4chan archive /vg/ (index)
2012-09-05 09:51 13371647 Anonymous long lost game (pixel-legions-03[1].jpg 500x500 22kB)
Hey /vg/,
I'm looking for a game that I played as a kid, it was really addictive. I'm in a nostalgic mood so I would be very pleased if anyone of you could find the name.
You control a cloud of pixels, and the opponent too. The goal is to surround the other cloud, so the other pixels change to your team. Its similar to the online game pixel legions.
It can be played with multiple players.
Its on PC
you can download it
It is probably older than 10 years, maybe even 15.
Thats all I can think of right now
Thank you guys in advance
captcha: nosegay eaceuhi
4 min later 13371859 Anonymous (Liquid-War_2.jpg 640x480 109kB)
Might be Liquid Wars
15 min later 13372378 Anonymous (Hot%2BGirl%2Bcute[1].jpg 500x663 46kB)
You, Sir, have found the answer. Thank you a lot. If this were a nsfw board, I would post pr0n as a reward but instead I will post this
0.508 0.025