4chan archive /b/ (index)
2012-09-05 09:53 423429407 Anonymous (3233.png 523x359 246kB)
Okay, A few things: First, Bobby Jindal showed his birth certificate back in 2011. Second, you don't need the word at. Third, why the fuck would Obama care about anything Jindal does?

2 min later 423429797 Anonymous
>>423429407 Because that is a transcript of an actual conversation... >OP can barely type with all the dicks in his face

7 min later 423430402 Anonymous
>>423429797 No its not >Anon can barely think with all the jenkem in his system

10 min later 423430910 Anonymous
>>423430402 It is, you can see them talking >OP confirmed for juggalo faggot

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