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2013-05-30 01:20 20293460 Anonymous (1369807410345.png 645x773 9kB)
>tfw too shy to go to gym >tfw too shy to talk with girls >tfw too shy to meet new people >tfw too shy to go learn a martial art Does anyone know how to overcome this? It's SO much easier with friends but I can't just drag friends around with my everywhere?

1 min later 20293474 Anonymous
>>20293460 Make gainz. Start with a bulking routine: 1 gallon whole milk, daily, with protein powder, before each exercise sesh.

1 min later 20293492 Anonymous
Nobody cares about what you do in the gym, man, unless you screw up terribly and risk injuring yourself. Just go there. It'll be fine.

3 min later 20293537 Anonymous
Yeah, stop being a giant pussy and go to the gym, lift, meet new people. What's the worst that's going to happen? Not like it's going to kill you to break out. stop giving a fuck. 6 billion people on earth, why do you care if some people may not like you?

3 min later 20293538 Anonymous
Talking to people, fine. Martial arts I can kind of see, because you have to do it with other people. But just going to the gym? I don't understand that at all. What does shyness have to do with that?

3 min later 20293547 Anonymous
>>20293492 here again. Try to gradually move out of your comfort zone, too. Just a little bit at the time.

4 min later 20293559 Anonymous
>>20293537 7 billion and counting

5 min later 20293582 Anonymous
Buy a drug called molly

5 min later 20293587 Anonymous
>>20293559 This planet is doomed. Humans are worse than fucking rabbits

5 min later 20293597 Anonymous
thats not being shy, tthats being a scared pussy

7 min later 20293631 Anonymous
>awkward fuck >go to gym anyways >zigzag around people, no eye contact, never ask to work in >always put my weights up, clean up sweat, and let others work in feels alright, i guess?

8 min later 20293638 Anonymous
OP stop being such a fucking woman If anything friends only get in the way of your training Nobody fucking cares about what you do in the gym anyway. Yes it's scary as first but seriously all you can do is grab your sack and go in there and do your thing

9 min later 20293661 Anonymous
>>20293638 I thought a gym buddy helped your gains

10 min later 20293674 Anonymous
>>20293587 It will level off at some point, for a number of reasons. Current estimates are that it will happen between 11 and 12 billion, but that might change a little. Also, NASA is actively working on FTL, so, you know, we might eventually turn the Earth's disease into a communicable one.

10 min later 20293676 Anonymous
>>20293492 Start running man, download a bunch of good music to listen to and run away, literally, from your problems. Visualize them behind you and the more you run the further away they go. Start off cocoon mode with a hoodie and peel off the layers as months pass by. What ever u do u have to break this mold you have now, things will never change if u stagnate now. Im shy too bruh, but i force myself to go out. You can still be shy and do shit. Dont worry bout girls now, just make yourself interesting. They will gravitate towards that.

10 min later 20293682 Anonymous
>>20293460 a couple test cycles

10 min later 20293685 Anonymous
>>20293631 are you me

11 min later 20293694 Anonymous
Get a retail job OP. I was pretty similar in my teens but I got a checkout job just before I finished school and it's helped immensely.

12 min later 20293716 Anonymous
>>20293460 Too shy for gym? Realize that with commitment, you'll be there longer than most of the people who can't go further than a week into their New Years resolution. The only people who know you will be the ones who understand that everyone has to start somewhere. The guys who are dedicated enough to go to the gym regularly. And they will respect you. They'll watch you grow. Casually observing you at first, then watching and thinking to themselves how that one guy is squatting 2 plates now. Then you'll make gains, and get big, and strong. Then, someday you too will see that shy kid walking into the gym, benching the bar, and watch him grow...

14 min later 20293744 Anonymous
>>20293674 >>20293587 >>20293537 The only population problem is in 3rd world shit holes like India and China. Boom like what, 2.3 billion people right there? Once again ching chongs and dune coons shit on the world again.

14 min later 20293749 Anonymous
>>20293460 I have two suggestions. 1.) Stop playing video games, using the computer, reading books, watching T.V. ect. Pretty much stop any form of entertainment where you are being entertained externally. Actual hobbies like sports and instrument playing and whatnot are still allowed. After about a week of this you'll be so bored that you will be desperate for human interaction. 2.) Start talking with random people. The easiest way I found was to make small talk with the cashiers and stores and whatnot. Gradually it becomes more and more comfortable.

15 min later 20293752 Anonymous
>>20293582 anyone done a molly workout and reported back? i might have to try this

16 min later 20293776 Anonymous
there some conductual-cognitive psychology techinques and shit that can help you overcome your social anxiety, look it up

18 min later 20293826 Anonymous
Seriously bro. Air Force. Totally boosted my confidence once I was done. You'll have no problem conversing after an experience like that. Just a thought.

21 min later 20293863 Anonymous
>>20293744 >>20293744 GO back to /pol/ you 2edgy4me faggot

21 min later 20293886 Anonymous
>>20293863 mad shitkin detected, sorry that your countries you come from (which you should go back to) are shitholes.

22 min later 20293888 Dr. Feels (image.jpg 501x576 86kB)
>>20293826 Yes young goyim, go fight for your country and win back that oil from those Iraqi-I mean make friends!

22 min later 20293902 Anonymous
Realise that you're not living your life because you're scared of 'what ifs' Pathetic. How are you going to feel on your death bed?

24 min later 20293939 Anonymous
>>20293902 This is what gets me upset and why I want to change. Thanks for the advice so far. Some of it has/will be very helpful.

26 min later 20293971 Anonymous
>>20293888 I'm sorry, I just have to step in here and explain to you that the US did not take any Iraqi oil. Believe me, I wish we did as then the war wouldn't have cost as much as it did. Instead the new Iraqi government can sign contracts with whoever the fuck it wants (European/Chinese/Russian companies) and the contracts it has signed with US companies are even more generous than the contracts these SAME companies have signed with countries like Saudi Arabia. The reality is that in Iraq and Afghanistan we have not taken advantage of their resources and have instead, sadly, let other countries step in and benefit from our intervention.

26 min later 20293973 Anonymous
>>20293939 i was like you now i am >>20293631

27 min later 20293995 Anonymous
>>20293460 Are you actually to shy to do these things or is it the idea of doing it, and what could go wrong?

27 min later 20294003 Anonymous
>>20293971 brainwash

28 min later 20294027 Anonymous
>>20293971 >US accuses Iraq/Iran of having nuclear weapons >Sends soldiers over there to kill Saddam Hussein >Search for nuclear weapons >None to be found >'IM BORED IM GOING TO KILL INNOCENT CIVILIANS ;DDDD' >Also takes some oil on the way nifty

30 min later 20294076 Anonymous
>>20293460 I know your feels. Once you become a machine and act while disregarding your feels you'll just do it anyways. Once you have you'll realize it's not so bad after all. Remember to be friendly, smile, and say hi to everyone. As a shy guy it took a long time for me to start being that way.

32 min later 20294135 Anonymous
>>20293460 Home gym is the only solution until your confidence is up

33 min later 20294147 Anonymous
>>20293460 Do what you're afraid of, that will give you confidense, i was like you, i suffer of anxiety, now im on the uni again, train krav maga and hit the gym, good luck bro!

36 min later 20294205 Anonymous
I used to be like this myself mate. I can do almost anything I want now in complete comfort. It really is a mixture of experience ie. just having to bite the bulletin and do it, and not letting any fearful thought process. These things aren't anything to be fearful of. Your brain sees the situations as dangerous/life threatening since you aren't experienced. Once you've done it a few times it will become much easier. Good luck mate.

37 min later 20294241 Anonymous
>>20293460 >tfw to shy complain to a online image board Quit be a fucking pussy and go >>>/out/side and talk to real people no one is going to judge you at the gym

38 min later 20294267 Anonymous
>>20293971 Thats even worse, so you just like to invade other countries just for fun? And dont bring me the "freedom" shit because they are so fuckin far from the US

43 min later 20294346 Anonymous
yeah because if you walk into a gym everyone will stop what they were doing to stare at you and you'll be the center of attention. Stop being such a self centered autistic faggot and go to the gym, nobody will notice your existence

44 min later 20294372 Anonymous
You're on a tiny rock that's travelling millions of miles per hour around a giant nuclear fusion reactor around millions of other giant nuclear fusion reactors with tiny rocks as a collective group which traveling around other similar collective groups while everything moves faster and faster away from everything else. You're only going to be able to experience this fact for a very short time until your crumble and your atoms are spread out again. Seriously man, there's nothing to fear but fear itself.

46 min later 20294422 Anonymous
>>20293744 As of 2009 there are approximately 1.6 billion in China and 1.7 billion in India, the difference between the two is China has relative control over their population growth while India has none whatsoever.

47 min later 20294435 Anonymous
btw OP don't think that you'll suddenly overcome social anxiety when you have muscles. It will make you more attractive but it won't cure your inexperience

49 min later 20294485 Anonymous
>>20293995 I'm not sure. I can physically do it, something easier like going to the gym. But I feel nervous. Something like talking to a girl; I tried. I felt sick all day before and I nearly threw up and never talked to her. Then I felt depressed for a couple of days. I'm going to wait a while before I try that again.

50 min later 20294500 Anonymous
>>20293460 tfw you have tf because you are a big pussy faggot with insecurity issues

1 hours later 20294803 Anonymous
>>20294485 dude seriously, gtfo of fucking 4chan with those problems, that wont be fixed here. Google about social anxiety and read treatments currently being applied by psychologists and shit speciallized on the topic and aply them, this is the only shit that actually works. For example: People like you usually imagine how it would be like to talk to the girl, correctly imagine how they would feel, but the difference between them and normal people is that whatever scenario they are thinking of, it freezes on the worst part, the peak of the anxiety of the anxiety feel, and the visualization just stops there, the mental image freezes on that spot, and the subject is left believing that the anxiety would continue to skyrocket never reaching a peak. In reality, anxiety reaches a peak very fast, quite early, and slowly goes down from there while you're talking, however you just fail to picture that part. Its understood as "fear of fear itself". You WILL feel anxiety, every single person does, but its normal, you don't have to fear anxiety, feel it a little bit and it will just go down, it won't get worse.

1 hours later 20294809 Anonymous
Fuck, I now your feels OP. I am chocking with anxiety right now because I have to go to cross country practice which is my first time ever going o practice for a sport. God, why am I such a faggot.

1 hours later 20294811 Anonymous
>>20294803 cont'd The problem is that when people like you actually attempt to try to talk, they reach the bad part and immediately eject, they use their "flee" response, thus never experimenting the feeling of anxiety just fading away, and instead reinforcing the idea that anxiety is terrible and will continue to peak and make you feel more and more unconfortable forever, so its better to just avoid the situation all together than enter ir and flee. Basically your mind is conditioned to feel the same it would feel as if it were a dangerous animal (flee, dont even attempt to fight, cause you'll end up running away anyways). Another problem when facing this fear by yourself, is that people tend to eject the situation before you actually feel totally confortable or a significant change in anxiety, so a specialist should be there to help and guide you. Also they can teach you breathing techniques and such which be very helpful Source: im a psychologist, excuse my enlgish

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