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2012-09-14 12:32 425018721 Anonymous (lulz.jpg 400x300 76kB)
(5:09:59 PM) smith00: Pornstar Reqium (5:18:32 PM) GlowingStar: huh? (5:19:26 PM) smith00: lol (5:19:35 PM) GlowingStar: lol (5:19:55 PM) smith00: how was it funny to you? (5:20:11 PM) GlowingStar: you wouldnt get it (5:20:36 PM) smith00: i would, since i said it... (5:20:44 PM) smith00: dumb blonde, tell me! (5:21:11 PM) GlowingStar: you would get what im laughing at without knowing what im laughing at? how does that make sense u fat fuck faggot? (5:23:37 PM) smith00: LOL, listen here. You're a slutty blonde girl who makes her money showing her boobs to people over the internet. YEAH, that's a job to be proud of! ...go back to school. (5:23:53 PM) smith00: You're in no position to call me any names due to your current position. (5:24:24 PM) smith00: And no, I don't understand why "Pornstar Reqium" is funny to you. You'd best explain sweet heart. (5:27:52 PM) GlowingStar: and yet.. i just did (5:28:45 PM) smith00: So why was "Pornstar Requium' funny to you? (5:28:52 PM) smith00: *"Pornstar Reqium" (5:29:09 PM) GlowingStar: its not (5:29:15 PM) smith00: then why'd you laugh? (5:29:22 PM) smith00: were you just trying to fit in?

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