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2012-09-06 01:37 13384174 XBL: Dowantasaurus Dragon's Dogma General - Duck Face Edition (0889c8e1fbf4a6460ee2b20e2686d75c.jpg 1280x720 87kB)
Now with 100% more duckface. Dead game = dead thread? NOT ON MY WATCH. Dragon's Dogma Wiki http://dragonsdogma.wikia.com/wiki/Dragon%27s_Dogma_Wiki Dragon's Dogma FAQ http://pastebin.com/M30KXH4k Map of Gransys http://dl.gamesradar.com/guides/Gransys%20Map.jpg Max Affinity Unlocks http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/626515-dragons-dogma/62927434 Pawn Community Photo Contest http://game.capcom.co.jp/DD/en/contest/

3 min later 13384341 Anonymous
I wish this game was harder. Or had more replay value. It's a good premise for a franchise, providing Capcom will make more games.

6 min later 13384470 XBL: Dowantasaurus
>>13384341 It is a little disappointing. I'm level 35 and things are rather easy to kill right now. I'm hoping the post-game brings a bit more difficulty to the table. Either way, I think the best part about the game is the pawn system. Hopefully they'll give us a hardcore mode or better scaling next installment.

13 min later 13384951 XBL: Dowantasaurus
I'm beginning to wonder whether I should just beat the game already and go to post-game and THEN do all the exploring and stuff.

16 min later 13385076 Anonymous
>>13384470 There are harder mobs in post game, but they won't stay hard for too long. Also to the guy wondering why the thread wasn't bumping in the old thread before it went down, I heard in other generals a couple weeks ago that they stop bumping at around 750 now. I don't know if that is true but it would make since as to why the thread wasn't bumping any more.

24 min later 13385552 Anonymous
>>13384174 you didnt link the artbook. also the last thread was so weird. it was on page 5 and no matter what it wouldnt bump to page 1 when someone posted

27 min later 13385715 XBL: Dowantasaurus
>>13385552 I'm sorry. I'm new at this. If you would like, I will delete the thread.

32 min later 13386000 Anonymous
>>13385715 dont worry about it. anyone that gave a damn about it already downloaded it

48 min later 13386979 Anonymous
>>13385076 that would make sense...

1 hours later 13388231 PSN: Holocauxt
> "Welp... might as well revive the DD General... maybe I'd help some newbie get into the game... > "What should I subtitle it? Speshul Pawn + Duckface edition? Yeah, that sounds good..." > Get to /vg/ > "What's this...?" > "Dragon's Dogma General - Duck Face Edition" Well, fuck.

2 hours later 13392597 XBL: Dowantasaurus
>>13388231 It's the only thing I remember from the old thread. I forgot to save the Balanced Stats image. Does anyone have it?

2 hours later 13393035 PSN:Anggap (Dragon's Dogma Screenshot_361.jpg 1280x720 71kB)
Bumping with Succubi's boobies.

2 hours later 13393189 XBL: Dowantasaurus
>>13393035 I have real mixed feelings about this picture.

2 hours later 13393530 XBL: Custom BL4CK (spechul.jpg 1280x720 160kB)
>>13388231 Special Pawn reporting in

2 hours later 13393928 XBL: Custom BL4CK
>>13384174 Man that pawn is just ugly. Idk how that thing consistently gets front page stauts.

3 hours later 13394493 PSN:Anggap (Dragon's Dogma Screenshot_364.jpg 1280x720 85kB)
I have been practicing taking pictures with those butterflies and flowers background. It's really hard when your pawn cannot stay still. This is my best effort so far. It's still pretty shitty.

3 hours later 13394597 XBL: Custom BL4CK
>>13394493 Looks like you caught the picture right before she started to fade out.

3 hours later 13394839 PSN:Anggap (Dragon's Dogma Screenshot_365.jpg 1280x720 90kB)
All these pictures seems pretty dark. Maybe If my Arisen and my pawn have radiance, it will help with better lighting.

3 hours later 13396617 XBL: Dowantasaurus
>>13394839 She looks kinda bored. Sort of like... a stern disciplinarian that would reward me for behaving like a good little boy and apply uncomfortable pressure to my testicles if I didn't. ...Fuck. I gave myself a boner.

3 hours later 13397657 PSN:Anggap (Dragon's Dogma Screenshot_363.jpg 1280x720 95kB)
>>13396617 I was going for that mature Milf look when I made her because it is my fetish.

4 hours later 13398101 XBL: Custom BL4CK
>>13397657 She is very beautiful

4 hours later 13398927 XBL: KresNorthman
>>13393035 Fuck that made me mad. >Heard Harpies change to Succubi post-game >AWESOME >See them >THEY'RE NOT SEDUCTIVE AT ALL >>13397657 Hit the nail on the head then, good job! Oh, cross-platform Pawn renting, why can't you be a thing. >Cat and Beard rents Pawn again >Sends back an Unsigned Letter(Let the Arisen's only peace be Death! or whatever) Is this a threat or something? Thought we were bros. ;_; I'm sorry for all the 1d20 hips stuff, and making fun of your pawn's glasses! Doing Deny Salvation right now, should get to post-game before I go to sleep. Class in the morning so I won't be able to play further than that. Can't wait to edit my god damn Pawn, even if I like her look now, with that new dress. I miss my old Pawn's abs . Gonna try and use a skin pigment when I remake my Pawn, I just wish they weren't so...Solid? Like, I wish "Plum" was more Night Elfy purple, not girl-from-willy-wonka purple. This game sure could use some sliders. >>13384470 I hope the sequel does away with levels at all, honestly. I'd rather Chimera's be consistently tough throughout the game. Keep vocation ranks and skill progression or change it around a little. But I just want every fight I have to require that strategy it did at level 15 or so. Why burn the wings or sever the tail or kill the goat when I can just ARCCCCC OFFFF DELIVERANNCEEEEEEE them to destroy everything on them and knock them down, and just reapeat that process. Or let a certain someones level 150-some Pawn one-shot everything in the face. Gonna ditch this Mage I have with me and take Cat's Ranger Pawn with me for Grigori. No healers, only damage out the ass.

4 hours later 13399815 Anonymous
>>13398927 > Why burn the wings or sever the tail or kill the goat when I can just ARCCCCC OFFFF DELIVERANNCEEEEEEE them to destroy everything on them and knock them down, and just reapeat that process. or grab to his weakpoint and spam dire gouge/kawaii kissus

4 hours later 13399935 XBL: Custom BL4CK (clyclops.jpg 1280x720 89kB)
>Using Cat and beards pawn >fighting the cyclops near the femnazis >clycops is near the edge of the cliff >h-here i go >try and knock it off >cat and beards pawn falls off the cliff >cyclops lands on top of his pawn ouch

4 hours later 13400237 XBL: Custom BL4CK (no hires.jpg 1280x720 48kB)
feels like my pawn hasn't been hired in ages...

4 hours later 13400280 PSN:Anggap
Now that the photo contest is over. I hope Capcom still have something to look forward to. Most likely nothing ;_;

5 hours later 13400793 XBL: KresNorthman (Molly Hatchet.jpg 1417x1417 766kB)
>>13399935 I fucking hate fighting that Cyclopse. The one in Soulflayer, too. I lose a Pawn to either a bad jump, or unlucky knock-off at those areas roughly 7 out of 10 times I go to either location. On the way to the Greatwall for Deny Salvation just 15 minutes ago, my Pawn almost got knocked off THREE TIMES by the fucking boulders. I'm just sitting here going "DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE FALL, JUST WAIT TIL THE PASS" to my goddamn TV. >>13400237 Gotta be rough at your level, I suppose most people around there don't even have a need to hire Pawns anymore. Most probably don't even use their own, unless it's for the Ur-Dragon. I've had her hired since last night. I'll never be able to send her back since I have nothing good to send you. ;_; Also >That guard before the Wight fight, fighting the Skeleton Knight, dies >FUUUUUCKKKKK THE METAL CHEST >Spend 5 minutes debating with myself if I should use the wakestone you sent me, lest I get unlucky at Grigori >Do it >Gimble Gyre FUUUUUU Should've saved. >Out of Ab pictures

5 hours later 13401414 XBL: Custom BL4CK
>>13400793 I was thinking about starting over but I might wait until my special pawn status expires. Since i can save edit ill probably just get all my gear back that i like.

6 hours later 13403720 PSN: Holocauxt
>>13397657 >>13398101 I dunno, mang... I've seen her in-game and her forehead looks wide from a side-view angle. I liked her better when she had Maddy's hairstyle (not just because I love Maddy, mind...).

6 hours later 13403930 Anonymous (1346805420921.gif 229x307 829kB)
I miss Bob Ross. He snu snud into heaven.

6 hours later 13404525 Anonymous (Dragon's Dogma Screenshot.jpg 1280x720 87kB)
i finally managed to get an online ur-dragon kill and got 3 pieces of the abyssinal set and st. george mask, my happines lasted around 10 minutes now what?, this was like my last goal in game

6 hours later 13404781 XBL: KresNorthman (IMG_20120906_001349.jpg 2048x1536 981kB)
>>13401414 Ah, that reminds me, I was going to ask you..Do you think your Pawn was saved as a special Pawn "as is" or if you change her armor, skills, or vocation, the Special Pawn version will change too? Will her level increase and all that, too? If not, you'll literally have two Main Pawns until the Special status expires. Claire main character, Claire main Pawn, and Claire special Pawn all in one party. No screen wide enough to fit all of dat ass. >/vg/ party!

7 hours later 13406584 PSN: Holocauxt
>>13404781 The winners' Accounts are only hosted on the Special Pawn list. Basically it's just a "lol shortcut to hiring these poplar Pawnz." It's no different from just looking up the players' accountnames on the Pawn Community and hiring them.

9 hours later 13410191 Anonymous
Why is this game dead already? Because everyone has already beat it a thousand times?

9 hours later 13410230 Anonymous
Does anyone have the pic that shows the stats for each class?

11 hours later 13414902 Anonymous (sip.jpg 469x550 47kB)
Can anyone confirm if Ranger pawns actually use Instant Reset? Because if their AI can't make use of it, I'll give them another dagger skill.

11 hours later 13415197 PSN: Holocauxt
> Google "Archive Foolz" > Click on first link > Search for "Dragon's Dogma" Congratulations, you now know the secret to flying into free.

11 hours later 13415357 Anonymous
>>13410191 At the end the game only require you to look for every nook and cranny in the game. It will be cool if this game take notes from vindicus and throw in some online multiplayer theme park, the main game won't work with multiplayer and faggots will never understand it. This will shut them up for sure.

11 hours later 13415896 Anonymous (1339094088459.jpg 485x595 140kB)
>>13415357 That's true. Even Two Worlds II did the online MP in a seperate and much streamlined campaign. It would be cool if DD2 did this and players can bring their main pawn as well. Would definetly be do-able on nextgen. Also, what does it take to get that damned Gransys 3-Star!?

12 hours later 13417532 Anonymous
>>13414902 Ive never seen them use it. i remember when their was a time that rangers wouldnt use tenfold

12 hours later 13417606 XBL: Custom BL4CK
>>13404781 stop raping her!

13 hours later 13420047 XBL: KresNorthman
>>13406584 Ohh okay, I see what you mean. That's kinda funny. All the Pawns got voted on their looks, but the creators can basically make them a Green Hulk in Feste's outfit and make it all for naught . >>13417606 I can't help it She was pissing me off. After like 5 minutes of trying to get everyone into a picture-able position on uneven terrain, they all got their shit together, then she decided to knock the other Pawns off their positions or show her back to the camera every second . She wanted her ass in the photo, she got her ass in the photo, damn it.

16 hours later 13425875 PSN: Holocauxt (Dragon's Dogma Screenshot_1.jpg 1280x720 69kB)
How is this petite little bugger running faster than me!? No speed/stam augs, and she's shorter than me. Tell me your secrets, Speshul Pawn.

16 hours later 13426523 Anonymous
>>13404781 dat ass...

18 hours later 13430951 XBL: cat and beard (29801990_p3.jpg 811x950 583kB)
>>13398927 >unsigned letter I was changing my team around in the rift and unfortunately didn't have anything good on me. Just a jape, friend. >>13399935 Aaand karma's a bitch. >>13400237 I have her right now, I'm burning through a bunch of lame notice board quests. Was playing early this morning, killed everyone in Cassardis except for one kid who's running around terrified of me. Right before I killed Iola, I checked what she had for sale. She had a new set, the Farewell hat/cape/etc. At least it was new to me, I hadn't talked to her since I first started and the carrot trick was still there. Anyways,I actually kind of like the simplicity of the Farewell stuff, too bad it has super lousy stats. A lot of weak gear actually looks pretty good. I've realized that this game needs a lot more equipment, after playing for so long you realize there's not much that really looks decent together (ie, not looking like a thrift store). >>13404781 yaaay I do like that red feather cap. I guess I'll swap Gwen with whoever I picked up this morning so I can have JOLLY COOPERATION.

18 hours later 13431145 XBL: cat and beard (29929337_m.jpg 435x600 460kB)
>>13425875 >running faster than me!? >she's shorter than me. I believe you answered your own question. Also, turn on your lantern. There really should be a brightness option for this game. There isn't, is there?

18 hours later 13431328 XBL: cat and beard (dragon's dogma_stat growth.jpg 1375x2134 606kB)
>>13385552 New bump limit is 750, that's why the old thread fell into the brine. Here's that stat chart.

18 hours later 13431445 XBL: cat and beard (tits mcgee_79.jpg 581x832 83kB)
And the artbook. Massive thanks to the bro who scanned this, can't remember who it was. http://www.mediafire.com/?4dcfxwp3d6clf

19 hours later 13434007 XBL: cat and beard (a duck face, which I find adorable.jpg 1280x720 93kB)
NOW WITH 200% MOAR DUCKFACE. Yes I bored at work.

20 hours later 13436759 XBL: Custom BL4CK
>>13434007 Wow almost makes her look a little better.

20 hours later 13437752 Anonymous
>got bored of Dragon's Dogma months ago >came back to see if there's still a general >there is >Custom BL4CK is still posting in it Dude, why? Why are you still here?

20 hours later 13437860 Anonymous (1344380560492.jpg 500x499 69kB)

20 hours later 13437992 Anonymous
>>13437752 Because vidya ? Why are you still posting on 4chan? Who cares.

20 hours later 13438143 Anonymous
>>13437992 >whiteknighting some dude on 4chan I'm just asking what there is to talk about for so long.

20 hours later 13438738 Anonymous
>>13438143 >>whiteknighting /b/ is that way >what there is to talk about for so long I dunno, people like the game I guess. Isn't that what /vg/ is for?

20 hours later 13439280 Anonymous (Lily bowen.jpg 800x571 177kB)
so i'm planning on turning my pawn into this once i get 80k RC for blue pigment would you hire?

20 hours later 13439365 XBL: KresNorthman (lens17762576_1300630954abs_woman.jpg 250x250 12kB)
>>13431145 >There isn't, is there Actually, there is. When I first got the game I cranked it up because of my TV. Night was just "twilight" to me. Could see everything for miles. Got a facefull of immersion once I turned it down to reasonable levels. >>13425875 I think all Pawns can run faster than you. No matter what character I've played so far, no matter my encumbrance/weight, there's always an occasion where I'm sprinting out of Gran Soren down the road to the bridge where a pawn(or all of them!) pass me up. >>13430951 >Killed everyone Seriously this can happen? I always thought the Guards were immortal since I've never been able to outright kill one before STOP RIGHT THERE CRIMINAL SCUM kicks in. Unless you brined everyone. Which, knowing you... Poor Abs I usually don't equip head armor, not even a big fan of the leather caps, but since it was such a small change I decided just to keep her equipment as it was when you sent her back, also so the dragon ring didn't get sent to storage since I was at the Greatwall. The caps growing on me, though. Really nice though right now since our pawns are pretty much the same level iirc. I didn't hire her when I was playing my last batch of characters since she was still like 20 levels above when I was at Grigori, and I had AlchemicSpartan's(whose fucking disappeared from /vg/ apparently) 110 already making the game easymodo enough. REPOSTS

21 hours later 13439816 XBL: Custom BL4CK
>>13437752 Mostly just to help out noobs. I don't really play the game that much. I get on to usually check if my pawn was rented and take some of the new pawns out but I usually only play the game for like 30-45 min before i get bored. The same thing could be said for dark souls a few months back. the only thing that keeps that game alive is pvp (even thats broken because of cheaters,etc)

21 hours later 13440081 Anonymous (BADASSCHAMBER.png 1528x2296 336kB)
This game didn't spawn enough OC. The OC it did spawn was good, though.

21 hours later 13441940 Anonymous (milkin maddy.png 400x400 96kB)
from an old drawthread.

22 hours later 13444004 PSN:Anggap
Did anyone hired any of the Special Pawns? I hired the duck face winner of the PS3 and the pawn with red eye. Both of them are actually pretty good.

22 hours later 13445893 Anonymous
>>13444004 I hired one of the xbox special pawns. I think it was a mage. She did pretty good.

22 hours later 13445985 Anonymous
If someone leaves your pawn a comment along with the star ratings, does it actually tell you? Because I've gotten rented at least a few dozen times and have never seen anything apart from the stars (and "How did I perform? I tried to wolves hunt in packs").

23 hours later 13447568 XBL: cat and beard (29822906_p1.jpg 900x800 399kB)
So apparently this song plays in Cassardis: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01hlTBxM6cA I must be playing with the volume turned way the fuck down, because I don't remember this. BTW here's the OST, I posted some shitty forum link before: http://www.mediafire.com/?buqgeeor81p35e6 http://www.mediafire.com/?3hq4t7fwf96i792 http://www.mediafire.com/?4v5xe52pdzjgthe http://www.mediafire.com/?el4vybq4188tbjq

23 hours later 13448465 XBL: cat and beard (well fuck this shit.png 224x224 72kB)
>>13439365 >>Killed everyone >Seriously this can happen? I said Cassardis, not Gran Soren. I wish I could kill those fucking guards. I've avoided the jail just because of loading time. >accidentally pew pew pew near castle >finally go to jail first time >use skeleton key >think i can punch guard to death >mfw

23 hours later 13448593 Anonymous
>>13439365 >AlchemicSpartan he's still playing. almost every time i start up DD i get a msg saying "alchemicspartan wants people to play dragon's dogma".

23 hours later 13450589 Anonymous
Good augments for loli-mage?

24 hours later 13452156 Anonymous (1340926294239.jpg 500x500 109kB)
>>13450589 Articulacy (stacks with Wyrmking Ring) Acuity Gravitas (maybe? never used it myself) Endurance idk, all I need on a mage is High Anodyne and a weapon enchantment, I don't really expect them to do much else.

24 hours later 13452285 PSN: Holocauxt (Dragon's Dogma Screenshot.jpg 1280x720 80kB)
OH GOD, I miss the Sun soooo much!!! PRAISE THE SUN!!!

24 hours later 13452368 XBL: KresNorthman
>>13448465 Theres one or two Gran Soren guards in Cassadris, so I was too scared to try anything there. And, yeah, Prison was confusing at first >Brick at one end >Pick it up >See prison guard >Throw at him >He goes flying >Sweet, one hit ki-- >Prison >fuck First time I went to jail, too, was an accident. >Sundering Spear Tome >It's a scroll icon >Figure, "Oh hey I can learn a spell or some shit >Use >ASALAM SMACKS THE ROOF OF HIS INN AND FIRE IS EVERYWHERE OH GOD >Gets up like nothing happened >Runs out >Jail Y'know, maybe that's why I never even got to Jingle Affinity with him. Blowing someone up doesn't really help a relationship. After that I just assumed every NPC was immortal.

24 hours later 13452479 XBL: KresNorthman
>>13448593 Oh yeah, he still plays a lot. He just doesn't come to these threads anymore. ;_;

24 hours later 13453523 XBL: Custom BL4CK
>Contest winners will appear at the bottom of the pawn rankings for the duration of their Special Pawn Status period. Once the status period ends, they will appear in the rankings as normal with the points accumulated during their Special Pawn Status attributed to their overall ranking. I was worried about my pawn rank but then i read this...i guess it helps to read the T&C.

24 hours later 13453623 PSN:Anggap (Dragon's Dogma Screenshot_372.jpg 1280x720 84kB)
Finally able to take better picture with radiance.

25 hours later 13454301 XBL: cat and beard
>>13453623 Looks pretty good I think. My pawn was going for something similar for 30 levels or so. Have you tried the golden eyeglasses? Might fit a little better with the camisole. It's a subtle change but nice.

25 hours later 13455221 PSN:Anggap
>>13454301 I might look into it.

27 hours later 13461361 Anonymous
Could anyone give me some loot? I'm a magkic knight. I would also like some ferrystones and port crystals please. :3

27 hours later 13461521 Anonymous
My GT is n00basures

27 hours later 13461597 Anonymous
>>13461521 the fuck is a GT?

27 hours later 13461627 XBL: KresNorthman
>>13461361 Might wanna post your gamertag. Speaking of Port Crystals, do you only get one per game? Or have I just been missing the others? >ReCaptcha Challenge (Required) what a useless notice.

27 hours later 13461656 Anonymous
>>13461521 >>13461597 nevermind, is it PSN or XBL?

27 hours later 13461852 Anonymous (1346267572280.jpg 239x300 16kB)
>>13461656 XBL, I'm tired. forgive my mistake

27 hours later 13462074 XBL: cat and beard (1339635286012.jpg 400x561 30kB)
>>13461627 You're playing new games, right? You only get the one in Gran Soren and then the one you can place wherever. In NG+ you can buy them from Black Cat. If you want, I can gift you a couple later tonight (hopefully, if Mrs. C&B doesn't want to marathon Downton Abbey or whatever).

27 hours later 13462258 Anonymous
>>13461627 you can buy them for 200k in NG+ in the black cat, you only get 1 during normal gameplay

27 hours later 13463042 XBL: n00basures
I fucked up and no longer have my Royal Guard armor, is there a way to get it? I want to complete the duchess quest.

27 hours later 13463495 PSN: Holocauxt (Dragon's Dogma Screenshot.jpg 1280x720 64kB)
> Chamber of X > See closed gate > Stand in front of it > Save and Exit > Reload > While loading, press left stick forward while clicking sprint > DO NOT SAVE YOUR GAME OR YOU WILL SHIT BRIX.

27 hours later 13463960 PSN: Holocauxt
>>13463495 It's just a shame that the door beyond is just a prop and unopenable. Can anybody point me to the Chamber that has the Chest beyond the gate?

27 hours later 13464005 PSN: Holocauxt (Dragon's Dogma Screenshot_1.jpg 1280x720 72kB)
>>13463960 Forgot pic.

27 hours later 13464451 PSN:Anggap (Dragon's Dogma Screenshot_207.jpg 1280x720 84kB)
>>13463495 I shat brix when I found out about this glitch too. Apparently in some chamber you can take a ride on a succubi and land on a ledge that lead to the other side of the closed gate too. So far I found nothing.

28 hours later 13464692 XBL: KresNorthman (1280209912254.jpg 286x345 16kB)
>>13462074 Ohh I see. Gonna do NG+ on this run. Got my Infinite Appearance Scroll(Forgot what it was called. I default to Shaiya terminology in these cases.) thing. Nah, don't worry about the Crystals, I can work for them. Kind of a shame I'm about to change my characters around, as I really like this Grigori 2H sword. >>13463042 I can send you my set, I don't want it anymore. Once I finish editing my characters I'll send it off. I don't think I vendored it. As it's a quest item, can't you buy it at the Black Cat? No big deal, anyway. Coming your way in a bit. >Someone rents Gwen >Returns her in an Incognito Mask, with 3 stars in everything >mfw

28 hours later 13464962 Anonymous
The character creator is probably the best one yet in any game ever, you can pretty much create ANYONE you want, it also added a nice variety of NPCs to the world. Too bad it seems half of the playerbase created pretty much the same pawn. Speaking of which, since I love underdog protagonists, I decided to create a brown peasant girl as my Arisen. There was something very special about seeing her starting from zero to practically ascend to godhood. It turned out to be a specially satisfying run.

28 hours later 13465278 Anonymous
>>13464962 I wish it had more voices and colors but its still probably the best character creator ive ever used.

28 hours later 13465754 Anonymous
>>13465278 >>13464962 i've used better, but it's still a pretty good one, the only thing i didn't liked were the DLC voices >12 "new voices" >they are default voices wth high and low pitch

28 hours later 13466868 XBL: KresNorthman (Sorcerous Stabber Orphen.jpg 336x475 49kB)
>Max tall woman >Skinny >No muscle WHY CANT I HOLD THESE MELONS Good lord. Went with an Amazon pawn again anyway TIME TO PLAY DRESS UP. Might change my main character again though. Wanted to play a Sorcerer, so I made Orphen. But then I just realized, there's no bandana, and nothing that really looks like a black vest or leather pants. Might as well just make a TALL AND BIG BOOBED Sorceress instead. Yeah, that'll be my reasoning, totally.

28 hours later 13467137 XBL: KresNorthman
It's not finding you when I search by gamertag, n00basures. If you rent my Pawn I'll look you up by "Pawns my main pawn knows" and send you the armor if you still need it.

29 hours later 13468528 XBL: n00basures
>>13467137 My mistake, It's n00basaures Again, It's late and I'm tired.

29 hours later 13468891 Anonymous (21al9s.jpg 535x798 50kB)
Shit I did not know after 100+ hrs: hit start button when depositing items = mass deposit

29 hours later 13469629 Anonymous (what'll it be today anything you like.jpg 379x298 13kB)
>>13468891 wait what this is a thing

29 hours later 13469814 XBL: KresNorthman
>Can't find an armor set up I like on my Pawn Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. Also, I'm mildly concerned that her base defense is like 150 low than mine due to her being a Mage/Sorcerer the entirety of the past 40 odd levels. Guess I can't dress her up just yet, but I'll try. ;_; >>13468528 Okay >>13468891 Wait what

29 hours later 13470272 XBL: KresNorthman
>>13468528 Sent, rest at an inn. >Trying so hard to find a loadout that doesn't look terrible with the Sultry Cowl. >For a Warrior >Hardest thing I've ever done in the game

29 hours later 13470751 Anonymous
>>13469814 >go to Inn >deposit items >hit start >all aught goes straight to storage Now yr going to tell me you didn't know about tossing pigs.

30 hours later 13472147 PSN: Holocauxt
Or that you can kick people's asses when you grab them from behind.

30 hours later 13472418 PSN: Holocauxt
- You can mine ores using Explosives and Warrior Weapons (Longswords, Warhammers, etc.) - You can break a dragonkin's horns and wings and get Dragon Horn and Great Dragon Alula. - Warriors can destroy objects that no other vocations can (giant boulders, Water Temple Pillars, Barricades, Walls, etc).

30 hours later 13472539 XBL: KresNorthman (VV.png 640x480 391kB)
>>13470751 I've tossed snakes and spiders. >>13472147 Learned that fast. But learning that I could grab enemies from behind took quite awhile. Can "sit" on downed enemies too like wolves and whatnot. Fuck making Orphen. Made VV instead. Much more satisfying. FOR MY PENIS Also changed my Pawn's buffness to MAX. Is she too buff? But it makes her Abs more pronounced, so I'm tempted to keep it that way. Wish I could take real screenshots. ;_;

32 hours later 13479016 PSN: Holocauxt
Well... I'm basically done with this game... After 20+ dragons slain, I finally got my Dwells-In-Light Dragonforged... ...only to find out that my total Physical Offensive damage only goes up to 1.8k... while Hanabi (2nd place Speshul Pawn) does 1.7k as a Fighter...

32 hours later 13479087 Anonymous (1319279559403.jpg 800x800 414kB)
'Sup bros Thinking of getting your shit You think I'd like it?

33 hours later 13481275 Anonymous
>>13472418 Casters can destroy giant boulders with a fully charged spell like high comestation. >>13417532 Yeah, I guess since no one can confirm that ranger pawns use instant reset I'll remove it from my pawn and place another skill. Wish there were more skill slots. Also, SS size is amazing for speed and stamina.

36 hours later 13488436 Anonymous
So I got Dragons Dogma. I don't know if I should play a huge amazon like women or a lean muscle loli. I doubt that it really matters though. Also: Should I play with or without a guide?

37 hours later 13489369 PSN: Holocauxt
>>13488436 You choose: http://pastebin.com/M30KXH4k

38 hours later 13491152 Anonymous
>>13479087 Hard to say. This game starts out hard but it becomes incredibly easy around lvl 20. the combat i this game is extremely entertaining.

38 hours later 13491209 Anonymous
>>13479016 >Well... I'm basically done with this game... Join the club brother.

39 hours later 13492651 PSN: Holocauxt (Dragon's Dogma Screenshot_2.jpg 1280x720 90kB)
>>13491209 I'm done with the game, but for some reason, I get myself to play any other game... I wanna finish Tales of Graces F, but just the thought of EXP grinding is... eugh. So now I'm stuck with playing around with my Main Pawn as a model. Any suggestions for swagtastic combinations?

39 hours later 13493840 PSN: Holocauxt
>>13492651 > I CAN'T** get myself

40 hours later 13496453 Anonymous
>>13492651 That actually looks pretty damn good.

41 hours later 13497510 Anonymous (1340919754243.jpg 1280x720 118kB)
>>13492651 After this game, I don't think I can ever play any JRPG. I might beat Breath of Fire 5 (for the Nth time) again in the future just because I love that game so much, but I'm done with shit like Tales and Persona.

41 hours later 13497725 Anonymous (1340934657566.jpg 1280x720 70kB)
>>13481275 Never seen anyone use Instant Reset. I guess the game's logic for choosing when to use it would be pretty iffy, I can imagine pawns doing it at very bad times. It's interesting but I don't find it useful enough to waste a skill slot on.

41 hours later 13497847 Anonymous
>>13452156 Any non-obvious ones? I know the "boost carry capacity" is good for lolis.

41 hours later 13498175 Anonymous
>>13465754 I'm curious, what do you consider to be a better character creator than DD? I can imagine ways this would be better but it still results in much more attractive looking characters than any other game I've played.

41 hours later 13499249 XBL: Dowantasaurus
Can we get the list of must-have augments?

44 hours later 13506287 Anonymous (Chamber of Petting Zoo.jpg 1280x720 78kB)
Well, I gotta say that leveling up Magick Archer is pretty boring. Overall this class actually isn't as much fun as I hoped, maybe it'd be better solo. Although I am looking forward to Immolation.

45 hours later 13507594 Anonymous
>>13499249 Sinew Clout Vehemence Proficiency Pretty much ever assassin augment if you plan on fighting ur. most of these are only for non magic characters.

45 hours later 13507638 Anonymous
>>13499249 http://dragonsdogma.wikia.com/wiki/Augments heres a list

45 hours later 13508836 Anonymous
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BITxVxfQG20 Oh god, my sides.

46 hours later 13514126 Anonymous
How does the adventure demo work with trophies anyways if save data is carried over? You can pass the points you would get quite a few of them.

46 hours later 13514374 XBL: KresNorthman
>>13508836 Ha, pretty much what I did for the first hour or so. Had no idea. Not like you ever needed to press the grab button to grab onto ledges before. So I always tried getting close to auto-grab, then when nothing happened, I just said "WELP ONLY ONE OPTION LEFT", splat. Eventually though my eye saw the trigger icon flashing when I got near a floor, so I pressed it. I wanted to punch myself. Guys right though, it is faster. Doesn't do a lot of damage, either. I hate having to wait for the small cutscene everytime.

50 hours later 13525502 Anonymous
>>13508836 i remember when that video was first made...feels bad man

50 hours later 13526058 Anonymous
>>13525502 I know, it's pretty sad. I just started playing DD a few weeks ago and since these threads are so dead I've been looking up old generals on foolz. I should've bought this game on release day and joined in the fun.

51 hours later 13528436 Anonymous
>capcom decides to approve both epic DLC and Dragon's Dogma 2 >they make an epicly long lore about everything relating to the pawns, the arisen, and the DD's universe >DD's threads reach dark souls and elder scrolls level one can dream

51 hours later 13528616 PSN: VoidedUp
>>13528436 DD2 will last longer. I feel it.

52 hours later 13532448 Anonymous
>>13528616 An expansion would be great for this game. I feel like having just run of the mill DLC wouldn't be enough. unless the DLC was like a a new community boss or something like a new character customization pack.

54 hours later 13536275 Anonymous XBL: ArchSilversmith (290149_340391369385459_633837173_o.jpg 1280x720 48kB)
Charlotte, stand still.

54 hours later 13536836 Anonymous XBL: ArchSilversmith (330205_340378756053387_594978166_o.jpg 1280x720 116kB)
This looks more colorful. Charlotte, level 63 Sorcerer.

54 hours later 13536963 Anonymous
>>13536836 Whats the purple coat shes wearing?

54 hours later 13537308 Anonymous
guys, my pawn seems to become more human-like every time i complete the game i have all her speeches set to shy and just in an hour i have seen some strange behaviour for example, there were some goblins outside of cassardis and my pawn said the classic: "Careful! a goblin!", so i proceed to kill the goblins, without letting my pawn land a single arrow on them, i turned around to her and she was making this pouting animation next i went to the ancient quarry to complete the quest for that merchant, i stepped on some thing to open a door and used the come command, instead of saying "I'll go at once" she said "coming!" on a voice so cute, fuck can't explain, i dawwed hidden easter egg from capcom? or just me? if it helps, i'm on NG++

54 hours later 13538405 Anonymous
>>13536963 Animistic Robe with the Heresy cloak http://dragonsdogma.wikia.com/wiki/Animistic_Robe

55 hours later 13539935 Anonymous
>>13537308 pawns will even do victory poses after battles (i think it depends on their speech temperment). i noticed this during my 3rd playthrough

56 hours later 13541898 XBL: KresNorthman (IMG_20120908_004647.jpg 1536x2048 796kB)
AAAAAAAABSSSS Settled on an armor set for now. I really hate the lack of good hodgepodge sets. Not much looks good just randomly thrown together, and the full sets leave something to be desired. Still can't find a way to work in the red cowl/mask thing. >>13537308 I noticed this on my first playthrough, so it's not NG progression, sadly. I can't remember what I had her speech set to at the time. Meek or Timid, probably(what else do you give a Loli pawn with a Loli voice?). It seems like some voice/manner of speech sets have more than one line for a situation, but the probability of getting the "different" one is just low, but I'm not sure. Just a random musing I've had for awhile. Also, if you used voice 6(i think), I agree about the "Coming!" being downright daww worthy, not to mention the "...Master!" when you run out of breath. >>13539935 Yeah, the his pawn pouting would be a victory pose. Probably supposed to be more of a "waa i don't want to kill things i'm a pacifist" pout. There's one I thought was cool where the Pawn would kneel down on one knee and seemingly pray after a battle. Might change my Pawn off of "confident" for the victory thing. Tired of seeing her squat down like an over exaggerated cartoon when we kill a fucking goblin. >>13536836 I like her look. Will try and hire at some point. Like that strider pawn in the background too. >Decide to go take on the drake? at Conquerer's Sanctuary >Cockatrice on the way >Stones my pawn, she apparently used all her Panaceas >Fuck, byebye abs >Just me, Claire, and Sister >Most frustrating fight I've had today besides the Chamber of Whatever with the two Geochamiras, Lich guy, and endless Hellhounds >Spam Gicel >He finally dies >No tear >All my fucks.

56 hours later 13543113 PSN: Holocauxt
>>13541898 see >>13492651

57 hours later 13545239 XBL: KresNorthman (1336190559818.jpg 1800x2423 2591kB)
>>13543113 Yeah, don't get me wrong, there are some, why I said "not much" - theres just too few combinations i've found so far. I had a nice strider set up right before I got to Grigori last game, and an okay sorcerer outfit right now, but I have a really tough time with Heavy Armor, both male and female. Your set up there is probably the best I could think of. I think I just wanted the game to have more interchangable end-game heavy armors. As it stands, it's hard to not look like a bandit/barbarian(or a retard in the case of sectional plate and all that shit). One of the reasons I try and ditch that fur/skin/leather/whatever skirt as soon as I can in every new game I've played so far. tl;dr I want mooooooore. >thumbnails not loading >random picture time

59 hours later 13550451 Anonymous (c0136a33456edd5a682ac59e77b4458a.jpg 636x900 548kB)
I have been playing this game offline for too damn long. Right now I'm left with wanting MORE. DD2 only makes me anxious and keeps me wondering what sort of enemies, equipment, world, story, whatevers they'll add. >Weather system. Rainan, Snowan, Storman. Different loot, enemies, and quests with the seasons and weather conditions. >Time based world. You're the Arisen, you're immortal, go kill the Dragon when you feel like it, Sleeping at your house advances time by set amounts (How many years, months, (weeks) more than Inns (days, hours) do, and changes the world around you. Irreversibly advance time to a different stage in the world if you want to. >SWIMMAN >DYNAMIC ENEMIES. Minotaurs, leviathans, hybrids, zus, basilisks and etc. Randomize monsters' body/facial structures, skin/fur/scale tones, and size in slight amounts. >More customization. Change equipment color, more equipment swag, more voice types, able to add a base personality to your Arisen, no voices, just a basic outline of how people react to you as you talk to them more or how your Arisen acts in cutscenes in slight ways. >New game+ and any additional +'s change general loot, exp gained from monsters, changes monsters encountered, etc. I CAN DREAM.

62 hours later 13557970 Anonymous
>Weather system. Rainan, Snowan, Storman. Different loot, enemies, and quests with the seasons and weather conditions. I would jizz all over this. Maybe the enemies could change to correspond with the weather. >Time based world. You're the Arisen, you're immortal, go kill the Dragon when you feel like it, Sleeping at your house advances time by set amounts (How many years, months, (weeks) more than Inns (days, hours) do, and changes the world around you. Irreversibly advance time to a different stage in the world if you want to. I guess >SWIMMAN THE BRINE!! >DYNAMIC ENEMIES. Minotaurs, leviathans, hybrids, zus, basilisks and etc. Randomize monsters' body/facial structures, skin/fur/scale tones, and size in slight amounts. New enemies are always welcome. I also want more community bosses. i would also like to add make enemy encounters random. >More customization. Change equipment color, more equipment swag, more voice types, able to add a base personality to your Arisen, no voices, just a basic outline of how people react to you as you talk to them more or how your Arisen acts in cutscenes in slight ways. A dye system would be awesome. and new voices are always welcome. >New game+ and any additional +'s change general loot, exp gained from monsters, changes monsters encountered, etc. No comment.perfect.

63 hours later 13559070 PSN: Holocauxt
Funny thing happened to me just now: > Game: "Good evening, player! Fine time to model your pawn, eh?" > Me: "..." *kills Main Pawn* > Game: "Uh, h-hey there... what are you-" > *takes out Godsbane* > Game: "Oh god, please don't tell me..." > *goes to Chamber of Hope* > Game: "Dammit, man! Please don't do it!!!" > Me: *opens chest* "Red wine..." *kills self* > Game: "OH GOD!!! OH MY GOD, YOU CRAZY ASSHOLE!!!" > Me: *opens chest again* "White wine..." *kills self* > Game: "ALRIGHT!!! ALRIGHT!!! FINE!!! Here, take your stupid Holy Cuisses!!! It's what you want, right!?!" > Me: "Uh, yeah..." > Game: "Here, take these with you!!!" *Bloody Thisle, Treaded Cudgel, and Frozen Finger* "Just stay the fuck away from Everfall again!!!" > Me: "Uh... alright." > Game: "Crazy little shit head..."

63 hours later 13559615 Anonymous
I really wish NG+ increased difficulty. I loved playing the game that first time, discovering new areas, fighting new monsters and figuring out their weaknesses. The post game section complemented the already excellent game wonderfully, giving that little extra challenge to the game before finally climaxing in the everfall. Then NG+ was nothing but a giant disappointment. I tried wiping my old character and starting again, I cleared the game once but it just wasn't the same. It's a real pity, the souls games have pretty awesomely showcased how much a scaling NG+ can do for a games longevity and its become a bit of a sore point that Dragon's Dogma wasn't the same.

63 hours later 13559929 Anonymous (721774_1339001573.jpg 500x571 38kB)
>>13497725 Instant reset is good if you're fighting Ur Dragon or something. For instance, if he casts Holy Furor on you and try to jump out of it and get hit by it. When you get hit you will fall and it will take a few seconds to recover than escape. With Instant Reset, you can instantly recover. Or if you're using hundred kisses and missed an enemy while using it, you do have to wait for the animation to finish, just instant reset it. Also, I'm doing DF runs and saving right before a drake dies. Funny thing this last time...I reload to try and get an bunch of items DF'd. The Drake trolled me by flying up then landing (causing me to stagger) and immediately flying up afterwards not letting me get the final blow. He kept doing this continously. Finally I was able to overcome this by jumping repeatedly (to avoid stagger) and then hitting the heavy attack as he landed.

63 hours later 13560216 PSN: Holocauxt
>>13559929 > Danny Trejo character Please tell me that's your pawn and you're on PS3.

63 hours later 13560378 Anonymous
>>13559929 Does your pawn narc you out to the DEA?

63 hours later 13560608 Anonymous (721774_1344797858.jpg 1280x960 287kB)
>>13560216 >>13560378 Sorry, he's not my pawn. ;_; Found it on dd-edit.

64 hours later 13561189 PSN: VanBlanc (Dragon's Dogma Screenshot_55.jpg 1280x720 75kB)
Holy shit you guys, it's been too long. After trying out other games and taking a break from DD, I just keep wanting this game. I've been listening to the ost and man it takes me back to when I first started DD

64 hours later 13562046 Anonymous
>>13550451 >>13557970 Some things I'll add to it: -Random encounters (a variety of monsters of various levels can spawn in the wild) -Hard or Insane difficulty option -Ability to lock pawn inclination -Equipment dyes (for example: the pinkish flameskirt doesn't match some gear) -More high-end gear (tired of seeing abyssinal on every high level pawn) -More voice types. (Female has 6 types but only 2 seem to be feminine so almost all females pawns have the same 2 voices) -Weather system would be great -More variety skill for Warrior vocation (some skills aren't that interesting or too similiar) -Secondary weapon for Warrior maybe? (throwing daggers? ability to equip throwblasts or throwing knives so you can spam em without going into the menu) -NG+ has added difficulty+new versions of monsters -More monsters -More locations -Bigger overworld map -An optional dungeon that has like 100+ floors (can be simple rooms but with varying degrees of monster spawning) -More skill slots (make use of PS3's L2 & R2) -More vocations for both player and pawn

66 hours later 13567620 Anonymous
One thing im surprised they haven't done is add a new community boss. They already have the online system for it.its just a matter of making up a monster and adding a new floor to the everfall...

71 hours later 13586705 XBL: KresNorthman
>>13559929 I'm so fucking determined to make that pawn. Could use a male pawn for a change too, bro it up. Would be weird seeing him in medieval-style armor, though. >>13567620 Yeah, I'm surprised about that too. Also the lack of a Hard Mode still. Those are the two most logical steps for DLC to keep people interested in the game, but they just don't want to do it. Their loss, I guess.

73 hours later 13593087 Anonymous
>>13567620 >>13586705 The manual even says you can "participate in events to defeat common enemies with other players online". >events >enemies Plural.

74 hours later 13595951 Anonymous
Is there any cute dress DLC yet? ;_;

74 hours later 13597192 Anonymous
Woah, woah, woah. Dragon's Dogma 2? When the fuck did this shit get said?

74 hours later 13598002 Anonymous
>>13597192 months ago.

74 hours later 13598091 Anonymous
>>13598002 well let me rephrase. they said they wanted to make it into a franchise but there hasnt been an offical announcement for DD2

75 hours later 13601049 Anonymous
>>13595951 Jester suit :P

75 hours later 13601336 XBL: Custom BL4CK (abs.jpg 1280x720 87kB)
>>13586705 In loving me some abs right now. In other news. people have always wanted coop but one criticism of it is that people would ruin other peoples games by killing shopkeepers and important NPC. One thing they could do is make it so only the host can interact with NPC. The person who was invited can pick up items in the town and can climb on stuff but cant touch or talk to NPC. The person who is summoned can also bring his pawn with them making it a party of 4.

76 hours later 13602368 PSN: VoidedUp
>>13601336 Maybe even a feature where the world "resets" when you disconnect from someone's world or they disconnect from your world. Like, all the NPCs respawn.

77 hours later 13607132 XBL: KresNorthman
>>13601336 Holy shit a REAL picture, thanks bro! Hope she's doing her part, anyway. Whatever that part may be She doing okay? She was Medicant-Challenger for the first day or two, changed her to Challenger-Scather I think.Scather I guess she's a warrior so she can't do much, but in that chamber with the two geochimeras, hellhounds, and the lich, I was frustrated that no one but me was going after the lich, including Claire and Sister. The lich drags on the fight so long, but nobody targeted it. I like the idea of NPCs respawning. Or simply make them unkillable during co-op, or a very short(1 or 2 day) respawn timer, as I don't think it'd be a huge problem. But I think the other player(s) would need to be able to interact with NPCs. Get quests, buy items, enhance gear. I'm not a fan of the half feature online stuff, like Fable 2. I think it was Maybe longer/permanent if the host player participates in the attack on the NPC. What I would really like in a feature like that, though, would be for the cities/encampments to be HUBs. Tons of other players running around in them, being able to see/interact with other players in, say, G ran Soren and form your parties there. Guild Wars 1 kind of thing. I always thought you should see other players characters in town walking around, instead of just Pawns. But it would be better too if it was actually the players currently playing, not just their models running around on a script. To buy Everfall items and farm chests, or not to...do all that, that is the question. Figure I'll already be raping NG+ as it is, but, y'know, cool gear. >Can't connect to 4chan server >Copy text >Reopen Firefox >Nothing on my paste clipboard >Fuuu Times like this I'm happy I still have a keylogger installed.

78 hours later 13607181 Anonymous
what is up with 4chan tonight? damn cloudflare

78 hours later 13607482 PSN: Holocauxt
Here's an interesting rumor behind the Abyssinal Outfit. In the artbook, the Abyssinal set was supposed to be a full equipment set (Head, Armor, Clothes, Arms, Legs, Lower Clothes, Cape, and Ring). Capcom was supposedly planning an Everfall quest to obtain all of these parts into the Abyssinal set, but only completed 3 with the 4th (Abyssinal Outfit) unfinished. Possible DLC/patch/expansion, perhaps?

79 hours later 13607680 XBL: KresNorthman (jack-of-all-trades-bruce-campbell.jpg 540x720 261kB)
>>13607482 >Possible DLC/patch/expansion, perhaps? If they actually remember how to create and release DLC thats not already on the disk. Mr. Optimist, I know. >Danny Trejo pawn >Bruce Campbell main character Can I pull this off?

79 hours later 13607956 Anonymous
>>13607482 wow that is interesting. the outfit can be obtained through save editing but i didnt know they were planning on having a head and cape.i doubt capcom will do it. seems like they can only make disc locked content.

79 hours later 13608863 Anonymous XBL: ArchSilversmith
Fuck, I got Reynard as a LI.

79 hours later 13609282 PSN: Holocauxt (252.jpg 200x200 9kB)

80 hours later 13610217 PSN: Holocauxt
>>13607680 Name them Ash and Machete, then find a way to bring them over to PS3.

80 hours later 13610798 XBL: KresNorthman
>>13610217 I think I'm actually gonna give it a shot once I hit NG+ Don't remember if the game has Bruce Campbell-ish hair, though. Most of it was pretty flat. >floodland the Holy shit. Listened to the Sisters of Mercy CD Floodland earlier today. Captcha's getting crafty.

82 hours later 13614183 Anonymous
This general made me play this again.. God I love this game. I just wish that the warrior/mage classes didn't get the best looking gear though. I feel like most end game strider classes get shafted when it comes to cool looking gear. Twilight set isn't terrible though since it gives you that ninja/assassin look which fits.. But still.

84 hours later 13617682 Anonymous
>>13614183 I actually think that Dark Lorica (part of Twilight set) is the best looking torso armor for males. Doesn't look as good on females. To me its one of the perks of going Ranger/Assassin. I don't think Striders can even wear it.

84 hours later 13617974 XBL: KresNorthman (1312079632310.gif 436x335 2096kB)
>Killed 5 drakes >Still no tear What the fuck. I got like 3 of the other two tears. Returned your pawns too guys, gonna do Seneschal in the morning...Well, it is 7am. Morning being when I wake up.

86 hours later 13623735 PSN: Holocauxt (Dragon's Dogma Screenshot.jpg 1280x720 74kB)
>>13617682 My pawn would like to have a word with you...

87 hours later 13624061 Anonymous
>>13623735 I don't get it. Still looks better on a male.

88 hours later 13626410 XBL: Custom BL4CK
>>13607132 I took her and some other low lvl pawn to fight the arch hyrdra. They got their shit rocked pretty hard in that fight.

90 hours later 13632703 XBL: KresNorthman
>>13626410 Yeah I went and fought the one at Frontier Caverns last night with the /vg/ party and they got their asses handed to them, too. My pawn actually stayed alive the longest(besides me), which surprised me. Only because she was scaling(pure luck) the Hydra's head by chance everytime he used his tailwhip and poison spit. Fight would've taken for fucking ever if I hadn't spammed High Gicel/Comesation

90 hours later 13633090 Anonymous
So you guys, about the DLC that's out right now (I'll be getting the game this monday, so cosmetic dlc is still relevant to me), what is worth getting and what's a waste of money?

91 hours later 13635681 Anonymous
>>13633090 Only the armors and the extra customization colors in my opinion.

92 hours later 13638640 Anonymous
>>13635681 Thanks

94 hours later 13650091 Anonymous
>>13633090 just dont buy the quest packs. theres usually 1 useful reward in each pack but its not worth the money. the weapons at least look cool, so do the armors. the hair pack is kinda bad and so is the voice pack

97 hours later 13660034 XBL: KresNorthman
All this talk of DLC, might as well ask two questions I've got: Planning to dump a bit of money into DLC in a couple days, but are the Monster Hunter weapons worth it? The power on them seems reaaallllyyyyy low, like it'd only be useful at level 10. Otherwise not many of them appeal to me based on looks alone. And these stay on your account right, not your save? So if I did make a new game at some point in the future, starting from scratch(not NG+), would all this still be there?

97 hours later 13660789 XBL: Custom BL4CK (wett.jpg 1280x720 50kB)
>>13660034 The hair pack DLC is kinda useless unless you want the she goat armor. The color pack is probably one of the better ones. The armor packs look good but the stats suck but this game becomes piss easy at lvl 20 so it doesnt matter. The voice pack sucks. The best armor pack is jesters motley. The demonic and divine packs are also good. Some of the quest packs have useful stuff but its not worth buying them.

97 hours later 13661207 PSN: Holocauxt
> Actually be satisfied with Hanabi (PS3 2nd Place Speshul Pawn) > Remove her temporarily for Sudoku (see: >>13559070 ) > Summon her back > SILVER CHESTPLATE + SILK LINGERIE > All my nopes Goddammit why!?

98 hours later 13663982 Anonymous
>>13661207 You no like whore pawn!!

99 hours later 13667107 Anonymous
new DLC is coming soon, actual DLC this time, only 1 part of it being disc locked content (abyssinal outfit) it basicly is a new ur-dragon style boss that drops the rest of the sbyssinal set and an expasion to single player map, and some new quests just don't make a huge hype of this, i don't want to lose my job and they want it to be a surprise

99 hours later 13667578 PSN: Holocauxt
>>13667107 Proof or GTFO. > expansion to single player map Like there was any other "kind" of map in DD other than Gransys. Try harder next time.

100 hours later 13668952 Anonymous (1343925759249.png 248x244 139kB)
>>13667107 >capcom > releasing non disc locked content

100 hours later 13669173 Anonymous (1343863486484.jpg 246x304 65kB)
>>13667107 also >a new ur-dragon style boss that drops the rest of the sbyssinal set and an expasion to single player map, and some new quests >a new ur-dragon style boss that drops >an expasion to single player map, and some new quests >a new ur-dragon style boss that drops an expasion to single player map, and some new quests NOPE

100 hours later 13669370 XBL: KresNorthman
>>13661207 HES COPYING ME. Wut. Yeah, I really liked Hanabi on the Pawn community site. Shame he changed her. I kinda feel that the special pawns should've just been saved as they were when they won, since that's how people rated them anyhow. He probably just wanted to fap and then rest at an inn on accident. >>13667107 ONE CAN DREAM.

100 hours later 13669584 XBL: KresNorthman
>>13660789 Also, yeah. I'm not worried about armor stats(you saw my main Pawn), so if it looks good I'll probably like it. Any input on if you keep it all at a New Game that isn't NG+? The wording on the wiki seems like it could go both ways.

100 hours later 13670129 Anonymous
>>13669584 Im assuming you keep them. That's how it works with every other game. then again it is capcom we are dealing with...

102 hours later 13675154 XBL: KresNorthman
Liking Sister's new look, Cat. She's got mighty fine abs , too. >>13670129 Alright, I sure hope so.

102 hours later 13676496 Anonymous
>listen to japanese Dragon's Dogma intro >orgasms at guitar solo both are good but damn, this is very good http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sryy8YvDgFY

103 hours later 13677628 PSN: Holocauxt
>>13676496 "Samayoeru Aoi Dangan" is not the Japanese version of Dragon's Dogma's theme. The Japanese Version of the game also has "Into Free -Dangan-" as its main menu theme. "Samayoeru Aoi Dangan" is just the basis for Into Free.

103 hours later 13678909 Anonymous
i'm having these dreams of an anime based on dragon's dogma and the history of the first Arisen where most of the lore of the game is explained and then Dragon's Dogam 2 get's released around 2014 based on it's popularity in japan, what are the chances of this happening?

103 hours later 13678953 Anonymous
>>13678909 >Dragon's Dogam >Dragon's Dogma damn typos

104 hours later 13679995 XBL: cat and beard
>>13675154 too bad I have no time to actually play beyond dressing up. >abs just for you, bro.

108 hours later 13689836 Anonymous
>>13667107 I'd rather have a hard mode instead of more Abyssinal gear. ;_; Expanded map sounds cool though, but right now alot of players are sitting at 100+ lvls. It's gonna be a breeze unless Capcom ramps up the difficulty. There's not much to do right now for high-lvlers other than Ur hunting which gets tedious. So I'm rich enough to support an additional account where I can make a nice pawn for my main account to hire lol.

111 hours later 13695469 XBL: Custom BL4CK
god i have been getting a constant stream of FR from random people who play DD. maybe its because of the spechul pawn thing?

114 hours later 13702163 XBL: KresNorthman (1343262824926.jpg 194x160 46kB)
>>13679995 >Tell wife her abs aren't good enough, she needs to go work on them >She goes to the gym everyday >More time to play Dragons Dogma >Spend your days rubbing your Pawn's abs against my Pawn's abs >Soon, Ab babies You'll be surrounded by abs. Both in-game and out. >>13695469 I'm sure that's why. I guess it's only natural. Not many people are gonna wanna shell out 200k RC for a Pawn, spechul or not. Or they want you to be a part of their circle jerk. >Last night/this morning >Farm/grind Everfall some more just because >Claire gets turned to stone >whoops >Hire random Pawn mage >Won't move away from me, check, Guardian >Sister gets turned to stone in another room >What the fuck >Random Fighter Pawn walking around outside the chamber >Also turns out to be Guardian >mfw I go to fight a Drake (STILL NO FUCKING TEAR HSBFHJSDJGJHSD and my Pawn is the only one walking up to it to do anything, the Mage won't stop enchanting my weapon, Fighter just standing infront of me with her shield up, and me having to stand this far back because I ain't being knocked off my feet at 99% High Maelstorm or Gicel yet again.

114 hours later 13702532 XBL: KresNorthman
>>13702163 Also, is it worth trying the online Ur-Dragon at level 59 or 69 or whatever I am? Or should I wait til my next post-game? Not really hurting for the items or anything, so it's no big deal. Don't think I'll miss out on much.

118 hours later 13713526 Anonymous (29991428_p0.jpg 922x692 242kB)
Huh, so I finally died with a Wakestone in my inventory (not storage) and instead of getting a game over/retry, you get the choice of using the Wakestone. It never occurred to me that you could use them on yourself, just Pawns and NPCs.

120 hours later 13718850 Anonymous
>>13702532 You could go for it. But more likely than not you'll get frustrated since it seems like you're not doing anything and depending on your vocation/equipment you might get your pounded in by him. He has a shitton of health by now.

121 hours later 13722121 XBL: KresNorthman
>>13713526 You don't need them to revive Pawns. Or can you after their revive limit is up, instead of them just disappearing? Anyway, yeah. The game doesn't explain it well at all, like most things in it. I didn't realize it til my first post-game. I figured you could use them that way, but I never died in the normal section of the game. I don't think you can really find wakestones...pre-post-game. Few shards here and there, and my Pawn said "You can find Wakestones in the everfall" during the Blacksmith's Son quest. But no shards or anything dropped there. Would be nice(and make more sense) if Pawns used the Wakestones you put in their inventory to get themselves back up when they fall in battle. Instead I still gotta sprint across the room, right up to the enemies face, to revive a dead Pawn. Bleh. >The first time you enter the The Everfall (post dragon), all of the floors will take you to the Chamber of Confusion. In it, you will find an Evil Eye. The rest of the floors will be unlocked after defeating the Evil Eye. I only got to this floor last night well after getting like 50 wakestones...what. Also, this Crimson Armor is giving me a fuck. Think I'll just stick with the breastplate and hodgepodge the rest. Need to find some good leggings that don't look out of place, though.

121 hours later 13722446 Anonymous (e8f3106b957a2a5c821e1b34794ef256.jpg 1280x720 81kB)
>>13722121 > Also, this Crimson Armor is giving me a fuck. What? You can't into Crimson set?

121 hours later 13722484 PSN: Holocauxt
>>13722446 Where the fuck did my name go?

122 hours later 13725227 XBL: KresNorthman
>>13722484 Since your names not on the post, that's not you. Stop trying to steal credit. Faggot. In fact, that's my main character. See. I have it. What do you have? Not the Crimson Armor set, I'll tell you that. Wait, my names not on it either. And yeah. Granted, I'm farming Everfall in the traditional way of not abusing saves. I don't like the helmet or the sabatons, but I kind of want to get the arm guards. Using, whats it called...Dragonhide? Dragon-something arm armor on my pawn with the Crimson Armor chestplate right now, and it looks pretty okay. I actually think I prefer the "only covers one arm" thing. Or I'll keep telling myself that. I think I got one more Everfall/Wakestone-farm run in me before I go on to the Seneschal. Gotta get a couple Feral Capes from Jayce before I forget too.

122 hours later 13725410 XBL: KresNorthman

122 hours later 13725528 Psn : Angelus_Mortem
Good Lord, I thought no one posted DD threads anymore. I put down the game a couple months ago cause the threads died down.

122 hours later 13725651 Psn : Angelus_Mortem (Dragon's Dogma Screenshot_1.jpg 1280x720 84kB)
>>13725528 Also here's my pawn, I think she's a lv 70 Ranger now so newcomers can add me if you need her.

122 hours later 13726128 PSN: Holocauxt
>>13725410 Her beefsteak brings all the pawn to the yard, and damn right, they're better than yours. I can teach you, but I have to charge.

122 hours later 13726690 PSN: Holocauxt (6ee465e4ff71b405022afa74e8e685f0.jpg 1280x720 85kB)
The secret is: she's not curvy, AT ALL. I just gave her the longest torso the game offers. Also the longest arms and legs. Then, just beef her up and set her height to maximum. There you go, your own personal modern-day amazon.

122 hours later 13727034 PSN: Holocauxt (halo_notebook_DaisyCal_R4.jpg 326x978 153kB)
I wish DD had some green-colored armor sets and Griffith's hairstyle, then my Pawn would be complete.

122 hours later 13727447 XBL: Custom BL4CK
Why_cant_i_hold_all_these_friend_request.jpg Time to get on to see if i got any rents today.

122 hours later 13727732 XBL: Custom BL4CK
>>13727447 4 rents!!! Wooo!! 1 for 7,111 1 for 181701 1 for 71714 1 for 19681 total of 280207 these are the kinds of rents i used to get when the game first came out

123 hours later 13728208 PSN: Holocauxt
I wish my Pawn still got rents, rather than just being eye-candy to the PawnComm devs.

123 hours later 13728819 XBL: KresNorthman
>>13726690 Doesn't look bad from that angle, but I fear about her not being curvy at all. I still like rather thin waists. I might make the sacrifice, though.. >>13725651 I like her. Don't see many with that hair style, either. Could use some abs though. >>13727732 Nice. I've never noticed, but when friends rent your Pawn, do you still get RC? Where do you think the sweet spot for rents is, level wise? I got like 11 in one day around 32 iirc.

123 hours later 13729057 Anonymous
So still no confirmed new content?

123 hours later 13729587 XBL: Custom BL4CK
>>13728819 well if the gran soren times is an indication of the populations lvls 21-around 60 are where most players are (or when they stopped playing). A lot of players are starting to get into 191-200 ranger (it used to be a lot shorter).theoretically if you wanted a lot of rents you would want to stay around lvl 40ish.

123 hours later 13729610 PSN: Holocauxt
>>13729057 Only if you believe this BS right here: >>13667107

123 hours later 13729691 XBL: Custom BL4CK (gransoren.png 304x666 362kB)
>>13729587 posting my photo that got left out somehow...

123 hours later 13730301 XBL: KresNorthman
>>13729587 >>13729691 Ahh damn. So basically all up until someone hits Grigori for the first time or one completion of the game proper, pretty much. Surprised to see all those 191+ guys though. I've been mentioning Shaiya a lot lately, but that game had an two items to help you stay in, say, level 1-15 or 20-30 pvp. One items decreased your experience to zero or by 50% or something, but the other stopped exp gain all together for a time iirc. I would LOVE something like that here. The biggest problem would be not gaining discipline, but maybe they could add "add discipline" items too. Shop or drops. Don't know why I even thought of this or wrote it. Not like it'll happen. But I can dream of staying level 20 while still being able to play to my hearts content.

124 hours later 13731535 Anonymous
>>13730301 The Asura armor increases the ammount of Discipline points you get. it looks like crap and its disk locked but it does work pretty well

127 hours later 13738662 Anonymous
So I just spent an hour an a half making a Solaire pawn. I exited the menu thinking it turned out OK, but during the cutscene after it with natural lighting, it turned out amazing. Equipment suggestions? I know Barreled Helm for helmet, but what about armor? Also skills for a fighter pawn? First time with this game.

127 hours later 13740724 PSN: Holocauxt
>>13738662 Experiment. Have fun. Don't let other players' opinions get in the way of experiencing the game. That only comes once you need to get your pawn hired, and nobody hires a Pawn below level 10.

128 hours later 13742098 Anonymous
I swear if a new DLC don't come out today then this game finally getting sold.

133 hours later 13752542 Anonymous
>>13740724 Can you at least tell me if there are there any "trap" skills?

135 hours later 13757874 Anonymous
>>13738662 Burst/Blink Strike is an attack that propels the fighter quickly in the direction of his/her target. I usually put this on my Fighter pawn. Tusk Toss/Antler Toss does good damage and throws enemy into the air setting it up for another attack. Compass/FullMoonSlash and Legion'sBite/DragonMaw is good too. >>13752542 Depends on what you mean by "trap". There's Ruinous Sigil that can be placed on the ground by a MysticKnight. It tosses enemy steppin on it into the air and does damage. It's overpowered. Theres another that sucks in nearby small enemies. Mage has Grapnel that holds enemies for a short time. Strider has an ensnare skill which looks really cool.

136 hours later 13760586 Anonymous
>>13757874 Trap=Looks good, but actually shit.

136 hours later 13760837 Anonymous
Also what shield skills?

136 hours later 13761003 PSN: Holocauxt
>>13760586 There are no "trap" skill in this game. Everything is viable.

136 hours later 13761403 Anonymous
>>13760837 Shields skills are a bit on the unimpressive side. Most of them have really short range and do little damage but can stun or make some enemies drop their blocking stance. Which is sort of useless because swordskills can do the same when they hit. Though if you want your fighter pawn to tank, give him shield summons so he can attract enemies to him.

137 hours later 13764024 Anonymous
>>13752542 Powder Blast. Depends on you your taste but the Assassin has some versatile tricks. Other than that, Ruinous sigil from the MK.

141 hours later 13773941 XBL: KresNorthman (lupin2.jpg 1024x768 106kB)
Wait, what. >Credits >Under Additional Voices >Tony Oliver WHERE THE FUCK WAS HE? >Pic fucking related also mfw my big titted mage falls through the sky and her boobs are shaking like it's a DoA beach volleyball game despite her corset.

141 hours later 13775152 Anonymous
Hello Dragon's Dogma community, remember what i said 2 days ago about the new DLC? we have an official release date for it, it's coming the 28th of September along with the new premium avatars from the Pawn contest, other players will be able to buy these avatars without the golden background for $0.49

141 hours later 13775637 Anonymous
Can I buy this game on PSN? Or it is retail only?

141 hours later 13775772 Anonymous
>>13775637 currently it's retail only, may become PSN next year

141 hours later 13775867 Anonymous
>>13775772 I see, thanks.

142 hours later 13776353 Anonymous (trollololol.png 248x244 98kB)
>>13775152 oh you

142 hours later 13777261 XBL: KresNorthman
>NG+ >Change my Arisen >Second I start playing, regret giving up my old Arisen >Want to change Pawn now too >Sort of >Don't want to lose Abs >But want something new >Change her around a bit after Cyclopse >REGRET >Don't save >Turn off game from the customization screen Fuck. I need inspiration or something. Don't know what I want to do this time. I want my Arisen to go a Strider route, but my Pawn I have no idea. Also, operation Bruce Campbell was a disaster. >ntryRoo try I'M TRYING, GAME.

142 hours later 13778260 Anonymous
>>13775152 lel. sure bro. i do believe you about the avatar thing (since that makes sense) but not about "real" content.

142 hours later 13778521 Anonymous
unarmed sttrider pawn with max scather and utilitarian inclinations and all strenght augments avaible for pawns HARDMODE: no armor above 1 star

142 hours later 13778558 Anonymous
>>13778521 meant to be said to >>13777261

144 hours later 13783928 PSN: Holocauxt
>>13775152 I really, really, REALLY want to believe you. But long as you don't have any proof, I'll be a skeptical, jaded asshole to you in the meantime. Seriously, proof or GTFO.

144 hours later 13786813 Anonymous
>>13783928 Like i said before, the avatar picture thing is probably true (it makes sense) but the actual DLC part of it is false. Capcom would have made some kind of announcement by now.

145 hours later 13789093 XBL: n00basaures
Hate to beg, but I'm am about to complete the final battle. Tips? Items?

145 hours later 13789832 PSN: Holocauxt
>>13789093 Depends on what kind of final battle you're talking about.

146 hours later 13789919 XBL: n00basaures
Against the Ur? It's the quest "the final battle"

146 hours later 13790120 PSN: VoidedUp
>>13789919 That's Grigori, the Ur-Dragon is a different dragon. What level are you?

147 hours later 13794726 XBL: KresNorthman
>>13794607 Fucking sideways phone not flipping when I tell it to.

147 hours later 13796276 XBL: KresNorthman (IMG_20120911_214852.jpg 1536x2048 605kB)
>>13794726 Fuck it reuploaded because it bugged me. Jeanette pawn Y/N? Spoiler for irrelevance >Take Political Science quiz >Doesn't show you which ones you got wrong This is the most frustrating thing in my life.

148 hours later 13796725 Anonymous
>>13796276 I like the face but i hate the hair...or maybe i just dont like the color.

148 hours later 13797456 XBL: n00basaures
Someone please tell me Gran Soren gets rebuilt.... ;_;

148 hours later 13797698 Anonymous (canwefixit.jpg 501x471 44kB)

148 hours later 13798874 XBL: KresNorthman (vampire-bloodlines-01.jpg 519x324 18kB)
>>13796725 Aw. Really my only option if I wanted to make her though. Wish we'd get Selenes hair style - would work better I think. Was just gonna make my VV arisen I just neat the game with but wanted something new. >just realized I got zero Strider armor and weapons in my bank >and sold my awesome mage staff WELP pleb gear til I hit assassin I guess. She'll just go sorcerer when we hit gran soren.

149 hours later 13800458 Anonymous
Well I'm new to Dragon's Dogma so some basic questions. Are crafting materials worth picking up/crafting? I'm lvl 30 and if I'm not happy with my character/pawn should i just start over? Is any of the dlc worth getting?

149 hours later 13801418 Anonymous
>>13800458 dlc is not worth it, some of it looks cool.if your going to buy them only buy the armor packs, color pack, and motley crew the rest are garbage. you can buy an item from the guy in the tent at the encampment that lets you change your pawns appearance. the first one you get has a 1 time use. the second one is unlimited.

149 hours later 13801483 Anonymous
>>13800458 and yes crafting supplies is useful. there isnt really a robust crafting system but if you go to the shopkeeper in gran soren you can enhance your armor with certain items you find

150 hours later 13802303 XBL: KresNorthman
Dork und idgy araison. >>13800458 like the other dude said, the best use is to collect stuff incase you need it for enhancing down the line. As a rule I keep 10 of everything I find, never had to use more than that for enhancing. Sell the reanyway unless it's annoying to get to if you need more. The black cat shop in Soren can duplicate mats too, though only 1 at a time. The crafting is pretty pointless. Making purfumes/incense is nice though - heal you entire party. By selling mats you'll easily afford to buy any curatives you need, but you'll pick most up anyway. Go back to the encampment where you fought the hydra and get the metamorphosis scroll to change your characters appearances once. The infinite use one only appears at post game. Feel free to post your gamertag too.

150 hours later 13802405 XBL: KresNorthman (IMG_20120912_002839.jpg 2048x1536 567kB)

150 hours later 13803042 Anonymous (feel this bro.gif 217x199 100kB)
>Become the Arisen because of your extraordinary will to live >Game ends with you almost happily killing yourself to exit the cycle >That "Master!" cry your pawn does as she/he falls trying to catch you How did they manage to cram so many feels into the last ten minutes of the game

150 hours later 13803368 Anonymous
>>13801483 >>13802303 Thank you for the info and answering my question. As for the gamertag, I actually use a ps3 and tbh I wouldn't know whether I give you my character's/pawn's name or the name that normally appears in other games.

150 hours later 13803623 Anonymous
So does anyone think we'll see any more collected DLC packs? I admit I'd like to have some of the DLC items, but I refuse to spend so much to just unlock on-disc content.

150 hours later 13803662 XBL: KresNorthman
>>13803042 I'm still confused about the Godsbane thing. When I first beat the game and had to kill myself, we both just said "what?" If you're dead, no one is Seneschal. Savan was telling you to lead the world justly, implying you, you know, keep it from blowing up. So now no one is watching over the world? Dragons confuse me too. Someone here or on gamefaqs or something said that the Seneschals summon the dragons in the hope that an Arisen will defeat one and relieve them of their god-burden or something. I didn't hear this anywhere in the game. If it as true though I guess I can see it making sense. But my roommate said it well when he said "If (Savan) could see you do this he'd just be like "what the hell! you're supposed to take over for me, and you kill yourself after 5 minutes?" Savan was so happy you were there to take his place. It was just weird. Though I did really enjoy Savan's dialogue throughout the whole thing. That and the Grigori battle were simply amazing in terms of dialogue and emotion, compared to the rest of the game which was just underwhelming in such regard. Also. I liked Selene's end-game dialogue a lot better than Aelinores. I guess since Selene was a Pawn, she understood exactly what happened, with your Pawn inhabiting you body. But if I remember right Aelinore was just like "well if you don't want to talk thats fine lol." Roommate just said "Smart."

150 hours later 13803827 XBL: KresNorthman
>>13803368 Then it's just your PSN account username thing. So yeah, the one you use in other games. When you're in the Rift you can go to the stone and look up Pawn's by gamertag, which is why a few of us post with our tags. Shame though, that you're on PSN. Wanted to send you some stuff. Quite a few PSBros here, though. >>13803623 I hope so. I want most of the DLC packs too(not quests), but after adding up the MS point cost to dollars I'll ever just pick and choose or try and wait it out to see if they do do it.

150 hours later 13804030 Anonymous
PC version announced yet?

151 hours later 13804185 Anonymous
>>13803662 Normally the Seneschal is released from the cycle by another Arisen. I think it is implied by you killing yourself that you broke the endless cycle, at least that's what I got out of it. Seneschals summon the dragon to test the world and keep it from stagnating.

151 hours later 13804953 XBL: KresNorthman
>>13804185 So the world is now going to stagnate and crumble or something? Because I'm too lazy and/or compassionate to summon a dragon? I wonder what they mean to stagnate. People have less excitment in their lives because theres not a dragon every thousand years or whatever slaughtering people? Previous Seneschals were douchebags, then, if stagnation is no big deal that we, the glorious main characters, would just brush off the responsibility for a supposedly good and righteous ending. I guess the quote at the start of the game can imply Seneschal is a useless occupation, so I guess the world could be fine without one.

151 hours later 13805423 Anonymous
Are there any actual guides out there about creating appealing characters with the editor? I suck at this shit.

151 hours later 13805584 Anonymous
>>13804953 The Seneschal summons the dragon to seek out Arisen. You can see that Grigori only "activates" by getting glowy eyes once he finds you, since you had the will to fight and survive against him, or because you're just special. It's not known which. The ending is deliberately extremely ambiguous. I think that you killed yourself to free the world from the cycle of Arisens replacing Seneschals. With your death, your world goes on without any meddling deities trying to shape it to their will. Again, all very ambiguous and left to personal interpretation.

152 hours later 13806638 XBL: KresNorthman
>>13805584 >With your death, your world goes on without any meddling deities trying to shape it to their will. Okay, that's a good way of looking at it. Let the "normal" people take care of their world - or destroy it, I suppose. It's up to them. Good talk, yo. >>13805423 Guides for that? I don't think so. It's not really that hard not to make a grotesque leper. Some of the Face Shapes are ugly as fuck so avoid those ones. If you're really having problems just use one of the preset pawns and just change their hair/eyes around. Bodies are a little harder, but I think the editor makes the "Bad" parts of a players characters stick out a lot more than they do in-game with armor and the camera distance. Most Arisen look like retards during cutscenes too, and when using the Facial Expressions in the creator. I don't think they mapped it for each feature(Eye choice, mouth choice, etc). Just assigned a general position on the Head mold to move to fit "the most" options. I love my Arisen in cutscenes, until he has to smile or open his mouth or something. Either just start playing with the face shape/preset options til you get an idea of what you want, or find inspiration from somewhere - other pawns, actors, game and animuu characters, whatever. Good luck.

152 hours later 13807516 Anonymous
>>13806638 First guy who replied to you here. He explained it better. You've eliminated the destruction the dragon brings to the world at the very least. Instead of doing what past seneschals have done and continue summoning the dragon, you kill yourself to prevent it from happening again. For a game that felt fairly plot lite it was an ass ton of information in those last few hours after Grigori

156 hours later 13815363 Anonymous
>>13807516 i feel like the story didnt really start until you get to big red. everything else seemed like an afterthought. i think giant bomb said that the ending was so batshit insane that it acctually improves the games story.

158 hours later 13820732 Anonymous (1346037937210.jpg 450x600 205kB)
>>13815363 Personally, Capcom could have just made DD as a game with just the Everfall as a 100 floor labyrinth and almost zero to no story whatsoever, and I would still buy/play it. I just love the combat, music, and pawn system so much. >mfw right now, I'm traveling around Gransys with Julien in my party. Also, is Julien a Mystic Knight? He carries a magic shield and a big mace....

159 hours later 13824023 Anonymous
>>13803827 Well my psn username is calm_reason

161 hours later 13829148 XBL: KresNorthman (IMG_20120912_121742.jpg 2048x1536 806kB)
>>13815363 I don't even think its that crazy. When I thibk of the hames story, I justthink of what's said and done in full cutscenes, really. And so when I think of it that way, I really REALLY like the story. The entire premise of it all is amwzing andpretty original. Id love a full on novel. FUCK MY PHONE NOT FIXIN' TYPOS. Dark and edgy or not, I'm really happy with how his appearance turned out. Got twilight guantlets for assassin but might just keep swordsman bracer on.

161 hours later 13829547 Anonymous
>>13829148 Not bad. I think his legs are a bit thin but still pretty good.

162 hours later 13830179 Anonymous
>>13806638 The lighting isn't all that natural in the creation thingy though. I finished with a Solaire pawn I deemed OK, but looked grossly incandescent as he pledged loyalty.

162 hours later 13830296 XBL: KresNorthman (IMG_20120912_124554.jpg 2048x1536 862kB)
>>13829547 Yea I've thought the same. But if I remove the feral cape his torso/shoulders looks a lot smaller then it looks okay. I thibk, anyway. Fucking escort quests could use a 'wait here' command, or at least ai that doesn't hug your heels in the middle if a fight. Fuck you aelinore, good riddance. Just wanted your veterans periapts anyway.

162 hours later 13830609 XBL: KresNorthman
Haha. True. Really not much you can do about it though. Just see what's wrong and know for next time. Or just restart. I did many times before leaving the encampment. Or just save before you summon/create your pawn and reload. Phones pissing me off. Flipped that pic and saved twice. Rage.

163 hours later 13835604 Anonymous
>>13830179 Are you the same dude on gamefaqs (ps3)?

165 hours later 13839595 XBL: cat and beard (30079353_m.png 600x305 257kB)
>>13820732 >I just love the combat, music, and pawn system so much. I think that's why all of us are still playing. It's a pity so many reviewers didn't play beyond 20 levels (if even that much, it's grossly apparent from some initial reviews they didn't get anywhere near the ending). >>13830296 >Fucking escort quests could use a 'wait here' command Yup. Too bad the d-pad is totally wasted in this game, I'd much rather have it mapped to curatives or weapon change or anything else really. >pic >Capcom >Dragon's Dogma Fan Book >to be released April 14 Well that's a looong way off but it'll be nice to see it when I've forgotten about the game. Maybe by then we'll have details about the sequel.

165 hours later 13843073 XBL: cat and beard (snow harpies.jpg 1280x720 114kB)
So, what to do with 5 jillion RC? Purimiumu Ringulol I guess the point was to encourage players to hire high level pawns, but once you acquire enough RC to do so you're already at a decent level and with (presumably) good equip on you and your pawn. Kinda stupid. Someone in one of these generals mentioned that the DD team had Breath of Fire devs in it, which makes total sense because gotta kill God! and dildos . The BoF series is probably my fave old school JRPGs, so much better than FF imo. I wish they would make another one. >>13830296 Bro, you are burning through this game. Sick of abs yet?

166 hours later 13843203 XBL: cat and beard (fuck you draggy.gif 240x180 423kB)
>>13729691 also, this is kinda interesting. Lots of players hitting the level cap. I wonder what that graph will look like in another couple months.

166 hours later 13846134 XBL: Custom BL4CK
>>13843203 about a month ago not too many players were near the cap at all.about your other post (premium ring) idk what that thing is for. It doesn't really do anything. i guess its just there for show?

168 hours later 13851365 XBL: KresNorthman
>>13843073 Yeah, the ring is just to show off how much RC you have to waste. Pretty much what the glasses are for too, but at least those give you somewhat decent resistance %. Think of the gold log in the Harvest Moon games. Without other NPCS/players hating you for showing it off. Players just simply don't see it! Would be cool if it gave your characters a glow or something. Hey, I'm rich, look at my pawn sparkle. >Bro, you are burning through this game. Sick of abs yet? I got nothing better to do suppose I could study , and I enjoy it well enough. As I said a few threads ago, it's either this or I go back to playing Samurai/Dynasty Warriors/Orochi non-stop again. At least there's player customization here. Which is probably still my favorite part, at this point. Haven't exhausted all the vocations yet either. I love Abs. But see >>13796276 Probably gonna change her again, though. Jeanette is just impossible with the armor options in this game. Maybe a pale? tomboy with abs ? Not sure yet. But it irks me that my Crimson Armor chestplate is just sitting in my storage right now... Don't really need a Sorcerer Pawn in NG+. Everything dies before she can cast anything other than High Ingle. And hopefully since they keep track of what level the playerbase is, once they see everyones 100+ and playing a hell of a lot less, maybe they'll see fit to introduce some nice Everfall stuff or new enemies or something to hold us over til DD2. They got such cash potential for DLC for this game, I still can't believe how much they're ignoring it. Though free is good too. If they're reading. Free would be nice. Can't go wrong with free.

168 hours later 13851535 Anonymous
>>13851365 >They got such cash potential for DLC for this game, I still can't believe how much they're ignoring it. QFmotherfuckingT

168 hours later 13854253 XBL: n00basaures
OH SHIT SOME ONE HELP! I'm am sick of the everfall and I want my new game +. Can I have 13 wakestones? p-p-please? ;_;

169 hours later 13854558 XBL: KresNorthman
>>13854253 Do forged ones work for the quest? I don't know. I'd give you some but I sold all mine before starting NG+. Doesn't take long in the Everfall, anyway. If you're getting your ass kicked just don't do the bosses, farming the Saurians worked well for me, but I can't remember what chamber that was. Where they're invisible and on the wall near some chests. What level are you? You could also just hire some higher level Pawns to kick some ass for you.

169 hours later 13855019 Anonymous
Still waiting for a price drop on this because fuck Capcom but man you guys with the muscle girls make it hard. Is the DLC worth it at all?

169 hours later 13855728 XBL: KresNorthman
>>13855019 >dlc See >>13801418 >>13660789 Can probably find a few more if you search the page for "DLC" General consensus is "Quest packs no, armor/weapon packs if you like the look of any of the items"

169 hours later 13856413 Anonymous
>>13854253 just kill the offline Ur-dragon once, should be easy if you already reached everfall and defeated the dragon

169 hours later 13856513 Anonymous
has anyine ever found a female seneschal? i have found my past character as a seneschal with the sme voice as savan, does the voice stays in female seneschals?

169 hours later 13856992 XBL: KresNorthman
>>13856513 They still use Savan's voice? That's more than slightly disappointing. I thought the way that the Seneschal talked with his robes on(several voices blended to one) hinted at players characters using their assigned voices, like they rerecorded all the dialogue per voice. Shame.

169 hours later 13857175 Anonymous
I am about to start this game in a few seconds. You pals got any tips and general warnings for me? I am going into this game with no knowledge

169 hours later 13857305 Anonymous
>>13857175 don't fuck with the rogues around gran soren till you hit lvl 15-20 change class at lvl 10, no later, train other classes you want at lvl 100+

169 hours later 13857409 PSN: VoidedUp
>>13857305 I don't think that class thing needs to be that serious. I changed to my second class after I maxed out my first, and I've probably changed to two other classes to mess around before I'm even level 70 and I can still run through practically anything in the game.

169 hours later 13857534 Anonymous
>>13857409 i was just saying if he wanted maxed stats, i changed from strider to assassin at lvl 36 >dat stamina

169 hours later 13857590 PSN: VoidedUp
>>13857534 Oh, okay. Yeah, that makes sense for max stats.

170 hours later 13857902 Anonymous
Okay I want all your abs muscle girls. Any of you have a huge folder you're hiding?

170 hours later 13859537 Anonymous
>>13806638 >>13805584 The thing that was also confusion is the fact that after you DO beat the game and start NG+ that It says countless generations later and if you play offline that your arisen is the new seneschal. So did you only kill yourself to let your pawn have life? Did you truly end the cycle? And if you did does it matter? Since it was said that there is many other countless worlds.

170 hours later 13859774 Anonymous
>>13859537 the cycle never ended, when you killed yourself you just went back to life, don't you think that savan, who wanted to be free from the curse of eternity, would have done it himself if he could? after the arisen revives he learns what savan knew during the years as senechsal, giving you the same knowledge (and this is why you have the same dialogue when you do NG+) you can't end the cycle, you can just pass it to someone else

170 hours later 13860143 XBL: Custom BL4CK
>>13856513 I fought 2 females. They have the same voice when they are cloaked but their voice changes to female when they take it off.

171 hours later 13861737 XBL: KresNorthman (663355491.jpg 467x620 30kB)
>>13857902 Real women? I used to but lost it some time ago. Worst thing to happen in my life. Only have a few now, probably from a /b/ thread. Posted a few here, and in the last thread. On a more game related note, what duo combinations are the most fun? I really liked Fighter-Fighter, but I'm having problems balancing anything well with me being a Strider(eventually assassin). Fighter-fighter sucked really hard for some areas, and I was never able to down a fucking Griffin in that set up due to not being able to BURN ITS WINGS SO IT DOESN'T TAKE FLIGHT , and don't even get me started on Cockatrices or dragons.

171 hours later 13862072 Anonymous
http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/626515-dragons-dogma/64023952 http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/626515-dragons-dogma/64026577 The cirlcejerk is so strong in this thread. I remember when the xbox board was like this (especially with stuff like the second link) but once this guy name SIyfox left all of that ended (thank god)

171 hours later 13862236 Anonymous (ewwww.jpg 960x540 70kB)
Really Capcom...this is what you consider a "Fair Maiden"... http://game.capcom.co.jp/DD/en/top/

171 hours later 13862687 Psn : Angelus_Mortem (Dragon's Dogma Screenshot.jpg 1280x720 74kB)
I think I'm gonna start this game up tmw, been put down for too long.

171 hours later 13862795 Anonymous
>>13862687 Stab yourself...FUCKING DO IT!!!

171 hours later 13862853 XBL: KresNorthman (images.jpg 225x225 9kB)
>>13862236 I'd still rent her. Just kidding, seriously what the fuck >>13862072 >>13862072 >>13862072 That fucking second thread. I like to think I'm not an elitist douchebag anymore, but anytime emotes like those come up on a forum I just revert back into the douchebag frame of mind. I'm all for internal contests and shit. Keep the game interesting, have fun, but.. leave emotes out of it . Other than that I never understood the hate for Gamefaqs, though up until I got this game I never used Live at all. Only went to gamefaqs' forum in order to see what peoples opinions on a game were or if there was an old thread discussing a problem/item/whatever I needed input on.

171 hours later 13863168 XBL: KresNorthman (2203178.jpg 992x1380 64kB)
>>13862687 Looks like your dudes about to drop the blade. Suction cups on the tips of his fingers. >Before I started NG+ >Decide to try and Save farm Crimson Gauntlets >Fuck this I ain't killing all this shit with the Evil Eye Tentacle Things here, it'll take too much time >Save as I enter room >Run to the chest >Nope, wakestone >Try and Godsbane >Goblin jumps just as the retarded "Put sword to chest" animation ends >God damn it, let them kill me >Again, run back >This time the animation ends, I press the stab button >Just before it pierces me, Goblin hits >FUCK >Let them kill me >etc never did get those gauntlets after roughly 30 resets. Was only able to Godsbane myself like 7 of those 30 times, too, fucking goblins.

171 hours later 13863421 Anonymous
>>13861737 Well, in game works

171 hours later 13863863 XBL: KresNorthman (IMG_20120822_044235.jpg 2048x1536 1025kB)
>>13863421 In that case I got virtually nothing. Can't take real screenshots as I don't have a facebook, and I never really thought to take pictures of other Pawns. >Most abs per picture I have >Pink haired Pawn is AlchemicSpartan's >Who is MIA from these threads but still plays

172 hours later 13865578 PSN:Anggap (Dragon's Dogma Screenshot_373.jpg 1280x720 98kB)
I wish Sorcerer have the ability to combine different elements into their attack. Just imagine Maelstorm and Fire Boon combined into Fiery Maelstorm. Imagine the possibilities of many different combinations. in b4 abandonalldelusions.jpg

172 hours later 13865726 Anonymous
>>13863863 Dont care. In game out of game, it's all good

172 hours later 13866675 XBL: Custom BL4CK
>Be in post game >go outside of gran soren to fight hellhounds in the field >my pawn uses great gamble >hellhound goes flying into free also >fight drake that is near the quarry entrance in post game >drake has about 5 dots of health left >my pawn uses great gamble >health goes down to about 3 >Cat and beards pawn uses great gamble right after my pawn >health is around 1 dot >Kres' pawn uses Maelstrom >pawns start slashing at its heart >pretty much dead >pawns keep slashing at his heart >i decide to put it out of its misery crazy ass bitches.

173 hours later 13868026 PSN: Holocauxt (Dragon's Dogma Screenshot.jpg 1280x720 64kB)
> Gran Soren Times > See Fair Maidens > "Haha! The main one looks photoshopped with all the Bright and Bloom..." > "Let's me what she really looks like." > Summon Rift > "JESUS CHRIST SHE'S ADORABLE HHHNNNNNNNNGGGGGGG~!!!" Now I'm afraid that if I summon Hanabi, my heart would explode.

173 hours later 13868071 XBL: KresNorthman (.jpg 1536x2048 904kB)
>>13866675 >Upload pic from phone >STILL FLIPPED THE WRONG WAY >Stomp to computer, delete post, email self picture, properly flip it, retype entire post FUCKING ANDROID JOLLY COOPERATION Just put her back to Warrior now. Can't fucking settle on a look or a vocation. I want the satisfaction you have with Claire, dammit. Love Abs. But I want to use the rc skin/hair colors. Can't decide between short or tall. Womanly or tomboyish. Abs or no abs. Abs. Warrior or caster or archer.

173 hours later 13868976 PSN: Holocauxt (Dragon's Dogma Screenshot_2.jpg 1280x720 58kB)

173 hours later 13869298 PSN: Holocauxt
Some miscellanious tidbits I was dumb enough to find out only now. > There are mine spots in the Everfall chambers that have 2 floors. > You can Safety Roll after a dragon grabs and slams you to the ground.

173 hours later 13869428 XBL: Custom BL4CK
>>13868071 well ive been switching her between strider and ranger. i changed her move set. gave her great gamble and grit and it works pretty well. she doesnt spam it like she used to. thanks to grit her recovery time is a lot quicker after she uses it

178 hours later 13879376 PSN: Holocauxt (Dragon's Dogma Screenshot_8.jpg 1280x720 89kB)
Modelling your Main Pawn: Easy Modelling all of your Pawns: Gamepad-breaking HARD

178 hours later 13879814 PSN: Holocauxt (Dragon's Dogma Screenshot_4.jpg 1280x720 94kB)
Hana and Angel really do look like sisters... ...and my Pawn looks like a mom in comparison.

178 hours later 13879885 PSN: Holocauxt (Dragon's Dogma Screenshot_7.jpg 1280x720 110kB)
Mother-and-Daughters Brigade

181 hours later 13887401 XBL: KresNorthman
Hanabi doesn't look as good in 'action' as she did on the site. The other one is d'aww though. [Spoiler]Also, abs.[/spoiler]

183 hours later 13892810 Anonymous XBL: ArchSilversmith
Drop by the Penny Arcade forums. If you got the changes. Beastly Mantle and Champion's Bangles dragonforged. Fuck yeah!

184 hours later 13893245 Anonymous
>>13892810 wat

184 hours later 13893592 PSN: Holocauxt
>>13892810 What am I supposed to be looking at exactly? > PA Forums > Clusterfuck > FF haters on the front page

185 hours later 13898769 XBL: cat and beard (bryphon blowjob.gif 245x138 894kB)
>>13879885 Aww, that's pretty cute. They look good, too. I like the ponytail hair, even though lots of striders use it. It fits them really well. I wish there were more styles, or maybe a length slider. I have a pair of those greaves which I like, but they look weird with a Beserkin (which is still my favorite armor atm).

186 hours later 13899274 Anonymous
Damnit, the Ur Dragon on PSN just keeps dieing. I can't even keep up fast enough. SOON THOUGH

186 hours later 13899717 XBL: cat and beard (you can't go wrong.jpg 600x900 100kB)
>>13796276 Played around a bit with Kres' Jeanette pawn, that hair color is kinda distracting (why aren't there subtler shades of those extra colors?) but other than that she's fun to have around. Even if she does tower over the rest of my party. Pawn hires are such a crapshoot. I try to dress mine in good looking, modest outfits these days but only get one or two hires every couple days. I feel like when she had dem hips and was slutted out in a flame skirt and silk lingerie I was getting tons of hires. Another thing I was wondering when I was in the rift last night -- are pawns from people who only have the demo included in the list? If so, that is super annoying.

186 hours later 13900450 Anonymous
don't let these threads die, i just got the game and holy fuck this shit is awesome, i have some noob questions is there any decent use for food or i shouldn't bother picking it up? i noticed it spoils after a time is there anyway to relight the lantern after it gets wet other that re-equiping it? any tips on raising a pawn? should i let her kill enemies alone or something like that? and lastly, the bandits on the road to the quest to save that girl from the starter town are kicking my ass, should i come back later or is this a timed quest or something?

186 hours later 13901918 Anonymous
>>13900450 the only useful food item is ambrossial meat. everything else is pretty useless. just run past the bandits for now

187 hours later 13903249 Anonymous XBL: ArchSilversmith
>>13893592 I don't even remember what I was thinking.

187 hours later 13904950 XBL: cat and beard (charging mah immolation.gif 352x201 2539kB)
>>13900450 post your PSN or XBL name, we'll hire your pawn. If you're friends with people (on your console), it's free to rent their pawn. It's always good to have some curatives, Mushrooms are good because they refill your stamina -- useful for running back home at night or whatever. TAKE CARE NOT TO GET SOAKED! But yeah, re-equipping is the only way. Be sure to carry a spare flask of oil. It takes a while to burn through it though. Just let your pawn do whatever. At the rift in the Encampment, there's a guy who sells potion that will change your pawns inclinations (attack more/less, go after ranged enemies, etc) for RC. Guardian is generally a terrible inclination. Bandits are difficult in the beginning. Hire a couple strider or ranger pawns to mitigate damage then just run through them and hope your escort survives. Have fun. The beginning of the game is a MASTERWORK

188 hours later 13907882 Anonymous
>>13900450 Don't worry, most people in these thread are noobs too, from what I've observed. >is there anyway to relight the lantern after it gets wet other that re-equiping it? Use clean cloth to remove drenching+wet lantern >any decent use for food or i shouldn't bother picking it up? i noticed it spoils after a time Sour versions of certain food are superior to regular versions (a reference to Viking meat?). If you find sour ambrosial meat, sour beast meat, eggs+golden eggs, buy some airtight flasks and combine them. They won't go rotten which it becomes useless. But even rotten, you can refreshin' rotten ambrosial meat by combining them with airtight flasks and THEN combining that spring water form.

188 hours later 13907993 Anonymous
>>13907882 >THEN combining that spring water form. meant to say "THEN combining that with spring water."

189 hours later 13911623 XBL: KresNorthman
>>13899717 Welp, she's gone now anyhow. Got a warrior pawn again. Though her looks will be changing too no doubt. Why can't I hold all this hate for the hair color. ;_; I-I was only trying to make her l-like Jeanette.... Also what the fuck bro are you running a Loli party of something? She was, like, one notch below "average" or something I think. Abs(last incarnation) was max tallness. I don't know if their Pawns are or not. They shouldn't have a real level, unless it's what you used in the demo to fight the Griffin. But I can't remember what the level was set to then, probably around 20 or 30. >>13900450 On raising your Pawn, don't worry. Just set the inclinations to something useful, and they'll do fine. Pawns gain the same amount of exp you do, so how much damage they do to a mob doesn't matter, just as long as the Pawn is alive when the mob dies(i.e. you're fighting a Cyclopse, and it's one hit from dying, and your pawns dead, revive them first to make sure they get the experience). Apparently discipline points come from some percentage/formula of exp gained, which also includes quest exp far as I can tell. Food is pretty useless as Anon said. But keep things around that don't expire. I like to have 20 large mushrooms on me for stamina, but for curatives just get some Strongwarish(or whatever Warish you can find) and potions and you're pretty much good. Less important if you have a Mage pawn with you, naturally, as they can heal. The others answered the rest if your questions well. Have fun with this awesome game, and post your gamertag! >Field too long for one question

189 hours later 13911654 XBL: KresNorthman
>>13911623 Also, on warrior pawns: Catapult Blade; waste of a slot or useful? I never saw my Pawn use it much without the Utalitariantniasnd inclination, and when she started to use it without said inclination, I was a sorcerer so I just removed it. She's got ARCCC OFFF DELIVERANNCEEEE, Corona Slash or whatever, and Catapult Blade right now.

189 hours later 13912581 Anonymous (1347543746561.jpg 1901x1070 330kB)
Abs general.

189 hours later 13912843 XBL: KresNorthman (1323975791372.jpg 829x1187 200kB)
>>13898769 Also likely-fake-but-on-the-miniscule-chance-legit Capcom dev guy, if you're reading, bring this shit up at your next international video sake toast or something. >a length slider (or more styles) I love the Ponytail with the bangs. But every time I try it on a new Pawn/character I go "this again? I feel like I should use something different, but nothing else fits this character..." Kind of annoying. A length slider on the pigtails would be incredible. Though more twin-tail-ish styles would be awesome. Most of the hair is either too flat or too poofy. Also holy fuck this game needs a dye option for gear. One short skirt and only in white with the obnoxious gold waistbelt thing attached to it. I actually thought I'd be able to dye gear at the Black Cat, for some reason, the first time I played. "Hey forged gear that "looks the same but doesn't function as well" sounds like I can change colors and stuff, though it'd be useless from a stat prospective! Cool!" >Can't forge gear >well shit REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPOSTS Help me expand this folder, Cat Please?

190 hours later 13913664 XBL: KresNorthman (126136580265.jpg 695x900 412kB)
>>13912581 >Abs general I can support this. Is that from Tera? Waist is too small. Biceps are fine too. How does Weight factor in to carrying capacity? It's kind of misleading since I figured that a character who weighs more is already "carrying" the amount they weigh, they'd be be able to carry less, but weight also increases with Musculature. And also on the other hands, there's no logic of a short loli being able to carry more just because she weighs less. I saw a chart for this, and stamina consumption somewhere but can't find it.

190 hours later 13914539 Anonymous (Sakura Abs.jpg 850x1257 160kB)
>>13912581 this being capcom and all i'm surprised there's not some street fighter costume dlc.

190 hours later 13915174 Anonymous (Amazon_Dragons Crown.jpg 850x944 148kB)
>>13912581 >Abs general. When we get sick of Dragon's Dogma, there's Dragon's Crown to look forward to...

190 hours later 13915487 XBL: KresNorthman (125326774864.jpg 424x600 122kB)
>>13915174 I keep forgetting that game isn't out yet. Been snatching pictures and doujins for years it seems. I expect to see a lot of you in those threads when the time comes. >>13914539 Stole my picture Thought it was cute that they had all the Street fighter names in the Moniker section. When I saw "Dhalism" as an option I cracked up.

191 hours later 13919830 XBL: n00basaures
BL4CK, you wouldn't happen to have 9 wake stones, would you? I hate the post game and I want my ng+.

191 hours later 13920323 Anonymous
>>13911623 >>13904950 >>13901918 thanks guys and that gif is awesome, my PSN is Specialist-17, but i warn you that i barely use my ps3, i had this game for half a month before starting it so don't be surprised if i don't respond for a while

191 hours later 13920747 Anonymous
>>13919830 Jesus dude, just farm them in Everfall, it should take like 1-2 hours max. I'm not hiring and releasing you 9 times because you're lazy.

192 hours later 13922774 XBL: Custom BL4CK
>>13919830 I do have them but this >>13920747

192 hours later 13924059 Anonymous
>>13919830 kill the offline ur-dragon, that's all you need.

193 hours later 13926110 PSN: Holocauxt
>>13919830 Best way to farm Wakestones: Chamber of Fate I'm not even kidding on this one. The Chimera, Gorechimera and Lich drop two stones each, so you're already halfway done.

194 hours later 13928409 XBL: KresNorthman (125326757294.jpg 600x490 156kB)
>>13920747 9 won't even take him that long, maybe 40 minutes from my experience. Trash mobs drop wakestone shards like crazy. I'd avoid bosses if you're having trouble(which is the only reason I can see you HATING post-game). You should get 9 easily in one round of farming. Kill the trash mobs in one chamber, if you don't want to fight the bosses, leave(though they drop full stones, sometimes multiple), and grab chests. Hell, if you're feeling that lazy about killing mobs, just save before opening any chest, godsbane yourself and reload if you don't get a Wakestone or a Shard, though I can't remember if Wooden chests/crates spawn full ones or not. Personally I don't see the fun in NG+, really. Nothing changes. Mobs are still as weak as they were in your first game. Well, weaker since you gained several levels between Grigori and NG+. I can't wait to get to the Everfall/NG+ again so long as I'm not totally outleveling post-game mobs. Looking forward to getting back there. Might try that clear sky glitch though, if it doesn't look like too much of a hassle. My vampire Arisen likes the sun, shut up I must make a party like whats in this picture. Must.

194 hours later 13928532 XBL: KresNorthman
>>13928409 >You should get 9 easily in one round of farming. Kill the trash mobs in one chamber, if you don't want to fight the bosses, leave(though they drop full stones, sometimes multiple), and grab chests. ...and jump to the next. By one round I mean til you teleport above again. Bl4ck, cat. Seen my pawn in the rift yet? Does she need more abs? I haven't played today because I'm indecisive on this matter. Might just make my glorious ebony amazon again and call it good, but I don't know..

194 hours later 13928624 PSN:Anggap (Dragon's Dogma Screenshot_340.jpg 1280x720 82kB)
>>13928409 >Might try that clear sky glitch though, if it doesn't look like too much of a hassle. Do it. I don't even miss the gloomy sky of post game at all. I will stay in post game forever with my beloved beautiful sun.

195 hours later 13928981 XBL: Custom BL4CK
>>13928624 Im so glad someone found this glitch. Ive been in post game forever.

195 hours later 13929259 PSN: Holocauxt
> Gran Soren Times > Arjuna on the first page from the 3rd time TELL ME YOUR SECRETS, PAWN.

195 hours later 13929485 XBL: n00basaures
>>13926110 Thanks, will do.

196 hours later 13930185 PSN:Anggap
>>13929259 I got it pure luck. She was just walking around when I released my high seism and took the picture. The setting also helped.

196 hours later 13930191 Anonymous (1342655192393.png 720x600 354kB)
I just went to visit Maul and the thieves started brawling. Two guys in the center are boxing, Maul is acting as the referee and the other thieves formed a circle around them. I just saw the fight end. It lasted like 6 or 7 minutes. The bald dude guarding the tower (near the wakestone shard) lost. I think the two were Mercygiver and Culverin. Here Mercy, a Harspud Sauce. For the wounds. Good fight, good night. Man, this game.

196 hours later 13930542 Anonymous XBL: ArchSilversmith
>>13914539 Well, the monk class got cut down. DD2 material there. And the MA's Grand Ascension = Shinkou Hadouken.

204 hours later 13949313 Anonymous
>>13930191 i remember staying in that place at night since i was too far away from a town. the game does have a lot of secrets

207 hours later 13954310 Anonymous (1345338740524.png 504x414 72kB)
I recently bought this game, and damn I'm fucking loving every second of it. Already up to 36 hours in one week. But Is the DLC's worth getting?

207 hours later 13956257 Anonymous
>>13919830 Wow. Xbox DD players are noobs. No wonder your Ur dragon is at gen 60+ lawl. >>13911623 >Food is pretty useless as Anon said. Yet another noobish comment.

208 hours later 13957725 Anonymous
>>13956257 No, you just got the all Japanese sales. >>13954310 The last armors DLC is decent. Beastly Mantle is pimp material. Stuff like the Solar and Asura armors are nice but everything else is 90% filler.

209 hours later 13960410 XBL: KresNorthman
>>13954310 Ctrl+F this page for DLC. Short version is: Get the sets that have an item or style you want bad enough to pay the money, and the quest packs suck. >>13956257 By all means, tell me what use the food items can serve that regular curatives can not for less hassle? I'm itching to find a use for all this shit.

209 hours later 13960562 Anonymous
>>13960410 Kept Golden Eggs. Harspud Sauce.

209 hours later 13961518 Anonymous
>>13956257 >ur dragon at lvl 60 well there is a huge population difference between xbox and ps3

209 hours later 13962204 Anonymous
So wtf: wandering back to Gran Soren after the she-goat's duel, lots of phantoms -- no big deal, pew pew pew. All of a sudden the "Ambush" music starts playing but I don't see anything. I'm looking around and find a cockatrice laying on the ground, apparently dead, some knights came across it. Then some dialogue from a Ghost (as an NPC) came up but nothing happened? Is there a quest here?

209 hours later 13962335 PSN: VoidedUp
>>13960410 If I pick up random meat, I just use it for stamina while I'm running.

210 hours later 13963045 XBL: KresNorthman
>>13960562 >Golden Eggs That should go without saying. >Harspid Sauce Ehhh. Had no idea you could make it, but I tend to find my inventory full of Harspud items pretty early on. And can buy them from camellia. post-game they're practically the only thing I carry, along with some of the Everfall merchant curatives or the odd cure-all item. So, yeah. Food still seems pretty useless. >>13962335 I usually just use liquid vims since I always forget to use them in a boss battle. But I do the same with stuff I randomly pick up. Not essential though, which is my main point. I prefer shrooms >>13962204 The Cockatrice is related to the Main Story. Don't recall ever being spoken to by a Ghost, though. Unless you mean pre-battle banter from a Wight or Lich or whatever the fuck.

210 hours later 13963251 Anonymous
>>13963045 Yeah, it was strange. As I was talking to the Sers by the cockatrice, "Ghost" popped up as any other NPC text would and said something like "Your life shall be naught something something".

212 hours later 13970462 Anonymous
>>13963045 And yet you still mention carrying 20 large mushrooms. Those are food. Besides, sour meat recovers way more than a single large mushroom. Kept golden eggs fully recover both hp+stam. That's very usefull when fighting Ur dragon. But oh wait, you've never even fought the Ur you noob. Do you even play the game at all or do you jerk it all day in this thread? Rotten food can be "healed" too. What else.....saurian tails recover lots of stam but never rots, it's technically in the "material" category ...it weighs alot too. And when you combine that with the augment for more efficient use of curatives..... >>13961518 Only a noob would fight the online Ur at lvl 60. Farming offline Ur is easily doable at 90+.

212 hours later 13971152 Anonymous
>>13970462 Oh fuck the right off already with the noob shit.

212 hours later 13971951 Anonymous
>Looking at the quest log >Defeat 20 Sulfur Saurians >quest is called "Swamp Things" It's the little things in this game. >>13970462 Get a load of this cool guy.

213 hours later 13974504 XBL: KresNorthman
>>13970462 It feels like I'm back in LoL threads. The guy asked if food was useful, and that he noticed a lot of it expires quickly. My response was "Yeah it's pretty useless, but keep around things that -don't- expire." Which is why I mentioned the usefulness of mushrooms. Ergo, food - that doesn't expire. You're trying too hard to be combative. I was simply telling him that for the effort of dealing with useless shit like carrots, apples and pumpkins, he might as well just get some good curatives, which aren't hard to run across, or afford. >Do you even play the game or just jerk in the thread all day Both, but I prefer jerking lately since I'm growing a bit bored. Probably why I'm still responding to your posts. >>13971951 The little things can hurt. Misery Seeks Company, anyone? Don't do it, Ser Daerio. ;_;

214 hours later 13977875 Anonymous
>>13970462 By lvl 60 i meant the Ur Dragons generation. I should have specified that. Eiter way what I said was true. The population difference between xbox and ps3 the reason ps3 is at like gen 120 and why xbox is at gen 65

215 hours later 13981890 XBL: Custom BL4CK (dissapoint.jpg 1280x720 66kB)
I swear it is impossible to get 3 stars for Gransys. Everywhere else has 3 stars but Gransys and I've been everywhere.

216 hours later 13986253 Anonymous
>>13981890 >3 stars for Gransys I'm not sure it's possible although I've seen one pawn with it. Maybe you have to do the stupid dlc quests? There's also that one Augment that opens up more of the map, maybe that would help?

216 hours later 13986278 XBL: KresNorthman
>>13981890 I actually had it on the original Abs back when, I believe. Don't think I got it myself though, think she was just rented by someone at the time. Hired a few Pawns that had it too, but I can't figure it out either.

217 hours later 13988123 XBL: Custom BL4CK
>>13986253 Its possible. Plenty of pawns have it have it but i just dont know where else to go.

218 hours later 13993357 XBL: Custom BL4CK
So I was thinking about changing my pawns wardrobe but im not sure what to change it to. Suggestions?

219 hours later 13994801 XBL: KresNorthman
>>13993357 Keeping her a Strider/ranger? Not particularly familiar with their gear. But since it's me I vote more abs . Just changed my characters. Again. Slept at an Inn and saw you and Cat rented my Pawn. 15 from the both of you, cool...But then another guy also hired her. Gave me 2/2/2! And a Shackle! The nerve. Not sure if I like Loli Abs. I always hated little characters with fuckhuge weapons. Wanted a Figher-Fighter/Warrior duo but maybe I'll try a Strider/Ranger duo..Hmm.

219 hours later 13995874 PSN: Holocauxt
> Gran Soren Times > My Pawn is in the Masters Wanted list How the fuck do they even pick these things? My Pawn is a strong independent woman who don't need no Arisen.

219 hours later 13996459 XBL: Custom BL4CK (meh.jpg 1280x720 135kB)
>>13994801 normally I wouldn't go full slut but at this point I don't really care.

219 hours later 13996805 XBL: Custom BL4CK
Well this is convenient. Got the chest guard dragonforged on my first drake run.

220 hours later 13997794 XBL:JoeAO88
Haven't been to these Generals in ages, but glad to see you guys are still enjoying and discussing

220 hours later 13998085 XBL: KresNorthman (IMG_20120914_224406.jpg 1536x2048 861kB)
>>13996459 Gahahaha. Pretty much the same direction I went with loli abs. I find this entertaining. >27k gold aw shit niggas broke >go to get snakeskin purse killing on the way >suddenly 500k wat Apparently completed the sulfur, rabbit and boar quests I guess. Cool.

220 hours later 13998843 XBL: Custom BL4CK
>>13997794 You're not the only one. Everyone who here back in June pretty much left in July except for me. Then some new guys came in so i stuck around to help them out and rent their pawns etc. There really isn't much for ME to do in the game but it is fun to have some people to talk to.

220 hours later 13998873 XBL: Custom BL4CK
>>13998843 > Everyone who was here

220 hours later 13999351 XBL: KresNorthman (SHITpigeon.jpg 461x407 55kB)
>Get the 4chan party together >Find an armored cyclopse >He's dead before his helmet even comes off >Stomach is a pin cushion Holy shit, girls .

221 hours later 14001215 XBL: cat and beard (gore chimera.png 105x91 24kB)
>>13996459 oh you >>13998843 I can't believe I started following the generals back in early July, shit. I started off begging for silk lingerie. >wife gone all next week >i took the week off work >gonna do a proper ng+ yaaay

221 hours later 14001682 XBL:JoeAO88
>>13998843 Hah yeah, I should really check on my pawn one of these days. Has there been any sort of big updates for Dragon's Dogma? I'm completely out of the loop right now

221 hours later 14002456 XBL: cat and beard
>>13999351 That's how we roll, le pigeon. >>14001682 hahahahahaha no Same as it was when you left, except for a screenshot competition which is why >>13996459 is now a slutty special pawn. I have 800 points sitting around and srsly considering throwing them away on the dumb fetch quest dlc, just cuz I like this game so damn much.

222 hours later 14003441 Anonymous XBL: ArchSilversmith
>>13963251 It was one of the assassins from the quest Nameless Terror. He appears nearby the fort on the road.

222 hours later 14003676 Anonymous
>>14002456 dont waste your money man...dont do it!!

222 hours later 14003778 XBL: KresNorthman
You know. With a party full of ranged characters including myself, the ur's wing tips shouldn't be giving me this much frustration. They're all firing at the dead hearts. id be pissed if it weren't for the old irish tunes I got going

222 hours later 14003930 Chimichanga (Dragon's Dogma Screenshot_273.jpg 1280x720 89kB)
Oh man there's still DD generals? fantastic. >>14003676 I stop playing around the debilitation weapons DLC. Did I miss any good ones?

222 hours later 14004631 PSN:m1a1da (Dragon's Dogma Screenshot_227.jpg 1280x720 114kB)
>>14003930 Woops, need my psn trip.

223 hours later 14006897 XBL: KresNorthman (IMG_20120915_014725.jpg 1536x2048 1085kB)
>Try Sorcerer again >Go to female bandit camp >Forget I changed my main character to a male >They attack >Comesation, Comesation everywhere. >Simultaneously watching the new Sons of Anarchy premier episode >Characters daughter getting burned alive >GUILT I'LL NEVER TOUCH THIS CLASS AGAIN BACK TO STRIDER. Two different colored eyes are moe

229 hours later 14021169 Anonymous
>>14003930 The armor packs aren't bad, they at least look good. Jesters motely has the best accessories. It has the eyepatch and various other things that people really wanted.

230 hours later 14021526 XBL: Custom BL4CK
>>14006897 Dang man I didn't really notice this late night but your pawn looks pretty cute.

233 hours later 14029763 XBL: KresNorthman
>>14021526 Thank you! Paid more attention to the face than I normally do. Instead of just the abs Kinda think her torso is too long though. And she could use more curves. But I sort of don't want to change her.

236 hours later 14040185 Anonymous
Okay, so I finally got this game. I'm at the point where I can change my vocation, guess I'm lv10 or 11. Should I change it to the advanced vocation asap or not untill a certain level/skill?

236 hours later 14040989 Anonymous (1344277841943.jpg 382x583 57kB)
>>13974504 >My response was "Yeah it's pretty useless, but keep around things that -don't- expire." Which is why I mentioned the usefulness of mushrooms. Ergo, food - that doesn't expire. But you never responded with the fact that those same food can be flasked to stop it from becoming rotten. So, that there is reason enough to call you out. Instead of just saying "Oh it's useless" with no other knowledge. And again, even if rotten, it can be returned to "normal". So, how can that be "useless" in the slightest? Just shows how much of a noob you are. I'm not surprised someone rented your pawn and put a mask on her. Tis a shame I can't take credit for that. You really make Mercedez sad.

237 hours later 14044993 XBL: KresNorthman
>>14040989 It's a shame you're just not understanding my point at all. I've said the reason I left out preserving food was because it's too much of a hassle, and I found other items to be much more worth the time and effort. When I first started, I couldn't find Airtight Flasks to save my life(One in Cassadris and one on the beach outside were one of the, like, 6 i ever found in-game). They usually wound up costing so much I didn't see the need to buy one to just preserve one item, when I could just play carefully, and find/buy better(or, simply, more) curatives. I guess we're looking at it differently. You're looking at it in a metagaming "no, no, you can too use it!" sort of way which is cool(had no idea spring water turned it back til you said so). I'm looking at it in a "is it worth the time/effort/investment", and I just say no. It just wasn't practical on my first playthrough. Or really any after that. I've never been in need of curatives, so what warish/wines/brews/whatever i've picked up pre-dragon lasted me long enough. Everfall/ur-dragon requires more, but by then you're rolling in gold, so you can simply buy harspud sauces and any of the other hugely effective curatives you can get from the merchants in the post-game. So I just don't see a need to waste my time it. And good, I hate the she-goat.

237 hours later 14045964 XBL: Custom BL4CK
>>14040185 Well certain skills carry over. There are somethings you need to know about each vocation. Warrior has the highest HP gain per lvl but the lowest stamina gain. It also has so augments that will help you out in the long run. Clout is a must have, Proficiency is also good. Strider has the highest Stamina gain per lvl. The only augment worth mentioning her is grit. Im not sure what fighter gets per lvl (maybe balanced gains?) but the augments for this vocation is Sinew (great for low and small characters) and Vehemence. Assassin is one of the best (if not the best) class in the game. It has the highest strength gain per lvl. All of its augments are really good but they only activate at night. These augments are must haves if you plan on fighting the Ur Dragon (community boss). Im not too sure about he other classes tbh, The classes i gave you are more for a melee character. http://dragonsdogma.wikia.com/wiki/Augments

237 hours later 14046484 Anonymous
>>14045964 Right, I see, thanks.

238 hours later 14047384 XBL: OK Octopus
Just got back into this game with a new character after months of being away. I really fell hard for DD and am loving the Hell out of it again. Really wonderful to see a general thread for it. :)

238 hours later 14050130 XBL: Custom BL4CK
>>14047384 Oh that was you who sent me a FR.

239 hours later 14051738 XBL: KresNorthman (IMG_20120915_014802.jpg 2048x1536 860kB)
All level 20 pawns against the ur + a playlist with cage the elephant and crotchduster = pretty goddamn frantic and hilarious.

239 hours later 14052010 Anonymous
>>14051738 wat

239 hours later 14053257 XBL: KresNorthman
>>14052010 Shitty stupid music for a shitty stupid battle. I think zetajade hit one of his hearts with a skull though, if I wasn't just seeing things.

240 hours later 14058041 XBL: KresNorthman (126781214088.jpg 310x750 143kB)
>>14047384 Sent you some stuff as a welcome back gift. Nothing super great, but I typically don't hoard gear in my Storage so it's the best I got for a Mage since I don't really plan on making my Pawn one again. Also BL4CK, all them Ferrystones saved my ass today. Jumping between my Portcrystals and forgot to restock when and was gonna be stranded in Cassadris, haha. Thanks.

241 hours later 14060453 XBL: Custom BL4CK (dead cyclops.jpg 1280x720 79kB)
>>14058041 No problem man. I have 22 million gold and nothing to really spend it on. Also I know you never do NG+ so you could possibly be able to answer this question. What happens when you start a new game? I know you lose all of your stuff but i was wondering what happens to your pawn/rank. I heard that you keep your pawns ranking (or they share the same ranking). I was planning on starting over after my Spechul pawn status is up (probably gonna save edit to get some of my gear back).

241 hours later 14061384 Anonymous
How's the dual-classing in this game? Watched a Youtube vid showcasing all the Mage and Sorcerer spells and am now seriously considering picking this game up. But, I'd really like to dip into Strider/ Sorc, rather than one or the other. Is it possible? Efficacious?

241 hours later 14061520 Anonymous (miu.jpg 1280x720 79kB)
http://game.capcom.co.jp/DD/en/top/ how does this pawn always make it onto the front page. it looks better than it did before >>13384174 but it just looks so plain...

241 hours later 14061641 XBL: KresNorthman
>>14060453 Your Pawn's appearance isn't saved, so when you get to the editor again you'll have to remake both from scratch. Rankings I have no idea about, I've never paid attention to it. You keep things like your favorited Pawns, past hires in the Rift, and Pawns-that-your-Pawn-knows. But I'd assume ranking stays as it's tied to your gamertag, but I'd look it up if it means a lot to you, just to be sure. I have mixed feelings about my first NG+ I'm running through right now. It's piss easy, but something about having gear I wouldn't have otherwise is nice. Blessing and a curse, all of it. Nice new look, too. More badass minimalist rather than "slutty" as you called her previous outfit.

242 hours later 14062081 XBL: KresNorthman
>>14061384 Depends what you mean by dual-classing. If you're thinking you'll still have your Sorcerer spells when you switch to Strider, that's not possible. All you'll keep are the Augments you got for Sorcerer, which are small perks your character can equip(Less damage taken from Magic, faster cast times, etc). The augments you'll probably want will be what BL4CK mentioned a few posts above. The Arisen/Main Character will have access to "hybrid"classes that Pawn's won't once you reach Gran Soren. These are sort of dual classes, but not really. As an example theres the Magick Knight, who can equip a Sword or Staff, and also a Shield. With the staff you'll be able to purchase Magic abilities, sword your typical Fighter types of abilities and some magic-based sword attacks, and with the shield magic defense abilities. I find myself switching between classes a lot. Some people like to stick to a single class for a large part of the game for the stat increases which differ between classes. But I get bored. You won't ruin your game switching around and trying everything out, unless you're going for one of the Online Ur-Dragon builds, in which case you'd probably want to be more conscious of how you play.

242 hours later 14062149 XBL: Custom BL4CK
>>14061641 I kinda figured that. I was just gonna save the sliders for my pawn/arisen. thanks for the compliment. >>14061384 There are hybrid classes in this game. Seems like you might wanna check out Magic Archer. Its a good class if you have the stats for it. your going to want to at least use Sorcerer before you go to that class in order to get your magic stats up.

242 hours later 14065271 PSN:m1a1da (Dragon's Dogma Screenshot_41.jpg 1280x720 71kB)
>>14021169 Thanks for the info.

243 hours later 14066406 Anonymous XBL: ArchSilversmith (brawl1.jpg 1280x720 70kB)
I went to visit Maul and found out that the thieves have their own Fight Club. Claymore vs Mercygiver

243 hours later 14066754 Anonymous XBL: ArchSilversmith (brawl2.jpg 1280x720 67kB)
Second round.

243 hours later 14066778 Anonymous XBL: ArchSilversmith (brawl3.jpg 1280x720 56kB)
>>14066754 Tired.

243 hours later 14066812 Anonymous (brawl4.jpg 1280x720 60kB)

243 hours later 14066989 Anonymous (28444343_m.jpg 400x600 264kB)
What do you guys think is the best vocation? Assassin seems to be the popular choice,

244 hours later 14070752 XBL: KresNorthman (1337406945372.gif 230x173 503kB)
>>14066989 You're right about Assassin being the most popular choice. Probably is, but I don't really metagame much. My favorite would probably be Fighter, or Assassin with a Sword and Bow. Fighter has some problems, specially with the Ur-Dragon, but the Assassin's bow helps there. I like how visceral the combat is with one-handed swords, though. I've found Warrior a bit too slow for my taste, but Arc of Deliverance is a lot of fun. Their light jump attack is really handy too. Haven't played a Mage fully yet, got most of their augments but went straight to Sorcerer for the most part. Fun, but holy shit Hellhounds and Dragons(When they flap their wings or take off) give me a fine fit of butt-devastation. Strider/Dagger Assassin are cool but I tend to abuse Hundred Kisses during boss battles and it makes things a bit too easy. Rangers cool but I still suck pretty hard aiming with a controller. Haven't played Magick Archer yet. Magick Knight is fun once you get a few levels in it, and learn to time your blocks. I did quite a bit of Fighter+No shield though for role-play purposes though, so I almost always forget to use my shield when it'd help most.

244 hours later 14070851 Anonymous
>>14066989 Assassin: >lol, masterful kill bitches, countering meteors n' shit >soloing >FUCK YOU UR-DRAGON >GOTTA GO FAST Ranger >Arrows >MORE ARROWS >SUUUUUUUUUCK MAAH DIIIIIIIIIIIIICK *Great Gamble* Magic Archer >Aim-lock >HADOUKEN *Grand Scension* >Vortex trail into the Brine >I'M ON FIRE Warrior >tanking n' shit >I'MA CHARGIN MAH ATTACK >I'MA FIRING MAH... wait, why did you move, motherfucker >spinning Fighter >what am i even doing >PAWN, GET ON MY SHIELD SO I CAN SEND YOU FLYING >*swing swing swing* "vocation lvl up" *swings more* Mage >LOOK MOM, I CAN FLY >why do i have to be the healer, i wanted to cast spells >but i don't want to give Affinities Sorcerer >can i cast spells now? >YAY!*High Maelstrom* >Exequy sounds fun, wait, how does this works? >I HAVE A WHIP >so thats how i point spells? >*lvl under 20* HALP, BANDITS BE RAPING ME that's pretty much it, don't know about magic knight, never used it

244 hours later 14071261 XBL: Custom BL4CK
>>14061641 I wish the game let you reset your characters lvl.

244 hours later 14071420 Anonymous
>>14070752 did exceed ever get a full translation?

245 hours later 14072383 XBL: KresNorthman (1325625430049.gif 256x192 309kB)
>>14070851 >I'MA FIRING MAH... wait, why did you move, motherfucker >spinning >I HAVE A WHIP >*lvl under 20* HALP, BANDITS BE RAPING ME My fucking sides You need to write strategy guides or vocation bios for websites. >>14071261 Me too, that's why I really like the idea of decrease exp/exp gain items. Lock your level at 15/20, have the time of your life. I wish. If nothing else DD2 should do away with levels, or at the very least scale just bosses[/spoilers] >>14071420 Not that I know of, but I don't keep up with it anymore. I just like snatching the gifs.

245 hours later 14072452 Anonymous
>>14071420 Of what?

245 hours later 14072503 XBL: KresNorthman (1325625346952.gif 256x192 564kB)
>>14072383 Dafuq happened to my spoilers.

245 hours later 14073745 XBL: Custom BL4CK (left out.jpg 1280x720 132kB)
>>14072503 Your pawn looks so left out. She wouldn't stand still for the picture so whatever. she can pout in the corner.

245 hours later 14073957 XBL: KresNorthman (1325624867523.gif 256x192 1079kB)
>>14073745 THESE FEELS ;_; Reminds me of >>13404781 >>13420047 You probably made her uncomfortable with your hand half way up Claires ass in that shot. Got my spoilers to work again, can you tell?

245 hours later 14074067 Anonymous (20120913_225716.jpg 448x292 76kB)
>mfw farming Grisly Bone Armor

245 hours later 14074456 XBL: KresNorthman
>>14074067 Just keep at it man. I couldn't do it. Tried Godsbane farming the Crimson set. After 30 minutes I just wanted to kill myself. Seriously, all I saw was red. My resolve wasn't sharp enough. ..Time to go and actually play for awhile.

250 hours later 14087121 XBL: KresNorthman (IMG_20120916_044447.jpg 2048x1536 897kB)
The fuck. Are the forged evidence papers from Reynard useless in fournivals trial? I handed un all four from him, including the two legit ones from fedel and the priest. Symone wouldn't give me one. The pawns said it'd look like he was going to be innocent. Got the guilty verdict. Lame as fuck. Needed that second gold idol. Haven't saved for hours so the last checkpoint save is the day of the trial. Bleh. Guess it's my fault for being lazy and not wanting to run to the fort to get the witness. >Can't go a single game without an Abs reincarnation New Arisen, same clothes.

251 hours later 14088284 XBL: OK Octopus
>>14058041 You sir, are an ABSolute prince.

256 hours later 14102301 XBL: KresNorthman
>>14088284 Why thank you. Figured I'd give you some equipment to help you muscle through the game.

257 hours later 14104751 Anonymous (408484_346849445404267_547052966_n.jpg 960x540 56kB)

259 hours later 14111941 PSN: VoidedUp (tumblr_ma46p0VdZ61qgt34jo1_500.jpg 500x369 198kB)
Finally found my Dragon's Dogma after a week of having no idea where it was. Just sat down and listened to the main theme for like twenty minutes. >mfw flying into free

259 hours later 14113525 Anonymous XBL: ArchSilversmith
>>14111941 Into the Dangan Zone

259 hours later 14114430 XBL: cat and beard (IMG207.jpg 1280x960 228kB)
>>14070851 >Sorcerer >I HAVE A WHIP Best part of Sorc, hands down. Whips would be a great addition to DD2. 99% of my time spent on that vocation was Brotidan the shit outta Cyclops. >>14087121 >/vg/ DD party time Jeez, guess I better get fitted for a Silver Chestguard and some abs . >going for Titty Monster LI >cutscene during escort quest >THIS happens DON'T WORRY TITS, I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER

260 hours later 14114664 XBL: cat and beard (30121156_m.png 450x600 719kB)
And today, probably the cutest pic of Maddy on Pixiv yet.

260 hours later 14114982 PSN: VoidedUp
>>14114664 Quick question, speaking of Madeleine. I'm doing Duchess in Distress, which I assume gives you full affinity for Aelinore which will override my full affinity for Mercedes. I have Deny Salvation but I haven't gone to do it yet, is there still any way for me to get Madeleine to full affinity, assuming I can't get her quest(s) now?

260 hours later 14116303 XBL: KresNorthman
>>14114430 That might be too much abs for just one screen, not sure my tv could take it. >>14114982 Just give her an Arisen's Bond before ending Deny Salvation, should do the trick. I have no idea where my LI is going this game. Skipped out on the Witchwood quests to get an Arisen's Bond, debating doing Duchess in Distress, got Julien (don't ask) , Mercedes,and Madeline to max. Madeline's been maxed since last game, but unless I do duchess in distress, she'll be the last one I did a quest for(Gran Soren thing).

261 hours later 14119380 XBL: KresNorthman (IMG_20120916_153921.jpg 2048x1536 652kB)
Hai guiz wuts goan on in hurr-- oh nevermind I'll come back later. The VTM:Bloodlines ost fits dungeons very well btw. also dat deb after dark. YEAH WELL THOSE COUNTRIES PROBABLY NEED JESUS[/spoiler ]

261 hours later 14119503 PSN: VoidedUp
>>14116303 I don't have an Arisen's Bond, even though I'm in my second playthrough. =/

262 hours later 14124275 XBL: cat and beard (why can't i hold all these pawns.jpg 1280x720 132kB)
>>14119503 You should have a Love In The Rough that Aelinore gave you (if you did her quest). Combine that with a Noonflower to make an Arisen's Bond.

262 hours later 14125141 XBL: KresNorthman
>>14124275 The hells going on there. He looks just like my last Arisen btw. I found the possible variety for Male arisen to be much less than for Female. Am I the only one? Keep raping her! Also, dat pawn in the lower left. Nightmare fuel. >Yet another Ascalon Gettin' annoying. You CAN get Heaven's Key from Offline Ur, right? And the staff? Gotten like 8 Ascalons so far. >>14119503 What Cat said. And incase you don't know, if you did the quest in Witchwood where you save Selene from the angry mob, if you leave the map and return to where her grandmother's grave is, there will be a slab you can bring to the Dragonforged and he'll make an Arisens Bond out of it. I had no idea I was supposed to go back to Witchwood to get it until my second or third time through.

262 hours later 14125335 PSN: VoidedUp
Okay, Duchess in Distress is easily one of my favorite quests. Just the entire feel of it, especially when you get into the sewers and all those bandits are in there... it's crazy. All I could think was "oh shit, Aelinore, just stay behind me." And I don't even care about this chick. >>14124275 Hopefully I didn't combine the Love In The Rough with something else, if there is another thing it can combine with. I'll check, thanks.

262 hours later 14125369 PSN: VoidedUp
>>14125141 Yeah, I read up on how to get it after I beat the game my first time, but I completely forgot about it while I was doing quests the second time.

262 hours later 14126825 XBL: KresNorthman
>>14125335 Wish you were on xbl. Just got mine and don't plan on using it. Not sure what else it combines with besides noonflowers, just that it can be used for an enhancement or two. Love the quest too, though. Helps that it has damn near as many cutscenes as the rest of the game too. Must've been capcoms "ideal LI"

263 hours later 14127037 PSN: VoidedUp
>>14126825 It's cool. I had a Noonflower and just got it, so I got the Bond. Gonna give it to Madeleine right before I do Deny Salvation and see what happens. Do I get it back after the game or do I have to make/get another one next game? I'm probably going to hang out in Everfall for a while though, I just want to farm stuff and I didn't last time.

263 hours later 14129131 XBL: KresNorthman
funnily enough you'll get it back at the end of deny salvation. Warning though. Even after grigori your LI can change and you could get someone else for the post game ending. I got the ring back from selene then during post game gave it bqck to her. Also gave one to Camilla to see if her stock changed with max affinity. Beat post game andthe big nosed bitch ran up to me on the beach. Apparently according to the wiki, your LI is determined by who you MOST RECENTLY Got max affinity with. Might be who last got a bond too I dunno. Forged ones are legit copies. So just be careful if that'd bug ya.

263 hours later 14129385 XBL: KresNorthman
>>14127037 >>14129131 Also just keep a heads up during/after the Grigori cutscene in Deny Salvation. The ring falls from the sky, but you gotta pick it up once you resume control. It's highlighted pretty spectacularly but some people complained that they never saw it and so didn't get it back.

263 hours later 14129997 Anonymous
doing a run on the urdragon if anyone is interested

265 hours later 14135669 Anonymous
I tried to get the Hero trophy but i missed just one quest. JUST ONE (search party, by Reynard) I am about to do the final battle quest, is it too late for me to do Search Party? if i start NG+ will i have to do all the quests over again for the trophy??

265 hours later 14137423 Anonymous
>>14135669 Im not sure. In order to activate the quest you have to buy like 10 items from him. I know you cant activate it in post game

266 hours later 14141232 XBL: Custom BL4CK
Has anyone here ever encountered a guy called Kent? Hes apparently a bandit that robs you and can kill you extremely quickly (probably if you're a low lvl) apparently he appears near Gran Soren after the first everfall quest.

267 hours later 14142010 Chimichanga (Dragon's Dogma Screenshot_5.jpg 1280x720 88kB)
I wish you could fight hydras out in the wild.

267 hours later 14142093 Chimichanga (Dragon's Dogma Screenshot_4.jpg 1280x720 84kB)
>>14142010 aaaaaand dead.

267 hours later 14144389 XBL: KresNorthman
>>14141232 >>14141232 Yeah I have in. 3/4 games so far. Can't figure out what the trigger is. Time of day or anything like that. Ran into him once at lvl25ish, and one higher while I was being chased by a griffin. Always the same spot though. Just a bit passed the tower thing after you go under the bridge. There's also the occasional ambush after the bridge above the catacomb entrance /saurians.

267 hours later 14144803 XBL: Custom BL4CK
>>14142093 Hydras are my favorite boss. Too bad they are only in post game. They have the most health and are very aggressive and fun to fight (even for a high lvl)

268 hours later 14145283 Anonymous XBL: ArchSilversmith (come_at_me_bro_by_little_asya-d59je1e.jpg 900x1021 110kB)
>>14141232 I think there are few random encounters with thieves. Does he appear nearby the bridge north of gran Soren? Pic I found on DArt.

268 hours later 14146000 PSN:m1a1da (Dragon's Dogma Screenshot_8.jpg 1280x720 77kB)
>>14144803 They're incredibly fun to fight as a Magic archer. >Magic bolts EVERYWHERE.

268 hours later 14146045 XBL: Custom BL4CK
>>14144389 Did you ever get the miners to break open the walls for you? If you do could you bring my pawn along with you (this goes for anyone else in this thread). I have never been able to do it (apparently you need to talk to them and one of them will say something about it, then come back at night). That could be the one place im missing for a gransys 3 star.

268 hours later 14146209 PSN: VoidedUp (tumblr_m7adms83JC1rqty22o1_400.gif 300x250 820kB)
>abandon all delusions of control >mfw Got Madeleine, so it really does look like whoever you last got max with is who shows up. Will Madeleine be at my house after I kill Grigori or will she be in Gran Soren?

268 hours later 14147080 Anonymous XBL: ArchSilversmith
>>14146045 Yes, they are open previous to the Dragon fight. There is two sections. Left and right nearby the quarry's entrance. The right sections is a good place to pick up periapts.

268 hours later 14147194 Anonymous
>>14146209 Yes. Tell me what she says to you after the fight. I wanted her but I got Reynard. :(

268 hours later 14147390 XBL: Custom BL4CK
>>14147080 Are they open in your current playthrough? Could you take my pawn there? I honestly cant think of anywhere else on the map that I haven't been (maybe somewhere in southern gransys)

268 hours later 14147573 PSN:m1a1da (Dragon's Dogma Screenshot_9.jpg 1280x720 82kB)
Random naked women all over Gran Soren

268 hours later 14147757 PSN: VoidedUp
>>14147194 It'll be a while, I want to farm Everfall for a bit. I can't even find Youtube videos for her ending, that's weird.

268 hours later 14148057 Anonymous XBL: ArchSilversmith
>>14147390 There are two hidden caves in south gransys. Nearby the golem, under it. You descend neraby and find the caverns of delusion. It just has a chest. There also a pillar that is hard to reach. You need might a strider's kick/leap ability to reach it. Another is near the ballistas where you find to cyclops. This cave doesn't show up on the map. You can find the Noonflower here.

268 hours later 14148139 PSN: VoidedUp
>Perhaps we're to spend the rest of our days together... Oh, spare me that look! I say that with all of my heart. ...Truly! I seriously haven't loved characters and dialogue in a game since... I don't know. Maybe the first time I played RE4. I don't even know. Every time I think I can't love this game more, there's a small surprise that I missed the first time and it's beautiful.

268 hours later 14148152 Anonymous XBL: ArchSilversmith
>>14148057 Damn it, I need to proofread my stuff. Send a FR Custom, your pawn is expensive on RC.

269 hours later 14148547 XBL: Custom BL4CK
>>14148057 I already have those two caves. FR sent. Whats this pillar you are talking about?

269 hours later 14148562 XBL: KresNorthman
>>14147573 You better not be complaining. >>14146045 I haven't done it. For some reason I assumed it was post-game. I'm about to fight the Dragon, but I can do it real quick too. Either Arch or I will get it done. I'm curious to see whats behind those walls anyhow. >>14146209 I think she's at your house. You wake up and she's standing there, anyway. I didn't play post-game that run so I don't know if she teleports to Gran Soren or not. I would assume no since people shat many bricks of rage when they got Caxton by accident and could never get him back to his shop. >>14147194 I can't remember if she said anything, so I'm curious to hear too. She better have, hope I just forgot. >Go to fight Grigori >Try and do Clear Sky glitch >Can't damage him enough >He won't land on the last bridge part, just keeps darting around >Apparently suck at aiming, takes forever >Kill self, Retry >Suddenly, no longer the point "I" saved the game, it's a checkpoint save right before said bridge What the fuck. This game can't make up it's mind whats a checkpoint, auto, or personal save. QUICK! SOMEONE! HIRE AND RELEASE MY PAWN 99 TIMES AND SEND ME 99 BLAST ARROWS!

269 hours later 14148568 Anonymous XBL: ArchSilversmith
>>14148139 Despite getting Reynard, I loved the lines he got at the end. Found the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EC8A67-lYU

269 hours later 14148665 Anonymous XBL: ArchSilversmith
>>14148547 Nearby the golem, in direction to the ocean. I wish I could point you there.

269 hours later 14148742 XBL: Custom BL4CK
>>14148562 What class are you using for the glitch? Having some of the assassin augments on makes it a piece of cake. dont forget to back up your save

269 hours later 14148752 Anonymous XBL: ArchSilversmith
>>14148547 There is a third one. I forgot about it. Follow the river nearby Maul's castle. There are saurians guarding it. It just has vein to pick.

269 hours later 14148793 XBL: Custom BL4CK
>>14148665 I think i know what you're talking about. Ive seen it but im not sure if ive been on it before.

269 hours later 14148865 XBL: Custom BL4CK
>>14148752 You mean that cave thats near that sewer looking area? Yeah i got that one.

269 hours later 14148942 PSN:m1a1da (Dragon's Dogma Screenshot_3.jpg 1280x720 69kB)
Someone named they're pawn Balltickler. We must go on a grand adventure now.

269 hours later 14149623 XBL: KresNorthman
>>14148742 Ranger. Assassin isn't leveled yet. The nerfed exp I've been getting made Ranger take longer to level up than I expected. Gonna make a blast arrow run. Hopefully I can find enough. Got him down to around 4-3 orbs before, and also hiring another higher level ranger Pawn to help in the first room. Should get it this time. Didn't bring any periapts with me last time either because I'm a moron. Luckily my checkpoint save was at the Gran Soren Inn. Also fuck this cave shit. Can't find the right guy to talk to I guess. I'll save it for another time, Archs already got it unlocked anyhow. >>14148942 For a small guy he looks a bit testi . Watch your back...Or front.

269 hours later 14149797 XBL: KresNorthman
>>14149623 I forgot Aestella sells them. With an unlimited supply. Guess whose getting an Arisen's Bond next time I get one?

269 hours later 14149951 PSN:m1a1da (Dragon's Dogma Screenshot_2.jpg 1280x720 71kB)
>>14149623 >Balltickler what are you doing over there? >"Tickling balls ma lord". >Very good then. Carry on.

269 hours later 14150496 Anonymous
>>14149951 my sides

270 hours later 14152487 XBL: KresNorthman
>>14149951 Incredible. FUCK. Guess I didn't hit him right. Got to the flying segment. Gotta do it all over again. Including Tainted fucking Mountain, too. Really wish I had a way to back up saves right now. Watched that 10 minute long video maybe a dozen times, but this "Hit the head then the heart in one Tenfold Flurry shot" part is gonna be the death of me. Heart flutters? One more try tonight.

270 hours later 14154558 XBL: KresNorthman
>>14152487 Welp, guess I fucked up. Got him, but apparently I missed his head this time and got his heart? Went to the cutscene that triggers the dark sky, instead of just going to your home. Can't revert to before the battle now, even. Shitsux. So, just to get this right, the idea is to use tenfold flurry with blast arrows, but one of those arrows has to hit his head first, immediately followed by one of the arrows/burst arrow AoEs hitting his heart, before the scene fades? I'll try it again at some point. Probably won't continue this save for long now since this bugged me, so there's always another NG run in the future, but then again I'll be under-leveled and do less damage too so I may not be able to pull it off. Bleh.

271 hours later 14155518 Anonymous XBL: ArchSilversmith (220443_343606965730566_141821366_o.jpg 1280x720 91kB)
Took Claire to the Quarry. Will post other pics later.

272 hours later 14157297 XBL: KresNorthman
>>14155518 I seriously thought your Arisen had one long ass ponytail for a minute. Yet another thing I now wish was possible.

275 hours later 14164645 Anonymous
>>14155518 thanks man

278 hours later 14171078 Anonymous
>>14164645 I hope it is what you needed

279 hours later 14173842 Anonymous
Alright just got this game. How much research is needed before I jump in? I already choked at making my character. This is gonna be a long road.

280 hours later 14175020 PSN: VoidedUp
>>14173842 No research if you just want to play it and enjoy the game for what it is. It's fun. But if you're a completionist and want to finish as many quests as possible, check out the Wiki or just ask here. You can figure out most of it yourself, it's pretty straight forward, but there are some quests or items you'll completely skip over because the game doesn't even mention them unless you talk to every single person before you do a main quest.

280 hours later 14175474 Anonymous (1345903095705.jpg 265x455 47kB)
Guys, I need a favor. In Dragon's Dogma, is it possible to give the golden idol to Madeline/Caxton post-game? I have the idol, but then Madeline disappeared in the Bad Business quest before I could give it to her. I've heard she comes back in the postgame, but will I still be able to get the quest to turn it in from her? Please respond.

281 hours later 14177495 XBL: KresNorthman
>>14175474 >>14175474 They're still asking for their idols post-game. Not sure if they still give the quests if that's what you need, but if you picked up the quests before postgame you're fine.

281 hours later 14177518 PSN: VoidedUp
>>14175474 Check your available quests. If it's in there, you can give it to them still. If it's not, you can't. Madeleine will be in Gran Sorens fields in postgame or in Cassardis if you helped her escape from the guards. I would say give it to Caxton though, his new items I think are more melee based while Madeleine's are more magic/female based. >chleform always Is captcha telling me to make sure Madeleine doesn't leave me!?

281 hours later 14179836 PSN: VoidedUp (everfall update.png 480x700 38kB)
Five more to go. Do chests and enemies respawn if you leave a chamber and come back? Like jumping off, but getting back there later. I'm gonna keep only the Wakestones I need for the quest and sell the rest for some quick money. My first playthrough, I got out of Everfall as soon as I could. I was like level 38 and I didn't understand how it was so difficult. Now it's a breeze.

282 hours later 14180320 Anonymous
>>14179836 takes them 7 days i think

282 hours later 14181067 Anonymous
>>14177518 >>14177495 I don't have the quest. She left before she could give it to me. So I'm screwed then? God dammit, I just wanted some BATTLE LINGERIE. How fucking stupid is that anyway? Why the hell would they disable that quest? I like the game, but it's nearly impossible to play the game and get the stuff you want without either searching every nook and cranny before advancing even a single story mission, or look up guides online beforehand. My biggest complaint, really.

282 hours later 14181629 Anonymous
So am I supposed to steal all the gear from the pawns I summon?

282 hours later 14181875 Anonymous
>>14181629 Oh wait, seems that's not possible. Well that solves that problem.

282 hours later 14182431 PSN: VoidedUp (521dd90b780d609551461e7cc3814f6a.jpg 1280x720 68kB)
I don't know why my picture qualities always look so bad. It's weird. Went back to Magic Archer and changed Rachel to a Warrior just to level them up. Rachel has been a maxed Fighter forever, so she was sitting on like 70k Discipline points that I'm just going to burn on Mage/Sorcerer/Warrior.

282 hours later 14182640 PSN: VoidedUp (c9a71c5d8b3063226b79b9cd05686fce.jpg 1280x720 92kB)
>>14182431 And a solo of Rachel when she was a Fighter because fuck this quality.

283 hours later 14185668 Anonymous
>>14175020 Oh boy. Are those missable quests fun and with good rewards or is it just shit fetch questing and bunny bashing for gold and xp? Literally all I know about the game is as follows: Bandits kill you below lvl 15 The goal of the game is to make muscle girls without them looking too much like men. If you fail you can buy an item to remake you and your pawn. Sometimes you will have to fight monsters by hitting them with sticks, shooting sticks at them, or throwing magic sticks at them. The ending is 6deep11u shit where you actually are the dragon and the dragon is a metaphor and you must slay yourself maybe because deep.

283 hours later 14185796 PSN: VoidedUp
>>14185668 Some of them are okay, you could really just use them for experience and gold if it wasn't so easy to miss out on them. One of the earliest ones that's probably the easiest to miss out is looking for Quina in Witchwood, which ultimately gives you the Arisen's Bond after a few more quests. Arisen's Bond gives you max affinity with any NPC you give it to.

283 hours later 14186065 Anonymous
>>14185796 I don't even know what affinity is. Whoo. Speaking of which, is it like Saints Row tier easy to change your character? Like if I was sick of being a muscle girl in chainmail bikini I could switch to being an obese dude in a monk robe or something with relative ease? I need to know how much care I need to put into my initial appearance.

283 hours later 14186223 PSN: VoidedUp
>>14186065 Affinity just tells you who your love interest will be at the end of the game. Whoever you get to max affinity last before you do the Deny Salvation quest seems to be the formula to how you know who the dragon will take. I don't know how it works in Saints Row, but probably not. In this you have to buy an item to change yours and your pawn's apperance. During most of the game, it's a one use item, but you can buy a version that's unlimited either before Deny Salvation or right after it. I don't remember. But the shop you buy it from runs on Rift Crystals instead of gold.

283 hours later 14187261 Anonymous
>>14186223 in saints row you just drive to a plastic surgeon and then you can pay a piddling fee for a go at the full char creation screen suite again. As stated, enter fat white man, leave skinny black woman

284 hours later 14190016 XBL: Custom BL4CK
>>14148752 Well I just checked and it didn't give me a 3 star. Oh well. I did get 300k RC and a 5 star rating in combat.

285 hours later 14192150 Anonymous XBL: ArchSilversmith
>>14182431 If they are from Facebook, select in the options full screen mode. You get a higher resolution.

285 hours later 14192240 Anonymous XBL: ArchSilversmith
>>14190016 That is a shame.

285 hours later 14194032 Anonymous
i got reynard killed during his escort quest, am i fucked? also why do they give you escort quests so early if they are so hard, i have to go to the other side of the world and almost everything kicks my ass

285 hours later 14194751 XBL: Custom BL4CK
>>14190016 >5 star overall rating Thats what it should say

288 hours later 14203437 Anonymous
Okay, just starting, do I need to add you guys as my Xbox friends to get swag or what?

289 hours later 14207758 XBL: KresNorthman
>>14185668 >The goal of the game is to make muscle girls without them looking too much like men. WELCOME TO DURAGANZU DOGUMA. You'll fit in just fine! >>14192150 >If Wait, can you default it somewhere else? >>14194032 The quests say that they are a "one-time chance to boost your affinity." I always assumed they wouldn't become available again. But for some reason I think last game I got Aelinore killed, but after several days(weeks?) of not doing a Main Story mission, I got it again. I have a feeling I might've confused her with Selene, though, so maybe I had the same escort quest for two different characters. ...Basically what I'm saying is "i dunno." Sorry. But, the escort quests just help boost affinity. The NPC still lives, and you can still just throw gifts at their face. >>14203437 Sure, I might have some gear to throw your way, send me a request. Be warned, the game gets piss easy at around level 20-25, so you may or may not enjoy the game more using standard items as they unlock normally. Give you that feeling of toughness and all that. If it's not a big deal though, I'll either look around my Storage and just buy some shit to send you.

289 hours later 14207792 XBL: KresNorthman
>>14187261 And regarding the Saints Row comparison for character editing, no it's not as simple. I wish it was like Saints Row. There is a Barber Shop in Gran Soren. You can change your hair, eye color, and small things like that, but if you want to change your gender, face shape, bulkiness or whathaveyou, you'll need to purchase an item(with RC - you get this from your Pawn being hired and being rated well, as well as a small reward from quest completions, and the odd Rift Crystal/Cluster drop) from Jonathan in The Encampment. The first one you can buy is a one-use item, so use it wisely. You can buy the unlimited usage one, like Voided said, before or after Deny Salvation - I think its after.

289 hours later 14207924 Anonymous
>>14207792 So there's only ONE of that change item before I get into what is probably the post-game? Aw shit

289 hours later 14210274 Anonymous (Gaben presets.jpg 622x358 80kB)

290 hours later 14210948 Anonymous
>>14210274 I remember this from about a month ago. pretty damn good if i recall.

290 hours later 14211549 XBL: cat and beard
Just took Claire and whoever Kres' pawn is at the moment to fight Grigs, pretty unnecessary once the battle proper happens as it's Hundred Kisses x infinity = boomdead. Tried restarting four or five times for the clear skies glitch but I was getting impatient. Planning on playing a very quick NG+ tomorrow and hopefully get it then. I do love that in postgame you can kill pretty much every one in the world, fuck the cops.

290 hours later 14211637 XBL: KresNorthman
>>14207924 Yeah, you've got it. SO CHOOSE WISELY. To be honest, in my first game I didn't have a problem with me or my Pawn. Didn't even get the change items. Was too busy having fun and being immersed. So hopefully you won't feel like you need it until your first post-game or NG+. Probably helps I didn't start posting in the threads here until I was more than half way through the main story. I love Abs, but I don't know if she'd be such a static requirement if I wasn't posting the odd screenshot here or having bros rent her out. Also, just to rant a little, I really miss the excitement of renting pawns and shit like I had in my first game. I'd spend like 20 minutes in the Rift choosing 2 new Pawns everytime I played. Cycling through them was fun as fuck. Now I either just hire Pawns from this thread, or take whoever the fuck as long as they're the class I need. Theres not really the process of "Oooh, he has a spell I haven't seen before! Wonder how powerful/pretty it is! Oh, this Pawn is cute, but she has worse damage than this one. Hey, this guy is leveling at the same rate I am I miss you, ZetaJade and Chalupa !!" and all that. Maybe one more NG+ and I'm gonna start from Scratch again if I still feel like playing. But I'll ruin it if I keep renting Claire/Sister/Elanore..Yet I don't like going too long without hiring them. wat do

290 hours later 14211876 XBL: KresNorthman
>>14211549 I forgot my Pawns name too I had shitty luck getting Clear Sky too. Depending on how difficult I find Post-Game this time around I might just take 20 wakestones out of my bank and just start NG+ right away to try again at some point. I missed so much this time around it's stupid. Gold Idol, Arisens Bond, Julien, Mercedes romance, another Wyrmking Ring... Skipped almost all the cutscenes too. Probably why I was so zoned out. HAD TO GO FAST.

290 hours later 14213671 Chimichanga (Dragon's Dogma Screenshot_3.jpg 1280x720 70kB)
Lens flare attack!

290 hours later 14213694 XBL: cat and beard
>>14211637 I feel the same way re: hiring pawns, but I just keep seeing a bunch that I hired in the first half of the game who have stayed at the same level and haven't changed equipment. I just kinda switch out between my /vg/ bro pawns and randoms at my level after a major fight or every couple hours. >>14211876 >HAD TO GO FAST. JUST LIK SANIK

290 hours later 14214087 Anonymous
Hrm, I might go with a slightly less muscle girl for my main and then a muscle girl teammate for my main pawn so I can have a lesbian harem

291 hours later 14214271 Chimichanga (Dragon's Dogma Screenshot_2.jpg 1280x720 94kB)
>>14214087 The best idea.

291 hours later 14215301 Anonymous
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDap0P4iq-0&feature=player_embedded Pretty cool video of all of the romance endings in one video.

291 hours later 14217414 XBL: KresNorthman (1316486194826.jpg 531x800 188kB)
HOLY SHIT BL4CK HOW CAN YOU STAND THIS. Only like level 73 but even the Everfall is piss easy now. I really wanted to get to level 100+ but I don't think I'll be able to do it, theres just nothing to the game now, and the Ur Dragon is balls in comparison to the first 20 odd levels of a playthrough. Already planning my NG characters. Actually thinking of a Bro pawn this time. Fighter and Fighter. Like Savan and Salde in the demo/prologue. LET ME HOLD THAT MONSTER FOR YOU BRO, AWWWW YEAH. If I can design TWO decent looking male characters. And can go a full game without wanting to look at sexy women abs and biceps Might send one of you two a piece of two of gear I'd like to use on my NG. Not sure if I really wanna do that yet, though. I actually like going rags-to-riches. >>14213694 Is there a way to "forget" past hires? It almost hurts seeing those who haven't leveled for weeks or months. >>14214271 I SUPPORT THIS NOTION! >First trip to Everfall in NG+ >First chest I open has a Crimson Helmet Oh no you don't, you won't tempt me into trying to get the full set again.

292 hours later 14218064 PSN:m1a1da
>>14217414 It's time for you to un-equip your weapons and punch some dragons.

292 hours later 14219076 Anonymous
>>14217414 The only chamber that gave me any trouble at that point was the chamber of rape (fate). The hydras can also give you a nice thrashing as well. I usually use low tier weapons to make the game harder.

292 hours later 14220563 XBL: KresNorthman (1338861275115.jpg 600x600 68kB)
>>14219076 I think I'm gonna try NG++ with weaker weapons and see how that works for me. Gonna go fight the Seneschal then call it a night. Class tomorrow so I guess that's a good reason to call it quits for now. Also, ye of Ranger knowledge. Why does my Great Gamble feel weaker than the rest of my parties Great Gamble?

293 hours later 14221856 Anonymous
>>14220563 you just dont have what it takes

293 hours later 14222674 XBL: KresNorthman (GAMENEEDSSPEARS.jpg 480x360 14kB)
>NG+ player Seneschal Pretty sure it was this guy. I'm a Koei(and RoTK in general) nut, but it seemed like it was deliberate. Liked that it didn't use the Seneschal's old voice like I thought it would. Sounded much different, anyway. Maybe I'm just tired. This is the best part about NG+ anyhow. Wish you'd get these Seneschal battles in normal games when connected online. Want to see more, but.. >>14221856 Wanna bet ?

300 hours later 14239337 Anonymous
>>14222674 The NG+ senechal is probably one of the cooler things about this game.

300 hours later 14239894 Anonymous
what's the best gear for female warriors? i'm in everfall, slowly carving the shit outta everything but this Summery Cowl/Pareo ain't cutting it.

300 hours later 14240074 PSN: Holocauxt
I'm done with this game and moving on to TTT2. As my final act of charity, I can give away my RE6 code since I don't plan on using it. Just send me a message (or Friend Request) on PSN if you want it.

302 hours later 14243934 PSN: Holocauxt (Dragon's Dogma Screenshot_6.jpg 1280x720 117kB)

303 hours later 14245462 XBL: Custom BL4CK
>>14240074 Im also done. Obviously they are not releasing dlc right now. no point in playing at this point. I will probably still lurk these threads every once and a while. gotta start getting my dark souls characters ready for the dlc.

307 hours later 14257391 PSN: VoidedUp
>>14240074 >>14245462 No way I can put this game down. Even after I farm the hell out of Everfall, I'll start another game to do it all over again. I love it too much, dead community and no good DLC aside.

307 hours later 14258629 XBL:Custom BL4CK
>>14257391 mine is going to be temporary. prob until october, after my pawn status goes away

311 hours later 14274950 PSN: Holocauxt (1a273585455a2fcde50643fc89936b5e.jpg 1280x720 77kB)
> Fire up game one last time > Release support pawns > Re-summon them > Hanabi looks the same > Artemis (Angel) looks like a teenaged version of my pawn with pale skin and red eyes Not sure if coincidence or if I should be flattered...

312 hours later 14276534 Anonymous
First attempt at making a slightly buff main and she turned out really fat looking. Need to take it down a notch

312 hours later 14277865 XBL: KresNorthman
>>14276534 I hate how it goes from average looking man with muscle to BAM BARREL CHEST. The sliders for the females "weight" works in an annoyingly similar way. On another note... NOOO HOLO, BL4CK. DON'T GO. Whose gonna save the threads from 404ing now. ;_; Also how am I supposed to get Ferrystones. Buy them? But that requires effort! DEAD GENERAL GENERAL.

313 hours later 14280217 XBL: Custom BL4CK
>>14277865 Just taking a break bro. Ill still post here from time to time but there's really nothing to talk about. Although apparently accoring to the gamfaqs board the xbox ur dragon has been getting kinda easy. They think that its HP/Defense is possibly linked to the number of players fighting it.

314 hours later 14283895 XBL: cat and beard (30218421_p0.jpg 500x500 91kB)
>>14280217 I had read that the soft grace period had returned? But that was a bunch of Gamefaqs idorts. Spent a couple hours fighting him last night, SO BORING. I feel bad for players who were farming for those rare drops. In other news, I switched my Arisen over to Warrior. Holy fuck, now that I have some HP and Def this vocation is awesome. Whirlwind Slashing sure does feel cool. It's been said before, but they did a great job of making Warrior feel like the tank so many RPGs should have. Thinking about switching my pawn over to it but she's finally using Great Gamble consistently which is pretty great. >>14277865 Ha, I think I gave you a Portcrystal last night. Do you still have Instant Reset on her? Or have you already rolled a NG? Gonna be a sad time when I boot this game up months from now and the latest announcement is dated September 4th.

314 hours later 14284028 Anonymous
Planning on getting this with dlc or Borderlands 2. I like hack n slash shit, as well as dark souls. Is this worth the dosh on XBOX?

314 hours later 14285046 Anonymous
>>14284028 Well its only 40 dollars now (i think) so i think its worth it. There's no real dlc out for now though. It will keep you very entertained.

314 hours later 14285110 Anonymous
>>14285046 Not 40 yet. In fact, this game has stubbornly refused to have a meaningful drop

314 hours later 14285519 Anonymous
>>14285110 I guess that was just a sale going on at best buy then

315 hours later 14287949 XBL: KresNorthman
>>14283895 I enjoyed Warrior more than I thought I would. Usually not my type. Regardless, it's still kind of slow, but when you do hit with something, it's very very satisfying. Aye, I got the Portcrystal from you and sent it back . I literally have no where else I need to put one Haven't rolled a NG yet. Thinking about what I want to do for my NG++. I really, really enjoyed my Player Arisen Seneschal last night. I want to see more. Might tough out another run through before I start a total NG. Instant Reset is still on her, I think. Can't be arsed to change it. I find it kind of handy too, as I couldn't think of a skill I'd like her to use, so it kind of feels like it's making her more effective in a weird way. Game was 45 when I bought it a month or two ago. Though it was a "mom and pop" type of vidya store. Ten bucks cheaper than when I checked at Gamestop. Plus Gamestop was going to give me like 7 bucks for 3 games I wanted to trade in. The store I bought DD at gave me like 20. DOWN WITH THE CORPORATIONS. Also I'm having trouble deciding between keeping my Pawn the way she is, or making her into a dude, or making her into a muscle lady twin.. SO MANY ABS DECISIONS.

315 hours later 14288473 XBL: cat and beard
>>14287949 >my Player Arisen Seneschal That's offline, correct? I'd very much like to see that. Ugh, farming Vocation points takes forever, at least the last couple ranks. At least I can watch a movie at the same time.

315 hours later 14288703 XBL: KresNorthman
>>14288473 ah I mean the Seneschal I fought was another players, the normal Online thing. If I was playing with Connectivity off I'd have fought myself which would've been pretty cool too. But I liked this dudes character. If I were to exit the game before the part where you talk to the Seneschal, would I get a different players character? Or is that set in stone once you obtain the quest/hand in the stones? You're still in post-game, right? It's even worse if you're in pre-dragon on NG+. Exp gets nerfed I guess. Ranger only hit max rank by the time I was at Deny Salvation. Took way too long. And it was all for naught since I didn't get the Clear Sky glitch to work.

316 hours later 14290784 XBL: KresNorthman (IMG_20120918_224330.jpg 1536x2048 860kB)
Wish the surcoats didn't have those annoying shields on them. a coaaat of gold, a coat of red, a lion still has claws, and mine are long and sharp my lord, as long and sharp as yours

316 hours later 14292385 Anonymous
>>14287949 I use instant reset on a ranger pawn if they constantly spam advanced trigger.

316 hours later 14293270 XBL: KresNorthman (IMG_20120918_230243.jpg 1536x2048 1017kB)
>>14292385 do they actually use the skill at all? i've never seen her use it, but i don't pay much attention either, focused on the monster and whatnot. GOTTT MYYYY OUTFIIITTTTTTT PICKED OUT~...still not sure if i wanna change her around or not. My pawn has no levels in Fighter yet. PREPARE FOR 0/0/0 RATINGS.

316 hours later 14293383 Anonymous
>>14293270 I don't think so. I just slap it on to take up a slot. You could take your pawn offline to train her and increase her vocation rank.

317 hours later 14295252 XBL: KresNorthman
>>14293383 Bah, not too big of a deal to me. Don't care about my Pawn ranking and I can't be bothered to change her vocation back to Ranger and reequip her. Already rested at an Inn so oh well. Thinking of a duo run again. Got two Ascalons saved over so it's gonna be easy as fuck anyhow.

318 hours later 14296505 Anonymous XBL: ArchSilversmith
>>14293270 I like it. Man, we are playing with dolls.

318 hours later 14297994 XBL: KresNorthman
>>14296505 Can dolls take down cyclopses and Dragons? What I wouldn't have done for a Barby with Abs Thanks.

320 hours later 14301031 XBL: KresNorthman (IMG_20120919_023131.jpg 2048x1536 843kB)

322 hours later 14306840 XBL: cat and beard (IMG212.jpg 1280x960 260kB)
Me and the girls having way too much fun farming the Everfall.

322 hours later 14307764 Anonymous
>been interested in this game for a while but never had the time or money to pick it up >see an EB games yesterday >check in for no reason >Dragon's Dogma used >60 dollars >for a used half year old game

329 hours later 14324338 Anonymous
>>14307764 idk why capcom refuses to lower this games price. maybe its one of those weird games likes tales of vesperia where it will be 35 dollars used years from now

331 hours later 14330420 XBL: KresNorthman (IMG_20120919_023654.jpg 2048x1536 890kB)
>>14306840 Almost formed up a single line, holy shit. Next you'll have them doing marine chants. Looks kinda creepy though. And like they're all gonna run into a wall at the same time. >videogames

331 hours later 14331595 Anonymous
So is there anything useful you can craft in this game? All those materials say they're used for crafting weapons and/or armor, but when I look at the combining page on the DD wiki, I don't see a single weapon or armor piece I can make..

331 hours later 14333457 XBL: Custom BL4CK
>>14331595 you cant craft armor. you can only enhance it. the most useful item to craft is liquid vim but it requires some hard to find iitems. also i got on and saw that i had gotten a msg from a jp player. i guess ill check what it says when i can get to a computer

332 hours later 14333794 Anonymous (Comethefuckatmebro.jpg 1280x720 81kB)
Y'know, I haven't been a part of these threads for a fair while, nor have I played the game myself for ages, but I watched my brother defeat Grigori the other day and I gotta say, I fucking love this games soundtrack. Also, I saw an "Easy mode" option. What. When did that shit happen? Is there a hard mode? If not, why not?

332 hours later 14334130 Anonymous
>>14333457 Well that's pretty disappointing. So everything I find is vendor trash? Great.

332 hours later 14335002 PSN: VoidedUp
>>14334130 Just toss it in your storage box. Most stuff really doesn't sell for much and what does sell is probably good for making something or enhancing equipment, so I just keep everything I pick up.

332 hours later 14336634 Anonymous
>>14333794 >If not, why not? its capcom...knowing them they will probably charge money for it...

333 hours later 14338271 Anonymous XBL: ArchSilversmith
Defeated the offline Ur-Dragon for the first time and got a Heaven's Key.

333 hours later 14339663 Anonymous
So I'm lv37. I think I can go see the Duke now or something (did those quests for the wyrm hunt or whatever). What's a good place to get some snazzy gear at this point in the game?

333 hours later 14339971 Anonymous
Havent played since I beat it a few times like 2 weeks after launch. Any good DLC come out thats worth coming back too?

334 hours later 14343330 Anonymous
>>14339971 nope. they did add easy mode, increase boob physics, destroyed the carrot trick and fixed ranger pawns (so now they use tenfold)

334 hours later 14343419 Anonymous
Why is this thread so dead?

335 hours later 14348458 Anonymous
>>14324338 >one of those weird games likes tales of vesperia where it will be 35 dollars used years from now >Vesperia $16 new at Newegg Fuck you say?

335 hours later 14348510 XBL: KresNorthman (IMG_20120919_023525.jpg 2048x1536 966kB)
>>14343419 Because most people from /vg/ have moved on due to Capcom pretty much abandoning the game and there being jack shit to do after you beat the game a couple times. >Pic somewhat related >Most fun I've had in the game in awhile. >>14333457 translation: UR PAWN IS SO KEYYUUTEEE BUT WHY IS SHE NOT A LOLI >>14334130 Do what BL4CK said about keeping at least a 10-20 stack in your storage just in case you need it later to enhance something, so you won't have to go back out and farm. I just sell the stuff after I have a stack. Sometimes you can make useful things. After a few deposits take the time to just run through the combine window for some of the new stuff you picked up. Might find something worth it, but I only found the Periapt things handy. Increased exp/gold gain. But a lot of it you can also buy if you've got the money. The big thing is just to keep all the materials for enhancing. And yes, it is lame that you can't craft weapons. That was either a really bad translation or a really bad way to word their use description.

335 hours later 14348746 Anonymous
>>14348458 well that game was like 35 dollars used for the longest time

335 hours later 14348956 Anonymous XBL: ArchSilversmith
>>14339663 Soulflayer Canyon, Alon, Jayce and Mathias. Have you helped Madeleine and Reynard?

336 hours later 14349360 Anonymous
my game keeps locking up when I am in combat sometimes when my pawn uses shield drum or grabs an enemy, the game will freeze for about 5 seconds before I can do anything and the volume gets obnoxiously loud during this is there a way to make this stop?

336 hours later 14349587 XBL: KresNorthman
>>14348956 >Soulflayer Canyon Yeah this place has some pretty good stuff, but, be warned. It indeed does flay your soul. Jayce is at the rest camp south-east of Shadowfort and the Entrance to that area through the cave(Alon sells the Berserk-related gear when you return to the cave after clearing it of the Ogres). Otherside of the big lake. Mathias is at the Greatwall. Map showing their locations is in the OP.

336 hours later 14349728 XBL: KresNorthman
>>14349360 You mean when it's supposed to zoom in on the Pawn using the skill? Weird that it freezes on you. Faulty system or disc? If it's working, zooming in and all that, wish you could turn it off, but I'm pretty sure you can't.

336 hours later 14349983 Anonymous
>>14349728 it may as well be a bug considering how irrelevant and irritating it is and unnecessary, as shield drum is really obvious when it doesn't give it a special cutscene I am considering forgoing having a fighter so it will stop now since I am now a magick knight and not a mage I should be fine, pawns feel pretty worthless anyway

336 hours later 14351271 Anonymous
QUICK GUYS How much replay value does this shit have? Really considering buying it once I trade some shit in to fucking gamestop.

336 hours later 14352502 Anonymous
>>14343330 >destroyed the carrot trick Why :(

337 hours later 14353853 XBL: cat and beard (30121712_m.jpg 450x600 97kB)
>>14351271 Get it, trust us. 100+ hours, easy. Don't let the dead thread fool you. We're all just fucking around until we've platinumed this game or move onto Borderlands 2, or whatever. Incredibly fun game. >>14349983 Seems to happen a lot with Fighters more than any other vocation. It doesn't occur as much at higher lvls, at least for me. I know this is redundant, but jesus, if they added one new dungeon with a few new high level enemies as DLC people would be swarming back to this. Totally a wasted opportunity here. Anyways, back to sudoku...

338 hours later 14358192 XBL: KresNorthman
>>14349983 Yeah, it's pretty irritating. Specially when you get it like 3 or 4 times in a row as different Pawns do different things. Fighter Pawn grabs enemy: Now, strike! Another fighter Pawn doing blink strike: Die! Mage pawn casting Ingle: I'll burn it's wings! You can still control your character during all this, but the controls get turned around with the camera I believe. I think, if you don't touch the movement stick, your character locks on to whatever enemy the Pawn is focusing on/holding, so if you use blink-strike you'll go towards that enemy. I don't get too fed up with it, only when something like the above overload happens. It was impressive in the demo, but I wish it would only happen every once in awhile. Then again, I think cat and beard is right, it does happen less later on. Either that or I just tune it out when it does happen..

338 hours later 14358553 Anonymous
>>14358192 I have two fighters and a mage on my team everything is pretty easy and the only thing that bothers be is archer knockback bandits but they keep grabbing shit I had a cutscene start when a pawn grabbed something I was putting a killing blow on I just met the king and am level 28?

338 hours later 14359361 XBL: Custom BL4CK
According to google translate the msg from the JP player said "Thank you for your approval. You will be traveling with a nice powerful pawn"

338 hours later 14359473 XBL: Custom BL4CK
>>14352502 Idk. No one was complaining about it. Also the xbox Ur dragon is dying off really fast now. It died yesterday and its on its way out again (possibly tonight). Usually its taken us a week to kill it. Maybe they are right about its health in relation to population.

338 hours later 14360178 XBL: cat and beard
>>14359473 I guess the carrot trick was patched out because they didn't want to make the game too easy mode . >:(

339 hours later 14360710 XBL: KresNorthman
>>14359361 Did you rent his Pawn or something? Also, fuck. Talk about civil. I got a message from someone ages ago for renting his pawn and it was just "Thx 4 renting my pawn." My friend used to say, when he was told to be more civil/less vulgal "I'm more civil than a van full of Japanese men with an unlimited amount of business cards." Guess that's a good stereotype

339 hours later 14362892 Anonymous (Dragon's Dogma Screenshot_33.jpg 1280x720 73kB)
sup DDG I'm like lvl 85 and I'm thinking about going through the game either solo or just with my pawn. Am I high enough to pull it off? Also someone rented my pawn and returned her with a Bezel crown. I haven't bought any of the DLCs so that was a nice gift, but I bet it was an accident. If I started over, will the low level mobs give enough exp to lvl various vocations? Or should I level vocstions in the everfall? I wanted to get mage up to 7 so I can use perpetuation with a mystic knight.

339 hours later 14362967 Anonymous (Dragon's Dogma Screenshot_21.jpg 1280x720 68kB)
>>14362892 oh yeah, looking forward to hearing from someone like 2 days from now. Slow'd down: the general

339 hours later 14362991 Anonymous
>>14362967 >>14362967 duplicate files? how in the world did I?

340 hours later 14364671 XBL: KresNorthman
>>14362892 I'm sure that's high enough to solo and duo the entire game, but Grigori/some everfall bosses might be a bit grindish, but you'd definately be able to do it with items, i think. the "actual" hydras may or may not slap your shit still, though. But even on my first ng+ i felt that leveling vocations took a longgg time. I switched to ranger not long after i hit gran soren, probably around 50-60, and didn't hit max rank until around Deny Salvation where i was probably low to mid 70s. Then again, i wasn't killing a bunch of shit, i was mainly just running through the story quests and some sessions of random grinding. I'd say do it all in ng+ just to give yourself a reason to play longer. But it might not be a bad idea to level mage in the Everfall and then just play Mystic Knight in your NG+x, if you don't want to grind too much. not sure how bad it is at 80+, i'm around there now but i haven't been playing much. Also, that second screenshot is fucking fantastic.

340 hours later 14364795 XBL: cat and beard (29407795.png 491x301 40kB)
>>14362892 Vocations level up with Discipline Points, not XP. Low level mobs like goblins and wolves give the best payout in terms of time/effort if you're farming vocation ranks. If you're in post-game, you can jump on the ledge near the Cathedral in Gran Soren and have your pawns kill the guards that constantly respawn while you're afk. Helps to have good pawns, rangers and maybe a healer. It's pretty easy to get to vocation rank 7, those last two take forever. back to sudoku...

340 hours later 14364869 Anonymous
>>14362892 In post game you can use the guards in the Gran soren to lvl up vocations. You can definitely solo in this game at that lvl.

340 hours later 14364870 XBL: KresNorthman
>>14364671 Also my first game I ended as a Mystic Knight and between Great Canon and Abyssal Anguish I was doing insanely well, even though I was only 50-55 when I beat post-game. Grigori was a joke even at level 40-whatever. Abyssal Anguish took him out in like 20-40 seconds just attacking his heart. Didn't realize til my second playthrough(entirely NG as a Strider/Ranger) that he actually would fly around and land on the tower and shit.

340 hours later 14365148 XBL: cat and beard (28517219_m.jpg 543x600 257kB)
>>14364870 Hundred Kisses takes him out ridiculously fast as well.

340 hours later 14365482 Anonymous (Dragon's Dogma Screenshot_17.jpg 1280x720 70kB)
>>14364671 >>14364795 >>14364870 >>14364869 thanks fellas. Well I just clowned around the everfall and I got perpetuation. Time to finish this and on to a new adventure! i was just so tired of forever-fucked world

340 hours later 14365676 XBL: KresNorthman
>>14365148 I wanted to try that myself. But then, you know. Failed Clear Skies happened. Skipped a cool boss battle(AND THE FUCKING DIALOGUEHABJHSBDHJ THAT HURTS THE WORSE), and got nothing out of it. ;_;

341 hours later 14368323 PSN:m1a1da (Dragon's Dogma Screenshot_1.jpg 1280x720 72kB)
>>14365676 Clear skys are overrated. Embrace the greeeeeen.

343 hours later 14371489 Anonymous XBL: ArchSilversmith
>>14368323 I don't want to set the world on fire... Game went Fallout post-Grigori.

344 hours later 14374510 Anonymous
>>14348956 I think I did help Reynard, but not Madeleine. And I guess I'll have another look at Soulflayer Canyon. How many in-game days was it again for chests to respawn? 7?

344 hours later 14374605 Anonymous
>>14349587 Right, thanks!

349 hours later 14383373 PSN: Holocauxt
Urgh... > Back from work > Too tired to play TTT2 competitively Alright... who wants free stuff?

349 hours later 14383621 PSN: Rhaksha88
I got a question. I became buddies with Maul and his bandits, but I also got that quest to get that tome of his. Is there any way to get it besides killing them all? >>14383373 Sure, I guess.

349 hours later 14383732 Anonymous
>>14383621 It's on top of the tower, you don't even have to talk to Maul I think.

349 hours later 14383849 Anonymous
>>14383732 Oh, found it! Thanks a lot.

349 hours later 14384415 XBL: cat and beard (IMG223.jpg 1280x960 299kB)

349 hours later 14385028 Anonymous
>>14383373 Did you just give me a rock, a mushroom, some water and a piece of ore? Or was someone just more generous than normal? (normal being a piece of rotten food, usually)

350 hours later 14385817 XBL: KresNorthman
>>14384415 wut. >>14385028 That sounds like a game "pity hire." If a player doesn't rent your Pawn for awhile, the game will still give you items when you rest at Inns. The difference between the two is that you don't get the Sidepanel on the Right which shows the renter's Gamertag and how much RC the rental will give you. Your Pawn also won't gain knowledge from any of these fake hires, unfortunately. And the items always suck. If you go to your Chronicle screen you can see how many times your Pawn has been rented by other players. I've gotten a few nice things from the pity hires, like Argence and I think I even got a Ferrystone once. But usually it's crap.

350 hours later 14385835 PSN: Holocauxt
>>14385028 That's the game pitying you for not getting hired: > The Arisen's guide to pawn hires: So easy even cravens can understand! PITY HIRES: (hires that the game gives you since your pawn sucks) > Window opens from the left > You only see the items "given" to you > Your pawn says, "How did I perform? I tried my hardest." ACTUAL HONEST-TO-GOODNESS HIRES: (hires that other players give you if your pawn is JAWSOME!!!) > Window opens from the RIGHT > You see the player/s Arisen name AND PSN Usename/XBL ID > You see other useful stats (knowledge gained and pawn rating stars) > Your pawn says, "I brought this back for you." if you were given items. If not, you'll get the regular, "How did I perform..."

350 hours later 14386032 PSN: Holocauxt
>>14383621 Care package sent. Enjoy your OP weapons and ruined game (due to monsters dying in a few hits).

350 hours later 14386172 PSN: Rhaksha88
>>14385817 >>14385835 Heh, didn't know about those 'pity hires', that's pretty cool and pretty saddening at the same time. But no, she said 'I brought this back for you', so that's cool I guess. >>14386032 Everything's dying fast already anyway, I'll have a look. Thanks man.

351 hours later 14388414 XBL: KresNorthman
>>14385835 I'm pretty sure what the Pawn says has nothing to do with whether the game hired your Pawn or a player did. I feel like I've gotten "How did I perform?" even when I've gotten an item, otherwise I'd bitch about hearing the same one line over and over. But yeah, the main way to tell is if you see the other players information or not. I felt the same way though. I was somewhat happy that at least the game was trying to give me the illusion of the Hire-experience, but when I found out 90% of what I saw was Pity Hires, I got depressed a little. ;_;

352 hours later 14390589 XBL: Custom BL4CK
>>14388414 >get on to see if pawn was rented >296,456 RC >7 Rents >5 Stars over but got few 3s from new players >Rotten fish,Ferrystone, golden egg, grapes Damn....

353 hours later 14393715 Anonymous
Should I give the gold idol to Caxton?

353 hours later 14394352 XBL: Custom BL4CK
>>14393715 Depends on what class you are. maddy sells stuff for females, rangers, and striders. Caxton is more for warrior, M.Knights, and Fighters but he also sells ranger/strider stuff too. dont forget to make a copy of it. Give them the real one (the fake one wont unlock anything). The fake one will still give a discount.

353 hours later 14394891 Anonymous
>>14394352 Just having the idol on you gives the discount? And handing it over makes them sell more stuff then? Thanks.

354 hours later 14396529 PSN: Rhaksha88
>>14386032 Sorry for the slow reply, but jesus dude, thanks!

354 hours later 14397556 PSN: Rhaksha88
How does that trial with Fournival work? Do I have to deliver the evidence to someone, or just have it with me when the trial begins?

354 hours later 14397849 PSN: VoidedUp
>>14397556 Deliver the evidence to the guy you got the quest from, I forget his name. Finding Fournival guilty is easiest, but finding him innocent gives you discounts in his shop and a new item... and he doesn't go to prison. Turn in the affidavits from his daughter, the guy in the church, Fedel in the castle, Chamberlain's Affidavit in Fournival's house, and escort a witness from Windbluff Tower (you can go get him then use a Ferrystone right back to Gran Soren if you don't feel like walking back). You only need three genuine innocent affidavits and the witness to find him innocent, but it's easy to get all four of them and the witness. Deliver them all then wait the four days for the trial.

355 hours later 14399682 PSN: Rhaksha88
>>14397849 Yeah I knew about the affidavits or whatever. Who's the witness from Windbluff Tower though? Nobody there seems to be involved with this quest. Only got a quest to talk to Julien for this guy, because they're running out of food.

355 hours later 14399747 PSN: Rhaksha88
>>14399682 Oh wait.. he is the guy I need, isn't he? I need to do the other quest for him before he'll come with me I guess?

355 hours later 14400028 PSN: VoidedUp
>>14399747 That is the guy you need, but I never had that problem. Is your active quest Trial and Tribulations and then you're talking to him?

355 hours later 14401928 PSN: Rhaksha88
>>14400028 Yeah, guess it was. All sorted now though, had enough time to do the other quest he gave first.

356 hours later 14406310 XBL: KresNorthman
>>14390589 HA, HA, TIME FOR PLATINUM abs Also, I noticed last time I started an entirely NG, but I think "uncollected" RC from rents will carry over if you start a New Game. I had just made a new character, did the Cyclopse thing, made my new Pawn, rested, and...20k RC. There's a fine treat, indeed. Also, hows RC gain work anyhow? Is it based on the level of the player who hires your Pawn? The ratings and comments they give? How much RC, if any, they spend to hire your Pawn? >>14399682 >>14401928 Woah, that's weird. I never got a quest to talk to Julien about the food supplies. Trials and Tribulations just sent me straight to Ser Dareon or whoever commands Windbluff, then he just sends me up the stairs to talk to the guy you gotta escort. Did you max affinity(pink glow/blush) with the commander guy or Julien or something? I want this quest, always hungry for new material.

357 hours later 14407124 PSN: Rhaksha88
>>14406310 No, didn't have max affinity. The quest started with that guy up at Windbluff Tower, the witness you have to escort. He mentions they're low on supplies and need a weeks worth. You can either go to this one random guy in Gran Soren castle to ask for those supplies or go straight to Julien. If you go to Julian he'll give you some extra food to give to the men up at Windbluff, aswell as giving supplies for 2 extra days. If you then report back to the guy at Windbluff and give him the extra food Julien gave you, he hands you the key to that locked storage room with 2 chests up there.

357 hours later 14407580 XBL: Custom BL4CK
>>14406310 Its based on how long they used your pawn (maybe even how many monster you fought). I heard if you start a new game and someone rents your pawn before you start over and then sends it back your pawn will keep all of its experiences and knowledge (i think you get your RC back too)

357 hours later 14407950 Anonymous XBL: ArchSilversmith
>>14406310 My guess is time and/or distance traveled. I think is kinda iffy.

359 hours later 14416659 Anonymous (dat forehead.jpg 1280x720 88kB)
Whoever picks the Fairest Maidens for the Gran Soren Times has shit taste... Jesus christ her forehead

361 hours later 14422723 Anonymous
>>14416659 Dragon's dogma Devs have fetishes for ugly, duck faces and foreheads

361 hours later 14425582 XBL: KresNorthman
>>14416659 Oh wow. >>14422723 And EYES THAT CAN PIERCE THROUGH ANYTHING They're not all bad.

362 hours later 14428919 Anonymous
>>14425582 lately it seems like they have been picking some bad ones.

364 hours later 14436640 XBL: KresNorthman (IMG_20120919_024840.jpg 2048x1536 1049kB)
>>14428919 I think they like flashy pics. Showing off the lighting and spell effects. Maybe...Maybe their eyes get drawn in by the sparkle and fire, and they don't see the face as clearly...or something.. That's why I always take pictures of my Pawns face, with no picturey gimicks or anything like that. ..Oh wait.

364 hours later 14436757 XBL: KresNorthman (IMG_20120919_024612.jpg 2048x1536 1113kB)
>>14436640 She just won't turn around. Camera shy, I think.

365 hours later 14437495 Anonymous (hey baby.jpg 1280x720 66kB)
Shes so beautiful. 10/10 would bang

367 hours later 14444132 Anonymous (2012-09-21_02-18-34.jpg 952x638 198kB)

367 hours later 14444159 Anonymous (2012-09-21_02-20-34.jpg 944x635 101kB)
Looking ahead to 2013 Capcom will release Dragon’s Dogma Dark Arisen and we will be sharing more details of this exciting and major expansion to the Dragon’s Dogma universe in the near future.

367 hours later 14444190 Anonymous
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBufHMolOcY Put your skills to the test in Dragon's Dogma with Speedrun and Hard modes. Speedrun will challenge you to clear the game as quickly as possible with in-game equipment awarded for those fast enough; while Hard Mode turns up the difficulty with more difficult enemies and greater rewards.

368 hours later 14444946 XBL: cat and beard (30259603_p4.jpg 687x832 259kB)
>>14444132 >>14444159 wait what horee sheet

368 hours later 14445032 XBL: cat and beard (titty monster.png 287x282 203kB)
"Speedrun and Hard modes will be coming to Dragon's Dogma before the end of the year. Speedrun challenges players to beat the game as quickly as possible, and beating certain times will offer equipment as a reward. Hard Mode increases difficulty but lets players earn increased equipment as a reward." AAWWWW YISSSS I need to stop posting while drinking.

368 hours later 14445086 Anonymous
>>14444132 >>14444159 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVnNcMvDY9c&feature=player_embedded IT'SHAPPENING.jpg I beat the game back in May and haven't really touched it. Ending made me too sad to play through with a different Arisen/Main Pawn. Hopefully I can use them for this.

368 hours later 14445120 Anonymous
>>14444190 Preparing my anus.

368 hours later 14446803 Anonymous
Is it "A bit harder than usual" hard or "only doable on NG+" hard?

370 hours later 14449359 Anonymous (1343089487148.gif 160x224 412kB)
>New expansion pack >Hard Mode >Speedruns YES!

370 hours later 14449512 Anonymous
>Hard Mode FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUCCCCK YES This had better be compatible with New Game + and speedrun mode.

370 hours later 14449595 Anonymous (1339609203397.jpg 960x540 108kB)
i miss how herp she used to derp

370 hours later 14449635 Anonymous (YES YES YES YES.jpg 1280x720 230kB)

371 hours later 14451426 Anonymous (1346294720184.jpg 704x396 106kB)
DD actually getting an expansion pack? I'll be damned

371 hours later 14451650 Anonymous
Hopefully this will clear things up lore wise, hopefully...

371 hours later 14451902 Anonymous
>>14449359 >Hardmode Awwwwwww yeeeeee

371 hours later 14452157 Anonymous

371 hours later 14452243 Anonymous (face me, everlasting Bob Ross.jpg 1280x720 33kB)
SHIT! My xbox broke and I sold Dragon's Dogma. I have a save file on my USB. I hate being this kind of fag, but I wonder if they'll release a super Dragon's Dogma with all the DLC in it. shit.

371 hours later 14452545 Anonymous (1290005890268.png 667x670 361kB)
>>14452243 Ya blew it

371 hours later 14453050 Anonymous
I can't be the only one with an indescribable boner right now this this announcement Seriously, who expected Capcom to do something right?

372 hours later 14454007 Anonymous
>Dark Arisen come on fast travel come on second save slot come on option to turn off pawn dialogue entirely

372 hours later 14454127 Anonymous
>>14454007 >He wants fast travel >His pawn doesnt give him a boner I want a second save spot too

372 hours later 14454195 Anonymous
>>14454127 having to walk everywhere ruined the game experience and turned it into the most boring, tedious, repetitive game I think I've played in years. No, hearing THE ROAD SPLITS HERE WE MUST BE DOUBLY SURE and YOU HUMANS MAKE SO MANY EXPRESSIONS and GOBLINS!!!!!! 5million times just doesn't do it for my dick. This game could use more than two but even if they just put ONE extra in it'll change the game drastically

372 hours later 14454230 Anonymous
>>14454195 Portcrystals The game doesn't need any more fast travel than this

372 hours later 14454294 Anonymous
>>14454230 >expensive as fuck and limited >only takes you to Gran Soren and wherever you deposited your 1 (2 on NG+) extra point Just the option to pay like 5,000 Gold to take a caravan to the encampment isntead of having to do a 30 minute trek would have helped the game immensely

372 hours later 14454407 Anonymous
>>14454294 >expensive as fuck How about no >limited Black Cat >5,000 Gold to take a caravan As long as the journey isn't skipped (and not too slow), I would be fine with that, but since I run an SS body type assassin and have Gale Harness, travel is super fast for my anyway

372 hours later 14454469 Anonymous
>>14454407 >Black Cat >not Fournival

372 hours later 14454484 Anonymous
>>14454294 I could probably live with caravans, fast travelling being you slept the journey. I just hate games that are like herp derp u teleported 4 no raisin

372 hours later 14454546 Anonymous
>>14454469 Black Cat sells infinite ferrystones and sells Portcrystals in NG+ Fournival sells limited Ferrystones but at a cheaper price

372 hours later 14454563 Anonymous
>>14454484 >for no reason It cuts down on the tedium and boredom of the game, something Dragon's Dogma needs desperately

372 hours later 14454586 Anonymous
inb4 the Dark Arisen conveniently has the ability to teleport

372 hours later 14454789 Anonymous
>>14454718 if DD would have a sequel to address the serious issues with it it would be better, but I agree.

372 hours later 14454824 Anonymous
>>14454563 I found it fine, but I guess it's personal preference

372 hours later 14454869 Anonymous
>>14454824 having to run past the HARPIES every single fucking time (and for almost every single quest in the game) was horrid. I've been through there almost a hundred times, maybe more.

372 hours later 14455445 PSN: Holocauxt
>>14445086 >>14444190 WAT. >>13667107 >>13775152 FUCK YOU!!! WHY DO YOU HAVE TO SPEAK THE TRUTH!?

373 hours later 14457502 PSN: Holocauxt
> Not having LODS A FERRYSTONES from previous playthroughs > Not having strategically-placed Portcrystals all over Gransys I was fast-travelling so hard by NG++ that I actually MISS having to walk all the way to Bluemoon Tower. I have so much money to blow off on Ferrystones and other cheap stuff, I don't even understand how many of you guys demand for FASTER travel in this game.

373 hours later 14457713 Anonymous
>>14457502 How did you manage to stick it through to NG++ without added difficulty? I started NG+, ruined everything easily anf got bored

374 hours later 14457770 Anonymous
>>14457713 Casual

374 hours later 14457906 Anonymous
>>14457770 >Enjoying a game with no difficulty >Calling me a casual How's your farmville going bro?

374 hours later 14458141 PSN: Holocauxt
>>14457713 > EQUIP SWAG WITH NO STATS > THROW PAWNS TO BRINE > NO HYBRID CLASSES > NO CURATIVES > FOX ONLY > FINAL DESTINATION If you think I'm kidding about this whole thing...

374 hours later 14458158 Anonymous (26614536.jpg 1200x1715 215kB)
I just got the game and... how do I Saber?

374 hours later 14458362 PSN: Holocauxt
>>14457906 > Equating enjoyment of a fun (though admittedly easy) game to enjoying Farmville God damn... I don't even know you, and you already lost my respect for you. What are you even doing here in DDG if you don't like this easy (but fun) game?

374 hours later 14458476 Anonymous
>>14458362 Oh no, whatever shall I do without your respect. The first playthrough was fun as hell, but when I can two hit anything and completely decimate any of the larger creatures without trying the game just isn't fun. I'd sooner play something else.

374 hours later 14458634 Anonymous (1346418667232.gif 247x319 2248kB)
>Dark Arisen expansion >Story of a completely different Arisen, staged centuries (or even more) before Savan >You are free to wreck shit as you please >Bloody murders everywhere >Have to kill merchants instead of escorting them through dangerous landscapes >In the end you fuck up so much that Seneschal summons you into directly into his chamber and sentences Arisen to an endless cycles of rebirth, forever wandering in search of another Arisen >Arisen is stripped of his own name and given another one, as a servant of Seneschal. > Grigori Calling it now.

374 hours later 14458935 PSN: Holocauxt
>>14458634 I can't imagine Grigori being a murderous psychopath when he was such a bro in the game... I'd like to think that he made one major mistake that he quickly regretted, refused the throne of the Senechal and chose to be a dragon instead.

374 hours later 14459907 Anonymous XBL: ArchSilversmith
>>14458158 Check gamefaqs.

374 hours later 14460150 Anonymous
So, my pawn doesn't seem very interested in using all these fancy arrows I keep finding. Are they only usable by me?

374 hours later 14460241 Anonymous
Dead Game Resurrection General?

375 hours later 14460346 Anonymous XBL: ArchSilversmith
>>14460150 I think he needs to have his Utilitarian increased.

375 hours later 14460397 PSN: Holocauxt
>>14460150 Pretty much, yes. Only you can equip special arrows, use Periapts and Charms. The only items that Pawns can use independently are curatives (only if they are debilitated or extremely low on health) and throwable items.

375 hours later 14460659 Anonymous
>>14460397 I see, thanks!

375 hours later 14460669 PSN: JE_204
>>14458634 Isn't every dragon referred to as Grigori, isn't it Latin for fallen angel? I like the idea of it being set way back in the past though, hoping to learn more about the rift and possibly it's creation.

375 hours later 14460753 Anonymous
>new Dragon's Dogma expansion Well I'll be damned. I guess Dragon's Dogma will keep me company for a little longer before I got Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate. Any date on the expansion yet?

375 hours later 14461407 PSN: Holocauxt
My wish list for Hard Mode is as follows: > Tripwire traps that actually do something > When dragonkin do their tail-roundhouse, you actually get trampled underfoot instead of being COMPLETELY safe in the middle > Completely ignore Stagger and Knockdown resistance

375 hours later 14461549 Anonymous
>>14460753 m-maybe they'll release a Dragon's Dogma Gold edition with the dlc also for the PC. I'd love to make new textures for it. >Any date on the expansion yet? No, just sometime in 2013.

375 hours later 14462859 XBL: Custom BL4CK
Awww yeahh DLC (2013). But at least we have hard mode, etc.

377 hours later 14466606 XBL: KresNorthman
Cool. So the idea is that the speedrun and Hard Mode patches will be released, for free, before Dark Arisen comes out? To tide us over? Hope the Hard Mode is actually Hard, though. Like, stands up to several NG+ runs hard. I don't know how they'd balance that well without scaling? >Speedrun mode >Get equipment for being sanic fast The first place armor better just be a giant Port Crystal mascot-costume. It'd only make sense.

377 hours later 14466668 PSN: VoidedUp
>Dark Arisen >Hard Mode thank you based capcom you can fuck my wallet

377 hours later 14466837 XBL: Custom BL4CK
>>14466606 Im not sure if i want to start over now (from scratch). Ill probably stay in post game until the patch is released and play at my current lvl to see how "hard" hard mode really is.

377 hours later 14467143 Anonymous
New player here. I started as a fighter and I've gotten to lvl 15 so far but I don't really like the play style. Can I change to mage or strider or do I have to stick with the fighter/warrior classes?

377 hours later 14467316 XBL: KresNorthman
>>14466837 I dunno, I still may start over again. At the very least, Hard Mode will be harder than if I didn't change. also I'm just eager to start a NG though. >>14467143 Yeah, you'll be fine.

377 hours later 14468578 XBL: Custom BL4CK
>>14467316 when you do let me know what it does to your pawns ranking, etc. Also let me know when you do. I wanna see if that trick works.

377 hours later 14468715 Anonymous XBL: ArchSilversmith
>>14467143 In Gran Soren you can change or select an advance class. Go Assassin. :)

377 hours later 14469068 Anonymous
>>14468715 Why assassin? Is it better than mage/strider?

378 hours later 14471854 Anonymous XBL: ArchSilversmith
>>14469068 It is favorite. But pick what you like.

378 hours later 14472695 Anonymous
>>14453050 I sure as hell didn't. The real question is if this is a REAL expansion or just some dinky DLC. Crapcom is a weird company.

378 hours later 14472948 PSN: VoidedUp
>>14472695 It'll probably just be a few quests for a different Arisen. Like Savan's part in the beginning, but I guess longer. And cost $19.99.

378 hours later 14472979 Anonymous (7e9585077beda7eb4e8e4d26ff385b85.jpg 1280x720 588kB)
Damn look at all those dead dragons. Did they say what else was included in hard mode/speedrun?

379 hours later 14473339 PSN: Rhaksha88
Oh my, just checked my history. Looks like all the past hires were pity hires ;_;

379 hours later 14473349 Anonymous
You heard about Capcom's newest copying scheme? They took Dark Souls, removed the "Souls" part, and added in Arisen. Oh Based Capcom please keep putting your dick into my sheep mouth and price it at $30 dlc. I can't wait to fight Artorias I mean Dark Arisen.

379 hours later 14473437 PSN: VoidedUp (staymad.jpg 300x300 32kB)
>>14473349 Because Dark Souls is the first game to use "Dark."

379 hours later 14473615 Anonymous
>>14473437 The fuck is wrong with you? I can't wait to buy Dark Souls lite on-disc dlc for Dragon's Dogma. I love the game. Learn to reading comprehension faggot.

379 hours later 14473739 PSN: VoidedUp
>>14473615 >learn to reading comprehension >didn't comprehend what he read from my post I didn't say you weren't going to play it, I said Dark Souls isn't the first game to use that gimmick.

379 hours later 14473965 Anonymous (holy fucking shit.gif 400x225 2984kB)
Stronger Monsters await in Gransys frontierlands. The true Dragon's Dogma begins now

379 hours later 14474297 Anonymous
>>14473965 >Copying "The True Demon's Souls Starts Here" line. You capdrones are fucking disgusting rats. The Reddit of rpgs.

379 hours later 14474495 Anonymous
>>14474297 That's not how you spell Skyrim

379 hours later 14474907 XBL: cat and beard (15c08cc7e563d87b2c2949a0558d5ef2.jpg 1280x720 770kB)
Well, chilling in NG+ and charging through the main story. Pretty pleased with my Arisen and pawn after farming everfall all yesterday. Using rusted weapons to make things interesting. Holy fuck, that Hydra head quest is way too long, especially as a Fighter. >>14472979 These new screens are interesting. Look at this one -- actual wizard hats. AWW YISS.

379 hours later 14474995 Anonymous (marisa gangsterze.jpg 1600x1400 2235kB)
>>14474907 >Wizard Hat Is that for the Hard Mode DLC or Dark Arisen?

379 hours later 14475101 Anonymous
>>14474907 Is the guy on the far left wearing a pirate hat? Can you get that now

379 hours later 14475158 PSN: VoidedUp
>>14474907 How is that screenshot so... clean? Facebook?

379 hours later 14475309 Anonymous
>>14475158 Probably a capture card. Its from Capcoms site so they probably have some way to enhance it.

379 hours later 14475414 PSN: VoidedUp
>>14475309 Oh, derp. The screenshot got my attention and I didn't even read the post, didn't realize it was DLC stuff.

379 hours later 14475415 XBL: cat and beard
>>14474995 Probably the Dark Arisen "expansion", which is a word that means "DD now with 10% more dildos, for $39". The Hard/Speed Run modes are just going to be an update like easy mode was. I'm not hoping for much for hard mode, probably just an HP/damage multiplier. Doubt there will be new content.

379 hours later 14475549 Anonymous
>>14475415 I thought there were rewards for the speedrun thing? Unless they give you gear thats already in the game.

379 hours later 14475669 Anonymous
>>14475549 According to the articles related to it, both speed run and hard mode will reward new gear

379 hours later 14475869 XBL: cat and beard
>>14475669 Yeah, like a Abyssinal Coat or Bezel Crown, whoopee. They said "equipment rewards", not "new stuff that isn't disc locked content".

379 hours later 14476280 Anonymous
>>14444190 >>14444190 >>14444190 MY GOODNESS! My wish came true! Hard mode come at me! I crave the challenge! Now there might be something for high-lvls to do instead of online Ur!

379 hours later 14476449 Anonymous
>>14472979 Anyone want to speculate what that is? Are those "Ur-Drakes" lol? Also, there are more than one in a single area. Shits gonna be insanely buzzword.

379 hours later 14476724 Anonymous
>>14476449 Old Ur dragons? Dead Grigoris?

380 hours later 14476861 Anonymous
Anyone know what the Dragon says in the beginning when he removes your heart? I hear his name but the rest is latin/wyrmspeak gibberish.

380 hours later 14476989 Anonymous
>>14476861 It still hasn't been translated

380 hours later 14477094 Anonymous
>>14476861 I think all of his dialogue is on the wikia site.

380 hours later 14477908 Anonymous
>>14477828 New thread (since we are already close to the limit anyway)

385 hours later 14499716 Anonymous
>>14461407 >Tripwire traps >Only enemies around are wolves Oh DD

390 hours later 14515385 Anonymous
Oh shit, i guess i'm late, but >HARD MODE >EXPANSION >>14474907 >THAT GOD DAMN WIZARD HAT FUCKING FINALLY YES YES OH SHIT YES I finally will have a reason to minmax the shit out of my Arisen and main pawn. Hell, maybe I'll even need to use those rift stone thingies. Looks like capcom stopped being retarded here for a second. Fucking fantastic, i can't wait.

406 hours later 14560461 Anonymous (1348096597971.jpg 737x670 268kB)
DRACOLICH! DRACOLICH! DRACOLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICH! >Get that lich a phylactery! >Liches love phylacteries

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