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2013-01-14 07:40 17011206 Anonymous (pika.jpg 960x720 174kB)
Hey /fit/. I'm not a fan of energy drinks. I think they taste nasty and they're empty calories. I stumbled upon a sugar free, calorie free Monster the other day and figured I'd give it a try because what do I have to lose aside from 2 bucks? It actually tasted alright. Not something I'll drink all the time because it's expensive and I prefer iced tea, but is there anything harmful in these I should take into consideration? Pic unrelated but amusing

2 min later 17011244 Anonymous
Massive amounts of caffeine, known to dehydrate your body & cause heart issues if drank in excess/with cardio. Absolutely no reason to drink them if you don't like them.

4 min later 17011279 Anonymous
>>17011244 I don't drink anything but water in the hours surrounding my workouts. On the two occassions I've had these energy drinks, it's at work. I pull the graveyard shift and sometimes need a pick me up to get through the last few hours. Is this going to be detrimental to my workouts if I'm only consuming one a few nights a week, 5 hours before the gym?

6 min later 17011308 Anonymous
>>17011279 It shouldn't, but I'd still seek out an alternative like coffee. Seen too many instances of people passing out or flying off treadmills because of it.

9 min later 17011345 Anonymous
>>17011308 Yeah definitely. I guess I just get sick of coffee after a while, heh. I probably drink too much of that too. I suppose I could just stick to B-12 tabs for an energy boost at work.

10 min later 17011371 Anonymous
>>17011244 Are you fucking kidding me? Please tell me you're trying to make some sort of joke or something Same question to OP

12 min later 17011384 Anonymous
>>17011371 Yeah jk. They're healthy & cause massive gains in dick length.

18 min later 17011477 Anonymous
>>17011371 This right here. I swear, someone says one bad thing online, and everyone is on bandwagon without doing any actual research. >>17011308 OP, this ass hat, apparently knows very little about caffeine in general

21 min later 17011532 Anonymous
>>17011477 Alright, thanks. That's why I'm here to double check, because I know it's not going to be as good as straight water. Nothing will be. I drink over 100 ounces of water or water/tea a day. I'm just ignorant of any hidden things that may be in a no cal energy drink that could fuck up my cut/workout in the long run.

22 min later 17011545 Anonymous
>>17011477 I've never read anything about it online. Just seen a bunch of guys getting fucked up because they drank it in bad heat conditions, before intense cardio, or a mix of the two.

23 min later 17011562 Anonymous
>>17011345 Most energy drinks have about as much caffeine as the coffer you're drinking. The only thing you should be worried about is the amount of sugar in most. Thats why I drink the monster rehabs, or their absolute zero. No sugar, low calorie, doesn't fuck with gains. >>17011244 Most pre workouts and diet pills have more caffeine and plenty of people do cardio

24 min later 17011585 Anonymous
>>17011545 Then they drank too much, or don't drink enough water. Thats stupidity, not caffeine

24 min later 17011589 Anonymous
Just eat a healthy diet and you won't need energy drinks. Eat some fruits and chia seeds

26 min later 17011626 Anonymous
Thanks for the opinions, guys. I'll keep it to just a couple times a week as needed to get through long days.

27 min later 17011636 Anonymous
>>17011585 >Massive amounts of caffeine, known to dehydrate your body & cause heart issues if drank in excess/with cardio. Absolutely no reason to drink them if you don't like them. >known to dehydrate your body & cause heart issues if drank in excess/with cardio. >if drank in excess/with cardio. >excess/with cardio. >>17011562 I wouldn't recommend them either. Never had any positive effects from them, but there's always that one fag who passes out.

28 min later 17011658 Anonymous
>>17011562 You shouldn't be drinking coffee either. Too many people on this board eat shitty food and then try to supplement their existence with all kinds of extra drugs

3 hours later 17013486 Anonymous
>>17011658 >You shouldn't be drinking coffee either. Why? >Too many people on this board eat shitty food and then try to supplement their existence with all kinds of extra drugs Did you research that or did you just pull that out of your ass? Implying you know my diet?

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