4chan archive /vg/ (index)
2012-09-06 01:59 13385425 Anonymous Steam Trading (Steam-logo.png 300x300 29kB)
No begging, No jewishness, No bullshit. Leave your fucking ID in the form of a URL. state the games you have and the games you want and
Resident Evil 5
Dead Space 2
Assassin's Creed 2
Half Life 1: Source
Breath Of Fire
Just Cause 2
Cthulhu Saves The Day
2X Portal 2 Coupons
Steam Community Beta for some reason.
wishlist. please feel free to add me if you want to discuss an offer any further.
1 min later 13385547 Anonymous
Serious Sam: The Second Encounter
please add me, I will be AFK for a bit.
2 hours later 13395583 Anonymous
[W] Offers, pretty much anything
3 hours later 13396352 Anonymous
Portal 2 coupon?
3 hours later 13397820 Anonymous (gaems.png 532x335 84kB)
Looking to get Killing Floor, Garry's Mod and STALKER CoP, any offers?
3 hours later 13397947 Anonymous
Also, I'm open to other offers as well, as long as they're games, don't want no coupons or hats here.
Speaking of hats though, I have a lot I'd also be willing to trade for those games.
3 hours later 13398102 Anonymous
Assassin's Creed 2 Deluxe for Sonic and Prince Of Persia?
3 hours later 13398168 Anonymous
Sorry, already got the game. I'm mainly trying to get Killing Floor as a gift for my friend, but I'm not having much luck.
3 hours later 13398196 Anonymous
EDGE for portal?
3 hours later 13398346 Anonymous
alright that's cool man. good luck finding Killing Floor!
3 hours later 13398394 Anonymous
Thanks man! Gonna try out a tf2 trade server since both /v/ and /vg/ seem pretty dead for trading right now.
Sorry man, that's already been sent to a person, just waiting for them to accept the game.
4 hours later 13398941 Anonymous
Want: Dota 2 Key
In Return: Any Game $5 and under
4 hours later 13399307 Anonymous
i'm buying a dota2 unusual drodo, smeevil, skippy the frog or speed demon
im offering:
Splinter Cell Conviction™ Deluxe Edition, Dead Space, Dead Space 2, QUAKE, Torchlight and Alice: Madness Returns (al of these)
add me:
4 hours later 13400081 Anonymous
[H] http://steamcommunity.com/id/gunnarking/inventory
Magicka Complete + All the Stars DLC
Revelations 2012
Guns of Icarus
Oddworld Pack (2 games)
TF2 Inventory for .50 per ref.
Land to Sea Bundle Amazon
WTF Bundle Amazon
Add me.
6 hours later 13404910 http://steamcommunity.com/id/DAZZ192/
Dark Messiah Might and Magic Complete
Dota 2 SEA (Australia, New Zealand, South East Asia)
The Ship 2 Complete Pack
Half Life 2
Gotham City Impostors Premium Card Pack 2
Nexuwiz 75% off everything coupon
Splinter Cell Conviction 3rd Echelon Map Code (xbox & PC)
300+ TF2 items, weapons, genuine,
Mainly game offers, add me to discuss, DONT post on 4chan as i will most likely miss it :/
6 hours later 13405730 Anonymous
Have TF2 Keys
Want Orange Box
Post here how many keys you want.
8 hours later 13410102 Anonymous
I have a Huntsman
Can I have Borderlands 2 pls
8 hours later 13410406 Anonymous (1304763809197.jpg 593x834 170kB)
Anything you want from Steam store
TF2 items, keys, bill's, buds, genuine items of value and so on, Dota2 items welcome too
Currently in my inventory:
Price of Persia 2008
Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands
Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
Red Faction Guerrilla
8 hours later 13410718 Anonymous
Waveform + Dlc
some crappy common Dota2 Items
Gundemonium Collection
eXceed Complete Pack
9 hours later 13411461 Anonymous
Steam key for Super Meat Boy, Braid and Lone Survivor (1 key, 3 games)
Also CS:S
Stuff. Orcs must die would be lovely.
9 hours later 13411498 Anonymous
What's the rough USD value on refined metal from TF2? Last I checked it was worth about $0.80 per refined for the purposes of trading outside TF2.
9 hours later 13411619 Anonymous
0.30$ - 0.50$
Refer to SourceOP, tf2outpost and tf2trader.
9 hours later 13411663 Anonymous
backpack.tf has an accurate calculator for backpacks
12 hours later 13418042 Anonymous
[H] Game of Thrones Bundle
[W] Arma II CO
12 hours later 13418168 Anonymous
[H] Alan Wake Franchise and Dota 2 stranges
[W] Dark Souls or Paypal
14 hours later 13423236 Anonymous (1340842500378.png 550x422 261kB)
Have a bundle 3 with all the bundle 2 gift code
also I have War of the Roses Beta key, it give you acces to the steam code
also a Humble Introversion Bundle but that one dont have the 2 extra games
all are codes
Want keys for Dota or Offer
the bundle is a tons of game all come together, reply here first please
14 hours later 13423265 http://steamcommunity.com/id/Woody4life237/
Nuclear Dawn
World of Goo
Binding of Issac
Frozen Synapse Complete
Dear Esther
E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy x 2
Orcs Must Die + 2 DLC
The Wonderful End of the World
Renegade Op
Just Cause 2
Community Beta x 3
Portal 75% off x 2
Metric Shit tonne of TF2 Stuff
Orcs must Die 2
Borderlands 2
TF2 Stuff, especially Strange
14 hours later 13423793 Anonymous
Strange Scattergun, Strange Powerjack, Strange Frontier Justice, both Strange Chargin' Targe, Strange Scottish Resistance, Strange Flamethrower and Strange Flaregun for Garry's?
14 hours later 13423906 Anonymous
looking for Tf2 Steam pass
i want a premium account can give items either for tf2 or d2
15 hours later 13424186 Anonymous
here is my ID add meif you want the games or talk me here
15 hours later 13424396 Anonymous (Picture of me 6.png 480x480 285kB)
[H] New Vegas
[W] Offers from non retards.
16 hours later 13426132 Anonymous
[HAVE] Bioshock 1 & 2
[WANT] I dunno, anything? A copy of Sword & Sworcery EP while it's still $4?
16 hours later 13426265 http://steamcommunity.com/id/anacoluthon9
Arcania: Gothic 4
HL2 Episode 1
War of the Roses beta key
all i want is CS:GO :(
16 hours later 13426272 Anonymous
Cthulhu Saves the Day for it?
16 hours later 13426301 Anonymous
Shit man, I didn't see your post. I traded away a few of those stranges, but I'm sure we can still make a deal. Add me and we'll figure something out.
I could give you Binding of Isaac or some TF2 items for them?
16 hours later 13426574 Anonymous
Already have it, unfortunately, sorry.
16 hours later 13426602 Anonymous
Have BoI and no interest in TF2, either. Sorry!
16 hours later 13426632 Anonymous
how about my offer?
16 hours later 13426871 Anonymous
Whoops, I >>'d the wrong post above.
Was me saying I had that.
16 hours later 13426949 Anonymous
oh right no problem dude. i can also offer you Breath of Fire if you'd like
16 hours later 13427001 Anonymous
interested in Waveform + Dlc?
16 hours later 13427004 Anonymous
Breath Of Death* my bad
16 hours later 13427240 Anonymous
Naw I got both of them way back.
After taking a look, not so much. I guess I should probably post a more specific list of wants, huh.
I guess if anyone had Dustforce I'd be all OVER that trade.
16 hours later 13427330 Anonymous
shit on pic
Stuff from my wishlist. no keys, betas or tf2 items please!
feel free to add me,
16 hours later 13427338 Anonymous
okay, if you change your mind hit me up, I've been trying to get my hands on a copy of Bioshock for quite some time
16 hours later 13427352 Anonymous (Picture 13.png 881x516 154kB)
forgot the pic. always do.
16 hours later 13427549 Anonymous
[H]Black Ops2
[W]40 keys
16 hours later 13427824 Anonymous
Portal 2
Civ 5
Tower Wars
16 hours later 13428218 Anonymous (gaems.png 543x333 102kB)
Here, updating my image with some new stuff I got. Still looking for Killing Floor, Garry's Mod and STALKER CoP as well as offers. Also check my bag for tf2 items you may want.
16 hours later 13428467 Anonymous
im not sure if i've already made you an offer, but Assassin's Creed 2 deluxe for Sonic and Just Cause?
17 hours later 13428675 Anonymous
Sorry, I've already got AssCreed2
17 hours later 13429826 Anonymous
I have Killing Floor for Sonic
17 hours later 13430083 Anonymous
Sorry man, Sanic is 30 bucks and Killing Floor regularly goes on sale for less than 10. I'm trying to get it for a friend.
18 hours later 13431548 Anonymous (SteamInventory.jpg 909x538 61kB)
Have: See picture. The two others with no image are Carpe Fulgur Collections
Want: Offers
18 hours later 13431591 Anonymous (Capture.png 541x340 123kB)
I want your STALKER Bundle, do you see anything here that you'd like?
18 hours later 13431629 Anonymous
again. I also want your Recettear, didn't notice it before.
18 hours later 13431738 Anonymous
Not much, I know. But if anyone wants to do this, you know what to do.
18 hours later 13432375 Anonymous
guess this guy doesn't want to trade...
18 hours later 13432497 Anonymous
Hmm...Nothing there really interests me to be honest, sorry to say.
18 hours later 13432575 Anonymous
Trine 2 wasn't really my kind of game, sorry, and already have a Torchlight as you can see, hehe.
18 hours later 13432618 Anonymous
ok, cool
18 hours later 13432652 Anonymous
I have earbuds. Want to do a trade?
18 hours later 13432869 Anonymous
what do you want in the store?
18 hours later 13433029 Anonymous
[H] Alan Wake Franchise
[W] Offers, looking mostly for killing floor
18 hours later 13433068 Anonymous
Sleeping Dogs?
18 hours later 13433186 Anonymous
The best I can do is Super meat boy
18 hours later 13433281 Anonymous
Alright, well then no.
18 hours later 13433428 Anonymous (anthony fantano thinks about pineappleboyfilms.jpg 247x248 7kB)
18 hours later 13434049 Anonymous
I'm pissing in the wind with this offer since you didnt say what you want.
I'll give GTA Complete Collection and Mount & Blade Collection for your STALKER Bundle and Carpe Fulgur Collection
19 hours later 13434648 http://steamcommunity.com/id/Woody4life237/
Want anything for Orcs?
Nuclear Dawn
World of Goo
Binding of Issac
Frozen Synapse Complete
Dear Esther
E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy x 2
Orcs Must Die + 2 DLC
The Wonderful End of the World
Renegade Op
Just Cause 2
Community Beta x 3
Portal 75% off x 2
Metric Shit tonne of TF2 Stuff
19 hours later 13434823 Anonymous
Might want to remove Terraria, Wonderful End of the World, World of Goo and Just Cause 2 from that list, you traded them to me.
19 hours later 13435185 Anonymous
I got the GTA collection during the summer sale, however maybe Mount & Blade collection for Carpe Fulgur Collection?
19 hours later 13435346 AY GURL Left 4 dead custom music
I'm trying to get the music from this video onto my witch music, I have the files but I can only get the second song to work, the first one won't trigger, do you know how I would do that? This video: http://youtu.be/Wc8r4vnz_BM
19 hours later 13435365 http://steamcommunity.com/id/Woody4life237/
So I did!
19 hours later 13435429 http://steamcommunity.com/id/Woody4life237/
Want anything for Orcs?
Nuclear Dawn
Binding of Issac
Frozen Synapse Complete
Dear Esther
E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy x 2
Orcs Must Die + 2 DLC
Renegade Op
Community Beta x 3
Portal 75% off x 2
Metric Shit tonne of TF2 Stuff
19 hours later 13435582 Anonymous
have dota 2 x2, nuclear dawn x2, earbuds, bill's
want some gaymes or diablo 3 gold
19 hours later 13435594 Anonymous
Nothing of interest there, sorry. Don't play TF2 so items from there are useless for me.
19 hours later 13435784 Anonymous
Ya alright, Would have been nice for both bundles.
ID: outerfox
Profile Name: Coyote
19 hours later 13436357 Anonymous
Have: Torchlight, Waveform + dlc
Want: Operation Arrowhead (will give both games), eXceed Bundle (would give Torchlight), Xceed 2nd or 3rd (would give Waveform with DLC)
Both of my games for your RE5
19 hours later 13437580 Anonymous
20 hours later 13438389 Anonymous (1342777719317.jpg 399x479 21kB)
I wish there was an id system in place on /vg/ similar to the one on /b/.
This was my one and only post int his thread, which I am bumping now.
20 hours later 13439637 Anonymous
please guys, I really want to trade these games. ;~;
20 hours later 13439824 Anonymous
I'll take them, but the best I could give you is like Binding of Isaac
20 hours later 13440000 Anonymous
Dota 2
Nothing, but tell me a game you want and maybe I can buy it.
20 hours later 13440138 Anonymous
have torchlight 1, want some game
20 hours later 13440212 Anonymous
[H]Shit ton of Tf2 crap and 75% off portal 2
[W] Space Chem
20 hours later 13440248 Anonymous
Add me
21 hours later 13441374 Anonymous
Bumping this again.
21 hours later 13442731 Anonymous
[H] Sanctum
[W] Battlefront 2 or offers
21 hours later 13443495 Anonymous
21 hours later 13444512 Anonymous
H: Dragon Age Origins Ultimate, Splinter Cell Conviction
W: offers
22 hours later 13444905 Anonymous
75% off Portal 2
75% off Trine 2
Planetside 2 beta key
22 hours later 13445809 Anonymous
22 hours later 13446372 Anonymous
War of the Roses beta code
DUST 514 playstation code
steam id: Quentin Tarantula
22 hours later 13447570 Anonymous (Capture.png 573x347 130kB)
Any offers?
23 hours later 13449892 Anonymous
anything for EDGE?
23 hours later 13449967 Anonymous
Best I could give you would be Super MNC, I've already got EDGE and it's a hard one to trade away. Unless you wanted some tf2 items or something?
23 hours later 13450092 Anonymous (steamtrading.png 1034x797 420kB)
Anyone see anything they're interested in?
23 hours later 13450191 Anonymous
Would you trade any of those games for Binding of Isaac or World of Goo?
23 hours later 13450224 Anonymous (1325173375610.jpg 300x261 27kB)
>Best I could give you would be a f2p game
23 hours later 13450238 Anonymous
hate to sound like a retard, but isn't super mnc free to play?
23 hours later 13450509 Anonymous
Hey, it's an item in my inventory and EDGE is hard to even give away, I've had it before.
23 hours later 13451336 Anonymous
Got both already, sorry.
25 hours later 13455986 Anonymous
Resident Evil 5
Dead Space 2
Assassin's Creed 2
Half Life 1: Source
Breath Of Fire
Just Cause 2
Cthulhu Saves The Day
2X Portal 2 Coupons
Steam Community Beta for some reason.
wishlist. please feel free to add me if you want to discuss an offer any further.
25 hours later 13456050 Anonymous
What do you want for resident evil 5
25 hours later 13456629 Anonymous
man, i don't know. something amazing though because i actually kinda want to keep it. i will trade it if you give me an insane offer but that's probably not going to happen.
25 hours later 13458039 Anonymous
Yeah, it's twenty bucks, I'll just get it.
25 hours later 13458231 Anonymous
Fortix for Dragon Age.
25 hours later 13458264 Anonymous
probably a better idea. enjoy it!
25 hours later 13458431 Anonymous
trading entire steam inventory for 1 dota 2 key for my friend
25 hours later 13458434 Anonymous
Giving 12 TF2 keys for Torchlight 2 pre-order
Reply with id if interested.
25 hours later 13458524 Anonymous
http://steamcommunity.com/id/wehavestolenhisskin/inventory/ - all of this bullshit
Dota 2
have as much inventory as you want
have your way with me /v/
26 hours later 13459281 Anonymous
26 hours later 13459771 Anonymous
Check out my inventory in tf2 or anything else.
26 hours later 13460529 Anonymous
want : orcs must die 2 DLC
have: keys and tf2 shit
26 hours later 13460829 Anonymous (all i have.jpg 903x687 98kB)
Have: Nation Red
Beta access to new Steam Community.
-50% Any Saints Row: The Third DLC
Will give it ALL for CS:GO
i know i would still make the better deal here but it's all i have
26 hours later 13461850 Anonymous
bumping this
26 hours later 13462248 Anonymous
27 hours later 13463135 Anonymous
i lol'd
27 hours later 13463827 Anonymous
Trine 2
Nuclear Dawn
Garry's Mod
27 hours later 13463958 Anonymous
Have: Hats, Strange and vintage weapons
-Garry's mod
-Half-Life 2: Episode 2
-Fallout 3
28 hours later 13465891 Anonymous
I'm here. Add me for offers.
29 hours later 13469523 Anonymous
Does anyone have the Crysis Collection (or is willing to buy it)? i can trade Assassin's Creed 2 deluxe or Dead Space 2 for it.
29 hours later 13470634 Anonymous
Trading Magicka for a bag of sand. Or something.
29 hours later 13470742 Anonymous
Would you take some tf2 weapons?
29 hours later 13470792 Anonymous (1343770507931.jpg 270x250 10kB)
I would if I played the game.
29 hours later 13471038 Anonymous
not the same anon, but why the fuck do people have to be such dicks when someone makes them an offer they don't want? i mean fuck! just say "no thank you, have a good day" or something.
29 hours later 13471250 Anonymous
I don't mean to come off as a dick. I meant exactly what I said.
29 hours later 13471380 Anonymous
well ok fair enough, but it's not the first time i've seen it. some anon started calling me an asshole and a time waster simply because i had Left 4 Dead 2 on my wishlist from a while ago, no longer wanted it and forgot to remove it. i mean really? what the fuck man you act as if i just raped your mother or something...
29 hours later 13471839 nux
First post on these threads.
Am poor. Want to play GuildWars2.
STEAM; Nucted
Thanks. :D
29 hours later 13471903 Anonymous
Not a begging thread, fuck off tripfag
29 hours later 13472017 Anonymous
Read the goddamn OP. 3rd and 4th words.
30 hours later 13472718 Anonymous (g78df6.jpg 920x559 63kB)
Have: See picture
Want: Offers
30 hours later 13472878 Anonymous
I want your Recettear, would you take TF2 hats for it?
30 hours later 13472970 Anonymous
Sorry, I don't play TF2 nor have any interest in it, so no thank you.
30 hours later 13473016 Anonymous
Alright, how about Prince of Persia or World of Goo?
30 hours later 13473180 Anonymous
what can i get for borderlands goty?
30 hours later 13473185 Anonymous
Naaah, I'll pass.
32 hours later 13479786 Anonymous
[H] Torchlight 1
[W] Trine Collection or offers
any takers?
33 hours later 13482023 Anonymous
bumping once again
36 hours later 13489013 Anonymous
40 hours later 13496171 Anonymous
Portal 2
Civ 5
Tower Wars
40 hours later 13496635 Anonymous
>Have these gifts
Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition x2
Waveform + DLC
>Have these keys
Rig 'N Roll
Space Rangers
Reign: Conflicts of Nations
Theatre of War 2: Africa 1943
Death to Spies & Death to Spies: Moment of Truth (2 games)
King's Bounty: Armored Princess
UFO: Afterlight
Star Wolves
Sideway New York
The Ball
Nikopol: Secrets of the Immortals
Kaptain Brawe: A Brawe New World
Metal Drift
Guns of Icarus
Revelations 2012
Zero Gear
Looking for TF2 keys, TF2 itesm (Earbuds, Bill's), Sacred Gold, Dwarfs, Analogue keys or other games I don't have or offers.
40 hours later 13498101 Anonymous (Picture 14.png 885x506 154kB)
this shit on the pic
Crysis Collection.
42 hours later 13501639 Anonymous (Clipboard01.jpg 356x565 95kB)
Have Dota2 steam gift
want an offer I cannot refuse
tf2 items are welcome, games are cool too
42 hours later 13502142 Anonymous
what game would u want
42 hours later 13502249 Anonymous
Idk really can't name one off the top off my head, post your ID so I can add you and we talk
42 hours later 13502313 Anonymous
posted in email field
42 hours later 13502796 Steam ID : StrongDick Gorehammer
H: Rare Excavator's Treasure (designed) and some stuff too.
trading for other dota 2 stuff.
42 hours later 13503381 Anonymous (1342194737781.png 1000x1029 371kB)
Hunted the Demons Forge
Dark Souls
Sins of a Solar Empire - Rebellion
Magic 2013
The Walking Dead
Borderlands 2
Game of Thrones (RPG)
42 hours later 13503415 Anonymous (sat.jpg 300x400 8kB)
43 hours later 13504512 Anonymous
I'm still trying to unload Magicka for a bag of rocks.
43 hours later 13504529 Anonymous
i can give you Cthulhu saves the day. best i can do.
44 hours later 13506614 Anonymous
44 hours later 13506679 Anonymous (3f.jpg 1614x1640 544kB)
Just going to say I have scammed at least 13 people this month without any actual effort on /vg/
I am glad the cancerous reddit faggots have taken over 4chan because I do enjoy scamming you.
44 hours later 13506769 Anonymous
>paying for a membership to a SEKRIT CLUB that means nothing
>calls us stupid
Haha okay
44 hours later 13506960 Anonymous
So what are you going to do with all those Bad Rats?
44 hours later 13507035 http://steamcommunity.com/id/DrBluejacket
3x Nexuiz
Offers, preferably something good over LAN
44 hours later 13507974 Anonymous
You mean Mensa?
44 hours later 13508068 Anonymous
That's the one. 60 bucks a year for a little card that implies you're better than others. If you're smarter than 98% of the world, you don't need a piece of paper to tell you that.
44 hours later 13508739 Anonymous
Well you do need to pass the entry exam too, but you have a point. It would be useful to end arguments with friends about who is smarter though, you could literally play the Mensa card.
... And now I want to stat up the Mensa card for YGO and MtG. Damn.
45 hours later 13509023 Anonymous
[H] Portal 2, Bunch of dota 2 and tf2 items
[W] Alan Wake, Krater, offers
45 hours later 13509304 Anonymous
I can give you skyrim for sonic and JC2
45 hours later 13509854 Anonymous
Yeah, I guess I can do that, add me up.
46 hours later 13513125 Anonymous (Clipboard01.jpg 369x577 110kB)
Offers in tf2 items or dota2 items
46 hours later 13513317 Anonymous
A key and some hats?
46 hours later 13513319 Anonymous
Cladun x2
46 hours later 13513362 Anonymous
And what vidja might you have?
46 hours later 13513365 Anonymous
46 hours later 13513438 Anonymous
46 hours later 13514178 Anonymous
Fallout 3: GOTY
Cool vidja gaems
46 hours later 13514238 Anonymous
Anybody want Just Cause 2?.\ Make me an offer.
Just make sure not to offer me any game that isn't open world. My computer can't run JC2 too smoothly for that reason.
I'm looking for Civ V specifically, but I'll consider anything.
46 hours later 13514280 Anonymous
Ass Creed 2 for Crysis Collection? it's on sale for $17 now
46 hours later 13514367 Anonymous
>Just got game on sale
>Want £20 game
I shiggity diggity doo
46 hours later 13514440 Anonymous
I only bought it so I could add friends and shit.
46 hours later 13514713 Anonymous
I would prefer stragety gaems.
Just Putin that out there.
46 hours later 13514786 Anonymous
46 hours later 13514807 Anonymous
47 hours later 13515806 Anonymous
Cthulhu Saves The World for it? almost certain that will work on any computer running windows.
47 hours later 13516072 Anonymous
Dota 2
E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy
Dead Island
Killing Floor
Mirrors Edge
Fear Collection (Includes everything except 3)
Dungeon Defenders
Company of Heroes Complete
Portal 2
Galactic Civilization 2
Splinter Cell Convictions
47 hours later 13516254 Anonymous
Sure, it looks pretty good.
My steam name is Josef_Stylin
47 hours later 13516308 Anonymous
Last bump before I go to sleep in 15min.
47 hours later 13516376 Anonymous
can you add me? steam is giving me some problems right now.
47 hours later 13516493 Anonymous
Odd. It's not doing much for me either.
I had just accessed the friends page a moment ago.
47 hours later 13516580 Anonymous
i don't know what's going on. can't access through the website either.
47 hours later 13516698 Anonymous
it's working now but i can't find you...
47 hours later 13516953 Anonymous
Somewhat, would have to think about it.
47 hours later 13516954 Anonymous
I can trade for Terraria+GC2+Dota2+Splinter Cell
Prices together, considering past sales, it's a pretty fair trade on both sides.
47 hours later 13516982 Anonymous
I'll find you, don't worry.
I'm having troubles logging in.
47 hours later 13517586 Anonymous
47 hours later 13518109 Anonymous
Have: dota keys
Want: dota invite
hit a nigga up
48 hours later 13520707 Anonymous
I have two Tera code for a month each but don't know how to get ride of them.
Anyone know a site that allow the trade of such kind of good?
My Id is :
I'd get counterstrike I guess if I had the chance ( two months is 25€)
48 hours later 13521040 Anonymous (Capture.png 549x367 124kB)
What do you want for Killing Floor?
49 hours later 13523816 Anonymous
I want CS:GO. I've got Dota items, $7, Torchlight, and a Portal 2 coupon.
ID: august13th
49 hours later 13523858 Anonymous http://steamcommunity.com/id/plasticfir (1313407144765.gif 246x266 782kB)
[H] entire dota 2 inventory, i don't give a fuck about items, binding of isaac + expansion
[W] dota 2 invite
50 hours later 13526076 Anonymous
planetside 2 beta key
dota 2 beta key
50 hours later 13526207 Anonymous
anyone have an extra dota 2 invite for trade?
50 hours later 13526410 Anonymous (397003_10150487104383510_562453509_8657172_3a00273242_n.jpg 716x711 70kB)
I will give you ANY of my tf2 items for breath of fire, it was one of my favourite childhood games. Please.
50 hours later 13526667 Anonymous
50 hours later 13527013 Anonymous
Planetside 2 Beta Keys
CS:GO Beta
Dota 2 Beta
Dust 514 Beta Keys
various other beta keys
Crysis 2 on steam (10$)
Other steam games
50 hours later 13527069 Anonymous
You want another ps2 key for a dota2 key?
50 hours later 13527126 Anonymous
I'm still trying this.
50 hours later 13527183 Anonymous
whatcha want for a dota invite?
50 hours later 13527294 Anonymous
whatcha got or willin to offer?
50 hours later 13527439 Anonymous
i've got shit, tons of tf2 items and some dota 2 items all for trade
50 hours later 13527696 Anonymous
willin to take all of it for a dota 2 invite?
51 hours later 13528183 Anonymous
I've got a Portal 2 coupon. Any offers?
51 hours later 13529113 Anonymous
Deus Ex: GOTY
3 keys worth of TF2 items, preferably an uncraftable Fast Learner.
51 hours later 13529208 Anonymous
[H] Just Cause 2 and Portal 2
[W] 1 bill's or ~9 keys each
52 hours later 13531591 Anonymous
if your still here i have an offer for you.
53 hours later 13535689 Anonymous
54 hours later 13538832 Anonymous (Capture.jpg 907x607 55kB)
Looking for offers. Coupon is free.
55 hours later 13541691 Anonymous
Anomaly: Warzone Earth
Devil May Cry® 3 Special Edition
Red Orchestra 2
Will give both games for a copy of Red Orchestra
55 hours later 13542193 Anonymous
Train Simulator 2012
Strange Shotgun
Victoria 2: A House Divided
55 hours later 13542468 Anonymous
Same guy again, I'm now accepting any Stalker game for both games (waveform with dlc + torchlight)
59 hours later 13549838 Anonymous
[Have] The Darkness 2
[Want] Payday+DLC
59 hours later 13550215 Anonymous
Have CS:GO
Want TF2 items or Dota2 items
61 hours later 13556221 Anonymous
bump, been here 2 days
62 hours later 13558774 Anonymous (1318050108717.jpg 650x435 43kB)
Stuff I have:
Dead Island GOTY
Transformers War for Cybertron
Homefront + All DLC
Just Cause 2 + All DLC
Awesomenauts (x2)
Portal 2
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
War of the Roses Beta key (x2)
Planetside 2 Beta key (x2)
Stuff I want:
Torchlight 2 Preorder (from a 4-pack, for $15 worth of my stuff).
PAYDAY: The Heist.
Your offers.
62 hours later 13558850 Anonymous
I have Portal 2 75% OFF Coupon
I don't suppose someone would need it nowadays, but maybe someone would trade something for it
62 hours later 13558907 Anonymous
i can trade it for hats and items
63 hours later 13559229 Anonymous
Want: Dota 2 Key
In Return: Any game $5 and under + Portal 2 75% off coupon
63 hours later 13559724 Anonymous
im gonna sound like a jew but Assassin's Creed 2 for it?
65 hours later 13564927 Anonymous (700f8e3a58e7d956061431ef97a51ede.png 873x644 243kB)
[H] pic
[W] RE5, Saints row 3
65 hours later 13564937 http://steamcommunity.com/id/DrBluejacket
Darkness 2
Offers, preferably multiplayer games
Sonic Generations
Alpha Protocol
Witcher 2
65 hours later 13565309 Anonymous
New to steam as of last night and I have sweet fuck all save from Torchlight that was gifted to me.
Anyone fancy helping a girl game would be much appreciated
65 hours later 13565579 Anonymous
I thought I was on to a winner when I traded L4D2 for shogun 2. Turns out that, for some inexplicable reason, no one wants it and if they do want it they make a jew offer for it.
65 hours later 13566127 Anonymous
IQ is a flawed measure of intelligence and value. Someone could just study the types of tests used and could easily acquire an above average IQ.
65 hours later 13567329 Anonymous
Deus Ex GOTY
Trine 2
Crysis (on sale for less than 4€ right now)
Serious Sam HD TFE
Offers i guess
65 hours later 13567476 Anonymous
AAA reckless disregard for gravity
to the moon
68 hours later 13578112 Anonymous
Portal 2
Civ 5
Tower Wars
68 hours later 13578209 Anonymous
[H] can buy stuff on amazon
Like MW2 at $9 or the spec ops + bioshock 1/2 bundle at $19 etc
[W] good offer
68 hours later 13578432 Anonymous
Post steam?
68 hours later 13578497 Anonymous
[W] CS:Go
[H] Steam Wallet
69 hours later 13578606 Anonymous
how 'bout buying it yourself?
69 hours later 13578648 Cham
I have SMNC
looking for anything, really.
69 hours later 13578717 Anonymous
It's F2P mate
69 hours later 13578779 Cham
What the fuck is this in my inventory?
69 hours later 13580065 Anonymous (Gifts.png 906x535 117kB)
[H] See pic
[W] Offers
69 hours later 13581194 Anonymous
69 hours later 13581592 Anonymous
Interested in Planetside 2, War of the Roses, Dust 514 or Firefall?
Add: http://steamcommunity.com/id/cobolatrix/
71 hours later 13587626 Anonymous
Have Dota2
want cs:go
76 hours later 13605671 Anonymous (Capture.png 542x335 123kB)
Have: see pic
Want: Killing Floor, Garry's Mod, Recettear, STALKER CoP and other offers
79 hours later 13609885 Anonymous
whats your ID?
82 hours later 13615072 Steam ID: StrongDick Gorehammer
H: Tf2 keys and stuff. limited dota 2 stuff.
W: Dota 2 gifts.
84 hours later 13619761 Anonymous
guess no one wants Waveform, huh?
85 hours later 13622138 Anonymous
>Have these gifts
Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition x2
Waveform + DLC
>Have these keys
Rig 'N Roll
Space Rangers
Reign: Conflicts of Nations
Theatre of War 2: Africa 1943
Death to Spies & Death to Spies: Moment of Truth (2 games)
King's Bounty: Armored Princess
UFO: Afterlight
Star Wolves
Sideway New York
Nikopol: Secrets of the Immortals
Kaptain Brawe: A Brawe New World
Revelations 2012
Zero Gear
Looking for TF2 keys, TF2 itesm (Earbuds, Bill's), Sacred Gold, Dwarfs, Analogue keys or other games I don't have or offers.
86 hours later 13624258 Anonymous
Sideway traded.
86 hours later 13624673 Anonymous
I have a copy of RIFT. Want offers I guess.
87 hours later 13624982 Anonymous (1234.jpg 927x559 73kB)
Have: See picture
Want: Offers
87 hours later 13625395 Anonymous
Crysis Collcetion
Nuclear Dawn
Portal 2 coupon
TF2 items.
87 hours later 13625614 Anonymous
a Steam key from here for Windosill?
87 hours later 13625683 Anonymous
I'm interested in the death to spies key.
Shall I add you?
87 hours later 13625743 Anonymous
Sorry I only got one left of that one. Any other key will do though.
87 hours later 13625813 Anonymous
I guess King's Bounty then?
87 hours later 13625842 Anonymous
Sure. Add me.
87 hours later 13626543 Anonymous (General shyguy.jpg 375x355 33kB)
[H] Trine 2
[W] offer
87 hours later 13626637 Anonymous
forgot, i'll take TF2 items too.
87 hours later 13626707 Anonymous
I'm that guy
Just wanted to add that I want a copy of Dishonoured and/or Hitman Absolution and will be willing to trade my tf2 stuff in addition to the games. :)
88 hours later 13628159 Anonymous
this thread is slower than I thought.
88 hours later 13629308 Anonymous
Have Crate Series #43 X2 SanctumX3 Vintage NataschaX1 vintage sandwichX1
DOTA2 Invite, Geneforge Saga, Manmelter,, Archimedes.
88 hours later 13629393 Anonymous (1347117151881.jpg 720x528 228kB)
[H] Awesomenauts
[W] Some cool shit
88 hours later 13629503 Anonymous
Have: Sleeping Dogs coupon
Portal 2
88 hours later 13629759 Anonymous
89 hours later 13629976 Anonymous
>>13625395 Still this guy, keep remember I have things and want to bump the thread.
Have a war of the roses key for steam.
Want TF2 keys preferably. Want to use them to get a copy of dishonoured or hitman >.>
89 hours later 13630002 Anonymous
this is a long shot but, Trine 2 for Recettear
89 hours later 13630836 Anonymous
I should start making a list of games people have offered over 10 times, but yea, that's a no, sorry.
89 hours later 13631420 Anonymous
no problemo, I just have to get rid of that cancer.
89 hours later 13631642 Anonymous
I have Knights of the Old Republic 1.
I'd like KOTOR 2, Penumbra:Black Plague, Tropico 3 Gold, Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast, Audiosurf or Thief 2.
Add me.
90 hours later 13634489 Anonymous
Dota2 beta key
Offers. I don't know, how much does it go for
90 hours later 13635131 Anonymous
I'll trade you any game $5 and under for it
90 hours later 13635412 Anonymous
don't listen to the guy below you, hes trying to scam you.
a $15 game is a fair trade. I'll give you Trine 2 for it. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198052901195/
90 hours later 13636073 Anonymous
>$15 game
>Trine 2 isn't even $4 right now
90 hours later 13636334 Anonymous
sale, and learn to greentext
91 hours later 13636891 Anonymous
what happened to this guy?
91 hours later 13637410 Anonymous
Have: Steam Community Beta Pass
Want: pretty much anything
91 hours later 13637551 Anonymous
New Steam Community is available to everyone as of last week.
91 hours later 13638256 Anonymous
Oh, didn't know that, also why the fuck do I still have that?
98 hours later 13664709 Anonymous
want star wars battlefront 2 for something?
101 hours later 13675302 Anonymous
103 hours later 13678335 Anonymous
I have a Planetside 2 Beta and a Indie Gala 8 link in addtion to what I have listed here.
Add me, make an offer..
103 hours later 13678702 Anonymous
Portal 2
Bunch of dota 2 and tf2 items
Alan Wake
104 hours later 13680657 Anonymous
Have - Tf2 Items and Railworks 2012.
Want - Arma 2 CO
105 hours later 13684140 Anonymous
Have SW: Battlefront 2 already...Though depends on what you wanted for it?
106 hours later 13685103 Anonymous
>girl game
>more cancer
107 hours later 13687684 Anonymous
what's your id and what do you need, I might be interested
108 hours later 13689692 Anonymous
bumping this
108 hours later 13690054 Anonymous
Have CS:GO.
Want TF2 hats
108 hours later 13690242 http://steamcommunity.com/id/Woody4life237/
109 hours later 13692158 Anonymous
Don't need that junk
109 hours later 13692470 Anonymous
Anon pretending to be me
Will trade all hats for it?
109 hours later 13692608 Anonymous
You have nothing to do, do you?
109 hours later 13692815 Anonymous
Stop pretending to be me.
109 hours later 13692895 Anonymous
I'm gonna adopt a trip one of these days, you people are pathetic.
110 hours later 13693958 Anonymous
Not me.
110 hours later 13694230 http://steamcommunity.com/id/Woody4life237/
...Urrmmm I'm so fucking confused right now...
111 hours later 13696069 Anonymous
(H) Sniper elite DLC kill hitler plus 2 sniper
looking for TF 2 spy items
Arma 2 CO
Microsoft flight Hawaiian adventure
CS complete
112 hours later 13699310 Anonymous (1313596836822.jpg 500x375 39kB)
Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines
Killing Floor Bundle
Planetside 2 beta key
War of the Roses beta key
113 hours later 13701795 Anonymous (1344993586293.gif 358x202 1832kB)
Still looking to trade Magicka for a bag of bricks or something not TF2 related.
114 hours later 13703486 Anonymous
Hey guys I don't got any steam games to trade, but I have a $10 gift card for iTunes
Hitman Collection
Just Cause 2 DLC
(Hovercar, Monster Truck, and anything else for $1)
Or you can give me TF2 shit, I'd really like some.
Offers are acceptable
inb4 lol itunes
115 hours later 13704017 http://steamcommunity.com/id/DrBluejacket
The Darkness 2
Offers, preferably multiplayer games, and more than one copy of them.
Sonic Generations
Alpha Protocol
116 hours later 13706932 Anonymous
I'm still here. Offers?
116 hours later 13707906 Anonymous
Dota 2 or both Magickas for some good TF2 items, Hitman, or Nexuiz?
116 hours later 13708054 Anonymous (Clipboard01.jpg 937x693 195kB)
Have this
want tf2 hats / dota2 items
116 hours later 13708112 http://steamcommunity.com/id/DrBluejacket
116 hours later 13708118 Anonymous
[Have] A (beta?) key some kind Anon gave me for some game called Smite, just google it. Made by the people who made Tribes Ascend. It's some MMORPG I guess.
[Want] Dota 2 Invite
116 hours later 13708234 http://steamcommunity.com/id/DrBluejacket
please. id?
116 hours later 13708306 Anonymous
I just went through your inventory and there's nothing in it that I like, sorry
117 hours later 13708395 Anonymous
117 hours later 13708421 Anonymous
Anon pretending to be me
What game you want?
117 hours later 13708502 http://steamcommunity.com/id/DrBluejacket
Really, I'm fine with any of them.
117 hours later 13708508 http://steamcommunity.com/id/DrBluejacket
How about all of them for my Darkness II?
117 hours later 13708554 Anonymous
Sure, add me.
117 hours later 13708686 http://steamcommunity.com/id/DrBluejacket
Actually, add me because there's someone in this thread pretending to be both of us and i don't want you to (for lack of a better word) get your identity stolen too.
117 hours later 13708892 Anonymous
[Have] Torchlight and a SMITE beta key
[Want] DOTA 2 Invite.
117 hours later 13708939 http://steamcommunity.com/id/DrBluejacket
Waiting on you.
117 hours later 13709121 Anonymous
Leaving my ID in case anyone wants to trade.
117 hours later 13710257 Anonymous
Trading my Torchlight for Hitman 2 Silent Assasin.
117 hours later 13711501 Anonymous
121 hours later 13722574 Anonymous
Key for Braid, Super Meat Boy and Lone Survivor (one key for all)
Stuff I don't have.
122 hours later 13726676 Anonymous
Assassins Creed 2 Deluxe Edition for the Grand Theft Auto Complete pack?
122 hours later 13727374 Anonymous (554595_471393609547329_9020571_n.jpg 450x433 14kB)
[Have] Tons of TF2 items
[Want] Tons of Dota 2 items
Been done with TF2 and I'm starting up Dota, if you got some items and are interested hit me up and lets see.
ID: http://steamcommunity.com/id/IAmZolo
126 hours later 13737159 Anonymous
132 hours later 13751683 Anonymous
[H] 6 Dota 2 tradable invites
[W] 4 Counter strike : Global Offensive
132 hours later 13751753 Anonymous
132 hours later 13752048 Anonymous
Got a Key for Hitman: Sniper Challenge
132 hours later 13752428 Anonymous
[W] CS: GO
[H] Shit load of dota/tf2 items
implying you won't ignore me
133 hours later 13753447 Anonymous
>Have these gifts
Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition x2
>Have these keys
Hitman Sniper Challenge
Rig 'N Roll
Space Rangers
Reign: Conflicts of Nations
Theatre of War 2: Africa 1943
Death to Spies & Death to Spies: Moment of Truth (2 games)
King's Bounty: Armored Princess
UFO: Afterlight
Star Wolves
Sideway New York
Nikopol: Secrets of the Immortals
Kaptain Brawe: A Brawe New World
Revelations 2012
Zero Gear
games I don't have
133 hours later 13754073 Anonymous
Shit load =/= 71 items
134 hours later 13754983 Anonymous
I got one too for free from the japanese website
135 hours later 13759056 Anonymous
They are out of keys now.
135 hours later 13759304 Anonymous (inv.png 523x522 84kB)
Take whatever you want
I just want Red Orchestra 2 GOTY [$20.00]
if you wanna discuss
137 hours later 13763850 Anonymous (lel.png 1440x792 352kB)
Selling games and TF2 items
+ signs mean you'll have to pay slightly more
Looking for good offers (games/tf2 items)
137 hours later 13764067 Anonymous
>+ signs mean you'll have to pay slightly more
Why the fuck should I?
if I want an item you've got there with a + sign on it I'll get on Steam forums, SourceOP and countless other trading websites, not to mention TF2 Trading servers, as shitty as they might be.
You either jew or charge normal prices, fuck you.
143 hours later 13782979 Anonymous
borderlands for one of your fonvue
143 hours later 13784158 Anonymous
Which genuines are not valuable?
I don't play TF2.
143 hours later 13784394 Anonymous
All genuines cost something, others more than others, post your id.
144 hours later 13784814 Anonymous
Not him, but add me, I've got some genuines and keys and shit I can trade.
144 hours later 13786317 Anonymous
looking for a dota 2 beta key
have: money and tf2 keys
145 hours later 13788795 Anonymous
Speaking of genuines, will the ones for Sleeping Dogs ever become tradable?
145 hours later 13789801 Anonymous (__temp1.jpg 900x622 143kB)
shoot me a message
146 hours later 13792735 Anonymous
yup. can't wait to get buds+ for them.
148 hours later 13799229 Anonymous
[Have]What you want on the Steam store that is appropriately priced
[Want]The Quadwrangler
148 hours later 13800294 Anonymous
Steam id:raymoopits
TF2 hats and items
Devil may cry 3
Stalker CoP
149 hours later 13800538 Anonymous
i have a full genuine quantum conundrum set if your intrested
my post
163 hours later 13835161 Anonymous
Have Dota2 gift
Want CS:GO
Leave ID.
163 hours later 13835451 Anonymous
Here we go again. I have shit to play, so I can try to trade this off for another year, so don't bother with shitty offers.
H: Dragon Age Origins Ultimate, Splinter Cell Conviction
W: Offers, paypal
163 hours later 13836819 Anonymous
Does anybody have Mount and Blade to trade?
163 hours later 13837108 Anonymous
Or maybe! People could stop being faggots and actually leave there OWN ID!
FFS How do you expect people to find you when you leave the thread you fucktards
163 hours later 13837208 Anonymous
I don't know about other people, but I never leave these threads.
Again, if you have CS:GO and Dota2, leave your ID, Thanks.
164 hours later 13837453 Anonymous (13.png 344x345 57kB)
The Orange Box
Mirrors Edge
General offers
164 hours later 13840608 Anonymous
[H] Codes: Dungeons of Dremor, Super meat boy.
Gifts: Bit.Trip.Beat, Nuclear Dawn, Cogs, Borderlands GOTY, Cavestory+,Magicka,SteelStrom BR, Dead Space Pack, Dead Space 2,
[W] TF2 Keys, Bills, Buds, Max Head, Game Offers, The Basement Collection.
167 hours later 13849315 Anonymous
Torchlight II Preorder
The Walking Dead+Sweet
TWD was on sale a short while back hence the logic.
167 hours later 13851023 Anonymous
Have fun traveling back in time.
167 hours later 13851573 Anonymous
You have nothing worth of a borderlands 2 gift, get real
168 hours later 13853436 Anonymous (Capture.png 539x340 132kB)
Offer me stuff
168 hours later 13854048 Anonymous (sandvich.jpg 333x493 142kB)
trading my tf2 backpack for runescape gold
add if interseted. not gonna monitor thread so yeah
168 hours later 13854357 Anonymous
I have 2x Terraria, looking for any cross-platform game (macfag)
In particular: Portal 2, The Witcher Enhanced, World of Goo, or Transcripted
SteamID: brad347
168 hours later 13854561 Anonymous
Have: 75% off portal2 (reduces it to only $5), multiple refined in tf2.
Want: Binding of Isaac/Home (5.00 and 2.50)
169 hours later 13856389 Anonymous
170 hours later 13860543 Anonymous
Yes, what are you offering?
170 hours later 13861365 Anonymous
Dota 2 Unusual [Luminous Gaze (Gold)] Yak
Dark Souls: Prepare to Die edition + 5 d2 key worth or 10 tf2 key worth.
170 hours later 13861515 Anonymous
Forgot to add steamid:
Price is completely negotiable, I'd just love to have dark souls.
174 hours later 13873126 Anonymous (Capture.png 540x437 144kB)
Looking to get CS:GO, Killing Floor, STALKER CoP, Recettear, Garry's Mod and offers.
176 hours later 13876586 Anonymous
Any game you want
Dota2 unusual courier, frog preferred, but not required or anything like that, I just like frog.
176 hours later 13877232 Anonymous
Add me.
178 hours later 13880309 Anonymous
Trine 2
Nuclear Dawn
Dungeons of Dredmor Pack
178 hours later 13881583 Anonymous
[H]Trine 2 Goblin Invasion DLC
[W]Red Faction Guerrilla or Gmod
180 hours later 13885406 Anonymous
>Have these gifts
Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition x2
>Have these keys
Hitman Sniper Challenge
Rig 'N Roll
Space Rangers
Reign: Conflicts of Nations
Theatre of War 2: Africa 1943
Death to Spies & Death to Spies: Moment of Truth (2 games)
King's Bounty: Armored Princess
UFO: Afterlight
Star Wolves
Sideway New York
Nikopol: Secrets of the Immortals
Kaptain Brawe: A Brawe New World
Revelations 2012
Zero Gear
Worms Revolution preorder
games I don't have
186 hours later 13902070 Anonymous
[W]Invite or keys
186 hours later 13902628 Anonymous
[H] Inventory
[W] Dota 2 invite
186 hours later 13903280 Anonymous
[Have] Fallout:New Vegas
[Want] Offers, possibly tf2 items
186 hours later 13903454 Anonymous
Got GTA IV complete, Fallout New Vegas Deluxe, and JC2.
Want EU3 Chronicles or whichever has the one with Divine Wind for either of the first two.
187 hours later 13905715 Anonymous
Got Portal 2 + Portal 1 activation code. Also activates some flag for Portal 2
Can give for free
187 hours later 13905974 Anonymous
Can I just get the Flag Activation code please?
Already own both Portal games.
187 hours later 13906125 Anonymous
I don't think it activates separately - it is a single code for everything.
Besides, it might be CIS only
187 hours later 13906256 Anonymous
Ah I see, no problem.
I'm sure someone will gladly take that code off your hands.
187 hours later 13906713 Anonymous
Doubtful. Already posted announcement a couple of times.
187 hours later 13906989 http://steamcommunity.com/id/DrBluejacket
The Darkness 2
I'll also buy anything on sale
Offers, preferably multiplayer games.
187 hours later 13907338 Anonymous
Try posting here instead:
a giveaway thread is bound to attract attention.
187 hours later 13907373 http://steamcommunity.com/id/DrBluejacket
Something currently on sale for Sonic Geneations?
188 hours later 13907842 Anonymous
loads of tf2 junk
supreme commander 2
majesty 2 complete
secret of monkey island: special edition
deus ex: human revolution
dota 2 invite
my shit is friends only because i am autistic as heck
188 hours later 13908616 Anonymous
Could I get that Portal 2? My friend would love you for it.
189 hours later 13911865 Anonymous
tell me your friend ID I will gift it to him
189 hours later 13912317 noko (power guide.jpg 1150x1085 329kB)
75% off portal 2
TF2 Hats
189 hours later 13912490 Anonymous
Assassins creed 2 for the GTA complete?
190 hours later 13917149 Anonymous
his ID isDolphanus but heres his link
190 hours later 13917312 Anonymous (3056230115_b6a66107bf.jpg 500x491 212kB)
Guild Wars 2
Anything fun
191 hours later 13921443 Anonymous
Well that's a dick move, but not like I can prove that you're not me.
192 hours later 13922728 Anonymous
hello Robbaz here! king of Sweden!
192 hours later 13925814 Anonymous
Looking to sell everything in my tf2 inventory for paypal money. Got bills to pay
193 hours later 13927915 Anonymous
Have: TF2 Metals
Want: Binding of Isaac WoTL DLC
194 hours later 13928154 Anonymous
W: Fallout: NV Ultimate
~$10 wallet for
offers? maybe? Im also interested in CSGO
194 hours later 13928909 Anonymous
Have: Braid, Lone Survivor, Sword and Sorcery
Want: offers
195 hours later 13930068 Anonymous
I will buy Battlefront 2 from you
205 hours later 13952704 Anonymous
Have: Borderlands 2
Want: Items form my wishlist of about equal value
209 hours later 13963165 Anonymous
cs:go preorder?
210 hours later 13965340 Anonymous
60$ game for a 15$ game, I don't think so tim. If you would like to add payday: wolf pack and natural selection 2 then you've got a deal and you're still getting borderlands 2 for 10$ less then it would cost to just buy it.
210 hours later 13965683 Anonymous
H: human Revolution
W: Dota 2 Key
210 hours later 13965843 Anonymous (buff.jpg 333x493 133kB)
trading my tf2 backpack for runescape gold
transfer rate 1 ref to 1 mil
add if interested.
also, not monitoring this thread so dont bother replying
210 hours later 13965925 Anonymous
So I have torchlight 1, could anyone exchange it for Planescape: Torment on GOG.com? it's 60%off now
210 hours later 13966151 Anonymous
210 hours later 13966260 Anonymous
I have some tf2 hats and miscs if that's what you're looking for.
I want CS:GO so I trade items = to 15 USD right?
210 hours later 13966624 Anonymous
Have Tf2 Items
Want CS:GO
211 hours later 13967975 Anonymous (SDGenuine.jpg 536x322 28kB)
Last page , wondering these are worth anything?
212 hours later 13971769 Anonymous
Have: Natural Selection 2
Want: Torchlight 2 or some other nice vidya
ID: bigmanchild
213 hours later 13977025 Anonymous
Bind of Isaac
Any other games
214 hours later 13979083 Anonymous
214 hours later 13979216 Anonymous
what games do you have?
214 hours later 13979831 Anonymous
well it's kind of a stretch, but i just want to get rid of this:
Cthulhu Saves The World.
216 hours later 13986667 Anonymous
Saints Row: The Third
Force Unleased 2
Audio Surf
Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition
Really, really want. Had it for 360 but want it for PC
216 hours later 13987424 Anonymous (1345332467688.jpg 1205x1600 178kB)
Want: Anything really, for it all. If it's worth anything.
218 hours later 13992189 Anonymous
[H] http://steamcommunity.com/id/gunnarking/inventory
Magicka Complete + All the Stars DLC
Revelations 2012
Guns of Icarus
Oddworld Pack (2 games)
TF2 Inventory for .50 per ref.
Groupees BAB3
222 hours later 14005275 Anonymous
Serious Sam: The Second Encounter
please add me, as i will not be monitoring the thread.
225 hours later 14011426 Anonymous
Dark Souls
Borderlands 2 (Free Digital code came with my GTX 670)
225 hours later 14011873 Anonymous
Defense Grid : The Awakening and DLC
Defense Grid: Resurgence Map Pack 1, Defense Grid: Resurgence Map Pack 2, Defense Grid: Resurgence Map Pack 3, Defense Grid: Resurgence Map Pack 4, Defense Grid: The Awakening, Defense Grid: The Awakening - You Monster DLC)
W : Anything basically looking for a new game
225 hours later 14012702 Anonymous
226 hours later 14013973 Anonymous
Natural Selection 2
Worms Revolution
226 hours later 14014727 Anonymous
Have Portal 2 + Portal 1 activation code. Also activates a flag for co-op
Can give for free
226 hours later 14014940 Anonymous (1342513983749.jpg 450x360 13kB)
I have CS:GO
I want garrys mod
226 hours later 14015072 Anonymous
forgot my id
234 hours later 14036084 Anonymous
WANT : Borderlands 2
Have 25 game inventory, titles include Torchlight 2, NV Complete, Stalker CS, Y's Defense Grid+DLC bundle
235 hours later 14036369 Anonymous
Have: Natural Selection 2, items for dota 2 and TF2
Want: Torchlight 2
238 hours later 14049776 Crixalis
>no id
238 hours later 14050089 Anonymous
Does anyone know how often Half Life goes on sale? I'd like to play it, but 10 dollars seems a bit much for a digital game from nearly 14 years ago.
238 hours later 14050995 Anonymous (dorothy_oh_my.gif 250x190 404kB)
240 hours later 14058859 Anonymous
http://store.steampowered.com/sub/16443/ for it
my id http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198030471106
240 hours later 14059205 Anonymous
Serious sam complet pack
Magicka Collection
Deus Ex Collection
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon® Complete Pack
Need something?
241 hours later 14061609 Anonymous
243 hours later 14067010 Anonymous (Capture.png 542x351 130kB)
Looking to get Terraria, Killing Floor, Recettear, Garry's Mod, STALKER, and other offers
Have what you see in this pic as well as tf2 items
243 hours later 14067115 Anonymous
Ill trade a world a warcraft account with all current expansions for Counter Strike Global Offensive
message me
243 hours later 14067778 Anonymous
243 hours later 14069706 SteamID:Ivan
Trading pocket purrer and hat of cards in tf2.
243 hours later 14069960 http://steamcommunity.com/id/DAZZ192/
*Dark Messiah Might and Magic Complete x 5 (key)
*Dota SEA x1 (key) [Australia,New Zealand, South East Asia]
*Half Life 2 x1 (Gift)
*The Ship Complete x1 (Gift)
*Gotham City Impostors Premium Card Pack 2 x1 (key)
*Splinter Cell Conviction: 3rd Echelon map dlc xbox/PC x3 (key)
*Nexuiz 4pack/dlc 75% off coupon x1
*350+ TF2 Weapons, mostly normal (http://www.tf2items.com/id/DAZZ192)
~I will be happy to go first if you are trading for a key, if you have rep
*Game Offers (i dont already have)
*Complete Packs of games (with all dlc's etc)
*CoD4, if you live in a country where it is cheaper than normal (ie Russia)
Add me on
244 hours later 14072060 Anonymous
244 hours later 14072252 Anonymous
TF2 Items:
Refined Metal (4)
Reclaimed Metal (4)
Name Tag
Dueling Mini-Game
Ye Olde Rustic Colour
Dark Salmon Injustice
Indubitably Green
Dota 2 Invite
244 hours later 14072315 Anonymous
TF2 Items:
Refined Metal (4)
Reclaimed Metal (4)
Name Tag
Dueling Mini-Game
Ye Olde Rustic Colour
Dark Salmon Injustice
Indubitably Green
Dota 2 Invite
I'm retarded & sleepy: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198027105250
244 hours later 14072334 Crixalis
>no fucking id.
Add me then. id in email field
244 hours later 14072905 Anonymous
TF2 Items and Dota 2 legendary brewmaster mace
Dark Souls
Just let me know if anything I have would be worth a trade. I also have spiral knights items too if anyone cares.
245 hours later 14074531 Anonymous
101 Games, willing to trade any of them.
Dark Souls
I'm really short on cash and I need this game.
I'm really desperate here.
If I don't respond the first time, please just start spamming me or something if you're willing to trade Dark Souls, I'll be in a game of Dota 2 likely and won't always pay attention.
246 hours later 14076632 Anonymous (inv.jpg 518x514 51kB)
Have: This shit
A fuckton of TF2 items. Notably some promos and a Bill's.
Doosex & HR
Sam and Max
246 hours later 14076746 Anonymous
anyone want to trade for garrys mod?
248 hours later 14082076 Anonymous
Have: Hitman Collection.
Kohan Warchest.
Red Faction
Red faction Guerilla.
Preferably RPGs or action games.
248 hours later 14083242 Anonymous
5x DOTA2 'The International' event booklets from PAX12 (Includes exclusive in-game item + beta access)
Natural Selection 2 - http://store.steampowered.com/app/4920/
ARMA II: Army of the Czech Republic DLC - http://store.steampowered.com/app/33934/
Killing Floor - Ash Harding Character Pack DLC - http://store.steampowered.com/app/210931/
Will trade 2keys for NS2, 1 for each of the DLCs
All 5 keys for NS2+both DLCs
249 hours later 14084217 Anonymous
have: Bill's hat, deadspace 1&2 combo, demigod, puzzlequest, oddworld abe's exodus, abe's oddysee, sanctum, audiosurf, and Disciples II Gold.
Want? Dota 2 keys(the keys in game, not beta invites.)
250 hours later 14086024 Anonymous
Have: Portal 2
Want: Magicka: The Other Side of the Coin
ID: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Justisiar
It's a pleasure doing business with you, Anon.
250 hours later 14086351 Anonymous
>id in email field
That's almost as bad as no id at all
250 hours later 14087047 Anonymous
Have Arcania: Gothic 4
Want: FTL Faster Than Light
251 hours later 14088902 Anonymous
Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition x2
9 TF2 keys
Sleeping Dogs genuine preorder TF2 items
Rig 'N Roll
Space Rangers
Reign: Conflicts of Nations
Theatre of War 2: Africa 1943
King's Bounty: Armored Princess
UFO: Afterlight
Star Wolves
Sideway New York
Nikopol: Secrets of the Immortals
Kaptain Brawe: A Brawe New World
Revelations 2012
Zero Gear
252 hours later 14090634 Steam ID: StrongDick Gorehammer
hey you trading your bills?
252 hours later 14090667 id/rern
[H]Alan Wake Franchise
252 hours later 14090842 Anonymous
2 dota 2 invites
Game that you think is interesting
I'm seriously bored with my life and every game I come across is uninteresting.
252 hours later 14090896 Steam ID: StrongDick Gorehammer
what game u looking for?
252 hours later 14090932 Anonymous
anything as long as you think its interesting
252 hours later 14091071 Steam ID: StrongDick Gorehammer
any specifics? also are those dota's tradable?
252 hours later 14091195 Anonymous (uncertainty.jpg 957x479 66kB)
>any specifics?
just hit me with anything you got
>also are those dota's tradable?
yes, they are gifts. Had 5 of these before I gave 3 away
252 hours later 14091648 Anonymous
How much are Dota2 invites these days? They sued to be 2 keys
252 hours later 14092352 Anonymous
something from here except Fallout?
253 hours later 14092875 Anonymous
[H] Walking Dead
[w] what do you have?
253 hours later 14093194 Anonymous
Magic: The Gathering - Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012
Dungeon Defenders
Dungeon Defenders Lost Eternia Shards Complete DLC
253 hours later 14093525 Anonymous
254 hours later 14096329 Anonymous
Have: tons of Dota 2 items including unusuals
See: http://tf2b.com/dota/76561198060755908
Want: Borderlands 2 and Season Pass
255 hours later 14098920 Anonymous
H: Natural Selection 2
W: Civilization 4 or 5, Preferably 5. Hearts of Iron: Darkest Hour? Offers as well
255 hours later 14099993 Anonymous
Rig 'N Roll
Space Rangers
Reign: Conflicts of Nations
Theatre of War 2: Africa 1943
King's Bounty: Armored Princess
UFO: Afterlight
Star Wolves
Sideway New York
Nikopol: Secrets of the Immortals
Kaptain Brawe: A Brawe New World
Revelations 2012
Zero Gear
Interested in any?
255 hours later 14099997 Anonymous
Have: The Witcher: Enhanced Edition + Portal 2 75% Off
Want: Oblivion GOTY Deluxe
id: Captain_Creegan add me to discuss, we can work something out
256 hours later 14100953 Anonymous
Have: Natural Selection 2
Want: Offers
256 hours later 14100976 Anonymous
Natural Selection 2
War of Roses or offer
256 hours later 14101010 Anonymous
256 hours later 14101057 Anonymous
Rig 'N Roll
Space Rangers
Reign: Conflicts of Nations
Theatre of War 2: Africa 1943
King's Bounty: Armored Princess
UFO: Afterlight
Star Wolves
Sideway New York
Nikopol: Secrets of the Immortals
Kaptain Brawe: A Brawe New World
Revelations 2012
Zero Gear
Interested in any?
256 hours later 14101141 Anonymous
Fuck off with your shitty indie shit
256 hours later 14101217 Anonymous
have cs:go want tf2 items such as hats and miscs
256 hours later 14101684 Anonymous
No thanks.
Most of those games look pretty bad.
256 hours later 14101820 Anonymous
To be fair Natural Selection doesn't look any better.
256 hours later 14101929 Anonymous
Yeah, I know.
Is King's Bounty fun ?
256 hours later 14102064 Anonymous
It's like HoMM. In my opinion it is fun .
258 hours later 14110715 http://steamcommunity.com/id/AceFool
Portal 2
The Ship
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Torchlight II
259 hours later 14115225 Anonymous
Have torchlight on steam,
Want Arcanum on GOG.com
259 hours later 14115608 Anonymous
>Arcanum Of Magika and derpy derp
Trokia has been deed for years bro, go ahead and priate it guild free.
Also iirc the ones or one of the ones on pb has a super nifty fan patch.
259 hours later 14115686 Anonymous
ok, Icewind Dale or PsT
259 hours later 14116108 Anonymous
I'll give you a bitgamer pirate for TL so you can pirate the gog game.
259 hours later 14116181 Anonymous
what's your username on bitgamer?
260 hours later 14116325 Anonymous
KrazyA1pha, why?
260 hours later 14116438 Anonymous
I'm this guy ^
I have gog pack from bitgamer, I AM on bitgamer. but I want to buy games I liked. So if obsidian CEO is promoting to get them on GOG why shouldn't I?
enjoy your ban, bro
260 hours later 14116512 Anonymous
wtf? why can't I login?
260 hours later 14116607 Anonymous
seriously dude, what did you do. I can't login my bitgamer acc.
260 hours later 14116627 Anonymous (1344602041928.gif 240x291 581kB)
260 hours later 14116658 Anonymous
That's what happen when you can't read the ToS
260 hours later 14116703 Anonymous
and my source:
GOGcom @GOGcom
All D&D cRPGs from GOG up to 65% off! Want Icewind Dale or Planescape: Torment for $3.49? Sure! http://j.mp/DiamondsDnD
Retweeted by Feargus Urquhart
260 hours later 14116865 Anonymous
based true bitGamer users
260 hours later 14116881 Anonymous
dude what tos? not funny what did you do to my acc?
260 hours later 14117195 Anonymous
can u plz reactivate my acc? I didn't do anything wrong, its 6 years old also. plz I need to dl some games.
260 hours later 14118817 Anonymous
Anyone want to trade an EU3 or one of the men of war games for a copy of natural selection 2?
MY steam name is PanamaChong
260 hours later 14118909 Anonymous
260 hours later 14119016 Anonymous
Anything from here for NS2?
260 hours later 14119068 Anonymous
do you want Sup Com 2?
260 hours later 14119151 Anonymous
No thanks I just want the newer men of war games or one of the newer EUs, or ill also take Napoleon Total War if anyone has it.
260 hours later 14119272 Anonymous
And seriously, arent those games from the 5 dollars indie gala thing?
260 hours later 14119326 Anonymous
Isn't your Sup Com key from the 5$ Amazon bundle?
260 hours later 14119387 Anonymous (Capture.png 538x433 151kB)
Have: what you see here
Want: Terraria, Torchlight 2, Recettear, Garry's Mod, Killing Floor, STALKER, offers
260 hours later 14120010 Anonymous
try harder dude
260 hours later 14120163 Anonymous
261 hours later 14121242 Anonymous
So okay final time posting
[H]: Natural Selection 2, and some TF2/Dota 2 Items
[W]: Arma 2 CO, Men of War, Napolen: TW, EU3 HtTT or DW.
261 hours later 14122791 Anonymous
264 hours later 14133261 Anonymous
I didn't know Dynasty Warriors was on steam...
265 hours later 14137595 Anonymous (inv.png 533x224 83kB)
Looking to trade for a Dota 2 invite
266 hours later 14139302 Anonymous
Have: Guild Wars 2 account with level 19 warrior and level 4 necro
Want: Torchlight 2 + FTL + Binding of Isaac + DXHR DLC
266 hours later 14140763 Anonymous
Might as well just buy the GW2 myself.
266 hours later 14141313 Anonymous (1342573860762.jpg 1440x1437 254kB)
Looking to trade 50 dollars in games for 15 dollars in games
I have Dead Space 1 & 2 and a Copy of Quake
I need a copy of Orcs Must die 2
my ID:
266 hours later 14141404 The Great MOFF GUNNA MOFF
have: natural selection 2
want: torchlight 2 or arma2 co or offers
no beta keys/tf2 items
266 hours later 14141438 Anonymous
DXHR DLC is on sale right now.
I'd take the trade without the DLC as well.
266 hours later 14141705 Anonymous
give it to you for one of your couriers
266 hours later 14141801 Anonymous
269 hours later 14150121 Anonymous
test bumo
269 hours later 14150168 Anonymous
[H] FlatOut: Ultimate Carnage, TF2 Items
[W] DoosEX Human Revolution, mostly games around the 15 dollar mark.
I'd be willing to trade for almost anything except for coupons and in-game items!
Add me or reply here.
269 hours later 14151486 Anonymous
Wanting a Dota 2 Key
Tell mw what you want
ID: Checor
276 hours later 14167829 Anonymous
Borderlands GOTY
Planetside 2 Beta key
Natural Selection 2 Standard
279 hours later 14173250 Anonymous (1341338832381.png 492x495 337kB)
E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy
Left 4 Dead 2
Want: Dark Souls
I'm willing to bundle all three games.
286 hours later 14199392 Anonymous (Capture.png 537x330 89kB)
Have: Sleeping Dogs genuines
Want: Torchlight 2, offers
286 hours later 14200560 Anonymous
Have borderlands goty and the normal edition
Want: offers
287 hours later 14202794 Anonymous
(H) Farcry complete £15
id= preeceispro
287 hours later 14202903 Anonymous
I got it for 5 dollars on a daily deal
287 hours later 14203029 Anonymous
Oh, i had no idea. i traded it off a guy like 3 days ago.
287 hours later 14203186 Anonymous
Nothing :(
Portal 2 75% off Coupon
287 hours later 14203938 Anonymous (the-sword-gods-of-the-earth.jpg 500x500 80kB)
Have: Hitman Collection.
Kohan Warchest.
Red Faction
Red faction Guerilla.
Dues Ex GOTY edition
Shatter+ Soundtrack
Rochard + Soundtrack.
Want: Either Bro-op Action games, or single player RPGS.
ID: TerminallyVictorious
287 hours later 14204065 Anonymous
So I've had a couple people add me, but idk if they're frmo here. I'm online now and accepting offers. Got a lot to trade.
287 hours later 14204257 Anonymous
torchlight 1 for Hitman or Red Faction?
287 hours later 14204548 Anonymous
Selling any of them for paypal?
I am interested in:
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Star Wars The Force Unleashed: Ultimate Sith Edition
The Longest Journey + Dreamfall
Also have CS:GO, Red Faction Guerrilla.
287 hours later 14204696 Anonymous
Not for paypal.Sorry bub.
288 hours later 14205942 Anonymous (1344984394403.jpg 417x403 34kB)
Some Japanese girl is gonna sell me Borderlands GOTY for 5 TF2 Mann Co. Keys.
Does anyone wanna do less than that? I have to wait for her to log back on.
288 hours later 14206247 Anonymous
That's a pretty good deal, that's basically its sale price.
I wouldn't sell it to you for less than 12$.
288 hours later 14206446 Anonymous
I got max payne 3 for trade. looking for darksouls or borderlands2
288 hours later 14206820 Anonymous (1347651601544.jpg 212x213 25kB)
Do you wanna do the trade she's in Japan and I don't know what the fuck he's doing over there. I wanna play Borderlands, it's been 13 hours.
288 hours later 14206965 Anonymous
Yeah I'm not gonna buy Borderlands and sell it to you for 12$, I don't actually have a copy, I'm just saiyan that 5 keys is a good deal.
288 hours later 14207202 Anonymous (5611.png 386x354 10kB)
Oh, thanks anyways then.
288 hours later 14207553 Anonymous
Have: Natural Selection 2, Dota2/TF2 items
Want: Torchlight 2
288 hours later 14207978 Anonymous (boredomlands.png 931x629 353kB)
I'll trade it to you for more than what she's trading it for, but I have it right now.
294 hours later 14226967 Anonymous
295 hours later 14229103 Anonymous (dfgdfyhg.jpg 523x209 40kB)
Games: in pic
Dota 2 items: http://tf2b.com/dota/yeahtoast_
Would really like Borderlands 2 for a combination of the stuff in either inventory.
Steam profile is gettable through the dota 2 items page. Feel free to add me to negotiate or if you want something there but don't have Borderlands 2.
295 hours later 14229269 Steam ID: StrongDick Gorehammer
not what your game inv looks like atm.
295 hours later 14229357 Anonymous
I'll trade you Borderlands GOTY for Torchlight 2
295 hours later 14229537 Anonymous (gfdhgjkl.jpg 1168x483 138kB)
295 hours later 14229598 Steam ID: StrongDick Gorehammer
not what i see on the steamcommunity...
296 hours later 14229684 Anonymous
well i can guarantee you i have them.
303 hours later 14247682 Anonymous (steam tradin.jpg 542x578 31kB)
Have: The Amantia bundle
plus all this dota stuff
Want: FTL
306 hours later 14257558 Anonymous
[W] CS:Go
[H] "thank you"
and thank you. steam/id/cagi666
307 hours later 14257790 Anonymous
Trading HIB 6 below average steam key for 1 TF2 key.
Add me here
309 hours later 14268214 Anonymous
have: Star Wars Battlefront
want: offers
309 hours later 14268320 Anonymous
What is your wishlist?
309 hours later 14269551 Anonymous
COD MW3 for it?
309 hours later 14269795 Anonymous
I'll give you Prince of Persia for MW3
310 hours later 14270130 Anonymous
Asked this in the other thread, but is there anywhere that gets together all sorts of sales on game?
I'm looking for Just Cause 2 for relatively cheap is all and I've not got anything to trade for it.
310 hours later 14270723 Anonymous
Sorry. It's battlefront 2.
310 hours later 14271227 Anonymous
I know there's only the 2 on steam, what's your wishlist I want it.
310 hours later 14271502 Anonymous
E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy
Planetside 2 Beta key
Firefall Beta key
Natural Selection 2 Gift
310 hours later 14271829 Anonymous
310 hours later 14272000 Anonymous
I'd like to trade a Sleeping Dogs coupon for Mists of Pandaria (Which I'm aware is not Steam related).
I know, WoW. I play it for the arenas and the friends.
AFK for 40ish minutes, I'll respond to you when I get back.
310 hours later 14272030 Anonymous
oops, steam is aa3356.
310 hours later 14272789 Anonymous
wait what
A coupon for a 40$ expansion?
310 hours later 14272937 Anonymous
You mean that free GMG coupon everybody has?
311 hours later 14274868 Anonymous
Well it's a free copy of the game. Sleeping Dogs I believe costs 40 dollars on Steam as well, so it would be a fair trade.
Didn't mean to say coupon, my bad. It's just a code for the download.
311 hours later 14275000 Anonymous
It actually costs 50. Still looking for MoP for Sleeping Dogs code trade.
311 hours later 14275408 Anonymous
>>14271829 here.
guy i was talking to. steam went down for me so it might not be back up for a while
311 hours later 14275709 Anonymous
-Deus Ex: Human Revolution Augmented Edition
-Just Cause
-Borderlands 2
311 hours later 14275794 Anonymous
forgot steam id
311 hours later 14275849 Anonymous
Natural Selection 2, Guild wars 2 account, mechwarrior online account, path of exile account.
Dead Space 1 and 2, wanderlust, offers!
311 hours later 14276463 Anonymous (1346550411506.gif 500x500 22kB)
[h]Planetside 2 Alpha Squad key
[w]Mysts of Pandaria, Borderlands 2, Dota 2 items
313 hours later 14282186 Anonymous (xdghdfhx.jpg 522x213 16kB)
Games in pic
Humble Bundle 6 Beat the Average Code. Im fine with 1:1 and maby 2:1 depending on what you want.
314 hours later 14285182 Anonymous (Picture 8.png 889x506 127kB)
Resident Evil 5
Half Life 1: Source
Alice: Madness Returns
Just Cause 2
314 hours later 14286569 Anonymous
borderlands for jc2
314 hours later 14286723 Anonymous
Already got Borderlands, you got anything else?
315 hours later 14290934 Anonymous
another borderlands and torchlight
316 hours later 14292896 Anonymous
No, thank you
318 hours later 14297859 Anonymous
anybody here have sr3?
319 hours later 14301093 Anonymous
321 hours later 14306180 Anonymous (Games.png 524x314 100kB)
Want Borderlands. Will give multiple things from my inventory. Top right blank image is Trine Franchise.
321 hours later 14306197 Anonymous
and bottom left is Fable 3 collection
322 hours later 14307453 Anonymous
the amazon bundle isn't available anymore
322 hours later 14307492 Anonymous
What's your wishlist? I want some fo your games
322 hours later 14307745 Anonymous
[H] Natural Selection 2
[W] Assassins Creed: Brotherhood or CS:GO
324 hours later 14314257 Anonymous
Only want borderlands 2
325 hours later 14316432 Anonymous
[H] Crysis
[W] Magicka Collection + small game
327 hours later 14321175 Anonymous
I know. Old post.
330 hours later 14327993 Anonymous
Resident Evil 5
Half Life 1: Source
Just Cause 2
Alice: Madness Returns
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater HD
Devil May Cry
Saints Row The Third.
330 hours later 14328174 Anonymous
bro, don't get thps hd
it's a bad port of a bad remake
330 hours later 14328271 Anonymous
I literally just watched a review on it. I guess you're right i'm better off just installing my copy of Pro Skater 3
330 hours later 14329919 id/rern
[H] Alan Wake Franchise
[W] Offers
331 hours later 14331791 Mighdas Picture to draw your attention (Moot Unveils 4chan Pass.jpg 432x324 82kB)
Men of War: Assault Squad
Frozen Synapse
Fallout Collection
Just Cause 1 and 2+ All DLC
Deus Ex HR+Explosive mission and Tactical Enhancement
Borderlands 2 (Fat chance I know)
Payday Wolf Pack
Civ V Gods and Kings
Spec Ops: The Line
Offers. Add me on steam.
331 hours later 14332141 Anonymous
[H] Darkness 2 x3
Frozen Sybapse
[W] Jet set radio
Will give darkness 2 + frozen synapse for jet set radio.
331 hours later 14332564 Anonymous
Borderlands GOTY, EYE Divine Cybermancy, Serious Sam HD Second Encounter, Freedom Force, Half Life 2, Bit Trip Runner, Railworks 3
FTL, Jet Set Radio
331 hours later 14333164 Anonymous (128201368026.gif 201x212 929kB)
have: Nexuiz
Want: Offers
331 hours later 14333882 Anonymous
331 hours later 14334218 id/rern
What's your offer?
331 hours later 14334270 Anonymous
331 hours later 14334356 Anonymous
[h] chantelise
[w] something that is not chantelise
332 hours later 14335318 Anonymous
>>14334270 here
So you're not interested then?
332 hours later 14335964 id/rern
No thanks
333 hours later 14343117 Anonymous
wahats in fable 3 collection?
ive got borderlands if youre interested
334 hours later 14343282 Anonymous
this faget want borderlands 2
334 hours later 14343404 Anonymous
oh well the post said borderlands. so i assumed he wanted you know. borderlands.
335 hours later 14347753 Anonymous
My mistake.
335 hours later 14348264 Anonymous (1313249295700.jpg 500x375 31kB)
Portal 2
E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy
Planetside 2 Beta key (x2)
Natural Selection 2 Gift for my gf
335 hours later 14349347 Anonymous
Resident Evil 5
Half Life 1: Source
Just Cause 2
Alice: Madness Returns
336 hours later 14352548 Anonymous
still not accepting steam key?
336 hours later 14352962 Anonymous
nope sorry man.
338 hours later 14359194 Anonymous
Crusader kings II
Victoria II
Sol Survivor
343 hours later 14372058 Anonymous
have borderlands
want tonyhawk proskater
345 hours later 14376491 Anonymous
nwn2 plat no longer available on steam for bl2
345 hours later 14376538 Anonymous (1327342183939.png 416x416 2kB)
Have Portal 2
Want Worms steam key from the current indie gala
Post ID lets do this
347 hours later 14380038 Anonymous
have dota2
want cs:go
347 hours later 14380421 Anonymous
> implying I can't buy it somewhere else
bet a physical version cost cheaper, not everyone is a valvedrone cock sucker
348 hours later 14382473 Anonymous
Bill's Hat
14 TF2 keys
Sleeping Dogs genuine preorder TF2 items
Rig 'N Roll
Space Rangers
Reign: Conflicts of Nations
Theatre of War 2: Africa 1943
King's Bounty: Armored Princess
UFO: Afterlight
Star Wolves
Nikopol: Secrets of the Immortals
Kaptain Brawe: A Brawe New World
Revelations 2012
Zero Gear
TF2 key
349 hours later 14383619 Anonymous
349 hours later 14385802 Anonymous
9x Q.U.B.E.
World of Goo
pretty much anything
350 hours later 14387541 Anonymous
thats http://steamcommunity.com/id/BroMagnonMan
fucked up my copy paste
350 hours later 14387795 Anonymous
[H] Natural Selection 2
[W] Assassin Creed: Brotherhood or CS:GO
351 hours later 14389153 Anonymous
why u scammed me :(((
351 hours later 14389456 Anonymous
I'm going to bid more, the whole gala for Portal 2.
351 hours later 14389720 Anonymous
i'll buy you the indiegala + humble bundle for portal 2.
351 hours later 14390052 Anonymous
have: Portal 2
want: Indiegala or Humble bundle
351 hours later 14390208 Anonymous
*the new one
353 hours later 14395223 Anonymous
Have Magicka
Want HIB#6
353 hours later 14395351 Anonymous
H: Dragon Age Origins Ultimate
W: Torchlight 2
I know someone has to got a spare copy from a 4-pack
353 hours later 14395904 Anonymous
I don't really mind, keep wasting your time posting my ID, funny to see that you are mad.
355 hours later 14401442 Anonymous
[WANT]: Indie gala 9 more than $5.87 and 1$ humble bundle 6
355 hours later 14401542 Anonymous
Have a couple vintage items and some preorder items in tf2 aswell as hitman blood money.
Would like Torchlight 2.
355 hours later 14401651 Anonymous
[H] 1 TF2 earbud
[W] Borderlands 2 or Dark Souls US region
356 hours later 14406669 Anonymous
H: Stuff, TF2 O/G's, Pre Order Bonus Jazz. http://steamcommunity.com/id/wodgeftw
W: X-Blades (daily deal now)
Message in steam for discussion of the matters at hand in a gentlemanly manner.
357 hours later 14409568 Anonymous
Have: BL2
Want: Dark Souls and something else, or something else
357 hours later 14409812 Anonymous
borderlands goty. and borderlands. and torchlight
357 hours later 14410307 Anonymous (1348124090294.jpg 249x249 18kB)
Have: $15
Want: Torchlight 2
360 hours later 14420893 Anonymous
[H] SplinterCell: Conviction [W] Killing Floor bundle to gift to a friend.
360 hours later 14421804 Anonymous (ponderingfayc.png 340x332 35kB)
Does anybody want to offer me something for Natural Selection 2?
360 hours later 14421895 Anonymous
World of Goo
360 hours later 14422237 Anonymous
Something from here?
Rig 'N Roll
Space Rangers
Reign: Conflicts of Nations
Theatre of War 2: Africa 1943
King's Bounty: Armored Princess
UFO: Afterlight
Star Wolves
Nikopol: Secrets of the Immortals
Kaptain Brawe: A Brawe New World
Revelations 2012
Zero Gear
360 hours later 14422250 Anonymous
>worth 10 dollars on steam
>was in one of the previous humble bundles
>NS2 is 25 dollars.
Oh lawd, jewers gonna jew.
360 hours later 14422335 Anonymous
>got a free extra copy with your preorder of a game no one wants
>act like it's made of diamonds
360 hours later 14422446 Anonymous
As opposed to World Of Goo, a game everybody on the planet has played.
360 hours later 14422521 Anonymous
Witcher 2?
360 hours later 14422649 Anonymous
Now that's a good offer, I'll take it.
360 hours later 14422852 Anonymous
sent ;)
361 hours later 14424120 Anonymous
borderlands for it
361 hours later 14426725 Anonymous
Darksiders 2 key?
367 hours later 14444114 Anonymous (1316482529572.jpg 450x600 34kB)
cost... I LOLED.
You are saying that we buy on steam because of cost?
I've pirated this game many times, just like I already have pirated the game I'm asking for.
Are you for real nigga? You think we are trading steam games because its the only way to get them? I'm trading because having the legit game is more convenient. Maybe you really do only have one computer and don't jump around between states. But personally being able to click download steam on any computer and then download/play any game I want to play with one click is a pretty big fucking deal.
TLDR: I already pirated the game I want to trade and the game I want to trade for.
But seriously nigga you for real? I could get it for cheaper else where? LOLOL
367 hours later 14444193 Anonymous
>have old game that was $15 on steam not even counting is sale price
>want new game that is $60 on steam
Sure is jew in here
367 hours later 14444303 Anonymous (1348212042754[1].jpg 700x528 46kB)
Stop with those indie games trash Jew.
367 hours later 14444668 Anonymous (1345576384383.jpg 512x796 454kB)
Wait a second, you could get those code for free with a new graphics card purchase? NO WAY, I'm asking for something that was free, and has a maximum value of $60 (I'm not even asking for the DLC included) Yet you sit here and when I offer up a limited edition piece of software that retailed at 19.99 you jump on me. LOL k, sorry I'll stop jewing, Please put up your no longer available on steam item for trade, inb4 hats and tf shit.
367 hours later 14444815 Anonymous
Well you should buy one of those $400 graphic card to get it for free then haha, you are right get out jew, a non available game that have no demand don't make the price jump to $60, learn2trade.
367 hours later 14445062 Anonymous (MyStyle.jpg 420x600 23kB)
No demand... Thank you for making the market, I'm sorry that you aren't interested in my wares, sorry i'm not the furry pornography dealer. The question is how bad people want it sadly, you aren't one of those that may want it. I've sold beta invites to cs go for 9.99 uros. Its all about how bad people want it. I've bought things for FAR FAR over cost to get them today. But luckily you are the type of person that denies his impulses and always waits for 3-5 week shipping. But yea you got me, 3x the price for something thats no longer avilable. I've never seen that before.
oh NOES 124 for a game that went as low as $30 when selling new?
http://www.ebay.com/ctg/Castlevania-Symphony-Night-Sony-PlayStation-1-1997-/2357 OH NOES, IS THAT THE GAME OF THE YEAR EDITION THAT RETAILED FOR $20 and is selling for 50?
PS I bought a 660 TI its only 299.99 retail, lower if you find a rebate. Also sorry about your jew complex.
367 hours later 14445240 Anonymous
>Digital copy =/= Physical copy
sorry but you're dumb, try harder
367 hours later 14445449 Anonymous (1346788212802.jpg 686x960 92kB)
Yep you caught me, an item that is scare in real life, and an item that is scare online are completely diffrent. I'd like to point you to bitcon, wow champs, eve online ships/currency, ect, kiddo. But grats on thinking that items you can hold are much more scarce then items that are only bits on a server. LOL, Welcome to 2012.
368 hours later 14445760 Anonymous
Here's the value of your game
>http://www.tf2outpost .com/trade/3795478
5 TF2 Keys, I like how you're making big ass text just trying to show that I'm not right when you're wrong.
368 hours later 14446979 Anonymous (129815580852.jpg 349x642 50kB)
Some guy decides what it doesn't mean anything to him. It's almost like someone didn't think it was worth something and some lucky guy bought it, knowing it had more value then it did.
Well I'm done arguing with someone that doesn't understand that "rare" items are worth more.
PS: trading for tf2 stuff LOL As i said a few minutes ago "Please put up your no longer available on steam item for trade, inb4 hats and tf shit."
Best of luck trying to jew people out of their rare items to put in your collection.
Also one last thing, I don't require either item, the one I trade for nor the one I want, so there is no harm in asking, maybe you should try asking for more next time you barter.
Also I'm going to bed.
368 hours later 14446982 Anonymous
Good to see that gift went into right hands.
368 hours later 14447208 Anonymous (07a8e884e529e9b36506ecbd59b19f8d718262a4_full.jpg 184x184 3kB)
How many TF2 keys do you guys think I should pay for FTL?
371 hours later 14452372 Anonymous
OK, good luck then there are barely any offer for it on tf2outpost, don't be so greedy.
372 hours later 14455398 Anonymous
Anything you want from my inventory for XBlades (weeaboo thing on sale now) and Torchlight 2
373 hours later 14456482 Anonymous
Wanting to trade my copy of The Ship and Frozen Synapse for X-com:Apocalypse and X-com: Terror from the deep (I think each one is around 3,75 dollars)
374 hours later 14459250 Anonymous
I have that stupid flame thrower that shoots bubbles in TF2, and i guess the goggles to go with it.
Will that get me anywhere?
374 hours later 14459283 Anonymous
Want : Hawken Alpha 2
Have : Natural Selection 2
374 hours later 14459691 Anonymous
[H] Witcher Enhanced Edition, NBA 2K12, Dota 2 & TF2 stuff. check my inventory
[W] FTL: Faster Than Light, Walking Dead Episodes, Dota 2 gear
get at me: steamcommunity.com/id/ghostcoda
378 hours later 14474290 Anonymous
I Got Borderlands 2 Premiere club edition,
Dungeon Defenders
and Frozen byte collection
i Would be willing to trade it for two torchlight 2 if any are interested?
heres my profile
378 hours later 14474351 Anonymous
have: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Boshean/inventory/
Want: offers
378 hours later 14474440 Anonymous
EYE Divine Cybermancy for Railworks or Fallout?
379 hours later 14474578 Anonymous
ehh eye doesn't really appeal to me. Got anything else?
379 hours later 14474674 Anonymous
Terraria, Bit Trip Beat, The Wonderful End of the World or Humble indie bundle 4 or the frozen synapse bundle?
379 hours later 14474728 Anonymous
W: Fallout NV Ultimate
H: $10 steam wallet
Don't bother contacting me with anything else.
379 hours later 14474756 Anonymous
Looking for someone to help transfer items from a banned account to my current account. Will reward you, please don't be a thief and take my stuff though.
379 hours later 14474793 Anonymous
What is the rewrad?
379 hours later 14474808 Anonymous
Looking for three copies of Borderland GOTY-
Willing to buy up to 14.99 game for each. (I'm too lazy to wait for another sale.)
Add: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198027057914
379 hours later 14474809 Anonymous
Can do
379 hours later 14474923 Anonymous
Added you, accept me. I've got one copy of it.
379 hours later 14475001 Anonymous
already have terraria, and bit trip. and the others aren't really my style.
379 hours later 14475012 Anonymous
Have Dota2
Want SR3 (it's 14$ right now)
379 hours later 14475083 Anonymous
Looking for torchlight 2
Got abunch of genuines and vintage items and hitman blood money.
379 hours later 14475348 Anonymous
[H] Crysis
[W] Saints Row: The Third
379 hours later 14475373 Anonymous
Got one copy. Need 2 more. I will buy you ~15.00 is steam games.
379 hours later 14476198 Anonymous
Got both. Thank you to the kind denizens of /vg/.
379 hours later 14476365 Anonymous
that's because you were overpaying and everybody who have a spare gift would be trading it for the same sale price on SPUF or tf2outpost
379 hours later 14476367 Anonymous
[H] The Orange Box, Risen
[W] General vidya game offers / TF2 items (Spy, soldier mainly)
379 hours later 14476429 Anonymous
I have tf2 stuff, add me
379 hours later 14476601 Anonymous
I'll also accept the Magicka complete collection too
379 hours later 14476675 Anonymous
I will do it for crysis 2
379 hours later 14476863 Anonymous
Sorry only got number 1
379 hours later 14477008 Anonymous
would you accept Alice for your Crysis?
379 hours later 14477102 Anonymous
Your crysis was 2.5 on sale, magicka complete is 7
379 hours later 14477269 Anonymous
I'll hold out for a better offer but if I don't get anything then sure.
You're a faggot
379 hours later 14477424 Anonymous
You're a jew
379 hours later 14477702 Anonymous
>Have: check my inventory.
>Want: Dota2 items.
Make me an offer.
379 hours later 14478179 Anonymous
Borderlands 2 Premiere Club Edition
Frozenbyte collection
HL 2
Dungeon Defenders
3x Shattered Horizon guestpass
all those games for 2x Torchlight II
380 hours later 14478378 Anonymous
I'll trade you the Humble Bundle for it. http://steamcommunity.com/id/Isotope_239/
380 hours later 14478419 Anonymous
Both or fuck off
380 hours later 14481190 Anonymous
Ok fine both. Add me http://steamcommunity.com/id/Isotope_239/
380 hours later 14481832 Anonymous
Same person
any person willing to trade
Frozenbyte collection
dungeon defenders
3x shattered horizon guestpass
Torchlight 2
381 hours later 14485460 Anonymous
I'll bite. what's your steam ID?
384 hours later 14495702 Anonymous
Section 8: Prejudice
Various TF2 items
Half-Life 1
386 hours later 14501872 Anonymous
Looking to trade for Saints Row: The Third now
386 hours later 14503378 http://steamcommunity.com/id/ryanwellis/inventory/
Have: Space Marine
Want: Torchlight 2
I also have some TF2 items, but I'm not what everything is worth. I don't play TF2.
390 hours later 14517670 Anonymous
I got HL2, Portal, Magicka/Killing Floor Collection and some RO2 Passes
390 hours later 14517745 Anonymous
What are you looking to get for those?
390 hours later 14517804 Anonymous
Just want Torchlight 2 and something else if you have anything
390 hours later 14517909 Anonymous
Haven't got it, but I'll give you EYE Divine Cybermancy or Train Sim 2012+ a bunch of DLC for Killing Floor.
391 hours later 14518870 Anonymous
>Hawken Alpha 2
>Delve Deeper
>Games, preferably something in the 15-20$ range
391 hours later 14518996 Anonymous
[H] Red Faction Armageddon
[W] Dead island
391 hours later 14519067 Anonymous
Forgot Steam ID: eeno
391 hours later 14520298 Anonymous
I have 3 red orchestra 2 guest passes can i trade em for something?
392 hours later 14521228 Anonymous (Capture.png 910x554 255kB)
393 hours later 14524140 Anonymous
[H] Payday the Heist x2
[W] Jet Set Radio
393 hours later 14524469 Anonymous
Why not give em out for free?
394 hours later 14525809 Anonymous (Capture.jpg 884x522 68kB)
I have all this stuff and I'm looking for TF2 offers, promos, etc.
394 hours later 14525973 Anonymous
Got some of the Sleeping Dogs genuines, plus a bunch of other stuff, any interest?
394 hours later 14526484 Anonymous
395 hours later 14528497 Anonymous
Hey you, gonna answer me here?
395 hours later 14528659 Anonymous
want portal or fortix?
395 hours later 14528703 Anonymous
Both of those are terrible offers, the 4 sleeping dogs genuines is 4 keys alone. How about Arcania, L4D or Train Sim?
395 hours later 14528814 Anonymous
Do you want E.Y.E?
395 hours later 14528845 Anonymous
Well I already own it myself and I already have a spare copy, it would be somewhat silly to get another copy. Add me and we'll figure something out. I want to get rid of most of my tf2 stuff, I just don't want to be jewed here either.
398 hours later 14533841 Anonymous
Willing to trade all my TF2 items for Torchlight 2
398 hours later 14534063 Anonymous
I have 2 dota 2 items lol. a box and a drow ranger greaves. any one want? will take anything hahahaha
398 hours later 14534385 Anonymous
Torchlight 1 copy in inventory
Someone to give me the difference quotient of sqrt(2x+8) because I'm a lazy retard
398 hours later 14534609 Anonymous (1313159328697.jpg 800x669 97kB)
Stuff I have, all Steam tradable:
Serious Sam 3: BFE.
Serious Sam HD: Double Pack. (or TFE and TSE separately)
Assassin's Creed 2 Deluxe.
Trine 2.
Nuclear Dawn (x2).
Planetside 2 Beta
Stuff I want:
Torchlight 2
Natural Selection 2
398 hours later 14535324 Anonymous (Capture.png 911x560 256kB)
Offer me games
398 hours later 14535421 Anonymous
Interested in Nuclear Dawn or Torchlight for Terraria?
398 hours later 14535518 Anonymous
How about AssCreed or Trine 2?
398 hours later 14535667 Anonymous
Trine 2 is gone and I'm still hearing offers for AssCreed 2, been offered RFG but I sure I can get better than that.
Would you do L4D2 for AssCreed?
398 hours later 14535713 Anonymous
No can do, but is there any other games you would offer for Terraria?
398 hours later 14536151 Anonymous
Not at this time, sorry, I want to keep the Serious Sam HD games as a bundle because if you have the two it will unlock TFE campaing on TSE.
And Q.U.B.E. is on hold.
400 hours later 14540195 Anonymous (5f8bfa8da6c5db392568731caa8db2c7.jpg 325x250 16kB)
Trine 2
The Ship 2 pack gift
The Witcher Enhanced Edition
Portal 2
Just Cause 2
Frozen Synapse
Someone just gave me the dota key over Steam so I do not plan on doing first trade with it, you will just have to take my word and check my rep I got from some silly Reddit fags on Gameswap.
400 hours later 14540385 Anonymous
Have: Dota2 gift
Want: CS:GO
400 hours later 14542349 Anonymous
Ancient Mask of Intimidation
Call of the Dendrochron
Horns of the Peace-Bringer
Stumpy, Nature's Attendant
Tickled Tegu
Torchlight 2
I'll give everything for Torchlight 2 + Killing Floor.
401 hours later 14542440 Anonymous
401 hours later 14543284 Anonymous
Dungeon Defenders
Portal 2
Torchlight II
401 hours later 14543774 Anonymous
Either of you guys still have Dead island?
Still looking for Dead island
[H] Red Faction armageddon
402 hours later 14549039 Anonymous
[H] Torchligh 2
[W] Offer
402 hours later 14549113 Anonymous
Anything of interest from here?
402 hours later 14549203 SteamID: failifornia (1346910312193.jpg 1366x768 167kB)
L.A. Noire
Dawn of War II: Complete Pack
Space Marine
Mafia II
Left 4 Dead I & II Bundle
Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition
Arma II: CO
Dead Island
The Witcher II
Fallout 3: GOTY
Fallout NV: GOTY
Borderlands 2
403 hours later 14549442 Anonymous
anything you like the look of?
403 hours later 14549451 Anonymous
Alice for Mafia 2?
403 hours later 14549570 Anonymous
I don't take tf2 items
403 hours later 14550000 Anonymous
dungeon defenders?
403 hours later 14550425 Anonymous
no but nice quad
403 hours later 14551479 Anonymous
KF and Torchlight 1 for L4D bundle?
403 hours later 14551615 Anonymous
[H] Natural selection 2
TF2 stuff
[W] Borderlands 2
Will buy game to make up price difference if you don't want any TF2 stuff.
403 hours later 14552789 SteamID: failifornia
I have both.
403 hours later 14552838 Anonymous
Monkey Island Complete Pack?
404 hours later 14554050 Anonymous
what about this?
404 hours later 14555590 Anonymous
H: 2 copies of The Ship
404 hours later 14555813 Anonymous
Forgot steam page
404 hours later 14556637 Anonymous
Colin McRae: Dirt 2
Skyrim: Dawnguard
Wargame: European Escalation
Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition
404 hours later 14556732 Anonymous
Wops, forgot steam page.
Have some vintage TF2 stuff as well....don't think any of it is really worth anything though
405 hours later 14560010 Anonymous
Anyone got Torchlight 2? Here is what I got.
405 hours later 14560709 Anonymous
ftl for Fallout NV: GOTY?
405 hours later 14561107 Anonymous
Mirror's Edge
Torchlight I
407 hours later 14568367 Anonymous
Serious Sam HD: Double Pack and SS3: BFE for it?
407 hours later 14568779 Anonymous
Torchlight II
XCOM: Enemy Unknown
Borderlands 2
Sleeping Dogs
Arma II: CO
Jet Set Radio
TF2 item offers
408 hours later 14569903 Anonymous (Picture 10.png 883x504 130kB)
stuff on pic.
or feel free to drop me an offer.
410 hours later 14581142 Anonymous (Capture.png 549x470 165kB)
Have: picture
Want: paypal money
411 hours later 14585171 Anonymous
[H] Borderlands 2 Key
[W] Tf2 promos (buds) , dota 2 unusuals / game offers
412 hours later 14586160 Anonymous
I've got Dirt 2 and a full set of genuine Deus Ex promo TF2 stuff.
412 hours later 14587267 Anonymous
Foster's Facade, Stockbroker's Scarf and Ghastlierest Gibus as well, along with a lot of vintage items, a few high level.
2.818 0.595