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2012-09-16 09:17 14079691 Danuis Vaults (vaulttt.png 425x356 420kB)
Dear gods the vaults in the fallout series make me sad. I know that game considerations basically means we can't have 1000 man vaults, but a damn map of them one day might be enough, or even something akin to doom. Hell, has anyone made a map of a 1000 man vault? Agree, disagree?

43 min later 14081387 Anonymous
Yeah, I was sorely disappointed by how small the vaults were in the last fallout games. On the other hand, I imagine that a single vault would have enough potential content for its own stand alone game. A 1000 unique NPC's each with their own stories and dialogue would be an obscene undertaking.

2 hours later 14085917 Anonymous
In the original games I'm pretty sure that every vault had an elevator, so maybe they did have a shitload of rooms, but you couldn't get to them Also think that only ritch americans could get in the vaults (if I remember right) and there is a shitload of vaults, so it makes sense not to have a 1000 man vault

9 hours later 14103275 Danuis
>>14081387 Ever played doom 3? Imagine a scenario like that across a single base. Especially if the guys who make the game can give it a REALLY good vault tech social experiment to boot.

9 hours later 14103406 Danuis
>>14085917 Fallout 1 and 2 did have the elevators, and made it more of "suspension of belief" than "HERESTHE WHOLE VAULT OOPS IT ONLY HAS 30 PEOPLE" The vaults were given to random americans. Richer and more valuable people made their own or went to the enclave. The vaults were for social experiments for the enclave's grand idea of a spaceship, then that failed, like everything else.

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