4chan archive /vg/ (index)
2012-09-05 06:05 13361814 Anonymous SC2 HotS general (bored artosis.jpg 5000x5000 694kB)
A bunch of gook shit happened, who cares. HotS is released. Watch who you want. http://www.twitch . tv/directory/StarCraft%20II:%20Heart%20of%20the%20Swarm

0 min later 13361845 Anonymous

0 min later 13361854 Anonymous
Smoke trees 420 fo lyf

0 min later 13361861 Anonymous

0 min later 13361863 Anonymous

1 min later 13361876 Anonymous
top ten for no hots beta

1 min later 13361879 Anonymous (fOrGGsmile.jpg 500x331 144kB)

1 min later 13361883 Anonymous
>bored He's not yawning you retarded prick.

1 min later 13361901 Anonymous
waiting for a beta invite general

1 min later 13361907 Anonymous
>>13361883 >this mad

1 min later 13361917 Anonymous (1333576119178.jpg 200x200 17kB)
he's literally going hellion/banshee

2 min later 13361921 Anonymous (20120905_jiyoung_1.jpg 520x365 29kB)
KARA‘s maknae Kang Jiyoung admitted that the group’s new sexy concept was a bit burdensome for her. The members of KARA were interviewed on the September 5th broadcast of SBS TV‘s ‘One Night Of TV Entertainment‘, and it was here that Jiyoung admitted that for her Korean-Japanese drama, she had requested a forehead kiss scene which was not originally in the script. “The scene was one where [the couple] was just comfortably walking along together,” Jiyoung said. “I felt like there needed to be a little more, like something was missing.” In the end, Jiyoung got her wish and was able to film a forehead kiss scene. Much to everyone’s surprise, Jiyoung remarked, “To be honest, a forehead kiss wasn’t that big of a deal!” The young singer who not too long ago remarked that she was “not pure” had also admitted, “I recently watched a movie rated 19+. It was less shocking that I originally thought,” causing everyone to burst into laughter. When asked if she felt burdened by the group’s new sexy concept, Jiyoung answered, “It’s a lot of pressure. The outfits are nude-colored, so there’s a bit of an illusion. These sorts of things are really burdensome.”

2 min later 13361946 Anonymous
>>13361917 scrap that, i'm literally retarded.

2 min later 13361949 Anonymous
>>13361921 does anyone care?

2 min later 13361953 Anonymous
>>13361921 >The young singer who not too long ago remarked that she was “not pure” FUCKING DROPPED

2 min later 13361965 Anonymous
>>13361921 >not even the title in subject field Do you even Jambi?

3 min later 13361971 Anonymous
>>13361921 what a whore

3 min later 13361974 Anonymous
post your reddit accounts http://www.reddit.com/user/holy__check

3 min later 13361987 Anonymous
>>13361965 >jambi

3 min later 13361998 Anonymous
Holy shit I thought those battle helions where mech Hydras

3 min later 13362006 Anonymous

4 min later 13362013 Anonymous (forgg_2fact_mech.jpg 1146x826 511kB)
>>13361917 MECH,bro.

4 min later 13362020 Anonymous
another day, another 40 games #lifeofstarcraft #vgcodeS2013

4 min later 13362029 Anonymous
Watching HotS is exciting but I don't like how warhounds and hellions are ruining the game right now.

4 min later 13362034 Anonymous
>>13361974 http://www.reddit.com/user/ get FUCKED

4 min later 13362040 Anonymous
What Kara albums should i download?

5 min later 13362049 Anonymous
>>13361921 It must be so weird to be a 20 something idol and have never drunk alcohol, had a proper relationship or even seen porn or something

5 min later 13362059 Anonymous
>>13362029 same for me. protoss seems to have a lot of cool options now and every zerg unit is pretty cool but terran just seem so boring even though those warhounds are great

5 min later 13362069 Anonymous
>>13362049 must be great I wish women were like that around here

5 min later 13362095 Anonymous
>>13362020 >tfw you plan to do 40 a day in hots but will probably stick to your usual 3/4

6 min later 13362098 Anonymous
>>13362069 show them the glory of foot licking

6 min later 13362106 Anonymous
>>13361974 http://www.reddit.com/user/Nuurdurf whoever this guy is needs to kill himself

6 min later 13362118 Anonymous
>>13362059 >terran babbies will always find something to cry about holy fuck

6 min later 13362136 Anonymous
>>13362020 based dizzle

7 min later 13362142 Anonymous (thetruesmug.jpg 259x390 53kB)
>>13361974 Stop forcing this dumbass

7 min later 13362149 Anonymous
>>13362106 thats one of the sekrit club members how new?

7 min later 13362156 Anonymous
why is chrome history so retarded I type "youtube" in the bar because I want to check out some songs I listened to this week, and only 3 links show up. Then i ctrlH and type youtube.com, and every fucking page that had "youtube" written somewhere is displayed wtf

7 min later 13362165 Anonymous
>>13362049 time for you to introduce them to it anon

7 min later 13362169 Anonymous
>>13362118 im zerg though. terran just look boring now even though they probably are strong overall. at least vs p

8 min later 13362185 Anonymous
>>13362156 yeah, it's infuriating.

8 min later 13362192 Anonymous
>>13362059 >best harras options >best units >easiest macro >lol xdddd 2borin4me get FUCKED terran babb

8 min later 13362219 Anonymous
>>13362196 this is some high level bait.

9 min later 13362229 Anonymous
>>13362196 >[stream]

9 min later 13362236 Anonymous
>>13362192 No need for harass though. Sit on 3 bases, make warhounds and hellions, gg. Even in the real game.

9 min later 13362237 Anonymous
>>13362118 As a terran it looks cool as fuck, its the new colossi rapetrain

9 min later 13362239 Anonymous
>have dragon and shtiggs stream up >notice i am watching dragon and not 4gg >cant tell the difference because both players are doing the same build

9 min later 13362242 Anonymous
>forgg being a cheesy bastard fuck this gook

9 min later 13362259 Anonymous
>oGsForGG: mine is unit ? >oGsForGG: wtf

9 min later 13362264 Anonymous (Yuri925.jpg 1024x815 162kB)
>>13362196 my friend just linked me is stream and told me that the HOTS beta is out.

9 min later 13362271 Anonymous
>>13362242 He was playing a freaking silver player

9 min later 13362273 Anonymous
>>13362242 really epic stuff here.

9 min later 13362274 Anonymous
>>13362196 god tier bait

10 min later 13362282 Anonymous
>>13362259 he's never played hots and so he's just using all the new units

10 min later 13362287 Anonymous
dragon is streaming HotS where my dragon bros at? http://www.teamliquid . net/video/streams/Dragon anyone got a #1 bro for dragon?

10 min later 13362290 Anonymous
did greg or fatburger ever get a beta invite? please tell me no

10 min later 13362306 Anonymous
>>13362290 they didn't

11 min later 13362317 Anonymous (6S1U7N9G0L9A6S5S9E8S.jpg 1280x848 555kB)
>>13362040 download the compilation album kara best 2007-2010 and maybe step

11 min later 13362318 Anonymous
>>13362290 did greg or fatburger ever win an msl?

11 min later 13362320 Anonymous
>That feel when you touch yourself gently when thinking of IU :3

11 min later 13362336 Anonymous
>>13362290 idra did incontrol was bitching about not getting one

11 min later 13362346 Anonymous
>>13362287 best bait I've seen in a while, actually deleting the first post to make it look like a genuine question

11 min later 13362352 Anonymous
http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=366309 PART 2 NIGGAHS

11 min later 13362354 Anonymous
You people are still trash human beings I see. HOTS looks like shit.

12 min later 13362374 Anonymous
>>13362320 fuck off america`

12 min later 13362378 Anonymous
>>13362156 get some history extension, I use "Better History" and it works great.

12 min later 13362380 Anonymous
>>13362354 what dont you like about it

12 min later 13362382 Anonymous (tumblr_m321ksttMT1qk12q0o1_1280.jpg 800x1200 755kB)
g...get away from her

12 min later 13362385 Anonymous
>>13362336 >incontrol was bitching about not getting one Some Blizzard employee is laughing his ass off

12 min later 13362394 Anonymous
>>13362354 because all the units are op and shit right now. after beta it will be better than wol.

12 min later 13362404 Anonymous
>>13362354 sup tosog, why do you have to leave :(

12 min later 13362410 Anonymous
How much hp do a regular hellion and a battle hellion have respectively? And how much more armor, weapon range etc?

13 min later 13362425 Anonymous
>>13362404 fuck off carl nobody likes you

13 min later 13362431 Anonymous
>at the starcraft 2 secret development meeting >hey guys let's watch a replay of brood war to get the creative juices flowing! >watch protoss disarm terran pushes with zealot bombs to divert tank fire >hey since dragoons are weak to tanks what if we invent a unit that completely shuts down mech terrans! ... like a dragoon ... but with armor! >watch a protoss player manner pylon an enemy terran >since no one wants to pay 25 minerals to block a mineral field, it would be a great idea to have them pay even more minerals for a unit that does the exact same thing! >see a zerg player use dark swarm to enhance the effectiveness of his zerglings into late game zvt >i never liked the swarmy nature of zerg. let's make their hydralisks a lair unit, make them 2 supply and give them a tanky unit that rivals the tankiness of zealots! FUCK THIS GAME

13 min later 13362446 Anonymous
>Implying a game that gets patched and balance updates every other week can be competetive This is why Broodwar is infinite times better

13 min later 13362449 Anonymous (tt.jpg 600x577 43kB)
>>13362320 >tfw IU touches herself gently when thinking of me

13 min later 13362451 Anonymous
>>13362069 i don't get this, like I don't get the appeal I guess it's a fetish? ruining pure girls or whatever? yeah have fun with that, i'm going to have GOOD sex, thanks

14 min later 13362458 Anonymous
tempest looks so fucking good might switch to protoss just for it

14 min later 13362459 Anonymous (kvb32.jpg 449x632 92kB)
Top 80 for Kim Yeon Koung.

14 min later 13362483 Anonymous
>>13362431 >see vultures in action >you know, 75 minerals for a fast unit that deals 20 damage to infantry units and has 3 mines that deal 125 damage each is pretty shitty. what if we attach a flamethrower to a motorcycle?

15 min later 13362491 Anonymous
>>13362451 arguing about opinions m8

15 min later 13362492 Anonymous
>>13362451 Why would you want used goods?

15 min later 13362495 Anonymous
is a full list of changes for HOTS anywhere? there's nothing in the beta forum

15 min later 13362503 Anonymous
>>13362431 >let's also give terran the dark swarm since they need it so badly

15 min later 13362513 Anonymous
>>13362446 so good that its dead

15 min later 13362514 Anonymous
My passion for SC2 is pretty high right now Code S OSL HotS WCS finals Get hyped guys.

15 min later 13362531 Anonymous
>>13362483 >20 damage

16 min later 13362539 Anonymous
>>13362492 what is experience

16 min later 13362556 Anonymous (tossfacebro.jpg 513x404 39kB)
>3base turtle with speedy as fuck oracles constantly harassing for free >max out on an unbeatable army

16 min later 13362558 Anonymous
>>13362492 stay virgin

17 min later 13362570 Anonymous (1334255938782.jpg 298x350 25kB)
>whining over a beta on day 1 lel

17 min later 13362575 Anonymous
What the actual fuck.

17 min later 13362581 Anonymous (1332507408538.png 1012x930 83kB)
http://sc2ranks.com/c/12963/vg/ Reminder PDizzle has played 1229 games this season. The TRUE passion.

17 min later 13362592 Anonymous
>>13362556 >dont need to harass >turlte on warhound bellion >amove to victory epik :)

17 min later 13362593 Anonymous
Why the fuck haven't most the twitch streamers switched their game over to HotS? so fucking dumb.

17 min later 13362595 Anonymous
>>13362539 I feel queasy thinking that another man could have had sex with a woman that I would

17 min later 13362607 Anonymous
>>13362581 but did he get a beta key?

18 min later 13362610 Anonymous
>>13362570 these are the same gold league autists that are too scared to ladder but know everything about the game

18 min later 13362613 Anonymous
>>13362570 It's day 2 mejt

18 min later 13362627 Anonymous (masters_leage_on_TL.jpg 536x629 138kB)
>>13362610 high gold

18 min later 13362631 Anonymous (Yuri392.gif 245x160 1039kB)
>>13362581 Shame he doesn't play le mastah race

18 min later 13362635 Anonymous
LOL BATTLE HELLIONS ARE OP AS SHIT. They wreck zealots and are super tanky

18 min later 13362636 Anonymous
>>13362431 >see vulture patrol micro in action >hey what if we made a unit that attacks on its own? FUCK THEY KEEP COMING TO ME I CAN'T STOP

19 min later 13362642 Anonymous
>>13362595 Jesus christ you are beta

19 min later 13362669 Anonymous
>>13362631 fuck off

20 min later 13362682 Anonymous
mothership core is pretty good when it has that fast build time

20 min later 13362683 Anonymous (121212121211.jpg 500x280 56kB)
NEW http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YXtll_GEi4 NEW http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YXtll_GEi4 NEW http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YXtll_GEi4

20 min later 13362686 Anonymous (Leagues 1.jpg 570x607 383kB)

20 min later 13362694 Anonymous
man i am sooooooooo fucking hyped hots is so gooooooooooooooooooood

20 min later 13362701 Anonymous
>3 ads

20 min later 13362706 Anonymous
>>13362635 Have you seen them against zerglings? absolutely disguting.

21 min later 13362713 Anonymous
>>13362694 Hi Dustin.

21 min later 13362715 Anonymous
>>13362701 fuck off idar shouldn't you be installing the dota2 beta?

21 min later 13362720 Anonymous
>>13362431 >see protoss arbiter in action >hey what if we made a really slow arbiter and you can only make one? SOMEONE STOP ME FUCKING BLIZZARD DESIGN TEAM

21 min later 13362731 Anonymous
Yo Where has Sica been? Haven't seen him in over a day.

21 min later 13362734 Anonymous
>>13362410 >>13362410 >>13362410 >>13362410 >>13362410 >>13362410

21 min later 13362743 Anonymous
>>13362713 epik :)

22 min later 13362745 Anonymous
>>13362706 4gg just lost to a 4gate but he got out two hellions and those two battle hellions killed like 4 zealots and 2 sentries and tanked the stalkers until more units came out.

22 min later 13362751 Anonymous
>>13362731 forgot your jessica

22 min later 13362758 Anonymous (1337736325720.jpg 126x126 2kB)
>you want mech to work? fine, we'll just give you mech marines that you don't have to stim >there, you got your mech bitch now quit whining

22 min later 13362760 Anonymous
>>13362731 Killed himself ;_;

22 min later 13362765 Anonymous
>>13362635 Sounds like firebats.

22 min later 13362775 Anonymous
>>13362731 Illuminati operatives finally killed him

22 min later 13362776 Anonymous (1334255309522.jpg 5000x5000 1018kB)
>>13362706 >fighting hellions with lings anyway hows plat league going for you m8

22 min later 13362781 Anonymous
You guys would probably flip your shit if the arbiter had never been in bw and then got added into HotS.

22 min later 13362784 Anonymous (1329511433749.jpg 480x443 72kB)
김시윤 @SlayersEve 계속 진다.....울고싶다.... >maybe pregnant..... want to cry.... Ahn Jun-young @Engine141 @SlayersEve 시윤! 너 쫌 너무하는거 아님? >eve! aren't you supposed to not lose your virginity yet?

22 min later 13362785 Anonymous
>>13362745 between them and warhounds raping roaches and stalkers terran are going to fucking rape in hots

23 min later 13362789 Anonymous
>>13362731 who?

23 min later 13362790 Anonymous
>>13362743 >Literally not denying you're Dustin.

23 min later 13362797 Anonymous
>blizzard finally realizes that the defiler was a pivotal unit for zerg to stay relevant in late game >they give them a really shitty defiler with a shitty version of dark swarm and a shitty version of consume and take away plague This game is trash.

23 min later 13362802 Anonymous
Why are all these maps so fucking terrible holy shit

23 min later 13362803 Anonymous
>>13362765 but they can transform and get speed equivalent of ling speed off creep

23 min later 13362808 Anonymous (shutupyouniggerfaggot.jpg 264x345 9kB)

23 min later 13362812 Anonymous
Who else is watching ForGG? He's literally jsut meching every match with the same two units, and he looks bored as hell.

23 min later 13362820 Anonymous

23 min later 13362826 Anonymous
>>13362776 The point is they nullify any early ling aggression instantly with almost no cost for the terran, and zerg is forced to open roaches which can be punished easily by a terran, especially with the warhound.

24 min later 13362831 Anonymous (TerranIcon.png 200x200 38kB)
>>13362785 I love building factories, takes me back to bw. Where my terranbros at?

24 min later 13362840 Anonymous
>>13362784 literally fake

24 min later 13362843 Anonymous
>>13362812 He always looks like that

24 min later 13362851 Anonymous
>>13362784 Google says otherwise mate

24 min later 13362853 Anonymous
>>13362784 WTF It's actually true oh well she's like 22 after all?

24 min later 13362857 Anonymous
Is this fucking faggot really proxy 2 gating people on the beta?

24 min later 13362862 Anonymous
why do people do pylon block on the addons of rax etc? takes literally 2 seconds to fly it 1 place up or down and it costs you fucking 100 minerals

25 min later 13362876 Anonymous
>Delphi cheesing what the fuck is he thinking

25 min later 13362883 Anonymous
>>13362812 Why would he use any other units when BH and warhounds are the best units in the game right now?

25 min later 13362893 Anonymous
>>13362857 >not doing standard builds to see if they still work Do you even beta test?

25 min later 13362898 Anonymous (OhwtVH.gif 634x356 2554kB)
>>13362812 >missing the whole point

25 min later 13362901 Anonymous (Yuri530.gif 245x200 1016kB)
>>13362857 German "Pro" player if that's really him

25 min later 13362902 Anonymous (1334114253073.jpg 300x300 20kB)
>>13362857 Sup faggot what u gonna do about it That's right, nothing

26 min later 13362912 Anonymous (1338736252393.jpg 500x365 103kB)
>>13362831 ~~~~~~BAD BOYS 4 LIFE~~~~~ ~~~~~~~WE GOING IN~~~~~~~~~

26 min later 13362916 Anonymous
>>13362862 When have you ever seen anyone do that?

26 min later 13362921 Anonymous
>>13362826 >early ling aggression against terran please stop you have no fucking idea

26 min later 13362924 Anonymous
>>13362902 >>13362893 Can't win, all in. That's HotS TvP for you.

26 min later 13362930 Anonymous
>>13362857 >beta testing the beta oh no

27 min later 13362943 Anonymous
>>13362595 that is LITERALLY autism

27 min later 13362948 Anonymous
>>13362921 >what is ling infestor hurrrrrr

27 min later 13362964 Anonymous (1336996237427.jpg 357x468 46kB)
ret just turned his webcam to show the ministry of win house it looks pretty swag

27 min later 13362969 Anonymous
>>13362853 yeah but koreans value abstinence and she isn't married yet

28 min later 13362982 Anonymous (yYTC1.jpg 2457x1867 311kB)
>>13362942 5min win or die trying

28 min later 13362994 Anonymous (1334255092457.jpg 1920x1080 118kB)
>>13362948 >ling infestor against mech hurr

28 min later 13363000 Anonymous
>>13362924 your doing it wrong m8

28 min later 13363001 Anonymous (taeyangsc2.png 425x640 246kB)
>>13362831 Too bad it's just the factories though, this 'mech' is just a stimmed protoss deathball

28 min later 13363002 Anonymous
>>13362969 >koreans value abstinence so do mormons, solid belief systems yo

28 min later 13363015 Anonymous (1346858821468.jpg 362x344 17kB)
>>13362948 >early >infestor

28 min later 13363018 Anonymous
>>13362969 isnt korea a shit hole

28 min later 13363023 Anonymous
>>13362982 reminder this thing dies to 10 guys in combat suits with machineguns

29 min later 13363040 Anonymous
Holy fuuuark warhounds have a melee attack as well.

29 min later 13363043 Anonymous
>>13362994 >implying using battle hellions means you are going mech hurrrrr

29 min later 13363048 Anonymous (MOARlings.png 1440x900 1752kB)

29 min later 13363050 Anonymous
>>13363002 so?

29 min later 13363053 Anonymous
HotS is released?

29 min later 13363062 Anonymous (9S4U2N4G5L1A9S8S5E9S.jpg 681x1021 198kB)
>>13362942 was busy doing mass void ray in gold league

29 min later 13363063 Anonymous
>>13363040 it's just an animation, just like the roach mejt

29 min later 13363064 Anonymous (1344725730549.jpg 640x460 67kB)
>>13362942 >2 Rax >Cheese

30 min later 13363072 Anonymous
>going DT and plan on doing a zealot archon build in the midgame PvT >he scans my dt shrine >as soon as scan finishes, cancel and drop 2 robo, drop robo bay as soon as they finish and pump out 6 collossus and 1a with zealots >expand twice because excess minerals >OMG U FUCKING CHEESER >i pushed at 12 minutes mate >SO ALL IN >i had 4 nexus mate, you had 2CC >The player is ignoring you.

30 min later 13363081 Anonymous
>>13363064 11/10

30 min later 13363082 Anonymous
>>13363053 beta started yesterday

30 min later 13363083 Anonymous (1331382338692.jpg 200x189 12kB)
>You and MC have a pretty impacting relationship >I have been anxiously waiting to play MC. I truly have been waiting for this moment. MC is dead.

30 min later 13363094 Anonymous (133364035274.jpg 414x376 32kB)
>that feel when no key

30 min later 13363095 Anonymous
>>13363018 too bad not everybody can be an american whore

30 min later 13363096 Anonymous
>>13363064 double proxy bro

30 min later 13363102 Anonymous
>>13363050 so its fucking retarded

30 min later 13363107 Anonymous
>>13363050 it's an archaic system of beliefs is my point. stop being insecure about being so shitty at sex that you need to be her first and only.

30 min later 13363117 Anonymous (1346144432107.jpg 967x539 88kB)
its interesting hot the metagame has shifted so much with the introduction of these new units

31 min later 13363124 Anonymous
>>13361974 >having positive le karma reddit status: literal le redditor

31 min later 13363130 Anonymous
>>13363072 Post the're replay

31 min later 13363134 Anonymous
>>13363064 >not pulling all scvs and manner muling play?

31 min later 13363142 Anonymous (1334836864_m_0.jpg 300x420 79kB)

31 min later 13363154 Anonymous
>>13363107 >stop being insecure about being so shitty at sex that you need to be her first and only. Except that's not it at all. The idea that my potential girlfriend or wife has had sex and had another persons cum on or in her fucking disgusts me. Enjoy your fucking used goods.

31 min later 13363158 Anonymous
that protoss map is so sexy

32 min later 13363162 Anonymous (Alive as fuck.jpg 490x380 50kB)

32 min later 13363164 Anonymous
>>13363117 reported

32 min later 13363168 Anonymous (1334256811005.jpg 329x520 120kB)
>>13362948 >>13363043 >early game ling infestor fuck off m8

32 min later 13363191 Anonymous
>>13363083 I suppose Flash said that? I hope he'll crush that fat gook

32 min later 13363194 Anonymous
>>13363107 Being born in a liberal country doesn't mean the rest of the world should accomodate to your shit you dickwad, fuck off to TL

32 min later 13363203 Anonymous (1346602988013.jpg 226x277 21kB)
>>13362969 >korea >terrible weather >boring culture ensconced in religious bullshit >mostly christian nation >people under 18 aren't allowed to play online games past midnight >koreaboos

32 min later 13363205 Anonymous
David Ting @dting888 I have just implemented a program where high performance employees at IGN are rewarded with an all expense paid trip to #IPL5. Like? David Ting @dting888 I have just implemented a program where high performance employees at IGN are rewarded with an all expense paid trip to #IPL5. Like? David Ting @dting888 I have just implemented a program where high performance employees at IGN are rewarded with an all expense paid trip to #IPL5. Like? David Ting @dting888 I have just implemented a program where high performance employees at IGN are rewarded with an all expense paid trip to #IPL5. Like? David Ting @dting888 I have just implemented a program where high performance employees at IGN are rewarded with an all expense paid trip to #IPL5. Like?

33 min later 13363208 Anonymous
>>13363162 >limmp FUCK, I thought Mvp was streaming for a second.

33 min later 13363210 Anonymous
>tfw you outmacro a zerg and get BMd about toss being op when you completely steamroll him trying to rush gglords off 2 base

33 min later 13363214 Anonymous
>>13363130 http://drop.sc/247573 it was a horrible, bronze league game (high diamond but god it was awful

33 min later 13363219 Anonymous
>>13363154 >this autism Enjoy your eternal virginity then, no one is pure.

33 min later 13363232 Anonymous
>>13363154 >this virgin is still posting

33 min later 13363234 Anonymous
I just realized that guy with the big Artosis and mech folder is the same edgy faggot who hates on anything Korean. How late am I?

33 min later 13363236 Anonymous
>>13363203 >boring culture >using the word koreaboos aren't these americans great

33 min later 13363242 Anonymous
>>13363219 My korean idoru are.

33 min later 13363247 Anonymous (1328786931199.jpg 428x510 103kB)
>>13363107 so edgy I bet you think marijuana should be legal too

33 min later 13363249 Anonymous
>>13363219 >no one is pure. Except that's simply not true. Enjoy your cum filled meat sack.

34 min later 13363254 Anonymous
>>13363154 Has to be bait, not even mad.

34 min later 13363257 Anonymous
>>13363234 pretty late

34 min later 13363258 Anonymous
>>13363154 you will literally be a virgin forever

34 min later 13363261 Anonymous
>>13363168 >terran babs literally trying to defend the fact that they are OP as fuck again protoss get it even worse as well

34 min later 13363274 Anonymous (Idra vs huk.gif 320x180 916kB)
>>13363210 >Protoss macro >Hard

34 min later 13363275 Anonymous
>>13363194 give me some benefits of conservative culture m8 >>13363154 that's insecurity, I guess. also sexism, but I realize 4chan is a bad place to argue that someone is being sexist

34 min later 13363278 Anonymous
Choi Jung Min @LiquidZenio How about Hyundai motor's image in the world ?? cheapie? luxurious? normal? i curious about this Choi Jung Min @LiquidZenio How about Hyundai motor's image in the world ?? cheapie? luxurious? normal? i curious about this Choi Jung Min @LiquidZenio How about Hyundai motor's image in the world ?? cheapie? luxurious? normal? i curious about this Choi Jung Min @LiquidZenio How about Hyundai motor's image in the world ?? cheapie? luxurious? normal? i curious about this Choi Jung Min @LiquidZenio How about Hyundai motor's image in the world ?? cheapie? luxurious? normal? i curious about this

34 min later 13363279 Anonymous
>>13363214 >Mahebourg >based mahe When are you going to switch to t

34 min later 13363280 Anonymous
should I lose my virginity from this hot confident girl in my class? I'm like 5 years older than her so she probably assume I have experience. I could also delay while get some whore to practice

34 min later 13363289 Anonymous
>>13363247 epoch :)

34 min later 13363292 Anonymous (1346759165614.jpg 2475x1650 733kB)
What kpop group is this? I have it as my wallpaper.

35 min later 13363298 Anonymous
>>13362410 >>13362734 good it you stupid ufcking cunt

35 min later 13363315 Anonymous
>>13363278 luxurious obviously

35 min later 13363316 Anonymous
>>13363292 Apink.

35 min later 13363319 Anonymous (5141346515.png 325x382 194kB)
>mfw these koreaboos actually believe their kpop waifus haven't been pumped full of filthy cum on multiple occasions

35 min later 13363320 Anonymous
>>13363247 well, it should. I don't smoke but it's hypocritical. if cigarettes and alcohol are legal, why not marijuana? the former two are way worse for you.

35 min later 13363330 Anonymous
>>13363292 thats Apink m8

35 min later 13363334 Anonymous
>>13363292 I think it's not T-ara

35 min later 13363337 Anonymous
>>13363280 Why not, I probably would if I could Do it

35 min later 13363340 Anonymous
is hots fun?

35 min later 13363342 Anonymous
>>13363292 Na Zi Shi Dae

35 min later 13363343 Anonymous
>>13363292 the all virgin squad

35 min later 13363345 Anonymous (items.jpg 400x388 69kB)
>That feel when you dont play the game and dont care if something is OP

36 min later 13363351 Anonymous (23.jpg 349x577 71kB)

36 min later 13363360 Anonymous
>>13363275 how about >fewer teen pregnancies

36 min later 13363362 Anonymous (1333827347349.jpg 298x288 18kB)

36 min later 13363369 Anonymous
Regardless of whether or not you think it's silly to wait for a "pure" girl, why is it so surprising to you that some girls haven't had sex or have incredibly little sexual experience at our age? (I'm assuming early twenties) I know plenty of quiet people who have met equally quiet partners and have both been virgins. It happens all the time, it's not a rare event in the slighest.

36 min later 13363370 Anonymous
>>13363279 i played about 100 games of terran on my other account but I just can't into the macro mechanics. I have solid early/midgame but my lategame absolutely falls apart. My midgame is my weakness as protoss

36 min later 13363373 Anonymous (1346360604045.jpg 267x302 23kB)
>>13363319 its good bait unless theyre not literally baiting

36 min later 13363376 Anonymous
>>13363345 right here

36 min later 13363385 Anonymous
so the battle hellion is the terran roach?

36 min later 13363386 Anonymous
They should either: A) Increase Warhound attack speed by the double of what it is currently B) Decrease its damage by half and leave the attack speed C) Leave its normal attack where it is at and remove the spell

36 min later 13363387 Anonymous (dontevergiveup.jpg 973x805 290kB)
Keep trying mahe!

37 min later 13363403 Anonymous
I know a lot of terrans in TvZ do marine tank, but is hellion tank any good?

37 min later 13363404 Anonymous
>>13363373 they aren't baiting mate have you ever been here during the heighth of kpop discussion? either they're all baiting eachother or they actually think this way

37 min later 13363406 Anonymous (painkillerbros.jpg 535x628 59kB)
>>13363319 please stop posting such erotic things i'm on painkillers and it makes it very difficult to cum

37 min later 13363419 Anonymous (1337427471.jpg 500x662 74kB)

37 min later 13363420 Anonymous
>>13363249 >>13363242 Yeah maybe some weird autistic Koreans, but it's not like you're ever going to get with them anyway.

37 min later 13363436 Anonymous
>>13363360 condoms and birth control, next

37 min later 13363449 Anonymous
Is anyone is SNSD still a virgin?

38 min later 13363452 Anonymous (1346370373114.jpg 422x471 27kB)
ITT virgins calling eachother virgins

38 min later 13363453 Anonymous
>>13363403 in hots it is

38 min later 13363460 Anonymous
>>13363234 >guy There's more than one mejt.

38 min later 13363461 Anonymous (1301245334813.jpg 559x478 49kB)
>>13363292 >google the picture >german snsd fansite on facebook

38 min later 13363465 Anonymous
>>13363387 today and last night have been fucking awful

38 min later 13363469 Anonymous
>>13363449 all of them

38 min later 13363484 Anonymous
>>13363436 except no.

38 min later 13363486 Anonymous (rikos sides.jpg 280x321 48kB)

38 min later 13363489 Anonymous
>>13363452 next level bait

38 min later 13363490 Anonymous
>>13363369 it's not that hard to fuck a virgin bro. if you go to high school parties and bring alcohol you can get one of them drunk and fuck them while they're asleep. if you have a younger brother you end up looking less creepy cause you'd seem like his cool older brother who hooks people up with alcohol. a surprising number of them were still "virgins" (hymen wasn't torn but i wouldn't be surprised if they sucked someone off)

38 min later 13363496 Anonymous
>>13363292 ugly broad ruins literally every picture

39 min later 13363506 Anonymous
>>13363403 It is until your opponent get muta

39 min later 13363509 Anonymous (1346371036532.jpg 458x524 92kB)

39 min later 13363529 Anonymous
>>13363280 It's either now or never m8, you will only regret it afterwards if you don't.

39 min later 13363531 Anonymous (Yuri1093.gif 300x169 688kB)
How long or how many games did it take you guys to get to masters? Can I just pick one build order and grind that shit like 1rax FE?

39 min later 13363535 Anonymous
how long before this hots mech fad is over and everyone goes back to maek marine?

40 min later 13363548 Anonymous
>>13363535 never warhound is the new make marine

40 min later 13363549 Anonymous
i dont know why i love this video if i hate the cartoon http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1H40wUz-Fd8

40 min later 13363556 Anonymous
Guys What is the point of the Swarm Host? It doesn't do any fucking damage.

40 min later 13363558 Anonymous
>>13363531 yeah, you can, easily.

40 min later 13363560 Anonymous
>>13363484 so your argument is that people too stupid to use a method of birth control should abstain? I agree, they certainly shouldn't breed

40 min later 13363568 Anonymous (you dont say mejt.jpg 471x660 155kB)

40 min later 13363571 Anonymous
Can someone recommend me good Kara albums?

41 min later 13363584 Anonymous (1346371137677.jpg 450x538 98kB)

41 min later 13363585 Anonymous
>>13363535 when mass, mass muta becomes a thing

41 min later 13363586 Anonymous (jinro why.jpg 299x412 30kB)
>Going warhound against Zerg

41 min later 13363595 Anonymous (1337801322368.jpg 300x419 12kB)
http://www.teamliquid.net/video/streams/ROOTdrewbie GET IN HERE ITS THE DREWBSTER

41 min later 13363602 Anonymous
>>13363449 >>13363469 none of them, how did you think they got famous in the first place?

41 min later 13363618 Anonymous
>>13363558 And as long as I'm not totally learn-resistent you think I will pick game knowledge and shit up along the way?

41 min later 13363623 Anonymous
>>13363586 I'm gonna need an oblivious status on this guy.

42 min later 13363628 Anonymous
mech in hots is stupid

42 min later 13363634 Anonymous

42 min later 13363635 Anonymous
>>13363531 yes but if you want to just get to masters without improving do something like proxy 2rax

42 min later 13363637 Anonymous
>>13363595 BASED DREWB

42 min later 13363647 Anonymous
>>13363535 why the fuck would you go bio when battle hellion and warhound exist

42 min later 13363648 Anonymous (concentration camps.jpg 535x705 174kB)

42 min later 13363650 Anonymous
>>13363618 why do you drop your avatar mid conversation? its so fucking stupid

42 min later 13363657 Anonymous
>>13363602 There families are all rich, mate.

42 min later 13363658 Anonymous
>>13363571 Tasy love is literally their only good song, Seungyeong has a gr8 ass though

42 min later 13363663 Anonymous
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIZO1J8pvUg&feature=player_embedded#t=1670s oh god guys ;_;

42 min later 13363664 Anonymous
>Scan now have line that show the exact radius Thanks fucking god

42 min later 13363675 Anonymous (IMG_4500.jpg 750x1200 1121kB)
>>13363571 Lupin Rock U

42 min later 13363676 Anonymous
>>13363452 so fucking based i love you johnny

42 min later 13363681 Anonymous (1344357194019.jpg 436x572 55kB)
>>13363628 you got your mech, now SHUT UP -blizzard

43 min later 13363690 Anonymous
http://www.teamliquid.net/video/streams/LemonyTang based mechking of /vg/ streaming hots

43 min later 13363694 Anonymous
>>13363560 nah, I think you're a tryhard liberal who doesn't GET that every culture is different and can't be broken down into a simple 'conservative' or 'liberal' and that it is pointless to argue with you

43 min later 13363695 Anonymous
>>13363657 money and they sucked a lot of dicks

43 min later 13363702 Anonymous (12818620626.gif 483x349 2462kB)
>>13363292 I have some sort of attraction to nazi things like the swastika I would never become a Nazi and i understand what they did but still the swastika,, so much power ;_;/

43 min later 13363705 Anonymous
>>13363681 i think they misunderstand the appeal of mech on a very basic level

43 min later 13363714 Anonymous
>>13363664 >Terran babbs

43 min later 13363719 Anonymous
Holy shit, warhounds being only 2 supply is broken as hell.

43 min later 13363723 Anonymous
>>13363623 Explain how a unit with bonus against mechanical is better than just making thors against Z ?

44 min later 13363730 Anonymous
>>13363695 You don't suck dicks if you're rich. Only for fun.

44 min later 13363734 Anonymous
>>13363690 based albert

44 min later 13363740 Anonymous
>>13363723 Can someone update me on this guys oblivious status?

44 min later 13363749 Anonymous (Yuri1138.jpg 1250x884 180kB)
>>13363650 Everyone knows it's me, just don't see a need for it I'm too lazy basically

44 min later 13363760 Anonymous
http://www.teamliquid.net/video/streams/Nerchio http://www.teamliquid.net/video/streams/Nerchio http://www.teamliquid.net/video/streams/Nerchio http://www.teamliquid.net/video/streams/Nerchio THE BONJWA IS STREAMING HOTS.

44 min later 13363763 Anonymous
>>13363694 that's a great argument i'm using blanket terms this is true, but they're accurate in this case. korean culture is very conservative and religious. they don't teach evolution in school because 'it's blasphemy' do you REALLY want to live somewhere like that? if so, please abstain, because your genes need to end with you

45 min later 13363781 Anonymous
do battlehellions say something like 'TRANSFORM AND MOVE OUT' when they switch to hellionmode?

45 min later 13363791 Anonymous
>>13363760 holy shit

45 min later 13363794 Anonymous

45 min later 13363798 Anonymous
>>13363702 post feet

45 min later 13363806 Anonymous (1341135616424.png 529x550 226kB)
>tfw spent all last night down the pub socialising with girls and shit >tfw fucked several 10s >tfw attractive and clever Get on my fucking level you beta gookloving autists.

45 min later 13363812 Anonymous
>>13363740 Meanwhile on Forgg stream, he's getting destroyed because he has absolutely 0 anti-air So what about that oblivious status ?

45 min later 13363817 Anonymous
>terran still has more than 1 thor at a time

45 min later 13363823 Anonymous
>shitstiny actually got a beta key well i guess they had to get all the autismbabbs hyped for hots somehow

46 min later 13363827 Anonymous (ogre.jpg 2475x1650 777kB)

46 min later 13363831 Anonymous
>>13363812 He has a lot of goliaths.

46 min later 13363842 Anonymous
>>13363823 >not having a beta key can I get a notinsiderbro status on this guy?

46 min later 13363843 Anonymous
>>13363831 >goliaths >implying warhounds target air

46 min later 13363847 Anonymous
>>13363702 >this fucking frog you strike me as a real crazy person interesting

46 min later 13363848 Anonymous
>>13363556 I think they need to buff those beetles attack range by a tiny amount

46 min later 13363860 Anonymous
so whats the verdict on HoTs?

46 min later 13363863 Anonymous
>>13363831 Warhound dont hit air retard

47 min later 13363865 Anonymous
lel that ultra burrow ability

47 min later 13363868 Anonymous (Untitled.jpg 558x352 27kB)
>everyone in the sikrit club got beta keys

47 min later 13363871 Anonymous
do mines take up supply?

47 min later 13363872 Anonymous
>>13363860 warhounds too good against protoss beyond that 5/5 bretty gud

47 min later 13363878 Anonymous
>>13363860 looks fun . anyone saying otherwise is a dark and edgy butt fucker.

47 min later 13363886 Anonymous
>>13363827 sunny line is way too low m8

47 min later 13363887 Anonymous
>>13363860 Shit.

47 min later 13363896 Anonymous
>>13363871 yes.

47 min later 13363898 Anonymous
ForGG beat Vibe by going pure mech

47 min later 13363902 Anonymous
>>13363887 fuck off gaben

48 min later 13363910 Anonymous
>>13363763 >korean culture >not teaching evolution >kaist is one of the leading schools in the field of genetics you got this information from some korean version of sankaku didn't you? i bet you think everyone in japan is an otaku too. fuck i hate this site sometimes.

48 min later 13363913 Anonymous
>>13363860 will be fun to see pros working out the best ways to use new units, especially in tournament play

48 min later 13363916 Anonymous
>>13363860 Terran is horribly, horribly overpowered at the moment, but I'm still super excited for it.

48 min later 13363935 Anonymous (ISTHISNIGGASERIOUS.jpg 679x680 40kB)
>>13363860 My opinion is: Day 1 beta.

49 min later 13363952 Anonymous
>>13363848 or make them faster

49 min later 13363954 Anonymous
>>13363935 this guy is bright

49 min later 13363956 Anonymous
>oGsForGG: mech is so good but mine is why unit

49 min later 13363958 Anonymous
>>13363913 just like idra came along and showed everyone how to use 1 supply roaches get my point m8?

49 min later 13363961 Anonymous
>>13363910 >public education that's like saying AMERICAN EDUCATION DOESN'T SUCK! L-LOOK AT HARVARD!

49 min later 13363976 Anonymous
>>13363954 >>13363935 samefag.

49 min later 13363994 Anonymous
>>13363976 epic :)

49 min later 13364002 Anonymous
>>13363935 Only real answer so far, shit is gonna get rebalanced and I can see if a unit gets pulled

50 min later 13364007 Anonymous
>>13363763 that wasn't even my point, you're using 'blanket terms' in a case where they're wrong, because they are always wrong. you could say that the american culture lel is very conservative and religious because the religious right has an immense political power. >if so, please abstain, because your genes need to end with you thanks for proving you need insults to win an argument

50 min later 13364009 Anonymous
>>13363956 they should be smaller AOE and come in pairs.

50 min later 13364026 Anonymous (darkknight of esports.jpg 270x320 43kB)
>mfw jerg and twoss babbs think hots mech is op time to actually get some skill scrubs

50 min later 13364032 Anonymous
>>13363958 What? No I was just thinking seeing people like Destiny playing with viper swarm host would be fun and then seeing top tier gameplay in tournaments and how the new units affect that would be interesting... chillout mejt

51 min later 13364045 Anonymous
>>13364026 the drewbster said it was overpowered that's the only proof i need

52 min later 13364103 Anonymous
has trimasterking said anything about hots yet?

52 min later 13364106 Anonymous (curious.jpg 530x353 178kB)
>The nydus build I used against MKP was a build order taught to me by StarTale_Zero. I am grateful to him for teaching me such a great build. SO FUCKING BASED I'M ITCHING ON TRYING IT ON LADDER ARTOSIS

52 min later 13364120 Anonymous
Has anyone in the beta even lost a TvP yet?

53 min later 13364128 Anonymous (1338455011098.jpg 675x735 69kB)
>everyone calling for a warhound nerf >make it slower, they say >make it do less damage, they say >make it cost more, they say >reminder that the "fixed" unit you are talking about is literally a Thor

53 min later 13364136 Anonymous
>>13364120 probably that 1 guy who tried without warhounds

53 min later 13364138 Anonymous
>hots they made protoss even MORE gimmicky how the fuck

53 min later 13364139 Anonymous
>>13364103 who gives a fuck?

53 min later 13364152 Anonymous
>>13363961 American education doesn't suck. If you look at test scores you can see that Americans still place very high, they just place lower than countries like Finland. And that evolution thing was blown way out of proportion. You make it sound like they aren't teaching evolution when it's just a few publishers who are giving in to a group of peoples' demands.

53 min later 13364167 Anonymous (LEL.jpg 600x599 61kB)
>judging games on their first day of a beta my sides

53 min later 13364170 Anonymous
>>13364138 how is protoss more gimmicky now?

54 min later 13364182 Anonymous (terran3.jpg 1076x901 146kB)
>>13364139 he'll be the first member of the terran 3 to make a comment on HotS, it's a big deal

54 min later 13364183 Anonymous (mfw kelly nudes.jpg 543x521 43kB)
does anyone else always feel queasy in the mornings? fuck me

54 min later 13364189 Anonymous
>>13364128 They should just remove the unit altogether.

54 min later 13364198 Anonymous
>>13364139 back 2 reddit mkpfag

54 min later 13364206 Anonymous
>>13364183 ur pregnant m8

54 min later 13364218 Anonymous
>>13364183 You could just say good morning Zombie :) Good morning

54 min later 13364219 Anonymous (1280245391001.jpg 280x233 61kB)
>>13364152 >American education doesn't suck.

55 min later 13364227 Anonymous
>>13364183 preggers :)

55 min later 13364228 Anonymous
>>13364182 hideous bait

55 min later 13364230 Anonymous

55 min later 13364237 Anonymous
>>13364183 Yes, I can almost never eat breakfast or have to force it so hard

55 min later 13364246 Anonymous
>>13364170 instead of adding units that are fun on their own with cute micro they add a fucking unit to block minerals that can't be stopped why it's not fun I want to have fun

55 min later 13364251 Anonymous
>>13364183 brush your teeth, I'm serious

55 min later 13364260 Anonymous
>>13364182 >no mma high level bait

55 min later 13364271 Anonymous

56 min later 13364276 Anonymous
Mines are fucking good

56 min later 13364278 Anonymous (steven21.jpg 700x622 86kB)
http://www.teamliquid.net/video/streams/Destiny Based destiny on skype with based sheth

56 min later 13364287 Anonymous (Yuri177.jpg 1280x986 313kB)
Anyone seen that grin on his face when the mine blew up that stalker?

56 min later 13364305 Anonymous
>>13364218 i said good morning like 2 hours ago ._. >>13364251 i only brush my teeth before bed how would that even help?

56 min later 13364306 Anonymous
>>13364246 but doesnt the mothership help a lot with the problems protoss already has? both defensive and offensive

56 min later 13364315 Anonymous
>>13364278 Is this shooped la whoop?? XDDD

56 min later 13364316 Anonymous
>>13364182 Who the fuck is Trimaster?

57 min later 13364347 Anonymous
>>13364287 how much do you think i'd have to pay her to finger my ass with that pinky

57 min later 13364351 Anonymous (1184471040103.png 400x340 52kB)
haven't played SC2 in over a year or watched anything SC2 related but so far this HOTS stream looks 99.9% exactly like SC2 what the fuck is new?

57 min later 13364358 Anonymous (based.png 560x483 359kB)
>>13364278 >destiny got HOTS and burgerman didn't hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

57 min later 13364363 Anonymous
>>13364316 he raped mkp 2-0 at mlg m8 best terran in the world

57 min later 13364369 Anonymous
>>13364351 nah, fuck off read for yourself

58 min later 13364392 Anonymous
>>13364351 It's an expansion pack you dumb cunt.

58 min later 13364394 Anonymous
>>13364351 It's an expansion not a new game

58 min later 13364395 Anonymous
>>13364351 couple new units for 30 bucks

58 min later 13364397 Anonymous (1345667651360.png 854x474 545kB)
>>13364369 nah you fuck off

58 min later 13364406 Anonymous (Yuri572.jpg 500x323 38kB)
>>13364347 A lot probably, like more than you have

58 min later 13364432 Anonymous
>>13364394 >paying $60 for the exact same game Blizzdrones win again?

58 min later 13364440 Anonymous (128201549332.gif 320x240 1925kB)
>>13364183 If i think about any other food other than cereal I feel sick

58 min later 13364443 Anonymous
>>13364351 stupid as fuck units that add nothing to the game

59 min later 13364462 Anonymous
>>13364440 poor taetae

59 min later 13364463 Anonymous
>>13364432 bait

59 min later 13364493 Anonymous
>>13364432 >$60 so £10? seems alright to me

1 hours later 13364502 Anonymous
based fucking bonjwa 2.0 sounds like hes 40+ dad

1 hours later 13364505 Anonymous
>My results were good for OSL and WCG, but GSL was definitely the most important out of all of them. GET FUCKED OSLSHITTERS

1 hours later 13364516 Anonymous
>>13364432 bait, it's $40

1 hours later 13364519 Anonymous
>>13364305 >i only brush my teeth before bed see, that's the reason. When you're sleeping your mouth becomes a pit of bacterias

1 hours later 13364520 Anonymous
>>13364493 literally £30

1 hours later 13364562 Anonymous
Daily reminder that we, the /vg/ees wont be purchasing HoTS

1 hours later 13364587 Anonymous
>>13364562 Yes we will

1 hours later 13364594 Anonymous
>>13364562 I'm still boycotting WoL for LAN mode m8

1 hours later 13364595 Anonymous (1344628157453.gif 196x181 485kB)
where are the new units? it's literally the same fucking game as before

1 hours later 13364606 Anonymous
>>13364562 If Geoff is buying it so am I.

1 hours later 13364614 Anonymous
>>13364594 based boycottbro

1 hours later 13364628 Anonymous
>>13364562 Reminder that some of us don't even own WoL

1 hours later 13364642 Anonymous (1346368603125.png 177x243 53kB)
>>13364595 >mfw protoss theres nothing

1 hours later 13364646 Anonymous
>>13364519 would that actually help? im skeptical but if it stops me from feeling so shitty in the mornings i guess its worth a shot

1 hours later 13364648 Anonymous (23.gif 332x456 2652kB)

1 hours later 13364660 Anonymous
>>13364595 Are you sure you're watching a hots stream

1 hours later 13364662 Anonymous
>>13364595 watch any terran stream and see mass warhound and battle herrion

1 hours later 13364663 Anonymous (1324649734089.jpg 1229x925 200kB)
>the kiwicockster isn't streaming

1 hours later 13364668 Anonymous
4gg losing a tvp

1 hours later 13364675 Anonymous
>>13364646 works for me

1 hours later 13364678 Anonymous
>>13364675 well i appreciate the advice i always feel like shit in the mornings because i feel like im about to puke half the time anyways >this mkp/mc game 3 lol oh wow

1 hours later 13364680 Anonymous
김영진 @mTwSuperNova hots stream now~!! http://t.co/aI9wGW4W

1 hours later 13364681 Anonymous
1gate expo into 2stargates for voidrays + mass zealot and some sentries into mass tempest with zealots.. rollig terrand all day every day..

1 hours later 13364687 Anonymous
>>13364595 >>13364432 >>13364395 Reminder that the majority of people who buy SC2 games buy it for the single player campaign and nothing more.

1 hours later 13364694 Anonymous
Time for ratboy to play some HoTS http://www.own3d .tv/mTwSuperNova

1 hours later 13364696 Anonymous
I have an idea for protoss. I'll call it the Void Gate. It's a building that allows you to open up a warp rift where you have vision that lasts for 30 seconds and has something like 300 shield hp only, and then use the buildings ability to select an area where all units inside are warped to the warp rift location in 5 seconds just like normal warp ins (they take double damage, they cancel if the warp rift is destroyed etc). The building would have a cooldown for when you could warp in another bunch of units, and you would only be able to open one warp rift at a time. This in addition to warpgates being removed would mean no warp in across the map etc Is this retarded or cool? At least i think it would be pretty cool

1 hours later 13364703 Anonymous (wolfisalpha.jpg 880x600 58kB)

1 hours later 13364707 Anonymous
>>13364668 You were saying?

1 hours later 13364715 Anonymous
>>13364668 >losing He raped that toss army.

1 hours later 13364718 Anonymous (lel.png 1680x1050 2209kB)
where my hiding something normal bros at

1 hours later 13364728 Anonymous
>>13364687 and?

1 hours later 13364736 Anonymous
>>13364668 >Losing Also, holy fuck warhounds are op as fuck, litteraly worse than marauder, dont even need to stim

1 hours later 13364737 Anonymous (mana wins code S.jpg 512x288 95kB)
>Anything else you would like to say? >I want to thank MaNa for practicing with me all night long and for coming to the studio with me today. I really want to treat him to something yummy.

1 hours later 13364748 Anonymous
>>13364728 And it means that people aren't paying for "a few new units" they are playing for the new campaign.

1 hours later 13364751 Anonymous (1346863015466.gif 200x150 2816kB)
Are you guys seriously going to give them $30 for like 1 new unit per race? SERIOUSLY?

1 hours later 13364759 Anonymous
>>13364703 He does look like he might be smaller

1 hours later 13364760 Anonymous (w0P8g.jpg 1920x1280 307kB)
>the cool kids get this new toy >have the priviledge to watch them play with it >can't get new toy >can't take away new toy from cool kids fuck HOTS

1 hours later 13364765 Anonymous
>>13364718 fucking WoLshitters..

1 hours later 13364771 Anonymous
>>13364718 based

1 hours later 13364776 Anonymous
>Jaedong >1-4 The False Dong CONFIRMED

1 hours later 13364778 Anonymous
>>13364751 Absolutely, convince me to not do it

1 hours later 13364780 Anonymous
>>13364751 No.

1 hours later 13364787 Anonymous
>>13364696 and then protos is only race that can't into drops

1 hours later 13364789 Anonymous
>people calling terran babbies >whining about shit in hots beta 2 days in yawn

1 hours later 13364791 Anonymous
>>13364751 this is a bait post, do not respond

1 hours later 13364812 Anonymous (5S0U9N9G5L5A2S6S5E0S.jpg 744x664 63kB)
>>13364678 no problem, tell me later if it worked

1 hours later 13364816 Anonymous
>>13364776 >DongRaeGu 1 - 0 by.Rain

1 hours later 13364821 Anonymous
>>13364776 Great games though, not even a kespashitter

1 hours later 13364825 Anonymous
call it nydus gate

1 hours later 13364826 Anonymous
>>13364787 Warp prisms are still there tho

1 hours later 13364847 Anonymous (1291802607200.jpg 610x460 40kB)
i just left /r/starcraft to come here more because i found out this place is funnier. but what do >meme arrows mean? what are they implying? picture not related

1 hours later 13364851 Anonymous
>>13364751 Yes. I also play the single player though

1 hours later 13364854 Anonymous
>>13364826 good luck in droping 4 zealots

1 hours later 13364868 Anonymous
>>13364812 ill let you know tomorrow morning i still feel pretty shitty right now, since all i have to eat around here right now is noodles and cheez its ugh fuck me

1 hours later 13364871 Anonymous (Yuri711.gif 250x280 454kB)
>>13364812 nice one

1 hours later 13364872 Anonymous
>>13364847 this is a bait post

1 hours later 13364873 Anonymous
>>13364854 HT drop

1 hours later 13364881 Anonymous
>>13364847 0/10 Apply yourself!

1 hours later 13364884 Anonymous
da fuq is albert doing

1 hours later 13364893 Anonymous
>>13364872 howd you figure that out

1 hours later 13364895 Anonymous
>>13364789 jerg and tossers arent used to mech not being incredibly weak and piss their pants over it

1 hours later 13364906 Anonymous
>>13364847 filtered so fucking fast

1 hours later 13364909 Anonymous
>MC >can't even get past RO32 GSL >top of his group of OSL RO16 OSL confirmed the sponge league

1 hours later 13364910 Anonymous
>>13364893 how new?

1 hours later 13364914 Anonymous
>>13364847 >1291802607200.jpg Nah you aren't that new, stop baiting.

1 hours later 13364923 Anonymous
Goddamn I wish I could get a key, and then I would stream for you guys ;;

1 hours later 13364935 Anonymous
>>13364893 see >>13364914 and because its fucking obvious

1 hours later 13364942 Anonymous
>>13364923 based scarlett

1 hours later 13364959 Anonymous
>>13364923 Who would watch you play?

1 hours later 13364968 Anonymous
>>13364923 Why would we want to watch you instead of the pros using it?

1 hours later 13364974 Anonymous (195.jpg 900x1350 502kB)
I haven't been to any of my classes for like a week and a half now. I hate college. I want to go home. I just don't know how to tell my mom. I feel like she would be extremely disappointed in me, especially after spending so much money for my classes this semester. I would literally be like $5000 down the drain. I would rather go home, go to community college, have a shitty job, and get to play games in my free time, but I just don't want to disappoint everyone in my family. What would you guys do?

1 hours later 13364980 Anonymous
>>13364923 no one wants to see a bronze shitter pissing about on ladder spamming swarm hosts babby

1 hours later 13364982 Anonymous (no.jpg 5000x5000 1540kB)
>>13364910 >>13364935 full fucking retards

1 hours later 13364995 Anonymous
>>13364914 >meme arrows >what is it implying >picture not related hurf durf huhuehfuehfuehfiwuehfiuwehfiuwehfiwue

1 hours later 13365001 Anonymous
>>13364974 finish college you fucking uneducated lazy piece of shit

1 hours later 13365004 Anonymous
>>13364974 Man the fuck up and just do your work. Skipping classes is fucking inexcusable, especially when your parents are paying.

1 hours later 13365008 Anonymous
Where can I watch MarineKing vs Jaedong from last night?

1 hours later 13365017 Anonymous
>>13364982 >>13364995 b8d so fkin hard rofl

1 hours later 13365019 Anonymous
>>13364959 You lot of course. >>13364968 Because I'm a funny guy who will actually commentate rather than some emotionless gook who blasts kpop. Also, I'm extremely bm, so I think you guys would find me entertaining.

1 hours later 13365020 Anonymous
>>13364974 hakapukku

1 hours later 13365025 Anonymous
>>13364974 Just fucking go to class and pass. It will suck but if you don't you'll wish you did.

1 hours later 13365032 Anonymous
>>13364974 decide quick either way

1 hours later 13365037 Anonymous
>>13364974 how are you so fucking dislikeable? seriously kill yourself you ungrateful pathetic faggot. aren't you studying psychology or literature or some stupid shit? you're too stupid even for that? holy fuck

1 hours later 13365043 Anonymous
>>13364974 >kshitters >autistic feel free to pick both

1 hours later 13365052 Anonymous
>>13365008 Where the fuck do you think? On gom.tv

1 hours later 13365065 Anonymous (dicaprio.jpg 451x344 30kB)
>mfw these plebs dont GET heart of the swarm

1 hours later 13365067 Anonymous
>>13365008 gomtv.net dumbfuck

1 hours later 13365076 Anonymous
>>13365037 based

1 hours later 13365085 Anonymous
>>13365052 For free

1 hours later 13365096 Anonymous
>>13365052 >gom.tv u wot m8?

1 hours later 13365097 Anonymous
I'm watching jaedong vs MC from today afternoon because i missed it due to an exam jaedong is fucking 70 supply ahead in g1, how the FUCK is he going to lose, holy fuck so sad i missed it

1 hours later 13365110 Anonymous
oh shit drewbie vs forgg

1 hours later 13365114 Anonymous
>>13364974 Poor pjs

1 hours later 13365116 Anonymous
>>13364974 I'd man up and finish college you fucking lazy shit. No-one likes work, no-one likes school, no-one likes college. You're not a special case.

1 hours later 13365131 Anonymous (%5B웰컴%5D헤지스acc_현아_나일론화보2.jpg 1500x2000 1155kB)
>>13364974 first, you should stop avataring with Hyuna you pathetic piece of shit

1 hours later 13365153 Anonymous

1 hours later 13365168 Anonymous
>>13365131 fuck of you fucking peace of shit

1 hours later 13365170 Anonymous (42452543.jpg 1604x1037 94kB)
when will us, plebs, get in the beta?

1 hours later 13365183 Anonymous (hyp2.jpg 799x449 37kB)
>these fucking plebs not just going roach-ling/viper and destroying everything with dark swarm fucking cunt shit when is Catz going to stream and show these plebs whats up

1 hours later 13365185 Anonymous
>2012 >spending your own money on college >not picking up a trade and getting your employer to pay for it

1 hours later 13365186 Anonymous (1342575814715.jpg 5000x5000 1940kB)
>mfw terrans go bio but replace marauders with warhounds

1 hours later 13365189 Anonymous
Would anyone watch if I streamed some HotS? Diamond Terran in WoL

1 hours later 13365190 Anonymous
>>13365170 Never.

1 hours later 13365203 Anonymous

1 hours later 13365204 Anonymous
>>13365189 no

1 hours later 13365213 Anonymous (3S6U7N9G0L3A1S3S0E0S.jpg 335x480 43kB)

1 hours later 13365214 Anonymous
>>13365170 not gonna happen you'll have to wait 8 months for it to release properly like the rest of us

1 hours later 13365219 Anonymous
>>13365131 based

1 hours later 13365221 Anonymous (13265418546.jpg 267x181 9kB)

1 hours later 13365228 Anonymous
>>13365183 >catz >irrelevant >bad >mexican pick all

1 hours later 13365236 Anonymous
>>13364974 you need to either man up and go to class or talk to your parents either way you should be old enough to make this decision on your own

1 hours later 13365239 Anonymous (eclostsun.jpg 440x280 30kB)
>tfw the more you play the worse you get Why

1 hours later 13365243 Anonymous
>>13365228 >catz >not the kiwikaki of zreg

1 hours later 13365251 Anonymous
>>13365189 >terran fucking dropped

1 hours later 13365263 Anonymous
>>13365243 >2012 >catz >not fitzy de fuq

1 hours later 13365268 Anonymous
>>13365239 i am this feel

1 hours later 13365275 Anonymous
>>13364974 Stop being a lazy cunt

1 hours later 13365279 Anonymous
>>13365243 >kiwikaki >even plays sc2

1 hours later 13365280 Anonymous
>>13365239 maybe youre just playing against better people then again you are a kshitters so youre probably terrible

1 hours later 13365281 Anonymous (Yuri107.jpg 900x1504 911kB)
>>13365213 :3

1 hours later 13365286 Anonymous
>>13365243 >kiwikaki >irrelevant >bad >whitey looks about the same

1 hours later 13365297 Anonymous
I would like to see forgg go reaper warhound. Reapers auto regenerate health so no medivacs are needed (it's a bit bullshit but I guess we'll have to go with it).

1 hours later 13365303 Anonymous
>sheth saying FXO is shit how fucking based can one man be? get fucked boss

1 hours later 13365327 Anonymous
>>13365263 ~~~~~~~~~~~~BASED FITZY~~~~~~~~~~~~

1 hours later 13365337 Anonymous
>>13365303 inb4 boss sues him for slander

1 hours later 13365338 Anonymous
>>13365303 what did he say?

1 hours later 13365342 Anonymous
>>13365279 he said he would come back when hots comes out

1 hours later 13365346 Anonymous (1345905966089.jpg 412x588 46kB)
>>13365303 >liquid player >saying current GSTL champions are shit

1 hours later 13365356 Anonymous
Just got rapped by vibe :(

1 hours later 13365360 Anonymous
>>13365303 >sheth calling anyone shit

1 hours later 13365376 Anonymous
>>13365342 signs of a true casual

1 hours later 13365379 Anonymous
>>13365356 Please don't use the word "rape" as a joke, it gives me flashbacks ;_;

1 hours later 13365383 Anonymous
Greg Fields @idrajit gonna give beta 10 more minutes before i switch to dota2 Jacob Winstead @LzGaMeR @idrajit I would love to see that lol

1 hours later 13365385 Anonymous
I want WoLshitters to leave :/

1 hours later 13365389 Anonymous (fxobro.jpg 534x627 55kB)
>>13365303 Someone tell him to post his GSTL trophy.

1 hours later 13365391 Anonymous
>>13365303 Didn't he leave FXO because he was too fat to live with other people in a teamhouse?

1 hours later 13365396 Anonymous
>>13365338 Theres a reason every foreigner left and moved on, it says something about the team He didn't leave just because he didn't want to live in a korean teamhouse

1 hours later 13365401 Anonymous
>tfw you will go OCD and try to fill all your bases EXACTLY correct with workers

1 hours later 13365409 Anonymous
what does /vg/ think of dragon? he's pretty good and funny sometimes, even though he hacked at some point. he's an 8/10

1 hours later 13365416 Anonymous (114299410.jpg 500x363 138kB)
>>13365337 my sides someone tweet this shit to boss

1 hours later 13365430 Anonymous
>>13365391 Yes

1 hours later 13365431 Anonymous
what did Liquid`Lard say about FXO?

1 hours later 13365442 Anonymous
>>13365409 >he's an 8/10 u wot m8? Also find him to be lulz su randum xD

1 hours later 13365449 Anonymous
>>13365416 >implying he doesnt lurk here all day long anyway

1 hours later 13365450 Anonymous
>>13365431 >Liquid´American

1 hours later 13365457 Anonymous (1346861172639.jpg 245x206 7kB)
>sheth mad because gumiho kicked him out of FXO for being too fat

1 hours later 13365464 Anonymous
>consistently beat diamond players >consistently lose to masters players fffffffffff

1 hours later 13365476 Anonymous
>America level >Sheth music plays

1 hours later 13365479 Anonymous
>>13365457 How the fuck is Leenock still on FXO then?

1 hours later 13365481 Anonymous
>>13365464 epik broseidon just epik

1 hours later 13365497 Anonymous
>>13365479 Leenock is literally half the size of sheth

1 hours later 13365509 Anonymous
>>13365479 A Leenock is like 0.5 Sheths

1 hours later 13365515 Anonymous
>ForGG >Good Pick 1

1 hours later 13365539 Anonymous
>>13365515 >DragonGG

1 hours later 13365541 Anonymous
Terran looks really fun in HotS

1 hours later 13365558 Anonymous (idra is literally a god.png 412x219 169kB)
Will Idra rustle NoGG's jimmies again today?

1 hours later 13365560 Anonymous (1335117375537.jpg 250x250 78kB)
Is there a reason not to go Bio in TvT? All they do is mass war hounds, all you need to go is mass marooda and medivacs.

1 hours later 13365563 Anonymous
>>13365541 casual

1 hours later 13365567 Anonymous (sup faggot?.jpg 597x648 100kB)
When will HE stream?

1 hours later 13365571 Anonymous
>>13365568 epik broseidon just epik

1 hours later 13365574 Anonymous
>>13365539 get out of the thread ida4srrrrrrrrrrrrrr xDDDDDDDDDDDDD

1 hours later 13365581 Anonymous (post your korean waifu.jpg 480x640 35kB)
my're kpopfu > you're kpopfu http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Td1nH-t8Wh4

1 hours later 13365585 Anonymous
>>13365541 Why? Blizzard literally found a way to make mech play exactly like MMM

1 hours later 13365586 Anonymous
>>13365558 when did this happen?

1 hours later 13365589 Anonymous
>>13365558 forGG so based

1 hours later 13365594 Anonymous
>>13365558 >idar babby >jimmies >>>/reddit/

1 hours later 13365596 Anonymous
>>13365586 yesterday or the day before

1 hours later 13365597 Anonymous
>>13365567 he'll wait for the Z buff

1 hours later 13365614 Anonymous
>>13365586 last night when idra repeatedly slapped madggs shit

1 hours later 13365618 Anonymous
>>13365581 >that obvious surgery

1 hours later 13365647 Anonymous
when should i say >implying ?

1 hours later 13365649 Anonymous (Do You Even Lift 2.jpg 590x330 90kB)
Where do I go on Gom to ask player questions for the interview?

1 hours later 13365654 Anonymous
supp guyssssss its desroww

1 hours later 13365664 Anonymous
>>13365614 it was orb vs mewbert tier glorious

1 hours later 13365671 Anonymous
>>13365618 Where is it?

1 hours later 13365681 Anonymous
>>13365647 where

1 hours later 13365683 Anonymous
warhound vs warhound is fucking roach wars, so stupid.

1 hours later 13365685 Anonymous
>>13365558 Idra was a fucking asshole and everyone is praising him ForGG was just minding his own business playing ladder, then idra comes and starts calling him a bad player, saying fuck you, advertising his own stream there ForGG didn't even bm for the 3 first games and ggd when he lost at the second. Idra is just being a fucking retarded 10 year old kid with a superiority complex when he actually is fucking shit at the game. In short: Not fucking funny

1 hours later 13365693 Anonymous
>>13365649 based

1 hours later 13365697 Anonymous
>nerchio checking texts during the middle of a game so fkin based

1 hours later 13365698 Anonymous
>>13365647 >implying I'll tell you

1 hours later 13365706 Anonymous
>tfw you were meant to return some texts to school but as you're no longer a student there you don't want to go inside, so instead of returning them you throw them away in some public bin so that your mum doesn't know that they're still somewhere in the house/in one of the house bins I feel pretty terrible.

1 hours later 13365718 Anonymous
>>13365683 All they need to do is make marauders, literally dumb as fuck.

1 hours later 13365726 Anonymous (1342812764068.jpg 443x334 57kB)
>>13365685 >THIS MUCH MAD

1 hours later 13365738 Anonymous
>>13365706 I did the same thing except for job interviews I was supposed to turn in.

1 hours later 13365746 Anonymous
>>13365718 or mass banshee, LOL

1 hours later 13365760 Anonymous
>>13365685 >ForGG was just minding his own business praying radder fixed

1 hours later 13365783 Anonymous
>make 5 banshees >win game rofl 4gg so fucking retarded

1 hours later 13365786 Anonymous (1337107550273.jpg 236x365 10kB)

1 hours later 13365791 Anonymous
drewbie 1-0 forgg

1 hours later 13365808 Anonymous
>ZvZ >Can't decide whether to go muta ling or roach infestor >ZvP >Can't decide whether to go muta ling or roach infestor Someone please help me with this. In ZvZ I go mutaling I lose to roach hydra, I go roach he kills me with mutas In ZvP it's the same except he either rapes me with sentry immortal or storm

1 hours later 13365809 Anonymous (idra content.jpg 258x307 21kB)
>>13365685 >this mad gookshitter

1 hours later 13365810 Anonymous

1 hours later 13365823 Anonymous
I hope HotS and LotV goes completely fucked up with the story like in end of evangelion. It's the only way to cure it.

1 hours later 13365828 Anonymous
>>13365718 It's just that everyone in the beta wants to have fun and train themselves with the new units. No one's giving traditional compositions or compositions based on WoL units a chance because they want to get a jump on the metagame or whatever.

1 hours later 13365832 Anonymous
I live the lush life~

1 hours later 13365834 Anonymous
>>13365649 Literally Penix 2.0 with more spells and abilities ;_;

1 hours later 13365849 Anonymous
>new mech >literally 0 anti-air >make 2 banshees >win lal

1 hours later 13365867 Anonymous
>>13365808 >WoLshitters still posting

1 hours later 13365878 Anonymous
>>13365823 >tfw the starcraft story is going to end with everything just being a part of Browder's dream

1 hours later 13365880 Anonymous (PROTOSS FIVE.jpg 644x724 184kB)
Reminder that the Protoss 5 will never be reddit because redditors don't understand why MC is not a member.

1 hours later 13365891 Anonymous

1 hours later 13365905 Anonymous
>>13365849 >new mech >what are vikings

1 hours later 13365915 Anonymous
>>13365880 >no bisu dropped

1 hours later 13365916 Anonymous
>>13365849 >meching player makes 2 vikings >wins

1 hours later 13365930 Anonymous
>>13365880 >implying you understand

1 hours later 13365932 Anonymous
if you don't cheese in the beta u r n t s h i t

1 hours later 13365935 Anonymous (1339288976454.jpg 636x521 52kB)
>releasing your expansion over 2 years after the original game enjoy selling <200,000 copies Legacy of the Void confirmed for cancelled

1 hours later 13365940 Anonymous
>>13365867 >xDDDDDDDDDDDD I love watching the beta that I don't even have access to

1 hours later 13365951 Anonymous
Is there a rush build that counters a 1 rax expand?

1 hours later 13365967 Anonymous (1344965447183.jpg 1134x756 106kB)

1 hours later 13365970 Anonymous
>>13365951 idiot

1 hours later 13365971 Anonymous
>>13365935 >blizzard selling less than 1 million copies of any game ever

1 hours later 13365981 Anonymous
>>13365935 >this mad WoL babb

1 hours later 13365998 Anonymous
>>13365935 > <200,000 copies fukken lel'd m8 nice bait

1 hours later 13366010 Anonymous
>>13365971 sc2 only sold 3 million to begin with, no one cares about it anymore

1 hours later 13366023 Anonymous
>>13365940 >literally mad he isn't invited

1 hours later 13366025 Anonymous
Guess who just got a beta key? NOT ME XDDDDDDDD

1 hours later 13366031 Anonymous
>Literally paying $40 for 5 units

1 hours later 13366041 Anonymous
reminder that minecraft has sold 3x more than SC2

1 hours later 13366048 Anonymous
>>13366010 >At the time of its release, Starcraft II became the fastest selling real-time strategy game of all time, with over three million copies sold worldwide in the first month. >in the first month.

1 hours later 13366050 Anonymous
>>13366010 epoch :)

1 hours later 13366051 Anonymous
>dotashitters mad as fuck just because TI2 was a huge failure

1 hours later 13366062 Anonymous
That new building queue looks pretty based Digging that purple

1 hours later 13366075 Anonymous
>>13366010 >only 3 million u fukken wot m7?

1 hours later 13366076 Anonymous
>TSL 4 finals will be casted replays Can I get a blunder status?

1 hours later 13366086 Anonymous
So I'm watching these streams and this expansion looks like total shit It just looks bad

1 hours later 13366091 Anonymous
>>13366076 Literally the worst tournament of the year

1 hours later 13366102 Anonymous

1 hours later 13366105 Anonymous
>>13366076 almost as bad as NASL with the sandnigger

1 hours later 13366107 Anonymous
>>13366086 alright

1 hours later 13366109 Anonymous
>>13366076 Close to NASL1 tier

1 hours later 13366114 Anonymous (1344325053160.jpg 700x700 190kB)
>>13366051 >TI2 was a huge failure

1 hours later 13366115 Anonymous

1 hours later 13366119 Anonymous

1 hours later 13366128 Anonymous (1345685883416.jpg 2816x2400 867kB)
>>13365935 >cancelling guaranteed hype and continuation of the one true esport

1 hours later 13366139 Anonymous (1345295833110.jpg 203x222 6kB)
>>13366031 >literally not playing the new campaign LEL CHECK OUT THIS WOL BABBY ;)

1 hours later 13366152 Anonymous
question when you go blink stalkers in pvp, do you usually go 2gate, twilight and then robo and gate, or you go 2 gate, twiligh and 2 more gates ? and in what time you attack them?

1 hours later 13366156 Anonymous
Da fuq do people keep saying 5 units for? It's like 9.

1 hours later 13366160 Anonymous
>>13366086 thanks for the update >>>/blogspot/

1 hours later 13366165 Anonymous
>>13366076 Literally the worst run tournament in SC2 history

1 hours later 13366171 Anonymous
Where are my 3 accounts and none got in the beta bros at?

1 hours later 13366180 Anonymous
Nerkio is literally disgusted by the warhound.

1 hours later 13366181 Anonymous
>>13366156 wombo combo 2 shitters are mad as fuck because nobody watched TI2

1 hours later 13366202 Anonymous
Is that purple building queue only for zerg? Or does it look like that for all the races?

1 hours later 13366207 Anonymous
>>13366076 not falling for this bait

1 hours later 13366213 Anonymous
>>13366180 nerkio is so based

1 hours later 13366236 Anonymous
>>13366156 people trying some baits, and overlooking the campaign

1 hours later 13366237 Anonymous (get fucked.jpg 671x601 88kB)
>>13366114 >implying it wasn't epik, simply epik :) back to your dead game kid can't even beat diablo 3, rip in piss

1 hours later 13366242 Anonymous (july zerg.jpg 308x523 40kB)
>>13365808 hey man maybe you stay on muta ling too long? youre not meant to stay on it, you have to transition to roach infestor. make 8-10 mutas max unless your opponent is also going muta ling in which case the game revolves around denying each other's 3rd and consequently gas geysers #5 #6 in zvp you should use roach ling to defend 2 base all-ins. when you know youre safe and you see him take a 3rd, you can pressure the 3rd with infestor roach or else you either go for mass muta, or else take a 4th and turtle to bl infestor behind spines good luck

1 hours later 13366247 Anonymous
MY SIDES what just happened on nerkios stream?

1 hours later 13366257 Anonymous
>>13366152 I like to go atleast 4 gates into twilight. You literally need more gates before you tech or you get raped by potential 4gates. You just go as soon as your observe spawns

1 hours later 13366261 Anonymous (1345722971017.png 919x728 557kB)
>PvP on Ohana >lose to proxy 2 gates >tell him he is everything that's wrong with humanity and the reason for the global economic crisis >he tells me to get FUCKED

1 hours later 13366262 Anonymous
>>13366202 Only for zerg, protoss and terran already have their own unique building hologram thing

1 hours later 13366269 Anonymous
>>13366156 dotababbs are mad diablo 3 is more alive than their shit game

1 hours later 13366273 Anonymous (doter in charge of retaining momentum.png 581x1012 812kB)
>>13366114 >spent a million dollars to boost the games popularity and make it a legitimate esport >goes back to having 600~ viewers immediately Yeah nice success m8

1 hours later 13366282 Anonymous
>Maek warhound >Win Great esport :)

1 hours later 13366313 Anonymous
Is there any way to add replays to mmrstats for it to calculate your mmr?

1 hours later 13366315 Anonymous (1346578051233.gif 400x225 2684kB)
>>13366180 I'm literally disgusted that Nerchio is a pro player

1 hours later 13366317 Anonymous
>>13366282 >beta good bait :p

1 hours later 13366321 Anonymous
>>13366313 No Play dag a,me

1 hours later 13366324 Anonymous (starcraft.png 426x410 44kB)

1 hours later 13366330 Anonymous (1346700690142.jpg 530x353 146kB)
>>13366261 >not scouting on one of the smallest ladder maps

1 hours later 13366335 Anonymous
>>13366237 >>13366273 >boo hoo why isn't your scene as oversaturated as ours??

1 hours later 13366337 Anonymous
>>13366156 Viper Swarm host Warhound Oracle Tempest Battle hellion is just a hellion upgrade they are overhyping Same with the Mothership core except you know the mothership starts earlier and not later 5

1 hours later 13366339 Anonymous
>>13366315 why is that

1 hours later 13366342 Anonymous
Hey zergbros, i went over curious' game vs MKP today and wrote down timings for his sick roach nydus play, here they are if you want to try it out on ladder, seems fun and effective! Roach Nydus vs T Standard 15 hatch 16 pool 16 gas #1 6:00 - Gas #2 6:00 - Lair 6:30 - Gas #3,#4 7:00 - Roach Warren 7:20 - Nydus Network 7:50 - start roach production 2x queens @100% nydus network - nydus worm outside enemy base, rally in roaches and 2 queens

1 hours later 13366343 Anonymous
>>13366273 my fucking sides

1 hours later 13366354 Anonymous
>>13366337 But that's 7

1 hours later 13366363 Anonymous
>>13366339 he said he only plays like 4-5 hours a day

1 hours later 13366365 Anonymous
>>13366330 that you pjs?

1 hours later 13366371 Anonymous
>>13366273 >beaten by the walking dead

1 hours later 13366375 Anonymous
>>13366335 >boo hoo why is my scene more dead than yours epik :) switch to LoL while you can m8

1 hours later 13366381 Anonymous
>terran gets the best units again I mean I like the new toss units but they seem to do nothing for price

1 hours later 13366395 Anonymous
>>13366335 >that shitty as fuck excuse b8

1 hours later 13366397 Anonymous (1345821441444.jpg 628x734 398kB)
>>13366335 >oversaturated hahahahhaa this doterbab is so fucking mad

1 hours later 13366402 Anonymous
>>13366337 Battle Hellion Warhound Widow Mine Swarm Host Viper Oracle Tempest Core 8 units.

1 hours later 13366409 Anonymous
>>13366363 you dislike him for not practicing more? must be better people to hate than nerkio

1 hours later 13366420 Anonymous
>>13366402 locust?

1 hours later 13366432 Anonymous
>>13366402 and there are a bunch of other changes on top of that and the new campaign as well so it's pretty good

1 hours later 13366434 Anonymous
I cant even explain how fucking helpful that worker count on your bases is going to be. and yes, im a casual babb

1 hours later 13366457 Anonymous
>>13366409 I hope I'm being baited If he doesn't play even half the amount of other pros he shouldn't be able to compete, but he does, at near the highest level

1 hours later 13366464 Anonymous
>>13366402 >mfw HotS babbys seriously think the battle hellion is a new unit So the new reaper is a new unit too right? XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

1 hours later 13366478 Anonymous

1 hours later 13366480 Anonymous (LeNigga.jpg 388x384 39kB)
>>13366335 holy shit you are mad Super Mario 64 is literally more alive than your shit game keep crying babb that nobody wants to watch ArchonToilet 2

1 hours later 13366502 Anonymous (1346458472884.jpg 500x442 22kB)
Holy fuck Nerchios stream is actually really good He is commentating like everything he does and he's funny in a weird autistic way

1 hours later 13366504 Anonymous (Patience Is A Virtue.jpg 468x294 27kB)
>>13366381 Only a tossbabby would believe that, 22 fucking range, the ability to teleport your units around the map, a free expand at the beginning of the game, and an undeniable permascan are "nothing for the price." I'm seriously considering switching to Protoss for this expac.

1 hours later 13366506 Anonymous (rdt345636363322221.png 500x624 379kB)
where my reddit bros at?

1 hours later 13366508 Anonymous
>>13366152 can some protoss players please answer me this question?

1 hours later 13366509 Anonymous (1345045245518.png 378x279 211kB)
>>13366365 No. I am watching ForGG play the beta right now.

1 hours later 13366513 Anonymous
i want hotsshitters to leave

1 hours later 13366514 Anonymous
>>13366457 stay mad that hes more talented than other pros then

1 hours later 13366518 Anonymous
Steven Bonnell II @Steven_Bonnell Bax with more Heart of the Swarm! http://www.destiny.com/live-stream Steven Bonnell II @Steven_Bonnell Bax with more Heart of the Swarm! http://www.destiny.com/live-stream Steven Bonnell II @Steven_Bonnell Bax with more Heart of the Swarm! http://www.destiny.com/live-stream Steven Bonnell II @Steven_Bonnell Bax with more Heart of the Swarm! http://www.destiny.com/live-stream Steven Bonnell II @Steven_Bonnell Bax with more Heart of the Swarm! http://www.destiny.com/live-stream

1 hours later 13366530 Anonymous
>>13366506 right here

1 hours later 13366532 Anonymous
>>13366330 >scouting in PvP this pleb

1 hours later 13366537 Anonymous
>>13366502 He's a veegee

1 hours later 13366546 Anonymous
>>13366502 Why is he playing toss? Or is he just playing random to see the new units?

1 hours later 13366548 Anonymous
>>13366506 getting mad that dota2 is dead

1 hours later 13366552 Anonymous
>>13366514 hand in your license

1 hours later 13366553 Anonymous
reminder that we have gotten steven destiny bonnell 2 fired from his team twice

1 hours later 13366554 Anonymous
>>13366502 i love it

1 hours later 13366557 Anonymous
>>13366518 hes was lagging like fuck earlier gonna watch nerkio instead m8

1 hours later 13366561 Anonymous
NEW >>>/vg/13366550 >>>/vg/13366550 >>>/vg/13366550 >>>/vg/13366550 >>>/vg/13366550

1 hours later 13366562 Anonymous (764534322.png 658x452 27kB)
>reminder how good it feels to help feed destiny's child >reminder how good it feels to help feed destiny's child >reminder how good it feels to help feed destiny's child >reminder how good it feels to help feed destiny's child

1 hours later 13366585 Anonymous
>>13366552 so its just luck then? i dont even know what youre getting at m8

1 hours later 13366590 Anonymous
>>13366546 random to try everything out, seems like most players do that first

1 hours later 13366594 Anonymous
NEW >>>/vg/13366550 (Cross-thread) >>>/vg/13366550 (Cross-thread) >>>/vg/13366550 (Cross-thread) >>>/vg/13366550 (Cross-thread) >>>/vg/13366550 (Cross-thread)

1 hours later 13366625 Anonymous
>>13366585 it's zerg

1 hours later 13366669 Anonymous
>>13366625 this has to be bait

1 hours later 13366696 Anonymous
>>13366669 It's coinflip craft.

1 hours later 13366731 Anonymous
>>13366669 >random noname whitey zergs beating top koreans >they're just better players xD

1 hours later 13366797 Anonymous
>>13366731 but it would be fine if he practiced 10 hrs a day right?

1 hours later 13366998 Anonymous
>>13366797 yes, are you retarded?

1 hours later 13367013 Anonymous
>>13366998 thats funny

1 hours later 13367045 Anonymous
rofl nerchio does tempest rush with some pheonix support and the terran literally can't do anything about it. nice race.

1 hours later 13367052 Anonymous
>>13367013 what are you trying to say m8

2 hours later 13367114 Anonymous (winteriscoming.gif 270x203 467kB)
Where my lookingforwardtowinterbros at?

2 hours later 13369203 Anonymous
thank fucking god 4chan x is back

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