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2012-09-14 12:37 425019628 Anonymous (wefwefwefqf.png 1024x498 185kB)
alright /b/ i need some fuking help i broke up with my ex-gf like 7 months ago, and seriously didnt give a shit about girls for quite a while. But for fucks sake's i went back being a total beta i cant even initiate a conversation this just happent: >finish a class >take the bus to go home > reeeeaaally cute girl and 2 guys (who looked like friends, and pretty sure none was a bf) take the same bus >girl stands by my side >i was listening to music on my headphones >first male friend gets off the bus >second male friend get off the bus > thankgod.jpg >nervous as fuck, cant even think about something to say >fuck me, ill write my name and phone on a piece of paper and tell her she dropped it when she gets off >fuckmeimbetaasfuck.jpg >walk of shame to my house inb4 underage inb4 virgin inb4 op is a faggot well, not quite sure about that right now help me out /b/ help me not rationalize every fucking thought i have so i quit being this beta

6 min later 425020709 Anonymous
bumping for help

9 min later 425021052 Anonymous
OP, I...

13 min later 425021676 Anonymous
chump-ass nigga. Try online dating. Don't say the usual stuff like "you're cute" or something when emailing or anything, say something like "I just found out Pluto wasn't a planet anymore. Pretty broken up about it. What do I do?" Just get a conversation going. Getting to know her comes later, if you want to. It's easy, faggot.

18 min later 425022524 Anonymous
>>425021676 i know i just need to man up and just say the stupides thing my mind can think of to just get the conversation going. But my mind keeps rationalizing every thought i have and i end up pussing out, and hating myself for that.

21 min later 425022969 Anonymous (betamax.jpg 575x505 217kB)
I'll just leave this here.

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