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2018-03-04 01:13 19320196 Anonymous How to deal with stalker? (97859060-f60c-0132-f3f2-0e18518aac2f.gif 500x300 1743kB)
I have a female stalker and I need a plan, SOON! >be chad >have chick for few weeks, seen only 3-4 times >she was really intense and kinda weird >avoid new appointments, also seeing this new girl >she keeps trying hard >I tell her straight I don't want contact anymore >she gives no fucks and still wants to see me >tells me she loves me >lots of texts and incoming calls >completely ignore her (yet hadn't blocked) >couple of weeks pass >looking for some personal items at home, can't find them anywhere. weird.. >later, looking for some other personal stuff, also gone, weird.. >today it has hit me. what if this chick has entered my house?? >look on board with keys and spare key is gone! >***CHILLS*** Staying with a friend tonight. I'm getting my lock changed first thing in the morning and buffing up the security Then I think police I'm just not sure if they'll actually take this seriously ... What do?

4 min later 19320206 Anonymous
Had an Irish girl fly halfway around the World to Hawaii looking for me after texting for three days...

5 min later 19320210 Anonymous
>>19320196 you are dead man. police wont believe you and one day she will come into your house and cut your dick off

3 hours later 19320761 Anonymous
Confront her in a public duel

8 hours later 19321633 Anonymous
>>19320196 Go to the police

10 hours later 19321761 Anonymous
>really intense what do you mean?

10 hours later 19321822 Anonymous
>>19320206 How did that go down ? Do tell ...

10 hours later 19321827 Anonymous
>>19320196 Where are you located ?

10 hours later 19321831 Anonymous
You can‘t keep her off by force. You need to get her to the point where she WANTS to be as far away from you as possible. Start dating her and then do everything you can imagine to make her hate you.

10 hours later 19321833 Anonymous
>>19320196 What is missing? I don't know if you need this police. Maybe you need to sit down with this girl and be honest. It's a big jump from a relationship that's not going anywhere to your states equivalent of breaking and entering/theft. Also she has a theoretical defense that you gave her the key as a girlfriend she lawfully entered your domicile. Unless whatever was taken is of value and she is about to murder you, then the kinder gentler route would be just to face this head on. You don't have a lot of proof that you didn't just misplace shit or someone random broke in. By all means, change the locks and perhaps put your spare keys in a less obvious spot in the future

10 hours later 19321835 Anonymous
>>19320196 >>19321633 What other anon said. Get the cops in on this, like YESTERDAY. If nothing else you can report the thefts, but in most places stalking to this degree is a criminal offense. Consult this Wikipedia article on the matter to see what help you can get from your local law enforcement. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stalk ing#Laws_on_harassment_and_stalking

10 hours later 19321839 Anonymous
>>19320206 I wish I had money to go to Hawaii... although not to see you anon unless you got a free mansion to stay there.

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