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2012-09-25 04:34 13003872 Anonymous (Tumblr-Icon.png 256x256 18kB)
tumblah? yus

6 min later 13003907 Anonymous
hell--in--highheels scifi fangirling, music, ranting, shit I find funny / neat, and the occasional baww

9 min later 13003919 Anonymous
http://15dicks.tumblr.com/ How many dicks?

16 min later 13003964 Anonymous

22 min later 13003998 Anonymous (1348439543702.jpg 480x480 73kB)
http://a-typical-adventure.tumblr.com/ >>13003919 I still love your blog <3

29 min later 13004035 Anonymous
http://bigim.tumblr.com really good bigim and I always bigim back

31 min later 13004053 Anonymous
>>13003998 holy smokes, source on girl?

37 min later 13004081 Anonymous
http://0renji.tumblr.com/ Black and white/horror/occasional gore.

38 min later 13004088 Anonymous
>>13003998 h-hey i already follow you http://happiestviolence.tumblr.com

47 min later 13004151 Anonymous

1 hours later 13004688 Anonymous
ughlier.tumblr.com idk i suck

2 hours later 13004707 Anonymous (Photo on 2012-07-24 at 17.34 #5.jpg 640x480 98kB)
naughtilus.tumblr.com Just my art

2 hours later 13004958 Anonymous

2 hours later 13004976 Anonymous (1335609696677.jpg 1600x1200 566kB)
Porn. Good porn though. http://ikuuuuuu.tumblr.com/

2 hours later 13005016 Anonymous
shotbyjon.tumblr.com is my photography blog had this idea to make a tumblr where people can submit short letters to someone who may or may not read it

2 hours later 13005022 Anonymous
>>13004976 Jesus christ

2 hours later 13005095 Anonymous
>>13004707 Can you please post some nudes? I see you on here so often and You're really pretty.

3 hours later 13005227 Anonymous
>>13004976 >http://ikuuuuuu.tumblr.com/ Mathew?

3 hours later 13005304 Anonymous (borgiajodorowsk.jpg 800x364 77kB)

3 hours later 13005661 Anonymous (candela Archive.png 1349x626 1390kB)
unelefantesebalanceaba.tumblr.com mostly reblogs, some personal.

3 hours later 13005681 Anonymous
this is gonna do nothing but doomstruck.tumblr.com horror/gore, psychedelia and whatnot

3 hours later 13005708 Anonymous
schaka.tumblr.com >naked women, tattoos, TV shows fuckyeahlandscapes.tumblr.com

4 hours later 13005751 Anonymous (eric.jpg 943x852 38kB)
plcaplc.tumblr.com twitter.com/PLCAPLC No reposts ever.

4 hours later 13005802 Anonymous
http://fourtwonine.tumblr.com/ sci-fi, comics, gaming and stuff.

4 hours later 13005930 Anonymous
>>13005227 nope.

4 hours later 13005973 Anonymous
coletodd.tumblr.com Mostly cars/astronomy/landscapes/things that I find funny.

4 hours later 13006210 Anonymous
cool people fom /fa/ http://rainserenade.tumblr.com/ http://herrurst.tumblr.com/ http://sometimespoop.tumblr.com/ http://transfinitism.tumblr.com/ http://rararanelagh.tumblr.com/ http://psychonaute.tumblr.com/

4 hours later 13006340 Anonymous (A-1513059-1285781532.jpg 362x544 25kB)
>>13003872 http://arguingwithpigs.tumblr.com/ Black and White stuff I have a new layout

5 hours later 13006370 Anonymous
>>13006340 There are colours on that I feel used

5 hours later 13006415 Anonymous
>>13006370 I'll use you

5 hours later 13006436 Anonymous (nice.jpg 550x336 45kB)

5 hours later 13006445 Anonymous

5 hours later 13006456 Anonymous
>>13006415 Jokes on you I'm useless

5 hours later 13006470 Anonymous
my "whatever the fuck I want" blog. Genderqueer shit (without the social justice drama, I promise), Adventure time, random things I like. jaylyons.tumblr.com Pagan blog. Kemetic/ecclectic paganism, all things Egypt. leveeofthestars.tumblr.com

5 hours later 13006471 Anonymous
>>13006456 I could use you

5 hours later 13006475 Anonymous (awdaw.png 777x177 136kB)
http://essential-eargasms.tumblr.com/ Downloads to the best music releases of 2012 uploaded personally to Mediafire in 320kbps. Check it out if you're on the hunt for new music!

5 hours later 13006482 Anonymous
>>13006471 you could use a cotton swab for thine ears or a pamphlet on reading comprehension don't make me discuss utility and exchange value

5 hours later 13006487 Anonymous
>>13006475 bro you have like 3 mediafire links you're really not replacing filestube

5 hours later 13006512 Anonymous
>>13006482 You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.

5 hours later 13006551 Anonymous
>>13006487 Uh...I just started this blog a week or two ago, and I have 28 posts, so 28 links... Some of which aren't found on filetube, or in 320kbps. Rutracker is better than shit-tube anyway.

7 hours later 13008013 Anonymous
I'm a independent folk musician. I mainly use my tumblr to upload my music, poetry and such. http://xsoulcrusher.tumblr.com/

8 hours later 13008250 Anonymous (2012_08_picc-03ac5c7a1-524978-475-500.jpg 475x500 49kB)
http://spaceboundrockettship.tumblr.com/ Everything and anything in the universe, mostly comics and Superman though. Will follow back everyone.

8 hours later 13008271 Anonymous
>>13005095 I'm really flattered, but I don't do nudes. :<

10 hours later 13010044 Anonymous (385812_532060355646_285435802_n.jpg 540x720 51kB)
>Don't worry I'll save this thread from page 6. >No need to thank me. Just ask me dumb ass question. nottheleaningtowerofpisa.tumblr.com

10 hours later 13010077 Anonymous
rapeburger.tumblr.com I post fine art and film and ass.

10 hours later 13010128 Anonymous
http://wassupnate.tumblr.com/ >I follow back

10 hours later 13010282 Anonymous
http://meddleman.tumblr.com/ Landscapes, Weather, Quotes, Nature, Etc.

10 hours later 13010305 Anonymous (tumblr_luc6093eZN1qgne3xo1_500.gif 418x312 453kB)
Yoooooo!! chipchan.tumblr.com music, games, movies, comics my own shtuff....

10 hours later 13010350 Anonymous
malzos.tumblr.com GOOD movies, music, some personal shit sometimes

11 hours later 13011063 Anonymous

11 hours later 13011120 Anonymous

11 hours later 13011155 Anonymous

11 hours later 13011184 Anonymous
http://thedissociativediagnostic.tumblr.com/ Cityscapes and cyberpunk related material.

13 hours later 13012476 Anonymous

13 hours later 13012501 Anonymous

22 hours later 13016815 Anonymous (I-run-shit-this.jpg 1300x1566 344kB)

22 hours later 13016828 Anonymous

22 hours later 13016833 Anonymous
Oops, didn't realize this was an old thread. My b.

22 hours later 13016841 Anonymous (myphoto (10).jpg 800x1067 249kB)

22 hours later 13016854 Anonymous
>>13016833 It's okay, I forgive you.

22 hours later 13016883 Anonymous
>>13016854 Oh yes thank you, masa

22 hours later 13016932 Anonymous
http://smokedoper.tumblr.com/ I like to post gifs/pictures of girls/drugs and funny stuff!

22 hours later 13017004 Anonymous
http://toyrobot.tumblr.com/ My toy collection :3

23 hours later 13017097 Anonymous
>f3nr1r.tumblr.com I started this as a music blog, but mostly now I just reblog awesome stuff. Mostly fighter jets, cars, landscapes, dude stuff. Lots of Trailer Park Boys and Chelsea Wolfe lately. Still a lot of music, too. I often post a little mini-review sort of thing about an album if I come across one I've been particularly into lately. >chasmofoceanus.tumblr.com Brand new as of Monday, this is actually a music blog. Its intended to be more of an archive than a blog, and its still heavily under construction, but if you're into doom/sludge/stoner/drone metal, atmospheric sludge/post-metal, post-rock, drone, ambient, (etc.) you might get a kick out of this. >>13003919 OK, this is just fucking amazing. >>13006475 mite b cool

23 hours later 13017250 Anonymous
brokenlittlechinadoll.tumblr.com Pretty things

24 hours later 13017605 Anonymous (peterwheat.jpg 182x146 11kB)
things I like. butchy lesbians, ribcages and sexist ads. let's be pals. http://unzippered.tumblr.com

24 hours later 13017619 Anonymous
kittencommander.tumblr.com senpaifuckedme.tumblr.com they're terrible go away I hate you

24 hours later 13017646 Anonymous
izen-ears.tumblr.com/ poetry I write, comedic stuff, scifi, paranormal things, pretty miscellaneous. follow all followers yeah

24 hours later 13017654 Anonymous

25 hours later 13017823 Anonymous
sexy-swalot.tumblr.com Lots of Pokemon stuff. Gay stuff. I don't fucking know.

25 hours later 13017839 Anonymous
http://soderstromia.tumblr.com black and white creepy shit

25 hours later 13017888 Anonymous
http://hannahmilk.tumblr.com/ pictures of hot girls, art, animals, music, pop culture, cute shit it's pretty tame http://yummyguts.tumblr.com/ gore blog

25 hours later 13017905 Anonymous

25 hours later 13017923 Anonymous (1276390447437.jpg 1680x972 554kB)
http://domspace.tumblr.com/ Bdsm Questions welcome

25 hours later 13017946 Anonymous

26 hours later 13017970 Anonymous (IMG00076-20120712-11343.jpg 928x1238 251kB)
twoscoopsofawkward.tumblr.com personal, anything that interests me. oh, and also a lot of my face

29 hours later 13019574 Anonymous
http://teemingturtles.tumblr.com/ Recently did some ukulele covers I'll occasionally post about baking Otherwise I post whatever. Lotsa cutey-nonsense

29 hours later 13019722 Anonymous
http://ttartaruss.tumblr.com/ I blog/reblog what ever takes my fancy really :) But normally either artsy type things :)

31 hours later 13021194 Anonymous
http://sirmachine.tumblr.com/ just anything that made me laugh, things that look pretty neat, trippy things, anything i can relate to, its all pretty random. chiggity-check it out I follow back, too

32 hours later 13021540 Anonymous
http://asneezingsalamander.tumblr.com/ THINGS I LIKE.

32 hours later 13021655 Anonymous (3b8caf9ddb873411fd3a97b936043e4f.gif 160x120 223kB)
Depressing emo shit, dont follow if you dont like it http://luchof.tumblr.com/

32 hours later 13021686 Anonymous
I like to write things. Articles, short fiction (which apparently is called 'flash' fiction now), musings. Couple of photos I've taken as well. Just some stuff. http://burndownthesun.tumblr.com I hope you enjoy it.

32 hours later 13021702 Anonymous (5691978956_dbbbd20dd7_b.jpg 768x1024 496kB)
http://ragnarokmasumune.tumblr.com Funnies, metulz, vidja and a fair bit of porn. Do follow back. Also run two pornblrs http://cumfaced.tumblr.com and http://ffhentai.tumblr.com

32 hours later 13021759 Anonymous
Maybe I can ask here; Why does everyone use tumblr? Is it the reblog thing? I don't understand it. I want to make like a wordpress blog but I don't think anyone even gives a shit about anything but tumblr. Pls respond..

32 hours later 13021801 Anonymous (Photo on 12-09-13 at 12.49 PM.jpg 720x480 92kB)
therealredsoup.tumblr.com I follow back!

32 hours later 13021804 Anonymous
>>13021759 I use my Tumblr to put things up that I knock off in an afternoon, or a few minutes. It's basically a place where I put the stuff I don't want on my Wordpress, which I tend to save for more... thought out scribblings. Not a great explanation, hang on: If I spend a little while thinking something through, or planning it out, or even just thinking about it for a day or two I tend to put it on my Wordpress. Sometimes I write something and I'm not sure about it. The quality, the content, stuff like that. Or I'm just not sure what to do with it. In those instances I put it on my Tumblr. It's a personal preference thing. Just do what you feel.

32 hours later 13021817 Anonymous (1315055343981.jpg 1292x2972 514kB)
>>13021759 All it is, is just recycled material. The attractive thing about it is being able to post things without needing text or a reason, but just to post it. I use it when I'm bored or feel like talking about myself, but no one listens because it's not based arround communication or anything. I don't see too much of an appeal to it, and say that I hate it (but I use it anyway.) It sucks, feel free but the temptation to recycle is always there. jgsws.tumblr.com I have a whole complaint written somewhere in my blog about tumblr and how much I hate it (which I should add to it)

32 hours later 13021840 Anonymous
>>13021804 Okay, thanks for the thoughtful answer! You're the first person that's actually ever answered me on that lol

32 hours later 13021861 Anonymous
>>13021840 'Tis nay bother, lad.

32 hours later 13021910 Anonymous
>>13021759 mostly attention whoring and pictures of cats its a fun time sink though

33 hours later 13022142 Anonymous
>>13021910 Ok, just wondering. I'm going to make a selfhosted wordpress instead to see if I can make some money from ads. Can't do that on tumblr for some reason

33 hours later 13022151 Anonymous
http://pussy-fag.tumblr.com/ http://pussy-fag.tumblr.com/ used to be faggotbrigade,ghost of faggotbrigade

33 hours later 13022191 Anonymous
http://novicejeweler.tumblr.com/ my progression through my jewelry apprenticeship and pretty jewelry/maybe watches in the future http://werewolf-baby.tumblr.com/ typical personal blog filled with typical boring stuff

33 hours later 13022302 Anonymous
haute-noblesse.tumblr.com music, feels, sex, vintage, beards, with an occasional dash of horror and fun

33 hours later 13022334 Anonymous
newmodelnumber15.tumblr.com I have Jessi Slaughter following me. Shit's cash.

33 hours later 13022460 Anonymous

33 hours later 13022544 Anonymous
>>13022334 congrats on being a gigantic faggot

33 hours later 13022546 Anonymous
It's not a tumblr, but it's close enough. eatsleeptelevision.wordpress.com Film reviews and TV reviews. Some seriously high-quality stuff.

33 hours later 13022620 Anonymous
http://naitekiakki.tumblr.com/ >animals, games, bondage, mostly art

34 hours later 13023307 Anonymous
http://amiokaywiththis.tumblr.com/ I rarely post, never reblog, drink too much and get sad often. Oh yeah, I collect bad VHS tapes and some times post stuff about them maybe?

34 hours later 13023422 Anonymous (1348376337349.jpg 768x999 109kB)

34 hours later 13023451 Anonymous

38 hours later 13027317 Anonymous
http://int0lerance.tumblr.com Will follow back.

38 hours later 13027334 Anonymous
kittencommander.tumblr.com senpaifuckedme.tumblr.com they're terrible go away I hate you [2]

38 hours later 13027408 Anonymous (tumblr_m7qxkeTwWK1qbge6eo1_1280.jpg 1000x600 302kB)

39 hours later 13027455 Anonymous (enzyme.png 534x429 180kB)
http://samoubica.tumblr.com/ Typical tumblr shit. Fandoms, cute things, amusing things, art stuff, some nudity, food, fucking random shit.

39 hours later 13027459 Anonymous
slylark.tumblr.com For roller derby shit, pretty girls, things that make me laugh, and.. Other.. Nonsense. I kind of suck, actually.

39 hours later 13027484 Anonymous
>>13027455 i get so excited when i see that you're still following me

39 hours later 13027562 Anonymous (Picture0201.jpg 640x480 49kB)
2legit2bean.tumblr.com meow meow meow, meow meow. Meow meow meow meow, meow. Meow meow meow; meow meow? Meow.

39 hours later 13027686 Anonymous
http://orangeaide.tumblr.com/ Shit. Pictures I like. Maybe you'd like them too.

39 hours later 13027742 Anonymous
superdumpsterbabyadventure.tumblr.com Black and white blog >>13027562 qt

39 hours later 13027756 Anonymous
http://kai-space.tumblr.com/ i follow back~

39 hours later 13027758 Anonymous

39 hours later 13027782 Anonymous
>>13027758 i like what im seeing ima follow you.

39 hours later 13027785 Anonymous
http://creationfromdestruction.tumblr.com >Mostly girls, music, personal stuff, etc. I need followers, so i'll definitely follow back, unless your blog is completely outside of my interests.

39 hours later 13027840 Anonymous

40 hours later 13028132 Anonymous
http://your-new-stepdad.tumblr.com/ Creed fanpage jk

40 hours later 13028169 Anonymous (myhairissobigbecauseitsfullofsecrets.jpg 640x480 66kB)
notclarissa.tumblr.com murder, serial killers, psychology, urban legends, maybe the occasional photo of me or my tattoos.

40 hours later 13028417 Anonymous
http://comehithermychildren.tumblr.com/ advice/support blog ❤

40 hours later 13028520 Anonymous (0922121702a.jpg 2048x1536 543kB)
http://thecriticalfailure.tumblr.com/ Just started it. Photos of stuff I find at used bookstores, photos of food, and other misc stuff. Going to start posting chiptunes I make here.

41 hours later 13029028 Anonymous
http://unkn0wnentity.tumblr.com I don't know if i could label it.. Help me out?

41 hours later 13029103 Anonymous (1335319362288.jpg 691x691 103kB)
http://misericordie.tumblr.com/ uuhhh.. cats/food/other stuff?

41 hours later 13029107 Anonymous
http://diyzombiehunter.tumblr.com/ Just recently dumped a bunch of OC for the hell of it. It's not always like that. Some OC, cats, goth shit, horror/creepy pictures/gifs, some funnies, forwards that I find important, quotes, cute things, faery-related things, modifications, and occasional tits.

42 hours later 13029400 Anonymous
izen-ears.tumblr.com/ shhhh, just follow me

42 hours later 13029415 Anonymous
Unsure if this is the same thread from before. coletodd.tumblr.com

43 hours later 13029689 Anonymous
http://seafoamgrain.tumblr.com lots of boys, mostly boys, lots of them.

43 hours later 13029742 Anonymous

43 hours later 13029745 Anonymous
>>13029742 Girls/Tattoos and whatever....

49 hours later 13031407 Anonymous
Prabhuxxx.tumblr.com Good shit!

50 hours later 13031517 Anonymous (Sad_Little_Yoshi.jpg 391x623 42kB)
Fuck, me being sad. http://andthisiswhyihatemyself.tumblr.com/

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