4chan archive /b/ (index)
2012-09-14 12:27 425018037 Anonymous (fuck.png 419x446 212kB)
i am done with facebook, this puke was on my wall. >this is not for likes

4 min later 425018606 Anonymous
The fact you even liked that group (or any group on facebook, for that matter, that isn't a business related item/brand) means you should really step back and evaluate your life, friend....

5 min later 425018817 Anonymous (watdog.png 504x549 34kB)
this is now a things-that-make-you-mad-on-facebook thread also, never like any page unless it's something that you can actually like, such as sex or coca cola or football

6 min later 425018887 Anonymous
>>425018606 It's shows if any of your friends like it. But of course we cannot know if OP is indeed a huge faggot.

6 min later 425018975 Anonymous

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