4chan archive /sci/ (index)
2013-09-01 12:59 6002042 Anonymous How Smart is SCI Today? (4559_Pattern_Pattern_-_Fractal_Wallpaper.jpg 1600x1200 600kB)
Finish this pattern by filling in the blanks: hexagon, pentagon, square, triangle, ___, ___ A: point B: line C: ray D: circle E: mobius strip

3 min later 6002053 Anonymous
Line and point

10 min later 6002070 Anonymous
>>6002053 It should really be "line segment" though. If OP was trolling, it's fine, but if he was asking a serious question, I'm concerned about his mathematical ability if he doesn't know the difference between the two.

12 min later 6002072 Anonymous (1337854288219.jpg 246x244 58kB)
>>6002053 >Line and point >not line and circle.

14 min later 6002079 Anonymous
>>6002070 >line segment Yeah, I meant to type line segment.

18 min later 6002090 Anonymous
Digon Mobius Strip. Great impossible quesiton.

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