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2012-09-05 08:19 13367661 Anonymous Animal Crossing General (Animal Crossing General.png 477x346 413kB)
For the past week or so, /v/ has been going nuts with Animal Crossing discussion, so I think it might be time to bring the threads over here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52NZqw-Tssk >Animal Crossing: Jump Out >You are the mayor and can manage your town >Can visit other people's houses via StreetPass >Islands are back >Caves >Everything is customizable >Outfits can be shared via QR codes >Online play >New villager types, including deer >Sloth and llama NPCs > Crossdressing Are you ready for what will undeniably be the best Animal Crossing game yet?

6 min later 13367964 Anonymous (4020848+_593170a24f6d8d46c8292c023807ba94.jpg 280x200 4kB)
you had me at 'Islands are back'

12 min later 13368246 Anonymous
>jump out >crossdressing out of the closet, then? just kidding, we all know that crossdressers are predominantly straight ...people that play animal crossing, though?

13 min later 13368273 Anonymous
>llama >not alpaca fuck this gay earth

20 min later 13368547 Anonymous (1346721921850.png 317x700 307kB)
>sloth Fucking finally, my favorite animal makes it in. Day one buy.

23 min later 13368672 Anonymous (Octavian.jpg 600x800 43kB)
Just the best villager of all time passing by.

25 min later 13368781 Anonymous (60qbf.jpg 1012x848 43kB)
stop making new Animal Crossing threads, there's already 2 of them. It's not that hard to CTRL - F "Animal Crossing" on the pages of /vg/

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