a jew as well

1 hours later 138238039 Anonymous
>>138234192 >look at this bizarre guy dressed as a woman imagine being a joke

1 hours later 138238055 Anonymous
>>138234192 >the mentally ill in charge of telling people about health Ah yes, America.

1 hours later 138238099 Anonymous
>>138237348 no homo

1 hours later 138238108 Anonymous
>>138237928 In 5 years it will be normalcy.

1 hours later 138238137 Anonymous
>>138237740 We've gone from "okay, maybe we shouldn't lock them up for being gay" to celebrating people cutting their dick off in a matter of years. This should concern you.

1 hours later 138238199 Anonymous
>>138237740 How can we find cures for lgbtisms when they psyop their way into health organizations? They did the same to remove homosexuality from the DSM

1 hours later 138238210 Anonymous
>>138237348 Por favor, no homo

1 hours later 138238299 Anonymous
>>138236935 >just worship Moloch harder goy

1 hours later 138238559 Anonymous
>>138237740 Nope, they are only getting several more genders and more buzzworlds. Biden already rised insulin prices. That product is basically free in Europe for people with diabetes.

1 hours later 138238714 Anonymous
>>138238055 Soon homophobia and transphobia will be declared mental illnesses warranting involuntary admittance to mental hospitals

1 hours later 138238715 Anonymous
>>138235007 He's a neolib zogbot gay edition

1 hours later 138238733 Anonymous (1601939998001.gif 570x537 74kB)

1 hours later 138239071 Anonymous
Only Slavs will survive hehe

1 hours later 138239325 Anonymous
Becomming a tranny is going to be the future if you want to aspire to a good job. A black lesbian tranny can be the new Roman Emperor.

1 hours later 138239945 Anonymous
>>138234192 >>138236845 Trump was actually alright, wasn't he?

1 hours later 138239973 Anonymous
>>138239945 Trump was the most pro-Israel president ever

1 hours later 138240012 Anonymous
>>138237928 Because America is a country that is open to subversion.

2 hours later 138240066 Anonymous
>>138239973 Proof? Be mindful in some cases he would be threatened to comply.

2 hours later 138240087 Anonymous
leftists aren't americans

2 hours later 138240145 Anonymous
>>138240066 https://foreignpolicy.com/2020/11/0 3/has-trump-been-good-for-israel/

2 hours later 138240149 Anonymous
>>138238714 Nah if they make it a mental illness Ill use it as an excuse to live off gibs and they wouldn’t want that, but at this point doubt they care

2 hours later 138240213 Anonymous
>>138239945 At lesst he was incompetent enough to not start any new wars, that's an accomplishment for a POTUS.

2 hours later 138240279 Anonymous
>>138235093 thank g*d we have Italian politics to set an example to the rest of the world

2 hours later 138240320 Anonymous
>>138240145 >(((foreignpolicy))) >>138240213 What gets me is the average American genuinely thinks he was engaging in war left and right and his predecessors weren't.

2 hours later 138240348 Anonymous
>>138234259 I support their right to change sex, but I wouldn't trust them to watch over my sheep. They're too unstable.

2 hours later 138240368 Anonymous (20200910_211056087_iOS.png 548x670 217kB)
>>138240320 >>(((foreignpolicy)))

2 hours later 138240453 Anonymous
>>138240348 >I support their right to change sex That's like saying you support their right to own flying pigs.

2 hours later 138240457 Anonymous
>>138234890 we need a chud gulag desu

2 hours later 138240543 Anonymous
>>138240453 I don't have a problem with it. If you wanna cut your dick off, go ahead. There's no way that can be cured.

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