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2012-09-05 10:31 13373694 Anonymous Phantasy Star Online 2 General Thread #61 (fappies.jpg 1906x1165 2571kB)
Rehashed Content Edition Old thread: >>12986218 >Miku's Concert at the Arks Lobby (Rare Item Get Version) http://youtu.be/ByUIVuUMogE >September Update Trailer: http://youtu.be/T4CcqHVrpOU >How to Register: http://goo . gl/p4dbB >English Patch: http://psumods.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=206 >Frequently Asked Questions and Information (READ THIS): http://pastebin.com/q9w86Tbz >Other In-Game Information: http://pastebin.com/PEBm1AMj >Skill Tree Simulator: http://ryuhiroshi.ry.funpic.de/ >Official Blog: http://ameblo.jp/sega-psblog >Guides and Additional FAQs (read before asking questions) http://bumped.org/psublog/ >Japanese Wikis: http://pso2.swiki.jp/index.php http://wikiwiki.asia/pso2/ >Japanese Wiki Translations: http://goo . gl/7omCX >Lists of /vg/ affiliated players http://goo . gl/eZ9v4 >Hotglue's PSO2 Wiki: http://hotglue.wikia.com/wiki/PSO2 >Story Translation on PSO-W: http://www.pso-world.com/forums/showthread.php?t=194721

28 min later 13375238 Anonymous
this game is pretty fucking dead general

1 hours later 13377187 Anonymous (048b.jpg 328x316 36kB)
>>13373694 Aren't you 200 posts too early?

1 hours later 13377251 Anonymous
>>13377187 isn't current /vg/ limit 750 posts until bumplimit

1 hours later 13377336 Anonymous
>>13377251 it's 1000 unless they changed it recently

1 hours later 13377482 Anonymous
>>13377336 it did change. when was the last time you saw a 950-1000+ thread?

1 hours later 13377545 Anonymous
>>13377423 That thread was first and I like its op more.

1 hours later 13377560 Anonymous
Yayo does not know about /vg/ change that happened a long time ago already general

1 hours later 13377721 Anonymous
>>13377545 This thread was made an hour and 7 minutes before the other one, actually.

1 hours later 13377908 Anonymous
PSO2: We Got Double General Thread #61 Edition

2 hours later 13380849 Anonymous
It's 3 days that SEGA updated that damn gameguard and i still can't play GENERAL. You'll never reach level 30 before new job patch GENERAL

2 hours later 13380908 Anonymous
hey guise, is dis a good build to work towards? http://ryuhiroshi.ry.funpic.de/pso2/ranger.html?01RA!IOI2IbwdGFftFj going to move from hunter to work on ranger class since the gunner PAs look tight as fuck

2 hours later 13381083 Anonymous
>>13380908 also why the fuck won't my game ever finish updating, i keep getting an http error

2 hours later 13381204 Decil Galette (pso20120906_064008_004.jpg 1366x768 463kB)
A wild Spardan A appears!

2 hours later 13381279 Anonymous
>>13380908 I don't know if you'll be able to equip any of the best weapons without a mag, you might want to take some points from weak hit advance and put them in R-Atk.

2 hours later 13381308 Anonymous
Dead game general I put in over 300 hours and still have to wait a week for new stuff which won't really be THAT new anyways? Goddamn it sega!

2 hours later 13381351 Anonymous
>>13381279 i built my mag to be purely r-atk, is that relevent? haven't played for a few months

2 hours later 13381476 Anonymous
>>13381351 Oh, if that's the case, it's fine. Though you might try and calculate if you need that much R-Atk, and put some points in Standing Snipe.

2 hours later 13382429 Anonymous
>>13381308 Won't be that new? What? No, it'll be totally new. No new levels, but each weapon will have 7 PAs, and there are 3 new classes that play quite differently from the existing ones. Also, 300 hours is not enough.

2 hours later 13382486 Anonymous
Is the game really dead in population or everything released was was already fully explored? I was going to start playing now, but i guess im late to the party.

2 hours later 13382612 Anonymous
>>13382486 You'll max level, beat all the quests, and get tired of city in only 150 hours. Less if you speed up/know what you're doing.

2 hours later 13382747 Anonymous
Is there anything we can do about MAPPA1? he's here on ship 2 B-20 dc'ing everyone, seriously, he's the reason why we're going to get IP-banned.

2 hours later 13382805 Anonymous
>>13382747 You can report him.

2 hours later 13382880 Anonymous
>>13382805 I've reported him 3 times already, he keeps coming back on a new account.

2 hours later 13382928 Anonymous
Gameguard is severely hindering my ability to fatten my wallet in preparation for the next update. I hope SEGA gives me something to compensate for it, the fucking jews.

2 hours later 13383060 Anonymous
>>13382747 How about not playing b-20?

2 hours later 13383140 Anonymous
>>13383060 Shit, how about not playing in ship 2?

2 hours later 13383229 Anonymous
>>13383140 That's NOT MY POINT. I'm saying that if he KEEPS THIS UP we're ALL done for, fucking, lay the shitty ship battle aside. this is serious.

2 hours later 13383378 Anonymous
>>13383229 There's not really anything we can do, I'm afraid. Eventually he'll get bored and fuck off elsewhere. I guess if you were some sort of super amazing hacker, you might be able to track him down and post his address or phone number here or on PSO-World...

3 hours later 13384441 Anonymous (sosexy.jpg 485x344 63kB)
so damn sexy

3 hours later 13384524 Anonymous
>>13383229 I honestly can't and won't give a shit if they end up doing this because the whole gameguard saga has killed the game already for me.

3 hours later 13384738 Anonymous (Letmetellyouaboutpso2.jpg 1280x1440 329kB)

3 hours later 13385216 Anonymous
how do you hide all of the UI for screenshots

3 hours later 13385620 Anonymous (dsfargeg.jpg 792x478 97kB)

4 hours later 13388293 Decil Galette (pso20120906_084811_008.jpg 1366x768 350kB)

4 hours later 13388471 Anonymous
How much do yellow rappy suits go for now?

4 hours later 13388849 Anonymous
>>13385620 oh wow thanks

4 hours later 13389221 Anonymous
Anyone on ship 10 wanna start a team?

4 hours later 13389307 Anonymous (soon.jpg 1280x1440 309kB)

4 hours later 13389416 Anonymous
>>13389221 come over to ship 4 and we'll talk about it

4 hours later 13389446 Anonymous
>>13389416 not gonna make a new character, thats not how i roll

4 hours later 13389496 Anonymous
>>13389446 enjoy being alone dude

4 hours later 13389532 Anonymous
>>13389496 i'm always alone anon

4 hours later 13389787 Anonymous
>>13389532 there's no harm in it. at least join me on ship 6. I'm lonely too, anon~

4 hours later 13389861 Anonymous
>>13389787 name? are you on the spreadsheet?

4 hours later 13390037 Anonymous
>>13389861 Belkether, and I'm only joking anon. I don't want you to suffer here too.

4 hours later 13390405 Anonymous
>>13390037 I should have known. Why is it always only me and you from ship 6 on this thread and for that matter, game?...

5 hours later 13391184 Anonymous
>>13390405 because most english people on ship 6 were only there for their friends, never had an interest in getting a community going, were PSO-W people and moved to their respective ship, and most of all were just flavor-of-the-month fags. I still prefer to be there than on ship 2 and 4 tbh, especially with the PSO-W people gone. I'm just a really stubborn guy though.

5 hours later 13391503 Anonymous
>>13391184 Well I was there with my friends who now have work and school so can't play as much. Also we all maxed everything and I guess are just waiting for the update. I know I am. I can only farm fruitlessly for so long until I give up, even I have my limits. I'll still definitely stay on 6 though. Guess I'm just as stubborn as you.

6 hours later 13395620 Anonymous (ImpendingRape.jpg 1360x768 416kB)

6 hours later 13396175 Anonymous (dsfargeg.jpg 391x339 49kB)
What should I do with this?

6 hours later 13396758 Decil Galette (pso20120904_034528_002.jpg 1366x768 411kB)
Banther deserving it, while Imran proceed to rape this catpoo further.

6 hours later 13396883 Decil Galette (pso20120904_034136_000.jpg 1366x768 352kB)
>>13396758 And another one, just before Banther gets roasted alive like he should be.

6 hours later 13397009 Anonymous
>>13396175 Use it or NPC it. It's pretty common. Now, calvaria arm units on the other hand, shit is rare.

6 hours later 13397062 Anonymous
Was it possible to light bather before the fang cats update?

6 hours later 13397269 Anonymous
>>13397062 Before forest cat patch, I don't think so.

7 hours later 13397783 Anonymous
>>13397269 Yes, it was. It's always been possible. Light him on fire on my very first fight.

7 hours later 13399259 Anonymous
>>13389221 I'm on Ship 10, what's your character's name?

7 hours later 13399607 Anonymous
Just started the game. What's a good ship to start at? (Good pop, don't mind playing with japs)

7 hours later 13399729 Anonymous
>>13399607 6

7 hours later 13399840 Anonymous
>>13399607 Ship 2. Everyone from PSO-World (largest English PSO site there is) and English speaking communities are playing on there. Ship 4 or 10 is an alternative, but it is dying.

7 hours later 13399946 Anonymous
>>13399607 take a look at bottom https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AlHDNQrZ8CbrdDVDVkhZQ0JoOVhxZTBVX3d4N0JlcGc#gid=0 you can see ship 02, 04, 06 and 10 and decide by yourself

7 hours later 13400018 Anonymous
Who else is still getting fucked up by GG?

7 hours later 13400050 Anonymous
>>13400018 not me. Stay getting bodied by GG of all things though

7 hours later 13400071 Anonymous
>>13400018 Sadly, not me and I have never had any issue with GG

7 hours later 13400124 Anonymous
>>13400018 Seeing how I still haven't watched ep 8 of joshiraku yet, me. But seriously, gameguard has been fine. Win 7 x32 here.

8 hours later 13400437 Anonymous
>>13397783 All I do is Foie/rafoie all day all night and I never got to light snow banther before the fang cats, only burn status.

8 hours later 13400487 Anonymous
>>13399607 ship 4, don't go to other ships, they have very few players

8 hours later 13400493 Anonymous
So most of you guys play on Ship 2 then?

8 hours later 13400669 Anonymous
>>13400018 Anyone who has Win7/8 x64 is getting fucked up by GG. They released a GG patch to try to address that but it STILL doesn't work. Best thing to do - if you have a backup x32 install or Win XP is to play on that until Sega gets their head out of Korea's ass.

8 hours later 13400753 Anonymous
>>13400493 Ship 4 is filled with people from various boards, from 4chan Ship 2 is filled with PSO-W community pick your poison

8 hours later 13400816 Anonymous
>>13400493 Yeah, ship 02 has the heaviest English population, ship 4 is mostly 'us' you can pick for yourself though.

8 hours later 13400876 Anonymous
>>13400669 But that's wrong. I just installed PSO2 on my machine running Win7 x64

8 hours later 13401254 Anonymous
>>13400753 thats why you ignore both and choose 6

8 hours later 13401324 Anonymous (psu20111027_220755_000.jpg 1280x720 132kB)
From now on, every day until this outfit is put onto PSO2.

8 hours later 13401336 Anonymous
>>13400487 and? there are enough english speaking players on all ships to befriend and call it a day.

8 hours later 13401375 Anonymous
>>13401324 10million starting price

8 hours later 13401478 Anonymous

8 hours later 13401510 Anonymous
>>13401336 sure friend, like 1 or 2 guys and that's it get out ship 2, 6 or 10

8 hours later 13402046 Anonymous
>>13401324 Oh god please don't, this is ridiculous. Unless you're talking about the little newearl in valkyria chronicles costume.

8 hours later 13402194 Anonymous
>>13402046 I need it to satiate my exhibitionist fantasies.

8 hours later 13402465 Anonymous
So I'm doing the matter board shit, and I'm kinda stuck on one. I'm supposed to kill one of those damned wolves, the fangulfs and it's supposed to drop my item, but I've killed like a fucking million of the assholes but it's never appeared. The investigation description says they have to be lvl 7 or higher creatures, which i've been killing, so what gives? While I'm at it, what exactly is the whole point of the matter board again?

8 hours later 13402552 Anonymous
I'm on Ship 4 now, where does everyone usually hang out?

8 hours later 13402634 Anonymous
>>13402465 http://bumped.org/psublog/phantasy-star-online-2-open-beta-begins-and-mini-guide/#goals try rappy arrest map or open forest, you can get specific items, NPC cards and shit from matter board

8 hours later 13402683 Anonymous
>>13402552 Block 30>23>11>34

8 hours later 13402957 Anonymous (fo real yo.jpg 506x560 105kB)
Why so expensive and shit?

8 hours later 13403135 Anonymous (29689330.jpg 1047x1510 717kB)
How do you feel about Depth Bomb playing PSO2.

8 hours later 13403210 Anonymous
>>13403135 Who?

9 hours later 13403468 Anonymous (original.png 720x1066 646kB)
>>13403135 I don't know, but 7010 is enough for me.

9 hours later 13403554 Anonymous
>>13402046 what are you, gay?

9 hours later 13403707 -TheSignPainter (1272593379270.jpg 359x240 25kB)
OH MY GOD Stupid koffie quest to get drop items I do the same quest that gives the drop item 5 times and it gave me other crap i dont need and its so tedious

9 hours later 13403742 Anonymous
>>13403210 http://depthbomb.blog40.fc2.com/ http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=14753 I don't fucking care who is this but apparently that guy is pissing himself on excitement

9 hours later 13403793 Anonymous (DRINKY TIME.jpg 226x253 30kB)
>>13403707 Do you think that's bad, Painter? Wait until you hit level 20 and 25

9 hours later 13404347 Anonymous (fuck you!.gif 480x480 181kB)
>>13400018 yo, same problems as always. gonna send them the crap that they ask for and maybe try running the game in sandboxie since that seems to fix shit for some people

9 hours later 13404456 Anonymous
I think they really dropped the ball with the Miku tie-in. What they SHOULD have done: 1. Made Miku an NPC that you can only get quests from for a limited time (like Michaela). 2. First quest is to go to the main stage area and watch her song all the way through. Reward is Miku's partner card. 3. Second quest is to take Miku (FO) to hunt for her missing Leek (Rod) in Free Forest (Normal or Hard works). Drops from any Native enemy as a gold drop. Even though it counts as a rare weapon it's fairly easy to get. 4. Leek (Rod) can be equipped by any class at level 1. (Would basically be the joke Rod instead of the Mic Stand).

9 hours later 13404480 Anonymous

9 hours later 13404503 Anonymous
>>13404456 That actually sounds like a great event and how it should have been.

9 hours later 13404520 Anonymous (pso20120906_180030_001.jpg 1280x1004 633kB)

9 hours later 13404846 -TheSignPainter
>>13404456 I want a Leek Launcher that would really do it for me or you know...play different songs on the screen change the song like once a day even NO WAIT, a chibi miku MAG

9 hours later 13405070 Anonymous
So is anyone here playing currently?

9 hours later 13405234 Anonymous
>>13405070 I'd like to but a certain korean company doesn't want me to play.

9 hours later 13405292 Anonymous
>>13405070 sorry, time to sleep

9 hours later 13405326 Anonymous
>>13405070 Yes, Blessing the DooDoo

10 hours later 13405849 Anonymous
>>13404520 I hate you.

10 hours later 13405978 Anonymous (0721fe7dcc55ed279694755ff5bcb4ad.jpg 639x480 236kB)
>>13405070 There's people who still play all day, they just seem to be quieter. The social people usually show up a bit later and have their fun as well. Keep in mind though, an empty lobby doesn't mean everyone's offline. To get along you tend to need to play with the Japanese players on the map-specific lobbies. I see /vg/ people all the time when I do. General activity will go up a lot in a week though, I'm sure of it. Hopefully some old faces will come back as well.

10 hours later 13406032 Anonymous (pso20120905_165842_000.jpg 1920x1080 505kB)

10 hours later 13406135 Anonymous (wtfisgoingon.png 1289x762 1770kB)
I don't know what these japs are doing, but goddamn there's so much free loot and exp right here. Somehow their just standing their spamming launchers is making shit blow up everywhere forever.

10 hours later 13406172 Anonymous
>>13406135 DEAL WITH IT

10 hours later 13406193 Anonymous
>>13406172 NOW (fuck I was going post that)

10 hours later 13407525 Anonymous
>>13406135 hah, somebody on PSO-W posted about this exact same thing happening.

11 hours later 13407926 Anonymous
>>13406032 Seeing figures like this make me ashamed to have sold 300 grinders for the low price of 1050 space bucks.

11 hours later 13408653 Anonymous
>>13405070 >>13405070 I do but I tend to avoid people in the threads ever since english patch. I hope it will get banned or stop getting updated as soon as possible.

11 hours later 13408741 Anonymous
>>13408653 It already has stopped being updated though.

11 hours later 13409040 Anonymous
>>13408653 What's your problem with the English patch? It doesn't affect you at all, dumbass. >>13408741 Only because the only thing to translate at the moment is some Matter Board stuff and that's not worth releasing a whole new revision for when a major update with tons of newly translated content comes out in a week.

11 hours later 13409163 Anonymous
>>13409040 >What's your problem with the English patch? It doesn't affect you at all, dumbass. I'm not that guy you are quoting, but Quality of people

11 hours later 13409369 Anonymous
>>13409163 oh you're one of THOSE people gotcha

11 hours later 13409531 Anonymous
>>13409369 You don't worry. This patch is just a taste of inevitable US release. Nearing the influx of people in 2013 people like us will be completely driven out.

11 hours later 13409626 Anonymous
>>13409531 >Completely >Playing SoA pso Especially if SoA makes the game >localised >will listen to wider audience that want it exactly like PSO1 >or just wider audience >IP ban non-NA

11 hours later 13409703 Anonymous
>>13409369 I personally do not enjoy being semi-afk at the lobby while people on All/General spam 'xD', symbol art because hurr funeey, old memes/cancershit. Thank DooDoo and there are no one of those in the ship I moved, so, actually I don't care anymore about english patch

11 hours later 13409758 Anonymous
>>13409703 >HURR YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO DO WHAT I DON'T LIKE EVEN THOUGH IT DOESN'T AFFECT ME >saging a general you are as retarded as the people you hate

11 hours later 13409782 Anonymous
>>13409703 except nobody really does that anymore even in 2 20

11 hours later 13409831 Anonymous
>>13409703 Hey, you're the retard playing in ship 2.

12 hours later 13410287 Anonymous
>>13409758 I don't want some HUEG blacklist, and, maybe you are talking about yourself buddy, I don't hate anyone, is like, "I hate this song in my music player oh god i hate it so much" then why don't just delete it or play the next track?, it's so easy to ignore, honestly I feel ashamed at my own people, once one Jap told me he got annoyed by some weaboo. For some reason some games are region-restricted >>13409782 Really? >>13409831 I left ship 2 months ago, and if you've seen me before I never bitched about anything

12 hours later 13410401 Anonymous
>>13409703 I'm in a (30+ member) team and we spend most of our non-mission time idling in our unofficial team room and I never see any "lolXD le symbol chat spam" except maybe from this one guy who nobody likes anyway. We show up, chat about shit, group up for parties and go kill shit. I never have to deal with any of this supposed idiocy that Ship 2 is apparently famous for, and I'm even on Ship 2 .

12 hours later 13410981 Anonymous (pso20120906_135946_001.jpg 1600x900 672kB)
All these fucking gaijins.

12 hours later 13411000 Anonymous
Why do a lot of people who post here don't sound/read like they are from here?

12 hours later 13411029 Anonymous
speaking of which http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQYH8yNTTyo >that Vorbei

12 hours later 13411751 Anonymous
>>13411000 Because, I assume, are not underaged and are not /b/ level.

13 hours later 13412091 Anonymous
>>13411751 PSO2 is a MATURE game for MATURE people like myself, and only those with a certain level of MATURITY and refinement can truly appreciate it!

13 hours later 13412106 Anonymous
>>13411751 What? In any case, there's something iffy about some of the posts I've seen. Like these for instance: >>13409703 >>13410287 >>13381351 >>13380908

13 hours later 13412135 Anonymous
>>13412091 Add this to the list. Is it the caps? Or the exclamation point at the end?

13 hours later 13412348 Anonymous
>>13409626 Thats why those threads will burn like Library of Alexandria. People will pretend they play US, people will play US in spite, people will ask same retarded questions for US version like its japanese, people will mock JP players etc etc etc Its going to be afwul. Maintenance hunter-funpolice shitposting will feel like heaven in comparison

13 hours later 13412378 Anonymous (pso20120906_165409_002.jpg 1920x1080 667kB)
Guys, I need your help again. I'm doing Proud Scales of Amduscia and then there are two choices. What should I choose, the upper one or the lower one? Sorry if my screenshot settings have UI disabled so I can't get a screenshot of the choices.

13 hours later 13412446 Anonymous
>>13412106 And "le dododo faec" posts aren't iffy to you? Asking (again) how to switch off UI for screenshots when english version is out feels just like any other day, right?

13 hours later 13412514 Anonymous
>>13412378 choice doesn't matter in this case. You are just saying if its scared or angry. If "proud scales of amduscia" shows up, you are in the previous chapter already, next one is "scientist decision" or something like that. You have to clean up area 1 from all darkers to get that one chapter.

13 hours later 13412634 Anonymous
>>13412135 What? I can't be playfully sarcastic now? And what do you mean by "iffy" anyway? I don't really browse 4chan anymore, this thread aside, so I could be part of the "not from here crowd", but aside from myself, I suppose one possible reason that some posters are distinctly un-4chan-like is that some people may have migrated here from other places like reddit or PSO-World. The second post you highlighted is a nonnative English speaker though, so that might be yet another reason some of the posters are non-4chan-like; I don't really think we get many foreigners, though I could be wrong. But aside from the jackasses who keep shitposting about people they hate instead of just taking it easy, who I would actually argue are more 4chan-like, I don't really see a problem with how they behave.

13 hours later 13412878 Anonymous
>>13412348 Its already like a heaven, after you see sc2 generals.

13 hours later 13412967 Anonymous
>>13412634 I don't get it, how do you tell which are 4ch natives and which are not?

13 hours later 13412976 Anonymous (pso20120905_235648_006.jpg 1280x800 442kB)
It's funny cause he's fat!

13 hours later 13413430 Anonymous (pso20120710_164807_017.jpg 1920x1080 560kB)
>>13412514 Thanks. The bad endings from PSPo1 and PSPo2 are making me paranoid about the choices in this game. I must save Matoi at all cost.

13 hours later 13413497 Anonymous (ss_01_l (1).jpg 800x450 261kB)
pow pow

13 hours later 13413774 Anonymous
Some interesting info was datamined from the most recent update. I'm only going to post the abridged version of it all since the specifics would be a lot to type out (I'm basically translating this for you guys myself). - The new class quests are taken from Koffee. She wants 1 kill of each of these enemies on Hard: Rockbear, Vol, Gwanahda, Ragne. You need to do this with the related class for each class you want to unlock. - Gettemhart gives Fighter quests, Ulc gives Gunner quests and Melphonsina gives Techer quests. They're all basically identical to the quests that Ohza/Lisa/Marlu give. - Zieg is basically the Joseph of new classes. He gives all the training quests for the new weapons. They're all slightly more difficult than the old weapon training missions (for example, instead of having to do Subdue Caterdran for training II, you have to do Free Caves). - Zeno, Echo, Afin, Jean, Hans and Lavelle all have new quests for the new Normal modes of the previously Hard-only areas. - Emeline has a new quest, to see the Rainbow in City.

14 hours later 13413938 Anonymous
>>13413774 Harder quests? I thought we started at lv.1, how am I supposed to level up my character in the new classes properly if I can't even do the COs until later? Unless they drop the level requirements for areas.

14 hours later 13414125 Anonymous
>>13413774 >Ulc gives Gunner quests What. I don't know japanese but from the cutscenes with her it always seemed like she was that "I can't fight but I really want to help you fight the demons!" kind of character.

14 hours later 13414302 Anonymous
>>13414125 If Ulc is the newearl in a brown dress near the stage, then her deal was that she completely lacks the ability to use spells.

14 hours later 13414332 Anonymous
>>13413774 I'm guessing I'll actually have to work on my matter board in order to unlock the new classes, then?

14 hours later 13414362 Anonymous
>>13414332 Matter board doesn't give you any exp though.

14 hours later 13414493 Anonymous
>>13414362 >Gettemhart gives Fighter quests, Ulc gives Gunner quests and Melphonsina gives Techer quests. Unless I'm an idiot and they're somewhere in the lobby regardless of matter board completion.

14 hours later 13414583 Anonymous
>>13414493 Oh, yeah, I forgot about that. Still, The whole matter board system will probably be very extended upon, what with the new weapons and stuff. They need more drop quests.

14 hours later 13414813 Anonymous
>>13413774 >new Normal modes of the previously Hard-only areas holy fucking finally. I was thinking the difficulties were there just to make grind grindier. Maybe they will eventually fix the whole difficulty model.

14 hours later 13414905 Anonymous
So, from the story I get the feeling that even thought the disaster that killed most ARKS happened ten years ago, we somehow are moving towards it. >Xeno thought you look like his teacher >His teacher helped everyone\did all client orders there were >You replay your story missions twice and both happen simultaneously. And the missions you play normally are canon as well, judging by Koffie\other NPCs. >ARKS girl that is not a part of ARKS, but has all the training and knows you. Why is PSO so full of time travel?

14 hours later 13415090 Anonymous
>>13414905 Her robe has arks identifiers on it. You are also the only person she knows. As in, she doesn't know what people are at all.

14 hours later 13415190 Anonymous
>>13414905 I assume darkers are a side effect of the horrible shit that happened 10 years ago and still happening, like Black Scrawl. Shion is responsible for the incident.

14 hours later 13415483 Anonymous
>City is a huge event where residential area of an entire ships is shown wrecked, some buildings destroyed even >It happens twice a day >It lasted, probably, for ten years non stop. And ARKS still can't prevent it in any way. Even Macross had faster problem solving.

14 hours later 13415725 Anonymous
>>13413430 Is getting the good ending pretty straightforward or is there something I have to watch out for?

14 hours later 13415806 Anonymous
>>13415725 Well, you probably shouldn't agree to killing all Lilipa natives and such.

15 hours later 13415829 Anonymous
>>13415483 You're forgetting how these guys have ships that constantly break down.

15 hours later 13415928 Anonymous
>>13412634 It just makes me wonder. These people supposedly have their own very good, better-than-4chan community. Why bother coming here? It kinda feels weird though, being able to tell who posts/goes to 4chan regularly and who doesn't. At least for most of the time. >>13412446 Yes and no. Some do some don't.

15 hours later 13416184 Anonymous
>>13412446 Read bumped's guides and stop being a lazy faggot. Either that or install the English patch. You can solve your problem on your own. Do something about it instead of expecting to be spoonfed like a fucking autistic baby.

15 hours later 13416657 Anonymous
>>13414905 And then you realize this is an mmo. Every player is you, you are every player.

15 hours later 13416776 Anonymous
>>13415483 Darkers just pop up from the ground and out of thin air. Pretty sure they aren't very researched just because of how supernatural they are.

15 hours later 13416804 Anonymous
>>13416184 Have you even read the post or discussion you were replying to?

15 hours later 13416916 Anonymous (1307637270326.png 566x557 33kB)
>>13416657 >I'm every player >The gaming population is the entire of the world

15 hours later 13416964 Anonymous
>>13415928 I come here because most of 4chan (other than /v/ and /b/) is actually on par or even better than most of the more popular gaming and "other" forums. I'm pissed I wasted 10 bucks joining SA because they're a bunch of stuck-up liberals who have nothing better to do than mock things they don't understand or have "deep" talks about games/media. Most of the deep talks devolve into who is a better whiteknight or who is the most liberal LGBT supporting hippie rather than who makes the most sense. I'm not even a republican and SA makes me hate liberal scum. Their gaming forum is alright but not any better than reddit or /vg/, it's just more organized. Reddit is much the same. It's filled with whiteknights who are more concerned about circlejerking their narrow worldview than actually making sense. Their gaming section isn't much better considering that even in /r/games they can't help but devolve into anti-EA/any big company hate fests. Their wealth envy leaks into everything. I go there too but only because they and SA sometimes have exclusive news. The only reason I got into the Planetside 2 beta was because I was browsing SA and they mentioned how Nvidia was giving away keys. So don't feel like /vg/ is any worse than any other gaming forum. Most of the others are huge circlejerks filled with ignorant PolySci majors who lap up anything their ACORN fed professor throws at them. "Why of course master, video games are filled with awful representations of women. Now I'm going to bike to an OWS protest and hang out with my other hipster homeless friends."

15 hours later 13417090 Anonymous
>>13415483 If you watched the cutscenes, theres hundreds of ARKS ships.

15 hours later 13417242 Anonymous
>>13416964 I haven't seen this much edginess in a good while.

16 hours later 13417942 Anonymous
I think the last update broke the english patch. Can someone confirm this?

16 hours later 13418032 Anonymous
>>13417942 No it didn't.

16 hours later 13418080 Anonymous
>>13416964 >who is the most liberal LGBT supporting hippie Why do you hate love? Seriously there is no need for retarded bigotry in this day and age. Leave your 12 year old "edginess" at the door.

17 hours later 13421480 Anonymous
Can anyone upload the current pso2.exe? I accidently deleted it, no backups, updater doesn't care, suffering.

17 hours later 13421613 Anonymous
>>13421480 Go to your Recycle Bin and restore it.

17 hours later 13422698 Anonymous (pso20120906_222930_000.jpg 1440x900 493kB)
>>13404520 Swag

18 hours later 13422786 Anonymous
It really bugs me that I can't hear the voices of other players in a multi-party like in a normal single-party. Makes things eerily quiet.

18 hours later 13422805 Anonymous (pso20120906_222933_001.jpg 1440x900 492kB)
>>13422698 Thread

18 hours later 13423078 Anonymous (pso20120906_222944_002.jpg 1440x900 500kB)
>>13422805 Time Post something to motivate us all to farm heads over heels over the coming weekend. I'm pretty sure all of us need some push. Especially when you plan to extinct Rockbear and his entire family tree for a sword and crab claws.

18 hours later 13423517 Anonymous
>blueberry rods >motivation nigga fuck that I want my hammer next week

18 hours later 13424221 Anonymous (Untitled.jpg 1280x1806 1016kB)
>>13423078 Oh please get on my level

18 hours later 13424483 Anonymous (pso2 2012-09-06 22-15-27-56.png 1600x900 2051kB)
This loli newman considered as one of the best 6 arks has Command Authority(六芒均衡rokubou-kinkou hexa equilibrium) and She get lost in Floating Island. Also She said "Fresh Air is good,not like in Labo" We got One more Dark-Falz Canditate.

18 hours later 13424717 Anonymous
>>13423078 >implying I will get shit

18 hours later 13424873 Anonymous
>>13424221 >Being proud of grinding units to +10 >On top of that, they're 5* What.

19 hours later 13425323 Anonymous
>>13424873 >Doesn't realize these 3slot units give 13pp each

19 hours later 13425537 Anonymous
>>13424873 9* units are shit

19 hours later 13425571 Anonymous (fuckingGG.jpg 290x134 14kB)
oh god........

19 hours later 13425735 Anonymous
>>13424873 I wouldn't look down on those if i were you. Well, I myself am using 5* Add Stamina +10 subs with pow3 + vol on HU.

19 hours later 13426091 Anonymous (29381098.jpg 780x1482 597kB)
23 finally drew what I was thinking. I love him even more now.

19 hours later 13426398 Anonymous (void(0).jpg 1920x1080 1316kB)

20 hours later 13427406 Anonymous
Excuse me I think a found a new fetish..

20 hours later 13427472 Anonymous
Is there a way to put player shop items in the character creation thing Just for messing around

20 hours later 13427621 Anonymous
I've been playing for about 7+3 days and it's pretty fun. I'm playing on Ship 2/20 since that's where the few people I play with are. Got to level 25 after 7 days and realized I didn't like the way I had done my class points or my mag, so I deleted my character (kept all my items though). I restarted and got to back at level 23 in 3 days since I knew what the hell I was doing now and had slightly better gear. The various sites such as the bumped blog, pso-world, and the massive googledocs pages have helped me make my way through so far. Anyways, the main reason I'm posting is because I'm curious about the Matoi choices. I've only encountered one, but I've heard various things about there being good/neutral/bad ends, then shortly later hearing that said poster was making it up (this was read in an archived /vg/ pSO2 thread). I can't read the hiragana to understand what choices I'm making with Matoi, but all I know is on my first choice with her, she seemed to have had a positive reaction to it, so I think that was okay if they even matter. The first questions is: Is it true that the choices you make with Matoi determine if you get a partner card with her? Or is it even possible to get her partner card in the first place? The second question is: If question one is true, then is there somewhere that explains which choices are the proper ones to make for the "good ending" where you receive her partner card? I tried searching around bumped and pso-world but I can't really find anything about it.

20 hours later 13428012 Anonymous (29906299_big_p2.jpg 532x807 185kB)
>>13426091 >>13426398 A bit late are you not? guess who else also plays. fucking Eroquis

20 hours later 13428190 Anonymous
>>13427621 Oh, and a bug I learned about from this is that when you register your partner card, delete your character, and make a new one with the same name (though I'm not sure if same name matters), you can use your own partner card with your old character even though it was deleted.

20 hours later 13428203 Anonymous
Game Guard updated again, still no luck, every time i start the game GameMon64.des crashes and with it the game. Fuck you SEGA

20 hours later 13428302 Anonymous
>>13428012 >A bit late are you not? Considering I haven't been in one of these threads for about two weeks now, I'd say yeah.

20 hours later 13428457 Anonymous
>>13425323 >>13425537 >>13425735 Are you morons? People were showing off things they ground to +10 then this guy comes along, bragging about his +10 sub units which are fucking easy to grind to 10. I even greentexted it.

20 hours later 13428534 Anonymous
>>13424221 >sub-units What's the mater, you don't know how to hide units?

20 hours later 13428542 Anonymous
>thinks people are bragging about +10 >on top of that, not even glancing at the abilities

20 hours later 13428561 Anonymous
>>13428457 And by the way, I have those and the HP ones. Yeah, I know what those fucking are.

20 hours later 13428613 Anonymous
>>13428561 umad?

20 hours later 13428685 Anonymous
>>13428457 I don't think the +10 was the focus point there....

20 hours later 13428686 Anonymous
>>13428542 >Abilities are predictable. It'll be one ability for the offensive stat of choice, one soul for said stat, and HP or PP. >Having to look at those. Yeah, next time I'll check and see first if someone is bragging about his +10 Ardillo with Ragne soul and Tech 3 on it. Perhaps when sub-classes hit?

20 hours later 13428812 Anonymous
>>13428686 do you even.... katakana?

20 hours later 13429025 Anonymous
>>13428812 Do you even comprehension? Weapon ability patterns are predictable. If it's not built for more damage (which you can predict with the weapon class), or has ABL, it's those weapons that have Lucky Rise on them. It's not like there's any "radical new ability build" out, so there's no need to check the abilities of the weapons people brag about in here. And yes, I do check abilities when I buy equipment for adding abilities to mine.

20 hours later 13429130 Anonymous
So why aren't you supporting good single player Phantasy Star games? Did you really hate Chelsea's tits that much? http://www.change.org/petitions/sega-of-america-localize-phantasy-star-portable-2-infinity

20 hours later 13429167 Anonymous
>>13429130 Have any online petitions ever actually worked for something like this?

20 hours later 13429206 Anonymous
>>13429167 Nope.

20 hours later 13429234 Anonymous
>>13429167 Dark Souls worked. They got a shitty port. I don't see it working for PS though.

20 hours later 13429325 Anonymous
>>13429130 >Localising old games on a dead console Petition SoA not to ruin PSO2 instead.

21 hours later 13430846 Anonymous
>>13426091 >>13428012 I'm a lazy faggot, can you link me to their pixiv/artist pages please?

21 hours later 13431402 Anonymous
I think gameguard just broke my pc. It won't boot now. Ihad to resort to posting from my ps3. now I have to check what the fuck it did with linux or something. thanks youretarded korean gooks.

21 hours later 13431815 Anonymous
>>13431402 Shouldn't be using win8 then.

21 hours later 13431949 Anonymous
>>13431815 I'm not. I'm using windows 7 64bit.

21 hours later 13432385 Anonymous
Is there a spreadsheet with rare drop percentages? Also do rates drop more after purchasing AC? Until yesterday I had never gotten a rare drop but i literally found 4 9* weapons yesterday after I spent money to open a shop

21 hours later 13432797 Anonymous
>>13432385 No, but they're all ridiculously low. But that's standard for Phantasy Star games. And no, drop rate isn't increased for buying AC. I've spent quite a lot, though others have spent $500 on this game apparently, but I and they still complain about not getting many rares. This isn't Cosmic Break, you know.

22 hours later 13433123 Anonymous
This game feels so dead without the 24/7 dance parties. Debating on jumping ship to 2 or waiting out English release.

22 hours later 13433168 Anonymous
>>13432385 Yes, you also get increased grinding chances if you walk around the tekker booth seven times in fps mode.

22 hours later 13433263 Anonymous
>>13433168 You idiot, that's not how you do it. You have to circle the top floor 8 times then sit in front of dodo with male sit 2 for 5 minutes.

22 hours later 13435752 Anonymous
>>13433123 dont. Ship 2 isn't very lively either nowadays and the English release will be terrible.

22 hours later 13435950 Anonymous
>>13435752 At least there will be people to play with.

23 hours later 13437125 Anonymous
>>13435950 but there's always people to play with, regardless of whether you can understand them or not.

23 hours later 13437396 Anonymous
>Complaining about 150 hours of buzzword >that are provided to you for free mmk

23 hours later 13437629 Anonymous (WhatDoIDo.png 1600x900 1743kB)
What do I choose?

24 hours later 13440901 Anonymous
>>13412106 hah, two of those are my posts you callin me a weird motherfucker? I'd agree so guys i keep seeing gameplay where people can see their own healthbar and the healthbars and levels of others, where do i enable this option?

24 hours later 13441080 Anonymous
Is game guard fixed yet?

24 hours later 13442840 Anonymous (pso20120904_071055_000.jpg 1280x720 394kB)
>>13437629 I picked 2, knuckle guy was not happy. At least loli chan said her fair wells.

25 hours later 13443338 Anonymous
>>13440901 never mind, figured it out

25 hours later 13443675 Anonymous (pso20120906_174018_000.jpg 1600x900 459kB)
looks like i was just a one hit wonder nobody wants to buy my cheap rappy cannons or 9 * force rod

25 hours later 13444068 Anonymous
>>13443675 Any way I can get an invite to the Ship4 team?

25 hours later 13444153 Anonymous
>>13444068 Just ask one of the team managers.

25 hours later 13444571 Anonymous
>>13444068 thats ship 10

25 hours later 13446271 Anonymous (1up3redlights.gif 300x155 4kB)
>>13441080 New update went up today, still doesn't work!

25 hours later 13446583 Anonymous
>>13446271 I don't think it ever will. They just shit these updates out with absolutely no testing and just expect them to work. Have they never heard of betas.

26 hours later 13446813 Anonymous (1331088192619.jpg 480x370 39kB)
>>13446583 Yeah I'm kind of resigned to not getting to play anymore.

26 hours later 13447793 Anonymous
What's wrong with gameguard now? Everything works fine here, i think...

26 hours later 13447832 Anonymous
>>13446813 I'm actually playing on x64 and it works perfectly.

26 hours later 13447876 Anonymous
>>13446271 >>13446583 >>13446813 I swear to god, if this shit isn't fixed by the time the new classes come out, I will flip my shit.

26 hours later 13447918 Anonymous
>>13447832 It works for some, not for others. Consider yourself lucky.

26 hours later 13448204 Anonymous
>>13447918 Yep yep.

27 hours later 13451625 Anonymous
>>13428457 This guy doesn't understand how subunits are superior to their 9* shit when you cant be bothered to waste points into defense and focus more on damage. >PSO2 >Needing more defense

27 hours later 13451927 Anonymous
>>13451625 >needing defense at all with the retarded AI

27 hours later 13452265 Anonymous
>>13451625 >>13451927 Thanks, but I like not being one-shotted by QD and 3-shotted by trash in FC.

27 hours later 13453127 Anonymous
>>13452265 >1 shot I bet you are one of those faggots who thinks soloing qd is hard.

27 hours later 13453181 Anonymous
>>13451625 >>13451927 Stop spreading misinformation.

27 hours later 13453586 Anonymous
>>13453127 >I'm so insecure that I have to call into question other people's skill in order to validate mine!

28 hours later 13453945 Anonymous (1323411972451.jpg 330x428 90kB)
Megid techs, when? I want to be useful when fighting quartz-kun. >mfw all my techs doing less damage to quartz than a hunter's unarmed punch

28 hours later 13454264 Decil Galette (pso20120907_083211_010.jpg 1366x768 288kB)
Who wants this jerk's knuckles when 12th rolls around?

28 hours later 13455071 Anonymous (city30emergency.jpg 1650x1050 695kB)
ship 4 city coming up

28 hours later 13455297 Anonymous
>>13455071 hory shit

28 hours later 13455356 Anonymous
>>13455297 Is that Finnel I see?

28 hours later 13455443 Anonymous
>>13455356 >Finnel >alive apparently not

28 hours later 13455472 Anonymous
>>13455356 yes

28 hours later 13456026 Anonymous
>>13453945 but dark magic looks like shit right now

28 hours later 13457210 Anonymous (clothes-iron.jpg 300x300 17kB)
>>13454264 I do.

29 hours later 13457743 Anonymous
Love to play this, but is there an english option? Anything like the old Dreamcast games? I loved them, too bad my Dreamcast took a shit and died =-(

29 hours later 13457801 Anonymous
>buy razienork >buy shit ton of grinders > get to +9 >fail every single grind afterwards >back to +3 now i have no money

29 hours later 13457874 Anonymous
>>13457801 >he didn't run around the tekkers desk 8 times beforehand laughinggirls33.jpg

29 hours later 13458008 Anonymous
>>13455071 y-y-you're gonna get raped, Finnelu

29 hours later 13458024 Anonymous
>>13457743 Read OP post

29 hours later 13458417 Anonymous
>>13455071 >English players drawing fanart What heresy is this

29 hours later 13458901 Anonymous (191908073.png 1286x722 624kB)
Just updated, game guard does some loading, what does this mean?

29 hours later 13458937 Anonymous
>>13458901 it means you are never going to get the game working unless you install windows 7

29 hours later 13459237 Anonymous
>>13458937 Even with Win7 there's a chance of it not working

29 hours later 13460023 Anonymous
>>13458937 >>13459237 I have windows 7, this outcome is depressing.

29 hours later 13460240 Anonymous (pso20120907_101958_000.jpg 800x600 175kB)
Even doodoo is afraid of grinding and adding abilities himself.

29 hours later 13460258 -TheSignPainter (stranger danger.jpg 1275x721 346kB)
alright guys what is this

29 hours later 13460417 Anonymous
>>13460258 it heals you

30 hours later 13461337 Anonymous
>>13455071 Oh Finneru.

31 hours later 13465217 Anonymous
Is anyone still updating this : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0Akbdpi65EON1dGRTd2hqNXBQMW1Lak9SOFJKM1UtbUE&gid=13 Actually, I'd be interested to know who did it in the first place.

31 hours later 13465737 Anonymous
>>13465217 anon did it

31 hours later 13466171 Anonymous
>>13465217 Shit needs an update so bad, some weapon now require R-ATK and not S-ATK

31 hours later 13466634 Anonymous
Someone posted a leveling "guide" the other day. Mind reposting?

32 hours later 13467948 Anonymous
So what are the CDs for?

32 hours later 13468154 Anonymous
>>13467948 Those are new skills. Look in your inventory on the CD tab to learn them. What server are you playing on, as well?

32 hours later 13468247 Anonymous
>>13467948 Those are Photon Arts, here you can see a list of requirements, look at Techniques too of you are Force https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0Akbdpi65EON1dGRTd2hqNXBQMW1Lak9SOFJKM1UtbUE&gid=10

32 hours later 13468293 Anonymous
>>13468154 Currently on Ship4.

32 hours later 13469130 Anonymous
>>13468293 If you need any help, be sure to ask someone.

32 hours later 13469623 Anonymous (1346667734252.jpg 415x423 32kB)
>>13468293 If you need anything you can ask us, ship 23 or 30

32 hours later 13469780 Anonymous
>>13469623 Is there a team I can join right now? I think I'll do one more mission then head out

32 hours later 13469796 Anonymous
So how much extra damage do stuff like "Flame Boost" PSE's give? I can't seem to figure it out exactly. I'm getting almost-but-not-quite integer numbers of percent increase and I'm not sure if they're correct. Also, I've noticed the amount my resta heals change even though there's no PSE changes, or change to my stats.

32 hours later 13470000 Anonymous
>>13469780 Almost anyone in ship 4 is questing, you can leave your name here and jump/quest while you wait for an answer

32 hours later 13470171 Anonymous
>>13469780 Okay, Quest is done Are you still there? I'll try to get you onto a team if you want.

32 hours later 13470192 Anonymous
>>13469780 FUN Police, DDR, HotGlue, so far I see one from HotGlue, one from FUN Police and 4-5 from DDR

32 hours later 13470203 Anonymous
>>13470171 I'm on the lobby right now, block-23

32 hours later 13470236 Anonymous
>>13470203 Name's m0uz btw.

32 hours later 13470493 Anonymous
>>13470236 Where exactly are you?

32 hours later 13470573 Anonymous
>>13470493 He just moved to block 30, I'm trying to teach him some of the commands.

32 hours later 13470605 Anonymous
>>13470573 We're standing in front of the block changer near Hans in the lobby

32 hours later 13470675 Anonymous
>>13470573 Oh that's nice from you, thank you

33 hours later 13472073 -TheSignPainter (1273566444298.jpg 650x650 200kB)
is there such thing as gifting in here

33 hours later 13472162 Anonymous (miku comp.jpg 492x371 66kB)
>>13472073 hahaha you wish

33 hours later 13473089 -TheSignPainter (you think....jpg 205x100 11kB)
>>13472162 you think this is a motherfucking game?

33 hours later 13473201 Anonymous (FC2Uf.gif 499x367 499kB)

33 hours later 13473419 Anonymous (pso20120906_230243_000.jpg 1600x900 317kB)
From here you can get an excellent view of my foot

34 hours later 13473984 Decil Galette (pso20120907_143755_028.jpg 1366x768 499kB)
R.I.P. Hi Roga.

34 hours later 13475158 Anonymous (runa.jpg 1876x1528 871kB)
every day.

34 hours later 13475643 Anonymous
>>13451625 And that wasn't the point of my post. Go back to grade school and get some reading comprehension son. Also see: >>13428561 You are an incomprehensible moron.

34 hours later 13476120 Anonymous (You-didn-t-see-anything-penguins-of-madagascar-22099334-500-214.gif 500x214 238kB)

34 hours later 13476223 Anonymous
>>13476120 what?

35 hours later 13476543 Anonymous (1304134784632.jpg 492x541 33kB)
>>13475158 I would quite like that hat. The maid cap we have now is nice and all but it just doesn't compare.

35 hours later 13477036 Anonymous (005b.jpg 479x356 96kB)
>>13472073 Well there is a wish list. I dont know how that works though

35 hours later 13477309 Anonymous
>>13477036 Where are you? Why aren't you dancing? They call themselves sit sit revolution now. What have you done?

35 hours later 13477569 Anonymous (pso20120907_010357_000.jpg 1920x1080 709kB)
Can you guys explain to me what the fuck is this at the top of the screen?

35 hours later 13477667 Anonymous
>>13477569 meseta droprate up.

35 hours later 13477705 Anonymous
>>13477309 More like shit shit revolution

35 hours later 13477757 Anonymous (1344158121176.jpg 500x500 29kB)

35 hours later 13477768 Anonymous (1331778099525.png 210x230 7kB)
>>13477667 Thanks

35 hours later 13477774 Anonymous
>>13477309 They can't even do a lobby action on themselves? What a pathetic bunch.

35 hours later 13478193 Anonymous (pso20120906_203332_010.jpg 1280x800 301kB)
Red club room was lonely. Was.

36 hours later 13480512 Anonymous (120.jpg 453x111 14kB)
Fucking finally.

36 hours later 13481146 Anonymous (pso20120907_212415_001.jpg 1280x1004 647kB)
>FC >Mining

37 hours later 13481548 Anonymous
>>13481146 Caterdransa can burrow beneath tiny islands that are about as deep as they are. Nothing about this place makes sense.

37 hours later 13483525 Anonymous
What just happened to Japanese Wiki Translations?

38 hours later 13484731 Anonymous (psycho luke.jpg 586x549 70kB)
hey its me. so im coming back after a short break due to wow 5.0 happening. from the posts here im assuming the new classes are added in?

38 hours later 13484884 Anonymous
>>13484731 Not yet. We've less than a week now.

38 hours later 13484887 Anonymous
>>13484731 Not yet.

39 hours later 13486546 Anonymous
http://bumped.org/psublog/pso2-jp-ship-transfer/ You waant furee transfa between ships so you can pray wid frends? Fucka you gibe me 7 dorra!

39 hours later 13486613 Anonymous
>>13486546 Oh, wow, that is one shitty ass transfer system. They expect us to pay for that?

39 hours later 13486784 Anonymous
>>13486546 To be honest, everyone already expected it to be AC

39 hours later 13486983 Anonymous (let's play how many bosses.jpg 1366x768 485kB)
So fun.

39 hours later 13487062 Anonymous
>>13455071 Oh dear lords, I'm at loss of words.

39 hours later 13487216 Anonymous (pso2 2012-09-07 11-44-54-39.png 1600x900 1885kB)
We Barbarian Now

39 hours later 13487264 Anonymous (pso20120825_161341_004.jpg 1280x720 443kB)
>>13486983 Why are you blocking out your name? Anyway, I don't think its possible to see have 3 bosses spawn at the same time rockbear and cater doesn't count since they're just minibosses

39 hours later 13487290 Anonymous
>>13486546 Honestly, $7 isn't too bad. I expected it to be way more expensive. The good news is that all you Ship 4 guys can come to Ship 2 now!

39 hours later 13487334 Anonymous
>>13487264 Hey, how did you get that PSE window up near your map?

39 hours later 13487341 Anonymous
>>13487290 No one's going to do that.

39 hours later 13487363 Anonymous
>>13487290 >Going to ship 2 >Even paying for it

39 hours later 13487397 Anonymous
>>13487334 Its defaulted to do that.

39 hours later 13487405 Anonymous
>>13487290 >PAYING to get banned

39 hours later 13487415 Anonymous
>>13487397 Eh? Then how come I don't have it?

39 hours later 13487443 Anonymous
>>13487334 >>13487415 It appears when a PSE levels up

39 hours later 13487570 Anonymous
>>13487443 Yeah... and I'm saying it never shows up, even when PSE levels up. I only get the little notification in the message box.

39 hours later 13487690 Anonymous
>>13486546 >transfer ship >become homeless What kind of retard thought this was a good idea?

39 hours later 13487929 Anonymous
>>13486546 Server transfer usually is a paid service even in p2p games. Nothing new about that one.

39 hours later 13488221 Anonymous
Is there a particular mission or something i can replay a buncha times for easy money? Christ, I can't get ahead in this game AT ALL. The only lucky break I had was when I found that group of japs glitching the forest and mooched their exp and loot for an hour.

39 hours later 13488273 Anonymous

40 hours later 13488417 Anonymous
>>13488221 > glitching the forest What? Also, either get a myshop or start grinding free continent with the japs for 100k/h worth of weapons and armor.

40 hours later 13488457 Anonymous
>>13488221 hard mode Caves >weak as fuck monsters >loots are 800-1000 meseta >ragne spawns constantly >ragne units are 10k

40 hours later 13488587 Anonymous
>>13488273 Can anyone translate this? Machine translation gives me an idea but it can either be good or bad. >>13487264 >Arguing semantics As for your question I want to remain anonymous. Also: >Code avoid >4 Gel Bulfs >One guy in arena aggros 3 of them >Dies >Jump in to revive him >Suddenly, 4 gel bulfs aggro on me >Dodge them all like a pro >See JPs watching from up above >Finish without getting hit by any of the 4 >/ci3 /cla sexy

40 hours later 13488601 Anonymous (1345870915235.jpg 297x300 55kB)
>>13488417 see this, >>13406135 which i posted when i came across them the other night. basicly, they were spamming grenade launchers at nothing killing everything on the map instantly somehow. I went from lvl 18 to 21 in the time i hung out with them.

40 hours later 13488616 Anonymous
>>13488457 >Ragne units 10k I've been seeing 1k Ragne units for a while now.

40 hours later 13488730 Anonymous
>>13488601 That's pretty crazy.

40 hours later 13488737 Anonymous (pso20120905_194919_000.jpg 1440x900 446kB)
>>13488417 I don't know...

40 hours later 13488754 Anonymous
>>13488601 they weren't glitching, did you not notice the destruction ecode?, codes like that and collect keys there will be spots in the map where mobs respawn a shitload from and it's extremely easy to camp them

40 hours later 13488792 Anonymous (1325847338285.png 580x859 683kB)
>one of the new upcoming emergency codes is a new variation of code avoid

40 hours later 13488802 Anonymous
>>13488587 Wasn't really arguing semantics. It'd be nice to have a desert map glitch and spawn 2 vardas though.

40 hours later 13488810 Anonymous (1326432588456.jpg 2500x2500 2460kB)
I can't wait to see you Ship 4 folk on Ship 2.

40 hours later 13488914 Anonymous (pso20120906_203457_011.jpg 1280x800 329kB)
"Under Construction" Never noticed this before. I wonder what they'll put here. Or it's just there.

40 hours later 13488995 Anonymous
>>13486613 >expecting SEGA to give the gaijin shitters from ship 2, 6, or 10 a free way out from their retarded decision to play there idontthinksotim

40 hours later 13489112 Anonymous
>>13488810 >paying to get hacked I literally have no face for this

40 hours later 13489148 Anonymous
>>13488417 It's not just on forest. Ever seem a rappy spawn right under another rappy that you just killed? Yeah, its the same thing except it happens for much longer.

40 hours later 13489150 Anonymous
>>13488914 Momo you awake? Bear with us

40 hours later 13489889 Anonymous
>>13489112 Who are you quoting?

41 hours later 13490916 Anonymous
>>13488914 That's where Doo Doo's old shop used to be during CBT before they transferred him beside the weapon shop.

41 hours later 13491105 Anonymous (pso20120907_215450_012.jpg 1280x720 415kB)

42 hours later 13493278 Anonymous
Where'd Celcius' google doc page go?

42 hours later 13493541 Anonymous
Is there any way of removing double tap to dodge? I have the bad having of double tapping every single key on the keyboard when playing.

42 hours later 13493659 Anonymous
>>13493541 No, unfortunately. I hope people complain to sega to remove it in that new player survey thing they have going on at the moment.

42 hours later 13494135 Anonymous
>>13493541 o oh... you still using keyboard and mouse!?!? i cant believe!!!111111111

42 hours later 13494325 Anonymous
>>13494135 >still You actually use gamepad? You must main hunter, as using mouse is the only way to play RA and FO. You actually use hunter? WTF is wrong with you?!

43 hours later 13494943 Anonymous
>>13494325 Gamepad master race.

43 hours later 13495542 Anonymous
oh god where did the google doc go, how the fuck am I going to search for anything now

43 hours later 13495585 Anonymous
>>13494325 I'm a hunter and I use mouse and keyboard. I see no problem with it. It's not Dark Souls where the keyboard and mouse setup is horrendous. >Not playing the most gimped and hardest class to play in the game >Playing easymodo ranger and force Pffft.

43 hours later 13495649 Decil Galette (Mascot-1.jpg 255x202 26kB)
Could this be a PVC figure of Lord Vol? If so, when they're gonna release it?!

45 hours later 13501256 Anonymous (f188169a444c706333716737eb2d3e37.png 1285x715 1888kB)
So i just started playin on ship 10, game is pretty amusing. Does anyone actually plays here or im stranded with the nippon folk

45 hours later 13501331 Anonymous
>>13495649 I already have an urge to break its horn. Not sure for how long this figure could possibly stay intact in my place.

45 hours later 13501562 Anonymous
>>13501256 There are a few people on ship 10 iirc. Most of us here are on ship 4 or ship 2 though.

45 hours later 13501902 Anonymous (RangerAndHunterTrees.jpg 1074x724 154kB)
I came up with alternative skill trees which I think make Hunter a little better and nerf Ranger a little bit. I think the main problem with these two classes isn't just their effectiveness in combat, but the readiness of all their best skills. Ranger gets all it's best skills in the left branch and there's virtually no need to get anything else. This Ranger tree I've come up with tries to spread it's best skills out a little bit and puts up more walls between them. Additionally, it makes 2 bullets (or traps) available to a player easier, meaning that people can run more than just Weak Bullet builds if they want, but they would obviously be less specialized in a given bullet if they worked on more than one. You technically could go with the typical Weak Bullet+Weak Hit Advance+Standing Snipe build, but this makes it a bit more difficult to get that ideal build. As for Hunter, they need quick access to the Gears. That is, if the Hunter likes to play more than more weapon (as many do), but they could also go without all of them them if they really wanted. Basically, this tree allows Hunter to be split into clear Offense (Wired Lance branch), Defense (Sword branch) and a combination of the two (Partisan branch), but also get quicker access to some of it's more useful skills. What do you think, guys?

45 hours later 13502334 Anonymous
>>13501902 get out

45 hours later 13502456 Anonymous
>>13501902 I like the Ranger tree. The Hunter one... not so much...

45 hours later 13502656 Anonymous (Zero_Degree_Celsius.png 720x810 824kB)
>>13493278 >>13495542 I was kinda updating it so I have to take it down for a while. It's back online now. Nothing much have changed except for the weapon layout showing all 3 attack stats and using icons now. >>13466171 I don't know what you're talking about.

46 hours later 13502843 Anonymous
>>13502656 Thanks for your continued efforts. Could you do Room Items next?

46 hours later 13503352 Anonymous (pso20120906_024854_005.png 1920x1080 1582kB)
Requesting this as the image for the next general. All Hail the King edition.

46 hours later 13503601 Anonymous
>>13503352 forced meme so funny edition.

46 hours later 13503974 Anonymous
Ok I'm retarded, but what exactly does the english patch do? It doesn't seem like fucking anything is in english.

46 hours later 13504057 Anonymous (first rare item.jpg 391x657 95kB)
>>13503974 Menu and shit like this you must re-apply it after every update

46 hours later 13504065 Anonymous
How do I equip Resta to my weapon bar thingy? I am a ranger. Also, I just found my first rare but it sucks huge balls. It does around 4 more damage per shot than the normal weapon I was using. It's a gunblade thing that looks like a revolver.

46 hours later 13504142 Anonymous
>>13504057 Or just use the english launcher

46 hours later 13504237 -TheSignPainter
>>13503974 Makes amlost all menus in english or most things that pop up Its enough for me to play fine

46 hours later 13504603 Anonymous
>>13502656 Thanks, Celsius. I keep that doc open all day errday.

46 hours later 13504728 Anonymous
anyone on ship 10 wanna go rare hunting?

47 hours later 13504817 Anonymous
>>13504065 Are you retarded? Rangers can't use Techs. Only Forces can.

47 hours later 13504895 Anonymous
>>13501256 delete your character and join ship 4

47 hours later 13504967 Anonymous
>>13504817 Relax kid. I played PSO on gamecube and rangers could use low level tech in that. It let me learn them in this so I assumed I could use them here as well.

47 hours later 13505314 Anonymous
>>13502656 Thanks, you have no idea how much I use that thing

47 hours later 13505330 Anonymous

47 hours later 13505858 Anonymous
>>13504895 Is ship 4 actually where most of /vg/ is? I just started in ship 2. Also, what would be the best class similar to HUney from pso? As in, a hunter that's able to cast S/D, healing, decent techs, but can still fight. Would it be better tohave a melee FO or just make a hunter?

47 hours later 13506197 Anonymous
>>13505858 I play on ship 2. Few of others who mostly leave mentioning ship we play on play there too. Thus, some of us are there but until you are good spotter we ain't gonna likely announce it to you.

47 hours later 13506203 Anonymous
>>13505858 Play FO if you'd like to use techs. But melee damage is limited to what you can do with your rod or a gunslash. But, if you want to be doing real melee damage, play HU. Hunters cannot cast techs. Also there's quite a few of us on ship 4, myself included.

47 hours later 13506315 Anonymous
>>13506203 Okay, then. Are FOs as hard to get into as they were in PSO? As in, running out of TOP all the fucking time, higher level discs expensive as fuck, shit damage until good mag, etc?

47 hours later 13506510 Anonymous
>>13505858 yes, ship 4 block 30. see the spreadsheet

47 hours later 13506634 Anonymous
>>13502656 Celsius, could you update the client orders while you're at it? thanks.

47 hours later 13506657 Anonymous (1328940483402.jpg 1100x1095 109kB)
I play two characters on ship 4, on two different accounts. Say I wanted to put myself on the spreadsheet, should I only use one row?

47 hours later 13506957 Anonymous
>>13505858 I don't know about /vg/ but Ship 2 is the gaijin ship. Lobbies 20-22 are all english.

47 hours later 13506980 Anonymous
does increasing dex on a hunter make partizan pa do more damge?

48 hours later 13508954 Anonymous
>>13506980 Well i guess it probably would increase a little since dex make your minimal damage higher but overall you maximum one doesn't change so it is up to you if you want a higher damage ground it would work, i guess ,but keep in mind it itself doesn't raise your atack

48 hours later 13509208 Anonymous
So I just recently got into this game and only at lvl 13 as hunter at the moment with no idea if I want Wired Lances or Swords. Anyway, should I stick to 4th ship or delete and move to another if I'm just looking for people to play with?

48 hours later 13509842 Anonymous
>>13506657 why not put both?

48 hours later 13510000 Anonymous
>>13509208 go to block 30 lobby and request help, i doubt you will find english speaking players on other ships besides ship 4 or 2

48 hours later 13510474 Anonymous
>>13509208 You'll have plenty people to play with, hopefully, in a week. New classes, new PAs and all.

48 hours later 13510672 Anonymous
>>13509842 Well I would, but should I put them both in one /row/ or separate them. I just don't want to mess it up or anything.

49 hours later 13511665 Anonymous
>>13510672 both options are ok, don't worry

49 hours later 13513470 Anonymous
>>13506657 >implying anyone uses spreadsheet

49 hours later 13513852 Anonymous
>>13495585 >I use mouse and keyboard. I see no problem with it. Re-read my post. I never said there was a problem with mouse.

49 hours later 13514023 Anonymous
>>13506315 Infinite TP. Whatever does not kill you won't kill you, due to infinite resta.

51 hours later 13517882 Anonymous
Have to redownload the game. Ship 10 has no english players. Thinking of moving to 2 or 4. Was playing masterrace CAST Hunter, but thinking of switching to Newman. Hunter initially seemed more fun and involving than ranger due to guards and combos and such, but guarding is worthless, the damage is sub-par, and it's too easy to juggle enemies to infinity. Some of the new ranger stuff seems pretty nice, especially with weak points and chains, but I hate all the weapons. With subclassing coming up, there's no point subbing ranger-hunter as a CAST, and the tiny difference in melee/ranged damage is worse than the big difference in tech effectiveness, so I'm thinking of probably switching to a ranger-force (or gunner-techer or whatever), but then daggers are a fighter only thing and I like daggers. Help me /vg/. Only you are autismal enough to help me make up my mind.

51 hours later 13518105 Anonymous
>>13517882 >guarding is worthless But that's wrong. Just Guard can be a last-second lifesaver if you fuck up a dodge.

51 hours later 13518123 Anonymous
Oh right, does anyone have the link to the chart of all the minute stat differences between races? It was in the form of percents IIRC.

51 hours later 13518124 Anonymous
>>13517882 Just shut up, you can play all the classes on one character. You're not tied to anything except your mag if you don't want to pay for another one. Just get all your classes to lv30 before the class update so you can play them.

51 hours later 13518263 Anonymous
>>13518105 Can you cancel a dodge into a guard? I pretty much never miss a dodge as is, and getting just guard costs as much as getting step attack, plus the fact that only swords and partisans can guard and none of the new weapons can.

51 hours later 13518602 Anonymous
Does TATK factor in at all for resta/shifta/deband/etc?

51 hours later 13518665 Anonymous
my friend is getting error 434 and can't connect, forums linked from google say to disable firewall and antivirus, he says he did that and still gets the error. what do

51 hours later 13518814 Anonymous
>>13518105 >fuck up a dodge. >dodging instead of guarding wat? I can't recall the last time I dodged anything as Hunter.

51 hours later 13518879 Anonymous
>>13518602 Only resta. JAs do not factor in for resta though.

51 hours later 13519038 Anonymous
>>13505858 >HUney It's worth noting that subclasses will be out in October. That is, you can attach a second class to your main one. We don't quite know how it works yet, but you can bet that it'll at least allow other classes to use techs.

51 hours later 13519609 Anonymous
>>13519038 The question is, is it worth using techs as another class? If you're subclassing Force, it's guaranteed that your techs will do less damage than your sword/gun, and shifta/deband are already going to be better taken care of by other forces. The only thing of serious worth is resta, which is just somewhat cheaper than using healing items in the field, or if you only solo. >>13518814 Because dodging completely negates damage from all directions, doesn't use up PP, and doesn't slow down your attacking since you can just JA a step attack? Mostly the PP thing though.

51 hours later 13519625 Anonymous
anyone on ship10? add me pls

51 hours later 13519826 Anonymous
Can someone post that (those?) pic(s?) of the datamined weapons please?

51 hours later 13520053 Anonymous
>>13519625 you're not gonna get any luck finding people on any other ship besides 2 or 4 anymore. Especially in a general that encourages everyone to join the ship 4 circlejerk all the time.

52 hours later 13521039 Anonymous
>>13520053 How bad IS ship 2 anyways? I hear /v/ shit on it a lot but, well, they're /v/.

52 hours later 13521678 Anonymous
>>13521039 It's not bad anymore. Most of saying it's 'Le Reddit cesspool of epix mimes XD' are either being ironic or trolling. Most of that scum has already left. But I still find Ship 4 more personal and friendly. I can always find a group there. It depends on if you want to get labeled as a 'circlejerker' because you're friendly toward other people or not.

52 hours later 13522521 Anonymous
So, I just bought a new mag, thinking of making a caelum so it could be used for both ranger and force. But I have never seen one in action/how useful the PB is. Any suggestions? Or should I just go for pure R-ATK and have a shitty PB?

52 hours later 13522720 Anonymous
>>13503352 >Forced meme funny edition Not really. The way he sits there and stares just reminds me of Breaking Bad's Walter White and that one image of him sitting on a barrel (I think) of chemicals with "All Hail The King" as the caption.

52 hours later 13522845 Anonymous
>>13513852 Yeah that part was supposed to be for the one you were quoting.

52 hours later 13523073 Anonymous
So hun I'm almost sure this is right but >S-def for physical touch attack like a rockbear punch >T-def for a magic attack like vol fire >R-def for a ranged attack like a Signogun shoot right? So does an attack that falls for example on the T-def area suffer any alteration depending on the other defenses ?

52 hours later 13523157 Anonymous
Is it safe to use gaijin credit cards? Might submit to the gods of costumes

52 hours later 13523164 Anonymous
>Sleeping >Emergency Code Interrupt Sleep >Check computer for downloads >Check PSO2 >Interrupt rankings happening >Ol Micda >Look at the time, started 20 minutes ago >Challenge accepted >Get a bunch of friendpartners and try to ace that shit >Keep killing Ol Micdas for an hour and 40 minutes >Interrupt ends >Only killed 70 by count >Expect to see kills up to 184 or some ridiculous number >Expect to rank 30 >Results announced, rank 3 >Why am I so infuriated.jpg Fuck this game. Fuck that corsage. Fuck my life.

52 hours later 13523263 Anonymous
Where is the wiki for mags again? I can only find the awful PSO-W forum post that doesn't list stats or anything.

53 hours later 13523395 Anonymous (TWD-S5-Key-Art-796.jpg 796x1176 385kB)
>>13522720 Here it is. It's funny though, how they have similarities. One guy is a meth cook, drug lord who profits from other people's addiction and misery and conspires against the people around him to further his interests. The other guy is a grinding technician who profits from other people's addiction and misery and conspires with rappies in order to keep his business flourishing.

53 hours later 13523684 Anonymous (pso20120907_213341_008.jpg 1600x900 541kB)
hey lets try grinding this thing bros

53 hours later 13523723 Anonymous (pso20120907_213346_009.jpg 1600x900 525kB)
>>13523684 better luck next time

53 hours later 13523771 Anonymous (pso20120907_213351_010.jpg 1600x900 524kB)
>>13523723 better luck next time btw, it proceeded to fail and drop in grind every time after that its now at +2

53 hours later 13523984 Anonymous
>>13523157 It's more than safe but a ton of credit card companies are banned from purchasing AC Try at the 500 AC level first, some people still report success using that. Otherwise you have to jump through the infinite amount of hoops involved with webmoney.

53 hours later 13524032 Anonymous
>>13523395 >>13523684 >>13523723 >>13523771 >Breaking Grinds >A show about how Dodo came to the top of the grinding business and his descent into what we see him as now. Copyright do not seal 2012. I'd watch it though.

53 hours later 13524080 Anonymous
>>13523984 >loops use cn-usa and you get a prepaid webmoney pin instantly

53 hours later 13524105 Anonymous
>>13524032 you mean something like this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rWA8KW3iAP4&feature=related

53 hours later 13524636 Anonymous
>>13524105 >Using minus one from +5 This nipponese is crazy

53 hours later 13525021 Anonymous
>>13524080 I am unaware of this, please tell me more.

53 hours later 13525173 Anonymous
>>13525021 http://www.cn-usa.com/?cmd=buy&loc=193646 it's safe, i used it the other day

53 hours later 13525382 Anonymous (pso2 2012-09-07 21-05-36-76.jpg 1600x1200 302kB)

53 hours later 13526182 Anonymous
>>13525173 That seems like a good option, I'll bookmark for when I can play PSO2 again and sega gets rid of fucking gameguard.

54 hours later 13528325 Anonymous
I just downloaded the game. Upon trying to run, it takes a couple of hours in the patcher, then right at the end it gives me a popup in moonrunes and "number 103 error". Wat do.

54 hours later 13528869 Anonymous
Note to self : never buy a 9 star item again. ive wasted MILLIONS of meseta to get this ardildo to +10 and it just keeps fucking failing around +6

54 hours later 13529064 Anonymous
>>13525382 Oh shit I am so sorry.

54 hours later 13529097 Anonymous
Does anyone know what the exchange rate on AC is?

54 hours later 13529137 Anonymous
>>13529097 17 dollars gets you like 1000AC

54 hours later 13529165 Anonymous
>>13529097 Sorry, from Webmoney

54 hours later 13529263 Anonymous
>>13525382 Did you need any more help? I'm still around.

55 hours later 13530116 Decil Galette (pso20120908_112636_039.jpg 1366x768 289kB)
Careful darkers, there might be a nearby Tranmizer ready to steamroll your fishy arseholes Tranmizer wasn't there so instead, me and my buddy proceed to shoot those marine darkers like the usual business.

55 hours later 13530720 Anonymous
>>13529165 http://www.cn-usa.com/?cmd=buy&loc=193646 ?

55 hours later 13530831 Anonymous (hnng.jpg 1600x1200 272kB)
>>13529064 >>13529263 While my post was more for humor, I'm glad something came out of the whole thing. Marble stop being so moe. My heart can't take it.

55 hours later 13532848 Anonymous (pso20120907_232029_009.jpg 1280x720 265kB)
>>13530831 I can't help it!

56 hours later 13533608 Anonymous
Just to know how much time should i take to kill a hard mode Vol when I'm lvl 30 solo ?

56 hours later 13533928 Anonymous
>>13533608 a long time

56 hours later 13534162 Anonymous
I don't seem to be gaining any XP. Do you not get any for solo missions? Also in Ship 2 B-20.

56 hours later 13534531 Anonymous
>>13534162 Are you at the xp cap? Do you still see numbers for EXP when you kill something? If so, you are gaining xp, probably just not very much so the bar doesn't move. Complete client orders to raise it faster.

56 hours later 13534690 Anonymous
>>13534531 I'm doing Lv5 missions as Lv2 and I get 0XP from missions completes at Rank S

56 hours later 13534781 Anonymous
>rare drop rate up >5 rock bears spawn >no イクタチ fuck my life

56 hours later 13534891 Anonymous
>>13534690 Actually completing the quest doesn't give XP afaik, just money based on the rank. The Emergency Trial and shit that you kill do give XP though.

56 hours later 13534938 Anonymous
>>13534690 You only get EXP from missions when the circle thing when you look at the quest list is on, yellow/orange thing the same one that appears for for orders. I think you can get it only once a day.

56 hours later 13534992 Anonymous
>>13534781 rare drop rate up is a just a psychological thing, makes me have hope and thus a more positive attitude, until you realize it's just a psychological thing and you still get jack shit.

56 hours later 13535127 Anonymous
This might be a stupid question, but how exactly does one partake in interrupt rankings? Is it a quest like the urban mopup? is it a a CO? Where the fuck do I find the enemies listed?

56 hours later 13535273 Anonymous
>>13535127 Go into an area with the enemies and start killing them. Thats it.

57 hours later 13536048 Anonymous
when can we play offline, without internet? never? fuck this game, it's not part of the PSO series.

57 hours later 13536140 Anonymous
>>13536048 To do that, characters would have to be stored locally and everyone would quickly hack the shit out of it. It's better this way.

57 hours later 13536197 Anonymous
>>13536140 yes, because cheaters never appeared on the xbox version of PSO, or on the 360 version of PSU, etc etc

57 hours later 13536389 Anonymous (pso20120905_195709_000.jpg 1280x720 561kB)
I just made 3 mil, what spend?

57 hours later 13536442 Anonymous
>>13536389 Get 4m for a dildo.

57 hours later 13536543 Anonymous (1313871787138.png 294x238 89kB)
>>13536197 It's certainly harder to do when it's on a console, but it did happen. People duped items in the Xbox version of PSO all the time. I can assure you if they added offline the game would go downhill, fast.

57 hours later 13536604 Anonymous
Is there any merit to the idea that FOs tend to get RA weapons, RAs tend to get HU weapons, and HUs tend to get FO weapons?

57 hours later 13536719 Anonymous
>>13536604 No, It's a joke.

57 hours later 13536753 Anonymous
>>13536604 NO.

57 hours later 13537302 Anonymous
>>13532848 Marble, you slut.

57 hours later 13537876 Anonymous
>>13536389 Tell me how you got your mag to have yellow lines instead of blue-green. Then buy a dildo

57 hours later 13538197 Anonymous
yall a bunch a fucking faggots and i love you all ♥ even with the faggots bitching with Ship 02 and Ship 04 i love you all, you guys changed my life a little

57 hours later 13538274 Anonymous (pso20120907_232812_012.jpg 1280x720 256kB)
>>13537302 You're awful

57 hours later 13538301 Anonymous
>>13538197 faggot

57 hours later 13538324 Anonymous
>>13536389 Save until update

57 hours later 13538365 Anonymous
>>13538301 your're mom

58 hours later 13538864 Anonymous (pso20120907_233853_000.jpg 1280x720 282kB)
>>13538324 >>13537876 >>13536442 Well, armadillo is only 2.8 mil on my server at +0 so yeah, but uh, I have no idea how I got my mag to be this color huehue.

58 hours later 13539215 Anonymous
city ship 4

58 hours later 13539706 Decil Galette (1336751834628.png 1280x720 660kB)
>>13539215 Time to make some money...

58 hours later 13540823 Anonymous (derp.jpg 250x241 9kB)
The sun has fallen out of orbit and is about to collide with the earth. Your only hope to survive is to take shelter in a bomb shelter. There are two shelters left with one space in each A) Shelter full of Ship 6 B) Shelter full of Ship 10 Which shelter do you choose to save your life?

58 hours later 13540891 Anonymous
>>13540823 6 of course, let's party belk!

58 hours later 13541072 Anonymous (pso20120908_192245_000.jpg 1280x1004 355kB)

59 hours later 13541778 Anonymous Join Ahegao United Alliance Now (EndgameContent.jpg 1600x900 260kB)

59 hours later 13542774 Anonymous
>>13540823 Uh... I don't think a bomb shelter is going to help you survive the... uh... sun.

59 hours later 13543101 the princess
>>13403468 the pattern on her clothes looks like condoms that's been cut in two

60 hours later 13544359 Anonymous
>>13540823 >The sun has fallen out of orbit and is about to collide with the earth. Which ship makes up such retarded stories?

60 hours later 13544397 Anonymous
>>13544359 2

60 hours later 13544458 Anonymous
>>13544397 get out ship 4 scum

60 hours later 13544471 Anonymous (pso20120908_014449_001.png 1280x720 1224kB)
>>13541778 Meanwhile, in Brofist 2.0...

60 hours later 13544530 Anonymous
>>13544471 anorexic sluts in the lobby, who might have thought!

61 hours later 13546105 Decil Galette (pso20120908_172920_043.jpg 1366x768 291kB)
Need to get your outfits grinded?

61 hours later 13546295 Anonymous (1346622148533.png 200x200 49kB)
>Meeting adjourned The most exciting time of the day has finally come !!

61 hours later 13546723 Anonymous (supermeeting.jpg 1600x900 483kB)
>>13546295 but we must make sure proceed it precisely not to make it fail.

61 hours later 13547471 Anonymous
Anyone wanna do that Rockbear interrupt on ship 4?

62 hours later 13548940 Anonymous
Is GG fixed yet?

62 hours later 13550618 Anonymous (amurrican.gif 400x400 145kB)

64 hours later 13553517 Anonymous
I want to play but I don't enjoy playing at 5 FPS in tundra ;_;

64 hours later 13553829 Anonymous
I'm still having trouble accessing celsius's spreadsheet... What I get: >We're sorry. >The publishing options given are not valid. Please check the options and try again.

64 hours later 13554270 Anonymous Join Ahegao United Alliance Now (AUAbase.jpg 2400x1350 1525kB)
Vote your waifu.

64 hours later 13554398 Anonymous
>>13548940 No, Ahh, I want to play so bad.

64 hours later 13554426 Anonymous
>>13554270 All impure sluts

64 hours later 13554748 Anonymous

64 hours later 13554763 Anonymous
>>13554270 I don't know any of those people, but I can already tell that they all are insufferable faggots. Could you please refrain from putting this shit in the thread next time?

64 hours later 13554894 Anonymous
>>13554763 >>>/v/

64 hours later 13554989 Anonymous
>>13554894 Keep your circlejerking in your circle please, its not that hard after all. Either that or don't sing about "superiority" of ship 4 next time. Your bickering in white chat is on par with Gaia.

64 hours later 13555170 Anonymous
>>13554989 We share this board too, and we can post whatever we want in it. If you see one of our post that is meant for our ship, why don't you shut the fuck up, leave it alone or filter it? No need to start some drama.

64 hours later 13555175 Anonymous
>>13554989 >yfw nobody mentioned anything about ships until this faggot came along >"i wana start a shipwar plz >_<|

64 hours later 13555248 Anonymous
>>13554989 Talk about yourself dawg

65 hours later 13555345 Anonymous
>>13555170 Why don't YOU shut the fuck up. Why its me who should ignore everything around? Then don't turn the general into your personal board. Get the fuck out >>13554894

65 hours later 13555429 Anonymous (lovely couple.jpg 299x360 52kB)
Such a lovely couple...

65 hours later 13555443 Anonymous
>>13458901 Welcome aboard BRO, last i played was 5 days ago on my mom's laptop, since both my desktop with windows 8 x64 pro and my laptop with windows 7 x64 pro don't work.

65 hours later 13555521 Anonymous
>>13555345 What we posted: Something meant for the people on ship4 What you posted: Shipwar material That post is not meant for you, so ignore it, is it so hard?

65 hours later 13555618 Anonymous
>>13555429 Zedas and delphinus sitting in a tree kissingu

65 hours later 13555651 Anonymous
>>13555429 inb4 Delphinus NTR

66 hours later 13559252 Anonymous (7847868.jpg 500x281 25kB)
So I have registered using the guide and I have succesfully downloaded the game. Now whenever i launch it, the patch-thing (or so I presume) opens, loads for a few minutes, then throws an error message. After that i can not open the game via the start menu shortcut anymore and I'm basically fucked. Any tips?

66 hours later 13559518 Anonymous (021a.jpg 248x297 31kB)
>>13559252 How about showing us what the errors looks like?

66 hours later 13559918 Anonymous (snipping-screen01.jpg 643x366 50kB)
>>13559518 right. had to reinstall to reproduce it so it took a while. this is the error i get when It tries to patch

66 hours later 13560151 Anonymous
>>13559252 I think it says that patching is successfully complete.

66 hours later 13560285 Anonymous
>>13560151 That'd be strange. After I get this error and try to open the game via the shortcut, my computer tells me i don't have the rights to launch it. Launching as admin doesn't change that. If I open the pso2.exe directly from the pso2_bin it loads for a little while then just closes wihout any message. Has nobody else experienced this before?

66 hours later 13560413 Anonymous (ano eto.jpg 304x185 20kB)
>>13554270 I reject your choices and substitute my own.

66 hours later 13560460 Anonymous
>>13560285 I can't really tell what's wrong here but just be a bit wary if you're using 64bit windows. SEGA recently updated gameguard to totally reject 64bit.

66 hours later 13560483 Anonymous
>>13560285 Did you fix the security settings for the archives?

67 hours later 13560540 Anonymous
>>13560285 You need the fix. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/2280026/pso2exe.zip

67 hours later 13560696 Anonymous
so why do people swear by swords? partisans are infinitely better in the multi party area, especially if someones got weak shot(or whatever its called_

67 hours later 13560732 Anonymous
>>13559918 uhh pretty sure thats not an error. it's telling you you have the latest version(i think)

67 hours later 13560827 Anonymous
>>13560460 Works perfectly fine for me, and I'm using 64-bit Win7.

67 hours later 13560829 Anonymous
>>13560483 I tried pretty much everything that was mentioned in these threads or the blog. >>13560540 I think i already downloaded something smiliar to this, but I'm still gonan try it. Thank you

67 hours later 13561027 Anonymous
>>13560827 Could you fags stop saying that. Yes there are exceptions, but a lot of people can't get into the game because of this shit.

67 hours later 13561278 Anonymous (pso20120908_234623_002.jpg 1280x720 386kB)

68 hours later 13563259 Anonymous
>>13561027 I think the ones having problems are just the minority. Everyone I know in real life who plays this game are all using Windows 7 64-bit and we haven't got any problems. The only problem I've encountered so far is how Game Guard blocks Media Player Classic, so I can't watch anything while idle or doing boring missions.

68 hours later 13563318 Anonymous
>>13560696 Why people play shit class at all? Stick to FO and RA.

68 hours later 13563826 Anonymous
>>13563318 >Suing point and click from range classes Too boring.

68 hours later 13563968 Anonymous (1289270430980.jpg 554x439 64kB)
>>13563318 Why're people such faggots? Oh right, we're on 4chan.

68 hours later 13564091 Anonymous
ok so there are people doing like 400 damage per hit with speed rain..with weaker weapons ive got speed rain lv 9 so what am i doing wrong here? my satk is 460

68 hours later 13564285 Anonymous
>>13564091 Fury stance and maxed out S-Atk and a weapon with power 4 and a soul, maybe.

68 hours later 13564308 Anonymous
>>13564091 *489

68 hours later 13564879 Anonymous
>>13564285 one guy i saw had a Spardion with power III, poision III and vol soul or something...but each speed rain hit was doing around 680 damage

68 hours later 13565048 Anonymous
>>13564879 Shifta item, shifta drink, fury stance and aiming at a weak spot.

68 hours later 13565928 Anonymous
>>13563826 >you have to handicap yourself to have fun in this game!

68 hours later 13566065 Anonymous (1343509541776.jpg 500x500 122kB)
That feel when Ship 2 is best ship.

69 hours later 13566940 Anonymous

69 hours later 13567363 Anonymous
>>13566940 screen shot the error

69 hours later 13567798 Anonymous (error 103 general.png 640x480 182kB)
>>13567363 For your edification and pleasure

69 hours later 13567871 Anonymous
>>13567798 i was getting that as well. it just means youre timing out from the update server. after about 4 tries it finally downloaded the entire update

69 hours later 13567985 Anonymous
>>13563968 Its like you haven't been in those threads two months ago, and everything is new to you. Oh right, english patch and psublog influx.

69 hours later 13568341 Anonymous
>>13554270 i'm not there ;_;

69 hours later 13568449 Anonymous
>>13567871 I've tried a shitload more than just 4 times. Is there another way to get this update?

69 hours later 13568672 Anonymous
>>13568341 dont worry you are still a faggot

69 hours later 13568925 Anonymous
>>13568672 don't bully anon

70 hours later 13570703 Anonymous
>>13568925 >>>/jp/

70 hours later 13572159 Anonymous
>>13563318 Are you serious? really? wow, like, You must be retarded.

70 hours later 13572725 Anonymous
http://bumped.org/psublog/sakai-addresses-the-tos-change-and-future-updates/ >Sakai added a clause to the PSO2 terms of service which basically forbids other countries from playing it

70 hours later 13572857 Anonymous (1297644417704.jpg 529x426 27kB)
>>13572725 >it appears most of the malicious acts are coming from overseas territories

70 hours later 13572858 Anonymous
>>13572725 I just... I don't have a slowpoke slow enough for this.

71 hours later 13573942 Anonymous
>>13572725 >>>/reddit/

71 hours later 13574036 Anonymous
>>13572858 Neither do I anon, neither do I.

71 hours later 13575004 Anonymous (pso20120908_035504_000.jpg 1920x1080 599kB)
Marlu that's not safe

71 hours later 13575336 Anonymous
Wait wait wait WHAT? Ship 10 was dead so I tried to make another character on another ship. It says I have no slots remaining, so I go back to ship 10 to delete my character. Then I get a pop up that says I'll have to purchase character creation rights again! Is this for real? Even if I delete my character and have NONE, I have to BUY another slot to make a new character? So I can essentially be totally screwed out of being able to play for free?

71 hours later 13575518 Anonymous
>>13575336 I believe a couple of people on vg play ship 10. I know I do.

71 hours later 13575739 Anonymous
>>13575336 >Even if I delete my character and have NONE, I have to BUY another slot to make a new character? That only applies on character slots you've paid for. Your first character can be deleted and remade as many times as you want. Also, if you want to keep your shit then store it all in your inventory.

71 hours later 13575779 Anonymous
>>13575518 i play on ship 10

71 hours later 13575813 Anonymous
>>13575336 >ship jumping ship 6 here, ur a faget

71 hours later 13575841 Anonymous
>>13575336 get to ship 4

71 hours later 13576074 Anonymous
man, i fucking give up on grinding 9 star weapons. i was at fucking +9 yesterday on this ardilo and now im back to +5

71 hours later 13576259 Anonymous
>>13576074 Buy protection for beyond +8, you've been wasting your money.

72 hours later 13577073 Anonymous
>>13575841 ship 4 is shit, go to ship 1

72 hours later 13577121 Anonymous
>>13577073 hahaha oh wow

72 hours later 13577959 Anonymous
>>13575336 Make another FREE account, you idiot.

72 hours later 13578506 Anonymous
all ship am worst ship le hurr durr

72 hours later 13579273 Anonymous (a8z4dl.png 600x497 508kB)
Ok so ultimately I want a Corvus mag, but I don't think I want to invest in 50 Dex. I'm going to raise Dex to 30, making the mag an Antila, then continuously raise Ratk until I hit every 4th or 9th level, when I'll raise both Ratk and Dex each at the same time and prevent it from evolving into Fornax. When I get to level 96 as an Antila with, for instance, 59 Ratk and 37 Dex, if I just raise Ratk 4 more levels to get it to 100, will it turn into Corvus because it was a Dex mag until level 95 or will it become Cepheus because Ranged has become the dominant stat? I guess a similar situation would be if I leveled Dex to 48 and Ratk to 47 and invested the last 5 points into ranged until it reaches level 100. Hopefully that helps make the situation a little clearer; I know it was kinda convoluted, sorry.

72 hours later 13579485 Anonymous
>>13579273 Corvus.

72 hours later 13579521 Anonymous
>just started a new character >mouse controls work fine, but every key I pres goes into chat >can't exit it no matter what I feel retarded

72 hours later 13579586 Anonymous
>>13579521 press Scroll-lock.

72 hours later 13579591 Anonymous
>>13579521 press scroll lock

72 hours later 13579775 Anonymous
I forgot to save the information I used in the character creator before I finished. Is it possible to save your sliders after you've already entered the name and started playing?

72 hours later 13579850 Anonymous
>>13575518 >>13575336 Make a team.

72 hours later 13579861 Anonymous
>>13579775 No, unfortunately. You'll just take a screenshot of all the sliders and try to recreate it, I guess.

72 hours later 13580129 Anonymous
Freezing on Caves Area 2 when I enter it. Not sure the problem. I want to say gameguard since alot of programs crashed when I launched it, but I don't know.

72 hours later 13580196 Anonymous
>>13579775 Did you happen to save that information? You can save that in the character creator.

73 hours later 13581270 Decil Galette (Untitled.png 1366x768 1508kB)
>>13580129 Could be because that map on Area 2 might have been up there for too long Still, you don't wanna stay there for too long or you'll get image related.

73 hours later 13582217 Anonymous (pso20120908_175052_006.jpg 1600x900 636kB)
>Ship 10 master race

73 hours later 13582276 Anonymous
>>13581270 I had the same problem but disappeared after lowering shaders, give it a try.

73 hours later 13582326 Anonymous
>>13579591 That worked. Thanks dudes. Now I've gotta ask, which, if any, of the force paths are the best? It seems like you really have to specialize in one element, but I don't know yet which is the best one. Foie, Barta, or Zone?

73 hours later 13582532 Anonymous
>>13582326 Now that I look at it again actually, it just seems to come down to charge vs normal vs photon flare. Is photon flare really worth it? Or is it a better idea to go for the zonde or foie trees? Also are charged techs or normal techs better to specialize in? I'm going to guess charged since normal techs drain PP so fast. Lastly, is PP recharge based on your max, or always a flat speed?

73 hours later 13582719 Anonymous
>>13582326 Fire, here's what I use as a build: http://ryuhiroshi.ry.funpic.de/pso2/force.html?01FO!IOI2kbI32XIxinj As always you're free to play and use which skills you please to, and mine is not 'the best.' It's interesting to think about the possibilities with the other trees though.

73 hours later 13582757 Anonymous
>>13582532 Fire is the most powerful/broken, charged techs are way better, PP recharge has a flat speed, but there's a skill in the fire tree that makes fire techs recharge up to twice as fast.

73 hours later 13583025 Anonymous
>>13582532 Required Force points: http://ryuhiroshi.ry.funpic.de/pso2/force.html?01FO!IOI24OI22SIk8 After that it's up to you. Rafoie is the best spell Force has by far (partially because half the mobs in the game are weak to Fire) and the Tech Charge Advance and Charge PP Revival skills are absolutely essential. Some of your options and things you should never do: - Photon Flare sucks. The boost isn't big enough and it's ten points that could be spent elsewhere. - Freeze Ignition is worthless. - Normal Tech Advance is worthless. - T-ATK Up are somewhat worth it depending on where else you put your points. - Lv1 Ice Mastery and Bolt Mastery give 5% boosts instead of 1%. Some would argue that it's worth putting exactly 1 point into each of them. - Alternatively, you can just go all-in with Flame Mastery and Flame Tech S Charge.

73 hours later 13583029 Anonymous
>>13568449 i solved that issue by connecting the pc directly to the router with a cable instead of using the wifi

73 hours later 13583218 Anonymous
>>13583025 Why do people seem to ignore the potential of Just Reversal? I know there's this "don't get hit" mentality but it's nice to have when you do, and with some bosses, pulling it off properly is the difference between living or dying.

73 hours later 13583873 Anonymous
>>13583025 Freeze ignition is awesome... when you're alone. Can easily oneshot most of the enemies in FC... they just have to be frozen first... And people you're with have to not break the ice... and you have to be really close to them... and the cooldown sucks (1 use per minute)... Ok yeah it's garbage... but I do like seeing those gigantic numbers! Doesn't work on Vol either, btw.

74 hours later 13584332 Anonymous
>Get an error after log in screen. >Restart >No errors

74 hours later 13584420 Anonymous (kokopella6.jpg 781x1105 213kB)

74 hours later 13584513 Anonymous
>>13578506 not all, only the one you are on.

74 hours later 13584525 Anonymous
>>13583025 >>13582719 >>13582757 Is there any point to an attack force? I've just started my first force, but just using my gunslash, even as a wimpy newman, to shoot the enemy weakpoints with just attacks, vastly outstrips the damage I deal with charged foie. Do forces "mature" into killing machines later on? Or they basically only useful for support?

74 hours later 13584661 Anonymous
>>13584525 >support >pso2

74 hours later 13584856 Anonymous
>>13584525 Don't worry, your technics will get a lot stronger than gunslashes as you level up, considering you gain a lot more Tatk than Ratk.

74 hours later 13584865 Anonymous (1282093066430.jpg 461x523 75kB)
>>13584420 Someone among us finally starts drawfagging for this game? I wish I the knack for photoshop and drawing. I'd draw the shit outta this game.

74 hours later 13585002 Anonymous
city ship 4

74 hours later 13585113 Anonymous
>>13584865 So far he draws only his circlejerk. This fact, the quality of those threads and the amount of good jp artists participating completely broke my motivation to post or draw anything pso2 related.

74 hours later 13585301 Anonymous
>>13584856 How much though? Do they still fall behind ranger in terms of killing power? (weak bullet aside)

74 hours later 13585530 Anonymous
>>13584420 Wow, thank you for drawing this. It's very nice. I'm flattered and didn't realize I had a stalker.

74 hours later 13585982 Anonymous (9153e711503f5645379eca8e6d1f8d5e.jpg 557x671 193kB)
>>13585113 k

74 hours later 13586250 Anonymous
>>13585301 FO will outdamage RA in later levels. Note that the area you are fighting in makes a huge difference if your class is actually more useful than another or not. But FO usually takes the cake.

74 hours later 13586349 Anonymous
>>13584661 >not using shifta/deband often in your multiparties

74 hours later 13586502 Anonymous
>>13586349 You do realize that there are items such as cosmo atomizer, shiftaride, and debanride right? Anyone can be "support" if they felt beta enough.

74 hours later 13586728 Anonymous
>>13586502 ur 2cool

74 hours later 13586791 Anonymous
>>13585530 You're fun to stalk.

75 hours later 13588209 Anonymous
>>13584420 >kokopella6.jpg >6 So... where are 1-5?

75 hours later 13589281 Anonymous (high five6b.jpg 1000x1000 270kB)
>>13588209 they are all essentially the same. I save multiple versions of the pictures based on my progress

75 hours later 13591292 Anonymous (self entitled.png 692x1001 896kB)
Well, I haven't played PSO2 in over a week thanks to GameGuard screwing up my client. I'm torrenting Windows 7 to install it in VMbox and I'm wondering if anyone has tried and got it to work? I would love to know if it does or not, so I can either continue forward or cancel the torrent early.

76 hours later 13592410 Anonymous
>>13591292 long as it's not 64 bit...

76 hours later 13593589 Anonymous (201111031528512e2.jpg 571x624 55kB)
My dick needs this costume.

77 hours later 13595343 Anonymous
>>13593589 >no ass

78 hours later 13601870 Decil Galette (pso20120909_080732_003.jpg 1366x768 338kB)
Dancing Cetii.

79 hours later 13604191 Anonymous
I mistakenly uninstalled the client after patching it. Damn moonrunes.

79 hours later 13604358 Anonymous
>>13604191 lolwut? How do you mess that up? The only way to uninstall is through the control panel

79 hours later 13604640 Anonymous
>>13604358 The uninstall button showed up as a new program in the start menu.

80 hours later 13606792 Anonymous (RioCarnival_460.jpg 460x276 35kB)
>>13593589 >We want Brazilian's audience

82 hours later 13608204 Anonymous
>>13584525 Yes dear. If you're geared right and your mag raised correctly, you can do 8~10k on a single pop on Weak Bullet'd weakspots. The only downside is that, it costs so much to gear up.

83 hours later 13609787 Decil Galette (pso20120909_154336_030.jpg 1366x768 330kB)
Nice scar, lizardman.

83 hours later 13609867 Anonymous (pso20120908_221618_001.png 1280x800 856kB)
Triple Aristin squad

83 hours later 13610014 Anonymous
>>13609867 SO DARK AND EDGY xD

83 hours later 13610213 Anonymous (pso20120831_173034_000.png 1280x800 1147kB)
>>13610014 I know, right? It even makes lilipans cry

83 hours later 13610874 Anonymous (pso20120909_031358_000.png 550x36 18kB)
>>13608204 What sort of T-Attack do you need to limit break with a WB? My current record was under pretty perfect situation, but I've got under 1100 T-ATT Everything seems to scale so oddly at times, can wait to see how higher levels will start to play out number wise.

84 hours later 13611324 Anonymous (Untitled.jpg 530x40 8kB)
>>13610874 I know someone with 1.7k tatk and he cant break the 10k limit with force. Try HU.

84 hours later 13611413 Anonymous
>yfw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4EzeNKJgN4g

84 hours later 13611520 Anonymous
>>13611413 When you get in confused status you can friendly fire, nothing special there.

84 hours later 13611674 Anonymous
>>13611324 I think we should assume 9999 to be the 'limit' currently. My HU's record is 4,614, but I've not had very nice opportunities for huge damage, and it's pretty much equally poorly-geared (Only 1101 S-ATT) as my FO. >1.7K T-ATT Is that even possible with the current gear? Err well, it might be with Shifta.

84 hours later 13612869 Anonymous
>>13610874 Were you using rafoie? I've got this weird theory on how rafoie works. You see, when you lock-on and hit something with rafoie, you actually hit it's center. But weal bullet is applied on the part that was hit. What does this mean? It means you're not hitting the WB'ed part since rafoie always hits the center of the target. Well, this is what I got from Wondas and those fishy monsters on FC anyway. Try using just Foie since it travels or Zonde highest single target damage tech

85 hours later 13613192 Anonymous (1328870124878.jpg 150x150 48kB)
>>13612869 Was using Rafoie as expected. I typically don't lock on when I'm aiming for weak spots/WB because most of the target locations are actually placed in bad spots. That's why you do poor damage with Rafoie on a locked Dagan, or with locks in general as Ranger for example. I'd like to see how Sazonde + Zonde plays out on a decent build though, people seems to have ignored Sazonde's potential for lightning builds and massive damage because lots of numbers. But this is likely because nobody wants to rebuild to accommodate Bolt Mastery. Sort of wish I would have tried it though.

85 hours later 13613390 Anonymous
>>13613192 I've experienced RAs use lock-on and then WB a wonda. Rafoie still does shit damage at it. Also have 2 skill trees on my FO. Not using the lightning tree yet since charged tech outdamages normal tech spam quite a lot. Still waiting on more skill points to unlock

85 hours later 13613778 Anonymous
>>13613390 Well you /can/ get Tech Charge to 10 and 10 as well as grab 10 Bolt Mastery with the current SP. A Weak Bullet, Sazonde. and a Zonde on Tranmizer's weak spot might hit pretty high.

85 hours later 13614093 Anonymous (stats.jpg 125x233 16kB)
>>13611674 you can get 1.85k with shifta drink EX, lvl 10 shifta and mag buffs. that's with +10 garland and ragne+tech3 on all units and a 150 t-atk mag. you can probably hit 1.9k with a +10 blueberry rod. pic related, mine's only a 120 t-atk mag tho. highest i could do on this is only 9.4k. pretty sure HUs can do twice higher with the same s-atk.

85 hours later 13614203 Anonymous (pso20120909_065844_007.jpg 1920x1080 666kB)
>go grab some snacks >get back >see this I don't know what the fuck is going on

85 hours later 13614319 Anonymous
Is it possible for Rangers to get ridiculous damage values? What kind of stats are needed? Or is it skill tree based with maxed weak hit advance and standing snipe?

85 hours later 13614597 Anonymous
>>13614319 Yes, very easily. You need Weak Bullet (of course), Max weak hit, and put the rest into Standing Snipe. Mix that with the Sneak Shooter skill on a weak point and you'll break 9999 easily. Luckily, top Ranger gear is quite cheap too.

85 hours later 13614749 Anonymous
>>13614319 I broke 9999 using divine launcher PA on a WB weakspot with a +7 rappy cannon easily. Oh, rangers.

85 hours later 13614929 Anonymous
How the hell are you guys doing so much damage? I mean, I know my weapons kind of suck (3 and 5 star weapons, but they're all +10 and all have Power III (and my Partisan has Vol Soul too) and all my units have either Vol or Quartz Soul AND I have maxed Fury Stance AND a HU Mag and I still only get 500 damage per normal attack absolute max. Where the hell are these thousands of damage coming from?

85 hours later 13614987 Anonymous
>>13614929 shifta and shifta drinks usually

85 hours later 13615137 Anonymous
>>13614929 We're talking PA/Tech damage, mixed with Weak Bullet. If you've got a decent sword get a RA to WB a weak spot for you and see what you can do.

86 hours later 13615585 Anonymous
>>13614319 It's absolutely possible, but you kind of have to sacrifice viability in situations without weak points. What I mean is that with a build catering to weak point damage/standing snipe, you'll get a 165% damage bonus against weak points when standing still. This is great for most trash mobs, aside from those who have no weak spots like Windiras, but you'll be more ineffective against bosses with breakable parts since you don't get the weak spot damage bonus on the breakable parts. You probably won't be standing still very often when fighting bosses either. If you forgo standing snipe for Ratk up, you have to also get 5 points in Rdef up, which isn't terrible, but it's not helping your damage either. This build is, in my opinion, one of the most all-around viable, but your mileage my vary. Ultimately, only you are in control of your tree, after all. http://ryuhiroshi.ry.funpic.de/pso2/ranger.html?01RA!IOI2dBwdwSfwSj

86 hours later 13616146 Anonymous
>>13615585 >Not maxing Weak Hit Advance 2 Best be trolling.

86 hours later 13616552 Anonymous (1336966065879.png 263x423 100kB)
Lvl 5 Hunter, new to the game name's Lemure, hit me up motherfuckers, I feel lonely as shit, the japs are too boring.

86 hours later 13616680 Anonymous
>>13616552 Ship?

86 hours later 13617054 Anonymous
>>13616552 I would help you, but you used an image from the shittiest anime ever made. So fuck you. I hope you get raped by Ragnes.

86 hours later 13617134 Anonymous
>>13617054 >seitokai >shitty What's the matter? Not deep and mature enough for you?

87 hours later 13617743 Anonymous
Uh oh. Gameguard updated and now I can't get past the intro movies without my system locking up. Hadn't adjusted the settings at all. That and the new Flash are the only things I've changed. Is there any way around the movies or am I screwed until then next GG update?

87 hours later 13618181 Anonymous
>>13617134 It's shit. It has absolutely no redeeming factors. All that ever happens is the girls say dirty things over and over and over. It's shallow shit that only 12 year olds would enjoy.

87 hours later 13618261 Anonymous
>>13616552 leave name and ship. if ship04, head to B-30.

87 hours later 13618348 Anonymous
>>13618181 >It's shit. It has nothing that I like. All that ever happens is something that I dont like. It's not mature enough for mature anime viewers such as myself

87 hours later 13618690 Anonymous
>>13618348 It has nothing to do with being "mature" or not. I watch fucking Precure for god sakes. It has to do with the being shallow shit that has NOTHING. I mean, there is literally nothing there. It's just the same tired shit over and over. All the characters do is cuss at each other for the entire episode, every episode.

87 hours later 13618923 Anonymous
>>13618690 I wouldn't expect any standards from their kind of community.

87 hours later 13618934 Anonymous
>>13618690 > It's just the same tired shit over and over. The same could be said of all anime >naruto is just ninjas casting abracadabra at each other over and over >precure is just little girl transformation scenes over and over >etc etc

87 hours later 13618958 Anonymous (0e8e1e8800e1e2e327b1f5245aeefe9e.jpg 900x1200 433kB)
>>13618690 But everyone knows that Precure is a mature show for manly men!

89 hours later 13622626 Anonymous
>>13565928 You have to play easymode to have fun. Casuals confirmed.

89 hours later 13622759 Anonymous
>>13622626 >handicapped = hard lol no. Why not go play with one hand too?

89 hours later 13622991 Anonymous
>>13622759 You can do that with easymode rangers. That's how easy they are.

89 hours later 13623404 Anonymous (dddd.png 783x412 392kB)
>premium just ran out >farm some HM free missions for a day and a half >all of a sudden, rares start dropping out the ass >can't sell them well, fuck you too, sega

89 hours later 13623545 Anonymous (discoaniki.jpg 630x768 192kB)
The last day of Disco Aniki. Thank god. I can go back to being Space Cowboy again! Never going to make a bet like that again. Ever.

90 hours later 13623824 Anonymous
>>13623404 Holy fuck, I hate you.

90 hours later 13624109 Anonymous
Anyone disconnecting?

90 hours later 13625558 Anonymous
>>13623545 RIP Disco Aniki. What should we bet on next? Ikutachi or Crabs?

92 hours later 13628686 Anonymous
>>13477667 there are many of these windows that pop up, how do i know what each one means?

92 hours later 13628810 Anonymous
>>13437629 this is better than bioware conversation tree

92 hours later 13629014 Anonymous (vmware lol.jpg 1920x1080 511kB)
For anyone experiencing GameGuard issues, you can play the game just fine in VMware on Windows 7 x86. I'm getting a steady 60FPS ingame inside VMware Sega better reimburse me for the time wasted on not playing for a week and setting up a Virtual Machine thanks to GameGuard.

92 hours later 13629401 Anonymous
>>13629014 >issue that only affected a small portion of the players >no way of telling who was actually affected They aren't going to give you shit.

92 hours later 13629463 Anonymous
>>13629401 >small portion http://realtime.search.yahoo.co.jp/search?p=npro&md=t&rkf=1&ei=UTF-8&gm=w Try thousands of Japanese players.

92 hours later 13630739 Anonymous
>>13629014 >A week >It took me seconds to make the error go away Are you even a PC user?

96 hours later 13642303 Anonymous (NothingToHonkHonkAbout.jpg 348x219 20kB)
This FUN scratch thing makes me sad, all I get are Grinders and Synthesizers

96 hours later 13642396 Anonymous
>>13629014 sure is entitled children in here

96 hours later 13643186 Anonymous
>>13642396 Oh yeah, so entitled. I bet the people who paid for premium and couldn't use it for a week+ were entitled too. Go fuck yourself.

96 hours later 13643923 Anonymous
>>13643186 Did you buy premium?

97 hours later 13646384 Anonymous
>>13642303 I prefer just saving my fun for the next rotation and spending it all at once. It makes it less painful when I get grinders and synthesizers because at least I'll know that I got some other stuff.

97 hours later 13648129 Anonymous
How do you get a mag that shoots enemies?

97 hours later 13648524 Anonymous
>>13648129 that SHOOT?, feed it with Assault and Rifle Launcher, you'll need time

98 hours later 13653734 Anonymous
>>13648129 Don't get a mag specifically because it shoots, several types of mags do this. Get a mag based on your favorite class.

99 hours later 13654442 Anonymous
>>13653734 Is it best to go straight shoot or strike or tech attack, or mix in some dex? I don't know what the evolution chart really looks like.

99 hours later 13654838 Anonymous (bWL4n.jpg 1280x1024 161kB)
>>13654442 it depends hunters need s-attack rangers need r-atk force needs t-atk dex is mostly for your PA/skills Personally I have my mag with S-atk and S-def but holy shit, Dolphinus (strike mag) annoys me a lot

99 hours later 13655385 Anonymous (CGD2-38569.jpg 352x500 23kB)
Anyone bought/buying this? http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=CGD2-38569&page=top

99 hours later 13655882 Anonymous (pso20120909_190042_001.jpg 1600x1200 633kB)
Rate my waifu guys.

99 hours later 13656085 Anonymous
>>13617743 that's been up for like a week

99 hours later 13656518 Anonymous
>>13655882 generic/10 bonus points for fucking up proportions like no one ever did before.

99 hours later 13656591 Anonymous
>>13655882 my/dick

99 hours later 13656595 Anonymous
>>13655882 nice hips

99 hours later 13656743 Anonymous
>>13629014 >ship 2 not fine

99 hours later 13656870 Anonymous
>>13655882 Face is alright. Nothing special but nothing horrible about it. Nose is a little too long in proportion with the face, rest is fine. Body is all kinds of fucked up. MASSIVE tits and HUGE hips for her frame with a long ass torso and wide shoulders+thick arms for dinky legs past the hips.

99 hours later 13657084 Anonymous
>>13655882 character generation 101: don't EVER touch sliders if you don't know exactly what the fuck you are going to get.

100 hours later 13658115 Anonymous (downgrade.jpg 1600x1200 631kB)
>>13656870 >long ass torso That's as short as the torso can get. Practically everything body-wise was left at default settings aside from muscle, leg/hip settings, and bust. >>13657084 That body type _was_ what I wanted to get though. I wanted to exaggerate the proportions. Otherwise she'd just end up like this.

100 hours later 13658240 Decil Galette (pso20120910_083556_004.jpg 1366x768 326kB)
What kind of gunslash is it? Let's find out.

100 hours later 13659565 Anonymous
Fire, Ice, or Lightning for FO? Which is the best to but skill points in?

100 hours later 13659719 Anonymous
>>13659565 Fire. All Darkers are weak to fire. The only place where fire isn't good is the Caves.

100 hours later 13660037 Anonymous
I just bought some scratch card and got some shit that was the box art for Phantasy Star 0. What the fuck?

100 hours later 13660909 Anonymous
>>13660037 its a cd. put it in a juke box.

101 hours later 13661225 Anonymous (Afin-Costume-Concept-PSO2.jpg 800x612 177kB)
What perv designed Afin's pants with a window in the crotch so you can see his little shorts. ... Can you get these pants for yourself?

101 hours later 13661628 Anonymous
>>13661225 Japan designed them and probably

101 hours later 13661746 Anonymous
>>13660909 for your 'MyRoom'

101 hours later 13661828 Anonymous
>>13661746 Which I have to buy. Fuck that. How am I even supposed to spend money if the captchas are all moonrunes?

101 hours later 13661909 Anonymous
>>13661828 You can ask us, or try http://www.cs.technion.ac.il/~danken/kanjidic.html plus http://www.japanese-symbols.org/images/japanese-hiragana-chart.gif

101 hours later 13661950 Anonymous
>>13661828 BTW you can get 3 days of MyRoom from FUN Scratch

101 hours later 13662095 Decil Galette (pso20120910_085139_005.jpg 1366x768 280kB)
>>13658240 The unidentified gunslash is....

101 hours later 13662193 Anonymous
>>13659565 First off, don't listen to that idiot who said all darkers are weak to fire. All darkers are weak to light, but not all are weak to fire. Every darker implemented starting when tundra was released is weak to lightning and light. As for your build, the fire tree has so much good shit that it's barely worth touching the others. Charge PP revival is a must, and the tech charge advances boost your damage WAY more than the base tech attack lines because tech attack up lines only boost your base whereas the tech charge advance boost is calculated after base stats, gear, traits on your gear, and your mag's boosts are taken into account. Aside from that, there's not much worth investing in until the level cap goes up to 50, at which point, a force will have just enough SP to max the tech just attack line of the lightning tree.

101 hours later 13662269 Anonymous (american.gif 450x407 206kB)

101 hours later 13662602 Anonymous
>>13662269 >spreadsheet is still down B-b-but I need to figure out if these shitty rares are worth tekking!

101 hours later 13662823 Anonymous (derp.jpg 1125x447 136kB)
>>13662602 try a proxy, it's working for me

101 hours later 13663037 Anonymous
>>13662602 Spreadsheet is fine, but your old bookmark isn't going to work. Gotta rebookmark it. Use the link in the OP.

102 hours later 13665596 Anonymous (pso20120909_194308_001.jpg 1600x900 425kB)
Apparently this weapon has 200 Satk. Why? It's a rifle. There's no way to utilize this Satk either as far as I know, but it increases with the Ratk as you grind it. Anyone have any insight into why it exists?

102 hours later 13665820 Anonymous
>>13665596 The bullet damage split into two types maybe? It shoots blades if I'm not mistaken.

102 hours later 13665852 Anonymous
>>13665596 It's a Gunslash

102 hours later 13666294 Anonymous
>>13665852 notice the way its held, its a rifle.

102 hours later 13667386 Anonymous
>>13665596 There's a melee PA for RA, but that's for launchers...

103 hours later 13668591 Anonymous
>>13665596 You need S-atk to sweep kick enemies http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GimZatfcdcI#t=2m09s

103 hours later 13670168 Anonymous
guys how the fuck do I get those 10 fangs or whatever that i need for the mag license? only one has dropped after like 3 runs.

103 hours later 13670346 Anonymous
>>13659719 >All Darkers are weak to fire. This is incorrect. When was the last time you played? The universal Darker weakness, so far, is Light, not fire.

103 hours later 13670472 Anonymous
>>13661225 Yes you can. It just came up in the current AC scratch content. People are selling it in the my shop. Also seriously, if you haven't played the game in weeks or months, or if you don't know what the fuck you're talking about, stop answering questions and spreading misinformation. (Not intended for the anon I quoted.)

103 hours later 13670486 Anonymous
>>13670168 don't worry about running that fangulf mission for it. Run the later forest missions instead the fangulfs will appear as regular enemies

103 hours later 13670516 Anonymous
>>13659565 Fire, spam Rafoie on everything. Win the game

103 hours later 13670904 Anonymous (pso20120909_003700_003.jpg 1360x768 305kB)
Too lewd.

104 hours later 13673339 Anonymous
I have an unverified Paypal account (not American) and a debit card, what's the best place to buy Webmoney from? I just want the code right away, I don't want to do any of that drivers license/phone call bullshit.

104 hours later 13673432 Anonymous
>>13670346 yeah but light spells are too slow compared to shooting Ga Wondas up the ass with rafoie.

104 hours later 13673702 Anonymous (pso20120830_072858_000.jpg 1920x1080 1170kB)

104 hours later 13673734 Anonymous (pso20120830_090019_004.jpg 1920x1080 1128kB)

104 hours later 13673848 Anonymous (pso20120830_192515_024.jpg 1280x720 538kB)

105 hours later 13674242 -TheSignPainter
Finaly evolved my Mag to Lvl 30 Fornox with 24 range, 5 Dex, and 1 Striking Def. what should i feed and what should the levels look like to get the one with the drill Tucan at 95 right?

105 hours later 13674319 Anonymous
Okay so, despite the fact that I can change classes, my mag is pretty much gonna be specialized for only one class, right?

105 hours later 13674419 Anonymous
>>13674319 Put all points in ability, be mediocre in everything!

105 hours later 13674429 Anonymous
>>13674319 Yessu now pray for newru maggu or make anotheru acontu.

105 hours later 13674434 Anonymous
>>13674319 Yes. That's why there's an option to buy a new one

105 hours later 13674615 Anonymous
Wait.... is the mag quest available once per character or account? If I pay for another character slot, do I really need to pay for another mag too?

105 hours later 13674672 -TheSignPainter
do i just raise the striking stat and not anything else? or do i still need to raise range stat or another

105 hours later 13674773 Anonymous
>>13674672 strike if you are hunter range if you are ranger also >>13654838

105 hours later 13674874 Anonymous
>>13674672 My bad, didn't read your last post Yes, you need DEX/ABL+STR for it you can leave it at 40 R-atk and get 30+30 DEX+STR

105 hours later 13674914 -TheSignPainter
>>13674773 it says to raise strike and ability above range for the drill Im a ranger but I still want that drill

105 hours later 13675247 -TheSignPainter
>>13674874 ok to clarify, get both Dex and STR above range but dont go over range on any one stat right?

105 hours later 13675389 Anonymous (1340596029027.jpg 250x250 22kB)
>Hunter lvl10 >mfw soloing after that boss duel with that one dragon that extends and burrows underground in the volcanic region It took me nearly a fucking hour get that fucker down and I forgot to take Echo and AIBOU with me. >Complete the mission with an S-rank in 25min to get the next region ticket Fuck you, fuck this, fuck that WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU GUYS, SHIP 10 REPRESENT. MY NAME'S LEMURE HELP ME OUT

105 hours later 13675407 Anonymous
>>13675247 Sum of both must be higher than r-atk, try to don't go over your mag's actual r-atk or your mag will change (if you have 40 r-atk and 41 s-atk, it will change to s-atk one)

105 hours later 13675497 Anonymous
>>13675389 I hope this helps you https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0Akbdpi65EON1dGRTd2hqNXBQMW1Lak9SOFJKM1UtbUE&gid=15

105 hours later 13675502 Anonymous
>>13675389 ah this post feels so nostalgic

106 hours later 13677363 Anonymous
>>13661225 facebook is strong in this one

106 hours later 13677503 Anonymous
>>13675389 Don't worry too much about unlocking new areas in the beginning, just join whatever parties are available at the moment, you get to play other areas even if you haven't unlocked them yet (as long as you have the minimum required lvl), you'll level faster and have more fun that way. You can come back to the quest later when you're higher lvl or if you find a party that you get along with and sticks together for more than one mission, you could ask them to help you. I would, but I'm on ship 4

106 hours later 13677713 Anonymous (Sans titre.jpg 3286x1080 692kB)
Help guys. That happen after first launcher launch.

106 hours later 13677763 Anonymous
>>13677713 open it as admin?

106 hours later 13677804 Anonymous
>>13677763 if that does not work try this http://bumped.org/psublog/pso2-jp-patch-update-7202012/

106 hours later 13677857 Anonymous
>>13677763 Of course. >>13677804 Gonna try, thanks

106 hours later 13678561 Anonymous (Sans titre.jpg 3286x1080 770kB)
>>13677713 Have my launcher now, but stay like that ~5minutes without move.

106 hours later 13678641 Anonymous
>>13678561 It's not gonna move for the next hour. Deal with it.

106 hours later 13678708 Anonymous (Sans titre.jpg 3286x1080 752kB)
>>13678641 Launcher have move OMG Anyway thanks bros for help.

106 hours later 13678748 Anonymous (31343843143.jpg 391x366 33kB)
Is gameguard working for 64bit comps yet?

107 hours later 13679969 Anonymous
>>13678748 It always worked for me so I cannot help with this seemingly random and not solid 64bit related thing. So if I were to say "yes" what is true, someone would get mad because it seemingly STILL would fuck someone else up.

107 hours later 13680502 Anonymous
>>13673432 Yes, true, fire spells can be cast faster with points in the proper skill. But that doesn't make ALL Darkers WEAK to FIRE. Unless if you're an idiot who don't understand how words work.

107 hours later 13681106 Anonymous
As long as no monster has elemental resistance or immunity, its not that important anyway. I spam razonde all day at anything anywhere, it works so far.

107 hours later 13681279 Anonymous
I wonder how many people actually plan on coming back for this update. Especially the ones that have been gone for weeks. I feel like removing them all from my friendlist for some reason

107 hours later 13681280 Anonymous (pso20120910_162521_003.jpg 1280x720 289kB)
xXxnoscopeDartProMLGxXx up in this bitch

108 hours later 13681542 Anonymous
>>13681279 Probably not much. Sega fucked up when they decided to use this model. Seriously, who the fuck thought this was a good idea? OH WE'LL CAP THE LEVELS, AND THEN BRING OUT CONTENT EVER SO SLOWLY, AND IT WON'T BE A LOT OF CONTENT EITHER, NOR WILL IT BE MEANINGFUL CONTENT But what will the players do in the meanwhile waiting between contents? THEY'LL MINDLESSLY GRIND AND WE'LL FORCE THEM TO LEVEL ALL THEIR OTHER CHARACTERS AS WELL AND THEN THEY'LL MASS TONS OF MONEY THAT THEY WON'T EVEN USE ANYWAYS BUT THEY'LL CONTINUE POINTLESSLY GRINDING! I honestly don't get how these people have jobs

108 hours later 13681601 Anonymous
>>13681542 Of course they forgot to hire you.

108 hours later 13681707 Anonymous
>>13681542 That's because you're looking at this from a mmorpg standpoint. This is not a mmorpg. >no pvp >no team wars >weak as hell bosses >rares can be obtained from normal mobs Let's look at what it does have >costumes >accessories >rooms >room accessories >lobby actions PSO2 isn't an mmorpg. It's an online dress up doll simulator

108 hours later 13681831 Anonymous (1283844785406.jpg 1046x638 81kB)
>>13681542 >baww I don't get exactly the toy I dreamed of! Amount of content doesn't increase the amount of time people spend on it. 50 levels will be done in a month, 100 levels will be done in a month, anything will be eaten up in one month. Its a law of mmos, you can't outdo the players, they WILL complete the game in twice the shorter time you have planned. Remove the grind and they will bitch about nothing to do. Add grind and they will bitch about grind. No one praises the conent he was done with. Tera what? Right, no one gave a single fuck about 40-50 gigabytes of shit, dead game, dead thread. Releasing the content, and letting the player to return any time he wants is the best business model currently. I bet you are one of the faggots who 40/40/40'd in the first week and thinks everyone on every ship is like you. All those jobs were well-earned, deal with it.

108 hours later 13681913 Anonymous (this.png 199x274 90kB)

108 hours later 13682020 Anonymous
>>13681831 Well then while all the casuals and slowpokes are catching up, what in the fuck are we supposed to do?

108 hours later 13682112 Anonymous
>>13682020 >what in the fuck are we supposed to do? Have fun.

108 hours later 13682247 Anonymous
>>13681542 Oh no its like I'll have to go play some other games or something.

108 hours later 13682397 Anonymous
>>13682020 Sakai did promise focusing more on endgame content eventually, but nothing in particular was stated yet. So, you might believe they are aware of where they are heading. Technically, the way maps get randomized and filled with codes is already stretching the replayability for quite a while, now when they have those systems up, they only need to focus less on predetermined stuff like time attacks and story missions, and elaborate more on monster and equip variety, so game would play itself by mixing them together.

108 hours later 13682460 Anonymous (idk.png 188x93 19kB)
Kokopella and MoMo are my favorite FO

108 hours later 13682617 Anonymous
>>13681542 You're also assuming this from a western point of view. The JP community, culture, and mindset both online and offline are very different from North America's. What we might not find acceptable here might very well be viable in Japan. There's a reason they released what is essentially what we westerners would consider a beta as a full game in Japan; Japanese people will play regardless. There's a reason they're waiting til 2013, when they'll have tons of potential content, to release this game in the western areas, and you're it.

108 hours later 13682654 Anonymous
>>13682460 d'awww

108 hours later 13682776 Anonymous
>>13682617 Well, rest assured, if they pull that same shit on the US, this game is going to crash and burn. Just look at GW2 and the level 80s complaining about nothing to do. It would be such a damn shame for this game.

108 hours later 13682902 Anonymous
>>13682776 No argument there

109 hours later 13683482 Anonymous
>>13682617 I don't believe it will handle itself even with a bunch of upcoming content either, unless there will be some sort of completely different game mode and emergency missions overlapping each other every hour.

109 hours later 13683535 Anonymous (1337810335462.png 342x245 54kB)
I was killing Vol Dragon on hard modo when suddenly you appeared I thought those stories were a myth I thought you were a lie, a lie to scare people I hate you now GameGuard I can't even play anymore, I have been playing for N weeks and never had an issue till now

109 hours later 13684103 Anonymous (1337814820555.jpg 300x300 59kB)
We need a new thread, we already hit bump limit and I have no general images

109 hours later 13684569 Anonymous
>>13684103 We are still 300 away chen

109 hours later 13684636 Anonymous
>>13684569 that's right, but this ain't bumping

109 hours later 13684703 Anonymous
>>13684569 Bumplimit is 750 now. >>13684103 I tried making a new thread but 4chan thinks I'm a spammer.

110 hours later 13686297 Anonymous
New thread: >>13686267

113 hours later 13693421 Anonymous (Sans titre.jpg 3286x1080 984kB)

113 hours later 13693851 Anonymous
>>13693421 [Use] unregistered error This ID registration is not available yet From the "Change User Information" of the login menu Please register to use this game. [No.678] Fix your registration. You haven't finished it yet.

123 hours later 13720714 Anonymous
>>13670904 didnt eriana sigma's room expired?

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