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2019-06-12 01:40 21003278 Anonymous what will you do if you were beating your meat to Nicki Minaj than you saw her after an hour (1417626213_nicki-minaj-powerhouse-zoom.jpg 1042x1500 675kB)

4 min later 21003285 Anonymous
>>21003278 I would go up to her and tell her that I just fapped to her, and then I would grab her ass and demand that she have sex with me

8 min later 21003293 Anonymous
>>21003285 She would laugh to your face and ask security to beat your gross ass

9 min later 21003297 Anonymous
Also threaten to hurt her family and punch her in the face if she doesn’t comply with your demand

11 min later 21003299 Anonymous
>>21003293 No she wouldn’t because I would punch her in the face and knock her out cold if she doesn’t comply

14 min later 21003307 Anonymous (869C51C7-41B8-4F3B-AF82-D603C4DCB026.jpg 662x600 56kB)
>>21003297 No joke, this is how you would look when you try to “threaten her family” even in this fictional situation...

18 min later 21003319 Anonymous
>>21003307 I don’t care. I would just knock her out and have sex with her while she’s unconscious

24 min later 21003330 Anonymous
>>21003319 What ever you say champ, I bet you would also “demand” POTUS to give you the presidency and all of his money

34 min later 21003344 Anonymous
>>21003319 before you have sex with her ask her for a penis surgery it would not fet her ass at normal size

34 min later 21003345 Anonymous
>>21003330 Bernie Sanders is the president so no I wouldn’t

37 min later 21003353 Anonymous
>>21003344 I would put my foot up her ass and not my penis

40 min later 21003365 Anonymous
>>21003353 damn

45 min later 21003372 Anonymous
>>21003278 Did this happen to you

47 min later 21003379 Anonymous
>>21003372 No, i hate fire hydrants and traffic lights

48 min later 21003383 Anonymous
>>21003372 no

52 min later 21003388 Anonymous
>>21003383 Yes

54 min later 21003393 Anonymous (68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f69366a4e78425a35494d587179513d3d2d3236353330373732362e313435343539643235633031303361362.gif 500x275 1734kB)
>>21003388 yeah

56 min later 21003396 Anonymous
>>21003393 This is the 15th time it’s happened to me

57 min later 21003398 Anonymous
>>21003396 you are a true gamer

58 min later 21003403 Anonymous
>>21003398 I play alot of Fortnite

1 hours later 21003418 Anonymous (maxresdefault.jpg 1280x720 116kB)

1 hours later 21003422 Anonymous
>>21003353 Settle down Red

1 hours later 21003476 Anonymous
>>21003422 I would also chokeslam her onto the sidewalk and then stomp on her nutsack

1 hours later 21003480 Anonymous
>>21003476 dude chill why would you do that

1 hours later 21003489 Anonymous
>>21003480 Because I feel like it. I would also siphon all the gas out of her car and then shove it up her ass

1 hours later 21003498 Anonymous
>>21003489 you monster her ass is so big already

1 hours later 21003502 Anonymous
>>21003498 Id shove her ass up her ass too

1 hours later 21003531 Anonymous (D80Lm20W4AAfSlb.jpg 640x463 50kB)

1 hours later 21003536 Anonymous
I would pay all the security guards $5 each to let me punch her in the face and then throw her through a glass window before forcing her to have sex with me in the middle of the street

1 hours later 21003543 Anonymous (D2QQDarXcAAZyIr.jpg 323x323 13kB)

1 hours later 21003547 Anonymous (1538275062966.png 400x250 153kB)
>>21003536 This guy knows how to have a good time.

1 hours later 21003556 Anonymous
>>21003543 I also want to run her over in my car and then use her as a hood ornament

1 hours later 21003559 Anonymous
>>21003556 But before that, I would force her to steal a car and run over fire hydrants and street signs

1 hours later 21003563 Anonymous
>>21003559 ask her to play Minecraft too

1 hours later 21003570 Anonymous
>>21003563 I’ll demand that she plays Minecraft while driving, and I’ll also give her 8 hits of LSD, 8 oz of mushrooms, and 8 pot brownies

1 hours later 21003578 Anonymous (1559457209479.jpg 2000x3000 1257kB)
>>21003570 what do you think about her

1 hours later 21003581 Anonymous
>>21003578 Id give her 13 hits of LSD instead of 8

1 hours later 21003582 Anonymous
>>21003581 why 13

1 hours later 21003584 Anonymous
>>21003578 Is that president Obama??

1 hours later 21003588 Anonymous
>>21003584 no, I'm white

1 hours later 21003592 Anonymous
>>21003582 Because i hate fire hydrants

2 hours later 21003622 Anonymous (D7P07NLVsAAkYmS.jpg 679x382 51kB)

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