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2013-01-14 05:34 17009075 Anonymous (tumblr_static_1340168725935.png 720x207 60kB)
FPS thread? >Land-whale at work announces she's on a diet >Pesters me for tips because I lost quite a bit of weight over the year prior (t-thanks /fit/) >"lol just eat healthier and do exercises" The next day >Go out to lunch with work group >"HEY EVERYONE I'M ON A DIET AND ANON IS HELPING ME! I ORDER THE SALAD!" >Salad comes >Ranch dressing >Some more Ranch dressing >It's really just a sea of ranch dressing with a few leaves in it. >I point out how unhealthy that is. >"But it's salad!" FOUR MOONS LATER >"WAH! I haven't lost any weight even though I'm eating so healthy! This is my natural size! Genetics! Metabolism! Fat acceptance! Real Womyn have curves!"

7 min later 17009232 Anonymous
>Tore a tendon in my foot jumping over a fence >Use crutches to walk >At grocery store >Figure I should use what I call the "fat people carts" cuz it's going to be hard to walk and push the cart at the same time >Only one left >Begin to take it >Hear someone screaming at me from behind >Turn around to a see a couple of fat DUDES (usually it's women who are using these cards) >One clearly older than the other >The older man says, "let my son use that cart" >I dunno what to do; decide to ignore him and take the cart anyway >He starts sprinting at me faster than a paraplegic >"I said give that to my son!" >He's mad at this point, so I give in >I heard the man say "that's right!" as I hobble away with my fucked-up foot >Later, I see them in the store >Cart full of cookies, chips, pop, and... adult diapers? >Suddenly glad I didn't sit in the fat person cart

8 min later 17009250 stephen
>>17009075 >"lol just eat healthier and do exercises" you did bad son, coulda helped (unless you had prior evidence that your advice would do nothing)

14 min later 17009354 Anonymous
I may as well talk about my aspie friend who happens to lift like a mad fucker. >We're at the club >He's really quiet; doesn't like a lot of contact so he's basically nursing our drinks while we dance and staring off into space Gets up and dances for a while, when he feels sensory overload coming goes and sits back down >works really well; we all look out for a bro with issues >bitches be mirin but they ain't going to do anything >I pull an 8/10, and some of her friends, she's really sweet and smart >want to bring her friend over to chat to my bro >everything goes well for an hour until landplanet shows up >She is dressed in really tight, semi-opaque "jeggings" and some shirt >Apparently she knows these two >Oh boy here we go She's really flirting hard with my friend, who is pretty much just staring at his drink. at first, he's ignoring fatty - he has some very poignant views on fat people. >he does, however, speak quite avidly to the other girl >Its getting late, I suggest we go back to ours, hoping to salvage the night >I do this when fatty is away, hoping that the friends will ditch >they do (girl dropped to a 6 when she did that, but you know, you don't go to clubs to date) >We go out and hail a cab >just as we get in, fatty comes dashing out >FFS >so she comes back with us >Back at mine, I'm still chatting up the 8-cum-6, she's DTF >friend really wants to talk to his girl more, but fatty keeps interjecting >Finally decide to freeze fatty out >I take my girl to my room, my friend is chatting to the other girls, I hear him talk about calling a cab, and suspect he's going to let them go - he will want his 2AM routine >Well, everything's fine until just before 5 >hear a crash and a scream - "AUUUUUUGH!" >Girl and I run out, fatass is lying in the hallway with a bloody nose >turns out she skipped going back with the cab, and waited outside >came in and tried to pen my friend's locked door while he was lifting > he got so scared when he saw her he punched her

14 min later 17009363 Anonymous
>>17009250 Some diet changes and simple exercises was how I started. After four weeks of that, I realized I was getting lighter and stronger, so I moved on to more vigorous stuff... I would NEVER recommend my current routine to a large scale fatty. Start small and move up.

15 min later 17009366 Anonymous (God fucking dammit.gif 220x132 451kB)

20 min later 17009470 Anonymous (1331403386657.jpg 376x400 14kB)
>>17009354 i chortled captcha: muscular olsbox

45 min later 17009927 Anonymous (SO MAD.jpg 993x594 144kB)

51 min later 17010047 Anonymous
>>17009354 The ending of this made me happy.

1 hours later 17010597 Anonymous (OMG.gif 470x360 1094kB)

1 hours later 17010649 Anonymous
>>17009232 >2013 >submitting to fatty demands

1 hours later 17010676 Anonymous (1327248940100.jpg 175x175 6kB)

1 hours later 17010845 Anonymous
>be in elevator going back to dorm >bro comes in with bag of arbys >landwhale squeezes through elevator door >hear elevator cables start to snap under the tremendous weight >fatty sees arbys bag and goes on a rant about how she's too lazy to walk across the street to get it and they should deliver to her dorm >bro polightly laughs and stares at floor >fatty then starts pretenting to eat french frys and groans with pleasure while describing dipping them in mayo >Hit emergency stop button and decide to take stairs to my dorm on the 21 floor >allofmypuke.jpeg

1 hours later 17010899 Anonymous (1356756665590.jpg 285x406 16kB)
>>17009927 >I dont want to gain it back in muscle >gain it back >in muscle >muscle i shiggied

1 hours later 17011076 Anonymous (tumblr_lwghazPLxx1r28w87o1_500.png 500x281 174kB)
>Working IT Internship >3.5/10 coworker, kinda chunky, asks how I've been dropping weight lately >Oh I've been running, watching what I eat, cut out all sugared drinks.. >"I need to do that! I hate running but at least I'll drop the soda!" >'Well, do something to get your heart-rate up, as well as some sort of resistance. Lots of girls have had luck with Zumba or something similar, just find something you like and stick to it' >"I'll try!" next week >Girl comes in on lunch break, Route 44 (fucking huge) sized Dr. Pepper from Sonic (mind you, she brings fast food nearly every day..) >'Hey, weren't you going to try to drop the sodas?' >"I was, but... well I'll start after the internship this summer" >See pictures on her facebook ; Venti sized frappachinos and large Monsters while she's at a computer. Fast forward to Fall. >Saw her on campus once, she's ballooned quite a bit. >"Man you're looking good, wish I could run like you!" >mfw Not the funniest FPS ever, but it appalls me how people have no fucking self control.

2 hours later 17011191 Plywood
>>17011076 >>I hate running God it just angers the fuck out of me when fat people say this. The only reason you hate running is because you can't run more than 42 steps without passing the fuck out. You need to do some type of fucking cardio to lose weight, so how about you fucking suck it up and spend a half hour on a tread mill.

2 hours later 17011376 Anonymous
>>17011191 >The only reason you hate running is because you can't run more than 42 steps without passing the fuck out. That sounds like a legitimate reason to hate running. Fuck running anyway. I like to push prowler!

4 hours later 17013239 Anonymous
>Friends mum is a serious pork maiden >Drives a bus >On one of her bus routes they go past a kfc >Kfc is giving away free popcorn chicken >She gets her free popcorn chicken and returns to the bus >Some people didnt want free popcorn chicken so they stay on the bus >Fatterina tells them she will eat their free popcorn chicken >The rest of the passengers get off and receive their popcorn chicken and hand it off to fatterina

4 hours later 17013318 Anonymous
>>17011191 Fat people have a legit reason not to run - they'll destroy their knees. Instead they should cycle or something.

4 hours later 17013337 Anonymous
My friends mum is a fat bitch. She onced kicked him out for eating her leftover kfc. Another time she had a pie in the oven, she told him to check on it, he didn't, it burnt, she kicked him out.

5 hours later 17013656 Anonymous
How come most fat people stories is about women? Are more women fat than men? Also, are these stories all from the US? I never experience anything like this is Scandinavia.

5 hours later 17013662 Anonymous
>>17011376 Thats like saying you hate lifting because you can't squat the bar without getting a cramp

5 hours later 17013688 Anonymous
>>17013656 The USA is one of the most obese countries in the world. Scandinavian countries have only a third as many obese people, at most. http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/hea_obe-health-obesity

5 hours later 17013697 Anonymous
>>17013656 As far as I know its more likely to do with the fact fit is mainly males. But women are a bit more likely to be obese. I'm in Australia and yeah, we have a lot of fatties here. On the bus right now I'm counting six overweight+ people, four being women.

5 hours later 17013747 Anonymous
>>17013656 Because fat women are the walking avatar of the phrase "misery loves company."

5 hours later 17013753 Anonymous
>>17011191 To be fair, 75% I know hate running..be that skinny or fat.

5 hours later 17013764 Anonymous
>>17013753 *of the people

5 hours later 17013775 Anonymous (img.png 622x416 60kB)

5 hours later 17013792 Anonymous
>>17011191 This. Skinny people tell me all the time how they hate running. So I explain (I could never run more than a few steps and I did hate it with all my guts, but I could ride my bike at 30km/h no problem). That running has a separate form of stamina that you need to build up, C25K is great tbh.

5 hours later 17013827 Anonymous
>>17013792 i used to hate running Then i manned the fuck up

5 hours later 17013840 Anonymous
>get shitty mcdonald's oatmeal >pass by chubby (~200lb.) girl neighbor >"what did you get anon?" >oatmeal, i'm about to go to the gym >"you got oatmeal from mcdonalds? Is this why i'm fat and you're skinny?" >I'm also going to the gym >she leaves to get taco bell while drunk Fresh off the presses (same girl): >be 5 hours ago >she's watching a movie with my roommates >toasting bagel >"anon can i have some of that bagel" >bertstare >the one i'm eating right now? >bertstare >"just a little piece!" >bertstare >she rips off half >bertstare >splits the half into quarters and puts one back on my plate >bertstare >she walks away

5 hours later 17013853 Anonymous
>>17013840 >Anon can I have some of your food B-but i have macros to count.... >I will fail my bulk if i fall for your petty charms woman

5 hours later 17013864 Anonymous
>>17011191 In all honesty though, I have a hateful relationship with running as well. I'm not anywhere near to being overweight, I can do aerobics exercises for an hour without complaining, same with some strength exercises, but when it comes to running, fuck. After 300 metres I'm almost puking. It's fucking annoying that if you can't run, you're obviously terribly unfit. Sorry, had to take out the rage.

5 hours later 17013878 Anonymous
>>17013753 And for the same reason. 75% sounds like a low estimate, I'd say 90% of adults in the first world can't run and therefore hate it. If you can't do 6 miles in under 1 hour, you aren't running.

5 hours later 17013907 Anonymous
>>17013792 And this. C25K is an awesome program. I've been running for 3 years, now doing c25k barefoot to strengthen calves and increase speed.

5 hours later 17013910 Anonymous
>>17013878 >6 miles >1 hour pssh, I run that in ~40 minutes

5 hours later 17013929 Anonymous
>>17013910 He did say in under.

5 hours later 17013941 Anonymous
>>17013929 I couldn't read, thanks for that bro

5 hours later 17013953 Anonymous
>>17013910 Congrats, you're running. At 10min/mile I pass most "runners" on my usual route. So many people are shuffling along with a painful expresssion in their eyes and a horrible gait for 5k, instead of building up distance slowly.

5 hours later 17013958 Anonymous
>>17013878 Just did my first 10k in just over 50 minutes. fuckyeah.jpeg

6 hours later 17014004 Anonymous
>tfw when flat footed and can seemingly run forever

6 hours later 17014005 Anonymous
>>17013239 Excuse me for not being an American, but what the hell is popcorn chicken?

6 hours later 17014015 Sparta (1351670458780.png 615x518 302kB)
>Be in USAF >Just about everyone in my shop has a shitty diet, only a few actually exercise outside of squadron PT >By that I mean 1, and me >Female in shop with rather large waist line >She has failed her PT test twice due to that >Asks advice >Give advice, explain how carbs work, explain the need for more protein and veggies >Makes excuses that the chow hall food sucks, she lives in the dorm so no kitchen >I remind her of the shared kitchen they have on each floor >"noooo it's always dirty and I don't wanna clean" >mfw >Tell her if she really cares about her waist line and not being fat and ugly, she'd suck it up and cook food in the kitchen or eat at the chow hall >She does OK for a month or so, bringing fish and chicken into work >Quits >Open freezer to put my berries in the other day and see boxes of product-food with her name all over them >Tell her these foods lead to the beetus, heart disease, and cancer >WELP I GUESS I'LL JUST GET CANCER JEEZ I'M SO SICK OF HEARING YOU TALK ABOUT IT If she fails again, she's out of the AF, and I can tell by looking at her that she's made no progress in weight loss. It just pisses me off that someone asks for my help, I do my best to legitimately give them the best advice and explain the science behind it, and then they just quit and get pissy. >women

6 hours later 17014018 Anonymous
>>17014005 Ever heard of deductive reasoning? >Popcorn >Chicken It's small round pieces of chicken.

6 hours later 17014021 Sparta
>>17014005 FUCK DELICIOUS is what it is. Popcorn chicken is bite-sized pieces of fried chicken.

6 hours later 17014023 Anonymous
>>17014005 http://lmgtfy.com/?q=popcorn+chicken

6 hours later 17014026 Anonymous
>>17014005 >mum >American

6 hours later 17014028 Anonymous
>>17014005 Quarter size pieces of white meat chicken that has been cut into the shape of popcorn (ie ball-like but lumpy shaped), battered and fried. Eat em like popcorn.

6 hours later 17014034 Anonymous
>>17011191 >>17013878 Or the people that like running more get good at it

6 hours later 17014127 Anonymous
>>17009363 wtf does eat healthy mean? Yeah that's how you failed. It is fucking easy. You eat less than you need and that is what you should have told fatty. And to suck it up.

6 hours later 17014143 Sparta
>>17013878 Shit dude that's being gracious. I sure hope someone could run a 10 minute mile.

6 hours later 17014157 Anonymous
>>17013864 Its like that the first few times. Then you get over the hurdle and it becomes enjoyable.

6 hours later 17014161 Anonymous
>>17009232 >>I heard the man say "that's right!" as I hobble away with my fucked-up foot >implying fatties can be considered human and deserve rights

6 hours later 17014172 Anonymous (1298094031697.gif 150x143 1307kB)
>mom notices I'm making progress >asks me for tips >tell her to cut out sweets and cut back on carbs. No more soda and to eat mostly fresh things and I will go walking with her4-5 times a week until she's ready to start swimming/jogging or any other type of actual activity >she agrees, I keep a close eye on her help her out, she loses 5 lbs that first week, tell her that if she keeps it up she will be where she wants to be in no time at all >get job, can't watch mom anymore >can't walk with her anymore >she joins a gym >notice she's eating cookies and chips again >"Oh anon it's okay my trainer said I can eat whatever I want as long as I actually work out" >mfw >find out she just joined zumba and will probably only do that instead of eventually working up to weights like my plan was >my mom will always be fat and there is nothing I can do to help her

6 hours later 17014181 Anonymous
>>17009354 here Thought this thread would die. Got a few more stories from this friend if you guys are interested, although none as cool as that one.

6 hours later 17014201 Anonymous
>>17013864 >After 300 metres I'm almost puking. what the hell is wrong with you?! you cant run for 30 seconds WHAT THE HELL ARE PEOPLE ACTUALLY LIKE THIS

6 hours later 17014203 Anonymous
>>17014005 It exists to maximise the SA:V ratio of KFC. Because the chicken tastes shit and the only reason you eat it is because of the crumbing, popcorn chicken is basically 90% crumbing 5% chicken and 5% air

6 hours later 17014231 Anonymous (rage.png 291x300 16kB)
>Roommate is moving out >His parents drive into backyard as I'm lifting shirtless at home gym >His mum gets out. 200lbs, 5'5. >She compliments my aesthetics >My roommate comes out to greet his mum who he hasn't seen in 6 months >The first thing she says is "Jordan why are you fat. You had a gym all this time and you are still fat and disgusting". >She is twice the size of him >She proceeds to bible bash him for the rest of the night. Literally 2 hours in his room yelling at him to stop thinking and just accept the truth without question. >I talk to him later and ask him if he has ever confronted her about her hypocrisy in regards to weight. >He said he did once, and she used her old age as an excuse before grounding him. >mfw

6 hours later 17014261 Anonymous
>>17014181 Post em!

6 hours later 17014426 Anonymous
Well, my aspie friend is well known for his strong opinions on fat people. He almost views the eating habits of overeaters as some kind of mils OCD, since they often talk about 'cleaning their plates'. So, this makes him interacting with the fat acceptance girls who are ... uh ... 'pro active' around campus pretty hilarious. >first week of semester >They're handing out fliers >He gets handed one, he skims it briefly >"I see I see..." he mumbles >He fixed this 300lb hambeast with a steady gaze > "I am so sorry you are unable to stop eating ma'am, self control for those with obsessions is difficult" >She is taken aback, but thinks he is being supportive, until he continues > "I just think it is so sad you fat people don't actually do something about it. Compulsions are one thing, but isn't this laziness?" > fat girl snatches back flier and glares He seriously had no clue what was happening. He learned to hate fat people soon after this, but at this point he honestly thought they could be helped, because it was something they wanted to change.

6 hours later 17014437 Anonymous
>>17014157 >>17014201 Mitral valve prolapse. For very few people it's deadly, some people don't even know they have it. I'm somewhere in the middle. My doctor did tell me that running/climbing stairs would be the most difficult exercises for me. Don't think I like it, I despise the fact I can't do something properly that every normal person should. That's why I'm trying to work my way up I mean, I hate every bit of running, it makes me feel pathetic, but at this point it's not about feeling good for me, it's about not feeling like some incapable prick.

6 hours later 17014478 Anonymous
>>17014172 Explain her that trainer are doing business and want her to enjoy while failing enough to keep her paying for their service for a long time.

6 hours later 17014596 Anonymous
>>17014426 And... how my Friend learned to hate fat people, it's probably the shortest and least interesting/relevant of the lot, except the guy who got beaten was fat > We have a housemate, overweight and foreveralone >Housemate is a stretch, he paid his rent late and never cleaned up >At this point, my bro has a girlfriend. She's a little waif with frizzy hair >for some reason, Fatty loves her >One day we're at a concert, this was a big thing for bro > he was already on edge because the noise was really slamming into him >His girlfriend is holding his hand the whole time, really calmed him >I'm a few people away from him and her, and I can't see the other guy >Well, a bit through one song he pushes past me and pretty much rips girl away from bro >bro is confused, but basically just shoves him away and stands between girl and overweight guy Concert over, we pile into a cab and head home. Girl doesn't live far and decides to walk home, housemate is stupidly drunk. Girl is really stubborn and tells us to stay and care for him. > He gets up off the couch where we're sitting and talking >assume he's going to the can or some shit >doesn't come back >friends phone rings, well, buzzes. He hates ringtones. >suddenly friend is really uncomfortable >Its his GF >She called him to tell him that someone chased her the last hundred yards to her place >Bro goes very still, we both look at each other. >He just gets up and walks upstairs. >Overweight guy is nowhere to be seen >I can hear him saying things to his girlfriend in their home language > He seems to get some confirmation I leave at this point for my parents place. I don't want to see this happening. >When I come back, overweight guy has two black eyes, a broken hand and missing front teeth. >Bro pays the hospital fees >We both move out some time later, bro splits with his girlfriend because she didn't like the display of violence Sucks, she was the only one who kept him in check :(

6 hours later 17014640 Anonymous
>>17014596 Bet they're from a Balkan country.

7 hours later 17014655 Anonymous
>>17014018 How is it deductive reasoning when popcorn chicken isn't like popcorn at all?

7 hours later 17014671 Anonymous
>>17014026 >implying the USA is the only country to have a KFC chain shiggy diggy

7 hours later 17014705 Anonymous
>>17014655 murican logic

7 hours later 17014732 Anonymous
>>17014640 You're close. One is Austrian, one is German.

7 hours later 17014743 Anonymous
>>17013656 Coz no one likes a woman who has strong opinions and if they're fat then it's just double the hate.

7 hours later 17014777 Anonymous
>>17014005 mechanically seperated chicken squashed into balls, battered and deep fried

7 hours later 17014806 Anonymous
>>17014015 Mahnigga.jpg What AFSC?

7 hours later 17014910 Anonymous
>>17014806 1c771

7 hours later 17015026 Anonymous
>>17013656 Because fat guys accept they are fat and either laugh it off or change themselves.

7 hours later 17015096 Anonymous
First time posting a FPS but I just had to after this. >doing cardio upstairs >overlooking the entrance when 5'2 hamplanet girls come in >they talk at the check out counter and proceed to the changing room >they come out after a few minutes and literally walk around the gym for 45 seconds and then left

7 hours later 17015107 Anonymous
>>17013656 fat chicks (and women in general) seem to be more vocal about fat acceptance BS. Fat dudes seem to be more likely to acknowledge that they have a problem.

7 hours later 17015156 Anonymous
Anyone else here noticed /fit/ seems to project onto fat people?

7 hours later 17015218 Anonymous
>>17015156 Could you elaborate by any chance?

8 hours later 17015379 Anonymous
>>17014437 got mvp too. I've got it mostly under control (no betablockers/benzos and my job keeps me quite active and on my feet all day). But yeah, cardio wears me out so quickly.

8 hours later 17015400 Anonymous
>>17014732 Hence the hatred of ringtones. The vibration makes enough noise to alert you without excess usage of power. Efficient this way round

8 hours later 17015408 Anonymous
>>17015156 What's up fatty.

8 hours later 17015459 Anonymous
>>17014201 10 metres a second is pretty fast for a fatty

8 hours later 17015467 Anonymous
>>17009075 >FOUR MOONS LATER For some reason FPS is always filled with these kind of sentences... love it!

8 hours later 17015525 Anonymous
>>17013656 Short men, fat women. Memorize these as the sub-humans. It is kind of shitty that the only way a man can fix his problems with being short is expensive painful and risky surgery though.

8 hours later 17015534 Anonymous (1357931419753.jpg 643x720 123kB)
I love fps threads.

8 hours later 17015565 Anonymous (1357662252067.jpg 1280x688 193kB)
Doritos are awesome!

8 hours later 17015599 Anonymous (1357902352466.jpg 191x191 38kB)
>be doing my weighted chins >pullup bar is directly across from stationary bikes >usually get to mire cardiobunnies as I lift >NOT TODAY JEFF >Mrs. Blubberball has set up shop on the bike right in front of me >notice an open tub placed precariously on top of the bike handles >sweet jesus have mercy its fucking hummus >she brought a motherfucking tub of hummus into the gym >she's dipping mini breadsticks into it while she rides >chewing with her mouth open >wearing a tight blue shirt that showcases her rolls >gives up after 5 minutes >apparently cycling is too hard for the mighty cetacean overlord >she wobbles majestically over to the stretching mats >proceeds to sit there and eat more breadsticks and hummus while playing on her phone >squat myself out of the gym in disgust >mfw everything

8 hours later 17015619 Anonymous (1357976296463.jpg 3264x2448 1393kB)
>>2013 >>greentext LOL

8 hours later 17015637 Anonymous
>>17015599 I never understood how people think its OK to eat in gyms. A protein shake is one thing, but any kind of food?!

8 hours later 17015649 Anonymous (1357903051227.jpg 794x556 57kB)
Sup brah?

8 hours later 17015660 Anonymous
>Be outside >See fat people >Be disgusted

8 hours later 17015681 Anonymous (1356007972700.jpg 960x720 112kB)

8 hours later 17015736 Anonymous (shaniquathehutt.jpg 1116x932 339kB)
>>17015565 >Paprika >Ma Nigga

8 hours later 17015783 Anonymous
>>17015681 FUCK SAKE.

8 hours later 17015794 Anonymous
>>17015681 Jesus fucking fuck.

8 hours later 17015817 Anonymous
>>17015681 Haha, she was cute

8 hours later 17015838 Anonymous
>>17009354 Wow. That bitch was way out of line. Don't even feel bad that she copped one to the nose.

8 hours later 17015839 Anonymous
>>17015736 You know paprika was a fantasy when a skinny woman fell in love with a fat dude. LIL

8 hours later 17015844 Anonymous
>>17015736 >i'm dark skin and overweight >i'm dark skin >i am skin

8 hours later 17015858 Anonymous
>>17013840 >"you got oatmeal from mcdonalds? Is this why i'm fat and you're skinny?" i can't... the level of stupid is reaching critical MASS... aar;ghhghgkladhgakg

8 hours later 17015859 Anonymous (1357285104376.jpg 628x473 83kB)
>>17015736 >>17015736 I don't know whether to laugh or rage. . .

8 hours later 17015865 Dieseleration (why.png 245x394 19kB)

8 hours later 17015866 Anonymous (paprika21.jpg 500x355 282kB)
>>17015565 >He gets the hot skinny asian girl

8 hours later 17015885 Anonymous
>>17015681 Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you Fuck you >fuck you

8 hours later 17015898 Anonymous
>>17009075 Ugh. Fat people are always so pathetic. Actually anyone with an intense addiction is one of the saddest fucking sights ever.

8 hours later 17015901 Anonymous (dudewtf.jpg 400x267 10kB)
>>17015838 Wonder what she was going to do, try to rape him? Imagine coming home and actually seeing a fat girl in your bed.

8 hours later 17015905 Anonymous
>>17015866 Pure fantasy! Would never happen irl. (Unless hes a billionare)

8 hours later 17015941 Anonymous (i__m_sorry_my_english_so_bad_by_galangpersada-d5ia2vj.jpg 612x792 242kB)
>>17015599 Come to think of it, a question: Does the televisions in your gym also broadcast cooking programs 9 out of 10 times. It's like al of the cardio people want to watch food while working out.

8 hours later 17015952 Anonymous
>>17015649 >til Disgusting.

8 hours later 17015981 Anonymous (sadbrah.jpg 275x183 10kB)
>father is hamplanet >has sleep apnoea, osteoarthritis and a fracture in his spine (from excessive drinking and generally poor nutrition at a young age) >never did much with me as a kid >refuses to diet (asked politely if he would like me to make him breakfast this morning, he yelled at me about how he's never liked breakfast and he's never eaten breakfast) >have sat down with him multiple times insisting he fix his shit >takes everything on board, disregards it within the next 24 hours >slowly deteriorated in the past month or so >barely conscious most of the day >mother and I are afraid to let him drive >goes into a rage whenever we suggest he's too sleepy to drive >thinks we're conspiring against him >mfw because of his obesity I never really had a father figure I'm not even sure if I like him anymore. Haven't told anybody about this because none of my friends really want this feel shit and I'm not even sure if I like my girlfriend anymore. Things are a bit down at the moment, /fit/. Sorry for the bombardment of feels but it was semi-related and I've really wanted to tell somebody for a while now.

9 hours later 17016056 Anonymous
>>17011191 >tfw you like running but knee problems prevent you from doing it :(

9 hours later 17016141 Anonymous
>>17015901 Yes, she was going to rape him. And he wouldn't be able to go to the police, because it would kill his public image. Welcome to today's world.

9 hours later 17016155 Anonymous
>>17016141 Wasn't she actually breaking and entering, too?

9 hours later 17016159 Anonymous
>>17015981 My dad is the same way with his sleep apnea. Except he isn't fat. Old man + sleep apnea = denial.

9 hours later 17016179 Anonymous
>>17015981 Sorry to hear that mate. My dad is awesome, he's so generous and great to be around but hes put on heaps and heaps of weight in the last 10 years. Along with smoking and too much drinking his health is pretty fucked. Feels bad but he just wont listen to anything...ah well, such is life hey..

9 hours later 17016248 Anonymous
>>17015981 Sorry to hear that bro. Good on you for not bombarding your friends with your feelings, but this is also something they wouldn't hold against you. Go out fora few beers with your bros and shoot the shit with them about it, I'm sure you'll feel better.

9 hours later 17016355 Anonymous (fuck you.gif 500x500 202kB)
>>17015885 I believe this is what you are looking for

9 hours later 17016372 Anonymous
>>17014015 >chair force >needing to be in shape to not do shit all day how does it feel knowing every other military branch has no respect for you

9 hours later 17016389 Anonymous
>>17015681 oh my lord

9 hours later 17016470 Anonymous
>>17015681 Gents.. what is that exactly? I feel quite ill...

9 hours later 17016517 Anonymous
>>17015599 jimmies officially rustled. what the fuck.

9 hours later 17016631 Anonymous
>>17016248 nothing is better then sharing feels with your best bros over beer

10 hours later 17016682 Anonymous
Happened last week >be doing my 20 miles of cardio on bike jammin >notice older fat blond woman in tight blue spandex glancing over at me from her stationary bike >ignore her and keep going til i finish cardio >move onto weights >a min later notice shes sitting on a machine watching me >ignore her again and continue workout >through all of workout whenever i move to a diff spot shes always fucking there >finally almost done >gotta finish leg curls >notice shes giving me "the eye" >ignore her again >finish workout >she comes over and tap my shoulder sliding her finger across my back/shoulders trying to look me in the eyes >cringe and feel violated >apparently i made a horrified looking face and tyrone biggumed my way out of the gym >bro who was also at gym at the time says fat woman was stalking me the entire 2 hours i was there >says she looked crestfallen as i shimmied my way out of the gym >she moved onto another unsuspecting victim right after Not the best story but ughh i feel gross. This lady was like 250+lbs and wearing all that spandex.

10 hours later 17016790 Anonymous (dieters.png 1761x1046 1501kB)
OC here. NYR fags are rustling her jimmies; she's been on the offensive as of late.

10 hours later 17016795 Anonymous
>>17009927 >expertunderachiever Yeah, I used to think that too, then I realised I'm an idiot.

10 hours later 17016814 Anonymous
>>17015981 >asked politely if he would like me to make him breakfast this morning, he yelled at me about how he's never liked breakfast and he's never eaten breakfast He's on leangains, bro.

10 hours later 17016838 Anonymous
>>17016790 oh awesome, that fat bitch looks exactly like 90% of my female friends. Theyve all gotten bigger as time goes by. Brb making new female friends.

10 hours later 17016861 Anonymous
>>17015981 That sucks bro. Sounds like you're going through some shit right now. As other anons have said, your best bros won't hold it against you if you shoot the shit over a beer or two, that's what they're there for.

10 hours later 17016902 Anonymous
>>17013958 Good work anon! Keep on being awesome

10 hours later 17016930 Anonymous
>>17016838 Oh good. Do they blame it on thyroid problems as well?

10 hours later 17016951 Anonymous
>>17014732 Oh come on, the Balkan is near geographicly but...hm. Different bunch of people there.

10 hours later 17016967 Anonymous
>>17015941 That's really weird. My gym usually shows "extreme" sports while playing Pit Bull and Kesha. Sucks.

10 hours later 17016973 Anonymous
>>17009075 I love your style, anon.

10 hours later 17017006 Anonymous
>>17014596 >bro splits with his girlfriend because she didn't like the display of violence If your girl doesn't appreciate your beating up a guy who was stalking and would have likely raped her, she's not the girl for you. I'm sure she was a qt3.14, but have some fucking appreciation.

10 hours later 17017045 Anonymous (1329685400253.jpg 786x1177 465kB)
>>17009075 >dad was once /fit/ as fuck >3 kids >economic depression >corporate ladder climbing >bankruptcy >be in Army >come home for 2 weeks >Hanging out around house >"lets go for a walk" >"sure son" >4-5 mile trail walk >bro it up >talk about health >"maybe when you come back out we'll run this together" >sure dad >he's quit smoking >lost 40lbs >can't hold all these gains >last summer >18y/o little brother >115lb DYEL/ottermode >instruct proper diet/brotein intake >bulkan 101 >compound lifts >NEVER CURL IN SQUAT RACK OR ILL THROAT FUCK YOU >okay.jpg >fast fwd >new FB profile pic >now 140lbs >Deadlifting in his profile pic >son I am proud Just wired my 18 y/o brother $300 for gym membership and bare essentials. My 13 y/o WoW obsessed brother is about to get a thorough preparation for high school sports. No greentext for my mom. But she's lost 80 pounds since last summer. Didn't help her at all, just inspired by father and brother. Cardio bunny as fuck. Going to introduce to weights when I get out of the Army in 3mo. >tfw you're motivated by the successes of newly reformed /fit/ family.

10 hours later 17017050 Anonymous (1357565384691.png 500x542 199kB)
>>17016790 >if i eat enough of these chocolates then i will become an hero! ftfy Good riddance, too.

10 hours later 17017078 Anonymous
>>17013864 >>17014437 I sort of feel like a pussy complaining about this when you have a legitimate condition, but the reason I hate running is my legs were deformed at birth because the dumbfuck doctor tried to pull me out with pliers or some shit when I was being birthed breach, and ended up screwing up my legs. I can still run, but whenever I do I end up looking like the most gigantic retard to ever put one leg in front of another. It's taken me these 20 years of life just to be able to walk without getting funny looks, so whenever I run in public I start getting panic attacks and all of my memories of being bullied in elementary school for walking and running funny come flooding back. So the most I can do is wait until around 9 or 10 o'clock when it's dark out and everybody's in bed, and go running in my neighborhood then. I try running in broad daylight once a month, but I always stop halfway through as red as a tomato and just walk back in shame. On the bright side, I'm not using my asthma as an excuse.

10 hours later 17017094 Anonymous (iknowthatfeelbro.png 500x461 42kB)
>>17016056 > tfw childhood merry go round accident and growth spurts prevent you from ever being the gazelle you were meant to be

10 hours later 17017146 Anonymous
>>17017050 >implying she ate that box of chocolates out of spite >implying she wasn't going to do that anyway

10 hours later 17017190 Anonymous
>>17017078 You really shouldn't feel like a pussy, you're still trying. I always run at about 5 in the morning, when most people are asleep (though I do live on campus, so I guess people tend to sleep in far more) Do you think with some practice you'd manage to run, well, looking alright? I really hope you will, honestly, best of luck to you.

10 hours later 17017191 Anonymous
>>17015156 Fatty-fat fat fat gonna fat. You mad, fatty? You should go eat more, fatty.

10 hours later 17017216 Anonymous
>>17009232 >not leading them on a merry chase around the store

10 hours later 17017241 Anonymous
>>17017190 >Do you think with some practice you'd manage to run, well, looking alright? I've been running for a while now, but when I took a cardio class at my college for a PE Credit recently (Community college. Yes it's stupid.) and had to run outside, some dumb niggers drove by in their SUV while I was running and yelled at me "Yo! You look like you runnin' with a stick up yo ass! Ahahaha!" That basically turned me off of running when/where others can see me for the foreseeable future. I mean, I don't know if there's something I can do to run "better"? My cardio teacher was just there to pick up a paycheck, so when I asked him for help with that he just nodded and smiled and said "Yeah sure I'll see if I can figure something out". I really want to be able to run like a normal person, since I guess the way I run is really ineffective and I put a lot more effort into running the same distance than the average person, so if I can fix the way I run I can run even longer times and distances. I just... I don't really know how to go about this, though.

10 hours later 17017243 Anonymous
>both dad and mom are fat, dad is hamplanet levels >little sister is getting fat too >parents are divorced >dad was never a father figure, just made fun of me all of childhood >now married to another hamplanet clearly goldigging him >mfw she convinced him to not have the heart surgery he needs >he's probably going to die soon >only reason I care if he dies is he gives me money once or twice a year >my retarded social skills, crippling social anxiety and depression are due to him Not really a good FPS, but ah well.

10 hours later 17017245 Anonymous
>>17014655 >>17014705 I fucking lol'd, when i read that popcorn story, i thought it was like popcorn with chicken spices, like you can get butter popcorn i assume. Americans. haha. You never sieze to amaze me with wierd shit

10 hours later 17017247 Anonymous (1357568732264.jpg 680x682 69kB)
>>17015885 Hehehehehehe u med?

10 hours later 17017249 Anonymous
>>17017245 >You never sieze to amaze me >Sieze

10 hours later 17017270 Anonymous (1356933261545.jpg 720x540 160kB)

10 hours later 17017280 Anonymous
>>17017045 That's kinda admirable. Nice going.

10 hours later 17017283 Anonymous (1341196813225.png 200x296 114kB)
>>17017245 >sieze Oh man I'm a fucking European slav and I'm laughing my ass off at your English

10 hours later 17017297 Anonymous (1347568622464.gif 326x244 2014kB)
>>17017045 Nice job anon, damn nice job

10 hours later 17017304 Anonymous
>>17017243 >convinced him to not have the heart surgery he needs explain please

10 hours later 17017309 Anonymous (5169772_460s.jpg 462x1393 119kB)
>>17015681 Is the the women/thing?

10 hours later 17017323 Anonymous
>>17017045 >/fit/ family some of us can only dream

10 hours later 17017325 Anonymous
>>17017304 Doctor told him to have some specific heart surgery I don't remember or he'll croak in the next 3 years. Hamplanet wife somehow convinced him there are more important things to do (like shower her in money) than get it. Every time I see him he says he'll eventually get it. It's been a year since he first got the recommendation.

10 hours later 17017349 Anonymous
>>17017094 > tfw falling down stairs and fracturing your spine at age 13 stunts your growth and you're smaller than your handsome younger brother now 178cm is still OK, but... oh well.

10 hours later 17017370 Anonymous
>>17009075 >be at costco lookin down aisles n shit >i wouldnt say i was ripped, but you wont mistake me for ottermode either > see some 6/10's mirin > then out of nowhere 350lb lvl 100 wailord > comes over "can i have a squeeze?" >i hold up finger "scuză-mă" > go to the bathroom to puke > come back sputtering the only romanian my grandmother taught me to shoo her away > as she walks away she picks up 3 boxes of twinkies (obviously this is an old story) > fuckmanthatwasclose.jpg not 5 minutes later > romanian qt3.14 walks up to me and starts speaking really fluent romanian > tell her the truth and say i dont know much romanian, but i would love to learn more goin out on a date with her next week

10 hours later 17017371 Anonymous (1333802659151.jpg 278x600 103kB)
>>17017349 >tfw growing up without physical trauma and only 173

11 hours later 17017383 Anonymous
>>17017371 You can blame your parents. I can only blame my own stupidity because I cannot into stairs.

11 hours later 17017400 Anonymous (1353049010741.jpg 338x450 60kB)
>>17009232 What the fuck? You didn't kick their fat fucking teeth in?

11 hours later 17017401 Anonymous
>>17017249 >>17017283 oh wow. Well. Guess my written english isn't really up to par with my spoken english.

11 hours later 17017406 Anonymous
>>17017241 Well I guess you'll have to wait for some advice from your cardio teacher then? What about running in place, couldn't that be some sort of practice? Perhaps trying to do it in a slow motion kind of way, to see how it should feel etc.? I'm sorry, I don't think I have the knowledge to help you much. I know how much shit from other people can hurt (especially random ones you don't know), but as cliche as it may sound, don't let it stop you. Train in the mornings/evenings when no one's around, and if you will stop training, make sure it's not because some dumb fuckers are making fun of you.

11 hours later 17017437 Bro.0000001
>>17013697 you catch the 476?

11 hours later 17017449 Anonymous
>>17017045 i wish you were my bro ;_;

11 hours later 17017536 Anonymous (1356280484486.jpg 399x382 12kB)
>>17017045 That's really great man, keep it up.

11 hours later 17017567 Anonymous
>>17015400 I approve.

11 hours later 17017642 Anonymous
>>17014732 If you're ever in Britain I'll hitch you up for a couple nights. I like your story and your bro sounds exactly like a bro.

11 hours later 17017670 Anonymous
>>17015885 I want Dante to leave.

11 hours later 17017680 Anonymous
>>17017283 >European >slav U tryin to shig my dig mate?

11 hours later 17017732 Anonymous
>>17017370 De unde esti?

11 hours later 17017735 Anonymous
>>17017370 Costco doesn't have any shops in Romania. The fuck are you on about?

11 hours later 17017757 Anonymous
>>17017732 murrica, but like i said, my romanian is very limited

11 hours later 17017769 Anonymous
>>17016930 no but they do have pussy whipped aspie bfs who were fat to begin with and are getting fatter at the same rate my female friends are

11 hours later 17017775 Anonymous
>>17017735 from murrica fag. like i said before my romanian is limited

11 hours later 17017784 Anonymous (1346165231442.jpg 351x368 29kB)

11 hours later 17017840 Anonymous
>>17017775 Okay I re-read you fps, for some reason I mistook the lard ass as Romanian as well. Onward to gains bro.

11 hours later 17017841 Anonymous
>>17015981 Fuck bro, about to let out some feels... >remember sitting on my dads lap on the couch when I was ~5 while he did curls with some DBs (LMAO CURLBRO DAD) >he use to go to a gym 3-5 times a week, great shape, remember my sister betting him he couldnt do a cartwheel, so he had her hold his keys and wallet and that fucker did 3 in the front yard lel >over the years, stopped going to the gym >had diabetes the whole time, but had eaten right and lost the betes while he still went to the gym, but once he stopped, had to go back on insulin >when I was 10, he had triple bypass surgery, gained a little weight >when I was 12, he had a pretty serious stroke, was left paralyzed somewhat on the right side, walks with a limp, cant use his right hand very well. >fucker flew through rehab so he could get back to work (electrician) to provide for his family (never took a penny form the gov. while he was out of work) >busted his ass for us, always provided, eventually made it to retirement with pension (I was ~21 and in college when he retired) >even though he worked so hard, I never got to have a dad to throw a football with, or shoot hoops, or lift weights with. >now he pretty much just lays in his chair watching tv all day, gained a bunch of weight, cant really do anything physical anyhow >sad to see such a hard working man waste away like that just had to get that out

11 hours later 17017844 Anonymous
>>17017757 How did you come to learn the little bit you know? I'm RO, and just curious.

11 hours later 17017888 Anonymous
>>17015096 hey well at least getting there in the first place is a good step. Maybe next time they made it 50 seconds.

11 hours later 17017890 Anonymous
>>17017844 > come back sputtering the only romanian my grandmother taught me to shoo her away

11 hours later 17017979 Anonymous
>>17011191 >that feel when Iove to run, but pollution in my city gives me horrible exercise induced asthma (throat literally seals shut)...

11 hours later 17018010 Anonymous
>>17017844 >>17017890 yeah...that

11 hours later 17018067 Anonymous
>>17017406 >Well I guess you'll have to wait for some advice from your cardio teacher then? That class ended nine months ago. Fucker never bothered to help me in the slightest. And I'm not going to stop training, I just wish I could run in public at full speed without feeling embarrassed and self-conscious as fuck. I mean, what good is running a six minute mile if I'm too scared to actually run?

11 hours later 17018138 Anonymous
>have a mate, he is severely overweight >maybe 5'9, 110kg >such a bro though, heart of gold >at the club with him and a few mates >empty dance floor >he's on there dancing >THIS MOTHERFUCKER HAS MOVES I SHIT YOU NOT >girls everywhere mirin the moves >5 girls in the range of 6-9 /10's approach him and complimenthim >he smiles and accepts hes not actually able to get them that bro is unreal. hes the best dude but he just doesnt have the willpower to lose the weight. I hope i can change that though.

11 hours later 17018182 Anonymous
>>17017078 So you run like the guy in QWOP?

12 hours later 17018236 Anonymous
>>17016790 In fairness diet soda is full of shit and just as bad if not worse than the normal stuff

12 hours later 17018242 Anonymous
>>17018138 Introduce him to /fit/ and shove up the sticky up his big fat-ass until he shits Squats and oatmeals.

12 hours later 17018283 Anonymous
>>17011191 That's not entirely true. I have competed in triathalons, marathons and races but I hate running. I am good at it but I only do it for excersise. SELF CONTROL.

12 hours later 17018297 Anonymous
>>17018242 planning on it. I havnt spoken to him about his health though but another mate has ill leave it to him. The other mate that did speak to him got into lifting because of me though.

12 hours later 17018313 Anonymous
>>17017078 I have a similar feel, bro. I was born with my ankle like broken or something. My foot pointed in the wrong direction. I've broken it 4 times and I'm only 19, it's fragile as shit. I try to elliptical though, since that doesn't put a strain on it.

12 hours later 17018325 Anonymous
>>17018182 i beat QWOP

12 hours later 17018342 Anonymous (1328147219588.gif 330x186 1650kB)

12 hours later 17018404 Anonymous
>>17018313 I should clarify. I forgot to mention that my foot does point in the proper direction now. The doctors put it where it was supposed to be right after I was born.

12 hours later 17018498 Anonymous (smile.jpg 2048x1536 243kB)
>>17018236 The funny thing is, I agree with her on that point. The problem is she's using aspartame to concern troll and excuse her own gluttony.

12 hours later 17018515 Gunny (1357490464091.jpg 524x468 74kB)

12 hours later 17018533 Anonymous
>At supermarket >Notice a normal sized teenage girl riding one of the store provided scooters >Constantly telling people that she's getting it for her grandmother >Assume the worst about her grandmother because of scooter >Later, see the grandmother >Grandmother is somewhat normal sized >She looks like an infant in that huge ass scooter seat >So used to seeing fatties in those things that someone that is not morbidly obese riding one is now out of the ordinary I don't know if this qualifies as a fps, but seeing that kid's grandma in that scooter with her walker attached to the back, and then remembering what I originally was thinking about the kids grandmother made me want to punch some fat people.

12 hours later 17018552 Anonymous
>>17018182 That is the best way I've heard of describing it. Yes.

12 hours later 17018631 Anonymous
>>17017241 don't listen to the opinions of people who don't matter to you. just keep running. Godspeed anon.

12 hours later 17018701 Anonymous (1357298050455.png 640x400 197kB)
>>17017841 ill never ktf but damn man my eye jerked a little

12 hours later 17018783 Anonymous
>Be in a supermarket. waiting in line before the ready cooked food stand >A mother of three whalettes, she's meatbarn as well. >"I wonder what to buy for whallete no.1, he is so picky" >I know her, so I suggest she gets some of chicken breast and steamed veggies. >"Oh, he hates chicken. Vegetables too." >Proceeds to explain how her kids hate pretty much every remotely healthy food in the world. >"I'll just get them pizza again." And this is how the whales reproduce.

12 hours later 17018820 Anonymous (image.jpg 673x601 70kB)
>be 17 >immature as fuck >been lifting for 2.5 years >still skinny but I'm gettin there >go shopping >ride the fat transportation machine >fun as shit >foot is hurt from dropping 310 DL on it >what is this rumbling >Small items and the scooter I'm in start sliding back to where the scooters are put. >black hole is sucking me back >realize it was just fat black nigress >says these are for people with actual disabilities >uwotm8.jpg >say I have hurt foot but it won't listen >calls me disrespectful >have grown to hate fat people from my fatasfatass dad >ain't having this shit. >Start spouting all the fat hate from built up resentment of fat people. >looks visible shaken, I could tell from the vibrations in the ground >she starts scream fat acceptance, skinny privalege, I don't need no man, etc. >mfw >scoot away with no fucks given

12 hours later 17018935 Anonymous (1353819311001.jpg 300x290 10kB)
>>17017349 >tfw perfectly healthy entire life and only 172

12 hours later 17018954 Anonymous
>>17018498 >dragon tshirt Damn this picture is scary

12 hours later 17018978 Anonymous
>>17018498 Did she bring a jar of fruit jam to the dance club?

12 hours later 17019027 Anonymous
>>17018978 I do believe she did.

12 hours later 17019047 Anonymous
>>17018978 >>17019027 Holy shit I didn't even notice that before. What the actual fuck. Like seriously. What the ACTUAL fuck. Fatties gonna fat, I guess?

12 hours later 17019082 Anonymous
>>17018820 I have never heard anyone talk about fat acceptance IRL and not on the internet. Does this really happen?

12 hours later 17019101 Anonymous
>>17017841 If i knew who you were, I would give the biggest bro hug possible. Full on homo

12 hours later 17019131 Anonymous (rekorderlig.jpg 454x380 58kB)
>>17018978 I am certain that is Rekorderlig cider, anon

13 hours later 17019167 Anonymous
>>17017241 Watch these vids they were in a running thread the other week https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSIDRHUWlVo&feature=yout ube_gdata_player https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gty7rFrsnBg&feature=yout ube_gdata_player

13 hours later 17019192 Anonymous
>>17018701 Damn, I thought MC Ride would be more built than that... Instead of Speed addict mode he's just crack addict mode ;_;

13 hours later 17019253 Anonymous
>>17013656 Cause 9/10 fat guys are humble as fuck and are aware that they're fat and can accept it. A womans self worth is however determined by their looks. If a girl is fat, her mind can't handle it and will look towards all possible rationalizations of her state and thus fat acceptance was born.

13 hours later 17019276 Anonymous
>>17018498 is that marmalade in her hands?

13 hours later 17019290 Anonymous
>>17018820 People actually use the word "skinprivilege" in real world? I thought it where only a few tumblrfags who used it.

13 hours later 17019454 Anonymous
>>17018498 Woah what the fuck where is this? Pretty sure I've been there before.

13 hours later 17019522 Anonymous
>>17016372 That may be the case, but air superiority is still the best way to win wars.

13 hours later 17019632 Anonymous (tiny hippo.png 375x377 69kB)
>>17009075 >ex gf >I convince her to come to the gym with me because she's chunky (didn't say that to her lol) >after 15 minutes at moderate pace on the cross trainer she stops and waits for me to finish my workout >get home and she opens a massive bag of doritos >"I think we deserve it after that workout" mfw

13 hours later 17019688 Anonymous
>>17015901 >first thought is "fuck how am I going to clean that"

13 hours later 17019741 Anonymous (1355360913491.jpg 350x335 81kB)

13 hours later 17019804 Anonymous
>>17016790 Out of morbid curiosity, (and a well placed knowledge that I will regret this) in the right most picture what item of food (i think) is she trying to eat? It looks like a whole salami.

13 hours later 17019835 Anonymous
>>17019804 It's a giant tootsie roll pillow. It's not actually food. I don't think so, anyways.

13 hours later 17019843 Dr. Acula
>>17019804 I think that's a pillow.

13 hours later 17019939 Sage
>>17017050 Thank you for the laugh. I needed it after reading this thread.

13 hours later 17019961 Anonymous
>>17015400 Actually, the motor spinning takes more energy than the speaker does, good to know if you want to save battery.

13 hours later 17019989 Anonymous
>>17011191 tfw you can hit a treadmill at its full incline and laugh in its tits, but cant go faster than 3.5-4.0 mph (atleast not for extended periods of time) because youre a norun fagut.

13 hours later 17019997 Anonymous
>>17019804 It's a food shaped pillow. It demonstrates how addicted to food she is when she buys merchandise for her favourite junk food.

13 hours later 17020051 Anonymous
>>17015637 I read in a thread a while ago that some dude saw the same girl coming into the gym everyday, doing 20 minutes on an exercise bike and drink two cans of monster in that time.

14 hours later 17020098 Anonymous
>>17019632 aint nobody who fucks with tiny hippo

14 hours later 17020101 Anonymous (ydfy.png 642x604 364kB)
>>17015981 >>17017841

14 hours later 17020189 Anonymous
>>17020098 aint nobody

14 hours later 17020191 Anonymous
>>17011191 Fuck sin splints. Cant be fucked with that. Running is literally shit tier cardio. Rowing Biking Running

14 hours later 17020251 Anonymous
>>17016682 Descartes.jpg

14 hours later 17020286 Anonymous
>>17017979 >living in a city

14 hours later 17020464 Anonymous
Here is a reverse-fat person story: a skinny person story. >Aunt is very thin and known for being somewhat of a control freak >Brain-washed her entire family into going on a weird, new-age diet: No meat, no dairy, no gluten. >One day we're at the breakfast table (the entire extended family is over for Christmas) >They're talking about how great almond milk is >I say "Oh, almond milk is okay. I've been trying to get more protein, though. That's why I prefer cow's milk. It has nine grams of protein per serving, compared to one gram like in almond milk." >Her family glares at me and a few roll their eyes >"But Anon, you can't absorb animal protein nearly as much as you can absorb plant protein!" >Wat. >"But of course you can. Vegan bodybuilders are really rare and if y--" >"No, Anon. Do some research, all animal products are poison." >MFW Another time: >Cousin used to have sixteen inch biceps and be Zyzz-mode >Now he's looks like he just escaped from Auschwitz >I ask him what happened >"Oh, it turns out that all of the dairy and gluten I was eating is bad for my skin." >Ask him about meat products >"I can eat those, but..." He looks at his mom and sister and I understand He went from being ripped/athletic to skinny. Not even skinny-fat, just skinny. Eleven inch arms, max. It's really, really depressing. The worst part is that he's a security guard, an I think he may lose his job because so much of his muscle mass is disappearing.

14 hours later 17020488 Anonymous
>>17016372 Who gives a fuck? At the end of the day a guy in a plane is a hell of a lot more effective at killing people than some dude on the ground.

14 hours later 17020514 Anonymous
>>17020464 Holy fuck the first thing sounds like a cult.

14 hours later 17020528 Anonymous
>>17020488 The Navy is the one who usually sends out Jet's to do things.

14 hours later 17020669 Anonymous
>>17019131 Oh fuck is she from Sweden? Please be export! ;_;

14 hours later 17020738 Anonymous
>>17020669 >wanting to drink swedish fruit cider This thing is the most disgusting alcohol I've ever tasted. Sweden sucks at alcohols, really. The only decent thing you can get there is french wine, and it's expensive as fuck. They have ok beer too, but that's about it.

14 hours later 17020806 Anonymous
>>17020738 I don't give a fuck, I don't drink alcohol, never have and never will, I just hope she is not a Sweden consuming our piss, I hope she is a foreigner to my homeland.

14 hours later 17020927 Anonymous
>>17020738 Rekorderlig is actually really nice. Best cider I've tasted and I've been through them all. Only comes second to Stella Pear Cidre.

14 hours later 17020972 Anonymous
>>17020806 Oh my bad broski, I misread your post. I feel ya. >tfw I've been living in France for 90% of my life (I'm Belgian) >I haven't witnessed a single FPS. Not a single one. >tfw reading this thread almost makes me wish for some fat as fattasses to invade continental Europe so I could get a good laugh from time to time. Reading those threads is like science-fiction for non-merrikans/english anons.

14 hours later 17020988 Anonymous
>>17020927 >Drinking cider It just tastes so fucking awful. I mean, it's way too sweet, it's like drinking liquid sugar.

14 hours later 17021017 Anonymous
>>17020988 Real cider from northern France and Ireland usually tastes really good, but I agree with you regarding all the weird nordic fruity variations. Those are aweful.

15 hours later 17021079 Anonymous
>>17013656 http://win.niddk.nih.gov/publications/PDFs/stat904z.pdf 74% of men are overweight or obese in the USA, 64% of women. So they're still fairly close together, but men are fatter than women in the USA. The women are just bitchier about it.

15 hours later 17021117 Anonymous
>>17020972 I live in a small college-city in the U.S. with a 50% asian-american population. A rough estimate of the students I see everyday is 1% obesity. Then I go to the wal-mart in my hometown 15 miles away and holy shit, 50% obesity.

15 hours later 17021211 Anonymous (1340819615017.jpg 251x241 14kB)
>>17021079 Holy fucking shit, how does a country even work like that? Imagine if a complete military draft is needed, and 74% of the would-be soldiers are to fat to fight. The non-fatasses would be in the field fighting, while the fatties would be home fatting.

15 hours later 17021348 Anonymous
>>17021211 How did we come to this? http://www.cnn.co.uk/2012/12/13/health/global-burden-report/ index.html >Obesity is a bigger health crisis globally than hunger, and the leading cause of disabilities around the world, according to a new report published Thursday in the British medical journal The Lancet.

15 hours later 17021407 Anonymous
>>17011191 I've always hated running (overweight now, didn't used to be. lost 60 pounds though since coming to /fit/ in June) because everytime I run, ever since I was a small child, my chest hurt really bad and I can taste blood in my throat, and I can't breathe. Not everyone is God-tier at running. I'm sure I can do things you can't, doesn't make me any better than you.

15 hours later 17021443 Anonymous
>>17021079 this shit doesn't take into account your bodyfat percentage though. if they did I'm sure it'd be significantly lower.

15 hours later 17021472 Anonymous
>>17021443 If it did, we'd see all the skinnyfats who are likely to suffer from the same problems as obese people.

15 hours later 17021630 Anonymous
>>17019632 >looked up the tiny hippo comic LMAO

15 hours later 17021640 Anonymous (1355263032139.jpg 225x225 8kB)
>>17017045 > >>17017449 >tfw you were a WoW obsessed kid and you never got along with your big bro cus he tried to help you get fit >tfw big bro is depressed and living 7000 miles away now because my mom kicked him out over our constant bickering fast forward and I've been lifting a year now, haven't heard from my bro in 6 years. Infinite remorse

15 hours later 17021728 Anonymous
>>17021443 While that would be a nice way of looking at it, I don't believe it would change anything. A study was done recently that showed that the BMI actually UNDER reports obesity, not the opposite. People are just in terrible shape, the reason you believe otherwise is because you've surrounded yourself with those who are not (which is a good thing to do honestly).

15 hours later 17021732 Anonymous
>>17021443 Maybe. I used to be obese by bodyfat% but only just overweight by BMI, so it could actualyl go the other way.

15 hours later 17021860 Anonymous
>Boss proposes a team retreat - trip to Israel >Almost everyone super excited, however some murmur that it's a high risk location >Boss decides to discuss with team >No mistake, only the fatties are against it and go on about how they are not risking their lives >Mfw fatties have huge self-preservation instinct >Mfw we are not going I don't even know.

15 hours later 17021877 Anonymous (1351086388850.gif 500x271 378kB)
>work in coffee shop >planetary lady walks in the door, the door does not close as it is now within her orbit >her orbit brings a couple of tables and chairs from outside with it >She orders a cappuccino >Sits down with her friend >Has a very intelligent conversation, is nice, polite, and very happy >She leaves, thanks me for the coffee, tells me to have a nice day >Does not even use a fatscooter I... I don't know what to make of this /fit/. I feel like my faith in humanity has been restored a little bit.

15 hours later 17021904 Anonymous (israel-photo-tours-2.jpg 450x301 52kB)
>>17021860 They probably just saw the hills and decided they couldn't walk them.

15 hours later 17021922 Anonymous
>>17019522 The navy has that.. oh, and boats.

15 hours later 17021953 Anonymous
>>17019522 If the world went to war again, it would be nuclear submarines that win it.

15 hours later 17021966 Anonymous
>>17020972 Parisiantag here, where are you living ? I'm looking for a workout buddy.

15 hours later 17021994 Anonymous
>>17016056 >tfw runners knee >tfw if you can run for at least a mile without it hurting that's a good day >tfw all you want if for it to stop hurting >we're all gonna make it

15 hours later 17022030 Anonymous
>>17021860 >2013 >Not saying yes to a trip to Israel I'm a huge anti-semite and I would love to visit Israel.

15 hours later 17022032 Anonymous
>>17021877 Surprisingly enough, just like every other demographic, not all fat people are the same. Most? Yes, as with every demographic. But all? No. Never make blanket generalizations, anon. They're always wrong. Except for the blanket generalization about blanket generalizations.

15 hours later 17022062 Anonymous (1350155826917.png 334x461 92kB)
>>17022032 Well, when she walked in I thought "Lawdy, I... I've never witnessed a specimen so large" and I instantly thought of these threads, so it was a pleasant surprise to find she was lovely company.

15 hours later 17022083 Anonymous
>>17021994 I used to have runners knee, make sure you stretch your IT band regularly, and try the foam roller work. It helped me quite a bit.

16 hours later 17022242 Anonymous
>>17022083 I foam roll everyday, and it's getting better but very slowly. I used to only be able to run about 200m before it activated, I'm at like a mile now.

16 hours later 17022265 Anonymous
>>17021966 Antony, going to a small yet well equipped gym in Bourg-la-Reine. I'll be going there for only a month though, I'm joining the airforce after that if everything goes smooth.

16 hours later 17023264 Anonymous
>>17022242 also take calcium, zinc, vitamin D and magnesium supps

16 hours later 17023355 Anonymous
>>17021079 http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/hea_obe-health-obesity hmm.. this site says otherwise, 30% of the population of USA are obese.

16 hours later 17023387 Anonymous
>>17023355 obese=!overweight

17 hours later 17023495 Anonymous
>>17017349 WAT I'm 179, and I'm taller that most people that are my acquantances from university/training, etc., and not shorter than most my close friends. Just how tall do you want to be? Fug. Proud to be Europoor, and I mean it.

17 hours later 17023564 Anonymous
>>17015981 we got you bro

17 hours later 17023605 Anonymous
>>17014201 >implying anybody but the top 1% of people can keep a 10 m/s pace for 30 seconds

17 hours later 17023793 Anonymous
>>17017078 Fucking respect and sympathy to you bro. Good luck.

17 hours later 17023881 Anonymous
>>17021407 uhh have you ever seen a doctor about that?

17 hours later 17023921 Anonymous (balls_of_feel.jpg 389x399 59kB)
>>17017094 >tfw mom didn't take her vitamins during pregnancy and fucks up your leg bones >tfw I'll die in runner zombie apocalypse

17 hours later 17023986 Anonymous
>>17021953 >win what win...

17 hours later 17024683 Anonymous

18 hours later 17024827 Anonymous
>>17014172 Mfw gave my mum some tips, told her to cut out carbs as much as she can, her dumb bf laughs at me saying that it's impossible. Mfw

18 hours later 17025198 Anonymous
Let me tell you a 3rd world fps. >Father is the healthiest guy I've ever seen, at 65 he's way stronger than me. >never gone to a gym, everything through sheer hard work(lifts 60kg+ grain bags on a daily basis, goes everywhere on his bicycle instead of taking the bus) >haven't gotten sick in like 30 years >great influence for my mom, me and my sisters >we eat very simple at home, everybody is slim and strong >Sister has to go back to my father's family in his hometown because we cant pay for college >they offer to pay her for her college(shady business money) >hometown family is practically constituted of landwhales due to the abundance of food >almost american levels of unhealthy eating >the women are all overweight, my uncle had a a gastric bypass and the other men had a bunch of heart strokes >the children are lard balls >she tells me that because they see her slim they serve extra large food portions because she looks she's in "the bones" >she cant refuse everytime time because after all they are the ones paying for her college and she doesn't want to seem ungrateful or discourteous(huge family, absolutely everybody eats at the table) >sister says how much she wants to come back >next month I'll be able to apply for a tuition credit on a bank so I can bring my sister back home.

18 hours later 17025208 Anonymous (1323578059001.png 640x753 27kB)
>>17023564 Just woke up. I know that post doesn't sound like much but I had a really rough night and needed that. Th-thanks /fit/.

18 hours later 17025231 Anonymous
>>17009075 >land-whale ahahahahhaha i died anon. i'm using that from now on.

18 hours later 17025423 Anonymous
>>17025231 cant tell if NYRfag or troll...

18 hours later 17025446 Anonymous
>>17017243 >my retarded social skills, crippling social anxiety and depression are due to him i used to have these, but working on my social skills fixed all of them. i used to blame them on having a single, abusive mother, and a father i felt was only around at all because of legal reasons. im sure they had an effect, but you can still change it

18 hours later 17025462 Anonymous (1357478040691.jpg 311x311 51kB)
>>17025231 >2013 >just seeing this term now

18 hours later 17025595 Anonymous
>>17021994 You can make it bro, I had pretty bad runners knee, switched to swimming and cycling for three months. It can get better, just give it time >tfw started running again last week

19 hours later 17025868 Anonymous
>be 16, 5 years ago >look at myself in the mirror >"wow, I'm so fucking fat son" >eat less start cardio the next day >2 months in lose 30lbs >begin lifting; fixed diet to suit because it was shitty >gaining muscle >at the 7 month mark I was 180, semi built fat >work hard everyday, encouragement from everyone and all the new friends I make >Achieve nice body by 18, but not goal body yet And that's my fps, starring me th-thanks /fit/ love you brahs

19 hours later 17025941 Anonymous
>>17017370 Nice job anon

19 hours later 17026786 Anonymous
>>17018533 >thin privilege

19 hours later 17026926 Anonymous
>>17015681 First time /fit/ has made me legit gag

19 hours later 17027032 Anonymous
>>17021640 Call him man.

19 hours later 17027096 Anonymous
>>17018498 My three tons

20 hours later 17027499 Anonymous
>>17021640 Fucking call him. At the very least, write to him.

20 hours later 17027859 Anonymous (resizer.jpg 235x300 25kB)
>>17019027 >>17018978 >>17019047 >>17019276 >>17019454 >>17027096 >>17018498 It's Rekorderlig cider. I believe these people are swedish, because it's a swedish alcoholic beverage.

21 hours later 17028410 Anonymous
>>17020972 there are tons of fat Brits, not as many as America, but still

21 hours later 17028532 Anonymous
>standing outside waiting for tram in yurop >fatass couple sitting and making out >after a few minutes 3 joggers pass us doing their own thing >fatass woman starts laughing very loudly while the joggers look at her surprised >bitch tells her boyfriend how ridicilous they were >he's like "yeah..." >another jogger > she does the same thing again loughing at him while he's passing by i wanted to kill hee

21 hours later 17028554 Anonymous
>>17027859 I'd like to think it is a jar of jam.

21 hours later 17028606 Anonymous
>>17025198 >inb4 an indoctrinated fatass husk comes home

21 hours later 17028629 Anonymous
>>17025423 >using "I died" instead of "my seids" >thinking "land-whale" is new and special >typing "ahahahahahaha" instead of "lel" >being this new

21 hours later 17028634 Anonymous
>>17027859 It exists in Denmark as well, so that's another option.

21 hours later 17028647 Anonymous
>>17025868 >be 16, 5 years ago >achieve nice body at 18, but not at my goal 18-5=16??

21 hours later 17028726 Anonymous
> Be in library > Long fucking hallway > Somehow end up stuck behind low moving fat guy > Can't go around him since there's no fucking space > Contend with having to wait behind fatass > Realize fatass is texting > "Oi mate, can you lemme squeeze by ? I'm kinda in a hurry" > Fatty gets annoyed > Turns around with huge effort, his arms colliding with the walls of the hallway > "WHAT ?! I'M WALKING." > "Listen man, I'm late, I need to go, you're walking slowly, just lemme squeeze in front of ye" > "NAH YOU CHEEKY CUNT!" > "Look man, what's gonna take for you to lemme through ?" > He looked at me in the eye, for a moment he sucked in his breath, started turning red, then he just let it all out with a sigh and said > "I just need about tree fiddy." > At this point I realized that fatty was 8 stories tall and was a crustacean from the paleozoic era! > That's when I realized I had been fooled by the Loch Ness Monster again

21 hours later 17028734 Anonymous
>>17009250 fuck that. unless they're over 40, it's safe to assume if they wanted to change they could've used the plethora of resources available to them in a first world country to get the job done. From my vast experience in failing to get the simplest of concepts through to these peoples, to me, is the same thing as somebody asking me to google something for them. Go fuck off, look it up yourself. 'eat healthy, in a deficit, with moderate routine exercise.' If they truly and earnestly want a more in depth break down, they can do the work themselves. 9.9999/10 they never do and just want a short cut for immediate mental gratification. 'ohhhh im trying, weeeeee!~' Yeaaaahh, no.

21 hours later 17028760 Anonymous
>>17028726 GODDAMIT

21 hours later 17028761 IcyHot
>>17023605 not even that, i train with the track team at uni and they top out at 32 for 300 and they are the elite sprinters more like 0.0001%

21 hours later 17028763 Anonymous
>>17023495 what country europoor here- i'm 190 and i want to be taller for i have at least 5 friends taller than me

21 hours later 17028768 Anonymous
>>17028726 >>17028726 lost it

22 hours later 17030177 Anonymous (rage.jpg 1881x1565 202kB)
prepare to rage. This happened today. >Be at Target not too far from where I live. >I am walking out, just picked up some vidjas. >I see a guy who looked like he was in his 30s limping into one of the scooters. >Here comes hamplanet woddling into the store >Locks in on the scooter, it is the last one. >TFW you eat a fat person's twinky >Immediately goes up to the bald guy and says she has a condition and needs the scooter. >Man says he needs it just as bad, this only infuriated the blimp even more. >Starts arguing that she cannot walk because she has a heart condition and bad knees. >They fight back and forth, and the bald guy looks like he is about to tear up. >My jaw dropped when I saw him lift up his left jean leg and I saw a metal prosthetic. He said he was a marine who just got out of rehab and it still hurts to walk. >MFW heartless fat bastard just gives a pissy looks and walk away. >I walked over and thanked him for his service. >I dont want to live on this planet anymore.jpg

22 hours later 17030342 Anonymous
>>17030177 >I walked over and thanked him for his service. Good man.

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