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2012-09-05 04:13 13357819 Anonymous Diaspora/Freespace 2 SCP General (battlestar_pegasus_seal.png 150x148 37kB)
Diaspora Release Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWt2m1xtJbw&feature=plcp Diaspora Release Thread (hard-light is currently down) http://www.hard-light.net/forums/index.php?topic=81859.0 Windows Torrent: http://diaspora.fs2downloads.com/Diaspora_R1_Windows.exe.torrent Linux Torrent: http://diaspora.fs2downloads.com/Diaspora_R1_Linux.tar.lzma.torrent Mac Torrent: http://diaspora.fs2downloads.com/Diaspora_R1_Mac.dmg.torrent Here, we can discuss Diaspora, which just released yesterday after four years in development. Or, if for some frakked up reason you don't like nBSG, you can discuss anything related to the Freespace 2 Source Code Project like FS2 itself or the various user-made campaigns found here: http://www.hard-light.net/wiki/index.php/Campaign_List#

6 min later 13358008 Anonymous (screen_012_viper_mk7e.jpg 1280x996 110kB)

8 min later 13358083 Anonymous
I got it running perfectly and so far campaign is awesome..it feels like you're literally playing in the tv series. I was wondering, how do I find servers for this mod?

9 min later 13358139 Anonymous (screen0230.png 1680x1050 971kB)

15 min later 13358346 Anonymous (screen_014_raptor_cockpit.jpg 1599x1200 784kB)
>>13358083 I have no idea, the matchmaking is pretty bugged. The developers did say that the MP was very much in beta and unfinished, I've never been able to join a match and I've never seen more than one other player.

4 hours later 13369505 Anonymous (1335374079177.gif 250x197 1623kB)
downloading at light speeeeeeeeeeeed

10 hours later 13389434 Anonymous
I logged into with the F2SP login in PXO box and there still no one hosting. Dead Thread Dead Game

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