4chan archive /vg/ (index)
2012-09-06 12:21 13379876 Anonymous Tf2 General (131496175675.png 900x462 556kB)
TF2, Wrestling, First, Emi
1 min later 13379997 Anonymous (the cutest scoot ever.png 960x643 514kB)
1st for corgis
2 min later 13380023 Anonymous
>Other general doesn't post Pastebin
le 2nd
3 min later 13380083 Anonymous
3 min later 13380120 Anonymous
4th for buy something from last page plox
4 min later 13380140 Anonymous
let it die already
new thread
5 min later 13380198 Anonymous
>starts with porn
>no pastebin
This is the better one, fuck off.
5 min later 13380202 Anonymous
>no pastebin
Yea, nah, you're retarded.
5 min later 13380212 Anonymous
so how the hell do i get the new promo items? or are they not available yet?
5 min later 13380220 Anonymous
How about you use the Pastebin we've been trying to implement next time?
You lost your chance.
5 min later 13380226 Anonymous
I don't think so son, learn to make better threads
6 min later 13380269 Anonymous (piƱera-uncrates-regret.jpg 379x525 59kB)
Chile strong again
6 min later 13380282 Anonymous
Buy my hat.
N-Not if you don't want to though.
Only if you like circling peace sign soldier unusuals.
6 min later 13380285 Anonymous
>Server MotD strictly bans for racism
Blacklisted general
6 min later 13380287 Anonymous
So, speculations on the Fall crate.
50% Robro, 50% unusual?
7 min later 13380330 Anonymous (it all ends here.jpg 198x236 23kB)
> 50% unusual?
Economic collapse
7 min later 13380342 Anonymous
Community items.
7 min later 13380343 Anonymous (photo.jpg 440x326 86kB)
Back to being ded
7 min later 13380357 Anonymous
My little Anon-kun can't be this retarded.
8 min later 13380392 Anonymous
Guys, what does c/o ad b/o mean?
8 min later 13380396 Anonymous
It's like the scorched crates.
Robro takes place of Balloonicorn here.
Everything else is going to be community items that will be released tomorrow.
inb4 they're worth barely anything.
8 min later 13380404 Anonymous
Maybe if the keys are $200 each
8 min later 13380406 Anonymous
>Community items that'll be worth 2 ref tops
8 min later 13380424 Anonymous
i-i'm sorry but someone ucrated the 4th
8 min later 13380425 Anonymous
Current offers and Buyout, which is usually exorbitant.
8 min later 13380426 Anonymous
As much as I'd love that, no.
Just more community items.
This might sound dumb but why doesn't Valve use their own creativity and make items themselves instead of relying on their playerbase to do it for them?
9 min later 13380458 needkeybro
Strange pyro weapons, vintage hats/weapons,
just want a dota 2 key!
9 min later 13380475 Anonymous
Okay, I have accepted this thread, so I will bump it.
9 min later 13380486 brah (11242107.png 1024x1280 535kB)
9 min later 13380495 Anonymous (1342042948420.jpg 300x244 59kB)
which is better:
tf2 outpost or bazaar
9 min later 13380498 Anonymous (dats cool yuskay.jpg 200x200 45kB)
Current offers, buyout.
10 min later 13380507 Anonymous
the same reason that gabe wants people to make a halflife moive and not him
10 min later 13380517 Anonymous
I've never seen anyone being so butthurt because someone beat them to making a new thread
10 min later 13380523 Anonymous (Hoovy.png 1028x791 207kB)
What should the second misc be
anything i can improve?
10 min later 13380524 Anonymous (ryuuji-meets-the-sniper.png 638x607 205kB)
So we're here then
10 min later 13380525 Anonymous
what is the festive scattergun worth in keys
10 min later 13380548 An
>Caring about who starts what thread with a shitty pastebin
I remember when these threads were for game discussion, I'm done with trade discussion. Can we have greentext stories of funny shit in the game?
>server with buggy gunslinger blacklist plugin
>whenever you touch a resupply locker with it equipped it forces it off you while letting you keep overheal
>over time more overheal is granted to you in a forgiving nature, so it's incrementing more and more
>you are now 7000hp overhealed and only Spies can kill you
>every other uninformed tard is calling you a hacker
Server in particular:
It's dead right now, but it usually has some babbies on for buttblasting earlier. I'm not sure if I'm banned either.
11 min later 13380564 Anonymous
you're going to have a real bias here
But in my experience they're both the same. But once bazaar has more users, it will far surpass outpost
11 min later 13380569 Anonymous
I'll sell my strange sapper for nine keys if you mention tf2g.
11 min later 13380578 Anonymous
Buy my face hair
Outpost has more users but worse offers, Bazaar has less users and not often do you get an offer, but it won't be as low as outpost offers
11 min later 13380584 Anonymous (HAZMAT PYRO.jpg 284x902 43kB)
Post your Pyros!
11 min later 13380589 Anonymous (whatcha gonna jew, punk.png 200x192 58kB)
11 min later 13380590 Anonymous
I thought you were done, Fiskie?
11 min later 13380608 Anonymous (photo.jpg 1440x900 384kB)
12 min later 13380619 An
greentext story pls
12 min later 13380626 Anonymous
i've 40 refined that i would like to convert in keys for 2.55 each
12 min later 13380653 Anonymous (1341484746923.jpg 291x318 25kB)
>shitty pastebin
Thanks for the support, Fiskie.
12 min later 13380658 Anonymous
If you are a goyim: outpost.
If you are a jew or into jewish activities: bazaar.
13 min later 13380669 Anonymous
Nice I my do this
13 min later 13380679 Anonymous
Tbh the image I used wasn't a good one either, plus I didn't know people were using the pastebin now. So eh, as long as there's an active thread it's cool
13 min later 13380698 Anonymous (yu got it bro.jpg 300x300 39kB)
That sounds fucking hilarious.
Funniest thing I remember doing was having about half of BLU and half of RED play with the soccer ball from the Ball-Kicking Boots.
13 min later 13380703 Anonymous
>shitty pastebin
I thought you were better than that.
13 min later 13380718 Anonymous
If you don't have the pastebin that was made by the community in the op it's a shit thread.
i thought you believed in community type things Fiskie?
14 min later 13380764 Anonymous (holyshit.png 1920x1080 145kB)
>unbox my first 47
>get this
holy shit, I've never gotten an unusual before, any idea how much this is worth?
14 min later 13380771 Totenkreuz (02099A900AD215F9CE6DE454B78883D74F66108.jpg 1600x900 134kB)
15 min later 13380802 Anonymous
4-ish Buds off the top of my head
15 min later 13380803 Anonymous
Who gives a shit? We had countless threads where idiots couldn't be bothered to put fucking tf2 in the op
15 min later 13380818 Anonymous
i'm sorry for your lots
15 min later 13380820 Anonymous
1 lazer wep
15 min later 13380837 Anonymous (2012-09-06_00003.jpg 1920x1080 330kB)
60th for multiple gibuses
15 min later 13380860 Anonymous
go back to selling your shitty hearts attendant
16 min later 13380890 Anonymous (blay mann.png 514x758 429kB)
introducing Blay Mann
-he was born 20 years b4 redmond and blumond
-he invented the enginers turrets when he was a sperm in zepeniah's ballsak
-as soon as he was born he's father sayed to take him away cuz he beat him at chess in 2 moves
-he is teh REAL inventer of the eternal life mechine
-hired the first team of merecenarys (assasin squad KAI (that mean 0 in japanese)) who trained every other team after them
-he's waepon is the FULL zatoichi which give him +9000 hp on kill +9000 speed on kil and +999999 strenth on killl (has over 300 confirmed kills)
-king of australia but left after beating everyone
-is the father of sexton hele and mis poling
LIKES: BLUTARCH and REDTARCH, being smart, anime, nazi germany
HATES: GREY for killing BLUDTARD and REDDIT (kiled grey after destroyng ALL his robets), authority, hats
16 min later 13380894 An
I was just watching two people bicker over which thread to post in, but it seems everybody just decided to post here. Having TF2 in the OP is good enough. It'd probably be better if you redid what's in the pastebin as a thread image so it's nicer on the eyes and less drivel.
Nice, about 2 buds I imagine
16 min later 13380902 Anonymous
Some BaF paint, join in!
16 min later 13380927 Anonymous
>Playing 2Fort
>Go Scout
>Rush out and onto the roof of the bridge
>Get sniped by 1 of 5 snipers on the enemy team
>Try it again
>Same result
>Go Spy with Conniver's Knife and Cloak and Dagger
>Kill every single one of them then hide away until they return
>Repeat again
>One of those snipers says I'm cheating
>Two snipers come out, kill them yet again
>Same sniper complaining still
>Pyro turns the corner into me and kills me
>Quit game
17 min later 13380961 Anonymous (1314175086504.jpg 265x297 11kB)
Wanne buy it... pls?
17 min later 13381001 Anonymous (special.jpg 740x858 159kB)
18 min later 13381046 Anonymous (1343697971528.gif 248x200 325kB)
19 min later 13381051 brah (5667550.png 640x480 227kB)
shit breeds shit
why complain about an improvement
>badwater pub 5 minutes ago
>go soldier
>literally 1v11
>they have fucking 6 spies
>everytime I shoot a spy another fucking spy
>run out of fucking ammo
>resort to rocket jumping around to shoot shitty spies trying to stab me
they all had the fucking dead ringer and gibuses
19 min later 13381060 Anonymous
>unusual gibus with rotating gibuses
I would be the humanly born god of public servers
19 min later 13381064 Anonymous
How do I remove UI when playing a demo to take a screenshot?
19 min later 13381074 Anonymous
19 min later 13381076 Anonymous
How hard does valve crack down on impersonation in order to trick someone out of their hats?
19 min later 13381116 Leifur (1341256646948.jpg 491x404 19kB)
buuuump, what should I alter with my loadout?
>mfw I sold my s.sandman for a key
20 min later 13381140 brah
cl_drawhud 0
20 min later 13381145 Anonymous (jigglyhat.png 1024x768 955kB)
20 min later 13381164 Anonymous
pretty sure if you are caught you get all your items deleted
20 min later 13381187 Anonymous
21 min later 13381209 Anonymous
>That server you see in your browser but refuse to join because it's shit
What's her name?
21 min later 13381218 Anonymous (fasion2.png 894x710 206kB)
If so, 7/10
Dark colored FL scares me
21 min later 13381220 Anonymous
so i finally caved in and used sam to get the black rose and holy fuck i really was hoping the baccara style would be fixed by now
21 min later 13381221 Anonymous
>blocked your gunslinger
Is that one of those shitty severs that blocks certain weapons?
21 min later 13381228 Anonymous
That feel when TF2 takes forever to update.
I just want to play hats damn it.
21 min later 13381230 An
It starts slow but it ramps up after a while and holy shit what am I looking at
21 min later 13381237 Anonymous
Tradeban most likely
Or a complete steamban
Are you that faggot that scammed a kid out of his ellis hat?
22 min later 13381259 Anonymous (440_screenshots_2012-09-06_00002.jpg 1366x768 116kB)
I tried stacking my flies
Is this more than usual?
22 min later 13381262 Anonymous (crowd1.jpg 1152x900 223kB)
Hey, still looking for a trade. Last time I posted this the thread was stuck in a circle jerk of giant proportions
Spy bot hat for Soldier's halloween costume Head and feet
22 min later 13381278 An
It's the one I referred to here >>13380548
I wish more servers ran it so I could buttblast more babbies
22 min later 13381285 Anonymous (Clanfags join a server.jpg 173x234 20kB)
Any Nightteam server.
>mfw joining one for the first time
23 min later 13381339 Anonymous
UKMC or whatever it's called
Reason: Donator benefits include instant respawn, while advertising itself as "newb friendly"
No more heroes, as well.
Reason: False player reporting, new edition. Has a constant 4-6 spectator-bots in order to make it seem like there are actually players on the server.
23 min later 13381358 Anonymous
>[random description] VALVE SERVER [random stuff]
every time
24 min later 13381389 Anonymous
meant to quote >>13381209
25 min later 13381429 Anonymous
Wait it kinda does that
It's what happens on roundstart, Yakui
25 min later 13381430 Anonymous
u wot m8
25 min later 13381490 Anonymous
I forgot that you don't actually play
25 min later 13381493 Anonymous (1346697717296.gif 450x288 510kB)
>Forgot the first few times
>My face immediately
26 min later 13381549 Anonymous
i know what he's talking about
there are servers with a plugin that make you use voice commands random and costantly
very painfull
27 min later 13381565 Anonymous
27 min later 13381567 Anonymous
Fucking rocket launching dispensers
27 min later 13381580 Anonymous (y-you too.jpg 263x28 7kB)
>join some random server
>attacking 3rd map on dustbowl
>get ubered and run in taking out the sentry nest and most of the team
>see this in chat once I respawn
28 min later 13381598 brah (8644429.png 599x982 172kB)
I wonder if you can stack nuts and bolts enough to completely block your head.
these and pony servers
28 min later 13381607 Anonymous
Favorite HUD and why?
28 min later 13381610 Anonymous (sadachi.jpg 401x594 54kB)
Those servers are so fucking unfair, I honestly don't see how people find it fun.
Don't they also give you the ability to make 2 fucking sentries?
28 min later 13381627 Anonymous (1346873671902.gif 375x212 1924kB)
29 min later 13381643 Anonymous
Some of them do.
29 min later 13381656 Anonymous
Info's close to crosshair
There's a little indicator of my team
30 min later 13381713 Anonymous
Those servers are all my friend wants to play. I had him join one of my usual hang outs with no "fun" plugins.
He said "Man, Idk why you like BORING maps"
They were stock maps
30 min later 13381715 Anonymous
It was PVHUD, but i have been using eveHUD and it seems to be my favorite so far
30 min later 13381746 Anonymous
you can build 4 mini sentries, I used to fuck around as spy in a saigns freight serve
highest amount of buildings destroyed was once 300
30 min later 13381754 Anonymous (hilarious phone.gif 256x144 421kB)
>redmond and blumond
31 min later 13381775 Anonymous
You need better friends.
31 min later 13381783 unreal (yuruyuri21-60.gif 500x281 924kB)
34 min later 13381960 Anonymous
Suddenly all skial servers seem to be filled with bots. I thought they didn't pull this shit
34 min later 13381963 Anonymous
Have you tried to explain the premium features of these faggots?
34 min later 13381968 Anonymous (nigga why didn't you step up.jpg 104x134 11kB)
I should probably go to one and fuck around as Spy.
or do they have a special donor's ability that let's them see invisible spies.
Dude, I know that feel. I have a friend that ONLY plays Medic on Saxton Hale.
>mfw seeing him play mvm with friends
36 min later 13382115 Anonymous
Guys, if I activate Awesomenauts right now, would I receive the items?
37 min later 13382127 Anonymous
The dispenser rockets will track you, but they are pretty thick.
Get a CnD and just sit back with a snack and watch the funniest games ever unfold
37 min later 13382138 Anonymous
I think if the sever get below a certain point of real players then it wil fill with bots, I noticed that with skial severs
37 min later 13382163 Anonymous
the engineers are pretty thick headed I mean
39 min later 13382243 Anonymous
Everybody post your sprays
39 min later 13382287 Anonymous (1346037677900.gif 338x252 2919kB)
>My friends refuse to play anything except 24/7 dustbowl 32 man servers
>My face when we're getting camped with 4 sentries outside spawn, again
40 min later 13382302 Anonymous (team cap-chen.jpg 400x400 27kB)
40 min later 13382308 Anonymous
So is this game worth getting for the PS3 or is it just a shitty port?
40 min later 13382314 Bronard (medick.png 1168x647 232kB)
So who's ready for the 2nd Manniversary update tomorrow?
Also Post your MeDicks
40 min later 13382337 Anonymous (poor little scoot.jpg 500x697 150kB)
41 min later 13382351 Anonymous (scout pan.png 539x478 267kB)
>paying money for a port with 6 maps on a console
>the game is free
41 min later 13382373 Anonymous (Bill Nye the Nazi Guy.jpg 1600x900 167kB)
41 min later 13382405 Anonymous (STEP UP DECAL.jpg 300x300 35kB)
Any recommended knife? I'm thinking YER
41 min later 13382413 Anonymous (spray2.png 464x342 245kB)
Just made this my spray
42 min later 13382415 Anonymous
>how to get banned general
42 min later 13382426 Anonymous (hue.png 258x345 125kB)
42 min later 13382462 Anonymous (1287537286136.png 357x522 164kB)
43 min later 13382498 Anonymous (sprays.jpg 424x506 57kB)
>furry sprays
any knife is good
43 min later 13382521 Anonymous
What folder does my spray have to be in so I can import it?
Yes it is .vtf and 256x256 pixels.
44 min later 13382547 Anonymous (rocket robin hood.png 256x256 70kB)
band of brothers marching together
heads held high in all kinds of weather
46 min later 13382561 Anonymous
ok so I installed that froxer script for shit talking but I don't know how to actually start shit-talking in game. I did everything the readme told me to do...
46 min later 13382582 Anonymous
>New 4chan native settings don't have recursive filtering
for fuck sake
46 min later 13382592 Anonymous (blank.png 160x160 0kB)
46 min later 13382595 Totenkreuz (875690 - Friendship_is_magic My_Little_Pony derpy_hooves php1.png 880x660 375kB)
46 min later 13382605 Anonymous (Madsuka.jpg 1026x774 240kB)
>Play in nightteam server because curious
>Spy is as fast as sanic
No man should have that much power
46 min later 13382615 brah (10251030.png 1316x592 189kB)
Y'know, you don't see me posting porn, do you?
47 min later 13382631 Anonymous (teddierose.jpg 519x567 144kB)
Aight, I'll run stock then.
Off to go piss people off now.
Thanks bro.
47 min later 13382652 Anonymous (2012-07-04_00002.jpg 1920x1080 167kB)
why is the new style for the copper's hard top so pointless
if i own one of the fuckers in the first place it's because i want to be a goddamn pig
47 min later 13382662 Anonymous (displeased demo.png 312x402 171kB)
47 min later 13382663 Anonymous
just use >bind key __ say ____
47 min later 13382668 Bronard (RoBro.png 1171x662 210kB)
Steam/SteamApps/_Username_/Team Fortress 2/TF/Materials/vgui/logos.
47 min later 13382672 Anonymous
I need a knife name that will induce maximum rage into my victims. Can TF2G suggest anything?
47 min later 13382680 Anonymous (Business.jpg 305x350 17kB)
>that image
48 min later 13382692 Anonymous (smug loli.gif 400x225 354kB)
i like you
48 min later 13382708 Anonymous (b53cf565a35d07061593a4cf0475438b.jpg 1200x900 508kB)
48 min later 13382739 Anonymous
49 min later 13382751 Anonymous
I try, bro. Thanks.
49 min later 13382754 Anonymous (Adachi witnesses somebody white knighting in a Lotus server.jpg 168x179 12kB)
Saving that shit like the fist of the north star.
49 min later 13382757 Anonymous
come play on fagets
it'll be fun.
49 min later 13382786 Anonymous
So if I buy that old XCom game I'll get the new items, right?
I don't see any fucking XCom games on Steam that haven't been out for years
49 min later 13382794 Anonymous
I would but phone
50 min later 13382803 Bronard (CP_Schwarzwelt.png 1200x834 1466kB)
Also fuck you Blacksuke poster for reminding me that I made this.
50 min later 13382839 needkeybro
steam id is Hamburgleton
I'll trade strange pyro weapons and vintage weapons and hats for a dota 2 invite
everything in my inventory for a dota 2 invite
50 min later 13382847 Anonymous (YOU THINK THIS IS A FUCKING GAME.jpg 637x358 233kB)
51 min later 13382885 Anonymous
He's saying to have some fucking decency and stop acting like some kid and posting porn all the time.
52 min later 13382935 Anonymous
Are any of you fine gentlemen selling strange mad milk for somewhere in the .33-.66 region?
52 min later 13382947 Anonymous
52 min later 13382948 Anonymous
Selling an unusual gentleman's gatsby with circling heart effect. Anyone interested?
52 min later 13382956 Anonymous (placeyourebets.png 1280x720 153kB)
It's time.
53 min later 13382972 Anonymous (12oCE.png 395x349 69kB)
This fucking guy.
53 min later 13382973 Anonymous (hero.png 209x263 69kB)
Not the guy that shopped the shades on Tyrone Hanamura, but holy shit that image.
>that mara
But seriously, off to that saigns.de crap.
53 min later 13382982 Bronard
53 min later 13382989 Anonymous
53 min later 13383003 Anonymous (i shiggy diggy maggot.png 200x200 71kB)
>not being on fagets right now
Please join. I'm so ronery.
53 min later 13383004 brah (10486882.png 718x1162 200kB)
>but he raffles so it's okay!!!!
54 min later 13383016 Anonymous
>no armpit hair
54 min later 13383061 Anonymous (1346806798760.gif 500x280 1011kB)
>Join MVM server
>Check everyone
>They're all F2P
>Check scoreboard
>Scout isn't picking up any money
>He's running around trying to bat people
>New Lunar Republic
Are there any actual good American servers that aren't filled with yuro children?
55 min later 13383075 Anonymous (happy-5.jpg 259x192 22kB)
>12 hours
>vintage lugermorph
>max head
I'm going in.
55 min later 13383092 Anonymous
Where do you jew? I used to have best results on minecraft trade servers spamming with swarmhats, but thats low profit.
55 min later 13383097 Anonymous
Also that feel when I lost my tripcode.
but whatever I don't really feel like being a tripfriend.
55 min later 13383104 Anonymous
it's not going to happen
56 min later 13383128 Anonymous
Wish you luck. Is he online?
56 min later 13383134 Anonymous
flame thrower
56 min later 13383183 Anonymous
57 min later 13383196 Anonymous (whatcoulditBE.png 1280x720 169kB)
57 min later 13383216 Anonymous
Did the readme tell you to bind it to some key.
58 min later 13383241 Anonymous
>raffle a paint or shitty strange every day
>everyone is literally in love with your and circlejerks with you at every possible moment
yeah, this is why I don't like these threads as much as I used to
58 min later 13383272 Anonymous
Playing HL2
No one on his friends list seems to be a Jew, no comments or messages on his profile or anything about it
I sincerely hope I'm in the clear. Once I accidentally let a nuts and bolts TC go away
58 min later 13383284 Anonymous (thegenericfeel.png 1278x720 100kB)
Man, I feel cheated.
59 min later 13383298 Anonymous
59 min later 13383325 Anonymous
quick, sell it before the price go down to 1.33
1 hours later 13383356 Anonymous
Tavish Degroot Experience 2: Electric Boogaloo
1 hours later 13383376 Anonymous
That's my dog. What are you doing with pictures of my dog? You creepy stalker.
1 hours later 13383401 Anonymous
>generic feel
kill yourself you stupid faggot, backwards is based and not generic
at least it was, fucking gabe putting it in a crate ;_;
1 hours later 13383415 Anonymous
>Go on server as Barack Obama, and a friend as Mitt Romney
>Opposite teams
>Topping scoreboard
>Some 12 year old thinks we are the two presidential candidates
>We play along
>He keeps pestering us to add him
>We say that the secret service is coming for him and that they'll delete his steam account and van him from the internet
>He believes us
>Leaves the server soon after
1 hours later 13383493 Anonymous (1346643014695.jpg 600x500 94kB)
If you met a Typhlosion in real life would you hug it?
1 hours later 13383520 Anonymous
backwards ballcap is pretty based. Not as #rare as hermes, but still pretty #wow
1 hours later 13383550 Anonymous
>and then came the tooth fairy and fucked us both in the ass with her massive cock
1 hours later 13383564 Anonymous
But where will I find someone to buy it for the low low low price of 2.33? I'll though I'll give it to someone if they'll give me more of the new crates to open
At least it'll never be as generic as the Tosslecap
1 hours later 13383732 Anonymous (cute.jpg 1200x1005 89kB)
1 hours later 13383767 Anonymous
What are the new promo items anyway?
1 hours later 13383792 Anonymous
Guile's hair and a blob alien head
1 hours later 13383796 Anonymous (1345409505287.jpg 256x256 87kB)
Trades: I really want these stranges edition
I'm still recovering from a burn so no.
1 hours later 13383831 Totenkreuz
2 ugly as sin hats and a generic medal.
1 hours later 13383865 Anonymous
yeah the readme told me to bind it to a key so i binded it to my = key and it still won't work.
1 hours later 13383904 Anonymous
Buy stuff pls
1 hours later 13383905 Anonymous (1302036138936.jpg 604x456 166kB)
Guys, please
Rage inducing names for a knife
1 hours later 13383931 Anonymous
>not wanting yakui to post traps
>not liking raffles
>interpreting any community as circlejerking faggots
You can leave, it's okay.
1 hours later 13383949 Anonymous
I'm about to science a Level 99 Stout Shako if anyone wants to save it and try to sell it to autists.
1 hours later 13383958 Anonymous
anything pony related
1 hours later 13383960 Anonymous
Mine is named mai knaifu
1 hours later 13383962 Anonymous
Anyone knows how to get them? I thought it would be related to the upcoming XCOM game but its release date seems to be TBA 2013
1 hours later 13383994 Anonymous
Fluttershy's Dildo
1 hours later 13384016 Anonymous
When do drops reset?
1 hours later 13384032 Anonymous
34 minutes ago
1 hours later 13384035 Anonymous
Yo how much would someone want to buy 2 tickets for?
1 hours later 13384061 Anonymous
Tickets are ~1.44
1 hours later 13384069 Anonymous (dont-say-no.png 256x256 3kB)
1 hours later 13384096 Anonymous
>put up crate 40 for 7 keys
>no one wants it
I thought jews would be hoarding them
1 hours later 13384114 Anonymous
I'll give you a name tag and a pat on the back for both of them.
1 hours later 13384141 Anonymous
>not wanting someone to post their fetish
>not liking how the community jizzes everywhere over free stuff and only that
I'd rather you left.
1 hours later 13384154 Anonymous
>Playing on a server with some F2P Heavy
>Not really trying my best at the game to kill him
>We kill each other back and forth
>Actually try to kill him
>Get fucking rekted to shit over and over
>Go main and play pyro
>Killed to shit some more
>He captures the point
>Try even my hardest to kill him
>Die once again
>He wins
>Pissed off and quit game
>Punch my desk
>Kick the floor
>Slam head against wall
>Start to cry a bit
I'm fucking shit at this game shitdicks fucksihit
1 hours later 13384205 Anonymous
free shit is free shit
1 hours later 13384207 Anonymous
Holy fuck you are a little bitch.
1 hours later 13384229 Anonymous
What would want to jizz ourselves over?
1 hours later 13384231 Anonymous (mza_4891218648009362051.png 1024x1024 1463kB)
>want to sell a hat
>check spreadshit
>sell it for lower than spreadshit to get rid of it quickly
>someone offers 1 ref less than I what I asked for
>check other people selling the same hat
>same guy that lowballed me had made an offer to someone selling the same hat that was more than my buyout
1 hours later 13384234 Anonymous
22 minutes
1 hours later 13384273 Anonymous
>using spreadsheet
Your own damn fault
1 hours later 13384275 Anonymous (Dojima's happy.jpg 106x125 6kB)
Mine is My waifu, knaifu!
Knaifu masterrace.
Also I couldn't find a saigns,de server so I just decided to piss Snipers off on 2fort.
It's not as satisfying.
1 hours later 13384278 Anonymous
>Start to cry a bit
This is an 18+ site, pls leave
1 hours later 13384283 Anonymous (1346525275293.png 466x343 128kB)
1 hours later 13384296 brah (10384725.png 818x1038 151kB)
>try to kill heavy
>go pyro
wow I wonder why you're shit
1 hours later 13384305 Anonymous
>wanting traps to be posts
jesus fucking christ, take it somewhere that ISNT the tf2 general
1 hours later 13384336 Anonymous
Protip: The amount of money payed for a game is not related to the the skill of the person playing the game.
1 hours later 13384358 Anonymous (tf2 general pic.png 3000x3000 1675kB)
it's looking pretty good now, not as empty as before, still needs some work down
give me pics to add to this general pic
1 hours later 13384383 Anonymous
What do you think /vg/?
1 hours later 13384402 Anonymous (tranny-phonesex[1].jpg 1512x2016 985kB)
1 hours later 13384407 Steam UN: Monathin
Someone give me a new crate to unbox. I'll do right here for all to see.
1 hours later 13384429 Anonymous (1344883191887.jpg 772x578 120kB)
>tf2 general op pic with shitposts
Is this guy retarded?
1 hours later 13384446 Anonymous (TF2G.png 960x1040 178kB)
Add this!
1 hours later 13384462 Anonymous
>someone doesn't agree with me and he's right since this isn't the place for porn
>guess I'll just post some anyway to show him how wrong he is!
1 hours later 13384480 Anonymous (photo.jpg 640x226 37kB)
ew gross
1 hours later 13384493 Anonymous
I'm under the impression that we both agree on the same thing, or did you just fail your greentexts or reading mines?
1 hours later 13384505 Anonymous
nobody will use this but you
1 hours later 13384520 Anonymous
>making general pics with images of off-topic posting
1 hours later 13384550 Anonymous (Pyro Loadout Final.png 1435x680 228kB)
big pimpin up in nyc
1 hours later 13384559 Anonymous
We're in a TF2 general, what the hell do you expect?
1 hours later 13384580 Anonymous
I cannot stop playing the Neon Annihilator taunt.
1 hours later 13384585 Anonymous (1334376103606.gif 350x198 1537kB)
>My fucking face when someone says "everypo ny" instead of everybody in a normal, non-po ny conversation
1 hours later 13384595 Anonymous
1 hours later 13384616 Anonymous (flamenco_loadout_small.jpg 1920x1080 553kB)
1 hours later 13384618 Anonymous
>thinking I was the one posting that shit pic that has nothing to do with traps
Anonymous can lead to very wrong ways of thinking heh?
1 hours later 13384632 Anonymous
I expect us not ta act like shitposting okay like any of the other good generals. We're on the same level as LoL and SC2 and you fags are okay with it, for some inane reason.
1 hours later 13384652 Anonymous (1342722705222.jpg 371x461 59kB)
>asking them to stop
oh boy here we go, now will the hell break loose
1 hours later 13384662 Anonymous (Immagine.png 1920x1080 2222kB)
how did i do tf2g?
im trying to learn to use demonigga since is one of the class i played less in those 3 years of tf2
1 hours later 13384663 Anonymous (1330947819204.jpg 318x349 20kB)
>being a pony sympathizer
1 hours later 13384681 Anonymous
>not knowing tf2g
Read those pictures, the summarize this general really well, and we love it that way.
1 hours later 13384683 Anonymous
>Is insecure with their sexuality
>has to take anger out on others
>every anon is the guy i was talking to
How's that insecure paranoia bro?
1 hours later 13384703 Anonymous
I'm pretty sure TF2G is tsundere
1 hours later 13384707 Anonymous
>nope wasn't me!
>i just posted porn because I wanted to!
Then you're just as bad. There are entire boards for your shit, so take it there.
1 hours later 13384708 Anonymous
Yo guys I'm out goodbye all. RIP TF2G
1 hours later 13384710 Anonymous
>"Fucking hate these faggots"
My sides. This shouldn't be this funny, but for some reason it is.
1 hours later 13384719 Anonymous (1343068044316.png 500x342 257kB)
Think of a terrible weapon.
Got it? Good.
How do we fix it without removing it?
1 hours later 13384723 Anonymous
Speak for yourself, faggot
1 hours later 13384736 brah (hue.png 1595x897 30kB)
so basically i can run like, crysis 7 on max settings.... i85 123498000 at 50 million ZHz.....
1 hours later 13384739 Anonymous
>we love it that way
We? Speak for yourself.
1 hours later 13384756 Anonymous
Wow everyone became butthurt very quickly
1 hours later 13384758 Anonymous
No random crits.
1 hours later 13384768 Anonymous (1344883191887.png 772x578 106kB)
Well conch?
Is this guy a retard or not?
1 hours later 13384778 brah (class_demored.png 1226x746 869kB)
>we love it that way
1 hours later 13384784 Anonymous
selling two tickets 1 refined each! Cheap-o!
1 hours later 13384801 Anonymous
> we love it that way.
1 hours later 13384803 Anonymous
Welcome to TF2G, Enjoy your stay.
1 hours later 13384805 Bren (yakui is smalltime.png 958x699 100kB)
Yakui, how often do you find salvaged crates to jew. I used to get 3 crates a day in the summer if i worked at it all day while doing other stuff. Also how often do you get those retards that say "well I'm new to trading but spreadsheet say 6 keys so i want 7 keys"
1 hours later 13384831 Anonymous (baka.jpg 1280x720 76kB)
with people like you here, it's no wonder the threads are so unbelievably bad recently
having a community is all well and good but if you want to talk to other users about traps or how much you love being gay, do it somewhere that isn't the team fortress 2 general.
I understand that it's possible for the conversational topic to sway into off-topic subjects, but recently people have made no effort to talk about the game and straight up started circlejerking. We're on the same level as LoL and SC2 right now, and that's a place no one wants to be.
1 hours later 13384834 Anonymous (1344883191887.png 772x578 35kB)
Don't give me that attitude, conch.
1 hours later 13384847 Anonymous (1329635537227.jpg 921x688 19kB)
>/vg/ is a collective who loves traps and shitposting
yeah, nah, go fuck yerself
1 hours later 13384882 Anonymous (tf2.png 1253x991 1735kB)
1 hours later 13384884 Anonymous (MarkofSlaanesh2.jpg 660x588 82kB)
>Safe n Sound
>Painted Pink as Hell
1 hours later 13384887 Anonymous
>so many tears
Let's keep enjoying it.
1 hours later 13384891 Anonymous (not liking RED team.png 500x369 89kB)
1 hours later 13384903 Anonymous (1344883191887.png 772x578 12kB)
Is he?
1 hours later 13384932 Anonymous (1339820630133.jpg 460x595 147kB)
1 hours later 13384936 Anonymous
nerf the charge time for dem fukken mini-crits.
1 hours later 13384964 Anonymous (1344883191887.png 772x578 5kB)
Holy shit conch, just give me a straight answer.
1 hours later 13384975 Anonymous
Hell yes.
1 hours later 13384983 Anonymous (Pyro_Point_and_Shoot.png 525x759 345kB)
This thread is absolute shit. Let's talk about the game instead.
Favorite all-class hat and why. GO
1 hours later 13384992 Totenkreuz (Jewed.png 1880x1072 2387kB)
1 hours later 13384998 Anonymous
Someone sell me a photo badge so i can put my waifu on it.
1 hours later 13385003 Anonymous (06_sandvich.jpg 1600x941 194kB)
I'll sell my two extra tickets for one ref each.
Anon5878 on steam. Friend me.
1 hours later 13385015 Anonymous (1344883191887.png 772x578 3kB)
One more time. Is he retarded?
1 hours later 13385023 Anonymous
toss up between the p&s and the modest
1 hours later 13385032 Anonymous (jewings.png 249x58 4kB)
how can people still be that stupid?
1 hours later 13385047 Anonymous (photo.jpg 1440x900 437kB)
So why does anyone hate stalemate the map? It's fun
1 hours later 13385051 Anonymous
>no one answer
well i will just go to sleep
1 hours later 13385052 Anonymous
>"thinking I was the one posting that shit pic"
>>i just posted porn because I wanted to!
Oh, so you basically just can't read.
1 hours later 13385081 Anonymous
One Man Army , because I can combine it with the Deus Specs to make Raul Panther Heavy
1 hours later 13385084 Anonymous (1344883191887.png 772x578 3kB)
God damnit, conch!
1 hours later 13385086 Anonymous
>making general shitposting images
>none with that one post where this guy wanted to fuck a retarded chick
1 hours later 13385105 Anonymous
I like planting sticky traps in the vents.
1 hours later 13385119 Anonymous (Pyro_wiki.png 997x953 616kB)
Can't you see we're busy talking shitposters and general nonsense?
1 hours later 13385125 Anonymous
Let's hope they stay that way, anon.
1 hours later 13385136 Anonymous
>stalemate the map
b-but I like hydro
1 hours later 13385141 Anonymous (sniper's white eyebrows.png 448x473 209kB)
I wish
1 hours later 13385145 Anonymous (lel.png 881x174 41kB)
You'd be suprised about how many people don't know the value of their crate
1 hours later 13385148 Anonymous (1344883191887.png 772x578 3kB)
We can go all day with this, conch.
1 hours later 13385158 Anonymous
Brown Bomber.
1 hours later 13385179 Anonymous
modest pile 5ever
1 hours later 13385196 Anonymous
oh, hell, all-class. Didn't see that.
In that case? Killer Exclusive
1 hours later 13385203 Anonymous (photo.jpg 1440x900 742kB)
but turbine is best map
1 hours later 13385228 Anonymous
>inb4 next one is 0
1 hours later 13385247 brah (y-you too.png 1597x891 1001kB)
because everyone on /vg/ is bad at it
1 hours later 13385268 Anonymous
Only because no one knows how to play Hydro. It's probably the most complex map in the game.
1 hours later 13385286 Anonymous
Bills, goes with any loadout
1 hours later 13385317 Anonymous
how the hell can you enjoy that map, it's already boring before it begins.
1 hours later 13385332 Anonymous
>playing as scout
>calling people bad
Kill yourself little tryhard
1 hours later 13385349 Anonymous
How much for it?
Why I'm asking? Too expensive for me anyway
1 hours later 13385379 Anonymous
That feel when I've been ignoring my girlfriend propositioning sex because I want to play hats.
There may be something wrong with me.
1 hours later 13385386 Anonymous (1346095293737.jpg 450x429 3141kB)
Sure, if you like wearing [currency].
1 hours later 13385397 Anonymous (I dont watch anime but this picture pisses everyone off.gif 300x401 244kB)
1 hours later 13385423 Anonymous
Currently i'm only selling them when i run out of jew materials for 7 keys each
i'm waiting for them to rise to 15 keys each :v
1 hours later 13385426 Anonymous (photo.jpg 1440x900 696kB)
then why would it be fun
it's more fun than I can hold
1 hours later 13385447 brah (da man.png 1594x894 968kB)
it was with the milkman set
1 hours later 13385450 Anonymous
My girlfriend's been basically talking about how she's going to pin me to a wall when she comes over in a couple weeks, so I feel justified getting all the hat play I'm in now.
1 hours later 13385458 Anonymous
>Having sex before you're married
Enjoy burning in Hell
1 hours later 13385478 Anonymous (leponyfacexd.png 1556x769 1172kB)
1 hours later 13385497 Anonymous
It's fun when everyone knows what they're doing. Balanced offense and defense, everyone trying to work together to push back and forth... it's a blast when you know how.
1 hours later 13385501 Anonymous
Is this actually worth it?
1 hours later 13385509 Anonymous
And i'm a fucking retard. what else is new?
6 buds. or a cool reggaelator.
1 hours later 13385529 Anonymous
>Having hats before you're premium
Enjoy burning in Valve Servers
1 hours later 13385532 Anonymous (1346161552607.gif 400x291 634kB)
>calling other people tryhards
1 hours later 13385541 Anonymous (1332464679704.jpg 400x400 30kB)
>He still thinks people wait to have sex!
1 hours later 13385553 Anonymous (1345304418855.jpg 600x479 99kB)
>following a shitty book of fiction
1 hours later 13385597 Anonymous
>u mad?
>ninegag banner not even removed
10/10 raged so much I barely saw the pony
1 hours later 13385605 Anonymous
And this is why I was patient and didn't respond immediately
1 hours later 13385628 Anonymous (f2p tries to stairstab.jpg 369x323 51kB)
I don't know why I find this so funny.
1 hours later 13385649 Anonymous
What's a good way to get better at Demoman other then gurr hurr spam stickies?
1 hours later 13385657 Anonymous
So, when #40s retire, how much are #30 going to be worth? Because i might have one sitting on an alt that just needs upgrading.
1 hours later 13385678 Anonymous
not following the basic rules of the Torah because of good morals and such
1 hours later 13385698 Anonymous
>with milkman set
>even worst with hoovy
Okay then, accept my excuses, this is indeed playing against bad players.
1 hours later 13385716 An
Probably the same. The #40 expiring isn't really going to affect the #30 in any way.
1 hours later 13385737 Anonymous (Brotag wearing a marxman.jpg 960x544 220kB)
Learn to aim with 'nades, learn to air detonate.
That's all I can think of at the moment, I'm not the best Demo.
1 hours later 13385742 Anonymous
>spam stickies
no, you dumb cuntmunch. learn how to jump across the goddamn map with them. you get good at crouch sticky-jumping you're halfway across most maps in a heartbeat. You only need one, unless you're looking to hit the skybox,, in which case, two.
1 hours later 13385771 Bren
Go crazy.
1 hours later 13385779 Anonymous (dat demoman.jpg 964x807 297kB)
1. Don't go rambo
2. Understand your role (defending points, blocking off choke points etc.)
3. Always have 4 grenades and 8 stickies loaded
4. lrn2aim
1 hours later 13385845 Anonymous (demolitionexpertman.png 1053x502 174kB)
Post Demo men______ .
1 hours later 13385865 Anonymous
>1. Don't go rambo
This is why i will never be good at demo.
1 hours later 13385910 Anonymous
I need help.
Spawncamping as demo on scrub servers is all I do these days
1 hours later 13385936 Anonymous (demoman loadout.png 1360x768 222kB)
i-is my loadout original /vg/-kun~?
he's a king
1 hours later 13385951 Anonymous (photo.jpg 1440x900 350kB)
1 hours later 13385997 Anonymous (hl2 2012-09-05 19-07-30-66.png 1440x900 207kB)
Nice name on the sticky.
Also, what's better Tricorne or Bicorne?
1 hours later 13386043 Anonymous (NoDomeMan.png 1024x768 206kB)
1 hours later 13386146 Anonymous
stop mashing stuff together/10
I'm not going to rate myself
>gray launcher
>yellow caber
>scarf on demo
can't give proper rating because I can't see your head it's probably shit though
1 hours later 13386267 An
The problem with Turbine is, like some Anon said before, it looks like someone made it in Hammer in 10 minutes. It's lacking certain details that other maps have. Why does the map even have the secrets where you can jump onto the high ledge near the intel by sliding up an invisible diagonal wall on the side?
It's just not worthy of being an official TF2 map.
1 hours later 13386291 Anonymous
>I'm not going to rate myself
>gray launcher
1 hours later 13386356 Anonymous
thanks for reminding me, I have to update my demo screenshot
1 hours later 13386451 Anonymous (demo-kun.jpg 1920x1080 176kB)
pls rate
1 hours later 13386463 Anonymous (gibcrate47.png 1920x1080 306kB)
I don't have a good demo
1 hours later 13386509 Anonymous
>stop mashing stuff together/10
I will as soon as Demo starts getting miscs that aren't pirate/arab/shit.
Also, Demo-Pirate is an actual theme in the game. Those misc. items were literally made for each other.
1 hours later 13386510 brah (1343491874525.jpg 1780x1254 1075kB)
to be fair it was the second custom map ever to be added
it's fairly dated but that isn't necessarily a bad thing, it's just simplified from the clusterfuck maps of today
1 hours later 13386671 Anonymous
am I the only one that thinks the experience is actually an OK hat?
>baker boy, mediocre hat in the first place, absolute ASS in this
>generic learner
>duffel in that loadout
1 hours later 13386689 Anonymous (1320429214786.jpg 208x156 5kB)
>Talks about other people's load outs being generic/poor/mashed together
>Has the worst load out of them all
You have no right to rate others.
1 hours later 13386698 Anonymous
Are you even Docteck?
2 hours later 13386758 An
released same time as Fastlane according to the Wiki, and that doesn't look like it was made with one hand.
2 hours later 13386830 Baraggan Luisenbarn (secret agent.png 1058x716 391kB)
Anyone want to trade their After Eight/Gold +other shit for my Team Spirit? I don't mind selling for a bit less than what the TS sells for as long as I get my paint.
2 hours later 13386851 Anonymous
Design wise it's an alright hat.
But those fucking polygons around the rim holy jesus.
2 hours later 13386859 Anonymous
>Baker Boy and Learner not made for each other
no anon you are the shitty taste
2 hours later 13386867 Anonymous
So have you guys scanned groups with Jessecar's scanner?
I'm trying it now.
Better work.
2 hours later 13386874 Anonymous
but i thought you support the community
why do you hate turbine?
2 hours later 13386895 Anonymous (demo xddddddddd.jpg 526x419 21kB)
My demo
2 hours later 13386897 Anonymous (scout hat power rankings.png 320x352 66kB)
>baker boy
I strongly disagree with your opinion.
2 hours later 13386960 Anonymous (pyrohats.png 1018x580 89kB)
we postin __facts?
2 hours later 13386974 Anonymous
I agree with this.
However, the Milkman and Fedora need to be lower.
2 hours later 13387014 IRON (484438_339813716093339_1426860433_n.jpg 474x592 33kB)
just scienced two ellis' and got a quadwrangler
>feels good man
2 hours later 13387062 Anonymous
I agree with this
But Cross Comm needs to be higher.
2 hours later 13387073 Anonymous
>merc medal
10/10 would jew
2 hours later 13387079 Anonymous
>Let's just put shit on its head tier
>Implying pyro doesn't have a penis_
2 hours later 13387120 Anonymous
>flamenco shit
2 hours later 13387132 Anonymous
>Hottie's Hoodie is in twice
2 hours later 13387162 Anonymous (PYRO HAT PYRO RANKINGS.png 241x356 64kB)
>no one will ever agree with my pyro hat opinions
2 hours later 13387176 Anonymous
>not being politically correct
it's 2012 you fucking backwards privileged scumbag
also fempyro is my headcanon and I didn't want to drive away from the main point
2 hours later 13387187 Anonymous
It's my favorite demoman hat, then again I may be biased since I'm a big Hendrix fan
2 hours later 13387220 Anonymous (I have no life.png 1121x726 146kB)
welp, off to uncrate
2 hours later 13387240 Anonymous
2 hours later 13387254 Anonymous (pyrohatsfixed.png 1018x580 89kB)
2 hours later 13387281 Anonymous
>Hottie's Hoodie
>Almost best tier
>Merryweather and Guadaljara below Birdcage and in Trafficconepieceofshit tier
I see why.
2 hours later 13387287 Anonymous
>waxy wayfinder top tier
>chef and glove shit
2 hours later 13387291 Anonymous (what in gods name.jpg 672x456 69kB)
2 hours later 13387298 Anonymous
>cant hover to expand images anymore
why did they try to fix something that wasnt broken?
2 hours later 13387301 Anonymous
>tfw more shitty tripfags keep popping up
It's like you guys are trying.
2 hours later 13387302 Anonymous
2 hours later 13387320 Anonymous (mfw.png 722x415 352kB)
>mfw 4chans
2 hours later 13387345 Anonymous
I do. Though little buddy could be a bit higher, I just love the waxy.
2 hours later 13387356 Anonymous
what did i do wrong
2 hours later 13387357 Anonymous
>Wax Wayfinder
yeah you fucked up
2 hours later 13387387 Anonymous
2 hours later 13387401 Anonymous
How much is the huo-long heatmaker worth? Someone said 2-5 keys but the various trading websites say .11 ref
2 hours later 13387448 Anonymous
bug feet are worth 2 buds each you fucking idiot
2 hours later 13387450 Anonymous (1336444765230.jpg 1280x720 133kB)
2 hours later 13387483 Anonymous (creating mara.jpg 348x298 46kB)
It would never ever be 2-5 fucking keys, kick whoever said that in the face.
Weapons should never be worth that fucking much.
2 hours later 13387495 Anonymous
worth the same as any other weapon.
2 hours later 13387615 Anonymous
well shit. same for the cleaver?
2 hours later 13387635 Anonymous
2 hours later 13387654 Anonymous
I'm scanning a group with 7000+ members.
Jesus, this is taking forever...
2 hours later 13387679 Anonymous (candle.png 620x702 482kB)
>hatin on the wayfinder
But it's a hat that has fire.
For the Pyro.
2 hours later 13387682 Anonymous
They're just weapons, the genuine s might be worth a bit more when they're tradeable.
2 hours later 13387718 An
Where would the new Area 451 hat sit? Not sure if it counted as random shit or not.
Group scanners now? RIP every hat ever.
2 hours later 13387739 Anonymous
Where do you get it?
2 hours later 13387742 Anonymous
so tf2, what's your theme song while jewing?
this is mine: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DisZ6qmNdbo
2 hours later 13387762 Anonymous (waiting.jpg 302x336 35kB)
>when they're tradeable
2 hours later 13387784 Anonymous
It's utterly disgusting.
2 hours later 13387810 Anonymous (Stupei, Ace Uncrater1.png 1366x768 219kB)
He-here we go.
2 hours later 13387826 Anonymous
Get a Marxman to replace those Summer Shades on the Counterfeit/Camera Beard loadout.
2 hours later 13387836 Anonymous
2 hours later 13387838 Anonymous
2 hours later 13387856 Anonymous
>Scout not collecing money
>Using Shortstop+Guillotine
>Medic not healing
>Using blutsauger and quickfix
what is wrong with everyone
2 hours later 13387863 Anonymous
2 hours later 13387870 Anonymous
Don't do it man, save it for the #48.
2 hours later 13387884 Anonymous
2 hours later 13387903 Anonymous (Stupei, Ace Uncrater2.png 1366x768 255kB)
Well, we'll see.
2 hours later 13387919 Anonymous
Keys don't fit the lock of the #48
2 hours later 13387931 Anonymous
2 hours later 13387932 Anonymous
Why are there not servers where you can walk down a catwalk and show off your outfit, while blu team sits in a booth and judges it?
The map would be easy to make, and it doesn't seem to timeconsuming to make
2 hours later 13387953 Anonymous
I listen every time I finish a good Jew.
2 hours later 13387957 Anonymous
2 hours later 13387976 Anonymous
>finally a good team
>we beat endurance failing only once
>30 dosh missed total
>Doesn't count because item servers are down
2 hours later 13387998 Anonymous
Yeah, but you could trade it for a fall key or something.
2 hours later 13388000 Anonymous (Stupei, Ace Uncrater3.png 1366x768 133kB)
Only Fall Keys work on it dude.
Fuck fuck fuck shit 4 keys here i come
2 hours later 13388029 Anonymous
What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you WANT for every group to be sucked dry of it's hats? Seriously, shut the fuck up and stop talking about it.
2 hours later 13388103 Anonymous (6SmKttskUN.jpg 400x317 28kB)
Nice digits!
2 hours later 13388165 Anonymous
Anyone wanna buy a strange scattergun for 3ish keys?
2 hours later 13388178 Anonymous
>Scout goes sniper
>Starts spamming old memes in chat and saying everyone is trolled
>Game Total Missed: 614
>Demo goes pyro and starts using phlog
>Tries to third degree giants and gets stomped
Fucking hell man.
2 hours later 13388183 Anonymous (hl2 2012-09-05 17-40-00-85.jpg 1280x960 81kB)
Rate my robot murder
2 hours later 13388204 Anonymous (quads wrangler.png 331x372 74kB)
Excellent trips my good friend
2 hours later 13388240 Anonymous
Genuine Anger + a key
2 hours later 13388268 Anonymous
2 hours later 13388303 Anonymous
Lookie here
2 hours later 13388345 Anonymous
>that new spoiler
Need new one pronto
2 hours later 13388415 Anonymous (hl2 2012-09-05 00-58-49-76.png 1440x900 195kB)
>Non vintage banner
>Gee billy, two badges?
>Cross Cumm hat
Ra p e me.
2 hours later 13388461 brah
shit hat and you don't even play the fucking game
2 hours later 13388464 Anonymous
Can you equip the chops with the hachimaki? I hate that the hair is never visible.
2 hours later 13388502 Anonymous
2 hours later 13388525 Anonymous
Gay as in Freddie Mercury/10
2 hours later 13388527 Anonymous (mayan feel.png 922x882 127kB)
I just want gloves for the scout
plz valve
2 hours later 13388530 Anonymous
2 hours later 13388534 Anonymous
>not hales own
>or at least unremarkable
2 hours later 13388562 Anonymous (hee hee hee, that true.png 301x277 84kB)
>i hate how the hair is never visible
Welcome to my world.
Shame it will never be fucking visible.
2 hours later 13388563 Anonymous (1343196761958.png 395x446 77kB)
>Not posting superior version
2 hours later 13388569 Anonymous
Go away Taiko, u 2 gay 4 tf2g
2 hours later 13388616 Anonymous
2 hours later 13388629 Anonymous
16/10 would crush robots with
2 hours later 13388646 Anonymous
10/10 amazing loadout
2 hours later 13388674 Anonymous
2 hours later 13388678 Anonymous
>Add someone so I can buy their shit.
>Two minutes later they go offline.
Why can't it ever be easy?
2 hours later 13388680 Anonymous
But that version is ugly
2 hours later 13388762 Anonymous
someone should SFM that shit to make dubs
2 hours later 13388773 Anonymous (hl2 2012-09-05 19-54-34-29.png 1440x900 200kB)
I've been playing MVM.
I use my stock stranges in normal games and botkillers in MVM.
Yeah, but the beard clips through.
How is it random?
this isnt taiko, but at least someone gets the reference. B)
2 hours later 13388783 brah (elspanol.png 1216x659 209kB)
Why do people ask each other to rate their loadouts, anyway? I guess it's okay since we're still talking about the game but it's still retarded.
2 hours later 13388847 BK
To show that my epenis is bigger than yours
My loadouts are shit though
2 hours later 13388853 Anonymous
6/10 bad miscs, everything else is good
2 hours later 13388969 Anonymous (1344183250633.jpg 251x229 6kB)
>High Five taunt is dirty
>This somehow brings down the price of it
2 hours later 13388995 BK
good point
2 hours later 13388998 Anonymous (1344310578901.jpg 1550x1400 157kB)
>tfw doing well with your least played class
I don't want to enjoy playing scout but it's happening, I feel dirty.
2 hours later 13389016 Anonymous (bionicengie.png 1357x767 209kB)
goddommot muut
rate my bionic commando
2 hours later 13389017 Anonymous
what's store price anyway?
2 hours later 13389039 Anonymous
2 hours later 13389040 Anonymous (7367851_orig.png 124.png 436x600 275kB)
>Hat is level 42
>Turns it from a craft hat to 2.66+ refined
2 hours later 13389061 Anonymous
I've had my dirty taunt since forever. Whenever I jew clean ones, I sell them.
2 hours later 13389084 Totenkreuz
>annoyed he can get things cheaper for asinine reasons
2 hours later 13389104 d~( ' w ' )~b (Cody and Chun-li compare shoe sizes.jpg 800x450 125kB)
What would be the best load out to make a Knight out of Demoman?
I'm thinking Spiral Sallet, but what else? I've got Whiff of Brimstone, but that's it
2 hours later 13389114 unreal (1337543033379.jpg 445x286 23kB)
I need to get more sleep.
2 hours later 13389150 Anonymous
>check autpost to sell my strange scattergun
>20 pages of two key offers
>find one guy paying an ebeneezer for it
>hes offline
im die
2 hours later 13389152 Anonymous (1342469968530.jpg 775x1523 73kB)
But what if I want to sell it?
2 hours later 13389230 Anonymous (I am not the killer.jpg 150x150 40kB)
2 hours later 13389240 brah (1313033453762.png 870x1000 390kB)
Welcome to uncraftables, untradables, levels 0, 42, 69, and 100, vintage, genuine, and everything else that doesn't actually effect the item at all
that's dumb and you're an idiot
how is it fun, like actually how
2 hours later 13389260 Anonymous
drop cap reset yet? i want me some of dem new crates
2 hours later 13389308 BK
But its true, its all about showing off
>HUEHUEHUE im alpha
2 hours later 13389386 Anonymous
h-here goes nothing
2 hours later 13389402 http://steamcommunity.com/id/melon_soda/ (ket.jpg 422x375 18kB)
anyone buying craft hats
2 hours later 13389447 Anonymous
I just wanna hug a fat typhlosion
is that too much to ask?
2 hours later 13389462 Anonymous
You know you niggas want it
2 hours later 13389507 Anonymous (no_homo.png 452x198 102kB)
Godammit moot
I want 4chanX to work on chrome (lolbotnet) again
Any ideas how?
2 hours later 13389537 Baraggan Luisenbarn
>Doublecross-Comm isn't in itemtest
Can anyone show me what a gold one looks like on a spy with a gold Steeler? I don't wnat to paint this thing and have it end up shit.
2 hours later 13389546 Anonymous
You can craft it, how can it go only up in price?
2 hours later 13389564 Anonymous
It's not working normally on firefox either.
2 hours later 13389575 Anonymous (no idea.jpg 500x372 42kB)
plz gib reaction images not tf2 ones
2 hours later 13389594 Anonymous
Aww yeah got an Unusual Soldier's Stash
2 hours later 13389596 Anonymous (2012-09-02_00005.jpg 1280x720 101kB)
The Purple Practitioner
If only I have a Doublecross-Com, I could be Witch Doctor on the spy with the Wanga Prick. The Rogue's Col Roule looks close to Balaclavas Are Forever right? I remember seeing it on some other spy with the Doublecross and Col Roule looking remarkable close with the Doublecross painted.
2 hours later 13389597 d~( ' w ' )~b
Hmm... I dunno, maybe, mine are painted after eight.
maybe with an after eight bolgan? Toss me DemoKnight ideas, mates
2 hours later 13389601 Anonymous
have you tried updating it you dipshits?
2 hours later 13389606 BK
2 hours later 13389607 Anonymous (1327436896214.gif 272x200 2748kB)
>Pyromania items going up
>They have only been going down
2 hours later 13389653 Anonymous
2 hours later 13389690 Anonymous
Unless there's a newer version then 2.34.10 then yes I'm updated.
2 hours later 13389729 brah
click settings
disable extension
2 hours later 13389771 Anonymous
I don't actually know shit because I never trade
2 hours later 13389797 420 John
go to /b/ please
2 hours later 13389847 BK
Stop samefagging to make yourself look good
2 hours later 13389854 Anonymous
>john cena
>telling others to go to /b/
2 hours later 13389884 420 John (1346531014572.jpg 235x284 10kB)
pff what?
2 hours later 13389959 420 John !cenaUmCM2E (Gay_(JohnCena01).jpg 500x364 32kB)
2 hours later 13389997 Anonymous (2.jpg 560x463 48kB)
What is happening
2 hours later 13390042 Anonymous (fuc.png 249x229 47kB)
What's gonna happen? will they actually reach 2 buds for the holidays?
In my opinion I think they'll go to 1.5 buds on december 1st and then once december 15th comes around, they'll crash down hard hard hard with all the hoarders selling and panicking
how do i know?
The same shit happens with runescape santa hats
3 hours later 13390049 420 John !cenaUmCM2E
U cnt cee me
3 hours later 13390121 Anonymous (2012-09-05_00001.jpg 1280x720 97kB)
ESPECIALLY YOU, >>13389575
Post sollys
3 hours later 13390157 420 John !cenaUmCM2E (Gay_(JohnCena03).jpg 622x387 66kB)
a mind fuck is what is happening you nigger faggot
3 hours later 13390162 Anonymous (Latest.jpg 1360x768 100kB)
Rate my scoot.
Still got to name things, set isn't complete yet.
3 hours later 13390179 Anonymous (conjuring a persona.png 1366x768 135kB)
Aight, let's do this.
Whoever wants to save these miserable piles of shit can save them.
3 hours later 13390183 Anonymous (2012-09-03_00002.jpg 1600x900 134kB)
3 hours later 13390215 420 John !cenaUmCM2E
Looks like shit
3 hours later 13390221 Anonymous
>Add three different people to buy the same thing.
>They're all idling or go offline shortly after.
Why am I not allowed to have a Boom-Bringer TF2G?
3 hours later 13390223 Team Purple Swag (2012-09-05_00001.jpg 1920x1080 154kB)
alright guys
i'm selling it all for relatively cheap, so let's make a deal
3 hours later 13390226 Anonymous
>Hue Tooth Kickers
>On Scout
Any other class. Jesus.
heylookatme/2.4 /10
3 hours later 13390250 Anonymous
u a nazi
3 hours later 13390287 Anonymous
Close though :v
3 hours later 13390302 420 John !cenaUmCM2E
No one wants your shit faggot
3 hours later 13390307 BK
Wie gehts??
3 hours later 13390341 Anonymous (2012-09-02_00002.jpg 1280x720 68kB)
>Someone mentions tripname
>Go into shitpost mode
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, stawp it
ITT: The Best Public Test Version of anything
3 hours later 13390387 Anonymous
would you take 2 ref for both craft hats ginger
3 hours later 13390423 Anonymous
sell me napper 1 ref plss
3 hours later 13390450 Anonymous
3 hours later 13390452 420 John !cenaUmCM2E
try adding .66 to that you fucking jewfaggot
#back to the ovens
3 hours later 13390456 Anonymous
V-vekeerde taal :v
3 hours later 13390465 Anonymous (gutte pee.jpg 200x200 24kB)
I'll give it 3 more minutes.
3 hours later 13390473 Anonymous
Please go back to >>>/Autpost/
3 hours later 13390494 Anonymous
craft it
3 hours later 13390505 Anonymous (1326481502779s.jpg 127x72 2kB)
>People who think craftable hats are worth less than 1.33
3 hours later 13390562 Anonymous
rough prostate exam.
3 hours later 13390576 BK
3 hours later 13390617 Anonymous
jij bent een flikker
That's all I know how to say.
3 hours later 13390687 Anonymous (conjuring a persona2.png 1366x768 125kB)
Alright, here we go.
Suspense because I feel like it gives me good luck.
3 hours later 13390710 Anonymous
>good luck
3 hours later 13390745 420 John !cenaUmCM2E
Bald engie
3 hours later 13390758 Anonymous
Concerning idle accounts, have you themed them or given them varied names as to not link them together?
I decided to try out idling and have made 3, all named after the same very stupid character in a british series.
3 hours later 13390773 Anonymous
How are you typing with my dick in your mouth?
3 hours later 13390778 Anonymous (conjuring a persona3.png 1366x768 133kB)
S-shut up, it gave me that Strange FaN earlier.
Either way I'm completely indifferent towards this.
3 hours later 13390797 Anonymous
Stop it, I filtered that faggot
3 hours later 13390836 Anonymous
That's a real manly helmet, really.
>odschols continua
Captcha is right, that helmet is continuously old school
3 hours later 13390869 420 John !cenaUmCM2E
the same way your mother type with my nigger dick in her mouth
#fuck off
#smoke weed erry day
3 hours later 13390912 Anonymous (science.jpg 1920x1080 171kB)
Place your bets.
3 hours later 13390936 Anonymous
Athletic Supporter
3 hours later 13390943 Anonymous
Pie ro hat.
3 hours later 13390951 Anonymous
Dread Know
3 hours later 13390993 Anonymous
How to find of someone has salvaged crate?
3 hours later 13390995 Anonymous
Engineer hat, but may I save the athletic supporter by any chance?
3 hours later 13390997 Anonymous
fa _ t learner
3 hours later 13391012 Anonymous
3 hours later 13391028 420 John !cenaUmCM2E
Bald engie
3 hours later 13391058 Anonymous
Uninstall TF2
3 hours later 13391082 Anonymous
Visit your local synagogue.
3 hours later 13391094 Anonymous
type unbindall in console 8)))))))
3 hours later 13391102 Anonymous (result.jpg 1920x1080 156kB)
Well fuck, now I have two of these and I don't want either.
3 hours later 13391112 420 John !cenaUmCM2E
you suck their dick like every one of the faggots here did
#anus loving
3 hours later 13391118 Anonymous
3 hours later 13391119 Anonymous
craft 8 crates together and hope for the best
3 hours later 13391131 Anonymous
science them both
3 hours later 13391137 Anonymous (P3 cast finds mc's stash of robot porn.png 504x504 275kB)
3 hours later 13391175 Anonymous
WTT Strange Botkiller Flame Thrower for StickyBomb
any interest?
3 hours later 13391196 Anonymous (ITBEGINS.png 626x694 42kB)
3 hours later 13391221 Anonymous
Virtual Reality Headset.
3 hours later 13391224 Anonymous (tf2-20120905-203820.png 1920x1080 239kB)
I need a good color for my Ballcap.
I was thinking maybe VoT or Balaclavas.
Any suggestions?
3 hours later 13391237 420 John !cenaUmCM2E
Enjoy your anal rape faggot
3 hours later 13391254 Anonymous
>Crafting a Stout Shako
Enjoy your Batter's Helm faggot
3 hours later 13391258 Anonymous
Waterlogged Lab Coat
3 hours later 13391270 Anonymous
Sell 'em, they are both worth 2 keys.
Source: Spreadshit
3 hours later 13391273 Anonymous (checkuma.png 628x639 27kB)
I like it Slate.
3 hours later 13391274 Anonymous
VoT looks dull on it compared to pretty much every other hat with it on it.
3 hours later 13391278 Anonymous (l.jpg 1280x768 326kB)
Anyone selling a strange force a nature yet?
3 hours later 13391294 Anonymous
Just leave it.
3 hours later 13391308 Anonymous (le success face.png 338x181 5kB)
3 hours later 13391321 Anonymous
3 hours later 13391329 Anonymous
that be a fucking 90's rapper or I will kill you
3 hours later 13391378 Anonymous (hue.jpg 1006x519 46kB)
oh god HOLY it's actually decent
3 hours later 13391413 420 John !cenaUmCM2E
>liking anytype of rap
How does it feel being the hugest faggot here?
3 hours later 13391442 BK
It's nuthin but a g thang
3 hours later 13391464 Anonymous
>stop liking what i dont like
3 hours later 13391468 Anonymous (1346270746184.png 200x200 49kB)
Just finished my first tour and I got the botkiller weapon I wanted the most.
knife not gold ;-;/spoiler[]
3 hours later 13391472 Anonymous
That might work.
I hadn't considered going lighter.
Slate would be nice on BLU, but I don't want a color that I'd hate half the time.
3 hours later 13391508 BK
How did you fuck that spoiler tag up so much??
3 hours later 13391514 Anonymous
You butt <3~
3 hours later 13391518 Anonymous
>not lik-
>oh wait no that's john the faggot
>oh wait no that's a fake trip
Dammit I don't know what to thing anymore.
3 hours later 13391567 Anonymous
Filter him anyway.
3 hours later 13391578 Anonymous
3 hours later 13391637 420 John cenaUmCM2E
With John cena you never have to think. Just take it all in balls deep.
And why would you do that?
3 hours later 13391650 Anonymous
The description makes no sense
3 hours later 13391670 brah (40.png 370x369 38kB)
>he's shitposting so I'll shitpost at him! haha what a fuckin idiot.
3 hours later 13391687 Anonymous
Buy my shit
3 hours later 13391762 Anonymous
We filter worthless people. You fit the description.
>shitposting to argue
Another tripfag to filter, how convenient.
3 hours later 13391781 Anonymous
we trades now?
you wont' like them ;_;
3 hours later 13391813 Anonymous
Regular Sticky Bomb or Botkiller Sticky Bomb?
3 hours later 13391814 420 John !!cenaUmCM2E
And yet i could keep getting around it go figure. Have fun doing that faggot
3 hours later 13391816 BK
Because every single tripfag shitposts just because hes a tripfag
3 hours later 13391817 Anonymous
Please use a trip so i can filter you plz.
3 hours later 13391830 Anonymous
Well, you haven't painted your accessories, so a lighter cap will help match the accessories.
3 hours later 13391890 Anonymous
How does one get rid of a bunch of crates #45 without deleting them? I tried raffling, but the winner didn't even want them.
3 hours later 13391923 Anonymous
But I did paint the accessories?
They're a shitty green by default.
3 hours later 13391931 Anonymous
delete you fuck
3 hours later 13391934 brah
I wasn't even arguing nigger, I was agreeing
3 hours later 13391936 Anonymous
hey fags
been playing the game for a few months, and i want to get into trading (i like how strange weapons keep your kill count)
anyway, i dont have much. how does one get started? any basic tips?
3 hours later 13391946 Anonymous
you buy keys, open the crates, and kill yourself
3 hours later 13391971 Anonymous
If I donate to Outpost, will it autobump my trades every hour or so Bazaar style, where I have to visit the page to bump, or does it do it like it's supposed to, where I can have my computer off for example and it will still bump every hour.
3 hours later 13391972 BK
Add /id/bubberkill
I'll help you out
3 hours later 13391974 420 John
should i just give this guy my trip and let him keep on with the shitposting duties?
3 hours later 13391979 Anonymous
Oh, yeah, you did. I more meant the more standout white. Having a lighter cap will help bring attention to those parts.
3 hours later 13391982 Anonymous
I'll take them for free
3 hours later 13392008 Anonymous
Go jewing for an entire week straight non stop
Liquify winnings for keys
Stream the regret to /vg/ via twitchtv
3 hours later 13392030 420 John !!cenaUmCM2E
Seem's so at this point. i am having fun
3 hours later 13392032 Anonymous (1342987006966.gif 334x193 2095kB)
I hate saying this, but buy a couple keys, they are worth about 2.33 ref in the market.
MOST hats are 1.33 ref.
3 hours later 13392036 Anonymous (science o clock.png 1366x768 92kB)
That raffu will live on
3 hours later 13392043 Anonymous (king.png 1280x720 836kB)
Enjoy that Spartan, bro.
...Brah was agreeing though?
3 hours later 13392048 Anonymous
>extrapolating from a single example
How about no? A lot of tripfags here are perfectly fine.
Okay for this time nigga
3 hours later 13392056 Anonymous
Don't donate to bazaar, you're facilitating the destruction of the already bad trading community.
3 hours later 13392057 Anonymous
3 hours later 13392075 Anonymous (science o clock.png 1366x768 152kB)
Oh the suspense
3 hours later 13392084 Anonymous
>2.3 ref
3 hours later 13392102 Anonymous
Bald Sniper
3 hours later 13392108 Anonymous
meant outpost #losing
3 hours later 13392138 420 John
3 hours later 13392139 Anonymous
I was talking about Outpost.
And they accept like 2 key donations, the only reason I'll donate is for the autobump.
3 hours later 13392142 BK
Everyone hates every tripfag
Everybody knows that
3 hours later 13392145 Anonymous
Not a bad idea, I might have to give that a shot.
3 hours later 13392147 Anonymous
>...Brah was agreeing though?
Crap I must be really tired to be the only one not seeing this, sorry for that I guess.
>apologies on tf2g
3 hours later 13392162 Anonymous (akihiko.png 374x544 9kB)
Oh gosh.
Good luck.
3 hours later 13392163 Anonymous (2012-09-05_00002.jpg 1280x720 105kB)
This time poost your upcoming toasties
3 hours later 13392170 Anonymous (science o clock.png 1366x768 109kB)
Well, at least I didnt own this hat.
And heavy is my poorest guy.
3 hours later 13392174 Anonymous (scootscoot.jpg 1167x571 86kB)
>browsing through the thread
>see this
>no one ever says that when I post my scout
he named my scatterfun :v
3 hours later 13392205 Anonymous
>Add a guy for his Crate 40
>He asks me why I want it
>Tell him I plan to unbox it
>He asks me to add him to skype to show him what I unboxed
>Don't know what to say
>Say no
>He deletes me
3 hours later 13392214 420 John
judging by those flip flops and shades the scatter's name fits perfectyl
3 hours later 13392221 Anonymous (1319770014247.jpg 553x484 25kB)
>adding a tripfag
im skeptical
3 hours later 13392236 420 John !!cenaUmCM2E
Nice fuck up
3 hours later 13392240 Anonymous
>wearing flip flops
pls stop
3 hours later 13392257 BK
I'm the good one :3
3 hours later 13392269 420 John (1344668597461.png 500x464 11kB)
here are the prizes, if he asks if he can buy something from you
dont get jewed by him
3 hours later 13392282 Anonymous (crazy adachi.png 122x127 38kB)
>level 33
>heavy weighs 333 pounds
3 hours later 13392325 420 John !!cenaUmCM2E
Pick one nigger
3 hours later 13392330 Anonymous
>never play scout
>still tempted to buy flip flops and lucky no 42
3 hours later 13392334 420 John (1345773957806.jpg 248x200 9kB)
3 hours later 13392378 BK
3 hours later 13392491 Anonymous
Guys is this duped
pls respond
3 hours later 13392547 Anonymous
How do you dupe a hat
3 hours later 13392552 420 John !!cenaUmCM2E
Thank you for proving you are not a good tripfag. No please go choke on a horse dick
3 hours later 13392557 Anonymous
3 hours later 13392559 Anonymous (THEBEST.png 942x488 532kB)
>mains spy
3 hours later 13392562 420 John
3 hours later 13392604 Anonymous
It's clean.
3 hours later 13392612 420 John
would main pyro just to use all day
3 hours later 13392624 Anonymous (Pres.png 477x300 103kB)
So who would each of the TF2 mercs vote for in the 1968 Presidential Election? Assume Mann Co made them all American citizens.
3 hours later 13392640 Anonymous
So, how useful is the gas jockey set? I've been using it for a little while now, but I I can't really seem to notice the speed boost or the bullet damage, they both seem to miniscule to really make a huge difference. But will the extra speed help the pyro outrun other classes? And is the powerjack worth losing insta-crits from the axtinguisher?
3 hours later 13392657 Anonymous
3 hours later 13392678 Anonymous (imagebythatanon7.jpg 109x148 4kB)
I-I main spy.
You know, I'm gonna seem really fucking retarded, but why do people dislike dupes?
3 hours later 13392685 Anonymous
3 hours later 13392693 Anonymous
which tripfags should I filter? besides obviously John Cena and :-D
No, I won't filter all of them, or else the whole thread would be hidden
3 hours later 13392708 Anonymous
While YOU might not notice the speed difference; your enemies will when they are trying to run the fuck away from you
3 hours later 13392714 Anonymous (choose your own loadout.png 1040x466 289kB)
So, because of recent crafts, I wanna dress up my fat man.
Which one works better?
3 hours later 13392727 Anonymous
Russian Gypsy Magic
3 hours later 13392728 Anonymous
BK is one of the ones you really should filter before you catch his faggotry
3 hours later 13392731 Anonymous
Duped hats' values are severely lowered.
3 hours later 13392737 420 John
is that beard green
all of them are shit btw
3 hours later 13392742 Anonymous
Scout: Too Young
Spy, Sniper, Mediic: Nixon
Soldier: Wallace
Demo, Heavy, Engie: Humphrey
Pyro: Themselves
3 hours later 13392753 Anonymous
3 hours later 13392760 Anonymous
Don't filter :-D
he actually has some decent things to say and contribute to sometimes
3 hours later 13392774 Anonymous
After ocho
3 hours later 13392790 Intellectual Zombie (my arm is fine, really.png 1088x519 458kB)
Stormy Backbiter's Billycock.
Nightly reminder to buy it.
Replace 2 Buds with 1.66 Buds. That's all I need.
3 hours later 13392795 Anonymous
But how do you dupe one?
3 hours later 13392797 Anonymous
1 and 2 are pretty good, I'd go with 2.
3 hours later 13392803 Anonymous
Demoman: Hubert Humphrey (cause black civil rights)
3 hours later 13392806 Anonymous
>taking off your trip
fuck off :-D
3 hours later 13392817 Anonymous
put your trip back on :-D you spic faggot
3 hours later 13392820 Anonymous
Granberia: the item history looks wierd 19:07:24
Granberia: http://www.tf2items.com/item/1088289313 19:07:35
Granberia: this here 19:07:36
Geno the Wooden Doll: oh that its because my friend leted his friend use it 19:08:22
Geno the Wooden Doll: this was way before he sold it to me 19:09:07
Guys I'm scared ;_; Should I do it? (I have a TF logo fedora for his steaming fedora)
3 hours later 13392821 Anonymous
you run at medic speed, spies can't get away from you
3 hours later 13392829 420 John
paint it brown or something more natural
3 hours later 13392834 Anonymous
1 or 2
2 if tomislav/iron
1 otherwise
3 hours later 13392839 Anonymous
Russian Gypsy Magic
3 hours later 13392840 Anonymous
1 or 3
3 hours later 13392896 Anonymous
>Soldier voting for a racist
>His best friend is black
Considering he's nuts it could happen.
3 hours later 13392897 Anonymous (tf2_general.png 655x218 18kB)
i'm not him :(
3 hours later 13392901 Anonymous
>(I have a TF logo fedora for his steaming fedora)
3 hours later 13392907 Anonymous
The gas jockey set is one of the best, the speed really helps you catch up to people and run away if you find yourself in a bad situation.
As for giving up free crits, the powerjack has the same hidden attribute as the half-zatoichi, a 5% chance NOT to crit. Really. And the health is nice too. You just have to use it in a different way.
You don't puff-n-sting, you roast-n-toast.
3 hours later 13392935 Anonymous
Only a lunatic votes for the third-party candidate anyway.
3 hours later 13392942 Anonymous
Steaming is worth more on backpack.tf, s-sorry anonymous
3 hours later 13392952 Anonymous (what (2).png 405x394 152kB)
Well I assumed that, but I mean, do people seriously just buy unusuals for profit?
I wouldn't care if I got a duped unusual so long as if it was one I actually like.
But I'm poor so I guess I don't know what I'm talking about.
3 hours later 13392964 Anonymous
ba dum tish
3 hours later 13392998 BK
Nah im fine without it :3
3 hours later 13393012 Anonymous
Post your sprays
3 hours later 13393043 Anonymous
>Steaming is worth more on backpack.tf,
> backpack.tf,
3 hours later 13393051 Anonymous
>Medic is pisseasy
>Medic is pisseasy
>Medic is pisseasy
>You guys suck
>You guys suck
>You guys suck
That is all i've ever heard him say. and after the third time i filtered him
3 hours later 13393070 Anonymous
We already did that in this thread, fuck off.
3 hours later 13393079 Anonymous (2012-09-06_00001.jpg 1360x768 105kB)
i need a name for my flying demopans bird
3 hours later 13393095 Anonymous
>Join valve server
>Soldiers and demomen with animu avatars wrecking everyone else
I know you're here.
3 hours later 13393096 Anonymous
Nah i think need the dick in your mouth for longer. Seems thats why it took you so long to reply. Had to make sure to get all the semen didn't ya faggot?
3 hours later 13393107 BK
Wheres your name Bele??
3 hours later 13393123 Anonymous (1342752975423.jpg 543x499 47kB)
>tfw unusual
I try so hard to open up crates and keep a steady amount, I never get it. ;_;
3 hours later 13393137 BK
Oh no, some guy called me a faggot on 4chan
>brb gonna an hero
3 hours later 13393138 Anonymous (Store.jpg 430x610 224kB)
I use it for MvM
3 hours later 13393169 Anonymous
Are you litereally 12? Your grammar fucking sucks and your "insult" barely makes any sense at all. Please go back to >>>/b/
3 hours later 13393176 Anonymous
i think you are mistaken
3 hours later 13393181 Anonymous
>opening up crates with the goal of getting an unusual
reported to acesgamer
3 hours later 13393197 Anonymous
pretty sure the threads would be better if you did kill yourself. Please do it.
3 hours later 13393213 Anonymous (1282283852219.jpg 755x569 51kB)
>that feel when someone unboxes a really worthless unusual, like a nuts and bolts dread knot for example, and freaks out on /v/ like they just hit the jackpot
Gets me every time.
3 hours later 13393278 BK
Doesent he have the same name for his Frying pan?? Oh well
>if you did kill yourself
>did kill yourself
Welcome to /vg/ please enjoy you're stay
3 hours later 13393280 Anonymous
Those are genuine weeaboos.
They hate western videogames but when they play they're fucking godmode at it.
3 hours later 13393287 Anonymous (datglengarry.jpg 357x255 29kB)
>not getting your dream unusual gifted to you
3 hours later 13393295 Lulzy
>tfw unusual
I think ur doing it wrong.
3 hours later 13393310 Anonymous
The Caw-Pilot
3 hours later 13393327 Anonymous (Laughing_Knight.png 499x332 350kB)
>not being happy you unboxed an unusual
Wow what a jaded faggot.
3 hours later 13393332 Anonymous
That sensation when you airshot a scout with the stock rocket launcher by accident.
3 hours later 13393342 Anonymous (biracialfeel.png 500x461 54kB)
> tfw item server offline
3 hours later 13393360 Anonymous
Lel youreself so funnay epic meem bro 420
3 hours later 13393378 brah (34.png 313x373 45kB)
why don't we have anime weedlords that are good at the game
3 hours later 13393405 BK
I dont know that feel
How the fuck can you shitpost more than me?? Thats pretty fucking nice
3 hours later 13393438 Anonymous (IhopeIdidn'tgetfucked;_;.png 689x149 15kB)
Backpack.tf and tf2pricecheck said that steaming was more, I did it
I'll raffle the normal hats in a bit
3 hours later 13393441 Anonymous
bk the reason he hates you is because you main spy
I hate you too but not as much as that guy
4 hours later 13393447 Anonymous
promos you want for tf2 that will never happen
S.T.A.L.K.E.R plz gabe plz ;_;
4 hours later 13393449 Anonymous
does m4rissa count?
and i know harbleu visits /jp/ which explains a lot.
4 hours later 13393459 Anonymous
science then raffle
4 hours later 13393494 Anonymous
It's a skill that is useful to have really.You really should try and step up your game bro.
also >>13393441 said.
4 hours later 13393505 Anonymous
>backstabbing fags and leaving pony sprays everywhere
>turned off all the le music in tf2
>listening to winamp
>suddenly m83 - midnight city comes up as i'm stabbing
le epin
4 hours later 13393506 Anonymous
Call of Duty
4 hours later 13393508 brah (32.png 545x613 128kB)
they don't post or play here
harb played a handful of pugs one week and left because he buttdunked everyone
4 hours later 13393516 Anonymous
fedora is uncraftable
4 hours later 13393521 Anonymous (ive never felt like.jpg 632x896 1440kB)
Lucky bastard.
Shame I'll probably never get my dream unusual.
cloudy moon company man, you'll be mine some day
4 hours later 13393528 Lulzy (1344964055560.jpg 523x442 76kB)
That sensation when you accidentally hit any bullseye without really expecting to.
4 hours later 13393559 Anonymous
>damnit, ive seen this thing a million times, what doujin is it from
4 hours later 13393572 BK
I just play to have fun, recently i've found my self playing Solly alot
I did it with a sticky once
Spy is just fun to play
4 hours later 13393636 Anonymous
Incinerator from Fallout, but they already did a promotional with the Pipboy.
I guess... Evil Genius. Both have similar colour pallets and art style.
>Spy gets a re-skin of the Ambassador (Eli Barracuda's revolver)
And I can't think of anything else at the moment, check back later.
4 hours later 13393648 Anonymous
> misusing greentext
4 hours later 13393701 Anonymous
>fucking up the meme arrows
>giving shit to some one else for it
Do you even 4chan nigger?
4 hours later 13393732 Anonymous (1346713671767.jpg 424x418 7kB)
stop using meme arrows
4 hours later 13393738 Anonymous
I keep killing people with my guillotine because they keep stepping in front of the person I bonk. wait your turn I want to get this crit before I kill you
4 hours later 13393743 Anonymous
>lolol i trollololo u
4 hours later 13393780 Anonymous
No, I often just stick to reddit :)
They also have better players.
4 hours later 13393813 Anonymous
that sensation when killing the opposite team's medic with a long range crossbow shot, ruining their uber
4 hours later 13393814 Anonymous
Figures you were an even bigger faggot then BK and charlie
4 hours later 13393818 Anonymous (1309562827915.jpg 126x118 3kB)
>Get completely bullshit kill
4 hours later 13393823 Anonymous
>mfw I misused le meme arrows
seriously though, sauce on the image
4 hours later 13393837 Anonymous
>better players
>he wasn't here for the glorious shazdunk of /v/ vs Reddit
4 hours later 13393858 Anonymous
inb4 shitstorm
>le pyro and demo main general
4 hours later 13393874 BK
Atleast you remember me :3
4 hours later 13393901 Lulzy (1345440928964.png 1022x618 569kB)
>misuses le meme arrow >anon intentionally blacktexts>you say " do you even 4chan
> Did u le trol me son?
4 hours later 13393981 Anonymous
I was joking when I said I went to reddit but I actually went into one reddit server and they actually had good players. All those redditards outside of the reddit servers with le fahnny meme face avatars usually suck iguana cocks, though.
4 hours later 13393989 Anonymous (ill never forget you random tf2g bro who traded me this.png 447x308 29kB)
That glorious moment where you're able to start refining that bullseye trigger into an actual form.
4 hours later 13394036 Baraggan Luisenbarn
Oh god what have I done, please help me.
4 hours later 13394106 Anonymous
new thread when?
4 hours later 13394159 Anonymous
4 hours later 13394189 Anonymous (1346396007537.jpg 300x300 77kB)
>he can't get airshots with the stock nade launcher
>laughing scouts.jpg
4 hours later 13394203 Anonymous
>playing hoovy
>medic kritzes me
>only one enemy near us
>its XxXsuperproMLGXxX scout who talks a bunch of smack all game
>I pull out regret mittens
>I get a get a hit on him as he goes for my medic
>he laughs
>medic taunt kills him with ubersaw, gets a whole uber
>scout cries on his mic like a bitch
felt goodman
4 hours later 13394286 Anonymous (1338857410572.jpg 638x480 23kB)
>stock grenade launcher
>not enjoying dat fucking splash damage on the loch n load
>not one-shotting a heavy-medic combo with a crit lnl pill
that pro ain't ironic, son.
4 hours later 13394351 Anonymous
4 hours later 13394395 Anonymous
>demo with lnl and sticklauncher
>doesn't get priority by kritz medic
you live such an awful existence.
4 hours later 13394435 Anonymous
meant for >>13394351
but fuck it, new thread time.
4 hours later 13394483 Anonymous
>>13394124 argure about it here
4 hours later 13394536 Anonymous
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