4chan archive /fit/ (index)
2013-07-01 09:02 21005454 Anonymous (counting-the-savings.jpg 640x427 34kB)
/fit/ I am 19 and a college student. I am broke and I've been looking for jobs yet no one will even call me for a job interview what the fuck do I do? I need to start making money by the end of July and these faggots won't even call me for a job interview.
I live in LA by the way, anyone have any ideas on places that will hire me without wasting my time filling up resumes to work at a fucking fast food restaurant just so they never reply?
Pic nonrelated
2 min later 21005480 Anonymous
You call them, ask if they received your application, show interest in the job, you could show up in person as well.
3 min later 21005493 Anonymous
Stand outside the Home Depot on Jefferson. Those guys always seem to get picked up.
0.346 0.016