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2013-01-14 06:32 17010164 Anonymous (Lu-Xiaojun.jpg 415x536 57kB)
Hey ya'll, Question for those that do olympic lifts. During the power clean, should you be pushing through your heel or keep the weight around the middle of your foot during the pull? If anyone could pass on some links to good, detailed tutorials, that would be awesome.

2 min later 17010201 Anonymous
I can't get it right either.

4 min later 17010224 Anonymous
During which pull? 1st- Weight starts over the toes, swoops in to the mid foot 2nd- weight is over heels and being accelerated 3rd- not forcing feet into the ground

5 min later 17010241 Anonymous
>>17010201 I don't think my technique is too bad at the moment. Pelvic tilt/weak core is what ruined it for me in the beginning, but I'm sure it's far from perfect...just after some good reading material/videos. Cheers for bumpin' at least

6 min later 17010274 Anonymous
>>17010224 the inital pull off the ground and the pull from the hang position. sounds like the answer is heels?

7 min later 17010292 Anonymous
Heels man. It will take a while to adjust your center of gravity to be maintained over the heels. However, you need to remember more strength is generated through the maximum amount of body mass you can use to perform the lift. Your heels are directly under the bones in your legs, which are directly under your knees, hips shoulders, and neck. Watch slomo olympic gold medalists do the clean and jerk.

8 min later 17010308 Anonymous
>>17010164 I found this extremely helpful to learn cleans http://youtu.be/mEyoH5FV03s

9 min later 17010318 Anonymous
Why is the weight over your toes?! It should be touching your leg, which is directly over the mid-foot. And you apply pressure to your heels to counter balance it.

9 min later 17010327 Anonymous
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K837AwoIpFI&list=WL243F9F 9FC696706D

14 min later 17010426 Anonymous
>>17010274 Here's what you're gonna do man. Setup with your feet at hip width, grip at a point so that you contact as close to your hip as possible, bar over your toe knuckles, shoulders a little ahead of the bar, hips higher than knees. Start the lift by squeezing the weight off the ground, nice a slow, imagine edy's slow choined icecream. The weight is gonna go from the midfoot to the heel here. Now when you get above the knee, you will get your knees back under the bar just because thats how it works man. The lift becomes a quarter squat now, the fastest quarter squat of your life, press through the heels, extend your ankles, knees, hips, and back. Get under that shit.

15 min later 17010442 Anonymous
Your weight should be on your heels until the end of the 2nd pull when the weight should go onto your toes for a split second before jumping under the bar and landing with the weight on your heels again.

30 min later 17010679 Anonymous
>>17010292 This makes sense, it's similar to a squat. Thanks. I have been watching a lot of those too! Just need to keep filming/using the mirror during sections of my lift. >>17010308 >>17010327 Thanks lads, I'll watch them soon. >>17010426 This seems pretty solid. So squeeze glutes from the floor / throughout the lift with? with a mad hip thrust/squeeze during the last pull? from the bottom of the lift should I have my shoulders retracted/back tight? and shrug during the last pull?

43 min later 17010889 Anonymous
Hm...must have waited a bit long to respond... bumpin'

50 min later 17010987 Anonymous
>>17010679 Not so much 'shoulders retracted' as 'chest up' and let your shoulders naturally follow.

57 min later 17011065 Anonymous
>>17010987 is there a shrug component? some say there is for sure (it certainly effing looks like it) and others don't mention it.

1 hours later 17011132 Anonymous
>>17011065 Look at how Dimas does it. A shrug, as opposed to jumping.

1 hours later 17011233 Anonymous
Starts somewhere towards the back end of midfoot, transitions further forward as you lift to accommodate the triple extension. After delivering power from the hips, you shrug but are mostly guiding the power delivered from the hips straight upward with the shrug and pulling down and around the bar to receive in front squat position.

1 hours later 17011242 Anonymous
>>17011132 I'll keep watching now, cheers. >>17010308 Thanks heaps, this looks good as. Broken down nicely!

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