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2018-03-04 02:15 19320351 Anonymous (dzzf1o9ijof01.jpg 2048x1536 465kB)
There is this guy I've been friends with my entire life. To say hes not my best friend would be a lie. But over the past few years, i think weve changed alot. I got into drugs around the time I was 18. He went to college. Now we're 25 and my life is significantly better than his. For starters, Im living on my own and make about $8 an hour more than him, despite not going to college and getting fucked up for years. He's married to this obese landwhale feminist type that runs his life. He smokes alot of weed and treats it like a 16 year old would, his wife has rules and only lets him smoke a few times a week. I'm pretty sure hes into weird mommy porn, i know he gets dominated with his wifes dildo and she fucks him in the ass. He keeps wanting me to do psychedelics with him and its annoying because I dont really want to trip with him too much, I did once and it was a good time but hes just weird. He has thousands and thousands of action figures all over his house and he talks about them like theyre his children. I dont know, I just feel like this guy is very sheltered, immature, and inexperienced at life, and it makes me cringe. I live about 45 mins away from him so I dont have to see him more than once or twice a month. But all he does when we hang out is sits around and talks about how "Were living in an age of 80s nostalgia, when will the age of 90s nostalgia begin?" and he watches bs film theory on youtube. He has a weak belief structure and outlook on life, honestly im just very disappointed. I think cutting off the friendship would be way too far and inappropriate, and I still think hes a good friend at heart, but this shit drives me nuts. I cannot stand this generation, no one grows, everyone reached a certain maturity level after highschool and will stay their. I dont know. I'm just frustrated with life, what can I do to distance myself?

12 min later 19320392 Anonymous
I mean, I go to raves and try to meet women and have a fairly normal life, he sits home and plays action figures and gets ass fucked by his wife, whose only the 2nd girl he was ever with that he just settled for. He just does not have similar ideals to me

19 min later 19320424 Anonymous
He seems pathetic.

25 min later 19320449 Anonymous
>>19320351 I imagine he felt the same about you when you were an eighteen year old druggie. I wouldn't say your life is better than his either, maybe hes happy with it and his fat wife who fucks him in the ass. Are you happy though? Does living alone and making $8 more than the person you call your friend make you happy? Honestly you just sound like a judgemental, self centered person and shitty friend.

33 min later 19320475 Anonymous
>>19320449 I've actually been pretty conscious about this and tried to avoid it but I can't help how I feel. To me, it isnt him thats the problem, hes a microcosm of the entire generation for the most part, i'm trying to find people who challenge my belief but they are few and far between.

40 min later 19320502 Anonymous
>>19320475 You are what you claim to hate, moron. You got into drugs at 18 and now you're 25 and still do drugs and still go to raves. The only difference is you have a job and a place. You haven't matured since you were in high school, you're still doing the same while thinking you are above others. It's astounding to me how many people lack self awareness.

41 min later 19320509 Anonymous
>>19320449 also, hes in way more debt than me and makes significantly less, and his wife is a burden of debt too, she does not have health insurance and has health problems from being so obese. The only reason why she doesnt have health insurance is to be an edgy liberal and bitch about how fucked up health insurance is, she should have no problem getting it through my friends work. I dont see how this life would be desirable to mine whatsoever. I dont get laid a shit ton but Im extremely happy with my current situation after living with roommates for years, and ive been doing great at my job and working out a little too. These are like pro-fat movement neckbeards that listen to opera music if you want me to be honest.

43 min later 19320515 Anonymous
>>19320502 But ive grown as a person so much, i barely do drugs anymore, I got in trouble when I was younger. Ive signed up for anger management courses, saw a therapist for years, and started working out and trying to live a healthier lifestyle. The amount of drugs used to be every weekend if not more, not it is saved for a couple times a year at select festivals. To say I haven't grown is ridiculous, and if anything hes regressed.

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